Here's Sarah Jessica Parker at ShoWest 2008 at The Paris Hotel and Casino on March 13, 2008 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Now, Stacy and Clinton maintain that women shouldn't wear miniskirts over the age of 35, but we always thought that was a little arbitrary. That might be true for a majority of women in that age bracket, but that doesn't mean that NONE of them can get away with it.
On the other hand, we're gonna have to side with them on this one. This look is just a skosh too youthful for a woman over 40, probably because that's pretty much a look-at-my-uterus skirt.
That light-colored-pump-with-black-tights look is apparently here to stay, at least for a little while. We can get used to it - maybe - but we're never gonna love it. And Sarah? Straighten your pearls out girl. It's distracting.
Well? Is she in or is she out?
[Photos: Truscello/WireImage]
I don't think she should be wearing that skirt.
I really don't.
she looks put together, but i don't love it.
out! minnie mouse pumps and ob-gyn skirt. and i don't get the pearls. hair and make-up good, though.
Well, she has the tiny legs for mini skirts and the black stockings she is wearing really take reduce the whoops-there's-my-hoo-ha effect. And since she's SRP she pretty much MAKES this look "in".
But I don't really care for it so much!
Hair, make-up, dress, and tights - IN
Daisy is right, the body/legs are killer and the tights do mitigate the hoochie-skirt.
However ...
Pearls and heels - OUT.
There were so many other, far sexier and cooler ways to accessorize.
Out. The skirt is far too short and although her legs are slender they aren't very good.
And...I will never, ever get used to light shoes with dark stockings/hose. The good thing being that she was wearing stockings and not that trashy bare-leg look that is also popular now.
Too short, too young=bad look.
Just my opinion, of course! :)
I can't stand light colored shoes with dark hose! Unless, of course, you want your feet to look huge.
"Lilithcat said...
I can't stand light colored shoes with dark hose! Unless, of course, you want your feet to look huge."
I hate that look. You can't stop staring at their feet. The dress is ok but too short for her. The pearls are a big no-no.
Well, in my opinion, SJP--at least in the Sex and the City context--has always been a fashion victim. So this is more of the same. But what is up with this no miniskirts over 35 b.s.? Her body is killer, better than most young girls out there. It seems to me that whoever made that rule doesn't have a body that warrants wearing miniskirts.
the white shoes suck. This is exactly what has always bugged me about "fashion." Just because something has been declared 'In" (by whom, I always want to know) doesn't make it look good.
It really is always hit and miss for her.
Perhaps "white shoes with black tights" will be one of those outdated trends we'll see on a future challenge on PR.
Oh, thank god it's not only I who hates the dark legs/light shoes look.
I hope someone puts a stake in the heart of that hideous trend SOON.
Yes, her legs are great. Yes she has a rockin' bod, albeit, I still want to feed her a sandwich or three. The kirt needs three more inches, then she's be good to go. Of course, those shoes are just flat out wrong. There is no help for them. On the plus side, her hair and make-up look great. SJP tends to suffer from what I refer to as "horse face." When she was 15 lbs heavier she didn't have it, but the thinner she becomes, the more pronounced it is. I'm happy that her make-up choices have remedied that, at least in this photo. And thank god she isn't doing that horrid "smokey eye" with all the black liner smudged to hell and back. She's been guilty of it in the past, but apparently someone got her to break that habit.
well i'll give her that: i almost never like a nude lip, but she really works that look without looking dead, so kudos to that. the accessories and shoes work for me but the dress is a wee bit too baggy to pull of such a pointed look. if the shoes matched better and the dress was a little more formfitting it could be a great look. like that, it's just a tad off.
Never never never NEVER EVER will I accept light shoes with dark tights. Gawd, somebody poke my eyes out right now.
SJP has a great bod and I have no problem with mini-skirts over 35. It's just that they need to get a little longer with age, NOT SHORTER! This looks awful on her.
It's like all you can do is watch and wait for the inevitable peeking-out of the bits. Why would anybody want that?
This is OUT.
ditch the light colored shoes, and put on a pair of skinny legged jeans under that "dress," and she'd look just right.
