Well, the Christian love keeps flowing. From New York Magazine:
"Tim Gunn offered lofty praise of Project Runway winner Christian Siriano at last night's GLAAD Awards. 'I really believe he is his generation's Marc Jacobs. I really do,' Gunn said. Now that comment is like, Whoa, considering Marc Jacobs is arguably today's most famous and influential fashion designer. But, hey, Victoria Beckham goes nuts for both of them! Gunn continued, 'We have found America's next great fashion designer. We really have. I'm confident.' And it only took about four years."
Ouch. That sound you just heard was Jay McCarroll, Chloe Dao, and Jeffrey Sebelia gnashing their teeth in unison.

And the love apparently flows in both directions:
"How did he feel about being dubbed the next Marc Jacobs by Tim Gunn? 'I thought of [Gunn] as a mentor for so long on the show,' Siriano said. 'And then when it’s over, you’re, like, scared that they’re going to kind of go away. But they don’t. They’re better. They’re pushing you more to do more and do well. So I think he really wants me to do well, which is nice."
Tim has a history of some fairly hyperbolic comments to the press. What do you kittens think? Does Christian have what it takes to become the next Marc Jacobs? Did the show just get it wrong in the previous 3 seasons?
[Photos: Juergen Teller/popcrunch.com - Photo illustrations: Project RunGay]
But in the original, "it only took about four years" isn't in quotation marks - so commentary from the magazine, not from Tim, it seems. Might still be hyperbole, but not necessarily a diss on the other designers.
Yikes. Jay's response: "Tim, you bitch, I could squash that little twit and scrape him off my shoe and make a better design out of the remains!" Chloe: "Tim, Sweetie, nothing of Christian's will sell in a boutique in Texas!" Jeffrey: "Tim, you ignorant slut! My tattoos look better than that kid's designs!"
The response I've seen from my friends who watch the show was that Christian was the very first winner of PR that no one had a problem with. I know in my own opinion I thought Santino should have won Season 2, and we all know how good Laura is.
I think what the PR folks are so excited about is he had the promise and talent, and didn't choke under pressure like some past contestants.
woah, what a bitch.
just cuz Jay and Tim's points of view clash, doesn't mean Tim has to be all nasty like.
Jay was and still is the best designer out of ALL 4 seasons. he's just trying not to sell his soul to the devil in order to produce a line...which is near impossible. it's sad.
It's a little too soon to tell, neh?
For now I'm going to cover my ears and hope that the comment was the magazine's but really...
Jay might just be the anti-Christian in everything but talent. I still feel as though Jay is the single best designer out of the show.
I'm just saying if the show is going to start choosing winners based on how well they will do in "becoming the next great fashion designer" and not on the merits of the collections. Then they're going to start seeing some angry fans.
In the 11 minutes preview Jay puts it nicely when he mentions the ANTM girls sure as hell aren't top model.
Yeah, agree with Katie. Tim's not the one who said "And it only took 4 years." I don't think Tim meant to slight any of the other winners.
Hyperbole? Yes.
Too soon to tell? Obviously.
Helping Mr. Fierce stay in the spotlight to advance him and the show? Definitely.
Not saying that Tim doesn't have an eye for talent, like his beloved Proenza Schouler boys, but geez, I can just imagine the ire of former winners...
Oh, shut up Tim....
Jay - always said he wanted to be a democratic designer and not stay in haute mode shoppes. Ergo, he made things that a lot of women could wear and cut the financial strings to go it alone. Kudos for him just for that.
Chloe - m'eh. In the end, she makes mid-range clothes and Texan-socialite lite. Her niche isn't *fAsHiOn*, it's retail.
Jeffrey - rock n' roll Hollyweird. Niche!
Christian - over the top, haute mode-y and much more in line with *FaShIoN* than the other winners. Also, very editorial, European-that-no-one-really-wears.
However, much as PPS seems like a nice guy, I still can't see how his collection trumpets him as the Next Big Thing.
Also strange that Lucian from Project Runway Canada was constantly being slammed as too derivative of some great designers while Christian seemed to sail through what I thought was the same problem but with much less turmoil.
Ah, well. He's much more 'sellable' as a winner than the others and that's got to be part of the reason he's getting attention.
But attention isn't the same thing as industry respect, sales or longevity. That'll only come after a few years.
However, I must say that this season, I got the impression that at least the top six or seven designers could have very successful careers, regardless of their niches or not.
So I'm still pretty happy with the way the season as a whole came out ('cept, you know, I still think Chris over Rami - but I'll live :-) ).
This is one of those damned if you do damned if you don't comment situations. Especially since I have the flu and can't comment cogently. I think I'll just make a nice cup of tea and watch the fireworks....
Is Christian the next big thing? No. Could he become the next big thing? Absolutely.
It's simply too early to tell. He's got talent and skill, and he certainly has the public eye. What remains to be seen is if he has range and stamina, something we just can't tell from a few hours on television. How will his esthetic evolve over the years? What is he capable of in the long run? Also important, how will he deal with the inevitable backlash, when the fashionista powers-that-be declare him "passe"?
Right now, everyone expects spectacular things from Mr. Siriano. That can be a two-edged sword. But I am confident that he'll deliver many more hits than misses. I never imagined myself saying this at the beginning of the PRW4 season, but I'm rooting for him in the real world.
