When we told Alison we were from PRGay, she immediately said "Oh, you guys were talking about my boots!" Which of course, led to gushing about the fierceness of said boots. She told us a lot of people had been asking about them and that she had purchased them in Sweden.

Jay and Austin. Why these two don't have their own show, we'll never know.

First off, let us just say that Austin Scarlett is an exotic creature not of this world. Just gorgeous and ethereal and glowing. Austin and Malan are from the same solar system, but on opposite sides of its sun.

Jay is Jay. Exactly what you see on television, hilarious and over the top. This picture was taken at the exact moment that Jay told us to go fuck ourselves. We wear it as a badge of honor.
Note how in every picture, Austin is totally making love to the camera.

Malan darling. His outfit was stunning and by the end of the night he was adorably tipsy. Working our way through the dense crowd, we passed right by him and caught his eye just as he said "Darling, I'm so drunk!" He gave us a sheepish look and we said "Oh darling, you know we're publishing THAT." You could hear his distinctive laugh from all over the room.

Believe it or not, Emmett is actually better-looking in person. Such an incredibly nice guy and he won the Tom & Lorenzo award for most beautiful outfit of the night.

We complimented him on it and he told us he picked it up on his most recent trip to Paris, from which he had just returned. An absolutely gorgeous man. We hung out in the theater after most people had filed out and dished about the collections.

Okay, here's Tom's favorite exchange of the night. "Hi Daniel, I'm Tom from Project RunGay." "Oh hi! Did you color your hair? I don't remember it being so red in the pictures I saw."
Seriously, we thought Daniel would be standoffish but he is so friendly and open. He's another one that wraps you in a full body hug when he poses for a picture (making us the envy of half the gay men and teenage girls in America right now). Met his adorable boyfriend too, who graciously snapped this pic for us.

Okay, you can all hear Kara's voice and accent in your head, right? In perfect Kara Janxese, she said "Let's awll go doawnstaihs and pahrty!" All rubber facial expressions and slinky body. Kara's got quite a look and her outfit, hair and makeup were all perfect. Very stylish gal. The striking guy (the one who's not Lorenzo) is her ...fiance? Husband? We're not sure if they're married yet, but he's a stunner and the kind of guy you definitely notice from across the room.
TRESemmé has more fabulous pics from the Finale Party here (and we're in some of them) and believe it or not, we STILL have more pics from the party. Keep coming back, chitlins, we got PLENTY to talk about - and we haven't even started in on the episode yet!
What in God's name are we going to do now? Please, please, please keep writing until they start Season 4. Even if the blog turns onto a stalker session of following the contestants around NYC and reporting back to us. WE need something! ;-)
I can't help it, I think Austin Scarlett looks like a serial killer.
Speaking of killer, you two guys are KILLER!!!!
God, I'm so jealous I can't even think. And Alison, getting her cute boots in Sweden, of COURSE she did! She's adorable.
How beautiful is Alison! You lucky bitches are just so addictive!
More more more!! We cannot get enough!!
Ok, bitches, that's all well and good, but we're still wondering WHAT SKIN PRODUCTS DOES TIM GUNN USE?!?!
I want to know, dammit, because I want to use the lady version of them!
Can't wait to hear the dish about the collections (and more).
I see in todays papers that Little Peanut has been saying all sorts of nasties about Laura, etc (but no one ever expected him to be classy, did they?) I'd love to hear some goss that shoves him back into his chair.
Got any?
--Gotham Tomato
Oh, damn. Pictures of men that are prettier than me. With better hair, too.
(Gnashing of teeth!)
Gail, some of the mystery of Tim's beautiful complexion was revealed in this New York interview:
Q. What's your favorite medication?
A. Over the counter: Advil.
Prescription: Retin-A.
Link: http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2006/10/tim_gunn_wears_banana_republic_1.html
— CF
i love malan. i want to be his mom.
