Kayne's Goodbye

Friday, September 22, 2006 by

Hey Hookers!

I am so gonna miss you guys! Except for Laura.
Just kidding, bitch!!!! LOL!
This dress is totally GORGEOUS I don't care
what that bitch Nina says! She wouldn't know
gorgeous if it pooped on her head.
Whoops! Looks like it already did! LOL!!!!
Just kidding!

Anyway, I'm really sad to be going, but I totally
think I rocked the house and brought a little
glam to the place, y'know? And this place DEFINITELY
needed some glam!!!! What with all the
German hippy chicks and rich bitch
mommies around here. Seriously
Laura, would it kill you to use a little
pink every now and then? LOL!!!! And blow out that
hair every once in a while! You look like a trannie on a
smoke break between shows!!!
Just kidding, girl! You know I love you
like a MUCH OLDER sister!!!!!

Michael!!!! Girlfriend, I'm so gonna miss you!!!!
Who else is going to remind me to walk like I mean it????
You're FABULOUS and I'm totally rooting for you
to win this thing but don't tell the others I said that!!!! LOL!!!!

Jeffrey, honey. I never told you this but the neck tattoo?
Not working for me. Go have a talk with Collier and
see if he can hook you up with a good coverup.
Because girl, that thing looks like
you passed out at a frat party!!! Just kidding!!!!!
Work it, boy!

Uli, you know I love you like a German sister
but come on! Raise that hem a little bit!
I can't even tell if you have legs!!!! LOL!!!!
Just kidding, girl!! Thank you for making my mama
look FABULOUS!!!!!!! She's a DIVA and now EVERYONE
knows it!!!!!!

Tim, I love you like a grandfather, but bitch, you TOTALLY
did not get the KAYNE EXPERIENCE!!!!! I'm FIERCE and you
have NO TASTE!!! LOL!!! Just kidding, Daddy!!!!

Seriously guys, I'm totally bummed but you have not
heard the LAST of KAYNE GILLASPIE!!!!!! I am the
QUEEN of GLAMOUR, y'all!!!! The next time you see
a FABULOUS beauty queen covered in GLITTER
you'll know she's been KAYNEFIED!!!!!!

I sprinkled some glitter on your work stations so you'll
always remember the FIERCEST BITCH YOU'RE EVER
GONNA MEET!!!!!!!!

Good luck, bitches!!! Things should be a lot easier for
y'all now that you don't have to compete with me!!!!!!!
LOL!!!!!! Make it work!!!
Kayne Gillaspie, Fiercer than you

P.S. Take care of Amanda, guys! My girl can walk it like
she's on FIRE!!!!

PPS: Laura, I glued your scissors shut!!!!


Anonymous said...

I wondered what that note said...

Anonymous said...

LOL. Now that was a LONG note.
He's adorable!

Lisette said...

OMG, glued her scissors shut! I pee'd on myself laughing! I know they're gonna do two shows a year, they are, right? but what are we, your faithful servants gonna do on the down times? You guys, are the only reason I can make it though the stinkin' work day! If I didn't have to check here a zillion times a day I mihgt actually be productive to hell with that!

Anonymous said...

OMG I completely forgot about that. That is so funny. I love how fast he talks.

Anonymous said...

"PPS: Laura, I glued your scissors shut!!!!"


junior_goddess said...

I am really SAD about the end of the season. When does the next season start?

Anonymous said...

The use of bold words, exclamation marks and LOL was so spot-on. Well done boys. Well done.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha... kaynefied!! girl... that is too funny. thats pretty much how i imagine the note was written.

regarding next season, i read an interview with nina a while back where she said its only gonna be 1 show per year and the next one's not coming till next summer.

i dont think i can live without the prgayboys for that long...

katiecoo said...

LOL!!!! And also ROFL!!!! and LMAO!!!!!!! LOLOLOLLLLLLLLL

Anonymous said...

Heeee! Oh, that's too funny. The exclamation points perfectly convey Kayne's... kayneness. It just occurred to me that, while I've told you how much I adore you and this blog, and how funny I think you are, I haven't told you what good writers you are. Thanks again for brightening my days.

Anonymous said...

"A tranny on a smoke break between shows" - I'm DYING!

Come on you guys, DISH - is that what Kayne told you the note said? Come on, we won't tell anybody! Did you get any hints from him, or did you really just make it up?

I'm anonymous because the stupid blog thing won't take my login, BTW. Not because of a deep-seeded wish to hide from the PRGayBoyz.


TLo said...


We're flattered you think it's real but this is totally made up. That is NOT what Kayne wrote.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I knew it was a joke right way.
Very funny, guys.

