S1/E9: Congratulations Wendy.

Thursday, January 04, 2007 by
Quickie recap: The remaining designers must design a red carpet dress for Nancy O'Dell to wear to the Grammys. Bitchery and backstabbing ensue. You can read Tim's Take here.

Ahhhh...the rage came back last night watching this, didn't it?

This is what muppet hookers look like from the back.

There's something weird about that bust. Somehow it manages to make Melissa's boobs look small while simultaneously giving her the oh-so-classy cup-runneth-over look.

To be fair, we don't hate the dress. From the waist up, it's fine. That skirt is...we don't know WHAT that skirt is. No, what annoys us is she did the same thing she did last week: looked at what the client was wearing and simply made a variation on that.

That is almost EXACTLY what the top of the dress wound up looking like, right down to the color. Considering that in the previous challenge, she thought changing the pocket positions on a postal uniform was "redesigning" it and considering that in the Banana Republic challenge, she managed to win it by basically lifting from the Banana Republic catalogue and shifting some elements around, we're forced to conclude that Wendy's biggest problem as a designer is...she's not a designer. She's a very talented dressmaker.

Tim, we're really starting to hate that you have the ability to look good when you're not posing at all. In fact, you look much better when you're not posing. Us? Christ, we have to do the whole Paris Hilton 3/4-turn-with-a-head-tilt before we can even think of letting anyone take a pic.

But enough of that, how about her little meltdown upon receiving a compliment from Tim?

It started off almost charming for a moment. Our split-second first thought was "Oh, she's REALLY been putting herself through the wringer, poor thing."

Then it got weird. The slowly dawning horror on Tim's face upon viewing this tortured display was comedy gold. It's only for a second, but that's because Tim has preternatural control over his facial muscles.

"Don't show it on your face, Timmy. Just back away from the cameras and you can go have good laugh in your office. Calm. Composed. They'll turn the camera off in a second. DON'T LAUGH AT HER. She could be dangerous."

Anyway, here's what that tacky, no-taste bitch looked like when she wore the outfit to the Grammys. What pisses us off, she did some major "tweaking" to this dress. If you're going to go that far, why not pick one of the nicer dresses and tweak them? She admitted that there were elements of the other three designs that she really liked. Tweak the top on Jay's dress or don't wear the pants on Kara Saun's. Both would have looked better - and WAY more importantly: age appropriate on her. She's got a great figure but the bottom line is, she's not a kid. She comes off looking like a mother at a Bar Mitzvah trying WAY too hard.

[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]

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Suzanne said...

They totally redid that dress for her....
I am still, 2 years later, shaking my head that Wacky Wendy made it to the end.
Plain, pure dumb ass luck. THATS what got her in.

That, and the fact that she was good TV.

Anonymous said...

"If you're going to go that far, why not pick one of the nicer dresses and tweak them? She admitted that there were elements of the other three designs that she really liked. Tweak the top on Jay's dress or don't wear the pants on Kara Saun's."

That's exactly what I told my sister last night. WTF? Wendy? You're freaking kidding me? That is so unfair.

jodi said...

"This is what muppet hookers look like from the back."

OMG! Too, too funny! You guys are freaking fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I almost hate to admit that I love the top! I wish that I could pull off that look.

However, I have to go along with everyone else and say:
Wendy? She crazy!

madelineanne said...

Freaking Nancy O'Dell!! I swear in my mind she is now dead to me for eliminating the beloved Austin from the Final Three!
And freaking Wendy Pepper. I know she brings the psychotic drama, but that dress was so derivative of what Nancy was wearing, with the only addition being a heaping helping of ugly.
I don't care is Michael Kors thought Austin's dress looked like student work, I would wear that in a heartbeat!

GothamTomato said...

"She comes off looking like a mother at a Bar Mitzvah trying WAY too hard."

No. Sorry. O'Dell is definately a dumb shicksah.

--Gotham Tomato

Feemus said...

And that wasn't the only Pepper dress where the breasts looked squinty.

Like they're trying to see a road sign without their glasses on.

