Shear Genius Season 2 - Episode 1

Thursday, June 26, 2008 by
Bitches, did we not tell you that first challenge was gasp-inducing? How fun was this show last night?

Let's go to the tape:

We're not sure if we ever mentioned this last season, but Shear Genius has the best opening credits of any of the reality competition shows. Great music, stylishly shot and beautifully edited (although we miss Danna's dramatic hairflip from last season's credits).

As for the shortcut challenge, we were actually surprised how well the stylists reacted to the whole thing.

"HAHAHA!!!! You're FUCKED, bitches!"

And by that we mean the response was mostly low-key. No one cried? Damn.

We stand by what we said last year: they're either pumping it through the vents or slipping it in the drinks, but those wigstands have GOT to be drugged to sit through shit like this.

"Well, it beats sleeping with a casting director, I guess."

Congrats to Skunky Brewster! Not only did you manage to leave all your client's sensory organs intact...

...but you also managed a relatively decent-looking cut. Emphasis on "relatively." Clearly, they lowered their standards a bit to take the blindfold into consideration because in a different challenge, she'd have been looking at elimination.

And poor Oshun stands alone.

"My name is Oshun and I'm deep."

So, who thinks he's been saying that line for about 20 years? Think it gets him laid?

"Oh, man, it's like, I don't know what I'm doing but I feel...I'm feeling the hair, man."

"HAHA! Should we tell him she looks like she was in an industrial accident, Jaclyn?"

"Wow. You're kind of a bitch, Kim."


See? Drugged.

Let's face it, this looks bad, no doubt about it. But is there that much of a difference in quality between this and the winning cut?

As for the Elimination Challenge ...


But we have a criticism of the judging. One of the things we liked about S1 is that the judging made sense and it was fair even when they sent Tabatha home. Looks like we've got a bit of an Anne Slowey on our hands with Kelly Atterton. She was all over the place; praising the blue hair Charlie did but criticizing Gail's by saying that "This is something that someone would be absolutely slammed for wearing on the red carpet." Who said anything about red carpet? You mean to tell us that someone walking around with a 3-foot blue beehive isn't going to be slammed?

Hmmph. We've got our eyes on you, bitch.

Anyway, congrats Daniel!

There's a bit of a disconnect with Daniel. He's kind of cute in that nerdy twink way and then he opens up his mouth and sounds like a middle-aged Dallas socialite. Visual: cute blond boy. Audio: Lady Bird Johnson.

We have to say, we were a little shocked that he won it. Oh sure, it's well-executed and it certainly pays homage to the character, but this looks like drag queen hair to us.

Hasta la vista, Oshun.

Mkay, thanks for playing!

Oy, now THIS is a decision we completely agree with. What a DISASTER of a cut. Look at the big grin on her face! Drugged! You show us a woman with that haircut who isn't a drug addict or a mental patient.

Once again, they shock us by sending home the person who would normally, in any other show, be kept on until the end just for the drama. Say what you will about Oshun, he had the potential to be hella entertaining.

Don't you worry, poodles. We have plenty more to say about this episode later in the week.

[Photos: - Screencaps:]

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Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this show because, as you guys correctly state, they boot the biggest asshole in the first show (re: Jean-Paul last year).

Emma P. said...

Waaave bye bye to the camera, Oshun!
I knew he was toast in by the 1st challenge. I love Daniel, when he said "I'm from Dallas, everyone has a can of hairspray in their back pocket", I got the love flutter in my toes. He just might win this puppy.
Looking forward to next week's ep!

DolceLorenzo said...

"He's kind of cute in that nerdy twink way and then he opens up his mouth and sounds like a middle-aged Dallas socialite. Visual: cute blond boy. Audio: Lady Bird Johnson."


OHMYGOD you bitches are hilarious and BACK!!!!!!!!!

I LOVED the episode. I'm glad they sent Oshun home, he was awful!

CHC said...

Buh Bye Oshun.

Gorgeous Things said...

Loved this episode!!! I would run screaming from the room if anyone ever came at me with sharp instruments and a blindfold. But I could use some of the Koolaid they are drinking to help me get through summer with the kids home.

