There's a Party in My Pants and Everybody's Coming!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007 by

Not a week goes by that there isn't somebody on the PrGay Couch watching the show and bitching with us, although we never thought to call it a party. Do you guys do that? Do you have little scissor cookies and dress form hors d'oeuvres? We never did, but now we're thinking of getting our gay on and doing just that. Especially since the TRESemmé site (yes, we know it's problematic but they tell us they're working the kinks out) has a section called Party Central where users can upload pics from their own Project Runway parties. There are prizes users can win for having the best photos, so come on, bitches! You know you want to!

Also, don't forget to support Team RunGay by plugging your picks for TRESemmé's Fantasy Runway Game. Who's in and who's auf?


We couldn't come up with a caption for this screencap but we're sure you guys can.

[Screencaps: Project RunGay]


Bill said...

"I wanted to imbue my sleeping space with my essence...."

Anonymous said...

bill, i'm turning purple here at work, trying to keep my laughter from exploding.


GothamTomato said...

"Say cheese!"

Oh wait, no. What do vegans say?


jinxy said...

Looking for new positions to "poo fabric" in??

Beth said...

"Just like a spit mark, but better"

Sewing Siren said...

The crack of dawn.

Bill said...

Yay, Sewing Siren!!!!!! (clap clap clap) Perfect.

Mom said...

Bun Salutations.

Anonymous said...

Salvador Dali moonlighting with Dalai Lama.

Anonymous said...

um hello...Did you not know she practiced yoga in a 2 inch by 10 inch space at home as part of her preparation for PR? Others were probably reading pattern books (although not for mens pants apparently) but not our lovely Elisa - no, she was doing yoga in tight spaces....

Gorgeous Things said...

'Only on Project Runway could I be caught in a downward dog from this angle and no one would give me a second glance.'

Kathleen said...

"I need to hand measure the floor."

Mom said...

Um, anonymous 4:37, what part of "Bun Salutations" did you not recognize as an acknowledgement of Elisa's doing yoga? We watch the show. We all know she's being doing yoga. Now we're having some fun with it. It's Project RunGay. It's what we do here.

Anonymous said...

"Sewing Siren said...

The crack of dawn."

LOL. By the way, I love your picture!

Sewing Siren said...

Thanks Bill.
Now for this TRESemme game, those bastards owe me four points!! I hate them... but what do you get if you win the best "party" picture? I usually wear pink sequins and a rhinestone "R" for Rungay.

Anonymous said...

Um ... Gooch, anonymous 4:37 was being sarcastic. Seriously, take a chill pill before you attack.

TLo, I juust noticed, on the left hand side of the main page of the blog, under "What they said" where there is a very long list of impressive comments from media sources, at the bottom has been added:

"mean and childish commentary"
anonymous reader

OMG! You're quoting that wing-nut from last week who went off in the comment section.

Guys, I think you just became my personal heroes.

bitchesdye said...

Perhaps an inverted pose will help me work on my root chakra. not thinking about my model in an intimate way aummmmmmm

Anonymous said...

good one, kathleen.


Anonymous said...

We all know that the weirdos come out when there's a full moon...

Unknown said...

"It's time for my intimate fitting!"

Anonymous said...

"Patrick said...

"It's time for my intimate fitting!""

LOL. I love it!

Anonymous said...

"auf me with your root chakra."

Anonymous said...

"Judges - this is you talking out of your asses."

Anonymous said...

I’m anonymous 4:11

“Salvador Dali moonlighting with Dalai Lama”

Composition & color of the screencap instantly reminded me of Salvador Dali whom I admire as an artist. Elisa’s yoga position brought to mind Dalai Lama.

Elisa is very creative & non-conforming as Salvador Dali was & also deeply spiritual as Dalai Lama. I don’t think she should be laughed at.

I thought Dali moonlighting with Dalai would bring a few chuckles – but apparently I’m too brainy…LOL. Forgive me…

Anonymous said...

"Now for this TRESemme game, those bastards owe me four points!!"

Me, too, Sewing Siren! Sorry to abandon the team but that website is a joke and I rec'd no response from their alleged Customer Service when I sent in a complaint.

Anonymous said...

"Oh Goddess, please don't let me slip on Christian's hair gel. I'll mash my esscence into the wall."

Anonymous said...

"I come bearing gifts."

Lilithcat said...

Dear hearts, I would love to participate in Tressemé's Fantasy game. However, the geniuses have gone and "fixed" their site. As a result, all I get is a blank black screen.

If their products are as good as their web designer, remind me never to use them.

Anonymous said...

Sorry if I make your numbers come down but the Tresseme site has thrown away my picks for 2 weeks in a row. I will not try again.

I have another question for those of you who sew (I have tried but failed badly). Why were mens clothes so very hard to make for these designers? Women wear pants and jackets and vests, couldn't they just make them like women's clothes but bigger?

Anonymous said...

My 11 year old son has been agitating for a Project Runway evening, with fondue and umbrella drinks. I can't believe his father still thinks he's going to grow up to be straight.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

My 11 year old son has been agitating for a Project Runway evening, with fondue and umbrella drinks. I can't believe his father still thinks he's going to grow up to be straight."


Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

My 11 year old son has been agitating for a Project Runway evening, with fondue and umbrella drinks. I can't believe his father still thinks he's going to grow up to be straight."

That is SOOOO funny....and sooo cute!!!

Unknown said...

"Ms. Elisa shows us where all her ideas come from..."

Lilithcat said...

Oh, great. I finally get in (empty your cache every time you go to a page), and they can't tell time!

