Darlings, one of the benefits of having 4 seasons of bloggery behind us is that we are constantly learning from our mistakes and figuring out how best to serve you, our loyal
One thing we noticed is that our last post on Wednesdays, no matter the topic, becomes the repository of "WTF WERE THE JUDGES SMOKING?!?!" posts and fussy, meticulous queens that we are, that just upset our need to have everything properly compartmentalized.
Another thing that we noticed is we have lovingly cultivated a little garden of mini-T Lo's who are opinionated and bitchy and most importantly, impatient. We're up at the crack of dawn on Thursdays, putting together our little posts when our inbox fills up with "Where are you?!?!" "Wake up, boys!" and such.
Well, no more. Now every Wednesday our final post of the day will consist of nothing more than opening the doors to the swank PRG Lounge where everyone can settle in, order their drinks, and dish about the episode to come/the episode that just ended. Or you know what? Talk about whatever else pops into your bitchy little heads. Open thread until tomorrow morning, when we roll up our sleeves and get down to the REAL bitchery.
So belly up to the bar, bitches. As always, on Wednesday nights, ladies drink free.*
*That includes the penis'd ladies among you.
[Photo: Courtesy of theghotel.ie]
I worry that the psychedelic floor coupled with my Wednesday night drinking may pose a health risk.
That rug is a drunken tailspin waiting to happen...
Adore what you've done with the place.
The first round of pomegranate martinis is on me!
Fabulous! I'll have a Manhattan, just like Tim Gunn, thank you.
How utterly fabulous!
Just when I thought this site couldn't get any gayer. LOL. I love it!
Looks like a nice little piece of Fabulon! Here's to hoping the kids go to bed on time tonight;)
Oh my god that is the lounge of a real hotel?!?! How fabulous!
By the way, I brought a friend, I hope that's OK : )
Okay, I can't wait for tonight's premiere :) I didn't know it was tonight until a few minutes ago, but I'll roll with it :) It'll be fun to catch the whole season along with your blog this season.
Did someone say pomogranate martinis?? I'm right there!
Can I play bartender? It's hot as blazes here and I'm making Mint Juleps.
Ps I'm already half lit.
Love the space.
I will start it off: WTF WERE THE JUDGES SMOKING?!?!
What? Oh, that was a rerun of last season's finale I just watched.
I'll be back at later. Save me a seat at the bar.
I have to say that I love some of the readers/posters almost as much as I love TLo so I think this will be a great place for us to talk about anything we want. I'm watching last season right now. The human hair...
What an absolutely divine idea! It's been hard to get in the mood for the new season, but TLo's lounge will take care of everything. Cheers!
Mint juleps? Let's take them on the verandah, and we can laugh at the neighbors until PR starts in an hour.
Fantastic idea! I always seem to find an opinion. And with alcohol, the more the merrier! xD
If you don't mind, I'd prefer the title "T-Lo Minion". I live for moment I see the Bitch-Signal in the skies over America, calling forth the Minions to Bitch.
Brilliant idea, TLo!
"PS I'm already half lit."
Sewing Siren, you kill me!
Gorgeous idea, Boys. Will you be in the lounge with us? Or is this the equivalent of putting baby in one of those seats that swings back and forth by itself so mommy & daddy can have some alone time?
Either way . . . as soon as I go make my drink I'll raise my glass to you.
sweet! Though I don't know how on earth I am going to keep up here, BPR, BSG and watch the shows at the same time. oh yeah, and keep the puppy and cats from fighting or peeing on the floor.
They just showed TLo at Bryant Park
: )
I still think Jillian was robbed. : (
I've already started in on the wine.
Eeeee! Can't wait!
.. oops, wrong thing. Anyway, yay!
How swank! Are smoking jackets and tiaras optional?
Darlings !!! Where did you get that image, I love Magenta!!!
Dibs on the purple sofa.
Okay, after being introduced to this season's contestants, I'll take a double Maker's Mark bourbon, neat.
Now that's done, I'm settling in to watch the premiere unfold. Bitchery will come later.
I liked that computer commercial.
But that could just be the vodka talking.
~ dogbreath ~
Green Manhattan...
Now I see why Tim referenced Bettie Page when talking about Kenley. It's the Bettie Page bangs. If there's more resemblance beyond that, it'll be interesting.
BTW boys, when the show moves to Lifetime, can I please have the purple couches?
What? You're not calling it T Lounge? For all us T Lonians?
I hope it's open late because us west coasters don't hit the party circuit until late, late, late. Save me a seat and a pom-tini. Carry on!
wackadoodle? "Suede," that is no "fieerrrce" or "wiggity-wack."
You boys sure know how to treat your minions right, love the new space! We still have a few more hours on the West coast before the new season starts but the champagne is chilling and the guests are arriving so can't wait for the fun to begin. On another topic...where's Bill been? The regulars aren't allowed to take vacations without at least checking in every so often!
Am I the only one here drinking beer?
Too many effing tablecloths!!
Well, I'm plenty ready to say goodbye to the Suede. The way that he keeps referring to himself in the third person is more than enough for me.
~ dogbreath ~
"Malan Breton said...
Darlings !!! Where did you get that image, I love Magenta!!!"
I'm thinking they've been holding out on us, and spending time with Rhoda Morgenstern.
Pass the bottle of Maker's Mark my way, hell the way this is starting off I'll be good with Jack, Maker's too expensive to play my new drinking game.
LOVED IT when Tim called them all slackers.
