From Women's Wear Daily:
"Liz Claiborne Appoints Tim Gunn Chief Creative Officer
By Whitney Beckett
Tim Gunn is joining the company as chief creative officer, a new post — and the first major appointment by Claiborne’s new chief executive officer William L. McComb.
Gunn is stepping down as chair of the department of fashion design at Parsons The New School for Design, but will continue on as task master for “Project Runway.”
For complete coverage, see tomorrow's issue of WWD."
We don't quite know how we feel about this yet. On the one hand, it's wonderful to see Tim get so much recognition. On the other hand, it's a shame he'll no longer be in a teaching role since he's so damn good at it. At any rate, huge congratulations are in order, so Congrats, Gorgeous!
Thanks Siobhan!
UPDATE: More info here.
"Commenting on the announcement, Mr. McComb said: "Words cannot express how happy we are to have Tim on board as our 'Creative Dean.' His mission is twofold: return our culture to one that is friendlier to the creative process and help shape more competitive, consistent and compelling product."
"Mr. Gunn said: "Though this is not something I had envisioned for myself, I jumped at the chance to serve as a mentor, advisor and sounding board for the design and merchandising community within Liz Claiborne Inc. The talent that currently exists at Liz is phenomenal and I am up to the challenge of harnessing and focusing such strength."
That's fantastic! Congratulations, Tim!
Great news! But is Bravo still going to use Parsons for the show if he's not there anymore?
Fabulous! Well deserved!! Good luck, Tim!
Congrats, Tim! I bet Liz Claiborne is going to be one of the sponsors of the show.
Congratulations, Tim! You're the best!!!!
Did we already know he had finally signed on for season four? I don't remember ever getting the final word on that. Am I losing my mind?
I'm quite happy for Tim i must say - he certainly deserves raking in the big bucks and all.
Yet as a former student at Parsons myself I am also a little sad - I won't have my own personal Tim connection anymore (I worked for the Dean of another department for a while (Communication Design that is)) and I feel Parsons is suffering a great loss. I hope he continues to teach classes there even as he no longer heads the department...
Tim's cashing in, and I don't blame him. He's earned it.
About fucking time Tim makes some money.
Wow. PRGays, will you get any insight how this affects his relationship w/ Parsons, and Parsons relationship w/ Project Runway? From Tim himself, Emmett or even Andy Cohen, et al? While I'm very happy for Tim, the recognition is more than deserved; I hope his being taken out of an element that he was perfect for(teacher, mentor)doesn't prove a detriment to his talent. The corporate world happily murders the integrity, nurturing, vision and kindness Tim embodies.
Keep us posted, OK?
Love you guys!
Tim is absolutely wonderful(almost goes without saying), but I feel a little worried about him. He has always seemed so teacherly to me, and I wonder how he'll fare in a creative position. Congratulations to him, of course, because this must be a thing he wants.
Well.. if this is what Tim wants then I wish him MUCH success and happiness, BUT the academic world is much different than the Crazy- Bitch world of the fashion industry. Life is not all about mo-money, mo-money. I hope he can maintain his self respect and happiness as he goes corporate.
Hugs and kisses Tim. We love you.
Wow!!!! You said it - didn't see it coming. Good luck Tim!
Thank god we will still get to see you on PR.
I hope they pay Tim a whole pile of dough. He so deserves it! Kudos, Tim.
I think that Tim Gunn will be a success at anything he does...
He's no fool, and I'm sure he'll navigate the politic soup of corporate life with as much aplomb as he did in academia.
I suspect that his new job will be very similar to his old one in many ways, too: mentoring and directing talent, steering designers toward better taste, etc.. And for more money.
Kind of inevitable really. He's probably like an Olympic Gold Medalist right now; with all sorts of companies wanting to associate themselves his brand.
Understandable that he'd want the financial security that these new gigs can offer. But it's sad for all those students who will miss out on his mentorship (and I'd bet this is throwing a spanner into the works of many a high school senior who just applied to Parson only because of Tim!)
--Gotham Tomato
Holy shit, Batman! Good for Tim, but there goes my ever hoping to interview him for Threads. Well, I hope this is just a wonderful position for a wonderful mentor!
Wow...I'm just....shocked.
does anyone know what tim's credentials are?
Yay for Tim. I hope he got a huge signing bonus. Teaching will always be there. A good flow between academia and the "real world" and back again and so on is healthy for everybody.
I know Tim reads this blog, as it has been mentioned on his podcast so... CONGRATULATIONS TIM GUNN! I'm so pleased for you!
I'm quite fond of Liz Claiborne. The stuff is quality... I have sweaters, etc. that are years old, but still look great and are "classic" enough to not be out of style.
I've also had a weight issue, and some of the offshoots of the company have been a great resource for me in finding something that I feel great in, and becomes a staple in my closet.
(Not to mention that a favorite teacher of mine was known for always wearing Liz... you could think that something she wore was new, only to find out that it was years old. Classic!
The people at Parson's must be beside themselves...
Wow, I can't say I ever saw this coming. After all of his talk about how his loyalty was with Parsons, I find it strange. Statement of fact mind you, not a judgement. He certainly deserves his paycheques.
