Candy Girl
Reviewed by TLo
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Rating: 5

Candy Girl
Sunday, November 05, 2006 by Author
You hear the "Ri! Ri! Ri!" Psycho violins every time you look at her, don't you?
There is some major crazy going on under that warpaint because, let's face it, a perfectly stable person wouldn't even think of putting together something like this:
What the...? What is this, "Dance of the Sugarplum Hookers?" We're trying desperately to come up with a way to critique this outfit, but there's nothing there. She looks...uh...delicious? No, no...that's not the word. What are we thinking of? Oh, yes. Ridiculous. She looks frikkin ridiculous.
"Well Nina, my model is from Brazil, so that automatically made me think of candy and prostitutes." Yeah, because people who live in tropical climates just can't stop smearing sugar all over their bodies. Makes perfect sense. IF YOU'RE CRAZY.
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"Frikking ridiculous."
So absolutely true! The woman tries to come off as some caring mommy, but then she goes and designs something like this? What, does the outfit come with a needle so you can pop those balloons? I mean, I'm hearing the Twilight Zone just thinking about La Pepper. I see Nurse Cratchet in the wings waiting to give her a lobotomy. I see Jack Nicholson coming at her with an axe screaming "Here's Johnny!"
Well, you get my drift.
Gotta admit, though. She makes for fabulous t.v.
Oh my Jesus. I had mentally blocked, I mean, forgotten about that. I am newly astonished that she wasn't sent packing then and there.
Not to inject a moment of non-levity, and I mean this very sincerely; will someone PLEASE explain to me how it was that WP was not ousted for this challenge? I know that the UPS/butcher paper outfit was a tad lame, but this is lame AND awful, AND insulting to the model. Where did the $50 go? I know New York prices are high but I think $50 would buy you a few more Jujubees, don't you?
What were the judges thinking?
To be fair, I can actually see where she was going with the whole "Carnivale" thing, and when I saw the weaving thing she was doing with the bell peppers it looked pretty cool. I think she just ran out of time, and that's why it looks so anemic.
Let's all just be thankful that she didn't get eliminated for the thing, simultaneously depriving us of all the delicious pepper-drama to come, and subjecting us to another episode (or more) of Daniel Franco...
that model is practically naked. as our first exposure to PR, it was quite a shocker. i remember thinking "is this high fashion or is this bitch just crazy?"
"She looks...uh...delicious? No, no...that's not the word. What are we thinking of? Oh, yes. Ridiculous. She looks frikkin ridiculous." ~ that's PERFECT!!!! criminitly, what kind of mind could even come up with that hooker for a kid's party outfit.
dr. big ass belle prescribes some serious meds for this one.
What is UP with Wendy's orange lipstick? Ugh. Scary.
sewwhat said...
Not to inject a moment of non-levity, and I mean this very sincerely; will someone PLEASE explain to me how it was that WP was not ousted for this challenge?
This is the ep where the producers were the judges. It becomes a trend.
I also remember this being one of Nina's bitchiest critiques of the entire 3 seasons (and when I decided that this show was for me).
If I remember correctly, Wendy goes into that Brazil explanation as a response to Nina, who abruptly cuts her off and says "I get it, we're going to Rio" and then says something cutting and dismissive, as if she asked Wendy about her outfit in order to provide an opportunity to let her know how sh**ty it was, all in one sentence. Bitchy-brilliant.
What I want to know is, has that poor model ever recovered or did she need to enter the witness protection program? She should have won an award for being able to overcome the humiliation and walk a straightline down the runway!
Psycho is right! I'm still traumatized by the fact that she wasn't eliminated.
Stuff that Pepper. I will make it my favorite snarkfood.
Goes great with Lowenbrau. My claws are bigger than your claws, bitch.
Titties are not high fashion. Urrgghh…..
She’s een cos she plays to production. She thinks she is on survivor.
She should be aufed for this reedeeculous outfit and the swimsuit. She didn’t make the bottom, but I am jumping ahead of the game…
Bummer, wish she didn’t get a makeover. She is the WITCH.
