[...] As for my "Star Power" Andy, I was born a star. You had no clue what the f*** was coming! I made Project Runway, Project Runway didn't make me!
I'm pretty easy to find. They can email me either through santinorice.com or I've given them my card and they get back to me. I've kept my Myspace as well!
You can read Andy Cohen's interview Part Eins (1) here and Part Zwei (2) here.
"I made Project Runway."
Yeah, well, tell that to Jay, Kara and Wendy!
I think they should change the name of the show to Project Bitchway!
I wanted to say "bitch, please," but he did have one or two valid points.
I used to hate Santino with a passion at first, but warmed up to him as the days went on. He definitely provided great entertainment value to the second season....this is just Santino being Santino....sure, he's arrogant, and extremely funny....he's pretty harmless. I wish he was on Season Three instead of that horrid "Neck"!
Santino is an asshole. He will never have a career. He's too busy criticizing the other contestants.
Just keep making your "special" appearances at malls to sign freaking DVDs, jackass!
I think Laura's words of Vincent apply here as well..."Santino is a legend in his OWN mind..."
Santino is really a mixed bag. I didn't like his work on the show at all. And I thought he was pretty nasty (though since then Jeffrey the Ass has set a new low in that area).
But Santino, with his Tim impressions did add alot of entertainment to season 2. And he did make some good points in that interview - about rumors on Andy's blog.
I think that Bravo is teetering on the brink of Jr High School, and hopefully Santino's words can pull them back a bit.
I wonder how many people actually pay that much for his dresses though.
-Gotham Tomato
I'm sure that Laura would simply laugh off his criticisms of her, but I'd like to see her dismantle him in an episode of Celebrity Deathmatch.
Not that I've ever actually watched Celebrity Deathmatch, you understand.
"I wonder how many people actually pay that much for his dresses though."
I'd say nobody. The man doesn't even have a website.
I never hated Santino like some did. Thought he had some interesting designs and some valid points here. Most people are willing to say things "virtually" that they wouldn't dream of saying in person, forgeting that the internet is a gigantic megaphone and that everybody does hear you. Boy does have some balls on him though don't he! I made PR?
"I made Project Runway, Project Runway didn't make me!"
HA! What a joke.
I have to say that he does look much better when takes a shower and combs his hair.
He appears to be more intestested in being a celebrity than being a designer. Good thing because he doesn't seem to be too successful as a desinger. Even Kara Janx who didn't even officially show has had much more success with her line of clothing. His criticism of others just reeks of sour grapes.
I like Kara Janx ('you better cry and cut....") LOL I am glad she is doing well with her wrap dresses.
I am fascinated by him and his jarring, yet powerful, talent. Don't mistake the bravado for the man, kids.
A couple things: He does have his own website; he's right to ask that sex-rumors not circulate--that's not why we watch PR; and he's wrong about that not-finding-your-dream-after-30 stuff. After I was 40, I changed my entire career. Entirely. And am much the happier and more successful for it.
This is from ushie, who loves the PR gayguys and the work they do on this blog!
Did Santino get plugs or is it just airbrushed?
I miss S2! No one sings in season 3....
I think folk in the fashion field become "full of themselves" as a protective measure. As a model I was TOO tall, TOO short, TOO skinny, TOO fat, TOO redheaded, NOT redheaded enough, and my all time favorite "her pudendum is TOO pronounced". The designers and agents can shred you and you have to build a very protective ego or you wouldn't leave the house in the morning. That pootie comment was the one that finally taught me to stop taking it all so personally. Besides, swimsuit designers loved my pootie because NO CAMEL TOE! Designers take the same constant criticism and they have to learn to counter it but the really marketable ones learn to do it SILENTLY IN THEIR OWN HEADS and not speak it out loud.
Santino being Santino. What else to say? Let's see...jackass, maybe?
Santino is that hot fascinating girl that seems sooo cool and fun and you wanna hang with her at the party but as the night gets older she gets louder and then you end up holding her head over the toilet as she pukes and you're like, wait- who the hell is this and why am I here?
At least, to me he is. Total love hate.