Bye Oshun! Go make waves elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Yes Oshun was bordering on obnoxious. I wondered if he was pulling a Jeffrey by acting like an asshole to get more camera attention. He may have number of accomplishments that he can brag about but he clearly was not much in terms of a competitor.

That is something I have noticed about these type of shows like Top Chef and PR. It takes a certain kind of person to do well in shows like this. You can be talented but still do lousy since these challenges are very artificial with absurd constraints. I know designers/artistic types who do good work but who are slow or who have a hard time improvising a mistake.

BTW the model of Nicole's who was resistant to things she wanted to do to her hair is a model who worked for Janice Dickenson. She had 1 of the Jem designs. I saw her on Janice's show on Oxygen. A good model but rather uptight and resistant to try more daring shoots. She kept using the excuse that certain things went against her religious upbringing


Isabella said...

"My name is Oshun and I'm deep."

So, who thinks he's been saying that line for about 20 years? Think it gets him laid?"

Good riddance!! He'd be very annoying if he had continued on the show. Remember the French guy last season? I thought Nicole did a great job. The girl looked so cool.

David said...

The guy who did Betty Boop was ROBBED. He had the best hair. I loved the episode, Jaclyn is absolutely divine, thank you guys for reminding me to watch the episode.

Denise said...

Thank God I don't have to hear Oshun talk about the ocean, the moon and the stars anymore.
Now, let's talk about Daniel - Isn't he adorable?

vuboq said...

Is it just me or does Daniel sound exactly like PR3's Kayne?

Maybe I need some of that wigstand drug. Mmmm...

DolceLorenzo said...

"vuboq said...

Is it just me or does Daniel sound exactly like PR3's Kayne?

Maybe I need some of that wigstand drug. Mmmm..."

YES, I thought the same thing.

bitchesdye said...

Skunky Brewster! You bitches always slay me.

I enjoyed the hell out of this, and I'm so glad they did the right thing about Oshun. Blech.

Can't wait for Kate!

Lilithcat said...

I think the "red carpet" comment was a not unreasonable response to Gail saying that she was "trying to add some Hollywood glam" to the style.

As for Oshun, well, there goes the drinking game! ("Take a drink every time Oshun says, 'I'm deep'.")

KitschTrain said...

"HAHA! Should we tell him she looks like she was in an industrial accident, Jaclyn?"

"Wow. You're kind of a bitch, Kim."


Hilarious! This was a fun episode, by the way. Perfect for the TLo treatment. Thanks for brightening my day!

Mariana (The Unoriginal) said...

"Visual: cute blond boy. Audio: Lady Bird Johnson."

Seriously, I can't stop laughing.

C'est moi, c'est moi Lola said...

"My name is Oshun and I'm deep."

And he washed out with the tide!

Anyhoo, great episode last night, and a wonderfully funny recap today, guys. I know you said it in a previous post, but it is so nice to be reminded that Jaclyn IS the warmest of the relaity TV hosts. Kim Vo really knows his stuff, and I too am worried about our little Ms. Kelly giving us bullshit judgements. And it was interesting to say hello to Rene's nipples this year. They totally distracted me from his ass. And that takes A LOT, sweetie.

Finally, I guess I have a soft spot for the nerdy twinks with Texan accents. GO DANIEL!

Anonymous said...


Did I mention I LOVE Daniel?

Daniel FTW!!!!!!!

genie in a hair spray bottle said...

How could Charlie be in the top 3 for making an unwearable wig? That was hideous, I thought he was going to be bottom three or two or whatever. He's a bitch and not in a good way.

Skaene said...

I was skeptical, but this turned out to be a great first episode. I liked Parker's "Betty Boop". He did an outstanding job.

Cinthia said...

Oshun - looking like a fool who thought too highly of himself, but couldn't deliver the goods!

Sarah said...

I wouldn't trust anyone to cut my hair blindfolded at all. I hope they fixed those cuts after the taping.

shiver72876 said...

When Rene said, "GO SHAKE IT!" I was so excited! I just love him!

Oshun was unbearable to me. And my eyes nearly rolled into the back of my head at the end when he said, "My plan was to do less than I normally would on the first couple of challenges and it backfired." WHATEVER OSHUN! That's the dumbest "plan" I ever heard! Sounds like more of an excuse to me. . .

Ms Sangrail said...