She looks great. Absolutely IN, and Stacy and Clinton have no taste and shouldn't make rules for anyone, anyway.
She's half in, half out. The top part looks "super chic" (to quote Mr. Kors), but the length of the skirt is a problem, not because she's too old, but because of the proportions. A longer skirt would just look better, more in balance with the top, and then the outfit truly would be super chic.
I can't condone the light shoes with the dark stockings, just like I can't deal with heavy, dark stockings worn with light-colored dresses in lightweight fabrics.
Honestly? It looks like what would happen if you told a fashion novice "You can't go wrong with pearls and a black dress." Seriously, just because you have slim legs doesn't mean it's a great idea to bare so much of them. It looks desperate. Sorry, SJP.
The no mini skirts over 35 rule maybe arbitrary, but i think it is, in general, true. Mostly, if a child had come out of your vajayjay, you should not a skirt that nearly shows it.
However, I think the black tights make the whole look far more appropriate and in the word of the PR judges "expensive"......
She's so OUT!
Black dress, pumps, pearls? That look is so tired. I never understood why she is considered a fashion icon. Her character in Sex and the City? Maybe, not her.
Lower the hemline a smidge and she's IN IN IN! It's SJP, for chrissake!
Out Out Out! Not age appropriate, hate the white vinyl looking shoes, and the pearls look cheap. But I'm not surprised; I've always thought SJP is a Fashion Don't about 95% of the time. Love her personality, she just needs a better stylist and needs to Go Classic as in "Stay away from every trend that walks down the street!"
I really think that Tina Turner is the only woman over 35 who can still rock a mini-skirt, and well-deservedly so. This looks is OUT to me, if not only for the Thoroughly Modern Millie pearls, there. And SJP, you are NO Julie Andrews.
Out. Skirt is too short, shoes are distracting and NOT cute to begin with. Pearls are a throwaway. If a younger looking woman were wearing this with better shoes, it would be the perfect opportunity to showcase minimalist geometric jewelry. (I would change the hair to something more sleek and controlled, though.)
SJP can be wearing a bra and panties and she'll still look in.
Honestly, it fits her. It's not at a level of vulgarity. It works on her, and it's Vegas, baby!
Sorry, SJP, it's out. You are old enough to be someone's grandmother, technically, even if your own is still a preschooler. If the skirt was still above the knee, but not showing off your uterus, you could get away with it. Stop trying to look like you are 20-something and embrace your age. You don't have to look "old", but do stop looking like you can keep up with Britney Spears or something. (You are old enough to be her mother, you know.)
I like the dress but I hate the pearls. The shoes are OK, so half in half out.
Shoes should always be darker than stockings – Light colored shoes paired with dark hose does not work.
She has the legs to carry that skirt. But that combined with the too-hip-for-you tights/shoes and the botox overkill make me want to say to her, "Sarah, honey. You're over 40. Stop trying to look like you're perpetually 29."
That light-colored-pump-with-black-tights look? I. Can't. Get. Past. It. Seriously, I hate that look like Tim Gunn hates human hair trim. I want it gone.
The weird draping under her arms on the sides makes it seem like maybe the dress has a low, open back... which I think would be fabulous. I say the dress is in, everything else is out. I don't even like the hair and makeup, frankly, much less the shoes or tights. Less is more, baby!
OUT - sort of Madonna meets Lohan.
I don't remember her looking quite so "horsey" . . . and what's with those hands . . . they look positively geriatric!
honey I'm from the south and I'm sorry, but light heels with black tights are simply not done. I simply don't care what the trends call for - tacky is tacky. The only thing that could make it worse is if they were spring white pumps before easter. I just don't get about half of SJP's looks. I thougth the whole thing about fashion was that it's supposed to maek you look good, not like a scarecrow in mourning (with pale pink pumps on). That being said, hair makeup and pearls were great. Still, she's out out out.
I thought the pink ballerina dress she wore in her perfume commercials was way too youthful, too. There was a real disconnect between looking at her face in those commercials, and then looking at her dress and body as she flitted down the street.
