And Project Runway takes one step closer to the Special Olympics. Next season, there will be someone permanently stationed at the end of the runway to give out hugs. We recommend Andre Leon Talley.
It's a cute, sassy dress and that's saying something coming from Uli. While some of us thought it looked a little too "Star Trek," the general consensus on the couch last night was that she done good. Loved the collar and trim and loved how she arranged the tie-dye pattern to mimic the female form. She may only have a couple notes to play, but Uli plays them like a virtuoso.
Every time Uli stands next to her model, the resultant "Uli explosion" burns another hole in our TV screen. Bravo better buy us a new TV after the season's over. This one's about shot. The people in the Claritin commercials all have weird, hippy, beach-party patterns on their faces as they stoically inform us of the oily discharge side-effects.
But let's be honest here, there's one model who consistently sells the garments better than any other and all the designers have been itching to use her. Uli got her chance, and god bless her devious little Teutonic heart, she dumped poor Lindsay like a pimp with a ho on her 40th birthday. Lindsay's all "Shit, I worked a dozen Janis Joplin dresses for that bitch and this is what I get?" Nazri's all "Eat it, bitches. I'm fabulous." And she is. The picture Uli took of her with the street band was fantastic.
That girl can work just about anything.
Edited to add: For the completionists and the curious, the band's name is a dropdead star.
While part of me felt that the "You all get to go" was a bit of a cop out, I had to be happy because I adore Michael and felt that this week he had really exposed his jugular in a way that could have gotten him auf'd.
And I'm sorry, Uli gets no love from me because bitch stole Nazri and that ain't cool with my Michael love.
Besides, while I loved the picture (yes, Nazri rocks) I had no great love for the dress. Yeah, we get it, it's for "ze hot vezer" blah blah Maimi cakes. I felt the dress looked a bit "Wet Seal" and also, at times, like in the picture, seemed to make Nazri look a bit wide, and since Nazri probably wears a size -4, that can't be a good thing.
Although I do tihnk Michael might have been better served selecting Amanda. She may be a chatterbox, but she sells on the runway (and redheads rule!)
Can't wait for next week!! DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA!!
The first thing out of my mouth when Uli picked Nazri was "That bitch!" I couldn't believe she did that to Michael. Apparently, he couldn't either judging by the look on his face. That's the first time I've ever seen his eyes turn red.
I can understand why Uli stole Nazri -- it's a competition.
On his podcast, Tim says Michael took the high road.
Can you imagine the tension in the work room if Uli had stolen Marilinda?
Love Michael!
When I saw what fabric she chose for her dress, I thought "Oh God, Uli, not again!" But her finished garment was FABULOUS! Loved it!
LOVED it when Micheal Kors said (about Laura) "If I see 12 plunging neck lines coming down the runway [during the Bryant park show] I'll throw up." That's what I said!!!
LOVED it when Heidi told Jeffrey that he had an edge, a point of view. THAT'S WHY HE'S STILL THERE!!! He rocks, and he's not a one-note, one-trick pony
And face it, Micheal had a meltdown last night. From the looks of his collection at Bryant Park, looks like he never recovered.
the street band
A Drop Dead Star
It's just as well that Nazri wound up with Uli. Because even she couldn't help save the collection Michael sent down the runway at fashion week.
My Uli was in effect last night. I wanna get vasted with her at some hippy, beach-pahty. (For anyone who has lived in Germany (moi) it is sooo funny to see a hippy dippy German.) I knew she'd win the minute she torn her tie-dye fabric apart on the floor.
Somebody needs to capture the look on Amanda's face the minute she realizes she is auf'd! LMAO.
Uli did a fabulous job, LOVE the dress!!!
James Derek -- say more about the hippy dippy German. I have wondered how common that was -- I've never been to Germany. Would Uli be a rarity there?
I know it's a competition and I know Uli was rightfully looking out for number one. STILL. Breaking up Michael and Nazri?! Those two were supposed to go the distance together and be fabulous until the end of time. And whatever her reasons, she wrecked it. I'm taking this too hard, I know, but I just don't like Uli any more. I thought her dress was okay, (Kinda 70s, maybe 60s mod?) but I didn't give a crap that she won. Last week I would have.
I kind of liked the dress. Definitely my favorite of all of them.
Nazri is gorgeous. What a great model?
Amanda looked so amazed that no one chose her. How could they auf me?
Michael, Michael, Michael! "Sexy, Sultry and Sensual" are pretty much Synonyms, Hon. Obvious. Like your dress. Lovely color but vulgar.