Oshun certainly got that I'm-obnoxiously-cocky loser-edit....

Sayonara, Oshun!

Kaitlin said...

I totally agree with a couple of you posters-- Daniel is like Kayne Lite!

Paulo is really cute (this season's Ben?) and I totally have a girlcrush on Gail.

Does anyone else HATE it when contestants on reality shows say that "it's a competition" and they're "not here to make friends"? Being a prick isn't required to win, and may actually hurt if the other competitors try to get rid of them.

potty mouth princess said...

Poodles, you should know how to correctly spell the name of your own beloved Hair Witch. Please edit. :-)

I knew Oshun was gone when he started doing narrative two minutes into the episode. Very ANTM of the Elves, ie. too predictable.

So, Lucy chick lives in Hayward and owns a salon in Lafayette? Egads, I live in Oakland and the thought of going to Hayward (I'll probably wind up there next year to continue education) scares the sheeyat out of me. Lafayette, OTOH, is about as hoity toity (althouth liberal HT) as you'll get in the East Bay. Houses there, even in this market, start around a million-five. I hate her, but I have to root for her.

I liked Wilma and understood all the hairspray. Explain the other Wilma who, as duly noted after I said it aloud, was a blue-haired Peg Bundy...

PS: I miss Gay Frodo. :-(

eggs mayonnaise said...

Thank Gawd for you two! I've been banging my head on other blogs/boards complaining about the judging being whacko and WTF with Charlie getting top three for making a blue hat instead of styling hair... and I come here and you guys are spot on!

Oshun needed to go. You could tell he didn't have the energy to keep up that silly rhyming persona. The way he got so flustered and angry when things went wrong, you could see how easily the facade totally crumbles. Just be yourself, Oshun, and save your energy for the hair.

I don't know about this season. One episode tells me they are in danger of jumping the shark before they even achieve real pop culture success. Watch what happens, bitches!

eggs mayonnaise said...

By the way, I don't care how idiotic he sounds at times, I could stare at Rene all day and night. DAYUM.

Anonymous said...

Had anyone on this show ever read Peanuts comics?! Their way-off- the-mark descriptions of Lucy were driving me crazy! She is not "innocent" or "dainty"; she's the big, bossy, know-it-all who's always tricking Charlie Brown and making passes at piano boy. And her hair is black and puffy, and not in pigtails! Why would both contestants give her chunky blonde highlights? Arrrgh!!!!

mjude said...

so glad the show has started but most importantly you bitches are here to tell it straight? :)

daniel is adorable.

i love miss smith but they NEVER really do a close up of her. drives me crazy.

TLo said...

potty mouth princess said...

Poodles, you should know how to correctly spell the name of your own beloved Hair Witch. Please edit. :-)

Done, darling!


Bookworm said...

I wasn't crazy about any of the top three, the hair coloring on the other lucy looked awful when it was down.
Ugh Oshun. Bye Bye
I'm Oshun, I move with the tides, I'm salty, etc.
I wish I had known you guys were around during season one. I can't fully express how happy I am that you'll be blogging about SG. Whoooo!!!

Gail said...

My husband and I were planning a Shear Genius drinking game in which everyone had to drink 2 shots every time Miss Oshun mentioned her two Emmy nominations. Alas! We were foiled by sensible, fair judging!

Mrs. Coach said...

Thank goodness Oshun went. He was the bad kind of annoying, not the entertaining kind.

Now I need to know what the hell is up with Kim's lips. For real, in which case I should feel bad for him. Or for the love of cosmetic modification, in which case it's open season on him. Inquiring minds need to know!

Jenn said...

Love those Oklahoma/North Texas gay boys...go Daniel!

TheNYCourier said...

I hope Daniel stays...I love an HGN, even if he sounds like a country bumpkin.

potty mouth princess said...


Gratzi! My anal English major comes out in the most unexpected places sometimes! :-)

While I'm here I'll reiterate my gratitude that there will be no more moshun in the oshun. No wonder the Pubs want to drill there.

LittleKarnak said...

So glad Oshun is gone, he annoyed the hell out of me from the moment he opened his fool mouth. Kind of liking Daniel but he needs to shelve the "I do Dallas hair!" line from here on out. SO excited to see a Charlie's Angels challenge and guest judge Kate Jackson!! And Nekisa: you are a close second to Oshun in the obnoxious department...tone it down!!

