Christian & Carmen

Tuesday, November 27, 2007 by
Well, we'll say one thing about Princess.

That bitch can sketch.

Not only that; it appears to us that he comes into a project with everything fully formed. That sketch looks almost exactly like the finished look. No "take it as it comes" or "we'll see what happens" with this one. There's no journey in Christian's work; it's all destination.

And let's face it: there should have been more of a toning down and/or reimagining at some point during the process. We suspect SJP picked him to realize his design based on the strength of his sketch but assumed there would be some tweaking along the way.

Let's start with the jacket. Lorenzo hated it on sight (and can't get past the white zipper) but Tom kinda liked it.

Sure the silhouette's a bit much, but pair that jacket with a skinny pair of jeans and a killer set of heels and that would be a hot look.

Unfortunately, they paired it with this dress. And model. And shoes. And hair, makeup and jewelry.

In other words, after the jacket, every single other choice they made was the wrong choice.

First, the dress is too tight and unflattering. The hem is too high, the color is boring and the turtleneck is too overwhelming.

Second, the belt and shoes bring it firmly into the arena of "Office Christmas Party '89." We agree with SJP. He's so young that he didn't even realize how literally retro he was being. He thought he was putting all these great style elements together when all he was doing was revisiting a look an entire generation of office assistants wore as their uniform for about half a decade starting right around the time he was forming his spinal column.

And girl could use some Spanx. Just sayin'.

Princess is certainly quite full of herself, but maybe that's what she thinks she needs to stay focused and competitive. Certainly, it makes for better television.

Maybe we're getting old - we're still young enough to start that sentence with "maybe" though - but what we used to look at as youthful exuberance more and more looks to us like blockheaded inexperience coupled with the inability to self-examine. It's more exciting to be young and completely full of yourself, but it's more interesting to be experienced and aware of your strengths and limitations.

It's WAY too early in the game to write him off, but early impressions lead us to believe that girlfriend needs to seriously examine what she's doing rather than constantly blowing kisses to herself in the mirror. And as an aside, big kudos to SJP for going out of her way to give him the most constructive, helpful criticism she could.

One more thing...

The absolute least believable crying scene in the history of ever.



[Photo: - Screencaps: Project RunGay]

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Andreas said...

Christian is kinda getting on my nerves. I'm trying to find him entertaining, but he is really only somewhat grating. And on top of apparently being a one-trick pony he also seems incapable of dealing with criticism. Not a very entertaining mix to me.

Anne said...

Oh thank GOD we're on Christian now!

Was anyone else mean enough to absolutely LOVE when the judges were just trashing that look to hell and back and he said, "I'd really like to hear what Sarah Jessica thinks," and then she hated it too? I mean, she was nice but I seriously thought Christian was going to start crying.

And to be fair, he sketched it, she picked it, the thing looked EXACTLY like the sketch down to the last seam and then she hated it.

And how about when Tim said, "You've got an eighties thing going on there," and Christian said, "I think it's perfect," and then the judges said he had an eighties thing going on there?!?!? LOVED it.

The preening in the mirror not so much, I thought that was probably for TV.

And Carmen? Bitch please!


Anonymous said...

"Maybe we're getting old - we're still young enough to start that sentence with "maybe" though - but what we used to look at as youthful exuberance more and more looks to us like blockheaded inexperience coupled with the inability to self-examine. It's more exciting to be young and completely full of yourself, but it's more interesting to be experienced and aware of your strengths and limitations."
This is one of the reasons I like to read your blog. You two come up with very thoughtful analysis of the human condition, in the midst of the vast Vanity Fair(a book I recommend).

Anonymous said...

I sort of adore Christian (though we'll see how that affection progresses as the episodes unspool). He's like a very a talented puppy ... probably great for him to get knocked back once in a while by the judges, and yes, he needs to start listening to Tim, but there's great potential there. I see why SJP was so careful and encouraging with him.

Also, I know this isn't the thread for this but: I want more Tim! There has been so little of him in these two episodes and those bits have been so pro forma and catch-phrase-y.


junior_goddess said...

No, you guys are wrong. It is NOT like the sketch-look at the sleeve caps-the pretty, puffy sleeve caps on the sketch dress vs. the stuffedlikeasausageeventhothemodelisanorexic dress. Look at the cool poofy sleeves on the jacket vs the "wrapped ace bandages at the bicep" look produced. I think if that element had made it to the dress, it would have been a lot better.

But that jacket was WAY too ambitious to go on a 40.00 outfit, at the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

"Squeeze" aka "Crocodile Tears"

tee-hee --- exactly!

You are also right on the money - that dress was THE uniform for many of us. Add a pair of bejeweled earring so freaking big that her lobes ache for hours --- THEN she'd be rockin' my 1987 aesthetic.