But I still love you.
And I don't blame Uli for taking Nazri. People, after all, it wasn't an "MFing walk off!!"
I can't wait for the reunion show.
What is it about the final challenge that seems to either sap all creativity or confuse them to the point of idiocy? Three seasons now and the "look that represents you as a designer" challenge has produced second-rate, uninspired work from almost all contestants. That said, I'm glad everybody's in because it would have been Michael out, based on that ugly dress. But he did get the best line of the night, "I even made a white girl look like she had some ass."
Amanda rocks the runway WAY more than Clarissa! I couldn't believe no one chose Amanda. Apparently, neither could she.
I think Nazri's impact on the runway is her hair and not her walk. She consistently looks down for the length of the stairs and was wobbly last night doing it. And when the models stand with the designers, she never poses like Camilla's leg or Amanda's hand on the hip. She is Sampson to Michael's Delilah so without the hair, Michael was lost on where to start.
I've got to agree here... don't these designers have (at least) one design that they remake over and over in their heads, sort of like their "dream garment" that would be the perfect "look that represents you as a designer" ??? I know I would.
And I have to comment on the fact that Tim first told them they would have 2 days to complete the challenge and then on the second day whittled that down in order for the designers (and models) to run around town taking inane pictures. If I had plotted out my time in order to make something fabulous, and then had that timeframe shortened by hours, I would have been (rightfully) furious.
Yes, true, the pattern seemed to mimic the female form...maybe too literally? Did anyone note a slight vaginal effect there? Now, I've never seen one in real life, but I've heard they look something like that? Can anyone confirm??
Didn't Michael take nazri from Uli? I thought Uli had her for at least one ep, after she took her from Keith. Or have all the models become one big blur for me?
Bitch stole Nazri! Bitch stole Nazri! Uli is dead to me. Michael handled the sitch like a champ. Don't matter. Dead.To.Me.
On the agenda this week, Amanda's face, please . . .
"Nazri's all "Eat it, bitches. I'm fabulous." Hilarious.
THIS DRESS: Uli would have been in the same boat as the rest of them if THEY HADN'T ALL HELPED HER get over her muu-muu thing she started out with. They all did their one note stuff except . . .
the angry peanut, disgrace to 12 steppers everywhere, who made a dress I ADORE. i LOVED that dress. Loved it.
I agree with other posters - loved Uli's dress and was really glad she recognized and got away from the "kitchen dress" look. The tye-dye placement wide have a slightly widening effect on Nazri's lower half. Perhaps Uli could have slid that pattern lower and narrowed the hip area visually and opened up the bust area? I'm not certain.
Nazri is a great model, but it really strikes me that her hair is a major selling point. It gives her frame a very cool, stylized look and we don't get distracted by a complicated up/down/curly/woven hairdo.
The model Michael chose does nothing for me, frankly. She doesn't seem to work the clothes nearly as much as other models, including Amanda.
Jeffrey's dress looked some pervy Little Bo Peep porn fantasy. The guy probably gets off on Catholic School uniforms, too. Come to think of it, he did make a plaid dress for the couture challenge . . .
Uli's dress looked like a beach/pool cover-up to me. She was lucky to have Nazri working it on the runway. I wish she had picked anything but a loud print fabric. But I love her anyway and loved seeing her step up the competition by swiping Nazri.
And Uli's dress was better than Jeffrey's dress. That one looked like Ben Franklin's kitchen maid.
i just realized Michael was so out of it last night because Nazri is his muse. He was completely lost without her!!
Clarissa didn't help much by looking gross and dumpy.
Shit though, I would have taken Nazri in a heart beat. You know you would too.
After seeing all the collections already, finding out that they were all in the running for the final "win" seems so anti-climactic. I knew the minute Uli started tearing her dress apart she was going to win -the editing is getting a bit formulaic. Does who "wins" matter anymore? Its not like any of them are going to take the internship (though Laura doing it could be fodder for its own reality show) 100 grand in the fashion industry is what they spend to put on the fashion show. Most just wanted the exposure at Bryant Park and they got it. So now what?
I didn't understand why anyone was suprised that all 4 designers got to go to fashion week. We already knew that because we saw the previous post where all 4 designers were at fashion week. if you ask me Bravo f*&%d up by not starting the season earlier. Did they really expect us to be suprised???
Regarding Nazri/Uli/Michael...do the models get a voice at all? I wonder if Nazri is delighted with Michael or if she enjoys working with Uli?
