Oh, don't look at us like that. Like you never asked the question? Not once?

We both always said we were going to age gracefully, but sugars, when we look around and see that almost no one else is doing so, then doesn't that naturally force the question of whether or not we need to redefine what "aging gracefully" means? If we hit 60 with the natural faces of 60-year-olds, aren't we going to stand out against seemingly everyone else in our generation traveling through life looking as if they just walked in on their own surprise party?
Don't get us wrong, we don't want to look younger than our age. Firstly because it's a fool's errand and secondly because we like being our age. Crow's feet and salt and pepper hair?

Here's the thing: did you ever watch Extreme Makeover? We admit, it's a guilty pleasure and we only watch it with the drapes closed, like porn with less nudity and more scalpels. If you haven't, you should watch it some time. Not only is it nauseatingly exploitive, but EVERY SINGLE TIME someone gets work done on the show, they usually look better (mainly because if you're on the show, it's because the producers decided you're

So yes, every time we find ourselves peering into the mirror and framing our face with our hands so we can pull the skin back as if we were Greta Garbo, we run to the TV to see if there's an EM marathon on just to scare the lingering thoughts of going under the knife out of our heads.
So okay, surgery's out. And sure, like so many of our brethren, we have a healthy supply of expensive anti-aging creams in our medicine cabinets but even when we're diligently

What we're really banking on is by the time we're 50, the cosmetic surgery industry will have improved its techniques to the point that the results look better than what we're seeing on people now and we can get a quick eyelift at a drivethru for a couple hundred bucks on our lunch hou

Okay, okay. Fine. We're shallow. We own it. But just writing this post* has caused us to have a little breakthrough. We now realize that we shouldn't obsess about such superficial things and if God had intended us to look fuckable at seventy, we'd all be pumping out more and more collagen and calcium with each passing year. So fine, bitches. We'll take up yoga or something.
*Actually, googling all these pictures is what really scared us off.
What, no Kenny Rogers?
Extreme Makeover = guilty obsession.
It always unnerves me how casual the docs are about major surgery, and how much work you can apparently get done during a lunch hour at a dermatologist's office.
(But yeah, I'm 39 1/2 and still wondering whether I should have my breasts reduced & lifted. OTOH, I don't relish the drama that might engender the next time I rip off my shirt for a cute girl. Ah, lesbian politix....)
So glad this post ended with your really, really smart realization that you are truly wonderful as you are. Yes, we all want beauty and we love to joke, but you know where the real deal lies. Otherwise I wouldn't keep coming back.
Oh and by the way, those are some scary ass photos.....for fun check out www.awfulplasticsurgery.com
My hairdresser said this to me quite bluntly: the bitches, er, women, that have had their faces and whatever else lifted still look old. They just look smoother. Like teflon that's melted under the sun.
So, stay away from UV rays, drink lots of water, maintain your weight and keep up your exercise regimen, because plastic surgery isn't the answer. At least not yet.
Oh, but I do intend to do something about my emerging wattle one of these days.
You guys are spot on as usual.
You say 'shallow' like it's a bad thing! It only is if that's all one is.
Love the pics! But what about Meg Ryan? Melanie Griffith? Shatner?
I think you're both lovely, don't change a thing (at least this year)!
The movie that defines and rips this obsession apart in my mind is "Death Becomes Her." Not only is it about the ridiculousness of vanity and eternal youth, but also about how it's inherently self-destructive.
Not to mention that Goldie Hawn, Meryl Streep and Isabella Rosellini are perfect in there as the cattiest, most hateful bitches on earth.
EXFOLIATE Darlings! and keep repeating Tim Gunn! That man's skin is like a baby's butt from Retin-A and sunscreen. The goal is "looks younger than stated age" So start lying now and tack ON a few years then everyone will think you look Fabulous! Not that you don't already!
Okay, seriously, Tim Gunn's secret is exfoliating?
So darlings, are you saying that if Extreme Makeover came to you and said they'd do all your work for free and get it done in 2 minutes you would say NO? I think not my pets.
I have reached the hideous age of 45, er, 50. I've said all along that I would age gracefully. However, now that my mother is looking back at me from the mirror, I've resolved to:
1. Stop watching the scary plastic surgery shows.
2. Lose weight
3. Make my boobies bigger than the A- that they have always been so I can FINALLY shop at Victoria's secret. (What the heck, if it kills me I'm already old).