I adore SJP, and I never used to believe it (when I was younger), but there *is* a point where the face needs to match the dress and vice-versa, or it just looks weird.
SJP needs to start thinking more like Jackie O and Diane VonF, and less like the wild thing she's made her rep on so far.
Gorgeous Things said...
. . . and the botox overkill make me want to say to her, "Sarah, honey. You're over 40. Stop trying to look like you're perpetually 29"
Her face does have that "fresh from the taxidermy" look. Quite scary!
Well, realistically, several of her body parts are less than 10 years old, so if you average over her whole body, she probably skooches under 35.
SJP is a fashion icon because she plays with fashion--she's allowed to have fun. It isn't as though she wears this outfit to PTA meetings.
I say she's in. She can totally pull it off.
I can stand anything but the gee gosh golly you want MY picture? little girl pose - the one foot sort of out and the leg twisted like a shy five year old. WHEN WILL GROWN UP WOMEN STOP DOING THIS?? As Rami would say - STAND UP AND BE A MAN!!!
She looks great as usual. She's SJP for Christ's sake.
I agree, it's not an everyday look. It isn't so much that the dress is too short for her, it's that it doesn't work period. Too drapey on top to be so short on the bottom. She'd actually work it better if she were about 15 pounds heavier so she wouldn't look like a scarecrow. However, this seems more like a cocktail dress being dressed down which it shouldn't.
HATE light shoes and dark stocking, and light stockings with dark shoes.
Hands...the one thing that can't be lifted.....yet.
She looks ok for her. Probably better than usual.
Stacey and Clinton are right and pretty much the only exceptions to the rule are Tina Turner and Iman.
Sarah Sanderson "amok, amok, amok" is not most definitely not Tina Turner.
Minis really are unflattering on mostly everyone over the age of 8 because knees are not pretty body parts.
Love sweet babies,
The dress might be a wee bit short, but she was a dancer, and dancers are the exception to that over-35 mini rule. And it's not like it's a babydoll dress - those ARE ridiculous on any woman past her mid-20's. This dress is a sophisticated silhouette.
But those shoes with those tights: YIKES! I don't care if it's 'in' - it's hideously tacky - always a mistake. This is a perfect example of just another, in a long line, of ridiculous fads that senseless women will wear simply because someone tells them it's 'in'.
Except for the shoes, she looks fabulous.
She looks like a combination of Madonna and the one that played Rachel on "Friends".
Oh, boys, I disagree on almost all points (except the light-colored shoes. Hate 'em)
SJP's legs & those black tights with tasteful little black dress is fab.
And, long strands of real pearls are meant to be casually displayed.
-- desertwind
That middle-aged bitch is in! Those are some hot legs.
For the life of me, I just do not get the alure of SJP. I actually think she's kind of ugly.Okay okay, maybe ugly is a bit harsh. She's just kind of plain looking-certainly not what someone would picture as a glamour icon.
She is SOOOO very out. Lots of women over 35 have nice legs, but really...must we have to look at their crotch? Come on now.
Granted, SJP's got the gams, but this is a classic example of "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." This getup looks tired.
And I really hate the whole light shoes with dark tights trend.
It's a bit short, but I actually like the dress with the dark hose/tights. I even like the pearls. I loathe those shoes. Loathe them.
I too wish that she would wear more of a classic look instead of a trendy look--
SJP could totally be the next Jackie O if she went that route.
white shoes + black tights = a combo that any 6 year old could put together and think was smashing! I know I have one and you should she what she puts together!
Get rid of the shoes.. and those pearls.
OK guys, off the subject here but you need to put on your Miss Marple hats and run down a rumor. One of the local radio stations here (Santa Fe, NM) is spreading a rumor that Frau Seal wants to replace La Nina with...Posh Spice! As an admitted non-fan of Posh, I really don't think I could stand this. CBS is already ruining HIMYM by letting Britters stank up the show, how much more do I have to take??? You guys are connected, any truth to this rumor??
I like the skirt. She has the legs for it and it looks good on her. Oh and I give a damn about that "no mini skirt after 35" rule. Who cares about age?
Oh and the pearls and the shoes are a nono.
