Big Basket of Not-So's

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 by
Not so good, not so bad.

Geez, it's really hard to throw the bitchery around when you know the designer. Emmett darling, we loveya, but we don't love this dress.

Actually, it's not the dress as much as it's that jacket. As it is, the dress has a lot of elements to be taken in and it's to his credit that he kept them all subtle by going monochromatic. But there's enough going on without the jacket. The outfit doesn't need it and the jacket is just too fussy and busy.

Without it, the dress is pretty, if a little unflattering. It's almost as if he melded two dresses. If it didn't have that flared skirt, it'd be a cute little slip dress; if he'd kept the flared skirt and went with a more fitted bodice, it'd be a cute little cocktail dress.

We think Kirsten's fabulous, but this? Is not.

It seems like such a strange entry for this challenge. So blah. There's a little interest generated by the jacket, but not much.

And what we're left with doesn't look particularly well made. That back looks like a kid's craft project. Nor is it a particular good or even interesting design. Seems very fashion school-y.

And the tailoring on the pants looks terrible. We're actually a little surprised the judges didn't call her out on this.


Seeya real soon!


Why? Because this dress is irritating the shit out of us!

Lovely silhouette, deep rich color. Fine. Good job, Daniel. Got that out of the way.


WHAT THE HELL is going on with that bust? It's so weirdly tailored that it completely disguises her natural curves and those utterly bizarre mouse ears are totally distracting. Plus, the trim on the skirt and the unflattering angle of that belt are big WTFs.

And then the "Too much shit on this dress" sweepstakes continue as she turns around, revealing herself to be a giant handbag.

Daniel, there's too much shit on this dress.


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jinxy said...

It looked like Daniel had sewn shoulder pads to her tits...

Anonymous said...

Did Daniel design that dress for a porn star with huge boobs? I think Emmett's is pretty and Kirsten's is way too simple.

Anonymous said...

Again, with the exception of Emmett's, these outfits look poorly made. Do these people know how to sew? Is that an LA thing? I mean, look at what Laura Bennett made or Kaynebow or UliVonFurstenberg in ONE day. These people had EIGHT days!

Anonymous said...

Which one's Kirsten??
Me confused.

Fnarf said...

I was wondering the same thing -- the judges were talking about the FIT of the top, and was screaming (well, thinking about screaming) WHAT ABOUT THE MOUSE EARS? Not nice. As for sewing, Daniel's tryout garments were incredibly sewn -- but I think it's obvious he'd been working on them since the day he got voted off last time.

Bill said...

Emmett's dress reminded me of Anita's costume for "(I want to live in) America" from West Side Story...Ai Ai Ai!

chicksinger said...

I don't even remember Kirsten. Not a clue.

TLo said...

Just a reminder guys, please don't spoil upcoming episodes.

TLo said...

Here's Kirsten's bio.


Anonymous said...

I loved the insets in Emmet's skirt. That kind of peek-a-boo trim suits the dress well (though it does make it look a little flamenco). Unfortunately, I agree it gets lost with the jacket so overpowering.

I also like Daniel F's dress (*sans ears*) The combination of browns was quite soothing and if not for the mouse ears would have been a very simple but sophisticated look.

Kirsten's on the other hand was a mess with no real style at all, and poorly sewn even by pre-Bennett/Kayne standards!


Anonymous said...

I think that Emmett was trying really hard to crete something that looked nothing like menswear--it doesn't seem to me to reflect his later style (not to give anything away)


Anonymous said...

I love Daniel Franco but this dress is not his best work.

Anonymous said...

I thought Emmett's was among the top 3 or 4 this time. Captured on the screencap, the jacket was too much, but I thought it came across better on the runway, where we only saw it for a moment.

Kirsten's was just boring, but I have to give her some credit for trying to do pants, given that they showed up with no idea who their models would be. And as you say, the back of that top looks like a bad craft project (something we wouldn't see without your great screencaps), and the front looks like something a first-time sewer might do.

