This was another look that drew gasps from the crowd - and rightfully so. No, of course it's not "wearable" in the sense that the average woman would ever attempt this look, but it's a stunningly dramatic statement. She cut quite a figure walking down that runway. Love the side zippers on the pants and of course we love the gigantic neck ruffle. We love the idea of the hat, but strangely, this hat looked cheap and poorly made. A rare instance where Christian didn't follow through on the execution.
Love it. A great silhouette. Love the sheer shoulders. Do not love the giant visible zipper. We don't know what he was going for there and he did it more than once.
If Rami's gold antique lace looked Elizabethan, then this looked like something her father would have worn. It's not our favorite look in the collection by a long shot but it certainly fits. We just think Princess overdid the puffysleeves-over-puffysleeves look here. Plus, we're not all that crazy about the color of that tunic. As we said, the look fits the collection, but at the same time it feels slightly incongruous.
Y'know, looking at the previous look and then looking at this one, we have to say that Christian might just have as much of a problem with color as Rami does. It is, thankfully, not black and we do like the addition of the cream elements to the collection, but the color of the pants doesn't work well with the color of the top. Also, to use Michael Kors' technical term, the crotch on those pants is "insane." Despite that, we do love the look. Believe it or not, we think it demonstrates Christian's version of "restraint." It's exuberant and dramatic, but somehow he was able to utilize feathers and gigantic ruffles and make something that looks almost...wearable.
We're in slight disagreement on this one. Lorenzo thinks it looks a little Cruella De Vil, but it's Tom's favorite look in the whole collection. Christian obviously isn't that big on dresses, this being one of only three in the entire collection. Of the three, this was the most beautiful, in our opinion.
This, on the other hand, is a piece of work. Literally. We can applaud the workmanship and the vision that created it, but it's just too much. We don't see any restraint here at all and we think the look could have benefited from some editing. On the one hand, it was the most dramatic look in the collection and it garnered the most applause, deservedly so. On the other hand, once you get over your initial shock and really look at it, it's ...well, it's kind of heavy and ugly.
In the end, Christian put on not just an amazing show, but the most amazing show any PR contestant ever put together. This was the closest any PR designer has ever come to mounting a true couture show and that, more than anything else, is what probably got him the win.
By way of criticism, we share Nina's point of view that there were far too many of the same looks coming down that runway and we share Michael's point that there was far too much black. To both of those critiques we would add that, as dramatic as this collection was, it was fairly derivative of looks we've seen before, mainly from British designers like Westwood, Galliano and McQueen, who are clearly Christian's Holy Trinity of design inspirations.
And that's fine. Fashion is as much about recycling looks as it is about finding new ones. Christian didn't get the win because he made things no one ever saw before. He got the win because he demonstrated a flair and an intense point of view that hints at great things to come when he matures a little bit. As we've said before, he wouldn't have been our pick for the win, but we are truly happy with the judges' choice and we think it made perfect sense. We're going to see more of him in the future. Count on it.
More up close pictures here:
And don't forget, Kittens, there were two other collections that walked that runway even if you didn't see them on your TV screens. Come back later because Chris and Sweet P get the Rungay treatment and our comments section is sure to explode with indignation and outrage.
[Photos: WireImage/ Getty Images/Elle.com - Photoslide: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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Yep. I pretty much agree with everything you say. The final gown is very Penelope-Cruz-at-the-Oscars. I think if the top were made less heavy, with different fabrication, I would have liked it better. Still. It was a pretty haute couture style colleciton
Yay for Princess Puffy Sleeves! (my favorite nickname for a reality show contest EVER by the way) And I think that last dress would have been fierce if it was a one shoulder sleeveless affair. But he is going to be AMAZING to watch in the future.
You nailed it. No matter what the flaws may be, I found that this collection just had an energy and excitement that the others didn't. And it's nice to end this season knowing that he is likely to capitalize on this win. Gives me something to look forward to seeing.
I loved it. Except for the exposed zippers and the finishing on the sleeves of that tunic, I loved everything about it.
Remember during the model casting, they showed one model that all three wanted -- where'd she end up?
During the home visit, Christian showed Tim a pair of ruffly pants. Which piece did they end up as (that blouse with the insane-crotch pants, the Cruella DeVille dress)?