Has anyone seen my acid-washed jean jacket with the cape attachment? I'm wearing my high-waisted jeans with the braiding and buttons on the ankle seams to work today, and that jacket pulls it all together.


Anonymous said...

Admittedly, I don't know a ton about fashion, but I don't think the jacket translated from sketch to finished item. The sleeves lost their puff, the curvy seaming relaxed into unflattering shapes and the short, tight crop look became boxy somehow. I guess I expected more of the flair of the sketch to make it into the jacket. Or maybe I am expecting too much?

Anonymous said...

I think Christian is so talented. I love him and, trust me, he will be around for a long time.

Anonymous said...

I agree with junior goddess...and I guess SJP...that it is NOT like the sketch. The sketch seemed softer and more forgiving. If I can see a model's tiny little flaws, imagine what that would look like on the rest of us. Ugh. Sister Christian, get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other comments re: the jacket. Where are the poofy sleeves, princess seams and little bib that make it all so feminine? Those black stripes up the middle and the wide set seams on the bodice really make it much more masculine and retro. Also, what’s that little brown bit hanging out from the hem on the sketch? I think Christian has great talent but maybe he should have stuck closer to the sketch on this one… that could have been a really nice jacket.

Anonymous said...

I get what the boys are saying. For such a strong look with so many elements, there were only minor changes from sketch to product. It just looks more "severe" in person, as Sarah Jessica put it.


Mrs. Jones said...

Agree with everything Alexandra said. I DEPEND on you two and this blog to help articulate my fuzzy brain waves early in the morning and without enough caffeine to think.

Gorgeous Things said...

Yeah, I think Christian is a bit of a pinhead. I mean, between the Duran Duran do and the 80s all over again looks, I don't think he 'gets' it. And Carmen? Pfeh. She's pure reality-TV cannon fodder.

Unknown said...

Can someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hide the teal fabric from here on out? That's, what, 3 teal dresses in 2 weeks. Designer bitches? There are other colors!

And I just want to smack the smirk off Christian. Hopefully he'll grow out of poor hair choices before he hits 25.

Anonymous said...

That jacket looked like one of those items in Filene's Basement that lingered through so many automatic markdowns it ended up going to charity. It had a knock-off of a knock-off of a knock-off quality to it...

Carmen needs crying lessons if she wants anyone to fall for that schtick.

Anonymous said...

I think that christian stands out because he is so different than evey other designer...he is trying to show who he is and i respect that....alot of other desgners are beign safe and safe to me is out right boring.

texasinafrica said...

THANK-YOU for calling out Carmen on that nonsense!

Anonymous said...

If this dress was a little longer and done in black it would be AMAZING. maybe it wouldnt fit the bitten line but it would be hot! and that jacket is ridiculously intricate and shows his level of talent!

Anonymous said...

Fasten your seatbelts sisters, it's going to be a bumpy night. Of course the dress is total 80s. And I don't credit that they just weren't aware of that. Look at what those two are wearing on the runway: Carmen looks like an extra from a Gloria Estefan/Joan Jett video and Christian was the makeup artist for "Thriller." (well, okay, more like some random Duran Duran session).

They cultivated these looks, and the styling is so close to the originals, I have a hard time buying that they think they invented it. Especially in this day and age when pop-up video and "greatest hits" and all other manner of recycled shite can be seen on cable, educating their little eyes to the fashion of the era. Simply put, sisters want to revive the 80s. Those of us over 40would prefer they stay dead.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the dress did not have a good strtch quality and bnched in the wrong places. The model is so skinny and it was folding in all the wrong spots and made the dress unflaterring. if they did it in a stretch jersey/cotton it may have worked better

Anonymous said...

"And girl could use some Spanx. Just sayin".

LMAO!! It is not a good thing when your design makes a model look pudgy.

I wonder if Christian is going to be a bit less full of himself after his near-aufing. IMHO he does need to show that he is not an Alexander McQueen/Vivian Westwood clone.

The boy can sketch...and sew. Now he just needs some introspection and to acknowledge that just maybe he still has a thing or two to learn.
Just sayin'....

Anonymous said...

OMG you guys are Crazy!!! the model needs spanx!? You guys had probably the worst pictures of this dress! did you see pictures of this gal? she is so super skinny! look at pictures... someone posted her myspace link and she is so crazy skinny!! I hope she never reads that or you may be responsible for an eating disorder! you guys are whacked out of your minds!

Anonymous said...

Christian is not going anywhere....his level of talent is far beyond many of the people there. And he is so cute!

Katherine said...

Carmen's the one character I think I could really learn to hate.

There are two bonus videos on the bravo site starring Carmen as the bitch. The one with her and Elisa talking? She is so condescending, I am in awe of Elisa's patience.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAAH spanx for the model!!!! that is too funny!!! the dress was NOT flattering!!!! but she does not need spanx. I think this girl is actually a really good model! I think i have seen her in MAgazines before...she has a fmailiar face.