"James Derek Dwyer said…
Santino is that hot fascinating girl that seems sooo cool and fun and you wanna hang with her at the party but as the night gets older she gets louder and then you end up holding her head over the toilet as she pukes and you're like, wait- who the hell is this and why am I here?"
LOL. It's true.
I love SANTINO , he was a wonderful designer too. Everytime a Celeb Judge came in, they seemed to like SANTINO(Diana Von Fursetnberg, Iman liked his ideas,Nicky Hilton,and a male judge like his poing of view. He has a voice and his own mind, good for him. Project Runway is great for all the designers. No one loses. I will always watch any TV appearance or magazine interview that Santino gives. He's handsome too. Love ya SANTINO. ...Andre, Where's Andre, with Tim Gunn at Red Lobster!!! Miss you SANTINO.
SANTINO had a personality, so.
SEAsON 2 was a lot better than SEASON 3.....and it's because of the mix of SANTINO, ANDRE,NICK,DANIEL....the group really rocked the house. The group all were wonderful designers and amazing personalities. SANTINO will do well in this Industry. He should go to PARIS or ITALY and apprentice with John Galiano for a year, it would give him great more high caliber credibility in the Fashion Industry. Santino has what it takes to make it BIG! He's the whole package,Charismatic, Funny, Harsh,Talented,Outspoken,Vunerable,Creative...He even was homeless at ine point, he's a surviver. This is the guy and he wore six-inch black pumps in the designer walk-off, he was Fierce. He and Nick were amazing in that walk-off.
2 things made me hate Santino. One was how he sucked up to Nicky Hilton and the other was how he threw Emmett under the bus.
Now that comment about if you haven't found your dream by 30 its not going to happen gives me yet ANOTHER reason to dislike him.
No Santino, you really WERE just good TV.
I loved Santino as a character on TV, but I don't know if I could deal with him in person. He's hilarious and all, but both Laura and Jay completely own him in the Insult-Quip department. For me, Santino was most endearing when he seemed to be the most "himself" -- ie, the "lighten up, it's fashion song" the Tim Gunn impressions/Andrae fantasies, etc. I think he is utterly charming until he turns his persona "on" and then I just tune out. If he toned it down, didn't try so hard, and was just you know - HIMSELF (instead of whatever version of himself he seems hell bent on portraying), I think he would be much more successful.
I'm not a fan of his clothes, but I do think he has talent. What saddens me is that he seems to have taken the Wendy Pepper/Daniel Franco path of seeking personal celebrity, rather than actully building a career. Unlike Franco and Pepper though, he has real talent, and doesn't need to sell himself as a freak show to make money. Whatever...
And I'm sorry, but if I'm paying $10,000 to have a dress comissioned, I'm not going to Santino Rice -- I'm going to someone with a better name/longer track record.
Halston, Calvin Klein, (Andy Warhol,painter,artist,filmmaker)all when they were coming up as unknowns on the scene of fashion , all used to know how to smoozze and woo the starlets and heiresses, it's part of the job and SANTINO was the only one smart enough to figure that out. He played-up to his client Nicky Hilton. The guy CAN'T WIN with some of the SANTINO Haters, if he's harsh he's mean, if he's nice or compliments someone ..he's playing up to them....Oh please.
Nicky Hilton liked SANTINO and he knew how to talk to her...so what, he did the same with Iman who also seemed to like Santino(even though she awarded Daniel the win, Daniel's dress was better, more wearable) Diana Von Furstenberg liked Santino, and the male designer can't remember his name like SANTINO's talent. It's not like Nicky Hilton was the only person that showed up and seem to like him. SANTINO has Charisma it's so obvious, he was a big part of making Season 2 so amazing, he also speaks-out,has an opinion,he is asked to do interviews by the press, should he disappear ....no way...he is designing and trying to develop his line and make connections. Keep striving Santino.
Santino is a dirty joke, and I have a feeling he will be long forgotten by the collective consciousness within 5 years. Maybe he will end up doing VH1's "The Surreal Life" or something to extend his 15 minutes of fame, but other than that he is well on his way to becoming the answer to an obscure trivia question.