Do McQueen, Westwood, etc. teach at the school Christian went to (in other words, is that what he meant when he said he worked with them)?
When I first saw the ombre dress, I thought "OMG, is she COVERED in WEAVE?"
That would be a whole lotta track if it was!
I'm not a fan of one-shoulder dresses, but Gigi's idea for the final look is a good one. I did think it was a strong look as-is, though, and I loved that the skirt undulated along the runway, like it was alive.
All I know is that, however highly executed and couture-like the finalists' collections were, I was craving a little Uli-esque color and lightness by the end of the finale. So many neutrals, so much fabric. Can't a girl take a breath without risking severe chafing?
I'm sorry, she looks like a chicken. I just can't get over it.
The cream pants with the "insane crotch" and the ruffly top made me think instantly of the Scarecrow in "The Wiz." I think it was the gloves that sealed it for me.
I was hoping you guys would rip Sweet P and Chris' collection as well. Hooray!!1
Agree with most of your comments about this collection. It was most dramatic, exciting, and the closest thing to haute couture any PR contestant has ever done. I can understand why it would have been hard to give the win to anyone else. However, to me, it was also repetitive, derivitive and a little boring because there were so many similar looks. Of course almost none of these things are wearable by anyone, even Posh, but about 75% of the collection looked like pure costumes. I kept thinking Sir Walter Raleigh or a Jamestown tobacco farmer circa 1650. If Cate Blanchett does another Elizabeth pic he should costume the men. And the final feather dress was serious fug - it wasn't remotely flattering, didn't fit well and was just ugly. I will say that I think the black and cream monotone approach was the only way to go with this collection. With colors it would have been even more unmistakably costumey, even clown-like.
I also found a lot of these looks to be really old, not youthful and fresh like Jillian's collection. In that picture of him with his model on the runway she looks 50 years old. And while we're speaking about his model, that dress he made for her to wear to the finale was hideous - unflattering, sloppy-looking, and just fug.
I actually think the judges did him a disservice by never really questioning his esthetic or urging him to expand his range, they way they did Rami. We know he can make a killer skinny jean but other than that I haven't seen too much that's going to translate to any kind of commercial success. It'll be really interesting to see what he does but I predict both Jillian and Rami will ultimately be far more successful. But Princess of course will no doubt be showing up on our tv screens for some time to come. And that may be what he really wanted, after all.
Excuse me, those feathered pants were AWESOME. I asked that question (what happened to them?) during the Washington Post online chat with Christian. He said that they were meant to be paired with the big hat and ruffled neck look but the model had a very hard time getting them on and walking in them. He said that it was the first time he had attempted pants like that.
I LOVED his collection (especially the big hat, ruffled neck look.) I think that the model really helped carry off the last look (feathered dress) - she was really working that! She was another one of those models who can "create their own wind."
- AlisonS
PS. To Brooklyn Bomber - I think the model they all wanted ended up with Rami wearing the final black dress.
- AlisonS
It's Cruella de *Vil*, not Ville!
Think DEVIL.
Not car.
i agree with pretty much everything you boys had to say -- i too was "wowed" by the feather dress the first time i saw it, but have since seen more pictures and am finding it less & less beautiful. As a longtime seamstress & (mostly personal) designer i can appreciate the workmanship that goes into all of the clothes princess makes, but i really don't like them that well. too many over the top pieces. the one with the big ruffled jabot & hat reminded me of audrey hepburn in the ascot scene from "my fair lady". can you say "COSTUME"?
I actually think the judges did him a disservice by never really questioning his aesthetic or urging him to expand his range, they way they did Rami.
I agree with you, the more I look at this collection and the "Christianology" post, the more I realize how repetitive his designs are.
It'll be really interesting to see what he does but I predict both Jillian and Rami will ultimately be far more successful.
Again, I agree with you. All this press and stuff is nice but let's see what he can produce from now on.
More on models - I think that Christian put a lot more thought and had much better effect with his models than the other two. Obviously this was an area that Jillian did not really think out, (as was highlighted on the show) and I was REALLY puzzled by Rami's choice of that totally fair (redhead with white white skin) to wear that lace dress. That really would have looked SO much better on a model with some color. Plus putting Sam in something magenta? Uhhhh..... not getting it. Christian was much more focused on the details surrounding the collection than the other two, in my opinion.