MarceloF said...

I loved when Daniel winked at his model while her do was being examined by Kim. His clients must love him. I can't get over how sweet he is and I hope he stays for a while.

Paul Szauter said...

Is Charlie the new Santino Rice?
I was really turned off by his self-serving statements.

LindaLA said...

Boys, your commentary makes any show interesting. Kim Vo is awesome, he did my hair after one month of waiting list and it looked amazing.

Anonymous said...

Annonymous said:
"And her hair is black and puffy, and not in pigtails!"

I thought that maybe I had missed the pigtails my whole life. I had exactly the same thoughts as you. I agree with your Peanuts inspired "Arrrgh!!!"

lynette said...

"shiver72876 said...

When Rene said, "GO SHAKE IT!" I was so excited! I just love him!"

So that's what he said! Much as I love looking at that eye-candy, I have to re-watch (not that I mind) just to figure out what he's saying sometimes!

This is going to be a fun ride! Lots of fun contestants this time around. Paulo's kinda scary though.

hello, i'm patsy stone said...

Somewhere in Sonoma, Charles Schultz is rolling over in his grave...and I think I hear Snoopy howling.

And another thing, why in the hell are these guys wearing sunglasses? Not only is it not cool, but it's completely disrespectful of the judges.

mjude said...

one more thing.
thanks to the bloggers who mentioned lucy's pigtails!!! i thought what the hell did i miss growing up? no way was she sweet & wore pigtails. that was just bad.

WorkingWords100 said...

Is Daniel related to Michael, who was on the Bravo Design Show hosted by Jonathan Adler?

hello, i'm patsy stone said...

workingwords100 said:
Is Daniel related to Michael, who was on the Bravo Design Show hosted by Jonathan Adler?

HA! I thought the same thing. I think they were separated at birth.

Anonymous said...

You couldn't pay me enough money to let someone cut my hair with a blindfold on! And LOVED that they sent Wave, I mean, Ocean home! what a tool he was!

Gretchen said...

My name is Oshun and I am deep...Hahahahahaha. Absolutely fucking priceless, you can't make shit like that up.

Anonymous said...

Oshun's bullshit is deep too. Glad to see him go.
I think Lady Bird Daniel could turn out to be the cryer on this season. If they take away his hairspray he will start bawling from separation anxiety.
Can't wait for the Charlie's Angels challenge! I used to rock my Farah 'do at the roller rink like any proper 70's girl.

Ted said...

La Bitch Charlie is trying too hard to be the bitch of the season. The real ones don't even have to try, right Tabatha? The Carrie Bradshaw flower, the not-so-funny lines...I'm sure we'll get tired of him very quickly.

ShearGeniusInsider said...

"If they take away his hairspray he will start bawling from separation anxiety."

ROFL. You people are hilarious!

Tom In Chicago said...

I though Parker's Betty Boop was the best. Adorable.

But Daniel's Wilma was also really good. I think it looked less like drag queen hair than the Asian Peg Bundy which was supposed to be Marge Simpson.

shiver72876 said...

I totally agree with the Anonymous about Lucy and all the judges getting her personality AND hair wrong! Innocent? Dainty? WTF?? She is anything but and had a hair helmet not pigtails!

Hutchlover said...

I guess I'm the only one who would rather keep Oshun and get rid of Charlie.

Talk about a media whore who can't kiss Bravo's ass enough!

Guess that means he'll make it far, since I can't stand him.

Michelle said...

I knew about halfway through the episode that Oshun would be going home -- he got WAY more screen time than anyone else, so clearly Bravo was giving him his only chance to be on camera!

Totally agree with the decision to send him home. His Lucy style was HORRIBLE.

I'm sure this batch of contestants will grow on me, but I miss Tyson and Tabs and Evangelin and the rest of the S1 crew...

kath said...

Daniel looks like he should be auditioning for RENT on Broadway, doesn't he? He's adorable, though. I like him. I hope he lasts through the whole competition!
I knew Oshun was getting canned by the way that Bravo gave him their usual "focus on the guy going home" edit, but he did deserve it. I hope Charlie is next. Damn! He's annoying!

