We're feeling uncharacteristically kind-hearted.
To be honest, conceptually, this was actually a very good idea. It's the execution that was piss-poor.
We thought that the basic idea behind it was sound. It still looked like a uniform but with slightly more style and with comfort and ease of movement as the main attributes.
That's all well and good, but unfortunately, the end product was ugly. The fabric looked cheap and the colors were drab and a little depressing. It was also unusually poorly made. Not that Robert ever demonstrated master tailoring skills, but he was usually able to pull something together that looked, you know...done.
That top is an utter disaster. You just know Olga's all "I left Russia for this?"
Here's the thing: we think the judges ignored their own criteria in this instance. Time and time again, in all 3 seasons of the show, when the decision came down to aufing a designer who took some risks and failed and aufing a designer who took no risks, the judges always keep the designer who took the risks. Not so in this case. They'd never admit it, but we suspect the judges had come to the same question that the remaining designers had all been asking: "What is Rob still doing here?" Whatever he designed, unless it turned out to be some sort of masterpiece (which was about as likely as Wendy deciding not to be a sociopath), the judges had it in for him and he was going to go this week.
Don't get us wrong, we're not defending the outfit. It was definitely bad. And yes, it really was time for him to go, but it felt like the judges didn't have a good enough reason to do so and just sort of glossed over that part of the discussion.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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That top was too much. You can see her tits bouncing all over. I'm glad he's aufed. I never liked any of his designs.
I agree with the analysis but I still think Wendy should have been auf'd this week. At least Rob had a decent idea on the convertable pants. There was nothing useful or stylish or well constructed about Psycho's garment.
I'm glad his "be nice" bullshit didn't work this time. I was a never a fan of his designs, now his ass...
Without the US Mail patches and with shorter shorts, it would look just like my gym uniform from Union Catholic Boys HS - nuff said.
It really should have been Wendy that went this episode. Rob put some thought into the design to come up with an idea, while Wendy just recreated the same drab crap as usual.
Quite frankly, I don't see any "design" there. It looks like something you'd buy at any store.
Sadly, these still images do not do justice to the horror that was Olga's boobs+that sweater+runway walk. *shudder*
I'm not blaming her boobs, I'm blaming the sweater. But I do still concur that Wendy should have been marked return to sender and sent packing in a big box with her butt ugly shoes!
Poorly made, poor design...I wasn't impressed at all.
The judges may, pretty consistantly, choose the designer who tok risks over the designer who didn't; but what the justges also do, even more consistantly, is keep the designer who is the biggest jerk/aggravator to the rest of the group. (See Jeffrey, Santino & Vincent. Wendy was their antecedent).
Wendy was kept because she is a devious nutjob who everyone hated. Rob was a nice guy who got along, so he was auf'd.
--Gotham Tomato
BTW, I've been waiting for you to blog about Moustache-gate.
I know you can't let this ep go by without talking about THAT.
I have always believed that Sybil Pepper drew it on herself to attempt to make herself seem sympathetic to TV viewers as well as the other designers. PLUS it was just more manipulation; trying to throw them off kilter.
--Gotham Tomato
Good riddance! That's all I'm going to say.
Yes, he had one good idea with the convertable pants but he didn't think about the entire outfit. That top had absolutely nothing to do with a postal uniform. At least Wendy created a complete uniform, even if it was unoriginal. Robert deserved to go.
but what the justges also do, even more consistantly, is keep the designer who is the biggest jerk/aggravator to the rest of the group.
I think certain people just run the risk of being remembered negatively the longer they stay. Both Santino and Zulema offended some of the season 2 people. Yet Tim noted that the other designers were afraid of Zulema, which did not seem to be the case with Santino.
That being said, I really think that Wendy was the only season one contestant that even was a jerk. Creative editing would need to come into play for that to occur.
Well, I thought the boobs were terrific. But I really, really, really don't want to see the average lettercarrier's boobs in that thing. Robert is all about the boobs, though; he wasn't able to get the right fabric because he was too distracted by the hott salesperson at Mood. He really needs to get that stuff slapped down a little. And he needs to be not in this competition.
"Fnarf said...