- Alisons
I really despised the last look. Waaay too Big Bird.
I will say, however, that the look before it was absolutely stunning.
Jenne said...
It's Cruella de *Vil*, not Ville!
Think DEVIL.
Not car.
Fixed. Thank you.
I guess you had to see it in person to get the WOW effect. For me it was more of a comic effect.
7. This is basically the same jacket and pants that Leah wore. I like the ruff, but really hate the hat. It's bad.
8. The blouse in this one is cute, but the workmanship is bad. Especially when you compare it to the kind of workmanship the Rami and Jillian brought.
9. The jacket is very similar to #2.The fitting seems to be taking place primarily with the belts. I don't care for the way the fullness in the blouse sleeve is controled. It looks haphazard.
10. I liked the blouse on this one until I saw the feathers. The out and inseams on the trousers are spiraling all over the place.
11. Not crazy about the sausage in casing silhouette. But it looks like he spent a little more time on the workmanship on this one.
12. Explosion in the poultry packing plant.
I just don't see the Haute Couture that a lot of posters are seeing. Rami's looks like Haute Couture. Jillian's looks like high end RTW ready to ship to Barney's. Christian's looks like a fun and whimsical student show.
Heavy and ugly? I can live with heavy, but ugly? That feather dress it the best-garment-ever-on-project-runway, IMHO. Is a damn piece of art. I do agree with all the other comments you guys made.
I loved, loved, loved the models he chose for each piece. Especially the last three looks.
i remember thinking the ombre on the belt was nice, but now that i look at it again, i think it looks really clumsy and awful.
It's all Posh's fault, kittens!
What I notice in the cream colored pieces are construction/fit issues, which makes me wonder what multitude of sins are concealed with black fabric in the first half o the collection.
Definitely a terrific show. He evidently assimilated a lot of the important details of the fashion business while working for other designers...how to put a show together, model casting, cohesion, styling, etc, etc., which served him very well. I am eager to see how he evolves as a designer.
There was a Q&A with PPS in the Washington post a week or so ago, in which he acknowledges that he was one of about 100 or so people working for Vivienne Westwood for the period that he was in her employ.
i still think Jay put out the best collection ever. Christian's was stunning and fierce, but i still give Jay more points for being original.
Anonymous 12:03 pm said...
I also found a lot of these looks to be really old, not youthful and fresh like Jillian's collection. In that picture of him with his model on the runway she looks 50 years old. And while we're speaking about his model, that dress he made for her to wear to the finale was hideous - unflattering, sloppy-looking, and just fug.
Yes! I found it rather old looking too.I just cannot imagine some hip young thing wearing this clothes.
Remember Laura Bennett's Couture dress and how the judges bashed it because it looked "Barbara Bush" (can you imagine B.B. wearing that neckline?)and "French Maid" ?
I think they look more at the designer and the designers age than the garment. It is depressing.
I agreed with most everything in your post, except that Christians looked Haute Couture. Do you work in the industry?
HATED Christian's last dress. I even mentioned it on this blog when he was revealed the winner. It looks like something for Swan Lake. The models were more disappointing this season. There was no NAZRI or Laura Bennett's model or even Jeffrey's model (TRAMP!, just kidding). Christian's model is an excellent walker. She really did his clothes a service. Close-ups of his model, well not so great. Maybe she's much lovelier in person. I get that a lot (no, I don't). I really appreciate T & L's writings to understand the judging and the work and Christian's win. If Jillian or Rami won, we never would have seen them with Posh, Eve or even Ellen IMO.
--Frances Spencer
thanks for reading!!
Oi TLo--
I am having trouble fixing on your final perspective-- I thought you said that you thought Jillian should have won, and then in Christian Part I, you say that you aren't arguing that he didn't deserve the win, and now in Part 2 you are back to saying he should not have won with this collection.
I am getting confused--can you post some clarification here?
I think Christian's collection reflected more of the art side of fashion rather than the consumer side. After all the product placements and sponsor driven challenges we endured all season, I was happy to see some truly creative work coming down the runway in Christians show. Actually, that goes for Jillian and Rami, too. That's part of what's so great about this last part of the contest. It seems like "wearable" clothes should come after the runway show — this is the designers time to really push their ideas in new directions.