I have such mixed feelings about this. On one hand, good for him. Liz Claiborne is an umbrella for so many popular brands, and Tim Gunn's presence in the company will only help them, not to mention the inevitable increase in salary. (He loved the Parson's job- they must have offered him a boatload of cash to get him to leave.) On the other hand, if he "goes corporate" it feels like he won't be as accessible to his fans and upcoming designers who could really use his advice and mentoring. I'm torn.Of course, I'll follow him anywhere...(sigh)
congrats to tim! my initial reaction was, "oh no!". it's such a huge loss to parson's, but a fantastic opportunity for tim. he definitely deserves the recognition!
"Thanks Siobhan!"
Who is Siobhan?
Colin : After all of his talk about how his loyalty was with Parsons, I find it strange.
When the discussion was "will you accomodate our shooting schedule or...?" the winner was Parsons. Hands down. ("Parsons pays the bills" as Tim put it.)
But life goes on, people change jobs. Liz Claiborne is the next stop on his journey... and they're beyond lucky to have him.
Congratulations, Tim!
Welllll... for Tim I say congratulations and grab every gold ring that comes around. You'd be nuts not to. But I wonder what this will do for the show's credibility? It's one thing to have the Chair of Parsons The New School of Design as your mentor. That's a perfect c.v. But to have someone, anyone not just Tim, who has an "identity" with a company as the mentor? I know Tim could put aside his Liz Claiborne coat and wear wise professor robes in the workroom. But how will it look to the outside world? Tim has such integrity I don't want anyone to say that Liz and therefore Tim has any kind of agenda.
Sorry if I'm rambling. I know what I'm trying to say and the darn words aren't coming out right.
I wouldn't worry too much about Tim's ability to survive his new job. Liz Claiborne is paying him to be him, and they're smart to do so. I, for one, really look forward to seeing that company revitalized, especially the Claiborne and LC brands. They really used to stand for something, way back when, and I hope to be inspired to buy them again. I think TG and LC are a perfect fit.
It is great you acknowledge Tim's appointment to his new post in your blog.
Too bad you sport a black eye by constantly using the term "bitches"
to refer to certain people, things etc....
It is not too late to get yourself decent. I know it is hard being a fag, but do you need to use such distasteful descriptives ?
"Anonymous said...
I have such mixed feelings about this. On one hand, good for him. Liz Claiborne is an umbrella for so many popular brands, and Tim Gunn's presence in the company will only help them, not to mention the inevitable increase in salary. (He loved the Parson's job- they must have offered him a boatload of cash to get him to leave.) On the other hand, if he "goes corporate" it feels like he won't be as accessible to his fans and upcoming designers who could really use his advice and mentoring. I'm torn.Of course, I'll follow him anywhere...(sigh)
kath "
I agree with you, anonymous, but fame is not everything. The mas has to make some money too.
No one deserves it more! Congrats to Tim!!
(bet the admissions folks at Parsons are in a tizzy...)
Bill said...
No one deserves it more! Congrats to Tim!!
(bet the admissions folks at Parsons are in a tizzy...)
BTW-- Bill, you crack me the hell UP(the Dominique line in Project Gay still has me on the floor)! PS: More on Lestat(I was desperate to see it & couldn't). PLEASE?
Do you think potential students will withdraw their applications due to Tim's absence?
It's nice for Tim, I suppose, but it really is a shame. He's such a good teacher and mentor, qualities that are not easy to find. So it's very sad when someone who has them chooses to leave the field. Such a loss to Parsons and to its students.
I gotta say, I liked Gawker's headline: Time Gunn's Exit Memo Urges Parsons to Carry On.
It seems as if the new job may enable to him exercise more of his personal taste and vision. If so, good for him. I hope it's the job he wants it to be.
It is not too late to get yourself decent. I know it is hard being a fag, but do you need to use such distasteful descriptives ? (Anonymous)
Suggestion: switch to decaf.
Chicksinger: I gotta say, I liked Gawker's headline: Time Gunn's Exit Memo Urges Parsons to Carry On.
Where did you find this article? I don't see a link on T&L's blog entry, and Googling it brought no results. (Though I feel better seeing that I'm not the only one to typo "Tim" into "Time!")
You can see Tim's whole resignation memo at:
--Gotham Tomato
brandenburg3rd, good catch. I misspelled his name.
Here's the link, hope it works:
thank GAWD! Maw Maw Claiborne needs some major help. It's been years since any of it's been relevant. Spice this puppy up, Tim, there's not much else out there for 40 somethings!
this is from GAWKER. it's a revamp of tim's exit letter to Parsons:
yourfriendandneighbor says:
The achievements (Project Runway) that we (I) have realized together (coattails) since the time of my arrival (about the time when you hit the faculty jackpot) in the Department in September 2000 are phenomenal (I am a phenom) and we (I) should all feel very proud (you will be namedropping me long after I'm dead.) I have had every reason to assume that we would be together for a very long time (I didn't think anyone could afford me at this point.) However, an opportunity (designing for people whiter than me) has presented itself (never underestimate the power of a cameraphone at a fashion week party) that I would be foolish to turn down (Lady Fame is a fickle bitch. I've gotta get while the gettin's good.)
