First up: Kelli.
Lorenzo HATED this look; Tom didn't.
The end. Next!
Oh, alright.
Let's just dispense with the idea that she really nailed her inspiration. She took a picture of something black and silver and made a black outfit with silver accessories. Not wowing us with the originality.
Lorenzo thinks it's a LOT of look and a lot of that look is somewhat lame. Tom thinks the garment is fine, but the styling came close to ruining it. That fauxhawk, the overdone makeup, the gladiator sandals - it all took away from the look rather than adding to it.
That top is kind of sharp-looking and we wonder how she made it, although we don't like the fabric she used underneath. And what are those little buckley, strappy things on her torso?
Definitely not a winning look, but with better styling it could be quite chic.
Cheroin is into leathuh and she don't care who knows it.
On the one hand, she is reality television GOLD and Bravo should definitely give her her own show. A sort of What Not to Wear for roadies and Hell's Angels, we're thinking.
On the other hand, as a design contestant, she's a real pain in the ass.
"I am rock-and-roll and I am gonna die rock-and-roll."
That's great, honey. This isn't American Idol. Now go make a dress without using a hammer.
Believe it or not, we think this is very well done. She's not going to step one millimeter outside her comfort zone and that's ultimately going to get her thrown out, but at least she's demonstrating that she's good at what she does.
The proportions are nice and the metallic faux croc leather was a nice touch that dressed the look up a bit.
Although there seems to be minor fit issues around the waist and crotch area and the straps on the top are uneven.
Still, good enough to keep her in the game another week. But at some point the judges are going to have to address the elephant in the room. No matter how good her work is, if this is the sum total of her aesthetic, then she needs to go.
Jennifer always looks like she's late for a tea party through the looking glass, doesn't she?
We've been staring at this picture for ten minutes, straining to turn a "down the rabbit hole" joke into a "the rabbit died" one because for some reason, Alice here thought she was making a maternity dress.
It's just the very definition of "dowdy," from the color, to the proportions, to the fit. Absolutely nothing about this look says "night on the town." More like "formal Lamaze class."
That neckline is awful and her boobs look droopy. The only thing that referred to the inspiration were the "clock face" cuffs, but you'd never know that was what they're supposed to represent.
And multiple hems are fine, so long as they work with each other, instead of looking like she has three dresses of varying lengths on.
And WHAT is UP with that shitastic bottom hem? Poor job, Alice.
More detailed pictures:

[Photos: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps:]
[Additional Pictures: Courtesy of]
Kelli's dress looks like Irma la Siouxsie and the Banshees.
"Kelli's dress looks like Irma la Siouxsie and the Banshees"
Perfect description, Bill. LOL!
The outfit is "interesting" w/o being remotely attractive.
Uh, you know, asking every time if something is "chic" or not is not really a great yardstick for fashion. Aside from the Dutchess being correct when he said it's the most overused term in fashion, not everything in fashion is meant to be chic.
Kelli's outfit was well done and I liked it, but her look is as clicheed and tired as Stella's. I can't believe she gets a free pass just because she's not screaming "leathuh" at every second.
Stella's is well-made for what it is but it's totally expected and blah. It was, however, more NY than a lot of them.
Cheroin's look is Cher as Rusty Dennis in Mask (sidebar: Sam Elliott as Gar - be still my beating heart).
Jennifer's dress: TLo said...Absolutely nothing about this look says "night on the town." More like "formal Lamaze class." Hahahahahahaha! You nailed it! Good one.
"Bailey said...
Uh, you know, asking every time if something is "chic" or not is not really a great yardstick for fashion. Aside from the Dutchess being correct when he said it's the most overused term in fashion, not everything in fashion is meant to be chic."
Uh, no, but "night out on the town" is definitely meant to be a chic look.
Yes, Jennifer looks like a befuddled Alice, who wakes up to discover she is all grown-up and making clothes for dowdy pregnant women.
The moment that Stella said, 'I'm into leathuh', I immediately thought of
I always wondered what happened to her.
Tlo said: "That fauxhawk, the overdone makeup, the gladiator sandals - it all took away from the look rather than adding to it"
You gals are brilliant. I thought I hated the outfit, but it was really the styling. You have convinced me that a stylist is just as important on the red carpet as any designer.
-TLo Addict-
Chic Lamaze class. For the love of god, do you think that little of the style choices of the preggerinos?
I hope that Bad Mommy sees that comment and spanks you both!
Jennifer keeps talking about Salvador Dali, but I'm thinking her dress looks more Whistler'sMother.
Anonymous said...
"Bailey said...
Uh, you know, asking every time if something is "chic" or not is not really a great yardstick for fashion. Aside from the Dutchess being correct when he said it's the most overused term in fashion, not everything in fashion is meant to be chic."
Uh, no, but "night out on the town" is definitely meant to be a chic look.
Uh, not necessarily. A night out at the clubs is definitely "a night on the town" in NY, and you'd be hard-pressed trying to find anyone dressed like Leanne's model there.
When I saw Kelli's dress coming down the runway, I gasped at the awfulness.
Jennifer's was just dull.
"... A sort of What Not to Wear for roadies and Hell's Angels, we're thinking."