Anyway, loved this collection, and your commentary.
Bill said "The cream pants with the "insane crotch" and the ruffly top made me think instantly of the Scarecrow in "The Wiz." I think it was the gloves that sealed it for me."
Maybe Christian could show that dress with Rami's Wizard of Oz guard's coat? Chris could do a take on the Cowardly lion.
All kidding aside, Christian's collection was the most interesting. Your comments/criticisms were on target, as they were for Rami and Jillian. My days of even thinking about wearing clothes like his have passed, but they sure generate a lot of buzz.
The interestign thing, to me, about hte first look (the My Fair Lady hat), aside from the fact that, yes, it's not wearable because if you attempted to wear it on the street, you'get hit with a crosstown bus, is that all the drama of the hat & the neckpiece looks like it should be with a dress, rather than those pants.
I like the cafe au lait dress too. It is my favorite piece in Christain's collection, even though, yes, there IS a little Cruella DeVille in there, but from her often ignored latter period, when she joined Peta and switched from puppies to Brownie uniforms, for her clothes.
And it is pure Posh as well. We already saw her in a similar (orange) dress months ago.
"SewingSiren said: Jillian's looks like high end RTW ready to ship to Barney's."
For Jillian's sake, I hope she's not in Barney's. They have reputation of being insanely slow to pay their vendors.
Love, love, love your commentary and nicknames (I just started reading this two days ago! I can't believe how much i've missed out!! :( )
OH and btw--your Jack Mackenroth link on the side goes to Eliza Jiminez--might want to fix that!
Thanks and keep it vicious,
I think it is all great. He deserved the win much more than Rummi and definately much more than Jillian. They are all fantastic and I would wear them.
It was either Nina or La Kors who said at the final judging, "He can really put on a show," and the other replied, "Yes, he's definitely a talented showman," or something close to that. As soon as I heard that dialogue, I knew he was the winner.
I also love this collection for the entertainment value. Christian is working it too, with stops in at Ellen and The Tonight Show, etc. He's proving to be an entertaining showman with a good head for business and PR. His choices have been smart and calculated throughout.
Similarly, Bravo continues to reap their own benefits from Christian's "showmanship" long after the season has ended. They also made a calculated choice, and it seems to be paying off for them.
One outfit had me thinking "Santa!" (the ruffled neckpiece looks like a big beard from certain angles), and another outfit had me thinking "Rennaissance Faire!" (you can guess which one). But overall, Christian was the designer who really put it all out there, put his neck on the block and fully devoted himself to making a huge statement. Yes, some of that statement is derivative. But it was a SHOW. Gotta give him credit. I admire the outfits as art, not so much as clothing, but the work-down to RTW comes later.
That said, I did like the brown and cream dress with the vertical ruffles.
Hated #9. Looks like Vivi from FFIX.
Christian saved #12 with a great model. I was expecting it to be cringeworthy, but instead it was amazing. Loved the way her backside jiggled.
Prism Pawpaw said...
"I'm sorry, she looks like a chicken. I just can't get over it."
Ha. My thoughts exactly. There were a lot of chickens on PPS' runway. In fact, I am more upset by PPS' chickens than Chris' human hair, since I rarely wear chicken feathers, but I do wear wigs.
I'm very confused by the positive reactions to his collection. Is looking "couture" an aesthetic of its own that merits a PR win? And what does it matter if collections are cohesive if they are hideous? Since not one person I know would wear Christian's clothes, I begin to see a bandwagon effect here . . .
Let's just say Christian got the win because the producers felt bad for him. I feel that is more to the heart of what happened, although he is technically superbly talented. I wanted almost every piece in Jillian's collection, as did all of the women who watched the show with me.
our comments section is sure to explode with indignation and outrage.
And that, of course, is what keeps us all coming back for more!
I just hated the even-numbered looks in this group. #2's blouse looked like something I pulled out of my closet from the early 70s, # 4, that blouse and pants, just so ugly (and that's not the first time he's had color coordinating issues, I think - see outfit #1 of the season), and the final dress made me vomit a little in my mouth. Now I'm assuming those aren't actual feathers, or I would be actually barfing.
