Congratulations boys. You two have done a really outstanding job on this blog and you really deserve the recognition. Of course I voted for you first thing this morning.
I'll be posting my own little Bloggie campaign here at work for you.
YEA! Good for you! This blog is the best there is, I've been addicted every since I got the link! Nobody deserves this more than you two. Good Luck! You've got my vote.
it couldn't have happened to two more divine and fabulous boys. Love ya pumpkins. It's just been a whirlwind, hasn't it?
Gee, "Belle," that doesn't quite jibe with the comment you made over at Joe's site, now does it? Not to mention it doesn't make a lick of sense. T&L were nominated for best NEW blog. Joe's been around for years. Stop looking for rivalries where none exist.
Dougie in Detroit said... You guys don't deserve diddly... Your need for adulation is pretty sick. ******************* Hmmm.. this sounds like it could be "Jeffrey in Detroit." How sad.
Now everyone go to
and vote for our boys!!
(best new blog)
You go Boys!!!!! See, in case you had any doubts at all, you now KNOW you are loved!!!!!
and bpr got a nomination too!
Yes, we DO like you, we really like you!
The PERFECT screen caption! Thrilled for your nomination, but not surprised!
Already voted for you, dahlings! You go, girls! YAYYYYYY!!
No one deserves it more than you two. :)
Way to go! I just voted for a bunch of blogs I've never heard of and YOU!
The awards are given at the SXSW festival in Austin! You two fab boys are welcome to stay with us --we certainly have the extra bedroom.
At the very least, I'll make you an orgasmic Mexican dinner.
Congratulations boys. You two have done a really outstanding job on this blog and you really deserve the recognition. Of course I voted for you first thing this morning.
I'll be posting my own little Bloggie campaign here at work for you.
- Barnaby
They like you! They really like you!
Congratulations, Boys!
Congratulations Gentlemen!
And well deserved it is!
YEA! Good for you! This blog is the best there is, I've been addicted every since I got the link! Nobody deserves this more than you two. Good Luck! You've got my vote.
Congrats, boys!
get it girls :)
Of course we did sweeties! And you deserve to win, too!!!
way to go sweets!
Unless it happened to darling Joe at
it couldn't have happened to two more divine and fabulous boys. Love ya pumpkins. It's just been a whirlwind, hasn't it?
you've got my vote!
Hooray! I nominated you guys & BPR. So glad that you made it through to the top five!! Okay . . . going to vote now! =)
Consider yourselves voted for!
I'm from Chicago, as they like to say here, vote early and vote often!!
Just cast my votes
This year, Project: Rungay = Best New Weblog.
Next year, Project: Rungay = Best Humorous Weblog.
You guys rock it hard!
We like you! We really like you!
I suspect that Project Gay will be in the running next year.
Voted. You win.
Congratulations T&L! A well earned nod to your fabulousness...
Congratulations, bitches! That is FABULOUS!!
T&L -
Am voting for you and BPR from every e-mail account I have!
Your fabulousness just is unstoppable.
Yaaayy for youse!
Congrats, boys!
I share this blog (along with Project Gay) with EVERYONE I know. All my friends are now hooked.
Again, Congrats!
Congrats on your nomination! I love this show and will check back often!
Fabulous, boys! Congratulations!!
Oh no you did not! Shut UP! That is fabulous! Congrats, boys!
Mwah! Thank you for all you do to brighten our world!
Your blogs are the only ones I check every single day. You are my sunshine!
No one deserved it more. Yours is the only blog I visit daily.
We LIKE you. We REALLY like you.
Perfect picture for the announcement - but please don't start pushing Boniva on TV like Miss Field.
Unless it happened to darling Joe at
it couldn't have happened to two more divine and fabulous boys. Love ya pumpkins. It's just been a whirlwind, hasn't it?
Gee, "Belle," that doesn't quite jibe with the comment you made over at Joe's site, now does it? Not to mention it doesn't make a lick of sense. T&L were nominated for best NEW blog. Joe's been around for years. Stop looking for rivalries where none exist.
No you shut up! No YOU shut up! No YOUUUUUUUUUUUU shut up!!! Don't you love those arguments? I voted for you boysies! Congrats!
You guys don't deserve diddly.Your blog is not that special, and you don't really have much original material within.
The stuff you post, is and has been available online for ages, just you have "borrowed" it for a blog format !
Give me something original, then I'll heap praise on you like the others falling at your feet.
Your need for adulation is pretty sick.
Dougie in Detroit said...
You guys don't deserve diddly...
Your need for adulation is pretty sick.
Hmmm.. this sounds like it could be "Jeffrey in Detroit." How sad.
You guys may not have as much under arm hair as Sally Field, but I think you are more talented.
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