Oh, this is just too delicious not to share.
Reviewed by TLo
Friday, December 08, 2006
Rating: 5
Oh, this is just too delicious not to share.
Friday, December 08, 2006 by Author
Via Michelle (thanks!) from the Project Runway Community on LiveJournal:
"So! For those of you who were unaware, Jay McCarroll, winner of Season 1, was a member of Colorguard during High School.
On the WinterGuard International website, there is a video of Jay McCarroll in a winterguard show with his guard."
Girl, you have completely forfeit the right to rag on Austin for being a queen. Watch the video here.
I liked it! I really really liked it!
absolutely hilarious...
I'd like to rag on him, but he's just so pretty dancing around with his little flag. Like a little sugar-plum fairy! ;)
fan freakin'tastic - you guys put the sun in my sky every day. Can't live if livin' is without you kittens!
that was fantastic! whew. i needed that. ;)
What a nice way to end the week. Makes me want to wave a flag and dance around.
betcha she can't kick it up like that anymore.....
I hate you Gayboys!!! rhah!!!
betcha she can't kick it up like that anymore.....
What? Who?
oh my god, the toe point, the head toss, the pelvic thrust and the graceful leap!! how did it turn into a scraggly bearded looks like he oughta be following the Dead kind of guy?
i love jay. i didn't before i began watching season 1 ~ everything i saw of him after i found PR mid-season 2 was obnoxious. but i love jay. that beard. my clipping finger's itching everytime i see it.
I was gonna email you about this. How hilarious and wonderful is our Jay? He's certainly a better dancer than Austin!
oh, and the brocade jammies . . . isn't that in the mo guidebook somewhere? gold brocade jammies?
OH. MY. GOD. That is so freaking funny. I love Jay. He is still my favorite.
This is so cute. I love it. The head toss??!! PRICELESS. Jay is fabulous!!
More!! Want more!!!
Too adorable!!!
And I tihnk this also explains this ability to twirl stuff around the workroom, I thought perhaps he had a martial arts background in his past, but I really hope this is the more delightful explanation!
Gotta go watch it again!
Where do you get this stuff? It just keeps getting better and better.
This video is very funny. I love Jay. He's witty, talented, and hilarious. I love my gays!!
Ok, I get home and there's more? STOP IT, you guys. Hahahahahah, I'll never get anything done around here.
I can't stop watching it. It's so funny and cute at the same time.
" Ms. Place said...
Where do you get this stuff? It just keeps getting better and better."
Seriously. If I were a designer I'd be very afraid. hahaha.
He was good! If he would just put down those damn cigerettes and pick up his flag and start prancing he would feel a lot better, lose some weight and not be so bitchy!
I really like it actually. Great plot ;-)
OMG, the kid can move! I love it, Jay back in the day.
Wow ... that is gayer than me.
Usually color guard performances aren't that elaborate...at least not when I was in high school. That was damn near theatrical! Gotta love Jay and all of his flamboyancy <-- Is that a word? Oh well, it is now :)
Aww, guys, that is so adorable. Thanks!! That made my day!
He's Fagtacular!
Jay, you're my ultra hero! There's no one on this Earth like you! Where do I sign up for your fan club!
That is the gayest thing EVER and I LOVE it! Bye now, I have to watch it again : - )
Fantastic! That is so cool!! Jay is a fabulous bitch, isn't he?
What a great dancer Jay is! I love it!! Now, could somebody explain to me the whole flag thing? That looks fascinating!
That is adorable! Awwww... Jay just became 10 times more lovable!
Fabulous. Now if only they'd gone in for a few close-ups. You suppose our Indiana sugar plum got picked on much by the other boys in school?
I just read something that said Tim Gunn is not coming back for PR's next season. Does anyone know if this is true? I can't even find the *^*$ing gossip blog where I read it...
I would have never thought he could move so fast.
--Gotham Tomato
I'm so proud of you girl!! That is fabulous, Jay!!!
Looking back to when I was in marching band in high school and college, most of the best colorguard twirlers were the gay guys. And no wonder they love it, because you get to:
perform in cool (read: fashionable) uniforms/costumes
twirl flags made of chiffon and other silky gossamer-like material
dance and perform to Broadway tunes most of the time.
Yeah, Jay! And thanks guys, for this little gem!
Whooda tought! That shit is totally off the rainbow scale...did you see his facial expression.
I always thought his 1st PR collection was for Trendy Amish Women who like Color and value a good knit.