Numbers 1, 3 and 5, though? Quite striking. I wouldn't wear number 5 because not fabulous enough to stand up forever (how does one even manage the limo ride to the event, poodles?), but it looks lovely on the model.
Still think Jillian should have won it all.
The more i look at his collection, the more bored i get, which makes me sad. i know there's probably a million details i'm not seeing because of the photographs and...oh yeah, EVERYTHING IS IN BLACK, but i guess i wanted more.
I've been watching since year 1 and I finally figured out why I never agree with the judges:
After a cold, hard look at my wardrobe, I realized that if I said, "I must have that outfit immediately so I can wear it to work tomorrow," then, by definition, that outfit is SO not fashion forward (sorry, Jillian and Daniel V).
If I look at a collection and think, "Interesting but who in their right mind would wear that?" then the designer of that collection wins PR. It takes me quite a while until I can appreciate it. I've finally gotten to the point where I understand how Jay won season 1.
lima bean 1;33 pm has hit the nail on the head.
Oh, come on...His final look is supposed to be over-the-top.
In fact, if you make comparisons between Christian's final exit and Jay's, you would find many. And even thoug I still feel Jay reigns supreme in best PR collection ever, let's face it: one can give the same criticisms to Christian's as they could Jay's. Chacun a son gout.
I hated the final gown. I understand why it drew applause, but it was ugly, unflattering, and ungainly. I really liked the other pieces, especially the ruffly bits, even if the color palette was a tad boring.
I really didn't like Christians collection. It seemed really boring to me. Everything that came down the runway looked so similiar to one another and also so similar to looks that he did through out the show. It was the equivalent (to me) of Rami sending down a grecian collection. The work was impecable and his vision is very evident...I just was really unimpressed, and a little sad that there was so little range or wearability.
Overall I see his "genius" and appreciate his talent, but I can't stand his taste or style.
P.S sorry for the shitty spelling, I have the flu and im heavily medicated
My thoughts exactly Lima Bean
(1:33). A show, indeed. I still loved his collection and feel that BRAVO knew what they were doing when they selected and orchestrated PR4.
Chris' clothes really need to be seen in close-up so that all the detail can be appreciated. At a distance, that two-toned dress looks rather clunky, but up close it's, fabulous, nay, fierce.
Mazel tov, Christian. May you ruffle in long and prosper.
I love the first and the fourth look. His models are FIERCE!
I just can't seem to get on the skinny pants train. I think there are maybe 30 women in the country who can wear them and they're models, but they definitely worked for Princess's collection. I agree with gigi, best nickname for a reality show personality ever!
I just realized how much La Dolce Vita there is in Christian's collection.
It's that flair that made the show.
-- desertwind
When the model in the outfit with the billowing collar that covers her face -- when she gets to the point to do her turn and she lifts her head -- that outfit really shines and reminds me of Audrey Hepburn in "My Fair Lady" - I just like this collection more and more in the movement of it
I love hearing about which looks got the best audience reaction because that's something I couldn't really tell watching on television.
I didn't know which dress Michael meant when he said the "two-tone dress." I loved the second to last one but I agree with you that the Big Bird costume was kind of ugly.
Looking forward to hearing about Chris and Sweet P because I haven't really looked at their collections yet.
It was definitely a dramatic show!
Is it just me, or did the last three peices not fit into the collectino as well? I'm probably a bit thrown by the sudden colors, haha.
It's a stunning collection, stunning being the operative word here, and he is getting all the attention he deserves. I wish him well. And thank you guys for the great up-close shots; why can't Bravo.com do the same? They have the worst pictures.
I love Christians's collection.
But I don't think that it was the most amazing show ever on project runway(More like second best). Some of his looks were a bit monotonous. I think Jay's collection still deserves the title as the most amazing,not only because it was original and fresh but I like his use of layering and color.
Anyway Christian's collection is very couture. The last two dresses are gorgeous.
I don't think you mentioned the models (although you did say you liked the shoes).
I thought the models looked terrific; they were beautifully styled, they walked well and with a bounce, they didn't look too glum and dour - they even looked relatively glad to be there.
I thought the models really added to the show.