I am SAB.
ew i still hate wendy pepper as much as i did when this episode first aired
The candy on the model's unballooned breast (another T-shirt? Unballooned Breasts) was glued on or at least licked and stuck on inside the frame around the breast.
She could have salvaged this rather than savaged it. Had she blown the baloons up completely she could have turned out a Sally Rand special with added bows and candy.
Can you picture Wendy wearing this for some poor caveman she dragged in by his hair thinking it was HAWT? I bet it gets him off. Off HER!
What the...? What is this, "Dance of the Sugarplum Hookers?" LMAO
Can we move on, please. She is too easy snarkfood. I still want to enjoy Nutcracker every Christmas.
I betcha she didn't make that bottom again.
I eat candy by the mouthful. Bring it on!
Bravo Blahvo,
Creative editing is een. She is a caricature after 3 seconds on the screen. All players get to show at OFW.
Bummer...wasted our time. Rather see fabulous Austin.
That's not even an outfit. She should've been aufed.
I guess the judges thought it was at least creative as opposed to Daniel Franco's UPS package.
she scares me.
really. really. scares. me.
someone hold me?
"will someone PLEASE explain to me how it was that WP was not ousted for this challenge?"
Because she's a MOM. Oh, and here is where it all begins...Pepper Spray is the antecedent to Santino & Jeffrey. (And she's a mom).
Glad you boys are blogging Season 1. I had forgotten how much Pepper reminded my of Bette Davis in 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane'.
--Gotham Tomato
Hahahahahahahah, that was the weirdest freakin' think put together in PR history.
Hah, and her husband couldn't handle her fame. I think that's what he told her after seeing that outfit she made, thought 'what does that say about me???', and was just trying to be polite when he wanted the divorce. LOL
OMG Anna, don't even re-traumatize me by making me remember how Austin was aufed and she was eeen. Damn. Of course the guys will get to that sooner or later, but still, muy painful to watch. Love to hate Wendy.
could you please explain the nature of the challenge when you discuss season 1 for those of us who did not see it? i'm looking at these pictures, have no context for them. thanks a bunch!
gem said...
could you please explain the nature of the challenge when you discuss season 1 for those of us who did not see it? i'm looking at these pictures, have no context for them. thanks a bunch!
Hi gem,
A few people suggested that and we think it's a great idea. We're
definitely doing that.
Episode 1: The designers must create a very sexy, glamorous outfit for a night on the town. The twist is that the outfit is to be made only from materials bought at a Manhattan supermarket. Each designer had $50 to spend on materials.
"sexy, glamorous outfit" - that makes it even more hilarious!
She's the perfect villain, making us all feel superior, keeping us on edge and wondering ... when will the bitch be auf'd?
It's raunchy, tasteless, and held together with spit and luck. She should have been sent packing INSTANTLY. Personally, I could have done without her for the remainder of the season. As much as I enjoy ripping the bad designs, I'd rather be stimulated by many of the good ones, especially as the season draws to a close. The first season didn't go like that and it was hard to watch Austin get booked while Wendy still skated by.
Opps. That last anon comment was by me.
It's up to T&L, I know, but I wish folks would stop refering to future shows in PR 1.
Seeing that "ensemble" reminds me of seeing the egg crack and baby Godzilla poking its little head out of the hole, as a Japanese voice offers a brief narration.
The subtitle would read: "Fashion World, we have a problem."
The literal translation would be "WTF!"
And the wise viewer knows to grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the ensuing carnage.
"Will someone PLEASE explain to me how it was that WP was not ousted for this challenge?"
I remember reading an interview with Heidi where she expressed her fear that everyone would try to make a garbage bag outfit for the challenge. It seems like they called the challenge "Innovation" to keep this from happening and planned to eliminate anyone who used a garbage bag.
That being said, Wendy's was horrible AND melted under the lights.
OMG .... she looks like a giant CAT TOY! Add a cat nip belt have her jump up & down and my cats would be all over her little Brazil boobs.
Yes, Wendy was a disaster! And the outfit she made wasn't much better. Seriously, though, we have to admit that trying to make an outfit from candy was at least innovative. Finding materials that have similar qualities to fabric (like garbage bags, shower curtains, panty-hose) had better results but weren't very inventive. I wish she had had time to weave a whole dress out of lifesavers. That would have been cool!