Oh jesus, they can premiere it at Sturgis!
Don't care for Stella's aesthetic AT ALL, but agree that she does make good TV.
Poor, lost little Alice. She needs to take a little more somethin' somethin' if she is sincere in incorporating 'surreal' into her designs. Dali and Magritte would not approve, darling....
So, we have to wait until tommorrow for TLo to dissect the Gay Mormon Gangsta? Or did I miss that when I was away?
AH, Gotham Tomato!! That is one of the best scenes ever from the best Woody Allen movie, Annie Hall. That could well be a younger Stella in that scene.
My favorite was always the kid who says, "I used to be a heroin addict. Now I'm a methadone addict."
Yay, GT, thank God you remembered her, too!!! Thank you!
I mentioned her in a previous post, too, but I guess it was late or no-one caught the Alvy Singer reference (I couldn't find a screen cap).
Well, Kelli gets points for not making her model look like a fireplug, and Jennifer's was, well I can't embellish TLo's comments.
If I was guessing, I'd have thought Jennifer's inspiration was a piano. A broken one.
Stella may be Rock & Roll til she dies, but here she looks like she's on her way to a Long Island Bar Mitzvah with a Sex Pistols theme.
"Bailey said...
Uh, not necessarily. A night out at the clubs is definitely "a night on the town" in NY, and you'd be hard-pressed trying to find anyone dressed like Leanne's model there."
Uh (I can keep this up as long as you can. Maybe I'll work a *sigh.* in next time to shake things up.), you're not making any sense.
If the challenge was "a night out at the clubs," then no, Leanne's dress wouldn't work. Since it's not, you, uh, have no, uh, point.
I'm sorry, but Jennifer should have been out. I was shocked when she wasn't.
"Another Suburban Mom said...
Chic Lamaze class. For the love of god, do you think that little of the style choices of the preggerinos?
I hope that Bad Mommy sees that comment and spanks you both!"
Hunh? That makes no sense.
Bailey said:
"Uh, not necessarily. A night out at the clubs is definitely "a night on the town" in NY, and you'd be hard-pressed trying to find anyone dressed like Leanne's model there."
I'm sorry, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone dressed in a cute little black skirt and top in a NY club? Have you ever been to a NY club? That's practically the (quite chic) uniform!
Also, is anyone else really annoyed by Jennifer's defense: "Holly Golightly + Dali blah blah, and he painted the clock..." so she puts an ugly clock motif on her dress. Awfully literal there, and neither Breakfast at Tiffany's nor surreal.
I love you guys - but THE GOTHAM TOMATO is SAUCY!!!!!
Jennifer's dress looks sad -there's no joy or fun to this look at all.
Somewhere Salvador Dali's shade is trying to figure out how his name was dragged into this....
"Bill said: That could well be a younger Stella in that scene."
Yes! That's what I thought Wednesday night, and I thought 'CRAP! I can't figure out how to post pictures like Bill!' But thanks to your tutoring, now I'm posting like an old pro.
Megan said...
I'm sorry, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone dressed in a cute little black skirt and top in a NY club? Have you ever been to a NY club? That's practically the (quite chic) uniform!
Girl, either you've never been here or you're talking about the Rainbow Room or some shit. You could certainly find people wearing chic things for a night out on the town. My point was that "night out on the town" does not mean 'formal' or 'pretty dress.'
I'm surprised that no one, including the judges, picked up on the connection (or lack thereof) between Jennifer's "Holly Golightly goes to a Salvadore Dali exhibit" comment, and his painting "The Persistence of Memory," (also known as "Melting Clocks)." If she had done something more abstract with the shape or the fabrics, she might have fared better. Maybe she just doesn't really know what "surrealist" means.
Bailey said...
My point was that "night out on the town" does not mean 'formal' or 'pretty dress.'
Who said it did?
Stella needs a booth at Folsom Street Fair in San Fran or even at IML next year in Chicago.
She would make a KILLING on her "leathuh." :D
Bailey, your comments are very interesting and insightful, but you need to find a way to disagree with people without being so rude. I love reading the comments here just as much as I love Tlo's posts. Please, don't spoil it.
Someone pass the tums...I'm having a hard time digesting these servings of "fashion."
Cheroin is definitely pitch perfect for being a "one note designer." Hopefully she'll be around long enough to be apart of a team challenge. THAT would be great fun!!
You know, I thought Jennifer's dress could have been all right if she'd done something different on the bottom half. The top half, while poorly fitted, is kind of nifty in some ways. It's just that the bottom half is ... you know ... awful.
Mariana (The Unoriginal) said...
Bailey, your comments are very interesting and insightful, but you need to find a way to disagree with people without being so rude. I love reading the comments here just as much as I love Tlo's posts. Please, don't spoil it.
Mariana, I understand what you're saying, but who was I rude to? I said I didn't think "chic" was a criterion for every outfit that came down the runway, and when someone responded the challenge was a night out on the town, I said "night out on the town" doesn't mean it has to be a pretty, "chic" dress. I find it disturbing that you think I'm being rude simply because I disagree. I am trying to be as polite as I can here, but if you find me so offensive perhaps you should just skip down when you see my name then. Everyone wins!