4. Although one of the most gruesome surgeries possible, tummy tuck here I come.
Darlings, you must understand that unlike you naturally gorgeous beauties, some of us have to purchase a little help into fabulousness.
Would Jocelyn Wildenstein (scary bitch in the last photo) qualify for a hair harpy cage match?
Just wondering....
Thank you brilliant and embittered, I actually was wondering if that last photo was Doris Duke, the tobacco heiress. She would win the cage match just on the scare factor alone. Even without her wig.
Oh, dear. You would pick the most horrendous examples of people with more money than brains. What, no Cindy Jackson? She wrote a manual to plastic surgery, I hear. Experience being the best teacher and all that...
My friend is an RN and does Botox injections and laser removal at a spa. She suggests finding a nice, reputable place where they sell Botox by the unit, not the shot. Get 1/2 to 1 unit just in the crow's feet area (shouldn't run you very much). If you hate the results, it wears off. If you don't, it's a lovely, easy way to end your plastic surgery virginity. Don't let Mikey scare you.
IMO, if fabulous can be purchased, and I have the money, hell yes I'm buying.
what about burt reynolds? maybe even scarier than joan rivers!
At least most of them arguably were aiming for looking better when they had their surgeries. I don't know what Jocelyn Wildenstein was aiming for. If that were the face Mother Nature gave her, I would feel truly sorry for the poor woman. She looks like that kid from "Mask."
Good. As I was reading and scrolling down, I was thinking "If those bitches didn't include a picture of Jocelyn Wildenstein, I'm never reading them again".
Cat + woman = Jocelyn Wildenstein
or Jocelyn W. = Goldie Hawn's character in First Wives club.
It actually hurts to look at her. There should be a special visor like when there's an eclipse. Or at least a warning. *Caution-viewing pic of Jocelyn Wildenstein without special visors will BURN YOUR RETINAS!!
It's scary how many celebs, talented celebs at that, are having work done, and having it done poorly. Jessica Lange was one of my favorite actresses. She had a ethereal beauty. She's almost unrecognizable now. Have you seen Kim Delaney? She played Jimmy Smits detective wife on NYPD Blue. Yikes.
Hollywood will have to hire unknowns to play any of the older "MOM" roles.
Hmmm, I might have a second career in the future.
I am surprised you didn't include the picture of the queen of plastic surgery -- Phyllis Diller. She has had more things lifted (and more times) than Joan Rivers and Cher combined.
In a few years, you could have one lift to pull the whole mess up, and it could look nice and last a long time.
This whole plastic surgery business seems a bit sad to me. My neighbor had her eyelids fixed because they drooped over her eyes and affected her vision. She looks years younger after this very minor surgery and she can see well again.
However, people like Meg Ryan, Goldie Hawn, and Michael Douglas are ruining their careers because the changes to their faces, however subtle, are so distracting that they now look like charicatures of themselves. I too am sick over the changes in Jessica Lange's face. She's lost her beauty. And Burt Reynolds and Kenny Rogers could now be mistaken for brothers.
What's wrong with growing old gracefully? The older they get the more I like Diane Keaton, Sallie Field, and Susan Sarandon: women who are comfortable in their own skins! Kudos to them.
Whenever vanity overtakes me, and I begin to do the Greta Garbo temple- pull thing in the bathroom mirror, I'm quickly brought to my senses by visiting AwfulCelebrityPlasticSurgery.com.
Sagging flesh is unsightly, but it's much easier on the eyes than Donatella Versace.
I mourn my skin's loss of elasticity as much as the next self-absorbed idiot, but plastic surgery fools no one, disguises nothing, and puts one's unsavory, deluded vanity on full display.
I plan on cultivating an eccentric Louise Nevelson/ Quentin Crisp style once I hit 50. Better mutton, than mutton-dressed-as-lamb.
Honeys, babies, sweeties, bitches, I too have been wrestling with the botox devil and the scapel angel but it was an episode of Housewives of the O.C. that did it for me. The bitches all look alike. I live in an artist community and we abhor stuff that looks alike. I have a dear friend who is 93 years old and tho' I am about half that (deny deny deny) I find her to be stunningly beautiful. It occurred to me that it isn't what you do to your face that makes you beautiful but what you do to other people that makes you lovely. You two will have no problem. Trust momma.