Santino tried toning down for the final show and it didn't help him, Santino should just be himself. If he loses he loses, if he wins he wins in life. Stay who you are. When did people get to the point where having a strong opinion means you should change. I hope all the designers will use the show to their advantage, make money and stay true to themselves. Santino is not milktoast, thank goodness.
Anonymous said...
"Nicky Hilton liked SANTINO and he knew how to talk to her ..."
Now there's a bullet for his resume.
dang, to heck with Santino, i'm scampering off to take a look at my "pudendum" a la SkinnyFreckledRedHead . . . prominent? not prominent? geeze louise, i don't think i want to work anywhere, in any industry, in any way that would consider it reasonable to examine and pass judgment upon such a thing. criminy, is nothing sacred? not even our pudenda?
As long as we are talking about the man's personality (not his talent)...
People with weak personalities, who are non-confrontational, or who carry moral chips on their shoulders will always find those with strong personalities mean, nasty, arrogant, rude, over-rated, overbearing, etc.
Perhaps Santino had to develop his strong personality to cover up insecurities and shield himself from some of the harsher realities of life. That is just a reason and not an excuse for his behaviour.
Sadly, there are a lot of people who insist on judging a book by its cover.
I LOVE Santino!! I like his designs. His personality made S2 the best season so far. Very entertaining, and that's pretty much all I want from TV.
Santino is pure entertainment for the reality TV generation. He comes full of sound-bites, insults gallore, funny insights, etc. But he is still arrogant, full of himself, nasty, mean streaked and needs to have the last word, ALWAYS.
People like that bug me, a lot. Hard to believe how these people that would have given an arm to be on a TV show like PR, will turn around later and diss the experience like they would have made it without it (Zulema comes to mind).
He does have personality and is witty, funny and well spoken. His designs on the show were poorly made raw-edge "avant-garde" LA crap but he stayed on for being confrontational and camera-ready. He was the star of Season 2, no doubt about it but can't he just be thankfull that without PR he would be a nobody? He is so ready to diss everybody but can't take when he is being talked about? Jeffrey's work was totally comparable to Santino's: poorly-made, raw edged, LA "avant-garde" crap, plus an evil big-mouth attached to it.
On another note, after viewing out-takes on Bravo TV and watching the past 3 seasons of PR: Does that shock anyone how candid the contestants can be when talking about their fellow designers?
It astonishes me that they can be so nasty/evil/mean/cruel when discussing ON THE RECORD about the other contestants. Would anyone say such brutal stuff about their neighbors/co-workers/acquaintaces fully knowing that they would see & hear all the mean things you said about them? What evil effect that confessional camera has that makes people need to spill so much venon? Is it a truth-serum or just an infectuous poison?
Some people can be funny and it's entertaining to see them dish about each other, but within limits. Guys like Robert, Kayne or Nick on season 2 were catty-funny, even Laura does not bother me with her comments.
But Vincent and Jeffrey were simply cruel and vicious. How do they face each other at the reunion show after eveyone has heard, senn and read all the evil stuff they said about the other guys?
Was I the only one that thought that Jay's Season 3 recap was downright mean-spirited? He is witty and funny, but so insecure that he had to rip the other contestants apart. How do they just seat there and hear being compared to the personality of a tumble weed?
"MarceloMF said...
Guys like Robert, Kayne or Nick on season 2 were catty-funny, even Laura does not bother me with her comments.
But Vincent and Jeffrey were simply cruel and vicious. How do they face each other at the reunion show after eveyone has heard, senn and read all the evil stuff they said about the other guys?"
I agree. There's a difference between being funny and just plain nasty.
Most of the people watching PR have no idea how rough and tough the Fashion Industry is for everyone, photographers, models, bookers, agents,designers,stylists,hair and makeup people, magazine editors,etc.
It's a tough business, but fun too, the positives can outweigh a lot. As a former model, I can tell you it's not a world of people being nice to each other, it's a business and it's blunt and cruel, but also fun too and you can make a ton of money for all the crap you put up with.