I was intrigued by the top on Kelli's, um, creation. But all together? That's a lot of look going on there.
Compared to most of 'em, Stella's was nice.
Jennifer's? I fully expected her to get the boot for that monstrocity. It DOES look like maternity wear, not even stylish maternity wear. Like something you pick up last minute at a big box store for a wedding, when you realize that you're too big to wear anything you own.
Kate said ...
Maybe she (Jennifer) just doesn't really know what "surrealist" means.
Good point, Kate. Jennifer spouts "Holly Golightly goes to a Salvador Dali show" because it makes the kids at the fair-trade vegan co-op go all "wow, that's so cool," but those clock-ish sleeves were about a billion miles from surreal. Or fashion.
Is this The Project Rungay blog or did someone fuck with my favorites again and bookmark the friggin Romper Room Blog???
Jesus, last couple of posts from TLo have generated some really harsh comments and childish behavior. Lighten up people. It's only fashion.
Patsy, I agree! When does the lounge open anyway?
It all just pales in comparison to Jay's Chrysler building dress. That was a real new york inspiration.
FWIW Kelli did mention going for a Blade Runner or Mad Max type dress (can't remember which) and this nailed it. I thought it was very cool and goth/industrial. That might not be mainstream fashion but it definitely does fit a NYC night on the town. Maybe just not the type that some of you are thinking of. I am liking her POV so far...
The only comment I have on Kelli's and Jennifer's outfits is that I hate them. I didn't hate Stella's, it was just too everyday biker to be hated. Even too everyday for Sturgis or Daytona. Meh.
personette said...
It all just pales in comparison to Jay's Chrysler building dress. That was a real new york inspiration.
I agree. Tying it into NY seemed to be the most clear component of the challenge, what with the ambiguity of what "night on the town" means and the obvious opporunitity afforded to the designers to design basically what they wanted for the first time this season. Most people seemed to just think "I'll take a pretty picture then make my best dress with those colors." Hence the lack of NYCness in most of them.
"Formal Lamaze class" --haha!
Too bad about Jennifer's dress. 'nuff said.
Kelley's -- me no like. Too early to tell, but could she be a one-hit wonder?
Stella, ya done good. It's definitely "night on the town" and show's she has a point of view, a customer in mind, etc. But you're right, Boys' -- that POV may be her downfall. She said she wanted this competition to push her out of her usual esthetic -- but clearly she's going kicking and screaming.
Kelli's was just too much of everything. She clearly has skills, but it's just . . . too much. That's the only way I can describe it. The styling certainly brought it way over the top.
I love Cheroin and Blayne as a comedic duo, but it is becoming clear that she doesn't want to bust out and be creative, she just wants to do her thing with leatha. Fine and dandy, but that means she won't make it to the end. Too bad because she's a trip.
Jennifer. Oh Jennifer. Even a preganant woman wouldn't wear it, TLo! Please don't give anyone that idea to market it as such. It's beyond fug and dowdy. Sad . . . it's sad.
Stella's vest made her model look like she had love handles on her one-grape-a-day diet. Maybe she could get a special award for that?
Cheroin's fit at the waist could have been because she pulled the laces tight in the back. Her look was good. The other two are completely forgettable. I can never remember anything Jennifer has done. The only reason I even remember her at all is because she looks like the sister of Pam on "The Office".
Can't wait to see what leathuh creation whiny Joan Jett-lag comes up with this week. It's always nice to see a PR contestant who sounds exactly like my Aunt Sylvia from Flushing.
Kelli's dress was far from my favorite . . . but, I think there were outfits far worse. At least it didn't bore Nina!
Stella . . . what can I say? You're a rock-n-roll chick at a debutante ball . . . more worldly than the virgins in the room . . . but, certainly intriguing and you're really adding to the entertainment value.
Jennifer . . . Honey, you should ha been auf'd. Truman Capote rolled over in his grave. Holly Golightly would never have worn anything so ill-fitting and matronly.
bailey said...
"Most people seemed to just think "I'll take a pretty picture then make my best dress with those colors." Hence the lack of NYCness in most of them."
Precisely! I was very dissappointed with the NYC "inspiration" in all of the designs. You could see what was happening when a) most of the photos were out of focus or abstract; b) shopping at Mood seemed to be more about colors in the photos rather than fabrics for the construction of the dress. All in all, too literal of interpretations from these designers.
Jennifer could have done better if she would have focused more on the 'city that never sleeps' aspect of her inspiration, rather than just referencing a clock on the sleeves.
And Gorgeous Things, you're right about the "Pam from The Office" reference!
Kelli's looks like you went away for the weekend and forgot to feed the cat, so it got in your closet to even the score.
Stella's well made, but absolutely no new ground covered.
Jennifer- I hate charmeuse for anything but undergarments or sleepwear.
I love Kelli. Every week so far she's put something onto the runway that was unlike anybody else's. She's very creative and her looks are always a surprise.
Unlike Cheroin's.
Jennifer's looks are as Holly Golightly + Dali blah blah as Emily's are 'underground'.
The sleeves reminded me more of piano keys.