Tom's fave is my fave too. It looks like my favorite Italian pastry (that's a compliment!)
And I loved the last look too. That's the one that just bowled me over.
The big hat, big neck ruffle, otoh, that one just looked like too, too much to me. Not in a good way.
And that Diane, would be a sfogliadelle, and thats exactly what I said that model looked like as soon as she walked out....LOL.
I was disappointed in the models this year. Maybe their cortexes were underdeveloped ... ;-)
I have to agree with chicksinger--
I think that someone would get their eye poked out, or their skin chaffed by all of those feathers.
Who would wear chicken feathers to the Oscars?
I too missed some Uli color and light-- I prefer to be able to walk, and run and skip if I want to.
I do agree with you boys-- after the 3rd/4th viewing, not as good.
Looking at that last gown, I keep picturing Ginger Rogers dancing with Fred Astaire, and wondering if Christian does any better at tacking down fly-away feathers than studio seamstresses did.
My sincerest apologies for disrupting this thread...but need to ask if the casting call for PR5 requires the video submission...or does that come later if you survive the initial casting call? It seems from the PR4 submissions were 'requested by the producers'...so they asked for these after one or more of the initial cuts?
Thanks...sorry to interrupt the thread...
You're bigger fans of the ivory pieces than I was, TLo. I thought the all ivory pants outfit was the definition of overworked rather than restraint, and certainly shows how some things look better in black.
I loved the look of the cafe au lait dress with two-toned ruffles up close as abstract art, but not as an actual piece of clothing. The model was shaped like an egg from the waist up. To use PPS's own words, the last dress "was pure costume - 100%." The hat put it even further over the top. All he needed to do was paste an egg in that nest.
To give PPS credit, the show was dramatic and poufy and was the right one to finish with. He had some killer shoes - and I mean that figuratively and literally.
I hope Christian makes a success of his career. If he wants to do avant-garde couture as he said, he's chosen a difficult path. No one in the business is currently making that part of the industry profitable.
The final dress, I still say it started off looking like cream in one's java and slowly turned into a poo accident gone horribly wrong (as if there's ever one that could go right)
My sincerest apologies for disrupting this thread...but need to ask if the casting call for PR5 requires the video submission...or does that come later if you survive the initial casting call? It seems from the PR4 submissions were 'requested by the producers'...so they asked for these after one or more of the initial cuts?
Thanks...sorry to interrupt the thread...
T, You do not need to take a video tape with you to the auditions. If survive the inital cattle call, they will ask you to submit a video.
Last year they only gave you three days after your audition get the tape to LA, so it wouldn't hurt to have something in mind before hand.
I agree with the anonymous poster who thought Christian's collection looked "old." It certainly does to me; it seems to be the antithesis to Jay's. I still think about Jay's collection, because it was so vibrant and creative. I don't think Christian is very creative, but rather he found one formula that works for him, and the judges fell for it. Thus, I can understand the win, particularly considering Kors' aesthetic, since both he and Princess Puffysleeves have that kind of 'Arsenic and Old Lace' feel to them.
Um, and I'm sorry, that first model's collar looks like a bizarre chiffon beard moreso than a collar. Like Rip Van Winkle goes haute couture.
wow...this collection is actually MORE 'costumey' than Chris'.
I might also say that Chris' was also BEAUTIFULLY executed, which cannot be said for Christian's when you look at it up close.
And as for the TLo comment about the most couture-like...perhaps, but Jay's was still better.
nahncee said, Looking at that last gown, I keep picturing Ginger Rogers dancing with Fred Astaire, . .
The difference is that the gown Ginger wore was light and floaty. This one is heavy, and drags the wearer down. I can't imagine dancing in it!
Looking at it some more, I am reminded of the phrase "tarred and feathered"!
Christian's collection was not my favorite, but it didn't surprise me; I never seem to like the same things the judges do. I guess I'm just hopeless.... But I do think that if Project Runway and/or Bravo was looking for someone to bring attention to the network, they picked the right one. Christian is funny and quirky, seems comfortable in the limelight (hoo boy, does he) and does not have to be bleeped every 5th word he says.