I'd be fine with never seeing tanlicious again.
I can't wait to hear what OP has to say. Not to mention old grandma who is still up watching.
I loved the plastic cup dress. It reminds me of the coffee filter dress.
Kelli is adorable, but those things on her model's boobs! WTF?
I'll have to arrive fashionably late to this soiree since I'm stuck here on the West Coast.
I'll bring some amaretto sour slushies!
I love you boys!
We west coasters are waiting and waiting.
A friend and I are going to a fabulous bar and watching it on the tv. But it won't be as fabulous as your place. Then we can stay and see SG right after.
hugs and kisses to you all,
Can I come back when the slushies arrive?
Some of this stuff is just out there.
Aww.... Grandma just called Austin pretty, I bet he would be so happy. lol
kb, second the motion. But I think the slasher movie killer raincoat outfit is really the ugliest.
~ dogbreath ~
Austin is so beautiful. I hope he has some dashing swain waiting for him at home. <3
Did you know BRAVO's site is having a "viewing party"?
Freaking copycats.
I can't believe I actually agree with the top 3 picks. When does that ever happen. Kelli & Daniel are both quite crafty.
But the bottom 3: Oy. I don't know why they're saying that Hatboy made his model look like she's wearing a diaper. I think it looks like Donald Duck dove into her crotch headfirst and got stuck. Hefty Punk girl & GreeenRiver Killer Surgeon costume aren't any better. Any one is a worthy aufing.
While I LOVE Shear Genius, the next time I hear Charlie say, "I have three faces, the two you see on the show, and the one I use to stab you in the back," I'm going to strangle him. How many times can they show that commercial??
Who on earth is dressing Heidi? Sluts 'R' Us?
Oh my.
What was Laura's quip: "There's some serious ugly going on in that room."
The 'auf' was actually a surprise to me; I thought there was a far worse garment hurled down the runway.
Too bad they couldn't vote ALL of them off and start over...
Alas, the first epi was kinda boring. But that is how all the seasons start. I'll still be here every week!
So, I'm not enjoying Blayne with all the catchphrases and I certainly didn't enjoy 'Girlicious' which I guess is Blayne-ese for 'diapered onesie' but anyone who ensures that Tim Gunn says 'Holla atcha boy' is alright in my book.
Those yellow gloves remind me that I need to scrub my toilet.
OK, hearing the preview where Tim said the garment looked like a 'terydactyl in a gay Jerassic Park', made me think he must have a new 'WWTLS'* bracelet.
*'WWTLS' = 'What Would TLo Say'
Meh. I'm okay with the auf, but I agree...there was a lot of ugly going down that runway. I only liked half the winning garment; frankly, I think there could have been a hell of a lot more detail work on the bodice than what was put out there.
I really hope there's more effort put out there next week. So far I'm not impressed.
I'm gonna need that bottle of Makers again...I'm still trying to drink some of the ugly out of my memory.
All I'll say is, the most annoying personalities are, sadly, still In.
I actually somewhat agree with the judges' final decision (gasp!!!), but I still feel badly for the designer who was auf'd. That person appears to have done interesting and accomplished work in his/her pre-Runway career. I think that he/she just wasn't up to the challenge of unconventonal materials.
~ dogbreath ~
I thought the blue cup dress should've won! Even though the marble stained dress was cool, the top was looked unfinished to me. Using plastic cups was wayyy more risky and turned out SO good like all structured and shiny.
Then again, I thought the bottom two should've both gone home because, OMG, they were so annoying and made butt ugly outfits.
Gotham said, "I think it looks like Donald Duck dove into her crotch headfirst and got stuck". . .
. . . which made me laugh embarrassingly loud and cackley. Yes, that was some look. Some kinda. . . something, though I don't know what.
But I think they were wrong in their auf-ing; I mean, at least that guy made some actual garments, as opposed to the other two in the bottom 3 (I'm trying not to be too spoiler-y, for the sake of our west coast friends).
As for the winner--good choice (and I was surprised because the pictures of her pre-PR designs did not impress), though I thought there were a few other very strong contenders in the you're-in-you-may-leave-the-runway crowd.
Yeah, I thought the blue cup dress should've won too. I would have agreed with the judges' choice, but.. the top to the winning dress didn't look complete. It was just two filters flattened out! It was kind of tacky to me.
Jerry's was ass, but Blayne's was far worse, but of course he doesn't get eliminated. And you know what? He will last a looooooooong time.
And if I hear anymore _______licious anything, I'll scream. Did I mention that I can't stand him?
I liked Korto. Sure, she used a table cloth, but she also used kale and tomatoes; doesn't that balance it out? It was a stunning look.
The winning dress looked like the model had an accident. And those friggin' coffee filters? What was that?
And of course Blayne stayed...
brooklyn bomber, I agree, there were some pretty cool looks in the unexamined crowd. But that's been the case every season. Too many looks, too little time...
~ dogbreath ~
I agree with everyone who said that the bodice of the winning look was completely feh.
~ dogbreath ~
For some strangeness, I can stand Blayne. It's just that whiny garbage bag lady who gets on my nerves. Like she should've done something in all that time she was complaining. And didn't help that Bravo showed her so much compared to the other designers.
My favorite was actually the yellow dress by Wesley. It was made out of tablecloth but I loved the trims. It looked artsy but somewhat elegant (for like the two seconds I saw it)
The other yellow dress with the lettuce looked like there was bacteria or fungus growing around her neck. Other than that, that was good too.
