To hell with the kids, I'm going SURFING!

Thursday, February 22, 2007 by

This one has a special place in the annals of dresses that were totally inappropriate for their challenge. We don't know WHAT Raymundo was thinking here.

There is absolutely nothing about this dress that says "Barbie."

His whole starting point was just wrong. Little girls want to dress like their mothers? Yeah, maybe in their mothers' most glamorous party dresses, but generally speaking, most little girls don't dream of dressing like their mother does when she's taking the trash out.

And his additional explanation that it was meant to be a surfer chick look made no sense. How do you cross "surfer chick" with "dress up like mommy?" And how are either of those appropriate for Barbie?


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eric3000 said...

This outfit made me want to kick Daniel Franco in the nuts.

I know Daniel had nothing to do with it; that's just my natural response to things I hate.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mi`jo! I will miss you! I would have really liked to see more of what he could do. His explaination of not wanting the doll to look to tarted up and more like her mother was very touching (to me). I agree that this dress wasn't very good, I wish he had done something a little more like the first or second challenge. Raymundo, te amo. You are a very sweet boy and you will go far.

Anonymous said...

eric3k hahhahaha (your td blog is cool, too, btw)

I had a kind of Malan reaction to losing Raymundo. He was funny and super faggy & I love that. Too bad this outfit sucked ass.

Anonymous said...

was this the one Michael Korrs called Little Abner Barbie?

Anonymous said...

is this the one that The Duchess called Appalachian Barbie??

Kait said...

Oh "Barefoot Appalachian L'il Abner Barbie" What would we do without you?

It would have been about a million times better without that burlap (?!?) jacket. Maybe would have saved him from being eliminated.

Sandy said...

would the prgay boys be willing to satisfy my curiosity and let me know if it is possible indeed spot peter (the husband of lovely laura) at the San Francisco MOMA last night? i didn't say anything but i was nearly certain it was him.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, that's grandma Barbie.

Anonymous said...

Pretty awful, I agree. But don't little barefoot Appalacian girls deserve their own Barbie too?

Brandenburg3rd said...

"Yeah, maybe in their mothers' most glamorous party dresses, but generally speaking, most little girls don't dream of dressing like their mother does when she's taking the trash out."

Oh my hairy nutless god, I almost had a mouthful of soup *everywhere.*

This is one of the wrost things I've seen from any of the challenges. My Barbies were never tarted up--but, jeeeeezus.

Fnarf said...

I actually liked the dress, but then I like cotton print sheath dresses on pretty women. And I can't stand Barbie. but yes, it's not good Barbie, the jacket was bad, and the surfer explanation made no sense at all, so I'm not sorry he got aufed. Maybe he's never SEEN a Barbie before?

Anonymous said...

Raymundo hurts my brain with this one. What kind of gay is he! It's not fabulous! It's not chic! What kind of gay-boy would make this Barbie! It's wrong...WRONG!!

Sara Bellum said...

Oh this was bad, bad, bad. It makes me think of those "house dresses" you can buy from the Miles Kimball catalog.

And do my eyes deceive me, or do I see RICK RACK?

Meghan said...

1960's housewife gone wrong. Way wrong.

Raymundo what the hell were you thinking?

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm just crazy, but I didn't think this dress was that bad. Esp. compared to some of the other clunkers on this episode (I'm looking at you, Marla). I whole-heartedly agree that it's not a great Barbie dress, but it's cute and fun, IMHO. But like Duchess Kors said, it ISN'T "deliciously girly". And that jacket sucked. Oh well, I just think Raymundo got a raw deal.

Anonymous said...

Depressing Barbie. Oh, so sad...

Anonymous said...

good model runway performance but not a good dress.

but after all, marla in, raymundo out?

marla : 0 good dress
raymundo : at last challenge good job.

where marla > raymundo :
a dramatic underdog to be laugh at

Anonymous said...

Ramundo, I loved you and did not want to see you go....but what were you thinking?
Mommy Dearest would have chopped your Barbie to shreds with her gardening sheers. Not a glamourous look Ramundo for Barbie or a little girls mom. It looked a bit too unfinished for my vision of Barbie.

Anonymous said...

I like Raymundo and I wish him well, but that is a horrible outfit on a doll, on a woman, on anything that moves.

Anonymous said...

"eric3000 said...

This outfit made me want to kick Daniel Franco in the nuts.
I know Daniel had nothing to do with it; that's just my natural response to things I hate."

ROFL. I love it, Eric!

Anonymous said...

My poor, little, hot, tasty Raymundo ... where is the love for white trash Barbie? *sigh*

bungle said...

Raymundo seems like one stand-up, principled dude. Character on that order can only come from a mind that has its act together and then some. Rock on RB.

Anonymous said...

There is actually a subclass of surfer chic, though, that Raymundo was tapping into here. It's purposefully very 60s, very retro, very much about sticking ugly clothes on fabulous bodies. I think the thinking is that ugliness of the clothes, by contrast, heightens the beauty of the bod. But that's not going to work in a Project Runway context. It was a major miscalculation on Raymundo's part. But Marla still deserved to go.

Anonymous said...

But here's the thing - this particular version of Barbie (The "My Generation" version) is a tarted up version. Not near as bad as the Bratz dolls that Jeffrey is designing for, but still.

So, while I can appreciate him wanting to "tone" her down, orange and burlap weren't the way to achieve it.

Anonymous said...

I think that he realized that the "My Generation" doll was supposed to be tarty, but you can tell it troubled him. I was moved by a man, this young, really thinking about what young girls look up to, and not wanting for them to grow up too soon.
To me it looked like he was channeling his RC Mexican roots ;) .
Raymundo, my 10yo daughter liked your Barbie dress (but the jacket didn't go). Love ya.

Roxy said...

The outfit was truly horrible.

1) His material resembled John Wade's (? the guy who was outed in the opening show), so bad decision to begin with.

2) That jacket! Erk! Granted, Marla's outfit as usual sucked dirt, but he was still the clear loser.

His Barbie didn't look at all like Barbie. He seemed obsessed with skanky clothes (as in, little girls shouldn't wear them). While I agree with him in principle, he could've made something modest that still addressed the challenged. Santino's outfit wasn't at all skanky. It was girly, fun and very teenage.

Vic said...

Looking at that last photo, Raymondo actually succeeded in making his model look like a drag queen down on her luck. Ick.

Anonymous said...

Surfer chick? You should say bedraggled Okie hanging on the side of a Hillbilly truck on her way to California!