Well, I thought the boobs were terrific. But I really, really, really don't want to see the average lettercarrier's boobs in that thing. Robert is all about the boobs, though; he wasn't able to get the right fabric because he was too distracted by the hott salesperson at Mood. He really needs to get that stuff slapped down a little. And he needs to be not in this competition.
ROFL. That is so funny, Fnarf!
"But I really, really, really don't want to see the average lettercarrier's boobs in that thing."
Especially since the average Letter Carrier's boobs are man-boobs.
--Gotham Tomato
Robert made made very few functional improvements to the uniform. There was nothing innovative about it.
"Both Santino and Zulema offended some of the season 2 people. Yet Tim noted that the other designers were afraid of Zulema, which did not seem to be the case with Santino."
Zulema/Shatengi seemed to be more overt with her aggressiveness. While Santino's worst barbs seemed to be behind the back, in confessionals, so no one knew what he was saying til they saw it on TV. Though he did seem to wear out his welcome by the end & the others seemed shocked by what he'd said about them on camera.
Also, I'm thinking that Santino's humor both amused as well as masked what the others came to see later.
--Gotham Tomato
" LittleKarnak said...
And what about NinaGarcia asking "How has he made it this far (paraphrased)?" Uh, I think you guys kept voting him In, that's why he was still there."
Exactly. All his designs were simple and boring, except for the "envy" outfit. Everybody questioned his talent and yet he always managed to stay for one more challenge.
Yes, I agree that it was cumulative for Rob this episode. Some of Wendy's outfits over the season had promise, while Rob just hung out. (Perhaps even literally.)
Robert is gone at last! Practically everyone on the show made a comment at some point about how they couldn't believe how he kept slipping past the judges.
Mmmm. I thought I could have sewn this outfit better under the same time pressure, though it was 1000% better than La Pepper's. Why did they keep her?
I'm going to be ripped apart for this, but: I don't get why everyone hates Wendy so much. If you go into all the interviews cinfessions, Jay and Kara said as least as much if not more, and worse things about the other designers as Wendy did.
I feel liek I must be missing soemthign. I've watched the season through 3 times, and don't get evil from Wendy at all. Insecurity, yes, in bucketloads, but that's about it.
"I've watched the season through 3 times, and don't get evil from Wendy at all. Insecurity, yes, in bucketloads, but that's about it."
This might just be a question of semantics then, but here it goes: Wendy called her actions evil in episode two. Unlike Jay and Kara Saun, she said bad things about other designers in front of the judges. Insecurity is the cause of such actions, but the fact remains that she was the only designer (on any season) that did not realize that the show was about getting by on talent rather than exploiting "weakness."
"I saw a weakness in Kevin, and I decided to exploit it." Wendy said that on her website.
(If you change the number you can see more from Wendy. Hooray for the links in old TWoP posts. And the insomnia that makes reading them possible.)
What the hell was up with the collar on the shirt? Do you see how lopsided it was? REALLY poorly executed.
I did like how Plotkin was one of the good guys.
Too bad he never shtupped Alexandra- it might have bought him another week or two.
It was time for him to go. This design was terrible. I don't think he is as "cute" as he thinks he is. I agree with the person who doesn't care for that greasy look. But it does come down to the designs in the end and his were truly weak throughout.
As for Wendy... she doesn't bother me like she does so many. But I will keep laughing a lot whenever I picture her design for this challenge. Let's remember that there was a client involved who also was a judge. I don't believe this has been mentioned. And the client wasn't negative about Wendy's effort.
He was very sweet, funny...but he had no talent. Looking at those pictures you can see how poorly executed the outfit is.
I think that NinaGarcia was already running things way back then. Didn't you see her look when she asked why the HELL Rob was still in it? The postal girl judge seemed to like Wendy's the least, but they went with Robert because the judges were sick of him.
charm and cuteness will take you a long way in this world. what's he doing now?
Olga needs A BRA! Her tits are bouncing down the runway.
I think Wendy's outfit was WAY worse than Robert's. But whenever you hear the words "poorly executed" or "badly made" on PR, you just know it's bye-bye time for the unfortunate designer. Doesn't change my mind: The Pepper should gone home that day... but I agree with Gotham Tomato that the judges and producers (hence that little note at the beginning of the end credits) are always gonna cut the biggest nutjobs some slack because they make better TV.
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