"We have found America's next great fashion designer. We really have. I'm confident."
NO, they found the SECOND America's next great fashion designer. Jay was the first one; they (including Jay) just didn't have the experience at the time to make it work for him.
Well, if TG did say it, it could be construed as a slam against the judging and the producers. The way the wrote Jay's contract (if he would have accepted it) was just wrong. Why on earth would anyone allow a percentage of any future designs go to the Weinstein company? Nuts to that!
I think this year's prize of the chance to sell on Bluefly.com was a much better way of getting out there. A mentorship with a company who is a polar opposite in design (Banana Republic, INC) that you feel you have to turn down for your own sanity isn't a great deal either.
Jay is very talented and definitely 1 of the most talented to come out of PR. But the truth is he can be very cantankerous and difficult to deal with.
Now I am a fan of Jay and his work but even He admits that he has a big caustic mouth that gets him into trouble. Contract caveat notwithstanding, the fact is Jay has not been able to fully captialize being a PR winner. Part of the problem is himself-in terms of personality and business inexperience. This comes across in his documentary "Eleven Minutes".
While it can be justifiably argued Chloe is not as fashion forward of a designer as the other winners, she has been able to parlay a commercial success almost better than any other contestant. Recall now that Jay and Laura are both following Chloe's QVC example.
For the moment Christian appears to be taking full advantage of being the winner and has proclaimed he will produce a collection for next season. If he does he will be already be 1 up on all the past winners. If he is smart he will look to the actions of the past winners/designers to figure out what to do and not do to exploit his victory properly.
YUCK . . . it that Beckham's VaJayJay smiling at us. What's with the childbirth pose?
I agree with some others that Jay should definitely not be overlooked. He has a very nuanced sense of color and he showcased a broad range of fabrics and techniques in his winning collection. When you put Jay's designs and Christian's designs next to one another, Jay in my opinion is clearly better. However, Christian's persona- he's small, cute, bubbly, media saavy- is definitely more marketable in today's celebrity-driven culture. I don't think Jay is that upset about not being a complete hit, either. He's more of an artist than a showman.
I think it's too soon to tell, but Christian seems to have many elements going for him, namely he's a total character with skills and drive. I think Jay is a more original designer, but Christian is good and has the potential to go far. Hopefully his vocabulary will expand!
PS I also think Tim's comments about the next great designer deals as much from the business side as the talent side.
Jay is very talented and could have been the next big thing if he knew how to deal with the business side of things and with people in the industry. Chloe is his counterpoint, not as intrinsically innovative but completely gets the industry and how to make it work for her. Jeffrey is kind of in the middle for me. He has talent and a POV and practical industry experience but not as strong an instinct for the business as Chloe.
PPS may have what it takes both in terms of talent and commercial success. It depends how smart he is about tackling the business side. Recall Kors wrote he started his company at 21 and Jacobs was a young lad also.
Yes I think the 3 of them will be a bit annoyed but after the other hyberole from this season, they will likely get over it.
Christian? The next Marc Jacobs?
NO WAY! lol
Never in a million years. They are just milking this for publicity for Bravo and the show. Its all about the allmighty dollar. That's pretty obvious.
Leave it to you to give me a good laugh!
I'm not sure. Christian will always just be him, and if he has a clear vision to convey to financial backers then yes, he can be big.
But this exchange is so much nicer from the one that Tim recently had in regards to Victorya and vice versa!
well, knowing how mags tend to cut and paste and edit at will, i'm thinking that the comment had more meat than that. honestly, what makes a fabulous designer like marc jacobs is not merely talent--otherwise jay would've been amazing. and it's not merely about business savvy--or else chloe would've been it. and it's not just about media attitude--then jeffrey would be it. honestly, i think it's about a combination of all three--and to me it seems that christian has it. he's got a strong vision (even if largely influenced by his idols) and a sense of business, and he's working the pr like whoa. so i think that's what tim was saying. i love tim, so i don't like thinking that he'd bash the other contestants. :)
It may have "only taken four years" to find Christian, but it will take ten to twenty to see if this prediction is correct. The only way the timeline gets moved up is if he gets a constant stream of publicity that gets him enough investors and business partners to start his line.
Do I see him being Marc Jacobs right now? No. But I do see him as a Proenza Schouler. There are a lot of parallels between him and those two boys.
When Christian makes a purse that I would seriously consider raiding my kids' college fund for, as Marc Jacobs has, then the answer to the first question will be yes. As far as it taking four years to get it right? with the exception of Jay, whom I love as a character and as a designer, but didn't play too nicely with his whole PR experience, (which kinda makes me love him even more), I totally agree, Chloe and Jeffrey? hot tatoo tranny sofa mess.
I hope Tim is right. But all the others are so different in what they even wanted. Christian's youth serves him well because he grew up when it was more acceptable to be different than the others. And it's much easier for him Jay is a great designer but his personality and vision will always put him out of mainstream -- where he is happier and more creative anyway. Chloe likes being where she is but she was never one to take chances. She thinks commercial. Jeffrey -- I like some of his vision but his personality on the show left such a sour taste, it makes it hard for me to analyze him without bias. I think this season of designers were definitely better than a lot of Season 3 --though I think Laura could have easily kept up with Season 4. I would also be curious to what Tom and Lorenzo think --- so maybe after we chat - they will add their take.