Porsche said...

"Hutchlover said...

I guess I'm the only one who would rather keep Oshun and get rid of Charlie."

I agree, he's very annoying. I can't stand him.

edina monsoon said...

At first, I absolutely hated the episode and couldn't warm up to the new crew, but after re-watching the epi, I can now say that it was actually a pretty good one.

Not amused by the blind-fold challenge, but looooved the cartoon icon challenge. Pretty darned brilliant if you asked me. And like others have posted, the Betty Boop-do guy was ROBBED. That girl looked awesome!

- edina -

Dave said...

I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Bravo for getting rid of Michael a historian I will never forgive him for praising Tyson's fugly powdered pile-up, which was not even remotely close to "Elizabethan."

Hutchlover said...

as a historian I will never forgive him for praising Tyson's fugly powdered pile-up, which was not even remotely close to "Elizabethan."

Dave, we're gonna have to disagree. As a lover & former student of British history, once I saw that do, could've cared less. I thought for the amount of effort & creativity Tyson put into that, who damn well cares if it wasn't technically accurate. (But Daisy really should've won that challenge)

Anonymous said...

I never heard of Kim Vo before but I think he did a great job. I was never a big fan of Sally.

Joanie said...

I knew he was dumped the moment he said he was deep. "I've won an EMMY!" Well, good, Oshun. It'll keep you company now that you're off the show.

Anonymous said...


I just saw a new preview of next week's episode-with the those orange county wives

but the guest judge for the short cut challenge is a reknown and wicked hair witch!

you know Tabatha wont hold back!


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who felt sorry for Oshun?
Yes, the guy was obnoxious,and the ocean- rhyming stuff was ridiculous, but he was so obviously insecure and terrified.
My heart went out to him.

KingRoper said...

How do they get these women to agree to be hair models, but then get to the studio and say, "Oh, no - I don't want it cut short/colored/styled! I want to look as shitty as I did when I came in!" How?

Bitches - you agreed to be on TV and get your hair cut in a haircutting contest! What the fuck did you THINK was gonna happen? Or are they ASKED to be difficult?

SideB said...

"Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who felt sorry for Oshun?
Yes, the guy was obnoxious,and the ocean- rhyming stuff was ridiculous, but he was so obviously insecure and terrified.
My heart went out to him."

Watch his exit interview on and you'll change your mind.

I'mnotdeep said...

"Congrats to Skunky Brewster!"

Fucking hilarious!!!

Patrick said...

I'm really looking forward to the rest of this season, but I do have to wonder how Tabatha, who came in SIXTH out of twelve contestants last year, is qualified to judge the contestants this year? Will she advise them to immaturely throw the competition in order to win a personal grudge?

Anonymous said...

Question: Does anyone know where you can watch the episodes online? Someone used to have it on YouTube, but not anymore...

twc said...

"As for Oshun, well, there goes the drinking game! ("Take a drink every time Oshun says, 'I'm deep'.")"

My daughter (who is over 21) and I were concocting a SG drinking game, and also came up with this one. I have to say I'm glad he's gone though.

I hated the rather literal blue-hair Marge though. I liked both Betty Boops and was surprised neither was in the top. Both Lucys were awful.

Meg said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one confused by them giving Lucy pigtails. I've been reading/watching Peanuts for as long as I can remember and I never once thought her hair was in pigtails. and she is def. not innocent. did they just assume because she's a little kid she's innocent?

also, I totally adore Daniel. I hope he makes it to the end.

eric3000 said...

Love the challenges! I hope the contestants get more interesting.

eric3000 said...

Love the challenges! I hope the contestants get more interesting.

Suzanne said...

Oshun brought the "loser edit" to new heights. Could they made it any more obvious??

I wonder if the stylists have to go back and fix the F'd up hair....I cannot imagine being sent home with that weird blonde streak that the one girl (don't know names yet- except Oshun....damn...) put in the "other Lucy's" hair.

Suzanne said...

I just want to say I LIVE FOR YOUR SCREENCAPS. But you know that already.

Skunky Bewster. You're killing me.

And Kim- Lisa Rinna called- she wants her lips back. Either that or she'll split a fifth of Restalin with you.

ellie said...