Sewing Siren said...Kelli's looks like you went away for the weekend and forgot to feed the cat, so it got in your closet to even the score.
Hahhha BINGO!! We have a winner!
I liked Kelli's dress. But you boys are right that the hair/makeup/shoes was taking the overall look down the wrong road. I thought her fabric choice for the top was interesting in a good way.
STELLAH!!!!I can't believe you boys liked her outfit. It looked cheap, like you would buy those pieces at Hot Topic. Nothing new or exciting that I could see. Those stupid lace-up crotch pants have been worn by bikers and rockers for over 30 years. Yawn.
Here's my problem with Leather Tuscadero....she's a dressmaker, not a designer.
The challenge was to be inspired by an image of NYC at night. She didn't capture intriguing images, then find one that inspired her...she sought out a horse blinder made of leather and studs so she could be sure to working within her comfort zone.
She's entertaining as hell, though.
Now we know where the melting clocks went. Jennifer stuffed them in the bodice to make her model look preggers.
And that hem is Dali-esque.
Kelli: Kind of a hot mess, but interesting.
Stella aka Cheroin: Same ol'--same ol'. Would someone please hit her on the head with her hammer (and Suede, too, while you're at it).
Jennifer: Holly Golightly goes to a Salvador Dali exhibit, but is refused admission. Holly Gollightly then goes to a dog fight, but is refused admission.
personette said:
It all just pales in comparison to Jay's Chrysler building dress. That was a real new york inspiration.
11:53 AM
Very, very true. Jay's Chrysler building dress was genuinely stunning, and very NYC.
I thought Stella's was harmless and unimpressive. Kelli's is a hot mess and Jennifer's Alice in the Wonderland was poorly made and boring.
Poor job, Alice? How 'bout "poor audience" or "poor model"? We had to look at and the model had to actually don that crap from Holly Gofuckyerself. Still makes me retch.
I agree with Tom on Kelli's dress. While Lorenzo says it is a lot of look (and rightfully so), the fact that she gave us something visually stimulating is actually a big plus. Too many garments were just plain unmemorable. The inspiration for the outfit? Meh. The styling was too much. I'd have loved to see something softer for the hair and makeup, transforming it from street to chic. As for those shoes, if I never see another pair of those monstrocities again, I will be the happiest woman on earth.
Lastly, Stella. Honey, be rock 'n' roll all you want, but step up your game on the runway, m'kay? Cuz from where I sit, rock ain't boring, one note bullshit.
Eh. Hearing Jennifer talk about her Dali/surrealist aesthetic really gnaws my craw. Dali is one of the more despised of the recognized surrealists for delving so far into symbolism, literalism, and commercialism. In fact, Dali was put on trial by the surrealists for apologizing for one of his surrealist acts. If she prided herself as a surrealist, why not make automatic patterns (Miro) or semantic play (Magritte)? Instead, I feel she tosses Dali's name about because it gives her license to be wacky. In which case, she should stick to dada.
Bill, thank you for bringing up Sam. My heart just skipped a few beats and then raced to catch up.
And yeah, to those who said anything about not encouraging NotHollyNotDali's look for pregnant women. When I was pregnant with my son all those years ago and struggling to find something, anything to wear, I came up with better options. No expectant mother should be subjected to NotHollyNotDali's work. Ever.
Anonymous said...
Eh. Hearing Jennifer talk about her Dali/surrealist aesthetic really gnaws my craw. Dali is one of the more despised of the recognized surrealists for delving so far into symbolism, literalism, and commercialism. In fact, Dali was put on trial by the surrealists for apologizing for one of his surrealist acts. If she prided herself as a surrealist, why not make automatic patterns (Miro) or semantic play (Magritte)? Instead, I feel she tosses Dali's name about because it gives her license to be wacky. In which case, she should stick to dada.
I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head. She just doesn't know much about surrealism beyond Dali (true for a lot of people), which is all well and fine until you start basing your aesthetic off of your limited perception. You'd think she would actually crack open an encyclopedia if she was going to repeat that deficient description ad nauseam.
TLo said about Stella... Bravo should definitely give her her own show. A sort of What Not to Wear for roadies and Hell's Angels, we're thinking.
Don't forget pimps and hos.
Stella's confessional where she is wearing the hat looks eerily similar to how Kelli styled herself for the runway show. Methinks Stella and Kelli had a makeover day. Another retread from Season 1.
tom in kc, did you catch the package on Fonzie in that Leather Tuscadero (Suzi Quatro) picture? My Word! I don't recall that from my 4th grade viewings of Happy Days but am glad to discover it now.
And, joanie, is a Sam Elliott memory comlete without recalling Lifeguard (shout out to Parker Stevenson) and the shower scene in The Legacy? Let's remember those for the rest of the afternoon.
The problem with Kelli's dress was the layering on top. Lose the under-halter and you've got a great, very aggresive top made of those strip thingies (which I'd be madly impressed if she could cut and fit so that the model's nipples would remain covered as she walked).
Jennifer's repeated Dali quote is an attempt to package herself with a soundbite. It's not her thesis defense, she doesn't need to explicate the visual representations of surrealism.
