yay for Laura! maybe next year, she'll make top honors! :o)
but I agree w/ the use of fecund...they needed to use a better word, unless they were going for a play on the word. Using Janet's definition...
fe·cund adj. 1. Capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful. having 6 children... 2. Marked by intellectual productivity. she makes amazing clothes.
Or, I'm reading wayyyyyy too much into the definition, and I need to take a nap.
La Diva Laura is not of the mainstream, never was and never will be...the masses are not ready, willing, or able to "get" her, and that is just how it is. After all, if she appealled to everyone out there---especially the media---how special would she really be? So an honorable mention is probably the best one could expect from any mainstream publication.
Those who appreciate her know who they are and don't need any old rag telling them what to do and who to adore!
She will always be numero uno with THOSE WHO KNOW.
That's terrific! Good for her! Laura is gorgeous, talented, smart, funny, and apparently a great mother and wife. I never get tired of reading about her.
Oh my god, you're kidding me? I use the word "fecund" every single day. At the supermarket, picking up my children at school, greeting my husband at the door, at a cocktail party, giving instructions to my gardener...
I don't know I kinda like fecund it sounds like ripe, juicy, fruit, sexy in a natural way. Which is exactly how I think Laura is. As for the Honorable Mention, I think she needs to turn something out besides a baby to move up the ladder.
Laura can be silly, crass, humble, kind, or fierce, morphing to fit the situation and her surroundings without compromising who she is. She has something that is rarely seen in women who make it to TV - confidence in herself. Congratulatons, Laura!!
Laura's incredible popularity -- is there any other PR alum more widely adored than she? -- is a testament to her class, wit, and beauty. I really, really never thought I'd be saying this about a reality TV cast member, but Laura has actually changed my life. She is fabulous.
If you look further down the list you will notice that also in the Honorable Mention category is Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, Amanda Peet and a host of other famous TV types. Our Ms Bennett is actually in fairly rarefied TV company. They didn't mention Tim Gunn or Heidi Klum...not to shabby Ms B.
Laura's incredible popularity -- is there any other PR alum more widely adored than she? -- is a testament to her class, wit, and beauty. I really, really never thought I'd be saying this about a reality TV cast member, but Laura has actually changed my life. She is fabulous. "
She changed my life too. I try to dress better and have makeup on everytime I go out now. I know it sounds silly, but it means a lot to me.
Oh my god, you're kidding me? I use the word "fecund" every single day. At the supermarket, picking up my children at school, greeting my husband at the door, at a cocktail party, giving instructions to my gardener...
Thanks for the Laura post! This is my first comment on your heelariously brilliant blog. Gayboys, please let Laura know that this 42-year-old mother of two in San Francisco just bought her first pair of Manolos (on sale, natch) as part of my style upgrade thanks to her inspiring lead!
HONORABLE MENTION?! I'm writing those A-holes right now to let them know what I think. Also, where is our dearest TIM?! Did they leave him out entirely?
QUESTION for Baddaddy: Living with Laura day in and day out, you're the perfect person to ask. Can Laura possibly be as fabulous 24/7 as we all imagine her to be?
PS: congratulations to you both on the birth of your newborn son.
I made a Laura convert today. I was on the phone, talking to my mother who also watches PR, and I told her that Laura made Honorable Mention in NY Magazine's Best and Worst issue. (We both get it.) She said, "Oh. She's not my favorite. What's there to like about her, anyway?" WELL. We had a long conversation about the various merits of the wonderful Ms. Bennet, and I assure you that she is now a Laura Lover, too.
I never, ever get tired of hearing about Laura. Congrats! Girlfriend looks pretty fabulous in BPR's baby picture, considering that she's given birth like a day before it was taken. And Finn is crazy adorable.
They probably just looked up the word in a dictionary and felt they had to use it.
Congratulations, Laura! Well deserved!!
what the hell does 'fecund' mean? i'm too lazy to go find an online dictionary
Laura is a role model for all of us women out there. Congrats!!
Here, anonymous:
1. Capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful.
2. Marked by intellectual productivity.
who ever chose this stuff was most defenantly on CRACK!
Hello it's LAURA BENNETT ... 1st place would hardly be enough!
Fabulous! We love you, Laura! Come back soon!!
A post about my girl!!!!! Thank you, biches, and CONGRATULATIONS, LAURA!!!!!!!!
P.S. I don't know WTF is going on, but my blogger account is not working today.
Fantastic, Laura!!! But fecund what??? Oh gosh, I need to consult Tim Gunn on that one.
Honorable Mention? She needs to be on the freaking cover!!
yay for Laura! maybe next year, she'll make top honors! :o)
but I agree w/ the use of fecund...they needed to use a better word, unless they were going for a play on the word. Using Janet's definition...
1. Capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful. having 6 children...
2. Marked by intellectual productivity. she makes amazing clothes.
Or, I'm reading wayyyyyy too much into the definition, and I need to take a nap.
La Diva Laura is not of the mainstream, never was and never will be...the masses are not ready, willing, or able to "get" her, and that is just how it is. After all, if she appealled to everyone out there---especially the media---how special would she really be? So an honorable mention is probably the best one could expect from any mainstream publication.
Those who appreciate her know who they are and don't need any old rag telling them what to do and who to adore!
She will always be numero uno with THOSE WHO KNOW.
Congratulations, Bad Mommy!
Laura is truly a star! I'm very happy for her. Best wishes!!