I agree TOTALY about Emmett, I have had a HUGE crush on him since last season and really hope that he might be my future ex-husband someday (once marriage is legal for us boys)
So jealous. My 12 year old daughter would like you to become her guardians.
So, any dish about Emmet and Tim? Even since season 2, whenever you see them in conversation, they seem to glow at each other. I know they've known each other forever.
So, any dish about Emmet and Tim? Even since season 2, whenever you see them in conversation, they seem to glow at each other. I know they've known each other forever.
Funny that you should ask us that. Without any prompting, Emmett suddenly started singing Tim's praises to us, talking about how much he loves the man and how long they've known each other. Nothing dishy or scandalous, just a deep, longstanding friendship.
Did anyone else notice that Heidi did not auf Laura or Michael by getting up from her chair and giving them a kiss on both cheeks?
What was up with that?
I wonder if Heidi really believed that Laura was jealous? I wonder if that played into Nina's hands to auf her?
I wish Laura had kept some color in her offerings and that she had used a few more short dresses like the one that started the show. Nina told her to give them variety and Nina had the upper hand. (Thank goodness Fern stuck up for Laura's classic elegance. Even Heidi said that her dresses would be what women kept in their closets for years.)
I also wish Laura hadn't said anything. Simply because Jeffrey would have kept the wigs and that would have repulsed everyone.
Oh well, this can't be "Dallas" and we all can't wake up in the shower recovering from a bad dream.
I am just glad that someone's long-suffering Mamma could gain some joy.
Also glad that the fab Laura will be free to do whatever she damn well pleases in the fashion industry. She has arrived. And yes, PLEASE give us more!
God, I LOVE what Malan is wearing! You guys look great too. Keep the pictures coming! I can't wait for the episode recap/dishing!!!
Sorry for the earlier, looong, unrelated post. I was just thinking about it last night/this morning.
Love the photos! Did you actually touch Austin? He's not just a hypotic vapor in the form of a being?
I wonder if Laura really was Jealous? I wonder if that played into her insecurity and the manufactured drama of her false accusations during the Finale?
I wish Laura had not given us 12 variations on the same dress. I wish she would reevaluate feathers, rhinestones and sequins as trim.
Whether Laura chose to make her accusation or not, the receipts of all contestants are evaluated. Jeffrey would have still been found to be $230 over and would still have nixed the wigs. Laura's poor sportsmanship - Jeffrey losing the wigs, one has nothing to do with the other.
Can we talk about the party now and put the conspiracy theories and non-sensical logic away?
You perfect bitches! Just keep rubbing it in that you have this fabulously glam life now. Remember we made you what you are (at least in this realm) and we want more!
Are you kidding you nutters? Is this it? Is this really the sum total of your collective imaginations? I really hope you do some other things with your free time.
I looked at the Tresemme pics-like you didn't know who was going to win, just based on the seating arrangement. HA!
I'm so, so happy for you guys. I've been reading since before the dog challenge, and I'm just so proud to see how far you'be gone *sniff*
I also have to say, it surprises me not one whit that the one thing Alison retained about this incredibly varied and hilarious blog was the moment when you were complimenting her.
Austin looks fake. Not in a bad Micahel Jackson kind of way but in a good....too-perfect-to-be-real kind of way.
And for the record I absolutey LIVE for my Kara Janx kimono dress.
The brown/turquoise one and the Rafe sandals with the stones were my summer uniform this year.
I can't take it.....this is too ....too....whats the word? You're right! SURREAL!
Was Andy Cohen there? He is like an honorary RunGay boy.
Another great envy invoking post!!!
But, please, I'm BURSTING. I just got back from the gym where I spent an HOUR watching Tim Gunn co-host LIVE with Regis and Kelly. Does it get any better than that? Well, yes, but not much. Hope you two cuties watched.
Oh and Tom? I hope you don't worry about the red hair comments. I sure don't. It's only because the non-redheads are jealous baby.
Jeffrey looks Exactly like Alan Cummings.
Allison looks stunning!
Laura looks radiant.
Austin looks just like a manaquin.
