We miss him already.
We weren't even planning on getting to him today, since it would require posting about 6 outfits in one day, but you bitches just wouldn't shut up about him on the Jillian post. Not that we can blame you. Who didn't love Chris?
To be honest, we could smell his auf'ing on the wind. Especially once his team mates basically decided he was the team leader. There is no greater kiss of death on Project Runway than being a team leader, is there?
A shame really, because this was one of the lowest-drama teams last night. Everyone seemed to be puttering along just fine without any ego getting in the way.
Although granted, Sweet P and Steven seemed to have reservations about Chris' outfit and didn't seem to voice them strongly enough.
To be honest...
...so did we. It just looks like dragwear to us.
Now, put down the knives, ladies. We're NOT saying he deserved to be auf'd but we DO think the judges' criticisms were for the most part, spot on.
We've said it before about Chris' work: it's a little too on the gay/fierce side of things and subsequently, a little dated-looking.
Now, we already hear you yelling at your monitors. "How can anyone do shoulder pads and NOT look dated?" But kittens, that WAS the challenge. To update a dated look. Chris, bless his gay heart, just didn't manage it this week.
We think that jacket fabric was a really bad choice and we agreed with the Duchess when she said it looked like it was still on the hanger. Little bolero jackets should fit the body a little better than that - especially if the shoulders are going to be exaggerated. We did like the bell sleeves, though.
And Duchess? Enough with the M.O.B. line. It was funny once.
We did like the dress, although it was a little dull. Again, poor fabric and color choices.
As for his teammates...
Hated it on the runway, but we're liking it more in the pictures. Dig that hem.
We think it's funny that Donna Karan liked this one the best, since it basically looks like a Donna Karan dress.
We kind of hate the turtleneck - especially in black - but we do think this was a good attempt at updating the baggy sweater look and making it modern while at the same time reminding you of its origins. In fact, this is the best thing Sweet P's made so far.
Not so much. First, we hate the fabric.
Second, it doesn't look at all like dancewear. Dojowear maybe, but not dancewear.
It's not awful. In fact, it's kind of cute. We just think it didn't fit the requirements of the challenge and it didn't fit in with the collection.
Then again...
This doesn't look like a collection at all. Why did they pick such drab colors?
Oh Chris. We were so rooting for you. This competiton needs a sissybear who sounds like a cartoon character. These boring "professionals" are putting us to sleep.
As we said, we agreed with the judges' criticisms for the most part, but we don't necessarily agree that he should have gone home last night. If this all wasn't shot 6 months ago, we'd start a Bring Back Chris petition.
[Photos: Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com/ - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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Worst aufing, ever. (okay, with the possible exception of Austin in Season One.) Not only was Ricky's individual outfit worse, his team's collection was worse and it was his third trip to the bottom two.
Give me a break.
NOOOOOOO, not my Chris! So unfair! I can't believe they didn't send fucking crybaby instead!!!!!
I liked his dress. I'm sad. He's a lovely man - no drama, just sits down and gets the work done. And I like his wit. What a shame.
It's sad to see Chris go, I will miss him a lot, but that jacket was just fugly; not a good . Sweet P's outfit was fabulous.
While I didn't care for Chris' outfit this time, he had managed to be in the safe group every time, the crybaby Village People dude was in the bottom 3 out of 4 shows...I was really upset last night, and apparently, so were my fellow viewers...:( At least his outfit was well constructed. Oh Chris, you're a big sweetie pie!
I agree with you boys. If Chris had used a different fabric and made the shrug fit tighter at the bottom, we wouldn't be having this conversation. (I can't believe I'm advocating the Chloe shrug.) Yes it was boring, but not the trainwreck, in style and interpersonal attitude, that Ricky's team was.
I now officially hate Victorya.
I liked Chris, so naturally he got auf'd early, dammit. I didn't even think his outfit was that bad, although his group was the least "cohesive."
VictorYA has revealed herself to be a PITA. But more on that later, right?