Favorite part:
"I sprinkled some glitter on your work stations so you'll
always remember the FIERCEST BITCH YOU'RE EVER
GONNA MEET!!!!!!!!"

Embeedubya said...

"P. S. S. I want to invite all of you to Oklahoma for the annual Gay Okies Daze. We yippee-tie-yie-yo like you wouldn't believe!!!! I'm entered in the rope tricks contest -- I use braided silk trims and it's fabulous!!! And I'm dressing three girls in the Miss Daze pageant -- the sparkles alone took months!!! Ya'll come!!!!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

I got that your transcription was a joke. My comment was a subtler joke.

Sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake, but not this time. :D

Anonymous said...

Tee hee hee! You guys rock! Poor little Kaynebow. I hope he reads this blog!

Anonymous said...

I'll miss Kaynebow. Always funny and sweet.

Anonymous said...

I am dying over here.

Anonymous said...

"PPS: Laura, I glued your scissors shut!!!!"


Anonymous said...

hahaha I am crying from laughter!

I would love a podcast of him saying that!

stmkent said...

See...that's just wrong. But I can totally imagine him writing something like that. Then, signing his name in lipstick or something ubergirly like that.

Chgo_John said...

Just when I think there's nothing left to mine, you two dig up this gem : "You look like a trannie on a smoke break between shows!!!"


dpaste said...

Probably word for word, down to the last exclamation point.

Anonymous said...

By damn, I'm gonna miss that little fairy. He was muh sunshine.

Anonymous said...

i can only click my ruby eliza b's together and wish to land in KATNESKANDYLAND.

TheQuietOne said...

Okay that was hilarious. :)
But I wonder if we'll ever know what the note REALLY said? Most of the other designers leave little short notes, but I guess if you read theirs out loud at their rate of speed, and read Kayne's at HIS rate of speed, they'd be about the same length. ;)

Lydia said...

Like, LOL guys!!!!

Miss M...not only would the name be signed in lipstick, but he'd probably dot his i's with hearts and smiley faces.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kaynebow, so little time, so much to say...

Mel said...

I'm in Kansas, Kayne's shop is Oklahoma. Not far, I just want to go there and go "GIRL I LOVE YOU!! The PrGay boys won't let me be their hag so can I be yours? I mean I speak great gay."

Roni said...

That note just proves Kayne really did "fake" the editing bit....he's just not capable!!!

Love you two Boyz!

Anonymous said...

he is so fucking cute, i LOVE IT. 'just kidding daddy' to tim. bwahahahaha. :] i'm gonna miss that lil fuck!

Annie said...

I still think the whole "Jetsetter vs Bitches of Fashion" sequence is the funniest thing y'all have ever done, but this is pretty close. I think my favorite part is the note to Jeffrey: "you look like you passed out at a frat party." That not only made me howl; it made me think, "Yes, yes, yes!" :)

You guys are so great. Your stuff is more than just funny. It also consistently comments on the show, without having to go off on weird tangents or cheap photoshops to get your laughs. You make fantastic use of what you actually see on the show, and I think that's why your blog is so much better than everybody else's.

Of course, now you make me want to know what Kayne *actually* wrote. Before, I was content to not know what was on the "Fashion Manifesto," but y'all have got my curiosity up with this. Any chance you can find out since you met him at Emmett's event? I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to know.

Anonymous said...

Of course Kayne can't jsut write of shot, "I'll miss you! It was fun!" type note. No. It has to be bigger and better than any goodbye note ever written.

Anonymous said...

OMFG, absolutely spot on!!!!!!!!!!!

One can never have enough fairy glitter. :-)

Anonymous said...

Kayne: PLEASE call International Male! They have a design table waiting for you and it's all stocked with glitter, sequins and chambray silk!

I'll buy it if you design it!

Luv ya Kayne!

marniecel said...

I loved Kayne's gold Couture dress, it was beautiful, no way was it too much. No way is Kayne back in Kansas, he's in the Village or Soho, designing gowns for all the performers in the next Wig Stock. They are all hitting the clubs at night, sleeping until noon and designing during the late afternoon. Kayne's having a ball.

BigAssBelle said...

this is hysterical. y'all are so dead on i could hear his cute little voice and southern accent reciting that litany . . .

he is cute in a 7th grade popular girl way. even the autographed t-shirt i got says "love ya ~ mean it!" just the way we used to sign notes to each other in junior high :-)

i LOVE me some kaynebow . . .

Anonymous said...

"trannie on smoke break" except that the trannie would have bigger boobs than Laura. Yuck. How androgenous can you be Wasp girl>

Anonymous said...