I don't know if Christian is the next Marc Jacobs... as the two of them have very, very different styles of fashion (I prefer Christian's). But I do agree with Tim that Christian is going to have lasting power in the industry. As talented as Jay is, he didn't stick around for long. He's known for being a reality TV persona, but I think Christian will be known for being a great designer that go this start on reality TV.
Christian is the Kelly Clarkson of Project Runway.
I dunno man, I think that Jay has been the best winner since the show started. Christian is really talented and a showman but Jay's colors and just the way he puts things together are always beautiful.
If this keeps up, Christian may soon become Princess Puffy Head. :-\ I hope he's smart enough and mature enough to handle all the attention in a constructive fashion.
any praise that comes out of Tim's mouth about these contestants and this season sounds completely scripted, as if he's reading off of a cue card that a Bravo producer is holding in one hand, with a paycheck in the other.
I think that Jay is by far the better designer, but because the show wasn't as famous when he was on it, and because he struggles with the business aspect of things, it's hard to say he'll be as successful an influential as Christian. How can you be the "next great American fashion designer" if you can't get your clothes to the people of America?
That said, I would love nothing more than for that to happen. I think if he's just able to make the business side work, he'll be by far the more original and innovative designer.
Christian has 'star power' and that's why he won..to promote Bravo and the show. Nothing else. He's eccentric enough to stay in the limelight for 30 minutes or so, just enough to help Bravo rake in some advertising dollars.
Ummm....I feel like everyone is getting a little too moist over PPS, and each for his/her own reason. Maybe they like his personality, maybe he is a good story, maybe they like his clothes or maybe they want to boost PR's cred. Who knows.
As much as I like Tim Gunn, I think his sense of hyperbole grows in direct proportion to the amount of press Project Rungay and/or its winners get.
Phantomminuet said:
"If this keeps up, Christian may soon become Princess Puffy Head."
I agree. I like Christian, and I really do want him to succeed, but the downfall of any designer or other celebrity comes when they start believing their own press.
I love Tim too, and I know that he's doing his best to help Christian because he has confidence in PPS's talent, but the hyperbole is a bit much.
There goes the last shred of respect I had for Tim Gunn. Christian has yet to show a modicum of originality. When he does, maybe we can then decide if he has the vision and talent to become the next great designer. Until that time, all this building up of him his just useless talk to keep the publicity machine rolling.
In watching all that's happened with Christian since The Big Win, I find myself wondering how he ever managed to get such a good publicist so quickly. There is no way this kid is generating all these invites and blurbs and TV-show appearances and on and on by himself. I think the big difference this year is that Bravo has clearly put its publicity-generating muscle behind promoting him, and that includes using Tim. That said, I don't think Tim is reading from a script here. It's high-hope hyperbole obviously, but I haven't seen a misstep from Christian yet that would negate the possibility of his becoming the next Marc Jacobs. Bravo may well have managed to bottle the lightning this time and I think they're doing everything they can to capitalize on it. Christian just continues to benefit, instead of being left to fend for himself.
If he does become Marc Jacobs, please make sure Christian doesn't date a skeezie escort/porn star and develop a bit of a drug habit.
I don't want Princess PuffySleeves get into a bad crowd.
Lord, I'm falling into Big Brother role, aren't I?
Christian is the whole package. That's why all the love and attention. Yes, the "it only took about four years" comment was definitely out of place.
But mostly I see Christian as a Bravo slave, I hope soon he gets an excellent manager that will only think of Christian's best interests, not Bravo's, and definitely not the media's.
I dislike Christians design asthetic so for me this article is a sad one. Yet another fashion designer that makes ugly unflattering clothes that even if I had the money and I wouldn't want to buy or wear.
Sigh...I think it is finally time for me to admit that I am probably not chic or stylish.
agnesgooch: with all due respect, christian doesn't need any kind of pr help right now other than a contact at Bravo making *his* contact info available to journalists. down the road a bit now, yes, professional pr help will be important, but right now zillions of newspaper/magazine style departments are scrambling to feature him--tis the nature of the business.
Gotta agree with Allen. Christian, if you're gonna be the next Marc Jacobs, try not to get hooked on drugs and date an endless string of male prostitutes and porn stars.
Who the hell knows.
But that picture of the legs coming out of the shopping bag--haven't we seen that before? Is it a take off of a MJ ad??
The next Marc Jacobs -- are you kidding me? That guy has totally jumped the shark. Although I seem to be the only person in the modern world who thinks that Marc Jacobs is overrated, I hope Christian knocks MJ off his pedestal or boots him off the runway.
I'm sick and tired of these uninspired, drab, from-the-basement designs MJ keeps churning out.
To use an overworked Christian motto, Marc Jacobs is a Hot Mess.
Christian has the potential. He's made some very smart moves so far.
Marc Jacobs is flaming out; he's experiencing some serious personal problems and if he can't overcome them, Christian might be poised to step into the void. Time will tell if talent floats to the top & stays there. That goes for Jay, too. Sadly, w/out the very smart moves.
Emma P.
