This is where her collection seemed to go off the rails. While we had some quibbles with some of the earlier stuff, for the most part, it was cohesive. An autumnal collection of pretty if uninspired clothes. Then this comes down the runway. First off, it's unusually sloppy-looking for Wendy. Second, we suspect she was trying to be Jay here. Edgier, asymmetrical, with the illusion of deconstruction. It just doesn't work. Pretty colors, though.
Wendy, Carolina Herrera called. She wants to talk to you. She sounded pissed.
This is very pretty. Uninspired, but pretty.
Y'know, if she hadn't gone all HELLO NIPPLES! we would have really loved this outfit. That skirt is beautiful and the top is nice too although we're not crazy about the poof.
Mmmm. We want to like this. On paper, this should be a pretty dress, but it's just not working for us. Is it the color? The bodice certainly looks a little puckery. We think it's the feathers. They just seem to stick out like a shelf.
That sound you hear is a collection derailing. Where did this come from? It doesn't look like it belongs in this collection at all. And it feels all wrong for Wendy. We admit, the top is somewhat interesting, although it looks more than a little uncomfortable. It's the skirt that ruins it.
At any rate, we really don't hate the collection. Admittedly, there was more for us to hate than in the other two, but for the most part, these were perfectly serviceable, wearable clothes for women. On that level she's fine. As a designer, not so much. The best pieces in the collection were uninspired and the worst pieces were instances of Wendy trying to be something she's not. We repeat what we said earlier: catalogue clothes. Nothing wrong with that. She could do very well in that milieu. It's just that in a search for the next great American fashion designer, clothes like this are going to get a nice nod and smile from the judges and that's about it.
It's a shame. Wendy's scheming didn't really get her to Bryant Park. All it managed to do was taint her reputation. Looking over this stuff, she really could have done very well for herself. She makes sellable clothes. Unfortunately, we suspect her reputation ruined any chances of anyone wanting to do business with her.
[Photos: FirstView]
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I agree 100% with your opinion that she isn't a bad designer, she just isn't GREAT. In looking at the photos though what seems to strike me is that on many of hte pieces her material looks cheap, like she was waiting for the Labor day sale at Jo-Anne Fabrics so she could stock up. This is true on the dresses that seem to have the most issues, instead of silk or satin it looks like sateen or velveteen instead of velvet. I'm all about saving a buck but this is the one time you don't cut corners.
Oh well she still would have lost even if she did do better material.
For what it is, actually, the dress she has on Melissa isn't terrible. If Jay had sent it down the runway (not that he would have) it probably would have been overlooked. I liked it. But then again, Melissa is FIERCE.
This second half has a number of "if only" looks. The first dress might have been really nice if only it had a different skirt. The see-through piece would have been nice if only it wasn't see-through. The first feather-top dress would have been really nice if only she'd added some little touch (eg a bolder necklace) to add interest to the look.
It's the Carolina Herrera dress that I think really sticks out like a sore thumb. This Tippi Hedren goes all shiny & assymetrical look just doesn't fit in with the rest of it.
'HELLO NIPPLES'? Is that anything like 'HELLO KITTY'?
Well, at least you didn't say 'boobies'.
--Gotham Tomato
her colors and fabrics were beautiful. just a shame she couldn't be more cohesive in her designs.
Melissa is fierce but the dress is super fugly. (And, I hate to say it, the shoes are awful).
And the HELLO NIPPLES (!) dress is Wendy trying to be edgy and it just looks ridiculous
Wendy's basic insecurities came out in her collection. She tried to be edgy (buckles! boobies!), she tried to be classy (Tippi/Herrera) and she tried to be young (slits up to the va'ja-ja). I believed the autumnal colors and I believed the fabrication ... I just didn't believe the silhouettes came from the Virginia horsey set.
"Uninspired" nails it perfectly. You boys are on to something. The judges should focus less on "innovative" and instead hone in on "inspired".