GothamTomato said...


Yes, if only you could do that with kegels, we'd all get a lot fewer speeding tickets.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

I liked the jacket, actually, but the dress was too short. It looked better in the sketch. Is it just me or does his model look like a transvestite?

Anonymous said...

the model is super skinny but seriously even she needed spanx in that hideous dress (oh, and you can still be skinny and have lumps and bumps, although i am not speaking from personal experience).Everything about this outfit was wrong. The colors, the cut, the hideous little jacket with the white zipper (WTF?), the belt, Christian and Carmen's matching Flock of Seagulls hairdos.

GothamTomato said...

The white zipper bothered me as well, but what bothered me more was MORE teal! I hate teal. Are they doing this just to annoy ME?!?

But I think the outfit looked much better as a sketch: Both the shapes and the colors.

I agree about the youthful, change-the-world exhuberance. But it was that youthful exhuberance that also brought us those adorable scenes of him getting so excited over SJP. Too cute.

Princess is a bit full of himself, but as long as he grows out of that, he'll be OK. If he doesn't, he'll be just a bad toupe away from being the next Queen Donald Trump.

--Gotham Tomato

Lilithcat said...

Oh, good lord. I'm probably 35-40 years older than this model, and her boobs are sagging worse than mine! Wear a bra, woman!

Oh, and LaFemmeFataledeNY? Check out the pics that include both Christian and his model. She looks exactly like him! (Except she combs her hair.)

Anonymous said...

I agree with SJP, the look was very severe. She looked like a perpetually constipated secretary. Christian can do much better, he's very talented. I think he needs to chill out and maybe take the ego down a notch or three and he'll be fine.

Andreas said...

i have a feeling christian or some of his family members are throwing in some anonymous comments in here...

Anonymous said...

i'm on the bus of twenty-something girls obsessed with all things christian. We love his arrogance, if you are going to be full of yourself - GO ALL THE WAY. I hate passive aggressive bitches. And NOT that this is a good thing, but the outfit would make lots of girls with bad haircuts in east williamsburg swoon. i'm a fan of the jacket and the obnoxious white zipper. the teal? Not so much, but hey, maybe it was cheap and it's still way more of a statement than rami's or kit's.

Kerry said...

Does anyone else feel that Carmen looks like a big ol' drag queen???

BTW boys, love the pretty "Project Rungay" tags you've placed on your screen shots! Way to lay claim to your stuff without overwhelming the shot with it!

Anonymous said...

Carmen annoys me...she seems fake at least christian is real and up front about things.

Anonymous said...

Hey lilith cat...i actually know his model in this episode and her breasts are for a gay man to say that is huge! She has the most perfect breasts i have ever seen....i worked with her a few times as a stylist....and of course, if you slick a girls hair back and make her look so severe she will not look feminine. But she is totally fierce and stop bagging on all the models just because ya'll are envious!!! Oh shit!!! i said it....Ya'll would look like a bunch of fat heffers in those outfits!!! all the models deserve praise not hearing your old whiney asses tear them apart.

Fnarf said...

I like Christian. I think his retro thing isn't quite ready for prime time, but it's closer than you think. At some point in every "fashion icon's" life they really DO become TOO OLD, and I think Nina and the Dutchess are getting close to that territory. Again, they're not there yet. But when it happens, it's going to look a LOT like this -- callow youth with brilliance put down by out of touch wrinklies.

I thought the jacket was boss!

Anonymous said...

Carmen is weird. Christian with a new haristyle would be adorable.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Hey lilith cat...i actually know his model in this episode and her breasts are for a gay man to say that is huge! She has the most perfect breasts i have ever seen....i worked with her a few times as a stylist....and of course, if you slick a girls hair back and make her look so severe she will not look feminine. But she is totally fierce and stop bagging on all the models just because ya'll are envious!!! Oh shit!!! i said it....Ya'll would look like a bunch of fat heffers in those outfits!!! all the models deserve praise not hearing your old whiney asses tear them apart."

Oh, the Jeffrey team, I mean, the Christian team finally arrived! Welcome, girls!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you boys, but to cut all the designers a little slack, some of the fattening of the models has to be the supercheap crappy material they had to use. I knit, and I know that one of the secrets to my success is spending a little more for quality yarn. You can't polish a turd.

(OMG, I think I quoted Santino!)

I'm with gotham, the teal just bugs.

Anonymous said...

So his outfit wasnt so great this week...last week it rocked...and i am sure wehave a lot more to see from both of them....too much dram to let them go

Anonymous said...

So his outfit wasnt so great this week...last week it rocked...and i am sure wehave a lot more to see from both of them....too much dram to let them go

Anonymous said...