Oh Daniel. It had so much promise. Aren't you the one who prides yourself on your fine tailoring skills? It should have been very easy to modify a top like that to fit your model. And the mouse ears are just a big "what were you thinking?" Maybe he was expecting a Zena, Princess Warrior model?

Roxy said...

I kinda liked Emmett's dress. Cute color, cute cut-outs...

Would you believe I spent the entire time watching the DVD's wondering if he was gay or not? I thought he looked so wooden, almost robotlike compared to the joyous foursome. Without the PRGayboys, I'd never have known.

D. Franco, on the other hand, is just plain weird.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell are half of these models?!

Anonymous said...

"Would you believe I spent the entire time watching the DVD's wondering if he was gay or not? I thought he looked so wooden, almost robotlike compared to the joyous foursome. Without the PRGayboys, I'd never have known."

I did the same the whole season. I still don't know.

eric3000 said...

I liked Emmett's. I didn't think it was one of the best but I thought it worked and was pretty. I think he did a really good job of making muslin look pretty and detailed without slapping on a bunch of useless trim like some of the other designers.

Oh, and I just hate Daniel's tone-on-tone details in the busts (you see it in his audition pieces, too). It makes it look like the model is breast feeding and having a leakage problem.

Anonymous said...

I liked Emmett's. It's pretty, feminine, and cute. I hated the other two, and I have to agree with Nina Garcia, why not give a chance to somebody else? For Christ's sake, the man was bottom three again, and that's all I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

I loved Emmett's dress. I thought the cut-out detailing was very pretty and really dressed up a piece of muslin. I hated Daniel's - I agree with Eric3000 - when I first saw the dress I thought she was leaking. Kirsten? - just blah.

Anonymous said...

I love Emmett's dress sans jacket.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kirsten, yes -- the lawyer. The one who wouldn't give up her heirloom scarf, and good for her.

I think the reason for Emmet's cutouts is that they were "hot" that year. Suddenly that stuff was popular, though God knows why. Looks so folkloric, but not in a good way.

Suzanne said...

The jacket on Emmett's reminds me of when you fold up a piece of paper into squares and cut out little pieces and unfold it to have a snowflake....

Anonymous said...

really? i love emmett's dress!!!
and kirsten's looks better with the jacket on.
the model takes off the jacket too soon

Anonymous said...

i love kirsten, she is beautiful and has a good figure.
her swimsuit brand O MAILLOTS DE BAINS is very famous and-the elle cover with a blondemodel wearing a black swimsuit(once showing in season one and the background voice saying"and a fashion spread in elle...", that's it!)

i also love the model maria, pretty.

kirsten's jacket looks good, but, bravotv's editing always is not willing to let us see clear what the dress is!

Anonymous said...

daniel franco's dress is ass.
awful awful.
he thought he will be safe because he is dramatic and the show won't kick him at the first episode for twice.

but the jacket he is wearing is good

Anonymous said...

Emmett's might have said it better with either the jacket or the dress with the cutout details, not both.
Daniel's might have said it better with one dart around the bust not a two tone breast plate.
Kirsten could have taken some of Emmett's details and Daniel's seaming and had a whole lot interest to the style.
It is fun to see the screen caps, it went too fast on the show to actually see the garments the way you PRG boys scrutinize every wrinkle.

Anonymous said...

Daniel's dress is awful. He always designs the same dress over and over again.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to see how much Emmett matured since the show aired. I went to his store the other day and his designs now are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why they pick "designers" like Heidi, Kirsten, and Mario, for example. These people have no talent or anything interesting to present, hence, the reaction here "Kirsten who?" I wonder how many talented designers didn't get a chance to be on the show just because they didn't send a "cute" or crazy-ass video to the producers?

Anonymous said...

Kirsten IS fabulous, but I agree that this outfit is nothing to write home about. It's OK.