I think you are way too hard on Wendy and had it in for her from the get go.
Something I think you miss when you "cover" these designs. As this is a game, the contestants have very little time to redo or rethink the styles. They have a deadline.In the real design world, some styles sit on a form for months before they are unveiled.
Give some credit to everyone for beating the clock. It is not as easy as it looks.
I think you are way too hard on Wendy and had it in for her from the get go.
Something I think you miss when you "cover" these designs. As this is a game, the contestants have very little time to redo or rethink the styles. They have a deadline.In the real design world, some styles sit on a form for months before they are unveiled.
Give some credit to everyone for beating the clock. It is not as easy as it looks.
Oh, I love Melissa, but can we talk about the amorous, lingering glance she gives over her shoulder at the end of her runway walk?
I blame the music. It made her behave like she was in a perfume commercial.
— CF
i just want to say guys that you have done an amazing job reviewing in detail every outfit in the collections. it made me think whether the judges do something like (and of course we don't see it because of time constraints), i hope so.... otherwise i'm voting you for guest judges for the next season!!!!!! :-)
"otherwise i'm voting you for guest judges for the next season!!!!!! :-)
OMG! What a great idea....and it makes much more sense than some of the 'celebrity' judges they've had in the past.
I'm emailing Bravo today...
This has come up before and while we don't think there's a snowball's chance in hell of it ever happening, we are most definitely opposed to the idea of being guest judges. There's no way we'd ever sit in the same chair as Diane Von Furstenberg. One of the best things about the show is the high calibre of its judges (Nancy O'Dell notwithstanding). The second they decide to use bloggers as guest judges will be the very second the show jumps the shark.
Thanks for the compliment, though! We're flattered!
Bautifully and fairly rendered boys. She could work for an already established line (Jones New York?, Talbott's?) and do just fine. Too bad she embraced the "reality show" rather than the "reality" of this opportunity.
That said, she seems to be doing well with her 15 minutes of fame, and her makeover has been very successful. I expect to see her lunching with Tara Reid any moment now.
Wait a second, I'm calling a foul on that last play, T&L!
If Bravo called you up and asked you to be guest judges, you'd say no? Come on, *I* wouldn't even say no!
You guys are SUPER popular and insightful, and you actually seem to have a clue as to what the show is supposed to be about - I think it's about time they *up*graded the level of judge to your level!
Or at least, and I've said this before, Bravo should do a show where they rerun the episode and let you guys do voice-over commentary. You could even do a "what you didn't see" portion where we get all the rest of the dirt. I would plan my LIFE around a show like that.
I loved the first dress, and the last dress. I don't see the big problem with the skirts, frankly. The Herrara dress was freaky in that collection, WTF? At least make it a fall color! The nipples... when it first came down the runway, I swear to God I thought they were painted on as a design thing! When it became apparent that they were *ahem* natural, I was ... hmmm, what was I? Startled isn't quite right, I definitely wasn't amused, I guess dumbfounded is the closest I can get.
I disagree with your assertion that her work is well-executed. Puckery seanm, the shelf of feathers that looks precariously stuck to the dress, the fur collar trim that stops inches above where it ought to meet, crotch bunching shirts - longer or shorter would have solved that. Some of her work is well-executed but it is inconsistent. While her designs are often not aesthetically pleasing it is also the execution that fails.
I also love the idea of Tom & Lorenzo discussing the show while we watch, perhaps with guests like Laura and Jay, Andre and Uncle Nick! Brilliant idea!
I have to say, I absolutely adore the fuschia dress. It looks totally out of place in the collection, yet it's my favourite of all of them. Every time I see it, I like it even more.
She's really done something interesting with the cut, and it doesn't look "cataloguey" at all. And I adore the model, and the hair, and the pearls. SO fabulous.
The problem with Wendy, doing a runway is that she doesn't really have her own 'style'.
So it really comes across as an old woman putting out things she thinks young folks will like, and just doesn't deliver.