GothamTomato said...

And BTW, knowing what we know now, about the way the producers keep the biggest jerks around to create tension, I can't help but wonder if O'Dell was told to pick Wendy.

What she wore to the Grammy's was so different than what Sybil presented, that I think she should have been posthumously dropped from the final 3.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

Austin was robbed! Plain and simple.
Damn you, Wendy!

DolceLorenzo said...

NOOOOO, I cannot believe it! yes, I knew it, but still, watching it again and my blood is boiling. WTF???

Anonymous said...

A scream.
A yowl.
A flash of lavender fuzz on the stair.
A starlted girlfriend.
A groggy housemate.
"Is everything alright?"

Ah, I recall watching this episode waaaaay back in my college years. A thousand faries lost their wings. Now, I will be the first to admit that I am one of those impractical femmes who often finds herself wandering the streets of Philly as though they were the glitter paved avenues of the aforementioned Scarlettland, but cah 'mon!

Now, I know that this postt is about Wendy, so I will reserve my comments on Austin's dress for later. What I will say is this: Nancy O'Dell looks like one of those girls who haunts Old City every Saturday night with the sole mission of proving that straight people can't do glitter. Tacky. Tacky. Tacky. Now, I know that the challenge is to address the client's needs, BUT I have to say- were I a designer who dressed celebs...I would most certainly not be sending a 'ho down the red carpet- or at least not your garden variety 'ho. No forty-something (or anyone for that matter) should be wearing a dress that looks as though it came from G&G circa 1995.

However, if you like a little trash to go with your fashion... Y'all should watch Project Catwalk (The British version of PRun.) I know I would love to see Tom and Lorenzo blog it. Though, as a sort of hybrid of the Real World Miami and our own dear Project, it doesn't exactly lend itself to biting wit and erudition.

Anonymous said...

"This is what muppet hookers look like from the back."

ROFL. Did I mention I love you guys?

Nancy O'Dell, you're dead to me! Do you hear me? You're dead!!!!

The top is OK, the bottom looks like a dead chicken. I felt so bad for Austin!

Anonymous said...

"Don't show it on your face, Timmy. Just back away from the cameras and you can go have good laugh in your office. Calm. Composed. They'll turn the camera off in a second. DON'T LAUGH AT HER. She could be dangerous."

Hahahah. I wouldn't be near this woman without a bodyguard, a doctor, a priest, and a snake charmer.

jinxy said...

Wendy should have been eliminated far before it came to this. Robert or someone else should have been there to absolutely tank the challenge and let the three really talented ones go through.

However, she was not eliminated, and the final challenge rested on a GUEST JUDGE that had no idea just how heinous Wendy's previous work had been.

I think this challenge should have featured a guest judge, but I seriously question the wisdom of basically giving one of the three collection slots to the guest judge to decide when she hasn't seen each designer's previous work go down the runway herself.

And yeah, the bitch of the whole situation is that the dress she wore to the Grammys had about the same amount of resemblance to Wendy's dress that Wendy's dress had to her shirt at the beginning of the challenge. UGH!

BigAssBelle said...

little miss lynette, she of the german lutheran upbringing, says "what is this bar mitzvah dress thing?"

grown up bigassbelle, she who has overcome her upbringing, says "fucking wendy, what an evil, vicious wicked cow."

BigAssBelle said...

HEY! gayboys!! what's with y'all posting robert's ass with no comments possible?????

Embeedubya said...

"...a mother at a Bar Mitzvah trying WAY too hard." Ouch! But in complete agreement on the dress and it's transformation into something wearable. Glad to see the dress worn for the first segment side-by-side with Wendy's creation. Color, styling, fit -- everything but the hideous feathers. Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

I think I puked in my mouth a little when I saw what she made. And Tim I'm pretty sure tried to tune Wendy out but her crazy just kept bashing into his poor Tim brain. Oh the claws are SO out!

Anonymous said...

The outfit was ugly, and they all kept saying "I love Jay's skirt" blah blah blah...you could tweak Jay's...you could tweak Austin's...and then they pick HER! I don't get those judges at all. Nancy has no taste. That woman has ZERO taste!

