And it's Kara Saun for the win again! We couldn't have agreed more. This gown was GORGEOUS.
The one thing that T&L were in disagreement over was the trim around the neckline. Lorenzo loved it but Tom didn't think it was necessary.
God bless freeze-framing, because this was shot so fleetingly that you barely noticed the beautiful train.
When it comes to wedding dresses, we're both big fans of the sleek, sexy, modern look rather than the "Princess Bride" look that's all too common. Sure, not every woman can pull off a dress like this, but then again most women don't look good in a bustle and somehow the bridal industry has convinced everyone that they're still de rigeur. Go for the modern look, gals. Why would you want to wear something that has nothing to do with who you are or the time in which you live? But we digress.
There's little else we can say about the dress because it's so simple. It fits her perfectly, doesn't it?
And for once a model cries not because she's a drama queen or a bitch (we'll get to you later, Olga) but because she's in love with what she's wearing. Jenny, you are an absolute sweetheart and a designer's dream.
See how the dress looks without the neckline trim? Did it really need it?
And is Kara Saun doing the Loco-motion or something?
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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Beautiful in its simplicity. A bit low cut for my tastes. (Bride had better not bend over, if you get my drift), but a true wedding gown. Plus she pleased the client!
Wow, I'd forgotten how beautiful this dress was. I like the trim more in the back than I do in the front, but still. GORGEOUS.
Simply stunning.
Almost made me want to get married.
--Gotham Tomato
too much shine
I think the dress was absolutely stunning. With or without the trim it works, and can be left as a matter of taste, which just shows how good the underlying design is.
"Why would you want to wear something that has nothing to do with who you are or the time in which you live? But we digress."
Amen, sister. GORGEOUS dress. BTW, I love the last caption of Jenny. She looks so sweet.
I thought this competition was particularily unfair. Nora's model knows EXACTLY what she wants. Kara's model had no opinion. Austin's had way too much opinion.
Sans trim please! Beautiful dress!
It's clear why T&L love this dress. Does that plunging neckline remind anyone of a certain gayboy favorite?
Actually, this dress is fab. I wish we could see the back better. It looks like there is some interesting gathering going on around the butt.
And what's wrong with dressing up as an 18th century tart for your wedding? ;-)
Really gorgeous, but no mother of the bride would let a daughter wear anything that low cut. A bride is still supposed to be beautiful, but not HOT. Most grooms would agree, actually. She's supposed to be wearing a slutty lace demi-bra, thong and garters underneath for his eyes only...
I loved this dress. That's exactly the kind of dress I want for my wedding, plunging neckline and everything. It's simple and elegant.
Really gorgeous, but no mother of the bride would let a daughter wear anything that low cut. A bride is still supposed to be beautiful, but not HOT.
That sounds like an awfully limited and dictatorial view of what a bride is "supposed" to be.
And obviously, this dress is for the kind of grownup woman who doesn't allow her mother to pick out her clothes for her.
"yawningdog said...
I thought this competition was particularily unfair. Nora's model knows EXACTLY what she wants. Kara's model had no opinion. Austin's had way too much opinion."
I think Kara achieved what every designer dreams of; her client was happy and she didn't have to compromise her vision.
I don't think a plunging neckline is slutty on B- or A-cups. It's not about how much skin you show - it's about the amount of cleavage or under-cleavage. Jenny's not showing *that* much. She looks nice.
I think we all know that brides have breasts and are going to have sex. There's no need to create a big shame-filled charade about it.
My two cents...
I love the dress with or without the trim, but I think I'd wear it with the trim because it would obviate the need for jewelry. It would neutralize those butinskis who would inevitably ask the bride if she wanted to add "a little something" around her neck.
Kara Saun looks like she's getting her audition dance ready for Soul Train...
and the dress is so pretty! I'm a pro-trim fan myself, but it would have been gorgeous without it as well.
Jenny looked stunning, and the funny thing is that I never really noticed her before until I saw her in that dress. The dress is
G-O-R-G-E-O-US, and by far the best design. Heck, I want to wear that dress. Ok, maybe not.
sooooooooo beautiful!
jenny is a sweet girl.
but that caption makes me laugh, what a face expression! lol.
Beautiful, simple, elegant..everything a bride's dress should be. Note to self: no tiara or Cinderella Princess Bride dresses.
For once I totally agree, this dress was gorgeous. I adored it the first time around, and even now I still love it. I have no issue with the trim, because, well... it's a wedding dress. What's wrong with a little trim on a wedding dress? It doesn't detract from the beauty of the gown at all.
"Why would you want to wear something that has nothing to do with who you are or the time in which you live? But we digress."
Exactly. You're getting married not crowned the queen of England. I thought Kara's dress was gorgeous, also Jay's, but I'll wait until you boys talk about that.