I think Laura might just outlast them all.
casey: with all due respect, too, I'm a working journalist. It's simply not possible for Christian to sort through and select from all these invitations, no matter who's generating them, on his own. It really does seem to me that he's getting far more post-show support than the previous three winners did.
I agree that it is way to early to tell if Christian is going to make a splash in the actual fashion industry as opposed to being semi famous for being a reality TV star.
The horse has definitley been put before the cart as far as "fame" goes.
Currently, the publicity he is recieving has more to do with personality than design. And how much the Bravo machine will do to help him succeed after season 5 begins remains to be seen also.
Brooklyn Bomber said...
But that picture of the legs coming out of the shopping bag--haven't we seen that before? Is it a take off of a MJ ad??
Those pictures are part of Marc Jacobs Spring 2008 ad campaign. We changed the bag to read Christian Siriano instead of Marc Jacobs.
I think Tim's words maybe taken out of context. If not, he is certainly counting his chickens before they have hatched. Christian although strong in his point of view does not have an "american" point of view in his clothes, on the contrary his pov is very european. I think to make a statement to the effect that " he is the next marc jacobs" is a bit hasty of him. Marc jacobs is very american, but appeals to all. Christian has the same hang up all pretensious people do, he's anti-himself.
I think it is awesome and I think Christian does have the potential. As far as the previous winners go, he is right, what has any of them done that has been stellar?
I knew Jeffrey was a dud from the beginning and I am still baffled by his selection as winner, Laura has done much more than Jeffrey.
Jay is just Jay and unless he gets off his duff and does the schmoozing that he doesn't like to do and does a clothing line, then he will stay in philly (no that that's a bad thing). As far as Chloe, I don't know anything about her and haven't heard anything, so it seems to me she is just a glorified seamstress.
Christian has the X factor and will make it.
I think Project Runway is really hard pressed for a big success, a commercial legend. All the praises by Tim Gunn while nice, it might be a bit unfair to build up all the expectation to a relative new although talented designer.
Throughout all four seasons, the judges were constantly lecturing contestants about the personality, business sense, professionalism, etc. needed to bring design talent into the REAL world of fashion. Yes, only time will tell if Christian will be able to make the jump from reality TV star to successful designer. But he has FAR more elements of the entire package needed than any previous PR winner or contestant. You Christian haters are so not fierce!
If this keeps up, Christian may soon become Princess Puffy Head.
How much more of an inflated ego can he get? It's already really up there and that was before he won. I think he already had the ego and therefore, won't be affected.
Don't know if everyone realizes that Christian is going to guest on "Make Me a Supermodel" tonight.
I'm really looking forward to the show!!!!
"Anonymous said...
Don't know if everyone realizes that Christian is going to guest on "Make Me a Supermodel" tonight.
I'm really looking forward to the show!!!!
The Boys posted a preview video yesterday. Quite frankly I don't know what he's doing on the show...teaching the models how to walk? He's no expert. I guess the Bravo press machine has no filter.
Marc Jacobs is a visionary and has truly changed the fashion industry. What he has done for Louis Vuitton is amazing and unique. Hopefully Christian will have the same stamina and talent. The American fashion industry desperately needs it.
The thing about Jay is that he can design like hell but if he doesn't have the plan or backing to get his stuff out there, then what good is it?
What I see happening with Christian is that he's taking Tim Gunn (and whoever else is involved) up on his offer of mentorship and moving forward. Jay rejected *all* those things and just dithered. He's been dithering for four years now, so I don't see that as trying to save his soul, but shooting himself in the foot.
You see some people who are undeniably talented but they go out of their way almost to sabotage their own success. In this go-round, I thought that's what Chris did in choosing to take a nap rather than reworking the collar on that one gown.
It's a fear of success, and an inner determination NOT to step up to the plate lest they whiff in front of everyone. I think Jay is still afraid of whiffing, while Christian is stepping up to the plate.
If a big part of success is just showing up, then that's why Christian will be a success and Jay will not be. Who can design the better ruffle has nothing to do with it.
Clearly it is too soon to be sure, come on already.
Basically, I'm looking forward to seeing Christian's NEXT collection, and then the next one, and so on, as he progresses and evolves. That bears watching and following more than clinging to idle and, it seems, a bunch of disparaging speculation.
However, I'm totally not behind the Marc Jacobs comparison but whatever.
Good luck Christian, I personally think you have what it takes!
Maybe the difference is Christian is willing to accept the help Bravo has offered -- None of the others seemed interested and resisted.
tlo said, Those pictures are part of Marc Jacobs Spring 2008 ad campaign. We changed the bag to read Christian Siriano instead of Marc Jacobs.
Oh, thanks for explaining. Silly me.
I am starting to get a real chickenhawk feel from Tim's pronouncements about Princess Puffysleeves... its starting to make me a bit squicked out...
NY Mag is still smarting from the prank Homeless Jay played on them. Payback!
-- desertwind
I think Christian has the potential. If he finds a good business partner he really could become the next Marc Jacobs.
Jay was my favorite winner, though. I think it's interesting how many of the PR people are ending up on QVC. I wonder who will be the first to do a line at Target?
I wish they'd have a "where are they now?" segment to start off Season 5. Not bullshitty, but a realistic look at what the fashion business.