"The talent that exists at Liz is phenomenal and I am up to the challenge of harnessing such strength."
Tim Gunn is Bossy's gay crush, so she thinks Tim Gunn can harness whomever he wants.
Tim Gunn just made a cameo appearence on Ugly Betty!
Tim Gunn on Ugly Betty!
he's on the 2/8 episode, too.
You can view it online tomorrow at abc.com, I think.
I swear I heard Tim's voice on Marketplace tonight on NPR as a teaser for tomorrow, talking of how some models on the runway look so thin that they ought to be in a hospital bed rather than on the runway.
Did anyone else hear this teaser? I know, I know, NPR, but being hostage to Atlanta traffic at rush hour, it truly IS the best broadcast to listen to....
omg, Tim Gunn is on "Ugly Betty" tonight along with Katherine McPhee!!!! :)
Congratulations, Tim! You're an extraordinaire man.
WOW! On top of this...I heard on NPR tonite while driving home that Sir Gunn will be making an appearance on one of their afternoon shows (not sure which one but maybe All Things Considered? Sorry I didn't catch it!). It was his unmistakable spine tingling voice talking about runway models and the "too skinny" controversy. LISTEN UP! I'll be at work I think...wah!
Correction: Sir Gunn will be guesting on NPR tomorrow afternoon sometime. At least on KJZZ here in Phoenix on one of their syndicated shows. How can we find out? Boys?
jules...just saw your post...yes, that's the one I heard! Marketplace..wow what a weird pick of a show for that topic. I think. Yes he was talking about how he doesn't want to feel "nauseous" or "nauseated" thinking the model should be in a hospital bed not on a runway. Wish I'd pulled over and written down the quote! Classic TG!
Huge surprise. You go Tim! I saw him on Ugly Betty. Q'uelle Surprise!
I'm thrilled! I saw the article on February 1st, and it states that Liz Clayborne inc. encourages Tim's "outside ventures", ie. Project Runway and his new show. They can stage PR at any old place, we only ever see the workroom and the (fake?)runway. This means Tim isn't stuck with Parsons' school calendar anymore and CAN DO PR 4 !!! Yes, yes! And more gays, please! How many gays were there in PR 3? Not the smorgasbord of PR 2, that's for sure. I can't wait for PR 4, but I'm sure I'll have to. The Life Network in Canada usually runs it, not Bravo, which makes me suspect that your Bravo isn't the same as our Bravo... if that makes any sense.
Comment #1: Why is Parsons necessary in the mix for Project Runway? What is required is a room large enough to accommodate up to 15 people, with tables and machines. I'll bet at Liz Claiborne there might be just such a room, with a huge logo on the back wall suitable for camera framing.
Comment #2: I am and have been convinced that Mr. Gunn sold his soul to the devil a couple of times already in aiding and abetting in various cover-ups. The one I'm thinking of right now is the assertion that because Jeffrey had receipts he didn't have outside help on his runway collection. Didn't compute then - doesn't compute now ... and the ONLY reason it was accepted is because Tim looked the camera straight in its beady little red eye and sonorously assured us that the receipts added up and therefore Jeffrey was innocent. Sure. Right.
He'll do just fine in the Real World.
Precious can do no wrong in my eye. As a professor myself who now has my own business, I can assure you - "once a teacher, always a teacher." Tim will continue to nurture and mentor wherever he goes because that is his very nature. Now, however, he will get paid for his talent and that is what he has worked so hard for all this time.
Congratulations Tim, on this exciting next step of your very interesting journey!
Yeah, Tim!
I loved the cameo appearance on Ugly Betty last night!
By the way, he's going to be on "Oprah" on Monday!
Congratulations and best of luck Mr. Gunn !
And, thanks for your tear-inducing cameo on Ugly Betty last night. How sweet was that Snap you sent back to the vapid KL ? Revenge is a dish best served, ice cold, during FauxFashionWeek.
Well played
Did you all see Tim on Ugly Betty Thursday night?? Fabulous!
I'm so delighted for Tim! Well done! Liz Claiborne is very smart to support his television activities. Hey, every time he appears the company name will get a prominent mention. You can't buy recognition like that (ok, you can, but at megabucks more). And having our beloved Tim associated with their products just subconsciously makes me so positive and fuzzy warm about them.
Also, I like the idea of having such a sweet mentoring personality within a corporation. I bet thousands of employees are now coming to work with more of a spring in their step, looking forward to having somebody who is intensely personal and caring, and who well knows the context within which they work and sell their products.
So long as Tim doesn't get a swelled head about it all, this is a win-win-win-win-win situation!
It seems clear that Tim will be permitted and encouraged to continue his mentoring role on Project Runway, at least for Season 4. My question is, will he continue to participate in casting calls and selection of contestants for future seasons? It would be such a shame if he didn't.
anything that helps my darling Tim.
now. can we get this doll a boyfriend??
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