Until recently it has always been a fashion rule that you don't wear white/lite colored shoes with black tights. Some fashion rules can be thrown out the window like no mini skirts after 35 as long as you got the body to pull it off. But the no white shoes with black tights rule should be strictly adhearded to because it is and will always be fugly no matter who wants to say it's "in".
Pearls are always out, but other than that, she doesn't look half-bad for an obscure awards ceremony sponsored by a company that makes calculators.
Totally in. Sure it's short but she has the legs and the body for it. Love everything except the shoes.
She is out! I hate the dark tights with light heels. I liked the pearls.
What was that line that Stanford gasped when Carrie Bradshaw fell down on the runway......."She's fashion roadkill!"? Just kidding!
She has the figure and legs to pull the look off. So, might as well work it while she can! As for the pearls and
SJP will always be IN as a Style Icon. That's why she received an award at this venue. ShoWest is 1 of those insider events where the theater exhibitors get a chance to meet & greet the actors. They want to have a photo op w/ what they represent in their theaters.
The outfit(demure yet fashion forward, very Carrie Bradshaw) & SJP passes that criteria w/ flying colors.
Emma P.
That said, did anyone see Mariah Carey on SNL last night? Yikes! Now THAT was WAY TOO MUCH TOOTIE!
Out. I think the outfit looks like a bag.
The dress would be perfect if it were a few inches longer. Just because she CAN wear something like that, doesn't mean she should, and I don't mean because of her age. It just doesn't flatter her. A couple of inches would still make it short, but not ridiculous looking. And I HATE the dark stockings, light shoes. Please God, make it go away soon!
I don't believe there's an age limit on miniskirts. Some women shouldn't wear them at 20, others can rock them well past 35. The problem here is proportion. She's wearing long, straight hair and pearls that come down to her waist, really elongating that silhouette, but then all of sudden there's this teeny, tiny skirt which seems out of balance with the look of the top half. If she'd worn the hair up and shortened the pearls by looping them around another time or two, it would have been better. Add a few inches to the skirt and it would have been a lot better.
Nothing can save those shoes though.
Just because you CAN wear something doesn't mean you SHOULD. Time to give it up SJP. Especially if you want to be considered a style guru. OUT.
Oh, ugh, OUT! The weird bodice is worse than the super-short skirt!
Out. Definitely out. And just because the light pump with dark hose thing is the trend doesn't mean she should perpetuate such a crime.
Nor am I a fan of skirts short enough to require a hairnet.
Out, out, damn spot.
Out so hard she bruised her tailbone, imo. It's not the skirt length so much as the sacky awfulness of everything above the waist on that dress... And she could have chosen a color nicer than "lipo clinic waste" for those pumps, if she had to go with the "dark leg, light pump" look, which I'm not a fan of either.
Oh honestly, the skirt's not *that* short. You're only too old to be wearing something like that when your body looks old, and hers doesn't. Or if your attitude makes you old to begin with.
Her shoes need to go, but the rest looks good on her.
In, but just barely. I HATE those shoes.
No matter how she ALMOST pulls it off, in the end her look is neither chic nor attractive. The attempt to dress like a much younger woman paradoxically only makes her look older. If SJP really wants to continue to be a fashion icon, she needs to start being age-appropriate.
Hate the shoes with the dark tights.
Actually, hate the shoes, period.
she's out, besides the age factor, her legs are arched and she never looks good in thight or skinny pants, shorts or mini skirts because of that, just looks like she just rode a horse...
OUT. That black tights light shoe thing has GOT TO GO! Please fashion world, let us be free of that hideousness.
Maybe I'm an old fuddy-duddy at my 26 years, but I really hate super-dark tights with super-light shoes.
I'd say "een" (to quote Heidi Klum) if the skirt was 1.5" longer - I actually like the look overall, the shoes bug me more than the hemline.
That is some seeeeeerious fug.
In. She pulls if off much better than a lot of the SATC wardrobe.
If I'd seen only the first picture, I'd say "out". I will never appreciate the dark hose/light shoes thing. But on the other hand, if I'd seen only the second photo, I'd have said "in". I think the dress fits her very well, the hair is nice, her arms look good. It's just the hose and shoes that make it an out.