Thanks & XXXOOO to the boys for this JayJaGayGa
OK...I am being serious- HE IS REALLY GOOD!!
LOL!! Loved it!
Anonymous said...
I just read something that said Tim Gunn is not coming back for PR's next season. Does anyone know if this is true? I can't even find the *^*$ing gossip blog where I read it...
5:46 PM
Don't even play like that.
I wonder if he made his costume. Notice how the pants are short, just like Fred Astaire's, so that you don't miss the footwork of his dancing.
Love the toe point, the attitude, the way he interprets the music and owns it. Jay, you are fan-freaking-tastic.
Kids, this was posted on Queerty.com 12hrs ago & is the latest news about TG being a possible no show for season 4--
Tim Gunn "Out"?
Will Television Ever Be The Same?
Okay, don't panic. Nothing's been confirmed, but there's some pretty unsettling talk that Tim Gunn maybe may not possibly appear on the fourth season of Bravo's Project Runway.
It seems his role as fashion den mother's been cutting into his other Parson's related duties. (Walking into the studio, looking at a piece and shrugging is far more time consuming than you think.) People reports:
His responsibilities as chair of the fashion design department at New York City's Parsons school, where Gunn, 53, has worked for 23 years, make him unavailable for filming during the academic year.
In an attempt to quell rumors - and, no doubt, worldwide rioting - the show's producers insist they'll work around everyone's schedules to bring viewers yet another season of inseam infighting. Well, that's a relief.
Now, we understand Gunn's a big wig at the esteemed fashion school, but we can't help but think the real scheduling conflict arises more from his totally geeky, yet undeniably cool love for miniature houses than his duties counseling Parson's coked-out, bipolar fashionistas.
Related article:
Tim Gunn May Not Be on the Next Project Runway [People]
Oh wow! As an ex-winterguard member and and current coach I live on the WGI website, I don't know how I missed that!
That having been said I stand by the fact that guys on flag is the meanest thing ever.
For high school colorguard, he's pretty amazing! Actually, for any colorguard. Such grace!
It's things like this that renew my faith in the human race and give me the strength to carry on. GO JAY! WAVE THAT FLAG!
More more more!
I didn't understand it, but I like it...
-- desertwind
There's something about that costume that feels so familiar:
well, being from the South, in my 46 years I've never heard even once of something called Winterguard. quite an eye-opener.
i take it all my gay-boy friends here also took a look at the rifle FUNdamentals clip.
K., I was born and raised in Mobile, AL, and we had wintergaurd in school.
well, Crow -- i take back the southern part -- maybe i never heard of winterguard because of my advanced age, the circles i traveled in, or maybe it's because here in N.O. we just HAVE to be different all the time.
wake up, darlings! i've been working since 5 a.m. consistently checking here for an update. i know you have something to say about the princess's dance ;-)
That could only have been more gay if Peggy Fleming came out riding a pink unicorn and wearing a tiara.
It takes b@lls for a boy to prance around like that in high school...cheers to you, Jay.
That was the motherfucking awesome.
At first I just loved Jay. Now I wish I could give birth to him.
OMFG, totally hilarious.
It makes me insanely happy that Jay found a way to be beautifully, lovably queer in the hell that is high school. Go Jay!
This was a fabulous clip. My sister is in winterguard so my family definitly appreciated this. He is actually very good!
VERY funny! He is good, isn't he?
Wouldn't it be great to see one of the PR designers actually design the uniforms/costumes and the flags for one of the drum corps or Winter Guard corps? That would be so fab.
Lelê hearts hearts heats Jay.. she really really does!! <3 <3
That...is....amazing. That's even worse than his "red-head" story! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! ::falls over and dies laughing::
It's actually NOT from high school though. It's when Jay performed with West Chester University's winter guard, Field of View.
He's the reason I starting watching Project Runway "Isn't that that kid from Field of View?" and we chatted about it at Malan's grand opening.
Good times - good memories :)
Wait, people do this stuff in college?
My word, what strange things happen on the U.S. mainland.
This is the sweetest thing I've watched on the net today. Jay is fucking adorable!
Jay is awesome!! That is where he got his skills when he was pretending to wield a samurai sword. Thank you so much for that- this video made me happy.
OMG that is too funny. I can't stop watching it.
Jay is still my bitch!!
Oh... that was WONDERFUL!! I needed a really good laugh and that did the trick. Thank you!
Wow. I was on flag corps in high school and college, and we never did anything so flagrantly fab.
My Jay love just increased tenfold.
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