There are many ways someone can have a successful career in fashion. (my favorite post-runway career is Diana Eng working a tech angle at bra-development at Victoria's Secret! - and her new book, too, of course. I heart her!)
That said -- I really think Jillian & Christian have shot at being the next generation of seriously important American designers.
-- desertwind
Christian Siriano is the next big Christian Siriano. His journey is his own.
I still think that Jay's final collection is still the best out of the four (mainly because it was the least derivative).
As for being the next Marc Jacobs, let's hope Christian can acheive that without the drugs. Hopefully he'll stick to Yodels.
I think that what PR has found in Christian, is a talent that comes with a personality that can be packaged like a pop star. That is the difference. He's funny. He's cute. He makes great sound bites. He's sexually non-threatening (like a teeny-bopper idol). He's Will. So far he's shown himself to be a natural with the media. And that is a big difference considering how any product needs to be promoted in the current culture.
The talent is only a small component of the total package required to be the Next Big Thing. He has got that extra something required to create a brand.
mimi said...
Maybe the difference is Christian is willing to accept the help Bravo has offered -- None of the others seemed interested and resisted.
Yes, but the "help" that Bravo offers "helps" Bravo more than it helps the designer.
Has Roberto Cavalli ever been featured in People magazine? What do the designers from Rodarte look like? How long does it take Oliver Theyskens to arrange his hair in the morning? Does Proenza Schouler have a catch phrase? Did you know Alexander Wang is just 23?
Do you see my point? The publicity that Christain is receiving is not really conducive to a successful career in Fashion Design. It is however, very helpful to Bravo, to increase viewship of their #1 show.
sewing siren, you make a good point. The only other designer that gets his name in People magazine, on blogs, on gossip sites, etc. is Marc Jacobs. Usually not for good reasons, but he can arguably be considered a celebrity designer.
Perhaps this is why Tim Gunn made the connection between the two of them.
It is true Annabelle, that Marc Jacobs ( amoung others) has been feautured in People and the like.
The earliest coverage he recieved, hovever, and the coverage that helped along his career, would have been that in Vogue, WWD, Details ect..
"I still think that Jay's final collection is still the best out of the four (mainly because it was the least derivative).
As for being the next Marc Jacobs, let's hope Christian can acheive that without the drugs. Hopefully he'll stick to Yodels."
Bulky knits and patchwork quilt designs? Please ...
Jeffrey's was clearly the top collection of the past. Innovative, trendy, edgy and new. It rocked.
"Yodels?" I think that's just you, dear.
"Anonymous said...
"Yodels?" I think that's just you, dear."
Christian mentioned in People Magazine that's his favorite. Please, let's not start again...
It's too early to make that sort of statements, don't you think Tim?
As for being the next Marc Jacobs, let's hope Christian can acheive that without the drugs. Hopefully he'll stick to Yodels.
That's a little judgemental don't you think? However true it may be, I find it rude to bring up things like that. Everyone has had an issue or two in their lives, but let's not crucify them because of a mistake. Let those without sin cast the first stone.
"Seth said: That's a little judgemental don't you think? However true it may be, I find it rude to bring up things like that. Everyone has had an issue or two in their lives, but let's not crucify them because of a mistake. Let those without sin cast the first stone."
Hmmm...But Seth dear, didn't you just say (in your post above), "Jay is just Jay and unless he gets off his duff and does the schmoozing that he doesn't like to do and does a clothing line, then he will stay in philly (no that that's a bad thing). As far as Chloe, I don't know anything about her and haven't heard anything, so it seems to me she is just a glorified seamstress."
Judgemental, oui?
according to an article on popcrunch.com, Christian is going to be on make me a supermodel with naomi campbell tonight at 10.
if it's true, then ohdamn! Those models better prepare themselves for puffy sleeves and nokia projectiles.
Also, don't forget that those comments can be based on the fact that Christian is *21* years old. He's just a kid and most others his age are in their junior or senior years of college, not becoming huge fashion industry celebrities. He is honestly that talented at so young an age.
However, I also agree with a lot of things others are saying. He is talented but he needs more practice, to learn more and to take advantage of what is coming to him at the moment. His potential is great but so is Jay's. It will take a few years to see if Christian can really meet everyone's expectations but I do sincerely think that he has the ability to. It just is up to him.
Winning PR isn't enough to make anyone the next great American designer. The $100,000 isn't even enough to mount a BR collection on your own.
Whether Christian (I noticed in the Bravo teaser for the models show they dropped his last name so maybe he's going the Cher/Madonna route) can become a great designer depends on whether he gets financial backing and whether what he designs then sells. Bravo can milk his persona for all it's worth, as can these other shows, but unless he makes someone a profit from what he designs, he's not going to be the next great anything. That's the business side of the fashion business.
And the jury will probably be out for awhile on whether PPS makes it. The odds for new designers hitting it big aren't great and they're getting worse all the time. There's a reason all these designers are moving toward Target, QVC, and other mass merchandisers.
How much Christian-butt kissing is Tim going to do in the future? So very, very much. Unless Christian doesn't butt kiss back, that is.
If by "the next Marc Jacobs" he means whore-loving tweaker, god I hope not.