I am more curious as to when he found the time to write a note that size! Did he pre-write it or did they give him a special dispensation and not make him clear up his table right away.

The Scarlett said...

OMG, LOL, I'm ROFLMFO!!!!111

Anonymous said...

Kaynebow is the BEST!
I love him.

Anonymous said...

Kayne is the dew on a sweetheart rose.
He's champagne bubbles that tickle your nose.
He's new fallen snow on a country lane.
He's joy, he's happiness-
He's our Kayne.

Anonymous said...

Kayne, please don't ever use that tired "LOL" poop again. It's worse than "at the end of the day," and that's bad. Other than that, thought your Paris dress rocked.


Anonymous said...

I hate that "p" word.....I can't even write it. I love Kayne though.

Anonymous said...

After this season of PR ends, would you consider blogging another show? I can't think of anything that really compares to PR, but maybe American's Next Top Model or something? PLEASE?

Anonymous said...

Off topic but thought I'd ask if you know the answers to any of the following quaestions about the fab Laura.

1. Why does she have so many children? Is it her religion? (I can't imagine.)
2. Why doesn't she have a website? She is the only designer who doesn't.

Thanks! So glad to know that I am not alone in my love for Laura!

Anonymous said...

Gasp... I've checked this blog at least 20 times in the last two days, and there have been no new entries.. I'm suffering from PRGay deprivation...

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking our boys must be having a grand old time in NYC at the Broadway Cares Equity Fights AIDS auction!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if this was mentioned. If so, sorry to be annoying...

In my area, there is a pageant train run by none other than the Gillespies. Slightly different spelling, but same amount of glitter.

Anyway, you guys give me lots of laughs. Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

do you all watch americas next top model? if so you should totally blog on that.

Anonymous said...

as anonymous said a few posts back, this is just a sad prelude to what's going to happen in another week or three: our beloved PR gay boys are going to vanish, leaving all of us addicts drove up and femin' for the dope of dish, unable to get our needed witty fixes, shivering out in the cold, caught up in the agony of withdrawal from their utter fabulosity.

our divine boys will simply return to the glamorous lives they led before this and we . . . we will soldier on in desperation, trying to find a reason, any reason, to go on, to (*sniff**) carry on in their absence.

it is a sad weekend in PRgayland, a harbinger of things to come. woe is me, woe to all of us . . .

bungle said...

IF Kayne IS as cool as he seems, fame and fortune couldn't happen to a better fella. It's all about schools of thought when contemplating the sources of creativity, but according to the one I favor at the moment, it is seen that artists require a large ego to bring things about. Kayne, in my opinion, is an artist, he does bring it about, so there must be that critical mass of ego necessary and sufficient. Yet he's seemingly not the perfect jerk. Very tough balancing act and such character maintenence is deserved of praise beyond hyperbole.
By my count, he mentioned being 'white trash' twice.

On that score I do have argument with Kayne. Nothing 'trash' about him.

The proof of all of what I might have to say about the guy is a very simple matter really. All a doubter need do is ask "would the world be better or worse off with more people like Kayne?"
(sure there would be more glitter but that's not the worse thing that could happen)

Do you think PR will be around in 10 years time? Tough call, I'd guess not, just because not many shows last that long. But I'll bet we'll be hearing of KG then. He'll only be 37 yet at that point, considering where he is now, we're talking a fashion magister ludi.

Anonymous said...

"but what are we, your faithful servants gonna do on the down times?"

Watch the producers make a cock-up of the same style of program, only with cooking instead of fashion...

Anonymous said...


that just got more & more hilarious as it kept goinnnng .. xD


Anonymous said...

Kayne's amazing... I really think he didn't deserve to be kicked off the show. But I understand that he didn't follow the directions he was given... still, Kayne is an amazing designer. I loved his outfit he made for himself.

Anonymous said...

Love the blog, love you guys...

and I have totally reread Kayne's goodbye 100 times. Cracks me up every time. Work it, girls!

Anonymous said...

Sad thing is, its not funny. Anyone who knows Kayne knows he doesnt talk like that at all, which is what makes it unfunny. Some of the one liners were funny, but funny coming from a writer, it wouldnt be funny coming out of Kaynes mouth. If it would have the same bitchiness feel to it in Kaynes sytle of speech it would have been funny, but as is, it sucks.

Anonymous said...

wow, he's even more of an uninteresting, tired stereotype than i thought.

Unknown said...

Kayne is too cute! Despite being a tad over-tanned at the reunion show, he was just as much fun to watch as he ever was. He's a good, sweet, upbeat, happy, bright-shiney person. I can't imagine him ever being in a foul mood.