If I had legs like that, I'd wear miniskirts until I was 90.
Out, out, out. Even though she's now bearing the unmistakable signs of cosmetic manipulation she is no longer the young Carrie Bradshaw, gal-about-town. Love her, hate the look.
Is that from the Bitten line? It seems that she has been decidely dressing down lately in order to look as if she's wearing her $20 pieces...
It's an okay basic, and she can definitely pull it off. What a silly rule...if something you wear makes you feel good, and if you look okay in it, then wear it. And don't listen to anyone who raises an eyebrow over it. It's their problem.
Of course, that philosophy would make blogs like Rungay much less fun, so what do I know, LOL.
Age has nothing to do with it. I would MUCH rather see SJP in a short skirt than most of the 18 year old girls in any mall in America who apparently don't own full length mirrors and have no idea they need to put the cheetos down. The skirt is fine. The dark tights keep it from being too "hoochie-mama" but those shoes have got to go. I don't care how expensive they are or who says the are in style. Seriously, common sense anyone?! Ugh!
She can wear the skirt because she still has the legs but those shoes!
I'm a purist tights w/black skirt? Gotta have black shoes.
The pearls don't work either.
Love it! IN
ARGHHH! while i detest the shoes PERIOD, i can. not. get past the heavy opaque tights with the summer weight dresses. who came up with this?!!! and why didn't they get our approval?!!!
hate, hate, hate the light shoes with the dark tights. i'm not really a fan of opaque tights with anything dressy (definitely not with pearls...).
also get tired of the "little girl pose - the one foot sort of out and the leg twisted like a shy five year old." time to grow up. as much as the old "star" system was oppressive, they did at least teach them to walk, talk and pose properly to really maximize the glamour.
the dress is ok -- yes, she has the bod to wear it, but i too would prefer it a couple of inches longer.
Sorry, but SJP is out with this. But just barely.
It's the light colored shoes and a skirt that is just about 3 inches too short.
I've always hated dark tights with light shoes. Why, fashion goddesses, WHY?!?!?!?
The pearls aren't bothering me that much.
SJP will recover from this, though.
Thank you anon. 3:44!
Wait a second, I`m over 40, and I`m not allowed to wear miniskirts anymore?!
Damn, there goes half my wardrobe.
Hate the shoes. Light shoes with dark tights should always be a "don't." (As should white tights, anywhere, any time, even if you're a nurse in 1950. It's not relevant but I saw a woman at work in white hose and ... ugh.)
The dress would be cute if it were several inches longer.
I don't think it's an age thing -- no woman should wear a dress so short we're in danger of seeing her vagina.
The dress doesn't bother me -- maybe because she's got on the dark tights. But OMG - I HATE the shoes!!! I hate light shoes with dark tights!!
BTW, it looks as if she won an award of some kind. You could have mentioned what is was that she won in your haste to dish... ;)
The only part of this that's as hideous as others are saying are the shoes. BLECH. Otherwise, I don't think this is a bad outfit at all. Don't love it, but nothing wrong with it. Length of the skirt is fine because of the tights (no, you can't almost see her crotch. Even if she lifted up her skirt you wouldn't, because she HAS TIGHTS ON. Seriously, I swear you can see more crotch in some of the tight jeans I see people going around in than in a pair of tights.)
She could use a sandwich or two, though. Her hands freak me out.
i love it! She looks great.
Meh. Color me indifferent, though I agree with the masses that I don't care for the shoes. And that top looks like she got too close to Rami for comfort.
she looks like she's trying too hard. the pearls askew, the mini skirt, the black tights with light colored shoes. too text book trendy. bleh.
Out. I think she could have pulled it off with high black boots--making her a bit more covered up--and a completely different necklace. But the heels and the pearls just wreck it. It's not the most wonderful or interesting dress in the world, but I think it could have been styled successfully (which it's not here).
I don't dislike her hair straight, but I do think she's wearing it just a tad too long for her age.
I hate that dark hose, light shoes look. OUT.
SJP suffers from an acute case of overexposure. Too much press, too many directions.