Seriously, even for $50 in a NYC grocery you can get enough candy to properly cover even an Amazonian beauty's who-who's. It's not like she smeared Maison du Chocolate over her cooter.
(Okay, even I'm embarassed to say that I've used 'who-who's' and 'cooter' in the same paragraph.)
"Yeah, because people who live in tropical climates just can't stop smearing sugar all over their bodies."
ROFL. I know, right? WTF?
There's no outfit. It looks like she's going to the beach and is taking some candy with her.
Apparently, Ms.Pepper thinks everyone should wear candy apparel. Did anyone else check out her website? At least, she put clothes on her models "eye candy". Unless you're a flat chested hooker, why would a woman on earth want to advertise their nipples to the world? Too bad she didn't catch a clue when she organically channeled that freaking question mark glued onto her model's chest.
UGH! She's grosses me out!
sooooooooooooo awful. Just glue some crap on. Like some kind of occupational therapy activity. She is horrid and she only gets worse.
I do love season 1
That outfit was a veritable who's who of hoo-hoos!
That was for a night on the town?...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm speechless
A night on Cheap Whore Town.
They sent Daniel home over Wendy. I'm still miffed about that.
"Yeah, because people who live in tropical climates just can't stop smearing sugar all over their bodies."
ROFL. I know, right? WTF?
Typecasting here? ROFL.
Watch Borat and he makes caricatures/stereotypes of everyone and everything.
Yikes! I look at this mess of a bikini and all I can say is "queef bubbles."
Can't complain too loudy.
IMHO PR1 is the best season. Everything is so fresh...except for the very bad tasting stuffed pepper!
I remember at this point actually feeling bad for Wendy. I saw her as a frumpy mom and was mad when the judges bashed her. Clearly I didn't look at the outfit too closely ... I learned my lesson pretty quickly, to.
When I think of Brazil what do I think of? Music? Dance? Poetry? No. I think of hookers festooned with candy and balloons.
It's beyond being an insult. It's just the product of a very sick mind.
(John Bolton says: Make that woman a UN ambassador!)
The poor model looks like Josephine Baker if she was a crack whore.
"The poor model looks like Josephine Baker if she was a crack whore. "
Could we get a close up of Heidi's and Michael's faces in the background? It looks as if Heidi is "darueber entsetzt" and Michael is trying his best with a frown to not laugh.
I have seen classier outfits at a white trash bachelor party.
Oh yes, you have pegged it. Brazilians, brazilians, and Wendy "I'm a total whack job" Pepper. Ah, such memories. She reminds me of one of the eviler cousins on The Addams Family.
Oh, and BTW? The original Bad Mommy? There you have her...
Anyone else notice that Wendy's models all show a lot more nip than anyone else's? I think someone should do a treatise on Wendy's (maybe not so) latent lesboisms...
Kara Saun, who I adore, was pretty good at showing nip the first few episodes as well. She used paint in the first episode, and a see through, plunging dress in the second.
She just did it well, compared to well....
Well, *as a brazilian*, I should say that if her inspiration was Rio's Carnaval, that model is too covered!! :-D
Wendy is not only crazy, but as manipulative as it comes. Hate the bitch.
Also, that poor model...which, btw, had a killah body!
I didn't watch all episodes from S1, so I'm ordering it through your link tomorrow... ;-)
Guys, we realize this is a lot to ask but please don't go revealing the entire outcome of season 1 in your comments. Many of our readers are watching S1 for the first time.
did anyone else notice that wendy pepper was wearing a lab coat in this episode?? i assume she was going for a mad scientist look to go acentuate the crazy in her eyes...
and to quote nina - "she made no clothes!!!!!!"
wendy's latest collection on her website is soooooooooooooo nasty (not in a good way)
Her work is just not good, yes. Have you seen this image?:
Esh. What is she trying to say here? That anyone who has a table cloth can make their own clothes?
Come on fabulousnss T&L.