So great to see Austin Scarlett - left me feeling wistful and nostalgic. Austin was very authentic as well as being talented. Didn't feel that with Christian and now, alas, with Tanboy.
OK, I'll say it. I fear Blayne is the new Ricky. Gawd help us all.
What's with everybody crying? Jennifer is going to be eaten alive by the other desigenrs. I can't wait for your commentary tomorrow, boys!
I agree, Eric. Seems like he's aiming for a Christian and is ending up a Ricky.
Enjoyed this episode!
"brooklyn bomber said: But I think they were wrong in their auf-ing; I mean, at least that guy made some actual garments, as opposed to the other two in the bottom 3"
I agree. But, as we've seen before, the designer that they think has the more obnoxious personality will get to stay.
Looks like bravo.com has already posted all the spoilers for this episode. just like the season itself. Guess they're not into the surprise factor any more.
~ dogbreath ~
Did anyone notice the belt Heidi wore with her Dress for the runway? its the original belt from the original dress, only instead of wearing it with the pink thing, she wore it with the flesh colored dress.
TLo, thanks for the fabulous lounge.
Spoilers here...
I enjoyed the episode. I love what Bleach-And-Dye girl did! I agreed with the win because she made those vacuum bags look amazing. The coffee filters were just okay, but she was so creative with the tacks and the hook and eyes made out of spiral binders. Wow. I was impressed.
I would have been happy if Blue-Cup-Dress guy won too. Very innovative and technically challenging.
As for auf...It makes me crazy when people throw up their hands and give up like Trash-Bag-Lady did. She should have picked a thicker mil bag. If the Glad Family of Products was sponsoring this show, she might have had an easier time. But the judges didn't get to see her tantrum in the workroom, so Psycho-Killer-Costume guy gets the auf. Okay.
Man, I get chatty with a martini in me.
I loved the episode. I thought the designers were really creative. I'm looking forward to the next episode and Tlo's daily take on it.
Good gawd. I had to check my pulse and reach for a seasickness patch when I saw that lounge floor. It gives new meaning to the phrase "circling the drain". For a moment, I thought I was. I didn't agree with the judges entirely. There were two losers (okay - THREE if you include the Bunny Goes Berserk costume), but at least one of the losers made a 3-piece ensemble. The Goth Bag Lady getup was the worst - poorly done, involving too much whining and it would have been ugly even in hand-dyed charmeuse spun by virgin silkworms.
It's way early to really get to know the personalities and correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there 2 youngish girls, rather nondescript, with the same light brown hair - one in glasses, one without? Or is it the same girl?
dogbreath said, "t[he auf'ed] person appears to have done interesting and accomplished work in his/her pre-Runway career."
I agree, and based on that I expected a different outcome . . which has me wondering if the judges are familiar with what the contestants have done, and if they expected more of that person. It really is hard to understand why that person was auf'ed and the person who really didn't make anything stayed. But there's a lot we don't see. The whole thing must take hours, and we see only a few minutes.
2 of the contestants have etsy shops:
The grandma rocker chick - did she really design for Joan Jett? and Debbie Harry? If she did, I think they're both disassociating themselves from her after this challenge. How can anyone grab a box of anything and NOT open it up to look at it first?! Jeez, even the guy who took the doggie POOP BAGS(!) looked at them first!
HATE the decor in the Lounge. It's bit Long-Island-Hair-Burner-Comes-To-Chelsea for me: tacky on the surface with no depth of character.
Thanks said, GREAT idea! My thoughts on PR5:
Suede will be sucking di*k at Port Authority by the time you read this. No talent and no class.
TooTan will have a meltdown or 12.
MizLagostoLittleRock is the sleeper.
Keith is pretty dreamy and butch -- and has two, count 'em, two pierced nipples. Hope he stays just for that -- and stops waxing his chest.
SoloCup was a shonda -- I DO NOT care what they say.
What the f*ck is an 'Editor At Large' anyway?
Mini Sweet P's (MSP) dress was Hi-DEE-OUS! I think, of the top three, it should have gone to plastic cup man (Daniel) if not for sheer risk in the choice of materials. MSP's dress was great from the waist down, but that paper plate bra/top thing was just wrong.
Keith's was my favorite though. It was really flirty and the model worked it. :)
I agree with a lot of what you've posted, vindaloo. Stella (Trash-Bag-Lady) gave up way too easy for someone with her experience.
I don't remember what the designer's budget was but she got robbed at that market! The bags she purchased are the bottom of the line, super-duper-rip-off-rip-up bags they stock for the extremely budget conscious consumer. They're the worse! But, you'd really think Stella known this and would've selected a nice, gorgeous, GLAD super-hefty bag for such an occasion. Oh, well. Watch her win the next challenge.
P.S. Excellent episode. Nice to see finally some creative juices flowing in the workroom again.
- edina -
Unfortunately I missed the show, I know Bravo plans to milk the last drop from the fashion tit so I think I can catch the re-run.
Having said re-run, isn't it lame to have episode one- season one challenge re-run? This already spells demise that no new material is being brought into season 5. I trust you gays will tear from the top and not finish ripping until the end.
Thanks for the free drinks!
Brooklyn Bomber said...
which has me wondering if the judges are familiar with what the contestants have done, and if they expected more of that person.
Oh crap - BB you probably have something there, like Ricky's "lingerie experience" and Sissybear's "costume experience" coloring how they were judged last season. So bag lady has cool experience and was spared, huh?