I've seen more moisture squeezed out of dirt. Carmen, if you insist on such ugly outfits, at least try to put pretty somewhere. Can someone pls explain the dislike? She's phony, but where has she displayed dislike-ability? Saw the videos, Kat. Don't see it. Ascription to (stereo)type?

Christian, in spite of every reaction I have to baby bitches who think they know EVERYTHING, I almost adore you. The attitude is obviously a shield. The jacket was fantastic; the pleating upon close inspection was a joy to behold. I'm rootin' for ya, kiddo. Just don't piss me off!

Emma P.

Unknown said... poor models. She looks like a Hilton sister. And if you choose a career based on your looks, your job criticisms are based on your looks. And, well, I don't think those looks are...getting a good job evaluation. Seriously, to be THAT skinny and still appear to have lumps? That sock dress could only do so much.

Anonymous said...

I am a model and I went to the casting for this show...and let me say....i am glad i am not on guys are so mean! Are you all adults? or is this blog for anyone? i am not familiar with it....but you are making fun of people like its your job and i think its so obnoxious! I am digusted by people like you! These designers are putting their heart, sweat and tears into these designs!

you are those people that pick up a magazine and say, "ew she looks terrible" "he looks awful" nobody always looks perfect...NOBODY....and thats not what this show is about...i watch it and i see how hard they try....give them a little credit!

Anonymous said...

Hey Macasism!!! I totally agree with you...these materials were so cheap so of course they look bad and fold and stretch out....the girl is skinny...but put anyone in that dress and they will not look good the legnth that turtle neck....oh god awful awful awful....heidis body would look bad in that dress!!! poor girl must wish they didnt use her for that dress!! i would not wear it.

love the jacket though!

Anonymous said...

she kinda does look like a hilton sister mixed with a litt;e penelope cruz

Anonymous said...

I actually found it impressive that he could make a 90 pound model look chubby.

DolceLorenzo said...

" Anonymous said...

I am a model and I went to the casting for this show...and let me say....i am glad i am not on guys are so mean! Are you all adults? or is this blog for anyone? i am not familiar with it....but you are making fun of people like its your job and i think its so obnoxious! I am digusted by people like you! These designers are putting their heart, sweat and tears into these designs!

you are those people that pick up a magazine and say, "ew she looks terrible" "he looks awful" nobody always looks perfect...NOBODY....and thats not what this show is about...i watch it and i see how hard they try....give them a little credit!"

In short, you're still pissed because they didn't pick you.

Well, darling, if you don't want to read any negative comments about the designers or models stop going to sites dedicated to the show.

Besides, if you bothered to read all the posts here, you'd see that the Boys have given them "a little credit" and have ALSO complimented the designers and models.

I thought the jacket was fierce and very well executed, and as the Duchess pointed out, those jackets are a bitch to tailor. Not crazy about the dress or the belt.

DolceLorenzo said...

" Anonymous said...
you are those people that pick up a magazine and say, "ew she looks terrible" "he looks awful" nobody always looks perfect...NOBODY....and thats not what this show is about...i watch it and i see how hard they try....give them a little credit!"

Sweet, but untrue. I work in the industry, and if you work in the industry too as you claimed, you should know that this industry is ALL ABOUT achieving the perfect look.

Unknown said...

Agree with everything you said re: Christian. He works my nerves and I get the vibe that he will be full of himself and unable to self-examine even when he's over 50.

"The absolute least believable crying scene in the history of ever." LOL! Truer words were never spoken.

Gail said...

And as an aside, big kudos to SJP for going out of her way to give him the most constructive, helpful criticism she could.

Not that he will listen. He has pretty much blown off everything the luscious Tim Gunn has said. A mistake I suspect he will pay dearly for someday.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I am a model and I went to the casting for this show...and let me say....i am glad i am not on guys are so mean! Are you all adults? or is this blog for anyone? i am not familiar with it....but you are making fun of people like its your job and i think its so obnoxious! I am digusted by people like you! These designers are putting their heart, sweat and tears into these designs!

you are those people that pick up a magazine and say, "ew she looks terrible" "he looks awful" nobody always looks perfect...NOBODY....and thats not what this show is about...i watch it and i see how hard they try....give them a little credit!


Have a Twinkie and calm down! You're a model? I was a model and if this were the extent of the criticism I received on go sees & from (the queens of catty) designers sparks would shoot out of my ass in celebration!
Fashion is not kind, my dear. Thick skin is mandatory. I suggest you grow some immediately or you're not long for this particular world.

Emma P.

Considering your sensitivity, commenting on your typos would probably kill you.

Unknown said...

BTW: What's with all the Anonymous postings?? Geez, stand up for your opinion and Identify!!

Anonymous said...

Two challenges, two jackets. It's crazy hard to make a jacket as tailored as last weeks and as detailed as this weeks in the short amount of time alloted.