Jennifer designed the perfect dress for a night at the Yearning for Zion Ranch. If you took her dress and plopped Kenley's neckline and sleeves on it, you'd have the signature piece for the Warren Jeffs spring collection.
I can hardly believe you didn't title the Alice post "Well Hello Dali!" but I guess a) since it really doesn't scream Dali you wouldn't and b) it's an overused and trite pun. Sort of like Cheroin's whole look.
Kelli is at least doing something interesting and sort of raw. Maybe not a total hit, but it's not dull. Jennifer is more like Salvador Dali takes a nap and wakes up in Scarsdale than any marriage between surrealism and Holly Golightly.
Bill said, "tom in kc, did you catch the package on Fonzie in that Leather Tuscadero (Suzi Quatro) picture? "
Ya made me look, and may I say: Woa! That's something. I don't know what it is, but it's something.
Stella introduced herself in the first episode as someone who wanted her Runway experience to break her out of her "leathuh and lace" pattern. She said that! I heard it twice!
Let's face it, entering a televised competition show is not generally a way to break whatever rut you are in. Stress and sleep deprivation have a way of reinforcing who you are.
Indieglo said...
Jennifer's repeated Dali quote is an attempt to package herself with a soundbite. It's not her thesis defense, she doesn't need to explicate the visual representations of surrealism.
True, but how well are you packaging yourself if your style doesn't evoke anything in your soundbite? That's like saying "My style is really underground, really dirty and urban and indie. You can tell because of all the antique white lace, vintage styling, and hoop skirts I use."
Have you considered that you're not the only one commenting in this blog, Bailey?
Oh SNAP!! Spanked by the art history police -
Please, tell us more. Or not.
Anonymous and Bailey--clearly you didn't sleep through art history!
The only surreal thing about Jennifer's dress was her explanation.
Here's what I don't understand about Cheroin:
If you already have the career doing what you want to do--making "rock couture"--why come to PR? What is it she wants out of the show? Mere exposure? Because if she simply wants to keep doing the narrow thing she's been doing for a while already, some camera time is all she's gonna get out of it. As far as I know there's not really a need for a new line of "rock couture" in the same leather-grommets-chaps vein year after year after year. Does she know that what she does is not fashion design? She's the rock & roll equivalent of a dressmaker.
Meh, Yawn & Yuk....
all jennifer's dress needs is a mob cap and it could be a 1910 women's bathing costume....
cheroin is just boring. if she only wanted to work in "leathuh", then why did she come on the show? has she ever seen it? i imagine they will keep her around awhile longer just for the entertainment value, but she's really getting on my nerves...
at least kelli tried to do something creative -- it missed the mark by a long shot, but i give her credit for trying to do something innovative with the design of the top. that said, i don't like it.
Cheroin is KILLING ME! We think she is the most hilarity the show has seen since the dry humor of Robert Best. I do predict she skates by a few more times but she definitely won't win...too one trick pony.
That awful blue number looked chip and completely unflattering to the model.
Kelli's was ...just....ungapodgkit. Its a yiddish word that I have no idea how to spell, but as an honorary Jew I have been given permission to use it when appropriate. Trust me, in this case its appropriate.
Anyone out there familiar with Yiddish know how to spell it?
I thought the top of Kelli's dress was pretty cool. Certainly an original idea. I can see why she tied in the gladiator shoes, which were not the worst glad. shoes I've seen. The rest of it, fauxhawk included, left me kind of cold.
What happens if Cheroin falls asleep wearing that spiky vest? Will she impale one of her bug eyes on it? She's certainly hell-bent for LEATHA on not deviating one iota from her aesthetic and I agree it's going to doom her, but not for a while since she's good teevee.
Alice, Alice, Alice, what can I say that hasn't been said. I can't see ANYONE I know (even the matronly, conservative, and/or pregnant) wearing that disaster, even were it evenly hemmed. I have yet to be impressed with anything she's done. Wake me up when she's gone, gone...
Poor Jennifer. It was those cuffs that really kill it. (They look like the dreaded piano scarf) OTOH, those cuffs may've kept her from the Auf. Well, you boyz are right - it's all pretty awful.
She's sort of channeling Miucca Prada's "The New Dowdy" without the sophistication (and skill) to pull it off.
Damn. I like her. Why didn't she take sewing lessons to prep for the show?
-- desertwind
Kelly's dress is butt ugly.
Jennifer's dress is totally lame. It's something a 13 year old might wear on a night out in town.
And while I don't like Stella I have to admit I quite like her pants and vest thing. It's certainly something fun to wear on a night out in town and it's not a dress - I'm getting fed up with dresses. Dunno about NY but in my city, women love pants and so do I. Problem with Stella is, she's not moving one inch out of her comfort zone.
I loved Kelli's outfit actually. The high, tight waist, the crocheted peekaboo shrug, and even - no especially - the styling. As a 20-something from SF who spends some time on the town, I would've been impressed to see this outfit out and about. It's hot.
The other two, trash. "Metallic faux croc leather" is never never a "nice touch" TLo... It's gawd.awful. Love you both but seriously - ew.
" tripletmom96 said...