BTW, her voice drives me up the wall; it's like listening to a loop of Cher from Moonstruck.
Blayne is an ass. Yikes, they need to send him auf.
Honestly, my favorite part was the promo for next week, with the Duchess sing-songing "Slutty, slutty, sluuutty!"
Hilarious- can't wait to see what brought that on!
Did Tim say "Holla at your boy" as a preview for next week? That was the best part of the episode!
Back to back with Shear Genius, it's going to be calling in hung Thursdays from now 'til the end!
Wtf were the judges smoking today?! Anyone wanna offer any theories?
Is "Editor at Large" a polite way of saying "Editor out the Door"?
Oh, how my mind works after a few bourbons...
I missed the pierced nipples. I'm going to have to check my DVR copy of this episode again and look for those.
Austin scared me...he's so young to have already started botox. Did anyone else notice how his face didn't move? If Kathy Griffin could've had a shot at him, she probably would have asked him how he contracted Nicole Kidman syndrome so quickly.
I'm not reading the posts in case there are spoilers for us left coasters who haven't seen the show yet, but that picture reminds me of "Think Pink" from Funny Face!!
Boo, I was rooting for the kid from Pratt. I liked his garment alot and he is super cute too.
The winning garment was good but I thought the bodice was a little "under done".
Can't wait for tommorrow's critique.
Bravo, the audience thinks you are a bunch of slackers!
Stella looks like Marilyn Manson's homeless grandma. You'd think she would have instinctivly KNOWN which trash bags were good.
"Editor at Large"...makes me think she escaped.
Blayne with his "Girlicious" shit made me lose my appetite. Get him auf next, please. He looks like an over tanned tweaker.
"Terradactyl at a Gay Jurrasic Park". Hey, isn't that opening on Broadway next month?
my fifth negra modelo tells me that this season will be, at least, far more entertaining than last. oh, how i've missed my standing date with my pr friends every wednesday - good friends and good cheese, wine, beer, snackies, gab, bitchery, and of course every now and then someone laughing "i can't wait to read what t-lo have to say about THAT tomorrow!!"
have to say, i'll take cups over burnt nipples any day, but totally agree with the auf.
here's to a wonderful season!
i kind of liked the pasta-pattern dress. not super-fab, but it looked like something a person might actually want to wear. and that Blayne person - BLAH! BLECH! i didn't think diaper; I thought it looked like terrifying exposed maxi-pad.
Kelli's hook-and-eye made from a notebook spiral won me over (I liked the vacuum bags, too).
what i could not BELIEVE is how many of these yutzes thought they were doing some different or original by grabbing freaking TABLECLOTHS. DUH - you're supposed to go for the unusual materials in this kind of challenge.
I wish I could watch with TLo and GothamTomato and maybe a few others (Sewing Siren?) in a live feed in my ear. I suspect bucketloads of glorious bitchery.
oh, and what's with these dudes on this show? who WERE they all? and why did so many seem so...butch?
bitchpants definitely ON for "season" 5 of PR!!!
This episode already has tons of great one-liners. The gay tan guy (gan?) saying to the model "I'll try really hard not to poke you!"
I am half expecting TLo to put up another post stating that it's lights out while screaming at us "We don't care if you go home, bitches, but you can't stay here."
I actually really liked the winning design. I do agree that the top part could have been better, but she used a wide variety of materials in a creative way. I think that's what gave her the edge over the plastic cup dress--there was just more stuff incorporated in it. Besides, the back was super cute.
But I don't know about the aufing. I think the biker chick should have went. At least the guy with the weird raincoat at least put thought into his and didn't throw it together at the last second. Her dress was ugly, poorly planned, and poorly constructed. His was at least just two of those.
Ok: Did anybody else love Wesley, the little young guy with the short shorts? When you look at the previews of future episodes, he's STILL wearing short shorts!! Nutty!
The crack-head dial got turned up heavy this year.
IN: Terry, Wesley (he wears short shorts!), Daniel, Kelli, Korto,
EH: Suede (?!?), Emily,
OUT: Kenley, Leanne,Joe, BLAYNE, Jerry, Stella
A bit Cracky: BLAYNE, Stella, Jerell,
So due to major tv malfunctions, I had to watch this episode in black and white- let me tell you, color makes a whole heck of a lot of difference! Kelli's dress looks a lot better, and my word does Jerry's dress-outfit-thing look hideous. Those yellow gloves! And I was thinking that Tanorexic's dress looked like a Muppet blow job, but that might be a tad vulgar.
Keith might be hot but someone needs to chop off that three-hair ponytail at the back of his head.
Preferably while he's naked and covered in oil.
I thought any of the bottom three could have been auff'd off to Buffalo, I've got to say I see the hands of the producers already working their (lack of?) magic. Cher "is good TV" (agree or disagree, she's got the potential), and while both upchucked doozies on the runway, if one's gotta go, get rid of the boring-er one I'm sure was the order of the day.
I don't know the woman's name, but the black one that made the top by crocheting the mop tops was my favorite by far! I think it's a shame hers didn't get recognized =(
"Models, this is a competition for you too." Are these the real models? Some of them were not lovely.
I was positive that Daniel's cup dress was going to win, but then I saw the hook and eye closures made out of a spiral notebook. Holy crap! That girl is the MacGyver of fashion.
LOVE IT! What a great idea!! Not a day goes by that I don't read this blog. And now it's gotten even MORE fabulous!!
It's pink! It's swirly! What more is there in life??