Yeah, the collection looked like Halston meets Dynasty meets DKNY meets The Karate Kid 2.
Still, I'll be on my fainting couch mourning the auf'ing of Chris.
I am devastated that Chris is gone. So much so that I can't remember how to even spell "devastated"! (it looks wrong....)
I agree - Ricky should have been auf'd. Him and his bloody hats.
And yes - Victorya is passive aggressive but Ricky just rolled over and she stomped all over him. At least no tears this time.....not onscreen anyways!
And poor old Chris got the boot. Bastards.
P.S. I think it was dumb of Ricky to WHINE about how Jack showed his true colors when he switched models. C'mon - get with it, it's a competition, you would have done the same! Now go cry in your hat!
I am so upset over this aufing!! I miss sissy bear already too! Of course they kept the drama mama crybaby instead of the seemingly genuinely nice guy, I so hate reality television sometimes!
So let's see... Poorly constructed garment, whiny leadership, and lack of a cohesive collection, along with poor showings in what? Every episode? And yet they are allowed to stay?
Versus someone whose mistakes were less numerous and flamboyant; who also had some decent-to-rockin' garments that went down the runway? Give me a freakin' break.
And by the way, I don't think Victorya's the only passive aggressive kid on the block. Steven's done his share of sniping and lack of cooperation as well, he just hasn't been as showy.
agreed agreed agreed.
on a different topic within this episode:
im expecting some sort of post from the boys re: steven's ill advised imitation of tim gunn
that's santino territory and (like this season so far) it just felt tired and watered down.
I mourned this aufing, and I think they need all new judges--because this shit is insane. Little Latin Boy Crying needed to go ages ago, and VictorYa should have been booted just on principle. Chris is sweet, agreeable, talented, and cuddly looking. (Aside: is it me or is this the queeniest season ever?) There are plenty of people who deserved to go before him. If the judging doesn't show some sort of actual intelligence, and if they don't knock it off with the impossible and stupid challenges (create a look pin-up girl look in 30 minutes using dryer lint and ramen noodles!), I just may quit this bitch.
You're right about the Stephen/TimGunn thing, but what *I'm* waiting for isthe post about Nina's bitch-slap of Sweet P when Sweet P was waffling about who should go home!
T&L, don't you guys have, like, day jobs? Terrific coverage, and so fast! Thanks for having this web site.
oh chris, chris, chriiiisss. boo hoo hoo. i'm still weeping.
i seriously loved me some chris. what a sweetheart.
and when he finished by saying he'd go back to his fun life, i could only think "where are you, darling, because i'll be there."
i can't imagine a better sweetheart to hang out with, to run to the saturday morning flea markets with, to drink coffee and people watch and just live happy with. what a charmer. a precious spirit.
i'm heartbroken.
and i'd wear that dress in an instant.
compare chris's dress to little crybaby's. seriously, you don't think this one is better than that satiny mess? ugh. a disaster. and he pouts and sweet chris is just funny and delightful and so he goes.
project runway sucks today.
I suspect the producers want Ricky around for the drama factor, and Chris was just too laid back. Which, of course, sucks chrome off a '57 Chevy.
Count me in with those who are not vehemently opposed to shoulder pads per se. I actually didn't mind Chris' jacket that much, and thought Sweet P was right to chose Steven as the one-to-go out of the group.
I suspect Chris will be just fine in the aftermath of this....
Nooo, not Chris! This is the FIRST time in PR history that I actually shouted and wailed and gnashed my teeth at the auf'ing.
Oh, how I loved Chris. That being said, I didn't necessarily love his garments, but I did love HIM. They needed more Chris!
and another thing, of these three, stephen's star trek ripoff was by far the worst and the least cohesive. why save him and bump my baby?
i am bitter, oh so bitter.
very sad indeed. i was so uncomfortable as they were geting ready to "auf" him. damnit anyway!
now who do i want to win?