Where as Kara and Jay, not extremely young, but just are confident in their own viewpoints where it comes across as cohesive and ascetically pleasing.
I was just kidding about writing to Bravo. I do love you guys.
Actually, the judge I'd like to see again in the future, at least for the finale, is Fern Mallis. She was perfect.
you should rip austin's collection too
Absolutely love the Tippi/Herrera dress. In another collection. This collection seemed disjointed and insecure.
the model wearing Carolina-Herrera dress, is that model Joy from Project runway?
Screw the guest judging. Hold out for your own damn show.
I was waiting to see your reaction to that see-through dress. I'm guessing it was something like "EW EW EW EW EEEEEW!!!" She either tries to be REALLY conservative or really slutty. There's no middle-ground with her designs.
"Wendy, Carolina Herrera called. She wants to talk to you. She sounded pissed."
"That sound you hear is a collection derailing."
I want you guys installed in my head doing running commentary on everything in my life. Can we arrange that??
I never noticed the peakaboo nipple in the first dress.
"Wendy, Carolina Herrera called. She wants to talk to you. She sounded pissed."
Melissa is gorge. Just gorge.
Anne: Or at least, and I've said this before, Bravo should do a show where they rerun the episode and let you guys do voice-over commentary. You could even do a "what you didn't see" portion where we get all the rest of the dirt. I would plan my LIFE around a show like that.
I'd sit through commercials, even.
SNF: Actually, the judge I'd like to see again in the future, at least for the finale, is Fern Mallis. She was perfect.
She was one of the few judges that had a legitimate claim to be there. Okay, it makes sense to have Sasha Cohen judge a skating outfit she will wear, or Nicky Hilton judge "her" dress, but so many guest judges leave me baffled.
Diane Von Furstenberg, of course, is in a league all her own. I don't know if my knees would have let me get up on the stage.
I totally agree that Fern should be a repeat judge...for all of the finals. She has the gravitas, perspective and a knowledge of the industry that the other judges don't share (for example: speaking up for Uli and the resort market when all Michael Kors seemed to be thinking was "ick").
On another matter: T&L, you had said you would cover Austin's runway collection as well as those of the 3 finalists. In the busy busy days ahead, will you still have time to do that???
Oh, please cover Austin's! i have never seen it!
It was hilarious when wendy sent the peekaboo (or was it the LOOK AT ME!) top dress down the runway; the judges' face were priceless. I have never seen a series of faces saying "Oh no no NO" so well before. Also, I do love the red dress, but it looks like the model just woke up--slouchy, hair and make-up that doesn't match the dress. That was bad. I did like her music, although it seems no one else did. If nothing else, it fit her collection and helped give an overall feel. Even if that feel was 'disaster'.
"It's a shame. Wendy's scheming didn't really get her to Bryant Park."
You're right, Nancy O'Dell did! That's the sick irony! When i look at the "where are they now" portion of the DVD and see some of Austin's subsequent designs, it's truly a bloody shame he didn't get to show in competition.
Everytime I think of her saying, "Hey Austin, wanna design my Oscar dress?" I wish he would've given her the finger! or said "No, but I can knot you a designer noose!"
All that said: while Wendy was not deserving of the Olympus show, IMO, but there's something about her that I find sympathetic. Riddled w/ insecurities, constantly in doubt and in over her head...but she WAS the little train that could, she DID "pull it out" when she needed to and at least to us the viewers she WAS honest. It is too bad she was constantly in survivor mode. Look at the comradery that existed b/w Kara, Jay & Austin. All competitors who wanted to win. I think Wendy's line would have benefited alot more from cultivating those relationships.
Abe Bogota
Wow, she really did get a makeover, didn't she? I didn't even recognize her in the pictures on her website. What a transformation.