You are dealing with die-hard T&L/PR fans. We have everything memorized. We really cannot recollect where you finished snarking.
And how far along we are allowed to snark.
Wendy is such easy snarkfodder.
You got us started and we cannot stop, but in a good/bad way?
Clearly this woman stayed only because Michael Kors was so sick of butcher paper student-type outfits. To me, this actually was quite creative, like Alison in Season 3 before she changed her mind and did the losing Stay-Puff canary disaster. As a carnival bikini, it wasn't entirely unbelievable. But, for any other night on the town, having trouble here thinking how this travels in a taxi, stays in one piece on the dance floor, etc.
Ok, here's a theory to explain the candy travesty. Wendy bought butcher paper and garbage bags at the grocery store, but they were so cheap, she spent the rest of her money buying candy (to share with and get on the good side of the other designers). But then she saw Daniel F. doing the butcher paper coat and garbage bag dress thing. She had a brief psycho moment and shredded her supplies to pieces. She was left with her only remaining purchase--candy (a lot of which had already been consumed). Either that or she started with enough candy to provide actual covering of essential body parts, but just couldn't resist eating it while she worked. Cause after all, could anyone in their right mind have intentionally planned that Brazilian hooker look? Oh, that was your point: crazy. Never mind.
Major crazy? You should have said SERIOUS UGLY right there.
oh lord, what does it all mean???
Ah Thombeau,
You are going through phase 4 of the post-traumatic stress disorder we all went through when we saw this shit. Don't worry, it'll change to anger and hatred soon LOL
Honestly, I only saw the last few episodes of season one, and I have to assert that to me Kara Saun's personality was a lot harder to swallow for me than Wendy's. Wendy was a bitch, but was up front about it... and I respect that a hell of a lot more than acting the sweet girl's part, and being a self-righteous "do anything to win" bitch underneath it all.
That being said...
I don't think Wendy should have made it past this challenge. This was not even fashion design. This was body makeup design.
My stupid DVD's have taken forever to get here but today they should be here finally. If, in reviewing all the episodes at length, I change my opinion of Kara Saun, I will voice it... but just based on episodes 5-finale... I think she is a 2-faced bitch that just wants everyone else to think she isn't.
I have no problem with bitches (being one myself, I wear my name proudly) but I do have a problem with being ashamed of the inner bitch. Let's face it, the inner bitch is what saves you from being a pretentious bore or snivelling idiot most of the time.
I'd rather be a bitch than a hypocrite for sure....
Wendy really didn't bother me. As I mentioned before, being competitive isn't a bad thing.
I'm just glad I'll never, ever, ever have to work with or around her. She's complex, to say the least.
As for her creation for this challenge - hahahahahahhahahahaha.
[...] Please don't give away what happens next, people!
--Granite Janet
She has BALLOONS on her wazoo. Holy ever-lovin' crap.
It's the new Brazillian.
I just noticed that Wendy was painting her lips outside the lines! Ew! I thought you had to be, like, 1000 years old before you did that.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who noticed that in the collection on Wendy's website every single one of those models has like a three-inch camel toe and there's a dress with an arrow pointing to the tooter.
Could I be imagining that? Maybe I'm really a lesbian or something? Somebody go look!
Gigi said...
I just noticed that Wendy was painting her lips outside the lines! Ew! I thought you had to be, like, 1000 years old before you did that.
W/ Wendy that would describe when her soul shriveled.
Wow. I had totally forgotten that Pepper thing. What strikes me is how very basic the designs were in S1. The caliber of contestant certainly has increased exponentially with each season.
But Pepper....UGH. Such a twit.
I just noticed that Wendy was painting her lips outside the lines! Ew! I thought you had to be, like, 1000 years old before you did that.
Isn't the devil's lifespan infinite?
I just got S1 in the mail today (THANK YOU T&L FOR THE HOOKUP! MWAH! DARLINGS) and saw the genesis of the trainwreck that is Wendy Pepper. I had to stop after Episode 3, or I wouldn't have had an evening meal.
*meep* made a hell of a lot more sense as well. LOL
If I remember this episode correctly, I thought the model was wearing some awesome shoes.
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