I was sorry to see Chris go, but I totally understood it. His team failed to complete the challenge. It was neither modern nor cohesive. Team Ricky's conception was better and they fell apart on execution. I don't think past performance should count. The judging should be based on the current challenge only. Otherwise, people could start to coast instead of trying their best every time. Poor guy, getting stuck with shoulder pads, dance wear, and baggy sweater. I don't know who could have done that one. Honestly, I didn't expect to see Chris in the final three anyway. He's charming and talented and professional, but his aesthetic was bound to clash with the judges at some point.
T & L, I'm confused. You seem to be disappointed with the season thus far. Can you explain how the show isn't measuring up to your expectations? I got that you thought the episode was boring, but what were you hoping to see? I really want to know, because I love the fun feeling of most of your posts and I'm sad that you guys don't seem to be enjoying yourselves.
hey Anne - wasnt that heidi (not nina) who barked 'Sweat P??' when sweat P was waffling?
And wasnt it sweat (as a P) when she picked but then apologized to Steven?
I am loving Sweat P. Jillian is good but boring. There's no Laura Bennett this season. There's no one I am crazy for. Cant imagine really obsessing over any of these folks for the long haul. Like I did for Ms. Bennett...
PS: i agree with bittybis - T&L - are you guys enjoying yourselves?
Wasn't it Heidi who made Sweet P jump on the runway when she was waffling?
At least Victorya gave Ricky credit for the fit. Whatever Ricky seems impossible. I don't hate Victorya
The whole collection (Sweet P & Steven in particular) was awfully Jedi Chic.
PPS: ooops, ha ha ha - am i typing SWEAT P? not sweaty, sweet...
I don't need to watch this show any more.
Yeah Ricky, that's you. While I can intellectually understand Chris' auf'ing, it doesn't make me any less sad.
Can't wait to post my YicktorYA hate.
I'm still working on my own recap, but one thing I'd like to say is this: I didn't hate this dress. I agree there was a bit of lack of cohesion in the collection (colour isn't quite enough), I agree there were things that could have been improved. I wish Chris had said "I'm not comfortable being leader", to be honest; you can see it on his face when they volunteer him... but I also wish that Steven and Sweet P would've voiced their opinions a bit more firmly than they did, because I think Chris would've listened. At least about the colour and fabric choices! (Though TBH I thought half an hour to shop in a store as big as Mood was pretty chintzy.)
And yes, if Chris had gone with a different fabric that jacket would've been better. (I like the fit, actually, as I think if it were snugger it would've emphasized the shoulders that much more... but I see the point y'all are making.) All agreed.
(Also, I want to interject and mention that when Kors said "Mother of the Bride" I turned to my fiancé and said "If he uses that phrase one more time this season I'm going to fly to New York just to slap him.")
But in no way should he have gone home. Ricky going home would've been fair. And, frankly, VictorYA should've been more at risk... if she wanted to lead, she should've led, and if she didn't want to lead, she should've shut the hell up and compromised more.
So, as I said on the Jillian thread... I'm so really apathetic about this season at this point. I'm going to keep watching, and I'm going to keep commenting, but lord do I not care who wins.
"(like this season so far) it just felt tired and watered down."
oh personette, so well put! I tune in to this season of PR if I have nothing else to do, while I eagerly wait to devour anything PR Canada related! Love Iman, the challenges, and the designers...less hype, more fresh material and personalities.
it is understood that her name is actually:
with an extra A. Which stands for...
yeah the whole steven/tim gunn thing reeked of the self-rerential, self-congratulatory air which T&L pointed out in another post (re; people clapping for tim's 1st make it work).
The season seems muted somehow...
I'll really miss Chris -- and not just because I predicted he'd win this season, either.
I see the judges' reasons, and I can even think of how Chris could have edited the dress to make it a little less 80's-derisive. BUT all I'm gonna say is this: Which outfits would a woman look more like an early 90's reject in - Team Ricky or Team Chris? The collection might have been less cohesive for Team Chris, but at least they were WEARABLE without being EMBARRASSED.