Meh, Yawn & Yuk...."
That made me LOL.
"Jennifer designed the perfect dress for a night at the Yearning for Zion Ranch. If you took her dress and plopped Kenley's neckline and sleeves on it, you'd have the signature piece for the Warren Jeffs spring collection."
First spittake of the day. Though of course these days Jeffs would be desinging from his jail cell.
Imagine the conversation in which the words "aesthetic" and rock-and-roll are used by Nina in the same sentence. I can hardly wait!
Jennifer's dress looked better on the dress form than her model. I don't think she'll be here long.
Seems like Jennifer's model Alex is a survivor of wild rug sex. Look at those knees in the last screenshot. You go girl!
susq said:
"Jennifer designed the perfect dress for a night at the Yearning for Zion Ranch. If you took her dress and plopped Kenley's neckline and sleeves on it, you'd have the signature piece for the Warren Jeffs spring collection."
i liked stella's outfit for a night in nyc. It is comfortable and cool looking. I love the pinkish silver vest and brown leather pants. I was both pretty and tough. For clubbing, going to see a band, and dinner its a good outfit. If your bar hoping in nyc and need to get in and out of taxi's or trains you can't be wearing a ruffled dress with a train or a big ball of tackiness or a common looking dress over the pant look. Logically stella's outfit is NYC appropriate.
I also liked Kelli's alot. If I were to wear a dress it would be that.
Jennifer, sorry, thats not a night out in NYC. seriously I don't get you.
Indieglo said...
Have you considered that you're not the only one commenting in this blog, Bailey?
Daaang. I wasn't criticizing you! I thought it was just discussion. Sorry I so obviously offended you.
Those sewing machines on that show don't look like they can sew leather. I am a seamstress and sew with industrial machines for an outerwear company and I can definetly say they are not meant for leather. Pleather maybe. Really hard if so.
just reading the blogs and thought I let a couple of those who don't know that those sewing machines are meant for lighweight fabrics.
sewing in LA
Jennifer’s dress was matronly and poorly executed. It's a fugly satin tiered maternity dress.
I liked Stella's design but not necessarily for a night out. Jennifer's was matronly and dowdy. Kelli's scared me.
Sorry bu I despise Stella and definitely think she does not deserve to be on this show.
What I find funny is that you'd see Kelli's outfit at any of the underground bars in Columbus. When I saw it, I yelled, "Hello Outland!"
If she was ten years older I'd swear I'd seen her at Mustard's. Sometimes I miss Columbus.
As for Cheroin, she's gotten tiresome. This show has been on for four seasons - did she not ever watch a show? Sometimes I just don't understand these people.
This season certainly is the weakest so far. It's like the designers are too self-aware. I'm sorry but PR has jumped the shark.
triplemom96--YES! A Edwardian bathing costume! Exactly. Jennifer's dress reminded me so strongly of something and I just couldn't place it.
Jennifer's dress this week was bloody awful, but that doesn't mean that her knowledge of and affinity for surrealism is fraudulent or superficial. My interpretation of her intent was for the dress to mirror a clock to such an extent that you scratch your head and ask yourself, is it a clock or is it a dress? The surrealism lies within that conundrum. She failed spectacularly; ironically Joe's light fixture dress better reflected what she was aiming for.
I was really hoping you'd put the shot of her defending her surrealistic viewpoint with the shot of her explaining that the clocks were going to be "very literal."
Man Jennifer... Not your best work, girl. And while Cheroin annoyed the shit out of me on week one, I find her absolutely hilarious and entertaining now. Her "fuck you ALL" attitude is just what reality TV is about. And what's up with her and Blayne having this weirdly amusing dynamic together? Give THEM a show together. Like What Not to Wear meets... I dunno, something not as classy.
Personally I liked Jennifer's dress better than Kenley's and didn't really see what was so matronly about it. I'm a teenager and I actually loved it. But whatever the judges think...
"ask yourself, is it a clock or is it a dress? The surrealism lies within that conundrum. She failed spectacularly; ironically Joe's light fixture dress better reflected what she was aiming for."
To be fair, Joe's dress reflected EVERYTHING.
Thanks for the insight, Sewing in LA!
According to Tim Gunn's Bravo blog, our Stella was rocking some 'pleathuh'.
And even with 'pleathuh', there's only so far you can push those machines. That could be why she had to get all medieval on that outfit.
Next week: Machine drama. Always a favorite with me. I've perfected profanity to a whole new artform on my cheap-o machine.
You know, all this talk of Jennifer's dress looking like a maternity dress got me thinking about how I felt when I was pregnant. Four times. That dress is the last thing I would want to wear. As my belly (and butt, and thighs) expanded, my body image diminished. I know all about how pregnancy is beautiful. Yeah, Yeah...I got fat. I at least wanted reasonably cute clothes.
That dress was matronly and fug. If it was like a maternity dress, it was a really, really bad one.
Perhaps should change her tagline to "Strawberry Shortcake goes to a Lewis Carroll reading." to save herself from any further confusion and embarrassment.
Suzanne, it's "Ongepotchket" or "ungepotchket". Obviously, transliterations vary, but one thing does not: "overdecorated and slapped together" is a perfect description of Kelli's dress. You nailed it.