Nazri shows up in Uli's OFW collection, right? Did Uli get Nazri automatically or did Nazri choose to model for Uli over Michael?
To Joe:
Nazri chose Michael! In the icon challange, Nazri pretty much guaranteed herself the win when she picked Pam Grier as the icon, and Micchel as her designer. They had been together since then.
I know this is not really gayboy territory, but could we discuss how fabulous Heidi Klum's breasts were during this runway show?
I liked the way this episode was edited - it was fun and showed a little more of the relationships between the designers.
I have no problem with Uli taking Nazri - it IS a competition! As for her win, it was well-deserved. The dress had to be editorial, expressive, AND it needed to pop in print - none of the other three had that. Also, the detail in the back of Uil's dress was very interesting and added a level of finish that spoke to the overall design aesthetic - it certainly exemplified her 'three words'.
Jeffery- Beautiful, especially the bodice. I think the judges were in direct conflict with what they had told him the previous challenge.
Michael - Clarissa didn't do him any favors,and the neckline was icky.
Laura - love her! A little one-note, but she deserved to go on.
Tim's podcast said that the reunion show was so drama-filled that he needed to regroup before he could record the podcast. I CAN HARDLY WAIT!!!!
The last two seasons, I really thought the whole fourth "decoy" runway show was a bit weird. While it gave the fourth designer a chance to show at OFW, that person already knew they were out of the running for the top prize. Bravo needs to either adjust the airing schedule so that the final OFW episode can be shown the week after the actual runway show, or do away with the whole "top three designers" conceit altogether and let the top four have at it. I'm glad they were ALL given a chance at the top prize. And while Laura was the only one of the four not to win twice, her garments were the most consistently well-made. I think the "one-note" knock on Laura is unfair. First the judges want to see the designer's unique asthetic, and then they criticize when they get it. I'm with Heidi - if I were skinny and rich, I'd have a closet full of Laura Bennett originals. Her clothes are as fabulous as she is.
The look on Amanda's face was PRICELESS and I cracked up out loud. Uli stealing Nazri...she obviously knew she needed all the help she could get so had to steal the best model. Glad Micheal said something to her too. Uli's design...eh...whatever. That they all get to go...SO LAME! What a cop out. Although I was freaking out that Michael might get cut b/c he really did screw up w/that design. I hated Jeffrey's too. At least Laura used what she knew and tried to hook it up a little.
Anonymous above who asked why we're shocked b/c we saw four collections...Because fashion week is before the PR finale and they've always had four but only broadcast the three that make it. So it really was lame not to cut one.
I got $50 that says Amanda was a victim of creative editing and that the reaction we saw was to Uli picking Nazri, not to being auf'd.
Amanda I know you read this blog. Let me know if I'm right and martinis are on me, girl.
Oh and guys.....no more being 40 jokes, OK? LOL.....
now excuse me while I go drink a bottle of Clorox.
Christine: Thanks! I'd forgotten all about the model-picks-the-designer ep.
Kate, if they stayed with the top 4 next year, there'd still be a "decoy", only now it would be the 5th .... get it?
And anyone who thinks Uli was a "bitch" for stealing Nazri should check themselves. Bitch is smart. That's why she took Nazi. I'd do the same in a heartbeat. It's a COMPETITION! Would you go through all that to lose??? Pleeeese. Same people still referring to Jeffrey as "Angry Little Peanut." Get over it.
I think Mikey is out of his league and over his head.
Michael said something to Uli? I missed it last night, somebody DISH! I'd have snatched up Nazri in a second, who wouldn't?! If they had twelve FIERCE models, this wouldn't be an issue every year.
Is it me, or does that dress kind of hilight Nazri's tootie? Am I the only one who sees a triangle there? It really adds to the bathing suit feel of the whole thing.
I always felt a little sad for Amanda, I think all that chattering is about insecurity and the need for attention. I don't even think she realizes she does it. Although, of course, she does *now* if she reads the blog, the poor thing!
If we all took up a collection would you guys quit your day jobs and JUST do PRG?
anonymous1044 - a little bo peep porn fantasy! I think I just peed myself.
I just realized that anon1029 saw the tootie too. For a minute there I thought I was becoming a lesbian.
..What a zzz's show!! BUMMER!
The only realy fun thing that happened was Laura not being able to keep an elevator door open!! "Doorman..Oh, doorman???? Where can you get good help these days?"
