We would love to give each of these outfits more attention, but some of them are so boring we don't know what to say and Bravo did such a bad job of shooting them that we barely got to see them.
We will say that very few of the outfits are particularly wearable and most of the designers seemed to go for a more conceptual approach.
This dress is actually pretty cute, but she looks like she's being eaten by a giant plastic corsage. Oh, and we LOVE Martinique. She's (what else?) FABULOUS!
No. Just...no. It's ...uh...interesting? Actually, for what it is, it's well-executed and she did do a pretty good job on the styling.
Oh, come ON. She looks ridiculous.For all the scenes of designers frantically running around the workroom, none of these outfits look like they were actually sewn.
And what's with the rollers?
Okay, we're looking at the graphic and --- where are the "Jacks?" And what is the pink thing? Whatever it is, the look is a little unimaginative, but this was very well made.
We take it back. It's not unimaginative. It got more interesting the second she turned around. But what is all that stuff?
We tried so many ways to get a shot of this outfit but Bravo wouldn't cooperate. Could be that they shot it so fleetingly because Morgan is basically topless here. It looks interesting, though.
Oh, we can't be too mean. At least it's wearable and Alexandra's so cute how can we be mean to her?
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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What the hell is Vanessa's model looking for in there?
Yeah, I was wondering about the jacks, too. And what was Vanessa thinking when she purchased those crayfish? When is a crustacean-festooned frock EVER a good idea?
"Oh, come ON. She looks ridiculous.For all the scenes of designers frantically running around the workroom, none of these outfits look like they were actually sewn.
And what's with the rollers?"
Desperate housewife gone bad?
"...and Alexandra's so cute how can we be mean to her?"
How pathetic is the fact that I got all giggly when I read that? Just because my name is Alexandra and I pretended you guys were talking about me... ;-)
I'm such a loser. L
for jay's outfit, maybe "jacks" is a brand name for incontinence bed pads -- that's what it looks like, at least
Alexandra's dress pissed me off because she used fabric. Period. She couldn't have chosen an easier supermarket material. Serious cop-out.
Of all those outfits, Jay's was definitely my favorite. Alexandra's model looked like a cheap whore in that thing.
I liked Kara Saun's (what little there was)
and Jay's (oooh, shiny!) but I hated the curler one... (brings back horrible nightmares of a Wal Mart in deep Alabama)
The comment about being eaten alive by a plastic corsage had me rolling because I said the exact same thing when I first saw it.
The pantyhose dress was just blah... I had a friend that wore one of those super furry convertible scarves as a dress once (for some insane reason we still cant put our fingers on) and it went down about as well...
Jacks is an off brand cigarette that Sheetz (convenience store) sells. I don't know of any other stores that sell them though. They are most likely the Jacks artifically flavored popcorn snack. Either Jay ate em or smoked em.
On a completely unrelated side note... I'm not sure if this has been brought up in other comment sections. But, does anyone else notice Tim's tic? He's constantly pursing his lips as if he's about to kiss someone or something! It's very noticable in the videos on blogging project runway. Now, whenever I see Tim, I notice it. It's driving me nuts! When he puts his hand over his mouth. I have to wonder if he's aware of it and trying to cover it. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Tim!
And, well... if I was a gay guy, it would probably drive me nuts in a good way!
Love: Jay's, Kara's
Not so much: Alexandra's
Hate: Kevin's, Robert's, Vanessa's
I thought Jay's was "well made." I also like the pink jacket or whatever that is with the balloons.
Haha, maybe I'm crazy, but I actually saw where Jay used the jacks. It wasn't very effective, but if you look closely at the front of the dress, you will see that there are little purple things (jacks) glued down the front. They're a little obscured by the arm and pink wrap in this picture, but they are still there.
Can anybody else not find the crawfish or the flatbread? It's like some kind of freaky dress-form Where's Waldo!
Nope, can't see the items from those angles. Maybe they are used in the back of the outfits. Like there's crawfish crawling up her spine or something. As for the flat bread, I bet it's plastered to her ass. Since they have flat asses anyway.
Season 3 was my first exposure to PR. I never even heard about it until this summer.
So I'm watching this wondering: ok, this is cool, some of these women designers are utterly hawt... but where's Laura? I'm waiting for Jeffery to turn the corner any moment in any scene... Alison? KAYNE? Where are you people?
I know, I'm a clown and a dork for that ever crossing my dim mind but, well, you know how it is,.... season three was my first and all...
I can't even talk smack about the designers for this challenge since it is the first one EVER, yet inevitably I start in with the comparisons: what would the season 3 people have come up with? It is something of a valid comparison since 3 started out with a fairly similar task.
Ok, now the real reason for this comment: thanks PRGS!
Call me nuts, but I actually like the little black pantyhose number. It actually looks like a very normal, wearable dress. Which is really an accomplishment in this challenge.
Vanessa's outfit was pretty good; it just needed more fish.
And we were wondering the same thing about Jay's outfit. What was that pink wrap? I'm pretty sure it wasn't aluminum foil.
The pink wrap on Jay's outfit looks like one of those plastic tablecloths for picnics. They come in all sorts of colors.
The flatbread was the top, to the mopheads as skirt.
The flatbread is DISGUSTING. Ugh. And crawdaddies on your clothes? Repulsive. Think of the smell. These were all pretty horrible outfits. You think P:R was a little nervous when their very first episode turned out this rubbish?
the jacos on jays outfit are (if your looking at that pic) on the right side, there little pink jacks , they didnt relly get a good shot of them
Morgan worked Kara's outfit like there was no tomorrow.
Even Lolly Pepper's party balloon outfit stands up well next to these ridiculous getups. Dayum!
Austin's was by far the superior design, making me doubly glad he won.
Martinique is so beautiful! I can't remember Kevin's dress very well, but this photo makes it look as though there's far too much hoo hoo showing.
does anyone else think that jay's outfit and robert's outfit from the trash challenge look kinda alike?
Question for the boys: Do you think that the runway itself was better shot in Season 3? I don't remember you guys complaining about not being able to get a good look at things nearly as often with it. I figure no one should know better than you, what with the hours upon hours of sifting through footage for screencaps.
No, Alexandra is not cute. The worst cheapest hair extensions I have ever seen- it would be amusing if now downright vulgar. Maybe if it were a bit shorter it would look a little less fake. And the white lipstick?
A lot of model tits in this epi. They seemed to have toned that down later.
In the first episodes, when there are so many, you do not really get a good look at the "middle of the pack" - they don't have time to cameo them and then you never see them again.
Martinique is really beautiful, I agree. She was my favorite model.
Yes, what was that pink wrap?
love that vanessa's design and her model looks good.
Am I ridiculous because I liked Alexandra's best?
OK....so you have to be Karen Carpenter to pull it off- but so what??
To be fair to this merry little band, it WAS the first show and the first assignment. They were all in shock and it shows.
She's a bit young but do you think Vanessa's model has considered hormone replacement therapy?
I loved Kara Saun's design in this challenge- it looks a little like old Gaultier couture.
model cara in season 2 is awful...
I can't believe you two missed a Carnivale rip on Vanessa Riley's outfit! Shame! shame!
With Jays it looks like someone just spit out their chewing gum into the wrapper. I mean really.
for all the crap Wendy took - at least she covered enough of the model's breast that she might not be arrested in public. Now Kara (the self appointed royalty?) her would get you arrested, even at the beach.
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