Yes, Laura won our hearts, the show (yes, not you, Jeffrey!) and I can't wait to see what she's going to do next!
1. Capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful.
Oh my god, that's hilarious!!!!
It looks like Laura has a brilliant career ahead of her. She stood out among the other people on the show. She is very talented and she'll go far!
Laura is amazing. I wish more women would act like her. Having a family and children doesn't mean you can't keep your individuality and be fabulous.
You're the BEST, Laura!!!
I imagine Laura likes "fecund" just fine. She's secure in her own fabulousness.
Congratulations, darling! Nobody deserves this more than you do!
That's terrific! Good for her! Laura is gorgeous, talented, smart, funny, and apparently a great mother and wife. I never get tired of reading about her.
Not only a mention but also a picture. Congratulations, Laura!
Doesn't anyone read anymore? Fecund is hardly a "big" word. And it's apt.
Go Laura, you rock!
I agree with macasism. What should they say? Fertile? Oft- pregnant?
Aww, how adorable! Congratulations, Laura, you're the best!
Oh my god, you're kidding me? I use the word "fecund" every single day. At the supermarket, picking up my children at school, greeting my husband at the door, at a cocktail party, giving instructions to my gardener...
Congrats, Diva!
Laura is way too fabulous for anything but the front cover! We can hope that they will come to their senses and get it right next time!
PS: Do you boys have any Laura updates? How is she doing? Any little tidbit will be much appreciated.
Anonymous said...
PS: Do you boys have any Laura updates? How is she doing? Any little tidbit will be much appreciated.
Hi Anonymous,
Laura and the baby are doing fine.
I don't know I kinda like fecund it sounds like ripe, juicy, fruit, sexy in a natural way. Which is exactly how I think Laura is. As for the Honorable Mention, I think she needs to turn something out besides a baby to move up the ladder.
Laura can be silly, crass, humble, kind, or fierce, morphing to fit the situation and her surroundings without compromising who she is. She has something that is rarely seen in women who make it to TV - confidence in herself.
Congratulatons, Laura!!
Oh please, consider the source, darlings!
Congrats, darling.
Laura's incredible popularity -- is there any other PR alum more widely adored than she? -- is a testament to her class, wit, and beauty. I really, really never thought I'd be saying this about a reality TV cast member, but Laura has actually changed my life. She is fabulous.
If you look further down the list you will notice that also in the Honorable Mention category is Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, Amanda Peet and a host of other famous TV types. Our Ms Bennett is actually in fairly rarefied TV company. They didn't mention Tim Gunn or Heidi Klum...not to shabby Ms B.
" jane said...
Laura's incredible popularity -- is there any other PR alum more widely adored than she? -- is a testament to her class, wit, and beauty. I really, really never thought I'd be saying this about a reality TV cast member, but Laura has actually changed my life. She is fabulous. "
She changed my life too. I try to dress better and have makeup on everytime I go out now. I know it sounds silly, but it means a lot to me.
Congrats, Laura! I can't wait to start wearing something designed by you.
Laura is an ideal role model for women in general, and for mothers in particular. There has never been anyone quite like her in a reality show.
Congratulations, darling. You are fabulous and deserve all the fame you can get.
Janet said...
Oh my god, you're kidding me? I use the word "fecund" every single day. At the supermarket, picking up my children at school, greeting my husband at the door, at a cocktail party, giving instructions to my gardener...
Hi Anonymous,
Laura and the baby are doing fine.
Gentlemen - You will need to do better than that. DETAILS, poste haste, please. Pictures are much desired if at all possible.
Thanks for the Laura post! This is my first comment on your heelariously brilliant blog. Gayboys, please let Laura know that this 42-year-old mother of two in San Francisco just bought her first pair of Manolos (on sale, natch) as part of my style upgrade thanks to her inspiring lead!
F**K "fecund". How about Fierce? Fabulous? Flawless???
your logic is Vulcanesque in its perfection.
FYI: Check out pic of Fabulous Laura and baby Finn over on Blogging Project Runway......
HONORABLE MENTION?! I'm writing those A-holes right now to let them know what I think. Also, where is our dearest TIM?! Did they leave him out entirely?
Congratulations, Laura! You're my hero, darling. Now get to work and produce fabulous things for us.
Fecund, fructiferous, plenteous, uberous...whatever...YOU ROCK, LAURA!
Great! Congrats, dear. Now you need to capitalize on your fame, attach your name to a fashion line or something. Everything you produce is gold.
Laura, you brought a lot of joy to my house every Wednesday. I can only thank you for all you've given us. Best of luck!
Laura Fabulous Bitch Goddess Extraordinaire, congratulations!!!
QUESTION for Baddaddy: Living with Laura day in and day out, you're the perfect person to ask. Can Laura possibly be as fabulous 24/7 as we all imagine her to be?
PS: congratulations to you both on the birth of your newborn son.
I made a Laura convert today. I was on the phone, talking to my mother who also watches PR, and I told her that Laura made Honorable Mention in NY Magazine's Best and Worst issue. (We both get it.) She said, "Oh. She's not my favorite. What's there to like about her, anyway?"
WELL. We had a long conversation about the various merits of the wonderful Ms. Bennet, and I assure you that she is now a Laura Lover, too.
I never, ever get tired of hearing about Laura. Congrats!
Girlfriend looks pretty fabulous in BPR's baby picture, considering that she's given birth like a day before it was taken. And Finn is crazy adorable.
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