The challenge was more then just giving the client what they wanted, it was pleasing the client while maintaining your (the designers) aesthetic and style. Yes Nora's client knew what she wanted but Nora did nothing to put any of her own aesthetic or POV into the piece. As Kors said the client could have gone into any department store and purchased the dress that Nora model was wearing, that is why Nora lost.
T&L, I have to disagree with you about the bustle. My dress was a long, sleek chiffon and charmeuse number with a mermaid silhouette. So I am not a "Princess Bride" type. However, I didn't want to walk around with a long train all night. A detachable bustle with hooks was the best solution.
I liked the trim. This was understated, elegant and all about glamour - and it also looks a Kara Saun.
Bustles - I don't get them.
Kara Saun is totally doing either the Loco-motion or the Robot.
macasism said...
"It's clear why T&L love this dress. Does that plunging neckline remind anyone of a certain gayboy favorite?"
My thoughts exactly! And this is not the first time Kara Saun has done the plunging neckline either. (see episodes 1 and 2)
gorgeous. I think yes to the trim, although I could go both ways
A beautiful dress, but there's something about the shininess of the fabric that makes it look, oh I don't know, heavy? Totally deserving of the win though, as it was definietely the best of the bunch.
Definitely one of my favorite dresses from Season 1, and I think it deserved to be the winner of the challenge.
I love the trim. I think it would look way too simple without it. Just my two cents.
The trim was perfect. It's a wedding dress, not a coctail dress. Wedding dresses need a little light, feminine detail - they don't need to be cold and sleek (like the picture sans trim). Plus, without trim it would have been TOO understated, and too reminiscent of the Carolyn Kennedy wedding dress. Plus the fabric needs to be a little on the heavy side, so that it flatters a real woman's body and doesn't show every lump. It's the combination of heavy fabric and simple design that makes it so genius. Kara Saun absolutely knows what she's doing.
that dress really is gorgeous.
"Is Kara Saun doing the locomotion or something?"
hahaha I loved that.
The way this dress fit was in and of itself a work of art.
Snaps to you KaraSaun
Such a beeeeautiful dress, but sadly a bit unforgiving. I mean, light colored stain over the tummy area is fairly hard to pull off, but had I a model physique I would be in love love love with that dress.
And while I think some trim could have been lovely, I think the trim that Kara used wasn't the perfect choice, but then in the context of this contest it's hard to get the perfect everything, and the design was completely dreamy!
jay && wendy's dresses were better!
Jenny looks gorgeous. Hair, makeup, dress...just perfect.
Love the dress, but I agree with ms. place - you definitely need double sided tape to wear it!
This was a great challenge. I wish Bravo did it again. It's always nice to see designer wedding dresses.
that girl's boobs are falling out of the dress!!!!
and yet its still beautiful!!!
The trim is gorgeous!!! without it the dress is BORING
you are wrong
Kara Saun is doing the dance of joy because she picked Jenny and not Morganza for this challenge.
Not much to add -- I also liked this dress very much. Simple, elegant, perfect fit for Jenny, just an all-round success.
Note to Vincent: this is how your couture dress SHOULD have looked.
As for the bead trim, I think the beautiful bias trim of fabric was incredibly well done and just beautiful. The beads should have been the bride's pearl necklace. It's the dress of a dream for a girl with the perfect figure.
When the season was originally shown, I recall being confused over Kara's name-- was her first-name "Kara" or "Karasaun"? Everyone else was "Jay", or "Austin", or "Nora", but she was ALWAYS referred to, and addressed as, "Karasaun", never "Kara". (If memory serves, Heidi even auf'd her as "Karasaun".)
And now, the two of you are doing it, as well.
Is "Saun" her first, last, or middle name?
Actually the last pic looked like Kara just gave her model a kick in the butt and she was caught by the surprise.
Well, I personally like the trim, I think it makes it a bit more finished and fancy looking. Without it it just looks like lingerie.
Frills and fleurchons,
Sorry, the occasion is for a marriage, not a viewing of the bride's "goods" (in this case, her knockers).
Not sure why young women feel it's appropriate to haul out their cans in inappropriate situations like the office, in a sales job,at school, at their wedding, etc.
Probably too much soap-opera styling as inspiration.
I'm not a prude but I want to see the underside of the bride's breasts about as much as I want to look at her butt crack. She should save a little something for the new husband's eyes only.
LittleKarnak said...
"Kors must have lost his plunging neckline love between S1 and S3."
Yes, but Kara Saun's plunging necklines were beautifully curved, as well as part of gowns that were beautifully fitted to the model's boobs. I think the S3 judges' objection to Laura's plunging necklines is that they were simplistic "v"s and the dresses were for a flat-chested model.
Very pretty with the trim. Even better without.
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