Anonymous said...


The single worst moment in PR history! Austin, for all his ups and downs, clearly had vision, creativity and construction skills to spare. He, Jay and Kara Saun would have made a brilliant first season final three.

Anonymous said...

Thanks (especially) for the last picture, boys. This is the first time I see Nancy wearing what's left of Wendy's dress. Talk about tweaking!!! Or should I say plucking?

Anonymous said...

I can't blame Nancy O'Dell alone for sending Wendy instead of Austin to the final three--She had way too much help.

First, there was Austin, who didn't do himself any favors by making a pretty dress that was completely unsuitable for the particular challenge and client.

Then there was Kara Saun, who might have won the challenge had she just listened to Tim when he told her to can the pants.

And Jay, who chose to use bright pink when the client said she hated that color.

And Wendy herself, by doing a top that was actually kind of cute (at least from the front--I didn't notice the back until I saw your screen cap, but it was pretty hideous), and by playing it safe by using a color she knew the client liked.

And then there were the other judges, who, if they'd really wanted to, could have talked Nancy O'Dell out of picking the Wendy dress. After all, they did appear to talk the Banana Republic judge out of picking Alexandra's dress in that challenge.

Everyone bears a share of the claime in this one.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that would be blame, not claime.

Hayley said...

I notice you've omitted the usual exclaimation mark with the announcement of victory. Your punctuatin says it all. I think it's the equivolent of ignoring someone you know in the street.

I would also like to concur with the "Austin was ROBBED" school of thought. Long Live Austin!

TLo said...

Hayley G said...

I notice you've omitted the usual exclaimation mark with the announcement of victory. Your punctuatin says it all. I think it's the equivolent of ignoring someone you know in the street.

I would also like to concur with the "Austin was ROBBED" school of thought. Long Live Austin!

Bingo! You're the best, Hayley!


Gorgeous Things said...

Anyone else notice the striking resemblance between Nancy O'Dell's cleavage and Robert's ass? Separated at birth!

Tho' Robert's ass is perkier

Erica said...

Honestly, I think that miss O'Dell thought that she was going to wear the dress as-is but her publicist/stylist/etc handler threw a shit fit and Bravo didn't care enough to force the issue.

Fnarf said...

I knew from the moment the sociopath snatched Kara Saun's fabric bolt out of her hand that this was going to be special. Wendy is KOO KOO.

But I can't agree with the "Scarlett was robbed" contingent. Scarlett's a dream, but his designs have always been disconnected from reality. The dress he made her was awful for the challenge. And not very well-made, frankly.

Wendy should have been aufed in the first episode, when she sent her model out covered in breath mints and balloons and nothing else.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen this season so...

How many designers are left at this point?

Crow Winters said...

anonymous- This was the final challenge before Fashion Week. Just Wendy, Jay, Austin, and Kara Saun.

La Loca said...

That neckline is so horrid. I'd rather stare at Rob's pasty crack all day.

Actually, that's not a half-bad idea...

Anonymous said...

"This is what muppet hookers look like from the back."

Oh, honeys, not even Animal in heat would touch that thing--even he has better taste.

I love the fact that when it comes to tweaking, even [i]Heidi[/i] tried to get Nancy O'Dell to consider someone elses. "If you are considering tweaking hers, why not one of the others?"

I think Nancy O'Hell fell in love with the orange and just thought, "Oh, that will bring out the colors in my fake tan perfectly!"

la glitterati, this is only THREE YEARS ago! Really, it wasn't that long! I swear! Just a blink! Not waaaaaay long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away! AAAARGH! Warning, old fart syndrome (or old harpy syndrome)!

Anonymous said...

I hated this outfit. I hated the fact that she was in and Austin was out. Big disappointment!!

Anonymous said...

Nancy O'Dell does NOT know how to dress. I mean really, have you seen her choices on the red carpet? Of course, she was going to go with Wendy's madness.

Miranda said...

