Seven Thousand Words.

Friday, January 12, 2007 by


personette said...





Anonymous said...

Cutest baby ever! And little Finn seems to be growing like a weed!!

Totally boys are so lucky!! Thanks for sharing. :o)

Gigi said...

OMG, he's so cute!

Anonymous said...

I saw the first picture and thought "Oh my Gosh! They look so much alike!" Hee. Beautiful baby!

Vic said...

Talk about making my day. What a great way to start out. A hot Babe holding a beautiful baby.

Anonymous said...

"Laura said...

I saw the first picture and thought "Oh my Gosh! They look so much alike!" Hee. Beautiful baby!"

Ditto! Congratulations...he looks just like you! Full tilt boogie adorable!


Anonymous said...

OMG, Finn is adorable. Finn looks like Tom. Hahaha. Great closeups, guys! Congratulations again, Laura!

yawningdog said...

Please pass on my 'Congrats' and a big 'Thank You' to Laura for letting you guys post those great photos.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww.. so precious!!

How kind of Laura and Peter to let you share the pictures-

You boys look pretty natural there-- time to adopt???

Anonymous said...

What a nice way to start my day!!
I love the cute little outfit his wearing. Did Laura make it?

Gorgeous Things said...

He's beautiful! He looks like one of my babies (and that's the highest compliment you can get)! And you guys are just naturals with him. What lovely pictures, thank you!

TLo said...

Janet said...
What a nice way to start my day!!
I love the cute little outfit his wearing. Did Laura make it?

Hi Janet! Actually, we asked her about it because it really is cute. It was a gift from Andy Cohen of Bravo. It also came with an adorable matching hoodie with little elbow patches.

And before anyone asks, Laura made the sling that Lorenzo's wearing to hold the baby.

Oh, and she also made the baby.

Suzanne said...

I turn into my Grandmother when I see a baby like that...
che bella faccia.....bella bella bella...

TLo said...

Tom, is there something you wanna tell us??? Or better yet, something you wanna tell Lorenzo?? Hhm?

Oh sure. All pink people look alike. You people are pinkist!

LauraK said...

Too much cuteness for one post! So adorable! So precious. Words fail.

Anonymous said...

Oh he is so dear! And getting so big! God he's beautiful. You have made some good friends there. And the sling is lovely.

BigAssBelle said...

this baby is blessed! two gay uncles from the moment he entered the world. lucky, lucky little lad. and such uncles.

Anonymous said...

"Seven Thousand Words."

Nuff said!

Great pictures, guys! Thanks!

Stephanie said...

Oh, how adorable!

Thanks to Laura and Peter for letting you share with us.

DolceLorenzo said...

They are little cute : - )

Anonymous said...

How cute!! That's why I love this blog! You guys can go from snarky bitches to sweet godfairies within a matter of seconds. Thank you for the pictures guys, Laura and Peter!

Anonymous said...

OH. MY. GOD. Great pictures! Finn looks adorable in that outfit. He's already a trendsetter!!

GothamTomato said...

I love the sleeping/smiling picture. Wonder what he's dreaming of...

So, did snuggling the bambino give you boys the itch?? Any babies in your future?

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pics and no details of the visit?!! C'mon guys... I'm dyin' here!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are better than People's. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Wait, I always assumed Laura wasn't a natural redhead -- is she dyeing that kid's hair to match? Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Peter has the magic sperm. Laura's children are beautiful!

jinxy said...

(no wonder she's had so many!)
What a great little surprise.

Thanks for the wonderful post!

Bean said...

prettiest blues i've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Finn is super cute and you guys look so good with him. so Laura made that sling? i want one!
thanks guys for sharing the pics. it's great to be able to peak into Laura's world.

Anonymous said...

Good job, as usual, guys. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Aww, that is so sweet! I love the pictures.

mjude said...

what a great way to start a friday. thanks for sharing! ADORABLE!

Mina said...

you two and that baby are the cutest things ever!!

finn is lucky to have you guys for his fairy godfathers.

Anonymous said...

