Okay, here's a shocker: we didn't hate this.
We didn't exactly love it, but it followed the dictates of the collection to the letter and you can tell she made the effort to make the piece look like the rest of the collection (as it was explained to her).
Granted, it doesn't look like she actually did anything but shred existing clothes and the fringe on the skirt brings it dangerously close to a Pocahontas costume, but all in all, it looks like what it was supposed to look like, a deconstructed, futuristic outfit.
Ann Slowey overreacted (as usual) and for some reason, tore into Wendy and passed right over designers who should have had their asses kicked by her.
For once, we would have loved to see Wendy pull out all the stops on her bitchery.
"Quite frankly it looks like my cat chewed up a ball of yarn and spit it out an hour later."
"Yeah? Quite frankly, that top makes you look like a Christmas ornament. An old Christmas ornament."
"Who did your makeup, Wendy? Ronald McDonald?"
"Who did your hair, Ann? Clorox?"
"I'm gazing into my crystal ball, Wendy. I see a lifetime of mediocrity in your future."
"Yeah, well I'm gazing at your forehead and I see hair plugs in yours."
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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Sadly, while Wendy has proven to be a witch, I think you are definitely putting far too much clever bitchiness in her badly lipsitcked mouth.
But the exchange is brilliant. :)
haha! your brand of narrated bitchery is the best.
I love how her makeup makes her face darker than her neck and chest (isn't bad makeup usually the other way around?)
Now THAT'S deconstruction!
Those close-ups of Wendy illustrate perfectly why every style isn't for every woman: Specifically the tossled hair.
If a pretty girl, (or at least a nice one) like one of the models wore that hairstyle, people would look at them and think, 'Such a pretty girl. It's a shame she doesn't own a brush.'
But with someone like Wendy, they would simply think, 'Look at that pig. The least she could do is fix her hair.'
--Gotham Tomato
*F--K*in'larious. That whole exchange had me guffawing!
Melissa rocks as a model. She strutted her stuff down that runway so those stringy thingies on her top and skirt swayed to her hip action. It was glorious to watch.
You gayboys make me laugh out loud!
That Ann Slowey is almost as much of a bitch as Wendy. She tore Wendy a new one and was all giggly and girly over Robert. I hate misogynists, especially when they're female.
Both their outfits sucked more than Kevin's.
I actually preferred Wendy's outfit to Robert's and Austin's this week. Slowey's just a woman-hater.
Wendy sucks.
Hey just trying out my new actual blogger name. Now I gotta figure out how to load a pic....
Carry on!
I don't know if I hated the dress or just hated the way Wendy handled herself this episode...its a toss up.
Bwaa haa haa! You two are in fine form today?
You didn't hate it? Really? I did. I hated Robert's more and thought Kevin's was less relevant to the agreed upon look (although I could undestand that to a degree, his was a uniform), but I hated Wendy's. I really did. It just looked so...5th grade kid making a craft project for a girl scout badge.
Is Slowey perhaps the worst judge yet? Or just the worst looking?
Brilliant as usual, boys!!
Oh my God, that was hysterical!
Jeez, I was looking at them saying "Mirror, mirror on the wall..." they look like mirror images of each other -
over processed hair - check
crappy makeup - check
lousy choice in clothes - check
There's even the picture of Ann handing Wendy the poison apple (ok, you guys think it is a crystal ball)
ROFL. I HATE Anne Slowey. I didn't think Wendy's outfit was that bad either.
I wish they had explained the hair trends of the future. Will hair spray be so limited that all models must share a communal bottle?
I would LOVE for someone to rip Anne a new one! Hilarious!
LOL. You guys always make me laugh.
"Bean said...
haha! your brand of narrated bitchery is the best. "
Hahaha. I agree 100%. Nobody does screen captions like you two bitches!!
Anne Bitch Slowey never has anything nice to say. I also question her opinion and judgment. I don't think she's a good judge at all.
I liked the outfit. I wish my cat would spit out something like that. Anne was just being mean for no reason.