I liked tonight's ep. Thought that Blue Cups dress should have won =) Can't wait to see what TLo have to say tomorrow =)
Cheers all round ladies! Another mojito over here please darling!
P.S. Blayne needs to STOP with the -licious. It's fast becoming annoying.
patsy stone has had her limit! Move away from the bar, ms. stone!
Your Marilyn Manson's Grandma post cracked me up! Goodness, give a girl a cocktail or seven and watch what happens.
It's going to an absolutely fabulous season for sure.
Have to wonder if the auffing was 'viewer-motivated'; ie Jerry was just too ordinary and boring while Stella will definitely polarize viewers. Can't see any other explanation. Her garment [?] was ridunkulous. And she even TOLD the judges that all she did was wrap the bags around and stitch it all together by hand.
And PLEASE dump the chump Blayne ASAP.
And yep, I noticed the belt too and I loved it. But damn! If there was even a SLIGHT breeze on that runway.....we could have gotten a wee peak at Heidi's fraulein bits!! Can that dress BE shorter???? I think it's a shirt!!
And aussie guy in new york: hello!! I'm an aussie living in chicago!! good to see you on here!
Tanned man is trying way too hard to be like Christian
with his stupid "signature" word thats absolutely ridiculous
Christian could pull off that sort of self confidence because his work was dramatic and always beautiful
I fell off my couch when Tim Gunn said that the garment looked like a Pterodactyl in the gay Jurassic park in next weeks spoilers
I feel like someone should now make gay Jurassic park staring Tim Gunn
I would definitely watch it.
tan mans outfit looked dramatic but awful, the colorful part looked like a pot holder made by the kid who had to pick whatever scraps of fabric left
ok, love the lounge. but quit pussy-footing around for the west coasters. If they don't want to know early, they won't log in!!
Next week, say it loud, with contestant names attached!
Um, was that lounge rule approved by TLo? Kinda rude to start making rules in someone else's house.
Are you authorized to make new rules?
WESLEY NAULT FOR THE WIN!!! His yellow dress was gorgeous, wearable, innovative, and simply DA-VINE!! can you imagine saying to someone "yes my dress has flyswaters,sponges, and plastic cups as accents".
and did anyone notice e didnt even break a sweat??
he's amazing.
Winning dress = nice skirt, but also DoilyBoobs. That's all I have to say.
Mop head girl! Love mop head girl!
Everyone is saying tanlicious = Ricky or is trying for Christian.... No, tanlicious = Vincent.
Want to be this season's vincent? Delusional is the key.
Screw gay jurassic park... "Holla at ya boy?" What!?! I love you Tim Gunn. I totally want to have like ten thousand of your babies.
PS, Is it just me, or are there about 47 designers this season? Maybe it's the maker's mark...
terri's top was absoulutely wonderful. that skirt however was trash, literally.
really shocked about who went home tonight.
Dear Kenley,
Sweetie, you disappoint me so much. Based on your bio and the Bettie Page-esque vibe you have, with the headbands and perfect lipstick, I was really hoping you'd have a matching retro personality and be the dandy of this season - an Austin Scarlette, if you will.
Instead, you're vaguely annoying and your dress was boooooring, even though the portfolio pictures we saw of yours are cute. Please don't bore me - or else, bore the judges into aufing you. Thanks.
Dear Korto,
You are adorable - I wish I could reach through my TV screen and hug you - and I really hope you turn out to be the Uli of this season and not the Zulema.
Dear Frighteningly Tan Guy,
The 'word' "girlicious" already irritates me to the point of insanity. I really wish you had not used it about fifty seven million times on the FIRST EPISODE, up to and including WRITING IT ON YOUR MODEL'S ASS.
I work at an after-school center for gay high school students. Long after S4 ended, the ones who watch the show are still describing every possible object, person or situation as "fierce" or "not fierce". If you attempt to make this 'word' your catchphrase in the same way, and they pick it up, mark my words: I WILL find you and stab your eyes out with the business ends of those trendy little buttons on your hat.
P.S. I know you're concerned about maintaining your healthy nuclear glow and everything, to the point of mentioning your concern over about not being able to roast off your epidermis during YOUR INTRODUCTION INTERVIEW, but a.) can you say "skin cancer by age 30"? and b.) do not attempt to out-orange Michael Kors. We do not want Parsons to be burned to a cinder by the escalating tanning rivalry that would surely follow.
Dear Terry:
Hey, baby. Nice mop-shirt. No, really, it was HOT. Much like you, as a matter of fact. I hope you stick around for a good long while.
P.S.: Call me!
When Kelli was dying her fabric she was bent over it strangely and I hoped she wasn't using tobacco spit! I'm still not sure she didn't! Still, I think it was OK except for those Mrs. Doubtfire burned boobs.
I might have picked the cup dress for the risk involved but she could have never sat down in it.
I want to give Wesley a make over and get him out of that little button up shirt and little dress shorts. But not necessarily in that order....
I think I like Jerell a lot, he's pretty funny, and I think Blayne is going to get annoying with the "girlicious" bit when Ru Paul shows up!
I think the budding romance is going to be with two of the women but I haven't decided which ones.
You boys got your wish! Keith was shirtless by minute 8 of episode 1.
I'm actually glad Stella was spared. She definitely choked on this challenge, but I'm curious to see what she'll come up with in future challenges.
The tanorexic can go any time, as far as I'm concerned. But I'm scared he's going to be this season's Vincent and overstay his welcome.