Sewing Siren - I often agree with you in this blog. I agree that other designers do not have articles in People on their hair, etc., and that all of this helps Bravo etc.
However, I am aware that Christian comes from a middle class family - his mom a school teacher - his dad has a bakery - but all of the this attention gets his foot in the door, making contacts with people he would not have been able to meet, and he's getting a lot of fun out of it. He just wrote in the Blogging Project Runway website that he will be juding the Miss USA contest. We'll see if he can sustain it. And I am really hoping that he can. (and it is disgusting that I know what I know from reading these blogs -- maybe the meds will kick in soon!)
Judgemental, oui?
No that is not judgemental. There is a big difference in bringing up someone's past issues and talking about why they haven't had success. Big difference.
Allen said...
If he does become Marc Jacobs, please make sure Christian doesn't date a skeezie escort/porn star and develop a bit of a drug habit.
No chance of that; have you seen the BF? Definitely more Sid Vicious than Jeff Striker...
So Princess thinks he's all that and a bag of chips. There is so much luck and hard work necessary to get ahead in the fashion industry (and friends with deep pockets come in handy, too.) Princess certainly seems to have the drive; time will tell us how lucky he is.
And on a different note, WTF does Posh have on her head? A topknot from one of Marvin the Martian's creatures? And those hideous shoes!
excellent, someone finally got the ho in a bag.
Oops - make that Jeff Stryker.
I think that Tim's right, not because Christian is a better designer than Jay, but because Christian is more media friendly and a lot more willing to play the game than Jay. I think the SNL skit was kind of telling: Christian is easily distilled into catchphrases and caricatures, and that makes him easier to market. He can be catty, but I think he's better about not biting the hand that feeds.
Chloe's niche is retail for the upper middle class, and Jeffrey's niche is stagewear for rockstars. I don't really think of either as fashion designers. In terms of straight-up talent, Jay will always be the true winner of PR for me.
It is early, but I do feel that the world will see more of Christian's work than any previous winner. This kid has a very big destiny.
I'm sorry Seth, but Gotham is right on this one. A google search on Marc Jacobs brings up TONS of stories about his drug abuse and predilection for young prostitutes... almost as many stories as his actual fashion. He's a public figure, so it's fair game to talk about his personal life, especially since it's been so publicized.
There's nothing "bad taste" about it, especially since people here are just looking out for Christian and saying that they are hoping he doesn't give into all of the temptations that success in this industry often brings.
There's nothing "bad taste" about it
Like bad taste ever stopped anyone from posting on this blog. ;-) Besides, snarking about fashion celebrities is what we do here.
Now, back to PPS...
I really hope that comment was added by the magazine as suggested earlier, because it seems like the kind of poorly worded thing that Tim Gunn really WOULD NOT say, but I could also see him feeling like that.
I say this because I think he has a very set idea of how things should go, and I sense some disappointment with him in some of the other winners' paths after they won.
He's the perfect combo: talented and media-whore.
Interesting Q&A I read:
"Q: Christian just has "it" "¦ What do you think about his future, once he's made to meld his art with commerce? It's so disappointing to watch the greed factor/licensing, etc., dilute the once-pure vision of so many talents.
A: Christian could have a bright future in fashion, but it's tough for even the most talented designers with all the financial backing in the world. I wouldn't call licensing greedy "" I'd call it smart and necessary.
Q: What makes a great collection and how did Christian's show qualify as one? I preferred Jillian Lewis' collection but I think maybe it seemed the most accessible to the modern woman.
A: There's a difference between a great runway collection and merely a great collection. For the runway, you've got to, as the wise Tim Gunn would say, wow the audience. The runway, particularly the big tent at Bryant Park, is an enormous stage and the clothes have to fill it. The designer has to own that stage. Kathleen "Sweet P" Vaughn makes great clothes that plenty of people would like to wear, but they're not runway clothes, in the same way that Banana Republic clothes aren't runway clothes. Christian understood the need to bring the drama. He had a strong point of view "" some might say it was monotonous, but you knew exactly what his collection was all about."
Bravo hit gold with this kid. Let's just hope the media doesn't just chew and spit him out and we never hear from him again.
It isn't fair to compare Jay to Christian. The circumstances are different, the prizes are different...let's not forget that Jay made this show a success, Christian is just riding that success, and deservedly so.
I think a large portion of the attention Christian is getting has to be generated by Bravo (and let's not forget Bravo's parent network, NBC). It only makes sense. This was Bravo's highest rated show, but what does that come up to in viewership? About a million and a half viewers? PR just isn't that much of a big deal outside of it's regular viewers.
"Bettie said...
Interesting Q&A I read:
"Q: Christian just has "it" "¦ What do you think about his future, once he's made to meld his art with commerce? It's so disappointing to watch the greed factor/licensing, etc., dilute the once-pure vision of so many talents.
A: Christian could have a bright future in fashion, but it's tough for even the most talented designers with all the financial backing in the world. I wouldn't call licensing greedy "" I'd call it smart and necessary."
Was this Q&A with Tim? I'm glad to see his answer to the nitwit question posed, about the supposed 'greed' of licensing.
If artists don't make money, they don't stay in business. This whole romanticized starving artist myth needs to be tossed out for good. Why can every other business person (working person) make a profit, but artists are sellouts, or greedy, if they market their work? Does the interviewer work for free?