I love the sling. Laura, you need to start selling these. I'd buy one in a second.

Anonymous said...

What a precious little angel!!! He looks so cute sleeping. Great photographs, darlings!

Anonymous said...

T&L -

You have so brightened this gloomy Friday! Talk about an "awwww" and soft smile moment.

On several levels, you guys!

Many thanks,


Anonymous said...

The one with Lorenzo wearing the baby in a sling? I fell out. Too adorable.

madelineanne said...

The excess of adorable from teh combined power of you guys and the beeeeeeauuuuutiful baby!

Lisette said...

You guys do look so natural, it is so funny sometimes to see gay men around a baby, sorta like Tom and Frank. The picture of him sleeping is heart-breakingly sweet!

Anonymous said...

That baby is BEAUTIFUL, and you guys look so sweet with him.

You definitely need to adopt. You are obviously daddy material.

Anonymous said...

Oh my!! Thanks for making my day!

Finn is absolutely the cutest thing ever! And men wearing babies are the best (specially two hotties as you guys!)

When I thought I couldn't love her more, Laura turns out to be a supah crunchy momma!!! YAY for baby wearing!! I'm not PG, but a Laura Bennett sling makes me think twice...

My heart is happy, guys! Thanks for the adorable pics!

Brandenburg3rd said...

There are no grandkids in my future, but I always enjoy other people's little ones. You guys look like you're having way too much fun already. This lucky duck kid is going to have a fabulous future with the two of you squabbling over who gets to spoil him next! ;-)

LOL, if Laura & Peter are smart, they'll go away for a lonnnnng weekend and leave you guys in charge of the frat house!

Anonymous said...

Adorable, heart-warming, and a day-brightener. Isn't it amazing that so much has happened since you started this blog last year? You just never know where life is going to lead or where you are going to make really good friends, do you? Thanks to y'all and to Laura and Peter for letting us enjoy from afar.

Unknown said...

Little Finn is SO CUTE!!! I just want to eat him up! Those cheeks! Those big blue eyes! He's so adorable! I LOVE his little high-waisted outfit (made me think Mamma Laura designed it just for him). I bet he is dreaming of fashion and all things fabulous! Thanks to the Shelton family for sharing pics of the new bebe with us...and again, CONGRATULATIONS on the new addition to your family!

JP :)

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful!!! Congrats Laura

Anonymous said...

That last picture of him sleeping is so cute! Thanks, PRBoys!!

Anonymous said...

The picture where Finn leans sweetly against Lorenzo with that smile of gentle security, comfort and contentment made my heart turn to warm gel of security, comfort and contentment. It's infectious. Thank you dear boys. You two, Laura and Peter are blessed and so generous and thoughtful toward us. Such a lovely weekend gift.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh, Finn is one seriously cute baby! What an adorable little guy!

You two are soooo lucky!

Anonymous said...

No fabulous beads or feathers on his outfit? I'm disappointed ;-)
Fantastic pictures! Thank you for sharing them with us.

Anonymous said...

Did you Boys ever think that this would lead to these pictures?

Dreams do come true, don't they?

I've been reading you guys since day 1 and I love you 2. Keep up the fabulous work!

Anonymous said...

Awww, thanks for sharing. Finn is adorable!

The Scarlett said...

Finn + his fairy godfathers = the cutest 3some ever.

Anonymous said...


Tom and Lorenzo are Fairy God-daddies!!!! I feel the need to hug someone!!!

Anonymous said...

"Tom and Lorenzo are Fairy God-daddies!!!!"

Fairy God-fairies?

Anonymous said...

He looks adorable! No pictures of Laura with the baby?

Anonymous said...

YAY!! What a cute baby he is!! I love these pictures.

Anonymous said...

Three seriously fine looking boys!!

bungle said...

One Word: Awesome.

Thombeau said... you're really just a couple of earth mothers...

Anonymous said...

Finn is such a beautiful baby and you two are such lucky bitches.

Anonymous said...

"Seven Thousand Words"? You two are simply fabulous. Thank you so much for the pictures. This is such a nice and cozy blog, I feel comfortable here.