The blue cup dress had one major innovation and outstanding execution. The winning dress had many innovations and so-so execution (loved the skirt and the closures, hated the doilyboobs). I would have been okay with either dress winning.
The bottom two reminded me of Starr and Daniel Franco in Season One -- underconfident and out-of-her-league vs. overconfident in a questionable garment.
I'm beyond frustrated with the contestants, though. Have they watched the past four seasons? Do they understand what is expected in an innovation challenge? They all seemed thrown for a loop, which was appropriate in season one, but inane by season five.
Woo hoo! Another season, and another set of designers to rip apart! So as I sip a virgin cocktail (underage drinking is WRONG, kids!), here's my thoughts:
Daniel: I agree with just about everyone here. I loved the innovation of this dress - just the type of creativity I expected from a challenge like this. Few fitting problems, but that will change once he gets to know his model.
Kenley: It's okay...but either the top and bottom don't match each other or I need a new fashion sense. I didn't think the high waist thing really worked too well.
Terri: I like the braiding, but other than that, not terribly inventive. Simple, clean skirt with a creative top.
Suede: First of all, either his parents are huge fans of Elvis Presley or certain fabrics, or HE is a fan of fabrics. I have never heard of anyone named or calling themselves Suede before. Now....this looked better without the belt, like Tim Gunn said. It looks a tad costume-y, but still better than others on this episode.
Emily: Not a huge fan of the collar. Plus, it looks like the model has a weird blob on the left side, by looking at the picture on Bravo's site.
Leanne: I don't like the white puffy things on the dress. I don't know why. It just doesn't look...right. Cute dress otherwise.
Jennifer: Very VERY simple dress. I forgot what materials she used, though. I know she used lipstick, but what else?
Jerell: Interesting. Very creative, but not sure about the hair thingy.
Keith: Cute! Better than what he had before the runway.
Wesley: Nice dress, but I don't like the gloves. I dunno...the dress just doesn't seem like the type of dress you'd wear gloves with.
Joe: Interesting patterns. Nicely done, but not a very WOW design.
Korto: Am I the only one who really didn't like this? I mean, it was an alright dress without the veggie boa. It would have been better if it was a belt instead.
Blayne: First of all, you are NOT Princess, honey. No matter how great think you are. Fierce trumps Girlicious any day of the week. All I can say about his...erm....thing is "What...the....HELL??". There is nothing else I can say about that monstrosity than that.
Jerry: Speaking of monstrosities....oh Jerry, honey, no. Just...no. That is not a "Night on the Town" dress. That's a "Night at Amityville" dress. What was he trying to prove? That he will be a great designer for the next horror film? Look at the model's face on the picture on Bravo's site. Even SHE hates the dress. And models are paid to look like they love what they are wearing.
Kelli: I don't like the bust. It just seems too unfinished. But I LOVE the skirt. Very original and pretty!
Stella: Oh honey, there could be so many different ways to use garbage bags. A wrapped braided top, or something.
I can't wait until next week. "A pterodactyl at a gay Jurassic Park"? I need to see what outfit deemed that comment.
@BrianB: Agreed over Wesley; also: let it be Terry and anybody. Oh please, oh please, oh please.
More importantly, though: TWoP has some neat video interviews with this season's cast up right now, including one in which they all name their TV guilty pleasure. Jerry's choice?
Hand to God. I can't stop laughing. I guess that explains a lot about the outfit he made...
Left-coaster here who just finished watching; of course Mom called part way through. Thank god for a dvr.
Well, I thought Suede was going to be the annoying one with all of the referring to himself in the third person and then Blayne came along. He must stop saying girlicious quickly or I will get stabby. I was however very happy to see Tim say "Holla at your boys".
Now for the materials. Are these people idiots? Of course other people are going to use tablecloths-it's easy and as about as close to fabric as you can get in that situation. And what's her name with the garbage bags; have you never bought cheap garbage bags? You didn't know they would be thin and useless? And that's all you bought?????
Love the lounge, TLo! I'll be your minion anytime.
Blayne is the poster child for melanoma... and his outfit looked like an explosion of bleached pubic hair...
Suede needs to be kicked for his constant reference to himself in the third person...
The right outfit was the worst. The challenge was not to create an outfit for the female serial killer. The gloves, man, oh lawdy, the gloves.
Okay as a fellow wearer of the short shorts I must say, that bitch can work them and thank god for it! I love Wesley's fashion sense, and I wish I could have seen more of his garment to se if his great personal style is reflected in his clothes. Overall, good episode, my feelings about the "ins" and "outs" are already all over this comment wall .
Now if only Keith (and his pierced nipplage!!) could get in some short short action too...*mwah*
Halfway into a pitcher of SoCo and cranberry (with fresh lime, natch), it's about the only thing to have saved Blayne from a strangling. Somebody's trying too hard to come up with catchphrases.
Must go finish the pitcher so I can watch the later airing of Shear Genius.
I hope Blayne stays in for most of the season because I want to see what he looks like when the melanoma tan fades. Is that too snarky?
Oh, and I'm sure the person who was auf'ed (see, I'm not spoiling, either!) is talented, but he didn't seem comfortable at all in this environment. You have to be a bit crazy, and he was just too normal and boring. I wasn't surprised to see him go.
I've only seen 20 minutes of this episode and already I intensely dislike that tanorexic freak.
Girlicious is NOT the new fierce! YOU ARE NOT CHRISTIAN.