I just hope it's not jacket of the week.

Anonymous said...

Heya TOddny....well if you work in the industry you know that a model can not look perfect if the dress is made poorly!!! hello, like with marions model...she looked terrible becasue they amde her look obese in that thing....was it her fault she looked bad...NO!!! was it her fault the hair and makeup were bad....nooooo! so stop blaming the models bodys faces etc !!! when all the tools are there to make them look great as they should!

havent you ever opened a magazine and said oh god that doesnt even look like a girl....well maybe thats the way that the photographer stylist other people envisioned it...

and i am glad i am not on the show....and they dont even get paid to be on the show so why would i want to be on it?!?!? so people like you can say that i look bad?! so my agents can call me and say oh people are saying you were thanks...i think thats why in the end elite and ford never have girls on the show

Anonymous said...

oh and my name is Elena! so not anonomous anymore...and sorry for not being from this country but i try my best with the spelling and grammer!

you are very mean people. good bye.

Anonymous said...

hahaha everyone is or was a model according to these postings....i think we are just being bitchy cause its fun....but we dont mean harm to the designers or least i dont....

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, if a dress makes a skinny model look lumpy, there's no reason I (or any Steve & Barry shopper) should go near it.

Anonymous said...

A word about Carmen? She seems like a person who needs alot of attention and approval. That's not necessarily a bad thing; my husband is the same way and has fulfilled that need by becoming an excellent teacher.

Carmen, though, is in a competition with a dozen other colorful people who also want the attention. Its early but she hasn't wowed anyone yet, so I predict she will pull out all the stops. Bad or outrageous behavior is coming from her soon.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
you are very mean people. good bye."

Very. We eat models for breakfast.

Anonymous said...

I agree with "jay" it really looks like there are people with serious bias in favor of Christian, especially the "anonymous" person who posted "I think Christian is so talented. I love him and, trust me, he will be around for a long time." When I read that, all I could think is that Christian MUST be posting. Given that, and the claws that appear to be out, this should be an interesting season!

Anonymous said...

"you are very mean people. good bye."

T Lo: this HAS to be a shirt!!


Anonymous said...

I mean "t-shirt"


Anonymous said...

Hey Todd, seriously ... remove your puckered lips from the moderators' ass cheeks. They neither want nor need your continuous sychophantic defensive postings. Any time anyone expressess a negative or contrary opinion, you are there with multiple obnoxious postings about what fools they are to disagree.

Tom and Lorenzo are big boys and can handle the occassional criticism. Your brown-nosing only embarrasses yourself.

Anonymous said...

Old Bacon: Sister Christian...

THAT'S IT! "Sister Christian oh the time has come...." everybody join in, you know the words!

That is what I am going to be calling him all season. Yes, the dress was too tight on the model, It actually remided me of the dresses in the Robert Palmer video "Addicted to love" only in a color. And the jacket was too "Duran Duran" for the dress. Ahh, the 80's you gotta love them.

Carmen, well her hair fit the 80's but I don't think crying helped anything! Does it work for Hat guy? nope.

DolceLorenzo said...

" Anonymous said...

Hey Todd, seriously ... remove your puckered lips from the moderators' ass cheeks. They neither want nor need your continuous sychophantic defensive postings. Any time anyone expressess a negative or contrary opinion, you are there with multiple obnoxious postings about what fools they are to disagree.

Tom and Lorenzo are big boys and can handle the occassional criticism. Your brown-nosing only embarrasses yourself."

I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Oh, yes... ANONYMOUS!

Anonymous said...

Poodles, it's only the second episode. Let's stop fighting and go back to the dresses.

Anonymous said...

If I see one more puffy sleeve from Christain, I'm going to puke.

Anonymous said...

Why are there so many anonymous posters anyway? It's very easy, you don't need a google account. Just click the box that say "other" under "Choose an identity." It will then give you a box that says NAME. I suggest your first name, your pet's name, your favorite dessert or, in honor of Bill, your favorite Von Trapp.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I wasn't sure how on this site, but 1:03pm was me. Now let me see if this worked.

Anonymous said...


Like a Poodle through a flaming hoop.

Jump Todd, Jump!!

I went to Todd Field's Blog, obstensibly to gain some insight into his psyche.

It was blank. Apropo, no?

Oh yeah ... still Anonymous. What's it to you?

Anonymous said...

It's the same thing every season: the young crowd pick a favorite and they can't stand when any blog or site criticize their precious favorite. First Santino, then last year Jeffrey (although I heard rumors that he actually had a group of friends posting anonymously defending him), this year it looks like Christian is the Chosen One, and that's just the beginning, darlings.

Tami S. said...