Uli won (samo~samo..just short!)only because:
Michael's was ill fitted w/a giant keyhole bodice. His model standing humped shouldered w/ her stomach protruding, didn't help the look either!
Laura~ Could we just'reversed' the plunging V and put it in the back for once? zz.zzzz's
Jeffrey's 'Swiss Miss'outfit had me looking for the chocolate cow.She was right off the milk carton! Without a specific task..all 4 looked amateur and confused!
Poor Michael, I really think he was so upset at losing Nazri he couldn't think! He never had a problem with designing before, and I totally thought he was gonna cry at one point. And I agree he should have chosen Amanda, Clarissa sucks.
PR really needs to get better models across the board, some of the models definitely took away from their designer's overall presentation.
Who knew Uli would whip out the talons and steel Nazri???? Not moi.
Uli FINALLY pulled through and left out the rope halter....thank God. I thought Michael Kors would just get up and leave if we saw one more Miami cocktail dress.
Loved Laura's dress, but wasn't it on backwards???
Michael? (Tune in 60's music) Has anybody here seen my old friend Michael? Can you tell me where he's gone?
As much as I want Jeffrey to win (and I think the judges were much too harsh on him last night), I do think Uli had the best dress. And, yes, some of the credit to her win goes to Nazri, who is fierce.
I have mixed feelings about Uli's stealing Nazri. It IS a competition, and she went for the advantage. But, poor Lindsay! I was less bothered about Michael losing Nazri than I was about poor Lindsay being out in the cold.
I think either Lindsay or Amanda would have been a better model for Michael. He just made a series of bad decisions last night. And I think they spilled over to his OFW collection.
First off, love the blog. LOVE it.
Second, to add a dyke perspective to the mix:
The fashion was luke-warm, but Heidi was smoking. She needs to keep the well-placed pregnancy weight, if you know what I'm sayin'.
AND finally, why is it that these three all seem like they belong in the mall?
Jeffery for Hot Topic....
Laura for Ann Taylor....
Uli for BCBG....
Please, please, PLEASE post a shot of Amanda's big mouth hanging open!!! Please! I laughed so hard I almost tinkled.....
I love that they kept all four designers. I hated that Uli stole Nazri, "I wanted to cuuuuttt her" as Nick said LAST SEASON about Zulema(?), when she stole his model in the walk off. I think Uli earned her spot deservedly, becuase the other designers had melt downs,...or rather Michael and Jeffrey did, what the f#%$.. happeneded to Michael, I adore him, I love him, I was crying because when I saw him and Jeffrey on the stage I thought, well out of the two designers, Michael's dress had the most glaring mistakes. I was happy with the outcome for the four. Laura's dress was beautiful, but it was just like the one she wore on the cruise on the river in Paris. I think this year it's going to be another shock, because out of the four collections from Fashion week, Michael's collection is edgy but maybe "way too hoochie."(but I'm hoping that Time Gunn and Michael Kors are saying to themselves, with guidance and direction, Michael puts out a good line in the future.) Michael always gets it right when Tim Gunn is standing next to him guiding him) Looking at the collections though, I think it might be between Jeffrey and Uli(although I hate Uli's hippy,splattered tie-die,print beach dresses.) Nazri rocked the hell out of that dress, she is definately a great model, she and Maralinda are tops. Too bad Michael couldn't have requested Kayne's former model because she was the other rocking awesome model, she made anything look good. Okay Michael "might" win, IF the judges look at his potential and NOT his collection(not sure that will happen though) but I think it's going to be a hard choice whoever wins.
I love that they kept all four designers. I hated that Uli stole Nazri, "I wanted to cuuuuttt her" as Nick said LAST SEASON about Zulema(?), when she stole his model in the walk off. I think Uli earned her spot deservedly, becuase the other designers had melt downs,...or rather Michael and Jeffrey did, what the f#%$.. happeneded to Michael, I adore him, I love him, I was crying because when I saw him and Jeffrey on the stage I thought, well out of the two designers, Michael's dress had the most glaring mistakes. I was happy with the outcome for the four. Laura's dress was beautiful, but it was just like the one she wore on the cruise on the river in Paris. I think this year it's going to be another shock, because out of the four collections from Fashion week, Michael's collection is edgy but maybe "way too hoochie."(but I'm hoping that Time Gunn and Michael Kors are saying to themselves, with guidance and direction, Michael puts out a good line in the future.) Michael always gets it right when Tim Gunn is standing next to him guiding him) Looking at the collections though, I think it might be between Jeffrey and Uli(although I hate Uli's hippy,splattered tie-die,print beach dresses.) Nazri rocked the hell out of that dress, she is definately a great model, she and Maralinda are tops. Too bad Michael couldn't have requested Kayne's former model because she was the other rocking awesome model, she made anything look good. Okay Michael "might" win, IF the judges look at his potential and NOT his collection(not sure that will happen though) but I think it's going to be a hard choice whoever wins.