And Urban Outfitters is not 'street'. *gag*
I'd have given Daniel the win for the blue cups dress. Loved it. Although I liked the bottom and back of the dress Kelli designed, the front was a too literal interpretation of the term 'breast plates.'
I'd have aufed Stella for that lazy ass garbage bag attempt, plus the Debbie Downer voice. Jerry's outfit definitely looked like a cleaning lady's haz mat suit, but his portfolio showed some cool minimalist stuff I would have liked to see go down the runway. As for Blayne, I will just refer to him as the Guppy. Or should I say Guppylicious?
Blayne is a joke!!!! I hope he's a good barista because he will need his job back.
so unfair to be on the west coast and get to the party SO LATE
maybe it's already posted on here but...
is it me? Or are there two pairs of girls who are identical?
betty page has a low rent twin
and then there are two slightly dorky girls (portland and candy dress I think) who are also twins.'
A diverse group?
ALSO - maybe TIVO screwed me - but are there NO OPENING CREDITS THIS YEAR???
Did you read Jerry's exit interview (Bravo Burning Questions blog)?
What an ass.
He would've made a good villain.
-- desertwind
I had a tray of amaretto slushies to bring to this party, but started drinking every time "that one" said "that word" and well......sorry. All gone and I even sucked the bottle dry. *hiccup*
Can you PLEASE nickname Blayne "NOT-licious"?
ok, want to get my opinions in while it's fresh (using bravotv.com as reference)
Kenley - I don't remember who you are, but that's a cute dress. Love the silhouette in the skirt. didn't care too much for the styling, it's a bit scary. B+
terri - I liked that you used mops for the top. But the skirt was a throwaway and that's why you weren't top 3. Still, pretty chic and like the color. Cute shoes in the photograph. B-
Suede - I'm gonna love or hate you very quickly but your dress is so so. I like the blue and white I'm not sold on the bust or that necklace. The styling is a bit xena/amazonia for me. C+
Emily - I liked it better on the runway, in the photograph it's venturing in clown clothes territory. The confectionary top just doesn't go while at all with the simple white dress. hate the boots and belt as well. C-
Leanne - Kinda slutty candy striper nurse, and not in a good way. This doesn't hold a candle to mychael's coffee filter dress, but I like the visual interest in the skirt. the bust is a bust. C+
Jennifer - Simple, but chic silhouette using paper towels. doesn't quite reach the mark in innovation but works in the execution. the green shoes are hideous. B-
Jerell - He's pretty hot and he's usually not my type, but anyway. Wendy pepper, this is how you do Carnival. Still, its costumey, but I like the use of materials. The bodice (apart from the tacky umbrellas) is interesting and I like the skirt a lot. B
Keith - Ok, you're good looking, but when you discussed your style to Heidi, that was bad man. She clearly didn't appreciate it. Still I'd be intimidated by the Body too, so I'll let you slide. Anyway, chic dress, just lacked innovation. Completely wearable and tasteful. B+
Wesley - I find it odd you look so much like wesley crusher on star trek... and love the short shorts. but the dress? pretty yellow color, the detail gets washed out in the photograph but looked good on the runway. Gloves, ya lose points for that. Good use of materials. A-
Joe - I'm getting a Lupe vibe from this dress, but it's toned down enough that it works. You stopped where you needed to and made a good look. However, it's a tad on the cheap side and the shoes don't help. B
Korto - Again, a pretty yellow color (probably same wesley had). The picture makes it look a tad voluminous but above the waste looks great. I think the vegetable use was thoughtful and worked well. A-
Daniel - I liked the innovation, but the silhouette was basic, which Kors L'orange was implying. What I really liked about the dress was the lines and the texture that was created but can't see well in the photograph. the bust is obviously the best part. A
Blayne - I don't get it. Seemed like you made this piece and couldn't figure out what to do with it, and you just slapped it on. you can get away with such atrocious risks on the first challenge, but you better step up your game and dump 'girlicious' real quick. D
Jerry - Train wreck. The judges nailed it. Nurse psyhco killer. Fug to the Nth degree. Did he deserve to go home? I wanted him to after his cocky attitude and dissing materials that ya know, actually won the challenge. Well, seems like you're already successful... but your overconfidence did you in. F
Kelli - Nailed it, loved it. Bust is the weakest part, but still she was pushing the frickin envelope in every single aspect of this look and it worked. The skirt and back are phenomenal. I appreciated the cup dress, but it was plain to me. I like this one because there is so much interest to it other than just the material choice. A+
Stella - Why did you go for trash bags? cause it was black? too safe, but you kinda knew it. I hope you can do something more innovative in future challenges? You probably should have been sent home, but I'm a bit more interested to see what you come up with than Jerry so I'm glad you're staying. F
Great first episode, can't complain with the judges decision. the bottom 3 were definitely the bottom 3 and the top 3 were all great. the winner was well deserved.
Did anyone notice Blayne uttering "holla atcha boy" to himself?
The comment was stupid when he said it to Tim at the end of their discussion about his garment (I think he was DONE holla'ing at that point).
But then he said it to himself. WHY? How pathetic. Even though these phrases are "cool" to throw around, I think they should at very minimum have an intended audience.
I would love to see "holla atcha boy" "closed up, packed away and given to the girl next door" before girlicious. But then the same procedure should follow girlicious immediately afterwards.
I'm sorry. The clothes are more important than one of Blayne's catchphrases, but he really gets my blood boiling.
I really hope the clip they showed from next week show of Tim spouting "holla atcha boy" was in rebuttle to his nonsense.