In the collection on her website there's another completely sheer (sans bra) top. And there's such a variety of looks that I'd say it's true-- she's really a client-oriented designer and is designing very much for her clients and specific market. In fact, some of the models don't look like professional models (friends or clients, maybe?). But the first girl in the makeup room pictures looks so young it's scary. . . she looks all of 13.
i dont see a diff between the green dress and the pink dress ....there exactly the same....
i thought the pink dress was the best outfit in her collection....it really reminded me of the dress she made for the banana rebuplic - clean & simple
Oh i do hope you guys cover austins collection!!!!!!
but im afraid for austin because the collection he showed made wendys collection look like gold
"Wow, she really did get a makeover, didn't she? I didn't even recognize her in the pictures on her website. What a transformation."
Ditto...I thought that was a totally different person!
Yipes! Poor Melissa -- that squeeeeeze looks downright painful!
Heh, Austin got the last laugh. He's designing high-end wedding gowns for Kenneth Pool while Wendy is picking up guest gigs on "Celebrity Poker." In fact, Austin may have made out better than any other Season I designer. Good on him.
Did you notice the look of utter disgust on Melissa's face when Wendy goes to the waiting room with news that she didn't win? It's classic.
Hmm, this is why it's good to look at stills of outfits before talking about them. I remember having really liked some of these last outfits, especially the ones with corset-style tops, but looking at them now, there seem to be a lot of problems. Loved the weaving on the first top, but it looks awfully loose on that model. And what's going on with the fit in the final outfit? Like the design of it, but the buckled corset is really making Melissa into a tube.
I think I have to agree with you guys...Wendy's collection is full of perfectly serviceable (and attractive-ish) clothes, but it's nothing special.
As usual, your assessments are spot on.
That's why I think Anne's idea is worth Bravo considering. Talk about must-see tv!
"Or at least, and I've said this before, Bravo should do a show where they rerun the episode and let you guys do voice-over commentary. You could even do a "what you didn't see" portion where we get all the rest of the dirt. I would plan my LIFE around a show like that."
Just go to her website. She's still all over the place. Some of those outfits are poorly made and distasteful, then every once in a while she comes up with an ok design. She's still into showing nipply tops. What gives? I can't image that women in Loudoun County are clamoring to wear those tops.
My impression of this collection, aside from that red number, is
"Wendy, Carolina Herrera called. She wants to talk to you. She sounded pissed."
And Oscar de la Renta is holding on line two...
You HAVE to check out Wnedy's Haute Couture section on her website--they must have been able to keep their collections after the show, because she has several of her S1 Bryant park dresses being modeled in "avant garde" styling with less conventional models. The see-through top is discreetly covered by a green shawl though.
She's tenacious, I'll say that for her!
Did you notice the look of utter disgust on Melissa's face when Wendy goes to the waiting room with news that she didn't win? It's classic.
I KNOW. It beats the pants off of Amanda's reaction to not being picked for the final three.
In fact you reminded me to play my copy of the finale, to see it again. I paused it at the exact zenith of disgust, but my expensive graphic imaging software (paint) isn't cooperating well, so I can't upload a screenshot. Maybe the gayboys will do us the honour in a later post. It's sheer comic gold.
"Or at least, and I've said this before, Bravo should do a show where they rerun the episode and let you guys do voice-over commentary."
There used to be some sort of show like that, I think, on Comedy Central. Can't remember the show. It's all fuzzy.
--Gotham Tomato
I looked through EVERY collection in Olympus Fashion Week of the other "established" designers. Vera wang and Donna Karan - triple yuccckkkkk. These three PR designers did BETTER than most of the established designers. I didn't see much "innovation" in Herrera, Kors, et al. I saw a lot of repetition, ugly fabrics, things not fitted well, and just plain unattractive clothing. Wendy did a decent, frankly wearable, collection. Kara Saun did a movie costume parade (doesn't make her a fashion designer, though - just a costumer) and Jay, well Jay, did Granny Goes Mod. But he did do it well.
David's Bridal called. They want their stuff back.
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