Malan and Lorenzo have the same color teeth.
Uli looks thin.
Kara Janx looks so cool.
Michael looks Hawt!
Wow, that's Christmas come to life, that is!
Were all the contestants there? Was Angela there to see Jeffrey win? :)
I hadn't thought of it before, but lauraandmichael is right: It was totally to Jeffrey's advantage to ditch the blonde wigs and the weird bubble-shorts. It's a shame, because I imagine those wigs would be a total laugh riot.
Also, he looks more handsome in these pics. Less peanutty.
Gay but not mad said...
Are you kidding you nutters? Is this it? Is this really the sum total of your collective imaginations? I really hope you do some other things with your free time.
10:19 AM
OK, that was just mean...
I, for one, am alternately jealous as all get-out and vicariously deleriously happy for our PRGayBoys. You two rawk!
Here's my personal conspiracy theory:
Austin Scarlett is the love child of Yves St. Laurent and Catherine Deneuve! Put this guy in a pinstriped suit and black glasses! Then when you're done with that put him in something from the Ballet Russes collection.
Your heads must be exploding from all the fabulousness! Mine is and I'm only looking at the pictures!
OMG...the fabulousness factor is going to some kind of quantum factor now. I envisioned you boys at OFW months ago but THIS...THIS is even BETTAH!
Ok...yes I viewed all the Tresemme photos last night and thought "dayum, Emmett is HOT". And "are those Malan's REAL eyelashes?" and "Jay...he just makes me smile" and "Does Allison EVER take a bad photo?" among other things.
I now want to take a junket to the Austin/Malan solar system as a tourist and view the natives in their natural habitat..with my camera of course.
You BITCHES...FIERCE! :around the world with a backsnap!"
Love the photos! The two of you bring such joy to so many! Thank you for sharing your adventures. Wishing you both much happiness and all good things.
So I take it that Keith didn't show. And is there no one who is appalled that Tim & Co. did a "very serious investigation" of Laura's completely unsubstantiated accusation that Jeffrey cheated? They had do to a serious investigation simply because she couldn't understand how he could be finished with all his pieces? Please. The equivalent would be for them to do a "serious investigation" of the producers on the show because Keith accused them of lying. Never gonna happen. And it shouldn't. Just because someone says something (and someone with an agenda, at that) doesn't make it investigation-worthy. I don't even like Jeffrey, but I still think it was a shitty way of treating him in the final week. I think they love many of you have for Laura is clouding the thinking here.
"Laura's completely unsubstantiated accusation that Jeffrey cheated?"
Read the interview with tim linked above. Jeffrey DID bring it on himself.
"Note how in every picture, Austin is totally making love to the camera."
What I always notice about Austin Scarlett is that he looks like a grown up version of little Christina from "Mommie Dearest" (well, at least if Mara Hobel hadn't grown up to be a linebacker).
His outfit was stunning and by the end of the night he was adorably tipsy. Working our way through the dense crowd, we passed right by him and caught his eye just as he said "Darling, I'm so drunk!" He gave us a sheepish look and we said "Oh darling, you know we're publishing THAT."
Oh, I LOVE this. Malan tipsy. What a hoot.
Can't wait to read more . . .
That photo of Jay and Austin is priceless.
Thank you again for sharing.
Make us hate you? Ha!
Fellas, we're fans of the show AND you two... this is pretty much an unexpected treat so just shut up and BRAG already!
I STILL Miss AUSTIN SCARLETT he was one of my favorites the first season. He's a beautiful person, he prettier and lovier than many of my galpal's. I HOPE one day that PR has a best of...all the designers who one a challenge or all the designers who made top 4 or 5(except the WINNERS can't come back and compete, that wouldn't be right to do that) but all the top 5 who were in for the past three seasons come back and compete for $500,000. Many won't want to return, like maybe Kara Saun, but many will.....maybe after one more season...(season 5) they can try this....best of....idea.