Sounds like the only thing he has been doing lately is being a Media Whore
Why not make some money and get more exposure while he get's himself together with a Fashion line or whatever. Nothing wrong with it. People are just jealous that the press likes talking to him. The fashion business is tough and so is show biz, you've got to be tough. The weak people never even try or they fold up and go home. Santino,Nick,Zulema,Emmet,Kara Saun,Milan and others who were on Project R, are all still out there making the most of the opportunity. It's smart, Santino stay in the public eye as long as you can, the others certainly are. Nothing wrong with it dude!
Exposure is one thing; running naked through the Fashion District is another. All of the designers Anon (12:31) cites, save Santino, are designing clothes. Unless you consider t-shirts and a thong designs, Santino hasn't done anything. Do you honestly believe that he, of all people, would not have mentioned his finished or sold pieces during that interview, other than to say "send me an email"? Even the website he promoted has a "Browse Designs" link and no designs. But you can buy a t-shirt and "support" the site.(This from a designer whose MySpace profile states that he makes over 250k.)
Hey, Santino: Where's the beef?
"Chgo_John said…
Exposure is one thing; running naked through the Fashion District is another. All of the designers Anon (12:31) cites, save Santino, are designing clothes. Unless you consider t-shirts and a thong designs, Santino hasn't done anything. Do you honestly believe that he, of all people, would not have mentioned his finished or sold pieces during that interview, other than to say "send me an email"? Even the website he promoted has a "Browse Designs" link and no designs. But you can buy a t-shirt and "support" the site.(This from a designer whose MySpace profile states that he makes over 250k.)"
AMEN! I couldn't have said it better.
"Do you honestly believe that he, of all people, would not have mentioned his finished or sold pieces during that interview, other than to say "send me an email"?
What are you talking about?
That's exactly how I buy Prada, Gucci and even Calvin Klein outifts. I send them an email or go to their MySpace page.
Santino make a buck, the others are. Good for you. I hope whatever dreams you have are realized. You haven't done anything wrong, always be yourself. The world needs people like you, Laura,Nick,Milan,Daniel Franco,Michael,Angela,Andre',Emmet,Jeffrey,Uli, everyone who was fortunate enough to be selected by Project Runway. I hope every designer accomplishes whatever they desire, wherever it takes them, TV,magazines,showing a fashion line,writing books ,so go for the gusto, all of you desingers. "Lighten Up it's Just Fashion."
I'm saying... he's driving a friend's old school cabriolet, but selling dresses at between 2-7k? Who the hell does he think he is, Michael Kors?
Oh yuck. Really....this interview was actually hard to read. He is crude, arrogant, and nasty to other people.
No amount of talent makes up for that. He's on 15:01 in my book.
K, but he has the most perfect set of lips I've EVER seen on a man. Can I cut them off and transplant them on my boyfriend, please??
Santino is simply creepy, rude, ignorant, ugly, and looks at all times like he needs to be scrubbed really well... he was probably one of those dirty little boys that picked his nose and wiped it on the sofa rather than getting a tissue.
Why do some people feel they have to tear others down to make themselves feel superior? Honestly, just because someone went to design school doesn't make them a great designer. I mean, my husband has a degree in broadcast journalism but you don't see him delivering the evening news, do you? Santino seems to be spending too much time enjoying his 15 minutes of fame and not doing much to build an actual business. I'm not saying he doesn't have talent or a vision, I'm just saying he obviously doesn't have what it takes (a work ethic, for one) to build a brand.
Laura, on the other hand, will use her appearance on PR to her full advantage. You will be able to buy a Laura Bennett in stores long before you'll ever see a Santino Rice. IMO, it's just not good business to rely too much on celebrities - most of the clothes they wear to big events are loaners!
Lastly, it's pretty damn disappointing that simply being polite has gone so out of fashion! I'm so sick of rude people.
people who spend so much time criticizing others should devote that energy focusing on themselves and their path in life. what people say about you is meaningless.
i think santino is an interesting satirist, but should't verbally bad mouth everybody. i especially dislike his comment about Laura as a homemaker and saying people who haven't pursued their dreams by 40 shouldn't bother. that is so negative.
santino has talent, but his ego is going to run down him...
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