I actually had a consultation with one of the surgeons prominently featured on Extreme Makeover. I have lost a significant amount of weight, and there is a skin issue, and I heard he was the one to talk to. I believe his first words were, "so I assume we will be doing implants". Needless to say, I have gone with another doctor.
Completely apart from ethics, I don't think a lot of people realize just how painful and traumatizing this kind of surgery can be.
When I was 17, due to a cleft palatte, I had to have major reconstructive surgery done involving doctors breaking both of my jaws and basically reconstructing the bottom half of my face.
To this day I still have nightmares about waking up from that so scary that I can actually still feel the pain from it in my sleep.
My surgery was totally medically necessary, but my surgeon did say that people that have work done on their bone structure feel the same pain as I did. Now, if someone was born with a major defect I can understand it, but to just improve on normalcy, I cannot fathom why someone would ELECT to inflict that on themselves.
To me, because I have been under the knife, the concern of money and ethics pale in the shadow of my fear of going through that much pain ever again. It's not worth it. Anyone that says oh the pain goes away is not being completely honest. Surgery is invasive and traumatizing.
Darlings, last weekend my 19 yo son and I watched Something's Gotta Give and he declared Diane Keaton a Hottie, wrinkles and all. I'm all for little bits of help here and there to freshen up one's look but major surgery can be so scary and unnatural-looking. You two don't even need to think about it, you are gorgeous just as you are. With #45 approaching shortly, I must go to my mirror and repeat that to myself. ;-)
Gigi, Jinxy,
You are both going to age with grace and beauty, as I intend to.
I went to awfulplasticsurgery.com and came away saddened. Why would anyone inflict such pain on themselves in order to lose their facial identity?
Diana Vreeland was not beautiful but she wore her wrinkles with pride and rocked!
Oh boy, I think this is going to be a hot topic, for sure.
First: what? No Nicole Kidman? She epitomizes Death Becomes Her. The Pink Mafia needs to get their hands on her surgeon, stat, please.
So we could argue the point for a long, long while. Fortunately, I've been scrupulous about sunscreen/hats since I was a teenager (not easy while working down the Jersey shore), but have come to the conclusion that I have just managed to look good for my age (at 34). But I am slowly beginning to look younger than my younger sister, which gives me quite a bit of self-satisfaction (in my tiny little grinch-like heart)--she may have the wonderful husband and child, but I have less wrinkles, DAMMIT!
I've thought and thought and thought about the plastic surgery fairy--would I accept? Would I decline? It's not like I'd do it unless I won the lottery--that $$ for the breast lift could be used towards redoing my dated bathroom, after all, but what if, instead of the extreme shows, I was able to look like me, just better? No trimming of the nose or closing of the gap teeth (and I have one that would make the lascivious Lady of Bath from Canterbury tales jealous), but maybe fixing that bad scar on my nose, lifting the boobs so gravity can start anew, lipo-ing just a bit of that belly? I can't say I wouldn't turn them down.
Reality is, though, that I won't have the money to justify that expenditure--I'd much rather buy myself a beautiful Baccarat art piece, take a fantastic trip through Italy and stuff my face silly while flirting with all the men, or buy that fantastic "Right-Hand Ring". After all, it's not like I look at myself in the mirror as much as I would look at a beautiful piece of art on my finger. ;)
"wonderland, shiny stars and jingle bells"
"wonderland, shiny stars and jingle bells"
"wonderland, shiny stars and jingle bells"
oh, wrong post......
this is a very interesting post. very thought provoking. i only have to think about the qoute "all that glitters is not gold" and i snap back to reality.
plastique surgery is definately a personal choice. aside for reasons where it is necessary.....
i would rather come up across some with a sharp mind, rather than a surgeons scalpel.
i would rather be with a warm heart than a pretty heart.
a smile can change the way you look....and it is free.
Is it just me, or is Joan Rivers starting to look like Madame??
As someone who has had some work done (yes, I actually paid someone to cut my face) I can say it is worth consideration if you're so inclined. I'm happy with what I did, but I realize it is not for everyone.
And really...for the most part, you only notice the people who had BAD surgery results.
I used to watch The Swan with the drapes shut. Horrible. Boobies all huge, Chicklet teeth and they looked like freshly minted call girls. Ugh.