Sigh ... imagine if the final three had been Jay, Kara and Austin instead of Wendy ... how lovely that would have been.

Yeah, Austin was robbed, no doubt, although I do think he showed fairly decisively that he was not good at adapting his aesthetic to the challenge at hand.

But Wendy's dress? Feh. And that bottom part looks like a feathery orange diaper.

Anonymous said...

Three seasons later... I'm still steamed about this episode.

Anonymous said...

"That skirt is...we don't know WHAT that skirt is."

I think that I can clear that up. If you look back at episode 8, as the designers are leaving Mood they pass by a dress form with an orange top and an orange feather skirt.

If you put Nancy O'Dell's (original) top and the dress form skirt together, you get Wendy's outfit.

Anonymous said...

What Nancy ended up wearing looks like a totally different dress, so what's the point in choosing Wendy's? To this day, I still don't understand how this happened. Wendy should kiss the ground this bitch walks on.

Anonymous said...

Nancy O'Dell has all the charm of a Mack Truck! Do they send these entertainment reporters to How To Be Obnoxious And Make The Interview Be All About Yourself School? I just want to take a tube of Jungle Red lipstick and griiiiind it into those pasty white lips of hers! And what's she holding behind her ass in the red carpet photo, the hotel towel? Nice accessory!


Anonymous said...

..and in a corner somewhere, Big Bird is jacking off...

Anonymous said...

There was nothing wrong with this dress, in my opinion. It showed Wendy could do something short (without making a bikini made of candy), and she appealed to the needs of the client (just as she did with Banana), but making a beautifully-colored bustline that Nancy really responded to...

Anonymous said...

Nancy O'Dell is a twit.

That rag looks like she bought it on sale at Mandee's.

A true, high-class bar mitzvah mom shells out the cash for a real designer gown and actually owns the jewelry she's wearing. Nancy looks "rented", just like Wendy's supposed "talent".

PS - The pic of Robert's rump was like having an ice cream sundae for breakfast: You know you shouldn't, but damn it looks good....!

Anonymous said...

I was actually kind of happy that Wendy won... does that make me a bad person? I have to admit, the editors have done a pretty good job wringing sympathy out of me. Yes Wendy did a few questionable things, but she was never as nasty as the queen of passive-aggression, Kara Saun.

On top of that, she's just fun to watch. She doesn't even try to hide her emotions, so you get quite a clear picture of her emotional roller-coaster ride.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's poorly made and derivative of what el stupido was wearing when she came in. You boys are right on with the dressmaker comment. However, I have to say that I thought it looked WORSE after the tweaking by Nancy and her O'Dells. The feathers at least added some texture. The version she wore looked like the "Maggy London" crap you'd buy on the 25% off rack at Mandee's.

And by the way, Robert was dumb as an ox, but he did (does?) have a nice ass.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...However, I have to say that I thought it looked WORSE after the tweaking by Nancy and her O'Dells. The feathers at least added some texture."

I agree with you, anonymous. I hated Wendy's design, but it looked worse with all her tweaking.

Anonymous said...

Wendy only made it to the final three because of Nancy O'Dell. I will now hate Nancy (along with Wendy) FOREVER.

Austin, I heart you!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will always belong in the final three in my heart.

GothamTomato said...

"LelĂȘ said...
..and in a corner somewhere, Big Bird is jacking off..."

I so wish I'd said that!
(even though I think it's more likely that BB would be having a threesome with Bert & Ernie).

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

I think the judges tried to steer Nancy away from choosing Wendy but in the end it was her choice.

Anonymous said...

Nancy butchered something that was already fugly to begin with. Wendy - final three? It is ridiculous! That only proves that talent isn't everything. You need a lot of scheming and plotting in your life too.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why Nancy likes orange so much 'cause it's really unflattering against her Hollywood tan.

Anonymous said...

damn straight!! i am still pissed at this bullcrap... wendy never deserved to win this one and she never deserved a chance at fashion week. i still think she is among the worst designers the show has ever had.

ps - please tell me youre gonna do the reunion show!