Anne (anon1205) - When Uli picked Nazri, Michael rolled his eyes toward Uli and said "I'm gonna kill you."
Anon1254 - Michael could have picked Kayne's model, Amanda, but he didn't. I kind of wonder if he thinks he can't work with a model who is white after his comment last night. Like he's unsure of his ability to dress a woman who isn't African-American.
I still think the only reason all four got to go on was because they were forced to choose Uli for the win this week.
They all looked almost pissed off that they had to say "Uli, you're in."
Did anyone notice in the previews for the re-union show, that Vincent is saying...."It gets me off" and the whole group is laughing! Can't wait.
In addition to the Special Olympics ending (I agree: zzz), I found the judging last night annoyingly inconsistent. They gave Michael heat for not sticking to what he does best -- sportswear--and then criticized Laura for sticking to what she does best. So, which way is it?
Toward the end, all the designers were recycling their work. Michael did the wrapping/crisscrossing fabric several times before --including the dog challenge. Uli, Laura (who I've loved from the beginning) were recycling their best work. Jeffrey's dress even looked familiar -- that skirt attached outside the bodice seam popped up a few times before. (Maybe it's because he doesn't know how to sew a bodice to a skirt!) Or maybe I was just remembering Disney's Snow White. Whatever.
One last comment--regarding Tim Gunn wanting to talk to Laura (Outzone interview). My theory is that he wants her on the Parson's faculty. She has a Masters from Columbia after all. They seemed to be sympatico; Tim has mentioned several times in his podcasts and on the Bravo blog that he likes her design aesthetic and didn't understand the judges' criticisms of her work.
Signed: Yet another anonymous poster who doesn't want to establish a blog identity.
Dorei , I agree I think the judges choosing Uli was really unexpected, her win forced the issue and the other designers had melt downs, they had no choice but to choose the four.
Uli won BECAUSE she took Nazri. Michael was off his stride, and you know what, that's competition. Uli had every right to nab her. I'm actually surprised she was that agressive. I'm not wild about her as a designer, but I have to hand it to her for being a savvy contestant.
It's not a popularity contest. Michael just proved that as good as he is, he's not ready for the big time. He blew it on the blue gown with the stuipid mickey mouse ears. Although the judges loved his black and white, I thought it looked unfinished, very flashdance, and the goofy belt with the flower cutouts was absurd. The whole dress had a home sewing project feel. Yes he accesorized with great earrings. Big deal.
He's off his stride. Last night's dress sucked, but if nothing else, it was representative of the hoochie crap he made for Bryant Park.
The boy needs to grow up a bit.
The designs last night were, for me, a disappointment ...
Yes, Uli deserved the win but I just can't imagine anyone buying more than 1 of her dresses -- unless they have a pair of very good sunglasses to wear when they open their closet door.
As much as I love Laura and her designs, I had hoped that she would have continued down the path she took for her cocktail dress, instead of relying upon the tried-and-true.
Jeffrey a romantic? I no more believed that than I did his dress.
Poor Michael. I think last night may have shown his limitations far more than his strengths. As much as I've liked his work all season, I wonder if he's ready for the "big time". With some refinement, at the hands of a good mentor, he'll own the runway, any runway. And I really felt for him when he said, in response to the judges' criticisms, "I really, really tried."
Nonetheless, I believe all 4 will be successful. Each has a unique style that appeals to a certain segment of the buying public. It's just that some may serve a larger demographic than the others.
Did anyone else notice that Marilinda looked just as hurt, if not moreso during Jeff's evaluation than he did?! I thought she was going to pass out!!
As far as the titty fairy visiting Mrs. Seal, You all do know that she is preggers again too? Maybe they should put the contraceptives in the water at Parson's or is it just a natural hetero woman reaction to being surrounded by gay men?
I get the feeling that there aren't alot of people who sew here -- but Jeffrey's skirt was really poorly made. Not "deconstructed" -- poorly made. I agree with the poster who said it looks like he doesn't know how to attach a skirt to a bodice. Some of his other stuff has been very well done, so I don't get it -- a skirt is about the easiest thing you can make!