Just because of all the anonymous comments, I went ahead and registered...I guess it's about time, I've been reading and occasionally commenting since the beginning of this blog. :)

Anyhoooo...Little Flock of Seagulls need to remember one thing...ignore Tim at your peril! Oh, and don't bore/sass Nina! Big Flock of Seagulls needs to get a grip. I don't believe those tears either.

Anonymous said...

Wow you guys are ferocious!!! I love it here....ew on the dress....the jacket rocks with skinny it....carmen has to go....christian .....i have to say there is something about that kid that i kind like....i know i know...but i do...and his model....well she looks like a model.

Anonymous said...

Eva! I have a soft spot for christian too

TLo said...

madam ovary said...
It's very easy, you don't need a google account. Just click the box that say "other" under "Choose an identity." It will then give you a box that says NAME. I suggest your first name, your pet's name, your favorite dessert or, in honor of Bill, your favorite Von Trapp.

Thanks, Madam Ovary.


Anonymous said...

I want one of those "you are very mean people. good bye" shirts. Just tell me where to send the money.

Seriously though, this season's models are a bunch of saggy draggy sadbags. In the Bravo pix of the final outfits at least 2/3 of them are slouching. I hate Tyra Banks, but they should take her advice and stretch out their necks.

And they aren't pretty! Aren't you supposed to be good-looking in order to make a living off your looks?

Anonymous said...

Lorenzo hated it on sight (and can't get past the white zipper)

Oh, girl. You are the wind beneath my wings. I seriously had trouble even seeing the rest of the outfit...I was zippulsed.

Anonymous said...

What's with all of this silly anonymous sniping? If you get yourself on reality TV, you shouldn't complain about being judged!

Copying styles from 25 years ago isn't innovative talent, it's, well, copying.

And it finally sank in that, on top of everything else that's not right about Christian's jacket, it looks like it's inside out.

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit older than christian, so I was a child in the 80s and didn't pay any attention to fashion trends.

But he was a student and would certainly have studied fashion of that era.

Tim told him that his look was very retro. If it was that obvious to Tim, Christian should have listened. But at some point you may have to run with it.

He probably should have done the hair, makeup a bit differently so at least the styling was so 80s even if the outfit was.

The sketch was beautiful, but obviously doesn't translate too well with the fabrics he had to buy.

Even if you hate the look, I think you can at least admire the construction and the thought behind it.

I think he's too young to win, but he does have a lot of talent.

Suzanne said...

Snf- you said it.....don't like criticism? Don't be on TV. Period. The end.

Sister Christian needs to tell me who the hell he is getting to sew that jacket (I am with Lorenzo- I would definitely wear it with a black pencil skirt)? The TWO PIECES had to RETAIL for $40. Not in this life, sunshine.

I HAD THAT DRESS. It just had humungous shoulder pads. Very Heather Locklear circa 1984.

As for all of you whiners- BOY have you come to the wrong place. Did you read the sub title of Project RunGay? They sew. WE RIP.

Sign me up for one "mean people" shirt. Thanks!

desertwind said...

I hate to say it, but too-short too-tight trashy jackets are all the rage in Paris right now. They seem to come around every 13 years or so, don't they? Usually in black leather. I hate the look now and I hated it in the early 70s and mid-80s, too.

Cambel said...

This little turd is so annoying. I loved how he said "I'd like to hear what Sara Jessica has to say" just like some spoiled little brat telling the teacher "I don't have to listen to you, my mommy says I'm wonderful" Ugh, go away already. That outfit he created looks like something Justine Bateman would have worn in the second season of Family Ties.

D said...

Chasa - zippulsed? I'm DYING! Too fabulous.

Thombeau said...

A very perceptive post. Couldn't agree more, bitches!

Anonymous said...

Are there no jobbers left on 8th Ave? They only have $15 and they make them go to Mood? That's kind of stupid. You get more bang for your buck on 8th ave or downtown Brooklyn even.
As far as Christian design goes, I can see some pretty big differences between the sketch and the actual. I don't know why they put that great big black style line on either side of the white zipper, or why they used a white zipper, or why they didn't go with the fuller sleeve cap on the dress or the jacket. If he had stuck closer to his vision I don't think he would have been in the bottom two. Maybe they didn't have enough fabric, be cause both he and Carmen definitely know how to make a puff sleeve (pattern).
I kind of felt for him when they ripped him on the runway. I do think he showed integrity on the runway when they were forcing Carmen to say who should go(and she seemed upset), he stepped up and said it should be him.

Lilithcat said...

Anonymous 11:55 -

You need to go look at those screen shots. She may have perfect breasts "in real life", but you couldn't prove it by those pics.

And if she does have "perfect breasts", then there's a serious problem with the design, isn't there? Because it shouldn't make her look like her titties have nursed six kids.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet Jaysus. I'm only a couple years older than Princess Christian, but that monster he made brings back all those memories of my childhood that I'd like to forget.