Great episode and I'm glad Oshun tanked. I couldn't have handled him for more than one episode.

I totally agree on all the Lucy comments. Do you think they might have had her confused with Sally? otherwise wtf?!

And parker's Betty Boop so should have won!

Anonymous said...


Technically Tabatha and Tyson tied for 5th (hahaha). SG was a curious contest last season in that someone who won an elimination challenged usually got kicked off within the next 2 episodes. The curse of the wall of fame. It was surprising how easy it was for someone to crash and burn-even a good stylist. Hopefully Daniel's immunity prize will help offset the curse :)

Back to point: Tabatha was already a very seasoned stylist with respectable creds before coming on the show. Coupled with being fan-favorite she is I believe in that respect qualified to assess their work in a short-cut challenge. That appears to be what she's judging and not an elimination challenge. Also she makes good tv. Probably of all of last year's contestants I imagine she would be the one the fans would want to come back to judge-although Anthony would be a nice as well.

Also having gone through the process herself she is probably in a good position to give them advice since she did do very well up until the elimination.


Rainwood said...

The blindfold challenge was inspired. The judging in the elimination challenge was odd though. The other Betty Boop not making the top 3 but the Marge blue hive does? Mystery.

Daniel is my early favorite - maybe not to win given that Dallas hair comment - but certainly to watch. Jaclyn looks a little too "well-preserved" in that screen cap but I didn't notice it as much on the show itself. And I can never decide if Rene is saying "Go shake it" or "Go shag it" which on this show could make sense either way. His accent remains unplaceable for me. It must be because he's from the planet Hot. Damn that's one good-looking man.

I do miss Sally H. though. She added some gravitas that now seems to be missing.

RJSKing said...

OMG! would love to bash oshun but all the good ones have been taken. Was I mistaken or did Matthew pick Marge Simpson. Looked more like Peggy Bundy!!! Loved the episode cant wait for the rest of the season! That Glenn is a MILF!!!!! cant wait to see more of her sexy ass!

Anonymous said...

I loved the episode! Paulo is a riot!

lisasabatier said...

My newest fave......Daniel, he sorta reminds me of a cross betwen Kayne and that young blond boy from Top Design, (I am sure someone else has already said that-- I haven't read all the coments yet). But how strange looking is Kim Vo? What is the deal? at least tone down the lipstick. He is a good judge though. Nicole is cute, and Paulo is ridiculous, I can't remember any of the other names yet.

Anonymous said...

Great episode!

I'm I too old? Who was Jem? Never even heard of her.

Anonymous said...

yeah -- i thought i had missed something my whole life with the lucy 'do! thanks for posting statements that you never considered her hair to be in pigtails either.

Red Seven said...

1) I totally forgot about this show, but the Digital Video Recorder never forgets.

2) Now that I've seen the first episode, I'm totally hooked.

3) After five minutes of Oshun, I wanted him gone. And I wondered for a sec if eliminating the only black contestant on the very first show might be perceived as racist, and then I figured that no -- keeping a stylist with too much attitude and no discernable talent on the show just because of his race would be racist.

4) Lucy was totally NOT innocent -- but unlike the other characters that were being interpreted, she was a little kid (Judy Jetson was a teenager and the rest were grown women). The tiger-stripe color job was fugly, but the styling was great.

5) I liked both of the Judy Jetsons, and wish that at least one of them would have made it to the final discussion round.

Anonymous said...

I have a new drinking game. . . everytime Rene studders over plain english due to his sexual accent, you take a shot.

Edward DC said...

Did anyone out there watch "I Know My Kid's a Star"? Oshun was the equivalent of that trainwreck of a mother "rocky"... Now THAT'S event television... lol

Anonymous said...

Where are the screen caps with Rene'??

Anonymous said...

Skunky Brewster HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Speaking of Deb, she totally looks like she's peeking under that blindfold... it's not sitting right on her nose, and she has her head tilted up the whole time... just seems sketchy.

I'm SO glad Oshun is gone! Sitting through his little monologues felt like sitting through a pity-date with some pathetic loser... "I'm deep... I have two Emmy nominations... they keep me warm at night in my parents' dark lonely basement..."

Anonymous said...

*Dee, not Deb. sorry