I had to pick myself off the floor I actually liked Stella's outfit better than the Hid-dacious look that Kelli put out. Siouxsie and the Banshees ahahah how about the Misfits aka Jem and the Holograms rivals.
That other crap looked like Forever 21 when they try and get creative ahahah
Stella's outfit looks kind of late 90s/early millennium. The faux leather, tightness, lacing, and metallic fabric all contribute to this.
I liked stella's outfit for a night out in the big apple. Trekking around NYC one can look well dressed in a casual way in leather pants and vest.
It also looked well made and the color was pretty.
I would love my girlfriend in an outfit like that instead of a dress that would make me want to hide.
Just a guy.
We all know Stella loves leathah. She probably didn't have enough money for a full leather outfit.
Jennifer's dress could have been cute.
If she like, made it a bit sexier by showing more skin and had coco rocha wearing it (and carrying her cute dog), it would have been great!
I also don't know why she'd choose that fabric if she knew she'd have to do 3 hems and drape sleeves.
Jennifer should have made the neckline where the clock was going to happen and lost those tiresome sleeves!
Bailey - "Mariana, I understand what you're saying, but who was I rude to?"
I've also noted you "sound" rude or arrogant - also noted it in the earlier posts today.
All this talk of how Jennifer's dress looked like bad maternity wear makes me wonder why PR hasn't had a maternity wear challenge yet. We had "real women," and watching the designers deal with women over a size 2 was a hoot. I'd love to see Stella whip out a rock and roll leather studded maternity biker chick outfit. Ha!
jennifer provides a good defense of her dress on her blog--check it out! BPR has the link.
oh and I agree with you patsy, TLO have been SHREDDING these dresses (that are remarkably better than what we've seen at this point in past seasons).
They sound like nina when it comes to poor execution.
but whatever, I live for their bitchery.
Here's what Jennifer had to say on her blog:
"Time just got away from me
So I agree to a certain extent that my dress for the inspiration challenge was not executed perfectly, and I DEFINITLY would have changed the proportions on the tiers of the skirt, had I not run out of time for editing.
I spent a good amount of time draping the sleeve, which is called a cartwheel sleeve. We do not have slopers (basic patterns) to utilize on the show. For anyone who drapes, we know that draping a sleeve takes time. I also had to sew carefully with the charmeuse fabric, seeing that it shows every ripple and mistake (remember last week's challenge with all the satin ripples?)
Time just got away from me.
I do believe I incorporated surrealism into the design. Surrealism is kind of a hard thing to define, especially in fashion. While I definitely do not consider myself as controversial as some of the more noted Surreal and Dadaist artists, I have an affinity to the original surreal fashion designer, Elsa Schiaparelli. I also find it ironic that my designs are demure, but with a touch of surrealism incorporated-hence the now infamous quote about audrey hepburn and Dali-a mix I believe would interest the surreal artists.
Schiaparelli created whimsical designs and accesories including a "lobster dress", a jacket with a woman's head on the front with her hair cascading down the sleeve, a evening coat with a vase and flower embroidery, a circus collection, a fabric that appeared ripped when it wasn't, roach buttons and a "chest of drawers" suit among many other amazing and original designs.
It's hard to put into words my fascination with the idea of putting literal interpretation of an inspiration into clothing. To me, surrealism in clothing allows a designer to add tongue-in-cheek into a design. It is a new way of looking at something. Look at the Marc Jacobs shoe for his last collection that placed the heel in an unconventional place, or the trend of underwear as outerwear. These are new ways to look at everyday obects.
In the case of my third design, it was like, "this is a sleeve, but it's also a clock"
I agree I could have taken it further (and the design could have looked younger), but the idea was there.
When I put pictures of my Fall collection up, we'll dicuss again.
Until then, go check out Schiaparelli and Moschino (an italian designer) to see more surreal fashions, or if you live in New York City, go see the Dali film exhibit at the MOMA. trust me, it's fun! "
"A Night on the Town"
Can't we agree that this saying can have more than one meaning?
It used to be dressing up ("nice"/"dressy" clothes) and maybe a fancy restaurant or show.
Many of you say club, dance club or bar.. then if it extends to that, you have to give bars that feature hard rock.
Cheroin's look was actually my favorite of the episode because it was the only one that looked like something a person going out to partake of NYC nightlife (which I assumed meant dance clubs) would actually wear. Who wears a bubble dress to a club?
Shauna said:
"oh and I agree with you patsy, TLO have been SHREDDING these dresses (that are remarkably better than what we've seen at this point in past seasons).
They sound like nina when it comes to poor execution.
but whatever, I live for their bitchery."
To be clear, my comment was in no way directed to our lovely hosts, but to several of the their "minions". It just seemed to me that a few of the "minions" had ripped each other new ones by saying some pretty harsh things.
Thanks for posting Jennifer's full defense, David.
Jennifer had three problems:
1. Her look was too subtle; the whole point is lost. If she was going for a "dress as a clock," putting a clock face on the sleeves isn't enough of a look. She had space around the neck and waist--why didn't she play with that? Then, the woman's arms could have been like clock arms... Elsa Schiaparelli wasn't subtle.