I plan on going full-on GHOST IN THE SHELL and get a new body custom built in Tokyo :-)
When I lived in NY I befriended a plastic surgeon. He had done Glenn Close's nose and boy did he do a good job! He said it's all about keeping it real, and if you can tell, you've had a bad surgeon. He then said, "have you ever noticed the work I've had done?" I said, "no way!" and he said "look closer." I had known him for years and really had to squint, but it was there.
It saddens me to think that these people with scads of money are throwing it away on poor technique. More of these quacks should get sued!
You think Madge has had any work done? I caught a bit of her live show on Bravo last night and kept thinking, "How old is she now?"
What scares me the most is the teeth. Teeth now look like your grandma's new dentures, and it's not a nice look.
Teeth are not supposed to be as white as the toilet. I'm all for them being whiter but not *that* white. People want instant results. Whatever happened to invisalign braces and a couple of Crest Whitestrips?
Hey Jackie....you and my dentist agree! I went in to talk with him about veneers and he showed me the dental shade guides, as I would choose what shade of white I wanted. He handed me the main set of sample tooth colors. Then, he handed me a much smaller set, and said something like "And here are the non-human colors"!
They look dandy on your lap, but then hold them up to your mouth and they look ridiculous.
Oh yes, and I tell folks nowadays, "I used to be blonde with black roots. Now I'm red with gray roots!"
Oh, you make me feel so much better! I keep catching views of my jowls and despairing.
I'm hoping the new passel of antiaging injectibles that are undergoing FDA approval will work as well as/better than Botox. While the results look great (Nicole Kidman), the whole idea of injecting something that toxic in my ocular area just skeeves me out.
James Derek Dwyer said...
I plan on going full-on GHOST IN THE SHELL and get a new body custom built in Tokyo :-)
Yeah! W/ Hot metal boobs & everything!
I Love that movie!
Speaking of plastic surgery:
Heidi Klum's boob job?
Whole lotta good comments up in this section.
when you look at the pre blob-boob Heidi and compare it to the present skinny legs, no ass, large mammaried, over peroxided Heide, which is more appealing?
its no fun when I get left alone and the damn phone will not stop ringing. yeah, down with tech when one needs to partee or zen.
cave age does have advantages.
its all in the taste level per my gaydar algorithm. roflmao
orgasmic zen you'all
ill I men mean I will whisper to jdd and sue your guys for wasting my billable hrs here
got to do some serious edutainment on my 2 love interest now....
no..not them...
its the gates and the oracle.
see found bigger and better fishes to fry and swim in the big ponds
all of you are just matcha to me. lol
hbut in a nice way of course
Who the hell is Jocelyn Wildenstein?
Yeah, doin' The Poorman's Facelift in front of the mirror. I know.
Wrinkles okay. It's the neck that gets you down.
But, then I think of my brother's friend. After Suzy's latest work was done, bro told me: She's gone from looking like a startled cat to looking like a Chinese lady who's been beat up...
Don't do it girls!
Yomanda- Jocelyn Wildenstein is a creature who inhabits New York, known by the general public soley because of her plastic surgery addiction. Exwife of an art dealer, she's had countless surgeries in an ill-conceived effort to look "feline".
The N.Y. Post outdid itself when it dubbed her "The Bride of Wildenstein". Also sometimes referred to as "Cat Woman".
oh god, jessica, jessica . . . what on earth were you thinking?
having just come back from the beaches of mazatlan, i can attest to the fact that it's a better thing to let nature take its course.
it's that look ~ if they could do a nip and a tuck and not give everyone the same freakin' look. i hate that squinty eyed i can't move my face look they all have. it's horrifying!
let's all stay out of the sun, use our creams, think peaceful happy thoughts because the BEST looking old people are those who are happy and joyful and who love themselves and others.
there truly is an inner glow and i am content to just let mine shine.
i am, though, 49 and 6 months, so it may be that the madness will set in april 14. the only thing might be a little chin lipo. that's it. really. . . . and possibly, just possibly a touch of botox on the brow. only a smidge.
And for God's sake DON'T SMOKE. I should know.
Yeah. Read this icky horror story!
"Facial tune-ups that went downhill fast"
-- desertwind
If I go under the knife, I'll have to find the doctors that do Dick Clark and Regis Philbin.
Two words: Tim. Gunn.
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