OMG I am so ready to just give up with this show, jesus. I miss the good ol' days of Season 1 and Season 2.
You know, I went into this season resigned to the idea that my favorites would get auf'd early. And I'm still mad! They're only keeping Weepy McWeeperson around for the DRAMA. I like drama, but if they want to be credible as a design competition, they really need to send the worst outfit home. And that was Ricky.
top 4 is gonna be RAMI and JILLIAN (which seems boring as hell) with the wildcard third being:
Sweet P
Fan Favorite will be:
Sweet P
I'm with you guys ~ *snif*
Now I'm even more angry that the judges didn't give him the first challenge.
This season sucks. :(
"(Also, I want to interject and mention that when Kors said "Mother of the Bride" I turned to my fiancé and said "If he uses that phrase one more time this season I'm going to fly to New York just to slap him.")"
I'll hold him down for you! ;)
Say what you want about that jacket but the fact is it was constructed PERFECTLY. The way the pattern lined up was amazing.
Chris has got some talent and he's a really nice guy.
Why would you eliminate someone who could make a dress out of salad ingredients???
Gorgeous Things said...
"Yeah, the collection looked like Halston meets Dynasty meets DKNY meets The Karate Kid 2."
Agreed. Also throw in Betty Rubble (Chris's dress) & the cocktail waitresses at Caesar's.
That last shot of the three models during the judging looks like Lindsay Lohan, Beyonce & Natalie Portman being denied entrance to some hot downtown club.
There's some speculation that next week, the crying Jack has to leave and Chris gets to come back. They did it on PR Canada!
One bit of "evidence" is that in the previews during epi 1, they show Chris giggling like a schoolgirl during a reveal, which I don't think we've seen. Although that could be one of those things they only show in the reunion show. Those bastids!
I've also been thinking that maybe the reason Tim kept harping on that "best designers ever" thing was it was the only nice thing he could find to say about this season. Bravo might have bagged his blog because he disagreed so much with the judges.
The whole collection (Sweet P & Steven in particular) was awfully Jedi Chic.
You took the words right out of my brain. :-)
And I agree with whoever said Victorya should have been booted, just on principle.
I'm going to be the dissenter here. I think people are reacting to Chris and Ricky's personalities, not their clothes. Chris's garment was ABSOLUTELY FREAKING HIDEOUS. That jacket looked like brown vomit or brown scrambled eggs. And the dress was just ridiculous.
I am sorry to see him go, and sorry to have to see more of the hats. But I think Ricky was saved by his obvious domination by the evil Victorya. Yes, he rolled over for her, but the only thing that was going to stop her was a punch in the mouth, which not only Ricky would be unable to deliver.
"There is no greater kiss of death on Project Runway than being a team leader, is there?"
Yes. It's exactly like Dick Button saying a skater is doing well, while calling their program, during a figure skating competition. They then immediately go splat.
But when they tossed Chris last night, I screamed obscenities at the TV. Why don't these judges take into account the cumulative work, up til that point, when the decision is that close?
That said, I hated this group's collection. Again: dull/non-existant color. People gave Chris the costumey label, and maybe that made him try to subdue himself, leaving him with those dull colors. If that is what he did, in the end, he was psyched out and trying to play to other people's strengths instead of his own.
What he should have done was take that costumey label and run with it - going memorably flamboyant (think Mahogany. OK, maybe not Mahogany, but you get my drift.)
Beyond that, I think BRAVO should do a Project Runway AllStars that features the designers who got auf'd too soon. Chris would definately be on that show.
P.S.- It seems that the counterfeit Tomato was here again, earlier, taking a potshot at Chris. Thankfully it was deleted, but to any who saw it; twas not me.
Poor Chris. =( Love that bear. Someone had to go, though, and I bet they wanted to cut Ricky some slack because of what an absolute beeeatch he had to deal with.