Seriously. I had that jacket (sans zipper). Since I was a wee prepubescent lass at the time, it was a bit less fitted, but I remember I really digged the sounds I could make by rubbing my nails across the pleating. Also, my mom had that dress, only in purple. Princess should have grown up in my house: he'd know just why those fashions went away, and we're all too nice to let him wear that hair in public.

Anonymous said...

Do you think someone like SJP also has to take into consideration the amount of time it would take for one of sweat shop slaves to sew the jacket together? My thought (besides looking similiar to every jacket in the 80's) would be that the labor charges would be high.

Anonymous said...

Do you think someone like SJP also has to take into consideration the amount of time it would take for one of sweat shop slaves to sew the jacket together? My thought (besides looking similiar to every jacket in the 80's) would be that the labor charges would be high.

Anonymous said...

I've got no problem with the model and how thin/lumpy/anorexic/perfect-titted/fierce she may be. Seems to me the job description involves melding the best parts of yourself with the designer's vision.

My problem is that the dress and the styling made her look like a Halloween tranny with loose undergarments. And I'm certain that wasn't the look Sister Christian and Opera-Grill were going for.

(The hair and face! Has no one mentioned the horror there? Again...model abuse!)

I think he's skilled in the craft aspect, if maybe questionable on aesthetics, and I'm curious to see what he does this week.

Besides, he's from my neck of the Maryland woods, so props to him for not dressing his models as middies.

Anonymous said...

The dress would look awful on anyone over 90 lbs. The jacket is OK but I felt that combined with the dress, as Christian said, it was a lot of look.

GothamTomato said...

"Anonymous said...
test test"

This is the smartest thing you posted so far. Congrats.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

Me no like it. Perfect for skinny girls stuck in the 80's.

Anonymous said...

I was laughing so hard when SJP told Christian the exact same thing Tim told him in the workroom, but he thought he was too good for Tim's advice. The "boy" is talented but it's going to be pretty annoying having to watch him flip his hair, say that everybody else's outfits are "boring" and his is "fierce" every two minutes.

Anonymous said...

Best look on the runway. You bitches know nothing about fashion.

Anonymous said...

It's a clingy dress, straight out of your local drag show, ladies and gentlemen.

Anonymous said...

I love it when everyone has PMS at the same time. It's like being back in college!

Anonymous said...

I don't care. I liked Christian's outfit the best. I agree about styling, but I thought this was leaps and bounds better than Victoryawn's outfit. LEAPS AND BOUNDS.

@ hair style, he had it wet in the season debut, and he looked less like a pretty girl and more like a hotter man than Rami. His dry hair's kindof crazy, he has the personality to back it up.

I wish he still lived in Maryland though instead of New York. Though NY >>>>>>>> MD, it'd be nice to root for someone who represents my homestate. Either way, I don't care, I love my Princess. <3

Anonymous said...

Christian seems like he suffers a bit from the Robert Best Syndrome - being such a good sketch artist the real outfit is always a bit of a letdown. That said, the blue seemed wrong from the start, and the pouf sleeves would have been a repeat of his last jacket so maybe that's why he ditched them. The dress might have looked better on a curvier (or at least some type of shape) model.

I'll be interested to see if Christian can reference anything other than the 80's because that's not going to fly for long. Everyone else has already been there, worn that.

Fnarf said...

Lillithcat, look at the model again. Look at where here breasts come to on her arm, in relation to the elbow. There's no saggage there. Really, there's not.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I dont see saggage in the boobs. Her legs seem so damn long and that dress still looks bad. I dont think anyone would look good in it.the first picture of her on the runway shows she is so skinny so if she cant wear it...well, then I definitely cant...not for the everyday woman! I still like the jacket.

Anonymous said...

OMG I think I filmed a scene with this girl the other day in the sex and the city movie!!!! who has her myspace or pics???

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else not feeling the accessory selection this season? I love Bluefly but there have been some seriously fug shoes and other crap

Unknown said...

i know i don't have monopoly rights to a letter of the alphabet, but anonymous 1:03, could you maybe come up with a handle that's not almost identical to the one used by someone who has been posting here a long time?


Suzanne said...

Kitchtrain I am 150% convinced Tim gives those judges a briefing before every runway show on not only what they are going to see but the little dramas that were going on backstage. I have been positive of this from the day that Slowey asked Wendy Pepper what she thought of Austin as a team leader. Total set up.

I also wonder what the unedited version of the show is like. I am sure there is a whole lot we don't see and that they use people's reactions to other things for different situations. I think there is a whole lot of funny business when they edit shows like this.

Anonymous said...

I want The Princess & The Duchess to stand side by side on the runway and say, ala "In Living Color" , Hated It!

Anonymous said...

The sleeeves on Christian's jacket did not match the drawing. They need that poof in the drawing. However, he needed to dump the horrid dress from the 80s. The jacket looked great on Carmen with more modern attire.