That 'pure vision' doesn't pay the rent. Kudos to those artists who can figure out how to make it pay.
Here's link to transcript of the entire chat with Robin Givhan.
-- desertwind
GT, that was Robin Givhan (not Tim).
-- d'wind
let's not forget that Jay made this show a success,
No, anonymous 7:23 p.m., Jay did no such thing. Tim made this show a success.
Christian is easily distilled into catchphrases and caricatures,
And speaking of his catchphrases, check out the 3/20 Windy City Queercast for AlexandraBillings' viewpoint on one of them. (Segment starts about 10 minutes into the podcast.)
I saw on Access Hollywood that Christian is their new correspondent.
Congratulations, Christian!
"Anonymous said...
I saw on Access Hollywood that Christian is their new correspondent.
Congratulations, Christian!"
Ok, I just checked and he's going to be a GUEST correspondent. That's better.
" Lilithcat said...
let's not forget that Jay made this show a success,
No, anonymous 7:23 p.m., Jay did no such thing. Tim made this show a success."
I don't think so. Tim is a big part of it, but the wit and humor of Jay and the craziness of La Pepper have a LOT to do with their success.
You're seriously saying the show is so successful because of the winning designer from season one, who has had very little commercial success outside of the show?
No way. Tim Gunn is the reason people began tuning in, simple as that.
Does anyone know when Christian will be corresponding for Access Hollywood? Was he on tonight?
Oh... never mind. He's doing the red carpet for the Kid's Choice awards, where he'll be handing out "Fierce Fashion" prizes to the celebrities he thinks are best dressed.
Tim has really employed hyperbole this season, and he himself went off the tracks with his own attempt at a tv show as well. The claims are all too much, too soon, and one has to wonder if this isn't close to becoming Tim's version of a Howard Dean/Tom Cruise moment of "over joy". When he is already forecasting the future, putting his money on one horse - why should the show bother any longer? And what happened to his professional side that should be a bit careful... So... why bother really to compete next year on PR, when the BEST one has been found. How many Marc Jacobs do they expect?
What it really sounds like, is not the next great American fashion designer, but something more of a convergence forced by pop culture -- a logical replication of what Perez Hilton, with Paris Hilton did to the traditional system of tabloid gossip coverage, using the blogs and new teenage audiences, and along the way became a marketing promotion juggernaut for record sales etc... Just substitute Christian for Perez, Posh for Paris, and gossip blog / promoter for fashion designer / brandmaker.
The reality television finds its real calling, as it were, not in discovering real fashion designers, but in a new synergy of marketing the whole related chain and bypassing normal methods.
It is what it is, but one doesn't have to simply sit back and take the new Tim Gunn, even if you have to for the blog's sake. It's mostly over now, let's just watch the Christian show is what Tim is stating.
As for GLAAD - Christian really didn't come off as the most cognisant, conscious gay person.
PPS is already becoming too much of a side-show amusement than anything else ... soon he will be either a) overexposed and not viewed as legitimate in the fashion industry or b) overexposed and a caricature that is a celebrity, but not a respected designer ... not much difference here. He may not care either way, but there are pitfalls to all of this fast and furious publicity and praise. I'm cynical enough to see it backfiring. Bravo and the rest are in it for their own gain and they will soon move on as well.
I think Christian's earnestness is what's causing people to rally. The sheer hunger, the drive to succeed are essential and it's written all over the kid's face. He's willing to play the game and take EVERYONE'S marbles if he has to. This is what makes people to say he is the next *insert favorite designer's name here*
I am beginning to wonder if Tim doesn't have a little crush on Christian! I remember seeing an interview where Tim was gushing so much about Christian that I found myself thinking, 'get a room'. I don't recall the actual interview but since then I have noticed that his references to Christian seem overly supportive.
I thought one of the reasons Jay refused the $100,000 was because Bravo would have received a % of Jay's profits of that collection and any subsequent collection FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. I also fuzzily recall that this resulted in Bravo revising their contract for future contestants (Am I correct in thinking this?)
Hmmmm, interesting.
I have to say the whole weird thing where the uppity ups of PR seem determined to treat Jay like the red headed stepchild and try to politely ignore the mark he left on their franchise makes me want to be all Patrick Swayze and pull Baby out of the corner. Don't they know that the fans aren't dumb enough to buy that Jay's talent went away because he can be difficult and mercurial? And did he fake all that charisma and wit? Please.
That said, I've watched PR since the first eppy of the first season, and I've never felt that any other winner measured up to Jay's promise...until Christian. For the first time since Jay won, I'm excited to see what the champ does with his career after the win. I still think Jay is the most artistically gifted designer in PR history. And yet, as many have intimated, Jay apparently loves creating fashion, but not so much the fashion industry. Meanwhile Christian, bless his heart, is intensely passionate about the whole kit and kaboodle. The fashion industry is in his blood and he instinctively knows how to work it. Coupled with his actual talent for design, I think that makes him pretty special in his own right. I respect Jay for forging his own path, but I also have no problem with Christian pimping himself a little bit to make his dreams a reality. I hope he rides the wave of PR to something big and very fierce. Time will obviously tell.