It's ten minutes before 9:59 EST, and they tell me I'm locked out. Jackasses.

Anonymous said...

"I have taste. Taste in my ass."

Anonymous said...

Chris picked shoulder pads! I knew it! He loves pear-shaped women and I love him. Bring back the shoulder pads, Chris. I'm rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait. Chris is making a short jacket. Maybe he doesn't really love pear-shaped women after all. Well, we can still love you.

Kat said...

TLO, you guys really need to get something up about tonight's episode because I'm sitting here bitching at my television and I sound like a crazy person, yelling "Bitch! BITCH!" by myself, lol. X)~

Kat said...

"Anonymous said...
My 11 year old son has been agitating for a Project Runway evening, with fondue and umbrella drinks. I can't believe his father still thinks he's going to grow up to be straight."

LOVE IT. Your poor husband, haha. You never know, though, he could end up like Kevin.

SUS said...

Wha-wha-what??!!?? I thought I had actually picked the winners and losers correctly tonight! But Rickey is in? I would have gladly worn Chris' dress!

GothamTomato said...

No party tonight. I'm seriously pissed about Chris' aufing.


Anne said...

I know, right? WTF?!?!

Ricky's in and Chris is OUT?!?!

That was one seriously fucked aufing.


Anne said...

"It's so important to have a nice tight space."


GothamTomato said...

...and how ironic that you boys used a picture of a butt for the preview of this episode.

Ironic because thoses judges must have been on crack to auf Chris over Ricky.


Suzanne said...

This sucks
Donna Karans friggin facelift is too tight and she couldn't see.
OK the jacket sucked ass but at least the dress was cute
I am never watching this bullshit show again.

until next week

finding the filth said...

seriously, as giddy as i get whenever ricky cries for the camera, chris was my favorite! i am soooo pissed. i really thought he would make it till at least top 5. and i was really looking forward to what he could do when they start getting unusual materials challenges.

if it had to be ricky & chris in the bottom two, ricky should have gone. no question. he's been in the bottom two almost every episode.

now i understand why tim said he was confused by the judges' decisions this season. tonight's aufing made no sense. totally unfair.

Anonymous said...

"Better than my designs."

Rebecca V. O'Neal said...

"i come to your planet with gifts"

Anonymous said...

Fashion Manifesto said...
Um ... Gooch, anonymous 4:37 was being sarcastic. Seriously, take a chill pill before you attack.

TLo, I juust noticed, on the left hand side of the main page of the blog, under "What they said" where there is a very long list of impressive comments from media sources, at the bottom has been added:

"mean and childish commentary"
anonymous reader

OMG! You're quoting that wing-nut from last week who went off in the comment section.

Guys, I think you just became my personal heroes.

I'm sorry to disappoint you but that quote was lifted from a post the boys made about Wendy Pepper looking "witchie poo" and it's been on this site for a long time.

Anonymous said...

its official this season is the absolute worst ever,the worst talent by far the worst challenges,PR has officially jumped the shark,they didnt even try this season it seems,did they have like 3 days to cast the show? its just ridiculous how untalented these people are. its just like its going through the motions,no spark,no imagination.its not fun like it used to be.At first it was this show with drive,innovation and energy that was tryimg to prove itself, it rested on its laurels and this is the result,i think itll run to season 6-maybe 7-i thought it would go on and on,but it cant,its evident it just cant sustain the magic.

personette said...


Like - here's a hospital ward and some dying people - make a gown.


this show is tipping over slowly....

Anonymous said...

"Does this ass make my pants look big?"

Bill said...

Despina said...
"Does this ass make my pants look big?"

HAhahahaha! I can't wait to say that & wait for the reaction.

junior_goddess said...

She's saying "aaahhhhhooooooommmmmmm, bring it!"

I thought about dressing my dog up for a party pic.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

My 11 year old son has been agitating for a Project Runway evening, with fondue and umbrella drinks. I can't believe his father still thinks he's going to grow up to be straight.

LOVE this!


p.s. Going to miss MissChris SO much! No more Fred Flintstone/John Goodman Drag queen. Seriously, I ADORE his sweet heart!

BigAssBelle said...

where are you guys? my heart is broken. my chubby, cuddly, funny, sweet boy went home. boo hoo hoo hooooo. :(

Anonymous said...

" Despina said...

"Does this ass make my pants look big?"


Anonymous said...

"I've lost my mind & I can't pick it up."


Anonymous said...

I measured these pants with a skid mark - is it noticeable?

mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

Beam me up Scotty

PhantomMinuet said...

"It's just not aesthetically pleasing!"

Anonymous said...

"...embue...with my essence"

That's my favorite so far. Here are my offerings:

"Ah, that's where I left it!"
"Fierce *this*, Princess!"

(But seriously, I'm liking Elisa more with each episode--especially since she's producing some good stuff!)

Anonymous said...

Ok, so Maybe Elisa is a little stange. . Not too many peopl purposly drag good fabric over geese crap on grass. . or hock a loogie to mark it. . . or shove thread up her but during yoga to embue is with her essence. . .
But the girl has some talent! Maybe she didnt want to see her Male model get neked cuz she's taking pills for being a nymphomaniac.

"Hi, I'm Elisa, I'd love to hand measure you, but the courts wont allow me to"

Whatever the case, her Mens outfit (though noo go for Tikki) was very International Male. . .
As for this week, while CryBaby and Miss Personality were visted by auntie flo, Elisa shocked us all by having the best out of the teams outfits.

JoeysgottaRumor said...

PS, I think chris should have his own make over show. Like Vida Bohem and Noxema Jackson did to Snydersville.