Austin's face looks like it is molded of silicone and expertly airbrushed and stored in a papier mache hatbox only to be taken out and attached with little Velcro dots when needed for those occasions when one has to perfect...
but not in a bad way, of course!
I'll second the raves for the Kara Janx kimono dress. I got mine recently (black with purple trim). I was a little embarrassed to buy one since I don't want to come off as some PR-obsessed fan girl nor do I want to see that dress coming and going but so far I haven't seen one on anyone else here in NYC. But that dress is fierce! It looks amazing, if I do say so myself. It's flattering as hell, can be dressed up or dressed down and is as comfortable as a bathrobe. Kara deserves to make a fortune on that design.
Oh, and Alison is still a twit.
I don't mind AUSTIN Looking BEAUTIFUL, he's a beautiful person. He has his own Unique personality, I think he should also model. Maybe he can get a MAC COSMETICS CAMPAIGN, AUSTIN likes looking pretty...so what....it's his business, leave him alone. I love Austin Scarlett.
My God, you two look stunning! Radiant! What gorgeous pictures of you and everybody else. I am all a twitter.
XO more more more more
I'm surprised no one has said anything yet about Uli and her fabulous gams! At least the guy taking the photos at the Tresemme party noticed. Wow!
What happened to Andrae?
I had a secret crush on Emmett since season two. And yes, I can stand the pink skating costume.. I guess I have to. :)
I did read the article and it makes no sense to say Jeffrey brought it on himself. Did his disorganization bring on the chaos that ensued with him trying to round up the invoices? Yes. But Jeffrey cheating and receipts are two different issues. After all, if he had cheated, he wouldn't have included the receipts for that work, would he? All the receipt mess proved was a) he went over budget by $200 and b) that he couldn't find a receipt for some work HE ADMITTED he sent out, and therefore he had to take the piece out. It's completely illogical to say, "Show us all your receipts to prove you didn't cheat." And they clearly edited out much of the investigation, as Tim alluded to in the interview. There were many sit-downs with Jeffrey where he had to go through all his pieces and explain how he did the work. Utterly unfair treatment, imho, all based on a competitor's opinion.
Oh how I miss Austin. I agree with whoever it was who posted about the season 5 cast recap but only because Austin would be there.
I'd be equally eager about 'The Austin Scarlett Show' or 'Jay and Austin in Da (Fashion) House'.
(Also, thanks for the link to those tresemme photos. The very last one with Jay and Jeffrey is so cute!)
"I HOPE one day that PR has a best of...all the designers who one a challenge or all the designers who made top 4 or 5(except the WINNERS can't come back and compete."
That would be awesome!! All of our favorites back in one big, fun group!
I thought of two challenges that I think would be fun:
I think everybody should have to make a new look for Tim, with the criteria that it should express his personality and he should be comfortable wearing it. All those tired judges sit out and Tim picks the winner.
I think everybody should have to say in the beginning which designer from previous seasons they'd most like to work with, and that person comes back and works with them to put together a look.
I'll take Laura. (Oh wait, I'm not on the show.)
Enough already -- are you going to tell us who the woman is that wrapped herself around Jeffrey at the Tresemme party???
The photographer wasn't the only one looking at Uli's gams. Didn't you notice Jeffrey looking at them?
Hate you? As if that could ever happen! It only increases my adoration because if you are in the inner circle, that means more fabulous pictures and stories. I'm hoping for a PRGayBoys challenge next year where you get to design the challenge and pick the winners. Hear that, Bravo? Make it work!
Austin's beginning to resemble Cloris Leachman, as Phyllis.
My question is - where was Santino during this? It didn't look like he was at the finale fashion show either.
I guess since he couldn't be the center of attention, he decided not to go.
malan.... adorable.
deego, if i'd been drinking coffee just now, i would have done a perfect spit take upon reading your last post.
OMG, I am so jealous. What a fabulous party. You guys look GREAT!
Any model? Nazri? Camilla?
How adorable are Danny V. and Emmett? The season 2 folks look awesome! Laura as usual looks so FAB! Jay and Austin scare me. YIKES! Malan looks good too...looks like he's growing his hair out a little.