All I have to say is that I absolutely love Jay and Christian and think they deserved their wins. Chloe...eh. I really don't have an opinion on her, she's just plain to me. As for JEFFREY, that d@ucheb@g can shove his win where the sun don't shine. What a tool.
i think he's the next greatest american designer
he really is the full package
look at the coverage the press has given him! who would want to interview jeffrey sebelia???
oh my god Holly looks fabulous in his dress. i love make me a supermodel thank you for the picture!!!!!!!
A lot of people started watching in Season 2 so Santino & Nick are much more recognizable than Jay. Of the Season 1 alum, Austin was more popular and Wendy was definitely the most notorious. Anyway, I agree that Tim Gunn is the break-out star from this show. I see his face everywhere... from Oprah to People Magazine.
I'm happy for Christian. He's a charming and quirky fellow. I enjoy seeing him on all these shows. He has a fun playful quality and fabulous hair. I always found Jay rather unpleasant. Jay reeks of bitterness and entitled anger. His hateful bitchiness is out-putting. He ends up alienating people in the media. I'm sure he's jealous of Christian's newfound fame but he only has himself to blame.
Princess is now going to be a correspondent for Access Hollywood
http://www.accesshollywood.com/a...s- correspondent
Having "mad skills" is only a small part of being successful in the fashion industry. Every designer who has had staying power from Chanel to Calvin Klein, Vera Wang,Ralph Lauren, and everyone else has had a srtong business partner who was even more talented manging the monetary side of the business.
If Christian can find the right business partner he will be successful. If not, he'll fail.That's how the fashion business works.
I adore both Jay and Christian - both in terms of their personalities (what we see of them, that is) and the very different approaches to fashion they have. Jay has taken a different path and I think comparisons to Christian are pointless. Apples and oranges. And yes, I think Christian has great potential. I hope he doesn't spend too much time on media stuff and really focuses on his work
PS Chloe and Jeffrey - big mistakes.
"anon said: Jay reeks of bitterness and entitled anger. His hateful bitchiness is out-putting. He ends up alienating people in the media. I'm sure he's jealous of Christian's newfound fame but he only has himself to blame."
Um, I don't know where you get that interpretation from.
Maybe Jay's actually happy to be out from under that intense media glare, and back to living a more balanced life.
GothamTomato said
"Maybe Jay's actually happy to be out from under that intense media glare, and back to living a more balanced life."
The last few interviews I've read from Jay makes me thinks he is happier with his life now than the year after his win. Success isn't just defined by dollars. It sounds that he found out he really didn't want to be the next big New York City fashion designer, he sounds happier teaching and doing his own thing in Pittsburgh. I say GOOD FOR HIM! He is being true to himself and in the long run that is the most important thing in the world.
I don't think we can compare Christian to Jay because the show has changed since season one. The contestants of season one didn't know what they were walking into. Now contestants have some idea beforehand of the expectations.
The little red/purple pouf ball dress that Christian did for the model show is right nice. I like the porportion and color much better than the black or ombre ones he did for PR.
"Sewing Siren said...
The little red/purple pouf ball dress that Christian did for the model show is right nice. I like the porportion and color much better than the black or ombre ones he did for PR."
I do too, much better than the one he did for PR. Holly needs to improve her walk, but she's fierce. Thanks for the picture and video, guys! I missed last night's episode.
TLo, the Posh picture is clevere and precious! A Christian tote for the Tote Gay himself!
Did he really say that?
In my opinion, I think that Jay needs to mature a little as a designer. And that he has managed his career with a LOT of integrity and that he is VERY talented.
I think Chloe was a backlash of the show producers to Jay because he did not "play well with others" and they wanted someone who would.
Talent-wise? I thought both Daniel V. AND Santino both were much more talented and innovative than she is.
Jeffrey is amazing. But the thing is he had already an established business, with an established market and an established style. I mean the dude was already selling at Harvey Nichols and Maxfield's.
He has a very particular niche market and is successful at that. It's not like over night he was going to change directions and now turn into assistant designer at Banana Republic and it's not like the Gucci group is going to back him either.
PPS is 21. He is an outstanding technician. He has great ideas. Next Marc Jacobs? I don't nothing about that. Time will tell.
But there are certain things...
Christian is great but I keep asking myself... He worked with Dame Viv and Alex McQueen. This people know talent and have seen talent and are surrounded by people who obviously are used to mind blowing talent. Why did they not keep him? With those names on his resume why was he not hired on at Chanel, or Dior, or Mulberry or Versace?
THAT is the question...
Just saying... But I love him and I want to see how it unfolds...
I still think Jay is more talented but I'm not sure Jay is destined to be the next Marc Jacobs. That's not really an insult.
The Next Marc Jacobs?? I don't think so. Not even close. If anything, PPS is in the much more traditional world making gowns and fun stuff for stars like Ms. Becks. Or burn out after so much exposure. As I've said before, they need to reign him in before people get PuffySleeve-lash from all his appearances (Ugly Betty, Make Me a Supermodel, etc.).
The stuff he did for the show was great, but I think he's very limited and that's fine and he should stick with what he knows and wants to do. If he doesn't he's a very PissyPuffySleeves.
Jay could be the next Marc Jacobs if he wanted to.
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