Michael broke my heart last night. He made bad choice after bad choice (that fabric, for instance, highlighted every single flaw) and while I think Clarissa is gorgeous, she always has this slumpy, depressed looking posture. I think it's lame they chose 4 finalists, but I'm just glad they didn't kick my boy Michael out!
As much as I hate to admit this, I really thought Jeffrey's dress was going to win. And I thought his photo looked like it was straight out of a magazine already! I was really surprised to hear their feedback. But then again, obviously as I am reminded, I have absolutely zero fashion sense.
Michael said three other words during the work room scenes like "sexy, sophisticated and ...." which I thought were GREAT words for his style. He really did land in a mind blank zone there. I think it just illustrates his strength is in having a specific challenge or assignment vs. something open ended. But get a client like J-Lo (who I believe he will dress) and they will GIVE him specific design ideas. That will be his market I think.
Sorry so long winded!
I was "eh" on Uli's. Someone said beach coverup which is exactly what I thought. :shrug:
I bet Michael's dress would have been gorgeous if he had time to finish it. I was sad that he had the time rug pulled out from under him.
I really liked Uli's dress; it was vintage-inspired, sassy, and all around a good dress to get vasted in.
Just a comment about Elle magazine (this is not a flame)--I've subscribed for years even though I'm not the right demographic--and I can safely say that I can't think of too many times that I've seen anything published in the fashion section I would wear. Believe it or not, I subscribed for the other content (that's why I occasionally subscribe to Esquire). That said, of the 4 outfits last night, Uli's really did look like something that would be featured, but with about 5 clunky $2000+ necklaces and bracelets completing the outfit and $900 Christian Louboutin shoes.
Just to go on a bit, the "other content" that draws me to Elle includes eJean, the advice columnist. I LURVE eJean, and I can see Laura and eJean being great gal pals.
Yay! Everybody wins! I may be in the minority, but I didn't want to see any of them go home, and I was worried that Uli would get the boot because she has been the most one-note through this competition. But I love her and I love Bad Mommy and I love Michael and I even love the Angry Peanut. I can't wait for the reunion show next week. Fur is going to FLY!
david, I'm glad to join you in that minority. For the reasons you stated, but also because Prof. Gunn loved the opportunity to NOT send someone home (he mentioned something about that in an earlier podcast).
I'm sorry but I just don't get the Nazri love.
First off, she ALWAYS has the same look. Second, I think her nose has this strange flat, dip thing that makes any shot from the side look weird. Third, her WALK! It does nothing for the clothes, it adds no drama to the outfit.
In my opinion, Nazri is a one-note model. Without her hair she'd already have been auf'd. Her hair's great but that's it.
She was never my favorite & the Tresemme ad proved it. She looked like she always looks. All about the hair.
The other models (Amanda for example), changed challenge to challenge. Their hair/makeup adapted to their designers outfits, but Nazri was always the same. I bet if someone took a photo of her in each challenge & cropped it to just show her face no one would be able to tell them apart. In fact I dare someone to try it.
Lisette said...
As far as the titty fairy visiting Mrs. Seal, You all do know that she is preggers again too? Maybe they should put the contraceptives in the water at Parson's or is it just a natural hetero woman reaction to being surrounded by gay men?
lmaooooooo!!!!! i noticed that last night at like 3 in the morning when i was watching the show and commented on it to my best friend....she does have her own bra for vicki's....looks like she put it to use last night
and your prg gays, er, guys....freakin BRILLIANT!!!!! i LOVE!! this blog!!! and telling bravo to buy you a knew tv for uli's dresses burning the screen week after week!!!! i was laughing so hard.
nazri is awesome!
and marilinda, i adore that girl....and i'm glad to see that i'm not the only one to notice that she and jeffery seem to have gotten really close as the season has passed. but as much as i dislike jeffery...i kinda liked his dress, and he had the second best picture...but uli deserved to win. i like her whole german, hippy, miami aesthetic.
i adore this blog!!! keep up the good work, guys! :D
Favorite Moments....
Amanda's jaw dropping facial expression during the model choice. I love how animated she is! She really uses that on the runway.
Laura searching for an outfit in that sea of black and white in her closet! I know her confused state was probably because her stuff was beginning not to fit but I was howling! That closet was as if my TV suddenly lost it's color format!