I don't like Ricky (those hats have GOT to GO!), but the fact that this was his third time at the bottom of the group is totally irrelevant. First, I agree with bittybis that every challenge should be judged separately. And second, I think that this is the first time that he truly *deserved* to be at the bottom of the group. I mean, the judge's criticisms about Ricky's babydoll dress (boring) and his suit (poorly made and boring) were fair, but they all could've been directed at several of the other designs too, so it ultimately seemed unfair that they singled him out. Perhaps they did it for his tears' dramatic effect? Who knows. I just don't think it's such a bad thing that they cut him a little slack, for once. I'm so sad that Chris is the casualty, though! =(
"(Also, I want to interject and mention that when Kors said "Mother of the Bride" I turned to my fiancé and said "If he uses that phrase one more time this season I'm going to fly to New York just to slap him.")"
I'll hold him down for you! ;)
1:48 PM
I'll help hold the Dutchess down, AND bitchslap him as well!!
Is it me, or do the judges seem to enjoy tearing the designers down this season more than in past seasons?
there was no real justification for chris's aufing. his outfit may not have been the greatest, but it was far from the worst.
you assign someone shoulder pads, and then get mad at him for making shoulder pads... just doesn't make any sense.
plus, chris was the best personality on the show, with loads of potential for fabulosity. (who's gonna make gorgeous gowns out of food/garbage/underpants now?!!?!?) the show is far more boring without him. it will be a struggle to watch the rest of this season.
and it will be even harder not to irrationally hold this against ricky, even though he had no control over the judges decision.
damn you, nina!!!
Chris should not have been sent home. The producers are only keeping Ricky because he might have future fights with Victorya. I actually liked two of the outfits from his collection even if they didn't go together. However, I hated everything in Ricky's collection.
bigassbelle, I can't really tell. Are you sorry that Chris is gone?
If you bottle up your feelings like this you're going to end up in therapy!
"Anne said...
You're right about the Stephen/TimGunn thing, but what *I'm* waiting for isthe post about Nina's bitch-slap of Sweet P when Sweet P was waffling about who should go home!"
Yep. I noted the amusing contrast between Elisa & SweetP when asked that question.
Elisa has shown herself to be genuinely sweet, while SweetP is saccharine.
T&L, have you guys ever met Michael Kors at one of the Bravo things? Does he know you call him the Persimmon Prince and stuff? Has he ever said anything about it?
Ricky's collection overall looked better and was more cohesive. His team filled the requirements more than Chris.
Ricky, Steven and Chris had the worst looks on the runway.
For being in the bottom two twice in a row, ricky might have been the better choice.
But strictly based on what was sent down the runway, Chris's aufing was fair.
But aufing steven or ricky would also have been fair. It was up to the judge's personal taste.
I think Chris is great and sorry he's gone, but people need to get over themselves. I loved Nick from season 2 and wish he had gone to the final 3. But his outfit for Danny V. was awful and deserved to get auf'd.
In past seasons, previous terrible work has never really factored into the decision making. It's like wendy all over again. It sucks, but that's reality shows for you.
I would be upset if Chris had made a great look and collection and got auf'd. He did neither and had one of the three worst looks on the runway.
" Fnarf said...
I'm going to be the dissenter here. I think people are reacting to Chris and Ricky's personalities, not their clothes. Chris's garment was ABSOLUTELY FREAKING HIDEOUS. That jacket looked like brown vomit or brown scrambled eggs. And the dress was just ridiculous.
I am sorry to see him go, and sorry to have to see more of the hats. But I think Ricky was saved by his obvious domination by the evil Victorya. Yes, he rolled over for her, but the only thing that was going to stop her was a punch in the mouth, which not only Ricky would be unable to deliver."
AMEN to that! I love Chris but his outfit was clearly the worst.
"And Duchess? Enough with the M.O.B. line. It was funny once."
But really, what was he going to say when faced with a dress that looked like it could have been one of his?