You had me at HELLO. You had me at Hello.
It does look like she just cut and shredded some pieces, but I like all the pockets and stuff for all the accessories she'll need in 2055.
I just peed a little in my chair - hilarious!
I think you should do commentary on everything - it would make my life better.
Have a wonderful holiday, guys!
HA! You bitches are the best! That is so funny. Melissa is a great model. She looks so different here.
Slowey's mama should have taught her how to tease that mane. That's just pathetic.
OMG these pictures are hilarious, combined with PRG snarky and witty commentary, of course. HILARIOUS!!!
Oh, dear god, this woman can't apply makeup to save her life.
Wendy's stripe of hair in front drives me insane.
I'd forgotten how much we saw of Ms. Slowey the first season. Almost makes me miss Nina.
LOL. Very funny!
I know that Wendy's image is created to some degree by the editors of the show, but I can't stand the way she tries to manipulate everyone. I'm also not impressed with her designs.
They all look like things you have seen a million times before, and done better.
I think this outfit looks like something from a bad dinner theater performance of "Annie Get Your Gun" complete with boots and holster. Alright, everyone join in "I can do anything better than you can..."
Love love lurrrrve me some Melissa! She made that hacked up furball of Wendy's dress (did I mention I hated the look? Way too pedestrian for the challenge) appear decent! Kid's gonna be a superstar!
Her explanation was bunk. You think in 2055 everybody's going to be carrying around fifteen separate giant tech gadgets? Phone? GPS? Honey, all that stuff's going to be in the earpiece of your specs, if not implanted directly into your brain.
oh that anne, what a sow. could have smacked her when she was fawning over robert and thought she was excessively nasty to wendy though i would be nasty to wendy just on principle.
i thought the outfit was pretty ugly. i especially hated that carpenter's tool belt around her waist. and even if it had been gorgeous, wendy's conniving, manipulating, fawning nastiness would have spoiled it for me.
*sniff* i've never been conniving, fawning, manipulative. oh the judgments that fly from my fingers these days . . .
smooches to all of you ~ happy holidays and if not, they'll soon be over.
That "thing" around Slowey's neck looks like a souvenir from the last bitch fight she got into. Sort of like a bear claw that a mountain man would wear.
As much as I detest Wendy, and have absolutely no respect for Ann, I would have loved it if they had devoted more time to the cat fight that I am sure ensued off camera.
Anne Slowey.....ugh. She's a scary one. I still don't understand why she called Emmett's ice skating outfit "vulgar". And what is up with her use of the term "tootie?" She has one, you'd think she could come up with a better name for it, but then again, she does seem to hate women.....
Hahahaha! You guys kill me..
The Wendy - Anne Slowey exchange was hysterical! I was on a business call and almost fell out of my chair!
Too funny...that's the stuff that gets me hard...XXXOOO to the boys
What was up with Melissa's hair? I really didn't get why it was curly except for that flat portion going down her face. It looked odd.
"but then again, she does seem to hate women....."
You do realize you just used Wendy as a stand in for all women. Who hates women?
She really just seemed to smile a little during and/or laugh at Robert's (far superior) pitch.
Man, wouldn't it have been awesome if Anne and Wendy just eleminate each other right then and there in a glorious bitchfight to the death? Then we'd never have to see Anne pass judgement on people more talented then her again, and then Wendy will never have made it any farther in the competition.
I can dream, right? Right? ...Right?
Slowey's just a woman-hater.
Oh, I dunno about that...
You'll see what I mean when the GayBoys get to blogging about Season 2.
I thought Slowey looked like a Sharon Stone gone homicidally bad in an insane asylum scene.
OMG I'm laughing too much right,now!!!
Can anyone explain why Wendy's hair has about seven different colors? Is it blonde/going grey with some weird, underlying dark patch? Or is it dark and she spilled some bleach on her bangs? Very confusing. (Of course, as others had pointed out, it would help if she would brush it occasionally.)
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