Anonymous said...

Come on everybody and sing!!!

Sister Christian, oh the time has come...for you to listen to Mr. Tim Gunn.

Anonymous said...

I'm scared! Anonymouses (Anonymice?) crawling out of the woodwork! People! I've gotta bag full of names right here for you! Oh, and I think there are some apostrophes, and, let me see, yes, some capital letters in there too!! Take, use, enjoy!

And a special note to the anonymous who used the sentence: "They neither want nor need your continuous sychophantic defensive postings..." -- niiiice. Seriously, that is one elegant sentence, and I admire the hell out of it. But do you really know how TLo feel about this? Maybe they like synchophants. Maybe they find commenters who attack commenters who defend them to be just as, if not more, irksome than the defenders themselves!

Okay, I just confused myself.

What are we talking about? Oh, right, Christian. I still love the misguided, narcissistic little bastard. If Christian and I had attended high school together, I would have been his main fruitfly. We would mock everyone in sight and bask in the warm glow of our obvious superiority.

And since I attended HS in the 80s, I would probably be wearing that jacket in the above scenario. And I would look awesome, people. Like, totally awesome.

(I'm on a lot of cold medication right now. Just so you know.)

Anonymous said...

thyrza said...

I'm scared! Anonymouses (Anonymice?) crawling out of the woodwork! People! I've gotta bag full of names right here for you! Oh, and I think there are some apostrophes, and, let me see, yes, some capital letters in there too!! Take, use, enjoy! [...]

What are we talking about? Oh, right, Christian. I still love the misguided, narcissistic little bastard. If Christian and I had attended high school together, I would have been his main fruitfly. We would mock everyone in sight and bask in the warm glow of our obvious superiority.


(I'm on a lot of cold medication right now. Just so you know.)

ROFL. HILARIOUS!!! Love you, Thyrza!

Anonymous said...

OMG I just noticed the gigantic pair of scissors on Christian's sweater (shirt?). Cool!

Anonymous said...

whoa the comment section took the fast train to bitchy this time.

I like Christian even though he reminds me of paris hilton in a bad wig. makes little sense since i hate her, go figure.

carmen bugs. if i'm not looking at the screen i always think Christian is talking instead of her. jay M is right, they have innerchangeable voices.

I'm so over every shade of blue on this show since season 2, especially teal and navy. ENOUGH ALREADY!.

perhaps i have tacky taste but i miss Jay, Austin, kara saun, Uli, and kayne's colorful designs.

finding the filth said...


agreed. agreed. agreed.

poor princess. you can tell he's probably a sweetheart underneath all that youthful bitchy mess. hes simply too young to know why no woman in her right mind would ever wear such an 80's throwback. but he's got a ton of talent. i have no doubt he'll get it together.

i would almost point a little blame at carmen for not editing his vision, but she's so tacky she probably thought a turquoise mini sweater dress with a brown belt was tres chic.

super kudos to sjp for the best critique ever!

Anonymous said...

1. i love christian.
2. sjp REALLY had a point with the whole "he didn't know it was so retro" thing as i (age 24) didn't initially see it as 100% retro either.
3. how i love that a model needs spanx! thank you for pointing this out!

Anonymous said...

That jacket gives off an entirely different vibe than the sketch: the sketch, with the pleated bib and "puff" sleeves, looked somewhat Victorian/Edwardian, not scuba/Thriller like the sewn product (the bib didn't come down far enough or curvy enough, and the sleeves were deflated). Either way, though, it needed a different dress.

Anonymous said...

Though it's probably unlikely, I hope SJP returns as guest judge @ Bryant Park. Her critiques were so kind yet wonderfully well informed. BTW her entrance: I squeed (it's a word!) like a little girl!

Emma P.

kenko said...

whoa, lots of vitriol in today's comments :O

lighten up, guys, it's just fashion! it's fashion!

Gidget Bananas said...

That shade of blue just screams 80's to me -- and I have very sensitive ears.

Anonymous said...

The teal colored "snug" dress reminded me of the wardrobe for Designing Women, really 80's and dated (in a bad way).
Christian may make it to final 3 (regardless of that outfit), but I think the final 3 will be: Rami, Chris, and Jillian.

Anonymous said...

You know you're getting old when you have no patience for youthful exuberance. Maybe it's just me, but I start rolling my eyes the second Christian comes onscreen ... & I'm not an eye-roller ... so he must be working your last gay nerves!

Anonymous said...

Aw i LOVE Princess!!!!! She's so cool and she's the best designer there along with Kit! I think that Princess AND Kit should be in the final three because they have unique individual styles that aren't commonly seen in the fashion world. They have fresh takes on fashion and take the old and revitalize it.
And yes, Carmen is just like Hillary Clinton when she cries.