TLo said...

filthpunkdammit said...
ps - please tell me youre gonna do the reunion show!

Oh hell yeah!


Anonymous said...

"This is what muppet hookers look like from the back."

ROFL. She does look like a bird.

Anonymous said...

...even though I think it's more likely that BB would be having a threesome with Bert & Ernie.

"Rubber ducky, you're the one...you make bath time lot of fun..."

Hee hee. Bert & Ernie were the very first gay couple I ever "met". Trailblazers then and now.

Er...sorry. Back to the topic at hand. Wendy's dress -- yes, hideous. The top was dull, and the skirt was just flat-out frightening. I've nothing against feathers on clothing, but it's not an easy look to do well. Laura, she can do feathers. Wendy? Nnnnoooo.

And it's true that Miss O'Whoever tweaked the dress so much that the whole thing seemed senseless anyway. I think that Kara's dress, sans pants, would have been lovely. Ah, well. This is the episode that will live on forever in infamy, and generations of fashionistas will fling themselves on drama sofas to sob their eyes out because the Princess was sent home and the Evil Stepmother got to go to the ball.

Anonymous said...

Like most of you, I'm still steamed even after a few years about this episode. I don't care if Wendy makes good TV, like Jay said, "I hate Wendy." I'm sick of nasty, conniving mind-****ing schemers like her. She should be ashamed of being at that age and acting that way. That's your real "Bad (as in not good) Mommy" there.

Could someone please step on this cockroach? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

"What pisses us off, she did some major "tweaking" to this dress. If you're going to go that far, why not pick one of the nicer dresses and tweak them?"

I think I know why Nancy O'Dell chose Pepper Pee-Eww's dress...it showed the most cleavage.

bitchesdye said...

Wendy's dress sucks ass of course, but Jay & Kara Saun did not keep in mind that their client interviews people on the red carpet, hence all she would care about would be the bodice. Instead, they spent all their time obsessing about the bottom of their garments. Duh!

Anonymous said...

I think the fact that we could tell where Wendy had gotten both parts from made me more mad, back then, than the hideousness of the outfit itself. At least it would have been hideousness out of her own head.

(Although, that part of the episode where she's trying to figure out how to make it youthful is too damn funny. Oh god, that first skirt!)

Anonymous said...

Do not fret Anonymous 2:28 am, the skirt from the first half was Wendy's "hip Grammy's" take on the dress form skirt. It was only when Tim, Rob, and Melissa told her that to fix it that the inspiration truly became apparent. And thus the "hideousness out of her own head" lives on.

Gigi said...

Can we please just talk about Robert's ass? ;-)

Anonymous said...

So fucking ugly. The hem is coming apart. It looks sloppy and badly cut. The feathers are atrocious. WTF? Wendy's design was a joke.

I would have picked Kara Saun's and just worn the top and ditched the pants.

Anonymous said...

"I was grossed out when Wendy came behind the thing. She just had the face, and ya think for the last challenge Wendy, you could have put lipstick on. That was the first thing I thought."

LOL. I love Jay!!!

Anonymous said...

The producers kept this bitch around for ratings, which totally sucks, because Jay, Kara and Austin actually have talent.

Brandenburg3rd said...

"Tim, we're really starting to hate that you have the ability to look good when you're not posing at all. In fact, you look much better when you're not posing. Us? Christ, we have to do the whole Paris Hilton 3/4-turn-with-a-head-tilt before we can even think of letting anyone take a pic."

I've had so few decent pictures taken, you could count them on one hand and have enough fingers left over to give the British workers' salute. The worst pictures of Tim that I've seen are 1 hundred times better than any of mine. Grr. Added to that..:

"Don't show it on your face, Timmy."

I hate that picture. It's a fantastic picture, and I HATE it. He looks almost twenty years younger, dammit! So not fair.

Anonymous said...

I like the dress and I like the flirty feathers shifting around under that severe top. It seems too young for the customer, and she would probably have been laughed at for dressing like a downy orange duckling. However, I still like the dress -- maybe it's the orange-ade color.