The judges HATE Ricky!! Why didn't they send HIM home?
I fucking hate those judges!!!!
" Anonymous said...
Ricky's collection overall looked better and was more cohesive."
Having said that, you BETTER BE NEXT CRYBABY!!!!
BigAssBelle said...
"and another thing, of these three, stephen's star trek ripoff was by far the worst and the least cohesive."
I couldn't agree more!
I know you boys have a soft (hard?) spot for Steven, but his design skills are seriously questionable. Or maybe it's his taste level. Whichever, his design looked like it stepped straight out of an late-80s/early-90s music video (see Expose or Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam). The only thing missing was a braided, glittery headband. Without question, this group's lack of cohesiveness is directly attributable to him.
Oh, and it was SO nice of Steven (and Sweet P) to declare Chris their group's leader and then blame him for their (relative) failure in front of the judges. Talk about passive aggressive! But then I shouldn't have been surprised as its the same behavior he pulled on Marion two weeks ago.
Can you tell I'm not a fan of the big, bald dopey one? Haven't been since his audition video. And if that bitch is getting laid as often as he intimates, then the residents of Chicago's Boystown have shit for brains. But given that doughy-boy Dale from Top Chef also gets a fair amount of action there (as he noted on that show), I already knew that.
I'll miss Sissybear, that's for sure, but he does have an amazing career already as a costume designer and doesn't need PR that much.
On another note, I love how all the exclamation points come out when the PR viewers think the judges were unfair.
If Ricky's garment had been better constructed, I would have had no problem with the decision, or if Victorya had been less "passive-aggressive" (how's that term for an 80's horror flashback, just need to add "co-dependant" and "has issues" to make it a trifecta).
Not seeing why everyone hated Steven's look so much. Yes, it was more dojo than dancy, but I got it.
Someone said in Jillian's post that this was an episode in team dynamics. Being a corporate whore who has to go to all kinds of team building classes, I can definately see that. Ricky's team didn't work well together, but the results we more on-point to the task, while Chris led a happy group who missed the mark.
Also, doesn't every season start out boring (muslin look, dog challenge, etc.) and then get better when you're down to 6? I'm still holding out hope.
"There's some speculation that next week, the crying Jack has to leave and Chris gets to come back."
this would make me SO happy! and honestly, it would spice things up a bit.
"It's exactly like Dick Button saying a skater is doing well, while calling their program, during a figure skating competition. They then immediately go splat."
bwahahahaha!!! dick button's the ultimate queen of bitchy commentary. is it wrong that i want dick button to be a PR judge now?
by the way, any idea why jack is crying in the next episode? it looks like something really serious.
"twluvr said...
Can you tell I'm not a fan of the big, bald dopey one? Haven't been since his audition video. And if that bitch is getting laid as often as he intimates, then the residents of Chicago's Boystown have shit for brains. But given that doughy-boy Dale from Top Chef also gets a fair amount of action there (as he noted on that show), I already knew that."
LOL. I LOVE this blog. Thank you, Boys (and readers!)
This episode was Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I was CERTAIN they would auf Ricky.
I will miss Chris so much. He was my fave, and could have contributed the much needed humor this season is lacking so far.
I liked Sweet P's outfit. And I like Sweet P. She's so cute, the way she didn't want to pick someone to go home.
Forgot to mention: I HATE VICTORYA. What a beeotch! She didn't have the guts to be team leader, because everyone on PR knows that team leaders are more likely to get the axe than their underlings are. But then she tried to run the show as if she were team leader. Hate her.
Also, doesn't every season start out boring (muslin look, dog challenge, etc.) and then get better when you're down to 6? I'm still holding out hope.
Yes. Canada started out really boring for me but now I am so into it.
This is the first season that I've watched that's week to week and not a gigantic 14 hour marathon, so I'm not quite used yet to not having passionate opinions about certain designers in the course of a day.