Anonymous said...

He is so cute!!!

Anonymous said...


Lorenzo, you look fab with the sling.

Finn is gonna be a stunna.

Anonymous said...


(I'm sure that's the typical girl reaction, but damnit he's adorable!)

Anonymous said...

the pics. am in orgazmic heaven... not fair, wanna be there holding Finn too.


Anonymous said...

totally unrelated but 1 foot of snow did me in. M moving to sunshineland SAN is the code. heheheh lol
Purrfect right... nuff said

DolceLorenzo said...

I think Finn looks like Peter. Same big blue eyes...don't you think?
And on another note entirely. Tom, baby, you look hot in those jeans.

Anonymous said...

Finn is a very good-looking baby and the photos are beautiful. Thank you, guys.

Anonymous said...

No words necessary. Laura and Peter, job well done. And born on my birthday too.
Linda B

Anonymous said...

AWWWWW so adorable! Whomever above commented on your generosity was so right. Thanks for sharing with us. Finn is so cute! He is so lucky to have you guys as his fairy god-daddies.

I loved the pink people comment!

GothamTomato said...

"LOL, if Laura & Peter are smart, they'll go away for a lonnnnng weekend and leave you guys in charge of the frat house!"

I smell a new reality show.


James Derek Dwyer said...


Anonymous said...

Now that is one cute baby! He definately looks like Peter, he has his nose.

You fairy godfathers are cute too, but didn't you take any pics of Fab Laura and baby Finn or did you hog all the baby-holding time?

Any anecdotes for us about your visit?

Thanks so much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

These pictures are amazing! Thank you for allowing the boys to bring a bit of your world to us, Laura.

Anonymous said...

Finn seems pretty comfortable with you guys! Babies are really smart - they always know who the cool people are. Phyllis (who you don't know yet, but Ann and Gigi do ;o)

Sewhat? said...

OK, admit it Tom, that baby is your and Laura's love child.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Fairy Godfathers! The Duchess didn't stop by and give any gifts involving a spindle, did he?

Anonymous said...

Finn looks so cute in these pictures. Merci, boys!

Anonymous said...

A little redhead. Absolutely adorable.

I'm jealous as hell, of course. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am so freaking jealous, you bitches! Finn is adorable!

Washington Cube said...

The perfect godparents for little Finn.

Anonymous said...

My god, he's so cute. I love the outfit too. Good taste, Andy!

Anonymous said...

The sling is very cool. It looks like something Madonna would wear to match her outfit. Maybe Laura should think about introducing a new line of baby clothes and accessories.

Anonymous said...

Enough baby-pimping! It's getting obscene.

I wish Laura would exercise some privacy here. Posting her child's photos all over the internet?

More fashion. Less baby obsessing, please.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby ... just like his mom.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the pic of Finn smiling! Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Enough baby-pimping! It's getting obscene.
Okay, Peanut, time to go back to your cave.

Thanks, Fairy GayMothers for sharing -- what a little doll.

Anonymous said...

Oh Fairy God-Daddies -- you both look so adorable with Finn (what a darling)!! And he looks so-o comfortable with both of you! Thanks for posting the beautiful pictures!

Anonymous said...

Altogether now- AWWWWWWW! He's so cute! And you guys look so cute holding him! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Finlay is so cute. I love these pictures of him. The little genius does look like Peter.

Anonymous said...

These pictures are great! Thank you for sharing, guys. I know I can always count on you to bring me some Laura fabulosity.

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures, and I also love the outfit Finn has on. It's so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Finn is super cute and you guys look so good with him. so Laura made that sling? i want one!
thanks guys for sharing the pics. it's great to be able to peak into Laura's world.

I want one too. Yes, thanks guys for the pics!!

Anonymous said...

Boys, the pictures are amazing. I love everyone of them. You two look so cute holding little Finn. Thank you for sharing this lovely moment with us.

Anonymous said...

Yippee! Laura is AP!!

Unknown said...

i want one!!!