Looks like it was all a ton of fun! Wish I was there...
Thanks for all the fun this season too...see ya for Season 4!
JP :)
OMG, you lovely boys are absolutely THE THING!
Alison! Lovely.
Jay, hilarious.
Austen. Ethereal.
Laura. So abso-fabulously cool.
I am sooo jealous.
Am I wrong for thinking that in fifty years, Austin Scarlett will somehow morph into Quentin Crisp, all ascot and floppy hat and just a dab of lipstick?
Chiiiiild...I am jealous of you two!! Bravo needs to put y'all on the payroll. For serious. This blog is one of the best parts of Project Runway.
I love those pictures. Everyone looks amazing, especially Laura. She really does look radiant; I can even forgive the top of her dress. Was that really just black lace? Was there some kind of nude fabric underneath it? I guess it doesn't really matter: it's her style and she looked absolutely beautiful.
Why does Austin always look like he's on cocaine?
anonymous, ms. laura NEEDS some nude fabric -- if you look closely, those pasties are blindingly white.
Dish, dish now, bitches.
We can't get enough. We will just have to start our own conspiracy theory.
Jay conspiracy.
The fabulousness T&L are actually at the final showing of Seasons 1, 2 and 3. All taped in 100 days.
Jay was the spoiler. His collection was very "JAY" and they had no choice but to hand him the win for season 1. Clear cut winner.
Season 2, Santino cannot win. It would have been Project Freakshow.
He was all over the place, glueing, a couple wins and sometimes at the bottom. His final collection was a surprise but the judges did not see enough of him.
The couch collection won. The cinderella american dream came true.
Season 3. Oh no, 2 seasons in a row, thousands of auditions and no "next great american designer" is from NY or LA. Let me think, I want break out as a model or designer, I think I will stay right in my backyard and wait to be discovered!
Hah, season 3, Jeffrey or Uli. Let's see, Uli the I have a dream cinderella story or Jeffrey, very LA, very Santino-like villain.
Too bad, we used the cinderella story for season 2.
Jeffrey in Season 3.
Imitating Heidi: Very busy, no, all over the place. We have another Santino.
NINA: Still you, and you surprised us in a nice way.
MK: Showed us a range and is still cohesive. Yeah, from red apple dots to blues, to green candy stripes. (It is very Japanese too. NOT).
Blahtv: We want DRAMA, Tears,Dammit. Make a grown woman cry Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: That's easy. Ah.. I haven't lost my touch. Look even Laura can make me cry. I'll cry and cut if I have to.
Blahvo: BTDT, Jeffrey. Try something original.
Jeffrey: I'll give you
Sewgate and I can also be the bad guy made it good kind of story.
Ah.. I haven't lost my touch.
Cameras, don't forget to pan in for a closeup of Fern.
Tears.. Yesss!!! Keep them rolling Fern, Cut, we have a winner.
No seriously, Jeff has the best collection, very Jeffrey, very innovative, risky, not one-note or like Poor-Michael.
That is why the fabulousness T&L are in inner circledom!
What are we going do till Season 4, And no Laura.
Show us some love and sunshine, or the claws are coming out.
Get in line. I think you are 15624436438438959.
I think Austin could be the next Andy Warhol! (And I mean that as a compliment!) Suz
i would loooove to see a picture of both austin and uli -- they're both so amazingly pretty and sort of look like they could be related. sort of.
wow, emmett seems to get hotter as time goes on! that slight stubble looks so good on him, and what elegance. he and tim are the EPITOME of elegance.
Oh, boys, we love you and we are so glad that the PR crew agrees! Mwah!
I would love a luncheon with Malan and Austin Scarlett, just to hear the conversation.
I love this blog!!!
Gentlemen, you guys are fabulously hilarious!
I love this blog!!!
Gentlemen, you guys are fabulously hilarious!
You two lovely boys deserve all this fame just for providing us with this wonderful blogtainment.
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