I find it peculiar the way people (judges and commenters alike) have been throwing around the word 'couture' this season, after the episode in France last season where they explained that a dress can only be called couture if it's made by a specific set of designers.
I mean, I understand that the word has other useful connotations and I don't mean to say that people shouldn't use it. It just seems like no one on or associated with the show had ever used the word before then. This season it feels like they're using it every other dress. Am I wrong?
I don't like the first look. Also, we've all seen this collar before. Anyone guess by who and the year?
The 2nd look has a beautiful blouse. Pants...black skinny again.
The 3rd is very heavy and overdone.
The 4th, the feathers are sticking to her face. If anyone was to wear that, I just get an image of her spitting out and choking on features.
The 5th is interesting but I will say this: You cannot sit in any of the 3 dresses Christian made. Sorry but that throws it all right there.
The 6th well, a lot of work, but I've seen it before and it's costume.
I'll say it again, very talented, but should not have been the winner.
I just realized that Christian's second-to-last look looks like a bath sponge.
Well, I still have trouble seeing this as the win. If by consistent you mean his color range was essentially two colors (unless there was a blacker shade of black the cameras didn't pick up) and he sent essentially nine variations of the same theme down the runway...then yes, he was consistent. I would tend to say he was repetitive. And not especially innovative.
I also agree with what tehkou said earlier; "couture" has been bandied around a lot this seaon when I think avant garde would have been a better choice. But even then I would take issue with it's use because nothing we were shown all season was all that experimental.
A win by any of the top three can be rationalized. I think what gets me is that I know this wasn't a win just on the merits of the clothes. Every decision is made with the input of the producers. It just seems clear to me that the producers realized they could sell Christian. I won't say the engineered his win, but I think it was made quite clear to the other judges that his win would be the most beneficial to PR.
Having written that, I don't hate Christian or wish him harm (though I would like to take a comb to that hair). I guess I just feel cheated that this win was telegraphed so plainly.
I think it's okay to call it "couture". (It's in "haute couture" where the clothes must come from a designer & artisans specially licensed by the syndicate in Paris.)
For the clothes to be called "avant garde", they need to be more aggressively challenging than just "fancy dress". They would need to advance how we think about clothes (or, anything else, really) and come from an intellectual point of view.
Christian's clothes don't make you think. They're just fun and they suit him.
-- desertwind
Thanks, Sewing Siren! My apologies again for disrupting the discussion here...
May be too late to get a response, but:
I'm confused on Christian's use of "tranny" - is it a compliment? An insult? Does it depend on context?
For example, I thought that using the word "tranny" meant a certain kind of overblown, overly made-up, overly hair-done look that probably was not in good taste, e.g., "hot tranny mess" was meant as an insult, piling more onto "hot mess" and I think I'm secure there.
Then, I see clips where Christian exclaims "tranny!" about something or during a conversation (e.g., when Tim asked the 3 finalists to gather around and Christian says "tranny!" as he joins Jillian and Rami) and it seemed to be complimentary or, at least, just an exclamation like "wow!" which of course could be a positive or negative depending on the tone of voice and context.
Can someone help me, please?
A little too birdy but beautiful.
I think the use of "tranny" by Christian is more in a catch phrase category like "feers". Like how Tim always says "Make it work!" even when it's clear they won't or even if they've actually finished their work.
I do agree with you boys-- after the 3rd/4th viewing, not as good.
Totally agree, although he did bring the excitement that neither Rami nor Jillian had and that was a major factor. I don't mind him winning as he did bring it.
The judges really should have critiqued him more forcefully throughout and challenged him as someone upthread said the way everyone else was. I do like the final dress even with the feathers. Would never wear the acorn-top hat.
Whomever owns that feather mess, I mean dress, must not have a cat. Mine actually looked at the TV screen when the model walked by.
This looked like a Paris Couture show, and in my own opinion, that's why Christian won.
It was over the top, fabulous and daring. It proved that Christian Siriano is going to take that 1st prize and turn it into a career.
That was the first time we'd ever Princess PuffySleeves nervous, crying and jittery. There was a good reason: he had everything riding on this, unlike Jillian and Rami, who were already somewhat established. To this 21-year-old prodigy, being a Project Runway winner meant more. And he got it.
Congratulations, Christian! You deserved it and I'm happy for you.
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