OUT.....but this doesn't mean she can't burrow in on something and come back later and be back IN.
I could live with the skirt length if the shoes were better.
Her hair is two-toned -- don't like that!
loves it.
I agree with all the too short skirt comments and the shoes are very Minnie Mouse.
The hair and makeup are good. The plastic surgery/botox/whatever is pretty good, but watch it, SJP. The hands always give your age away.
I voted out on, and I'm voting out here too. The mini skirt is OK... Shoes are almost OK... Hair, Make up and all that looks great. But the loose top fit with the short short skirt looks wrong.
I think she looks great. Maybe the dress could have been a liiiittle longer though.
It's like the top half wants to be a lady who lunches and the bottom half . . . well.
The skirt is too short, the shoes too light, the hair too long and stringy, the pearls too much.
If she's trying to pull off a young look like that she should at least have had more fun with the jewelry.
For the shoes alone, it's OUT.
I'm not thrilled with the rest of it but I've seen worse.
I know she is supposed to be a style icon, but SJP's style has always seemed just sort of *severe* to me.
Out. Out. Out!
Someone needs to put "horse-face" out to pasture...
"Morty, you couldn't afford to buy her a whole dress?*"
Out. Pearls too long. Skirt too short. Shoes too light. Tights too heavy.
*I think that was the line from "First Wives' Club." spoken by Bette Midler about SJP in a dress that wasn't nearly that short.
Like my mother always said:
"White or tan shoes with dark stockings make you look like you're wearing ripe bananas on your feet."
SJP: You're out.
IN. Black tights and great legs mitigate the 'no legs after 35' rule. It would look really boring without the shoes/pearls combo. The simplicity of everything (including hair) means it's not try too hard. Pearls could be chunkier but that is all.
Not the worse or best I've seen SJP, butb.I'll vote, "out." Individually the pieces are fine (black dresses and/with pearls are classic!) but together and on her, there's something a bit wonky going on.
I have no problem with someone her age and size wearing minis, but she seems to repeat the look fairly often, so it get's a tad tiresome and does not look fresh on her. Sadly, as SJP tries to maintian a youthful and hip look she's also shooting herself in one of her ivory pumps by aging and dating herself with too much exposure too often.
I love the monochromatic dress and tights thing, but the white pumps totally defeat the purpose. She is starting to look really scary!
Little Black Dress with a trendy tight/light shoe twist. If anyone over 35 can pull off a mini skirt it's SJP aka Carrie Bradshaw! Pearls twisted or not add a touch of the "classic" LBD look.
As someone who was actually there, I have to tell you that skirt was so short she had to pull it down in the back in order to walk up on stage...way way too short, as well as violating the sacred rule of fashion: if it requires constant fiddling &/or intervention to look decent, it's not working.
the look= in
she looks chic: sometimes i think her outfits are misses, make her head look horsey, or her knees bowlegged, but not this time.
sjp herself=out!
sorry! but it's time to shelve this girl.
Very interesting, kati. I wondered if SJP's LBD offered much botty-coverage. Now, we know. If you actually think about it, she's always seen tugging, pulling and adjusting her outfits.
For some reason, I envision our SJP at the ripe old age of seventy-five still rockin' the mini-dresses with stilettoson the red-carpet!
that's a dumb rule. she looks amazing. i love it.
She never had it. Only signs of despiration.
IN. I hope I have that figure someday.
The pumps are garish, though.
yet another example of a 'fashion expert' who complains about OTHER women not dressing in an 'age appropriate' manner. wow!
She looks great.
You guys really have to get over that over 40 thing.
Hate the coy pose.
Me thinks Ms Sarah is not going to grow old gracefully. Like Madonna, she will continue to dress like a 20-something.
Her show is off the air. The Gap commercials are gone (THANK GOD. Why doesn't she just go away?
What the eff? Does she ever eat. She looks Abfab, and the fact that she is W-O-R-K-I-N-G that mini skirt says that she can wear it. I love it and am jealous. Really, she looks so great, she must have a lip-suction machine at home that immediatly sucks out whatever she eats.
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