The guest judge. She was so forward and direct and cut through the fashion speak. When they introduced her I was like, "Who?" and now I have to find out more about her.
It was probably the best dress Uli's done. Maybe Jeffrey should have horsed around with Michael and his fabric and got him out of his stupor. He definitely needed a glass of cold water to the face.
Nazri is amazing. I love most of the models left actually.
Marilinda is the almost as hot of a Latin girl as me and her walk is almost as fierce (she so saved Peanut's ass on many occasions).
Camilla is regal but can work a runway too.
Amanda's departure was sad. Legs up to her neck and probably the best walker this season. Duct tape is the new black.
I agree with TRCunning about the Nazri adoration. I mean, she has the look, but a look she has to work more on. Down the runway, she does nothing for me. The expression is the same, she's just "blah". Even in Uli's pic, isn't she supposed to be all about fun and adventure and I don't know what else? In that pic she just looks zoned out, there's no fun or happines showing there (maybe in the band members behind her). Marilinda in the other hand knows how to work the runway. She's got the strut, she's got her game face... she lives what she's wearing, ugly or otherwise.
As much as I adore Michael, the boy just messed up big time last night. And to top it, the styling was off. Just a complete mess. And yeah, it was a downer to see Nazri being snitched; those two were the power couple.
The only dress I actually did like was Laura's. Jeffrey's gave me an idea for Halloween, and Uli's reminded me (as to many others) of a bathing suit cover up my MOM has (yes, she lives on a luscious, tropical island :).
Can't wait for the reunion show though!
I'm glad someone posted a positive comment about Camilla. She is sooo classy. If you watch the extra video footage on Bravotv, you get the idea the woman is pretty damn smart as well. I think she gets credit for helping Laura get her first win.
Nazri is beautiful, but seems vacant, but maybe that's the "typical" pose struck by models. I miss the supermodels like Linda Evangilista (sp?) who seemed so Sass-say. Probably very much part of her appeal to the popular culture.
I know the designers were supposed to design something that reflected their signature style, but I think after all the challenges with all the restrictions it totally threw them off to suddenly have all this freedom. They had to temper that with their past experience with the judges, so they all basically played it very safe and boring. While Uli's dress was shorter and more contoured than usual, it's still basically the same thing she's been doing. Laura did a hybrid of all her dresses to date. Jeffrey supposedly "took a risk" but I didn't see it. I think Michael took a greater risk and went outside his comfort zone ... but as Madame Kors said, "it's a gown". Ho-hum.
Not only was it Special Olympics ... we had to wait 2 weeks for the anti-climactic Special Olympics. I haven't looked at the Bryant Park photos yet but will be interested to see how this all plays out.
Yeah, but what about Laura? She was such a bitch to Uli when she came in from the runway...c'mon, didn't you guys see that? Hmph, that's all because she didn't win...(and don't give me the she's pregnant excuse, puhleeese!
uli totally deserved the win last night - her garment was great & totally suited for elle magazine. the others really missed the mark. hell - jeffrey's was flat out fugly... they really should have eliminated him. i dont know why they keep giving him chances.
One of the reasons Nazri looked good last night was she had on sunglasses to hide the bags under her eyes.
Believe me, I completely understood when Uli picked Nazri as her model because that girl is hella Fierce, but still. This guy? Would have cut a bitch for taking her.
My husband pointed out that Nina had the Fashiongasm Face when she saw Uli's dress. And she didn't even try to hide it!
I think Jeffrey owes most of his wins to Marilinda. She not only looks great and works his horrid "garments" on the runway, but she actually makes it look like she enjoys wearing them.
If it weren't for her, he would have been auf'ed long ago!
There were moments out here in the provincial suburbs when I felt my brain getting lazy, and I feared that clever reparte, innuendo and double entendres were out of my life.. then along came this blog! My eyes are burning from reading all these comments from smart, sassy incredibly funny people! major brain workout. I am alive, alive! As for PR, love happy endings so I loved that all four made it, especially since Michael was so out of sorts. If he doesn't win, I feel ok because he is young and someone is going to snatch him up. Agree with assessment of Jeffrey's sewing or lack thereof on this dress. Can't wait to see how Keith the Narcissist sells his "conspiracy theory" on the reunion show. Kudos to Uli, who I don't really love, for stretching herself and starting over. Jeers to her for taking Nazri - she rocked Michael's world and I hope Laura rubbed his back and made him designer hot chocolate, as any true mommy would. Finally, hope Laura's clothes are ones I can afford, even if I'll have to cut my breasts off to wear them.