2. Time--she didn't need more time to edit, she needed more time for design. It seems as though she interpreted the image as quickly and easily as possible--but not the best way possible.
3. Fabric--considering how difficult the last challenge was with charmeuse, why revisit it again?
oh gotham tomato, you are hilarious. i can't believe i didn't think of it first, since i am a total Annie Hall fan.
Well, here at the end of another day and 100 posts. I like Kelli's personally and thought it was better "designed" than the others, but no inspiration from the photo, which I also took as the key to the challenge. Let's face it, you can out on the town in anything, depending on what part of town you are headed.
Cheroin did a very well made outfit that was completely off the rack, no inspiration and no real design.
Jennifer? I think she needs a little more professional and life experience. I remember the flush of excitement when you are young and exposed to wonderful things like Audrey Hepburn and Dali for the first time. Then you live longer and can put everything in perspective and draw upon it to express yourself.
Bill, as always, a pleasure to see the inner workings of a fellow fevered mind. I love both Irma and Siouxie!
I don't think you're being rude at all! I like your posts, and found them interesting. I like your point-of-view, especially regarding "chic" vs "good design."
I also think that the "um" and "uh" at the beginning of posts tends to make things sound a lot snottier than they are intended.
Jennifer's: vintage maternity gown and the hemming was "insane."
Stella: she needs to prove that she can do something else.
Kelli: A lot of look.
Kelli: It looks just like Bob Mackie. On Prozac.
Stella: You can hit it with a hammer until it's dead, girl, but it will still be tacky as hell.
Jennifer: Queen Victoria called. She wants her mourning dress back.
I know the PR folks have to use bright lighting in order to get the clothes across, but I looked at the first picture and thought --
"Gee, Kelli's model has a sharp little beard."
I'll chalk it up to misguided styling.
Jennifer Diedrich said...
"...audrey hepburn and Dali"
See, that's what really bugs me...they are not interchangeable. Holly Golightly was a part Audrey played, they are not the same person, and they're not even that alike. That's what makes me feel she doesn't really know what she's talking about with that statement. Like TLo said, it's just a nice soundbite.
Gidget Bananas said, "NYC nightlife (which I assumed meant dance clubs) ".
It can mean dance clubs, but it may also mean a night at the opera or the theatre. It may mean a symphony concert or a rock concert or a jazz performance.
So an outfit for "a night on the town" could be interpreted in a wide variety of ways!
Lilithcat said...
Suzanne, it's "Ongepotchket" or "ungepotchket". Obviously, transliterations vary, but one thing does not: "overdecorated and slapped together" is a perfect description of Kelli's dress. You nailed it.
5:12 PM
Thanks Lilithcat. Love that word. Almost as much as dreck....which I think would be fitting as well- don't you?
"Logically stella's outfit is NYC appropriate."
Actually, any outfit is NYC appropriate - except those pastel-colored outfits that tourists wear that make them look like Easter Eggs. And Speedos, of course, which are not appropriate anywhere.
But other than that, anything goes.
Huh. I really liked Kelli's work. Then again, I always go for the "fashion as art" pieces, even if they're not particularly pretty or "wearable." Her look was twice as "rock 'n' roll" as Stelluh's. My $0.02 ...
I guess I'm the only one who liked Jennifer's dress. With some editing, I would definitely wear it. Jennifer's aesthetic is similar to my own though. I understand why people don't get it/like it.
Bill, sigh. I remembered Lifeguard and every other movie the man's been in. I kinda dig Sam the Man when he's wearing chaps most, though. Hmm, wonder what that says about me. Maybe I'm wishing they were assless chaps. Thank you for getting my hormones all riled up today.
Re: Kelli's outfit -- my son (Mr. 11 1/2 yr old) says it looks like someone took a giant nose hair trimmer to it. After almost peeing my pants, I see what he means. Regardless, I still like it.
Gotham said, "Actually, any outfit is NYC appropriate - except those pastel-colored outfits that tourists wear that make them look like Easter Eggs."
It's true, isn't it? Nothing marks a tourist in NY better than an all-pastel ensemble.
Stella prediction: first PR designer to send the model down the runway in handcuffs and gag.
Ask & GT: Thanks for pointing out that "night out on the town" means different things to different people in NYC (as well as in other cities, I'm assuming). Even if clubbing is on the menu (instead of one of the plethora of other things one can do in NYC at night), what is worn would vary depending on, oh, neighborhood, age group, income bracket, musical preferences, and, of course, individual style. I saw this challenge as pretty wide open. Even Jennifer's time lady might have passed muster somewhere, had the execution been better (or, you know, if she was trying for a "out-on-the-town-at-night-'cause-no-home-to-go-to" look.")
You know, in Jennifer's defence, she did know she didn't get it right...that's why emily is gone and she isn't. Emily was clueless. And Kelli...well that was far more rocker than Stella. Stella's was the biggest yawn for me, though it was nice seeing pants.
thyrza ...TOO FUNNY
"or, you know, if she was trying for a "out-on-the-town-at-night-'cause-no-home-to-go-to" look.") "
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