I was slightly pissed that Terri called her braided top of mop "crocheted"... I crochet. It's with a hook and yarn. That technique is called BRAIDING. BRAIDING!!
Jerry I think was his own worst enemy. He is a talented guy who did not approach this challenge correctly. But he was not great tv. A little on the boring side combined with a slight attitude problem. It comes across in the Burning Question blog on the bravo site.
It's clear he was simply doing this for publicity and exposure, not unlike Rami.
Unlike Rami pre-PR, the man has appeared several times already at fashion week in NY. In fact I remmeber where I saw him now after looking at his fall collection on his site Form. They used him and his collection in a challenge for the show Make Me a Supermodel when the contestants got a chance to work the runway at last february's fashion week.
I'll be the designated driver for the season. Cranberry-grape juice on the rocks, please. I promise not to spill on the upholstery.
Love the decor but I think Philip Treacy would love some credit for the design! I didn't know you guys live in Ireland!
Hmmmmm.... didn't love any of the looks, with the possible exception of the plastic cup dress. No, didn't love any of the looks. But I can't believe trash bag lady didn't go home. And I was appalled that everyone seemed to go for fabric substitutes! Tablecloths? Jeez, even Wendy Pepper at least used candy!
Tanny Tranny needs to get the next bus to the Krackletown...like now.
The auf was fine by me. He looked a little too uptight and up his own ass for my taste.
That being said, I think (Garbage) Bag Lady needs to step it up if she wants to stay. She was flirting with the whine. There's nothing I can't stomach more than a whiner.
"GorgeousThings said: And I was appalled that everyone seemed to go for fabric substitutes! Tablecloths?"
Yeah, I think they were laboring under the misguided impression that the guest judge would be Yogi Bear, so they tried to make every model reminiscent of a pic-a-nic basket.
Someone needs to STOP trying to make "Girlicious" happen. It means nothing. Learn from Tim and get a real vocabulary. There are words for every occasion
Stella = Punk Penny Marshall
Okay, Mr. Girlicious needs to GO. I'm sorry, after a season of Christian, I don't think we can handle another season of outrageous boyhood.
I'm impressed, however, by the strength of this year's contestants. Too bad almost none of their strengths came out in the first challenge. (Rocker Chick? I did the garbage bag for a dress way back in '84 - it's SO last millenium.)
Silly rabbits, do you really not see the irony in how 90% of you have bitched about the judges keeping Tanorexic? That's the exact reason they kept him! He makes for good television, and I suspect he knows it.
My personal problems with him (other than the obvious):
~he only made half an outfit!!! All I could think when I saw that "dress" coming down the runway was that the girls at "go fug yourself" were probably screaming at him about the benefits of PANTS. Forget about how short Heidi's dress was. At least there was no butt cleavage with hers
~he basically called his model fat. Yes, the models are meant to be walking clothes hangers, but still, let's not go overboard on how bony they have to be
First of all, so glad that PR is back, even if I think they're totally making it half-assed this season. I was so tempted to read the descriptions of each episode's challenges, but I held back!!
Second of all, the supermarket challenge WAS my all-time favorite, and Austin Scarlett IS my favorite PR designer ever - so elegant! - but really? the same challenge? They couldn't have added a twist that would have made the episode slightly exciting, like, 'no shopping down aisle 3" or "no purchasing more than one table cloth"? Is this the way they're going to do it all season?
Blayne should have been auf'd. Him and girl?grr?licious need to get out of here QUICK. And that thing was even FUGLIER
And Stella is also a PAIN. Stop whining! this is a competition! nobody gives a hoot if you were stupid enough to buy the wrong materials, jesus.
sounds like an excuse to sleep in!
(not that i blame you one bit)
i've started to call girlicious runaway blayne. he's got laser eyes like that runaway bride from last year or whatever.
I..can't...stand Blayne. Between all the 'licious and "Holla at ya boy" I don't know if I can keep watching if he isn't auf'd in the next episode or two.
And did no one else notice that Suede was referring to himself in the third person? ugh.
If Slasher Raincoat Guy (I can't be expected to remember their names until Ep 4 or so) had simply had a compelling story, I bet he'd still be here. He should have spun a load of Jeffreyesque BS about dressing his model for a shift at the space station sanitation department or something. Not "a night on the town." He didn't want it badly enough. Too bad, because keeping Ms. Hefty Bag was indefensible.
Wow. Coffee filters as nipple covers. Sanitary maxi maxi pads as shorts. Think what they could have done with a box of tampons.
And Miss Scarlet dressed so drably! Though still absolutely gorgeous.
Disappointed so far.
Could swear Blayne is Kato Kaelin's son.
DANIEL's choice of plastic cups was bold. The end product was beautifully constructed. Although DANIEL didn't actually win the challenge he will win it in the long run because people will remember his cup dress.
KELLI's design was the best in terms of innovation and look. The only problem was the coffee filters, placing them her models breasts was tired.
KORTO looked ungrateful to be in the top 3. I thought her dress was overrated. There was very little in terms of innovation and every material still looks like it was orginally intended to be.
KENLEY's design was youthful and clever.
BLAYNE needs to stop tanning. He already has wrinkles that a 23 year old should not have.
This is the first season opener since season two that I wanted to watch the episode again. I am so glad we saw plenty of TIM. Last season he was barely there for several episodes.
Fabu, fabu... fabu. Now just gimme the Stoli bottle and no one will get hurt!
Love it! you two are so fabulous!
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