PS! forgot to say - YES, Snow White! I knew Jeffrey's dress reminded me of someone. But Swiss Miss and Milk Maid are awesome too! So Clever. I want more, more...
Why not keep all four in the challenge? After all the work to produce the collections on the part of Bravo and the designers, why "waste" one?
What was the thought process to make them end up letting everyone go? "Hmmm...Laura's pregnant, so we'd feel like jerks. Michael's totally going to win, so we should keep him. But Jeffery's dress was a little bit better than Micheal's...ah hell. LEt's just take em all!"
Um, did anyone notice that the center trim on Uli's dress went down farther than the hem of the dress? Ugh, ugh, ugh!
I still can't help but think that Amanda's look o' horror was actually a reaction to the Nazri-snatching. I know that's how I looked when Uli chose her!
However, I am glad that all four of the designers got through. I was VERY concerned about "hi, heard of synonyms?" Michael and, to a lesser extent, Jeffrey. Maybe this will encourage the producers to abandon the pleasant fiction of a "top three" showing at Bryant Park. I know the decoy is out of the running for the fabulous prize money, etc. but give the viewers a little credit here.
Ok, I'll just say it.
The Boys are correct that she follows the female form in this dress. To put it somewhat delicately, it looks, to me, like a baby could be born straight out of that "keyhole". Take a look but beware, you'll never see her "dress" the same again.
Think Georgia O'Keefe and her, um, lilies.
PS. I do realize that a baby IS bigger than a teaspoon. ;)
In my opinion Marilinda is the reason Jeffrey won the couture challenge. compare how the dress looked on the french model to how it looked on her! Camilla is awesome too, in a much more subtle way.
"Yeah, but what about Laura? She was such a bitch to Uli when she came in from the runway...c'mon, didn't you guys see that? Hmph, that's all because she didn't win...(and don't give me the she's pregnant excuse, puhleeese!"
Hey anonymous, there's a difference in being coy and in being a bitch.
uli's dress looked vaguely (just vaguely?) similar to the dress heidi was wearing when pluto and saturn collided as she brought back angela and vincent. can uli design anything without using a whacky test pattern or braiding the hell out of quiana? i failed to see any tailoring. it looked like she grabbed a t-shirt of a dead head at a greatful dead concert.
laura brought it all in for this one. her dress was impeccably tailored and fit her model like a second skin. she managed to find time for the bead-work as well. she had a plan from the beginning and ran with it. refined, refreshing and really classy.
michaels dress looked like it got stuck in the rise cycle. "wait...which strap goes where?"
if you put braids on jeffrey's model she would have looked like she was at home in any tent during oktober fest slinging beer and yodeling. whoopie ... another lager and it may just look okay.
this was all the designers chance to blow-it-out and bring something fabulous to the runway. somehow they all skidded to a screetching stop.
i think annabelle hit this one on the head....."let's just take em all."
Any "I Love Lucy" fans around? Look at the skirt of Jeffrey's dress and envision it done in burlap ...
Now, remember Lucy & Ethel in Paris, wearing burlap "couture" ensembles, complete with oat bucket hats, that were "designed" by Ricky & Fred ...
I knew I'd seen that skirt before.
I am so tired of Nazri, all she is is big hair, no shape, or grace, and no style to her walk.
Ho Hum
Someone above asked about hippy beach party Germans. Let me just say that I lived in Berlin (loved it) for a while and Uli would definitely be a rare Schnuckiputzi, a Zaubermaus of Miami-esque printy paisley... and I love her for it. She's like a Vulcan with emotions :-)
Love the "Star Trek" reference from the wonderful PRGay Boys and the Vulcan nod above. Does this mean I'm not the only geek trolling this blogspot? I thought Uli's dress was a dead ringer for "The Captain's Woman" dress in the ST ep where they're trapped in the Evil Universe. Who's w/ me?
Uli grew up in EAST Germany. Who can fault the girl for now enjoying a life of color, Miami, getting vasted, etc!
I would, too.
Hey, who else thinks that Jia crashed her bike on purpose rather than have to wear one of Vincent's pieces of crap again?
I do adore Nazri but.....I could not have tossed my own (quite wonderful) model aside for the last challenge. Poor Lindsay! :-(
Are you kidding about Uli's picture? What a piece of crap! The dress is completely out of place in the scene and what the hell is she doing with the drum between her legs? Talk about trying to look like a hooker.
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