Ricky was saved by sympathy. Victorya exhibited her termagant ways in front of the judges, the judges called immediately (and with some insight) what happened and then had second thoughts about auffing him. They assumed, I suppose, that he could reasonably have had trouble dealing with one sweet otherworldly sort and one undermining bitch sufficient to make his own work difficult.
I truly think that was for the judges the distinguishing factor: Sweet P and Stephen were not alleged to have undermined any vision or execution of Chris', so in the end they did him in for failure of "vision" and leadership.
Still, like everyone else, if the test is to find the best designer overall, than the cumulative work ought to be what is considered.
Alas, sweet Chris, we hardly knew ye.
to twluvr:
Ouch! No love for Chitown? Too bad that all of the Chi representatives on reality shows have been regular guys. I can guarantee you that there are many places in Boystown that are crawling with hundreds of boys that all look like Jack (and each other). Besides, Boystown has gone to the yuppies anyway. The boyz and gurlz have been pushed out after cleaning the place up, as usually happens.
My thoughts:
1. Everyone is so distracted by boo-hoo baby's hats that NO ONE is commenting on the fact that a man with those thighs should NOT be in skinny jeans.
2. Chris should NOT have gone home. What the hell is wrong with these people? Donna Karan even said she loved his dress - what did she love about Ricky? His tears?
3. At the end, Sweet P looked stoned. With the big wide eyes and the indicisive (sp?) answers. I think she was just jonesin for a cheeseburger.
I'm still recovering from the auf'ing of sissybear. I don't know that there's anyone left that I like on this season. However, I must admit that Chris' jacket was a bit too Bea Arthur for my taste. Not that I don't love the Golden Grils...
twluvr said...
"But given that doughy-boy Dale from Top Chef also gets a fair amount of action there (as he noted on that show), I already knew that."
HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THAT HOTTIE McHOTSON JACK IS DATING DALE??? That's not just a "fair amount of action" that is flat out impressive!
potty mouty princess said...
Yeah Ricky, that's you. While I can intellectually understand Chris' auf'ing, it doesn't make me any less sad.
Can't wait to post my YicktorYA hate.
Oh, Baby. Get me a bib, I'm shivering w/ anticip...
Emma P.
Does anyone have the distinct feeling this season is a Jump the Shark season? It's so... blah!
annie from the oc said:
"Everyone is so distracted by boo-hoo baby's hats that NO ONE is commenting on the fact that a man with those thighs should NOT be in skinny jeans."
That's GREAT!!!! Ricky reminds me of a long-lost Super Mario brother.
PR might want to consider obtaining Chris's formula for PROJECT RUNWAY PERFUME...cuz this show is starting to smell like bullshit.
I don't get why the producers/judges won't consider the designers previous work on other challenges before aufing. Little Ricky has been in the bottom 3 of the 4 challenges.
Chris did not deserve getting aufed. Bastards.
twluvr said...
Can you tell I'm not a fan of the big, bald dopey one? Haven't been since his audition video. And if that bitch is getting laid as often as he intimates, then the residents of Chicago's Boystown have shit for brains. But given that doughy-boy Dale from Top Chef also gets a fair amount of action there (as he noted on that show), I already knew that.
Honey, Dale hit the F&(^&%NG Jackpot. He's dating Jack!
I think as far as having so many facets of talent, there should be an award show named after him.
Emma P.
Oops, I'm bad about staying on topic! This Chris aufing was a surprise, but I smelled a rat in the beginning when they featured him discussing his costume design career and looking to establish credibility with this challenge.
Kind producer edit = automatic "we'll see ya."
Are the judges on some kind of bad acid trip?
Ricky should have been auf. And excuse me, but is VictorYA not an operator?? Wouldn't take team lead knowing she'd be putting her head on the chopping block? Yet bossed the team around the whole time?
I miss Chris!!!!!
i wonder if they knew donna karan was goingn to be the judge, or if sweet p lucked out on her dress design.
Jack and Dale?! Awwwwww! That almost makes me happy today whilst I continue to mourn Chris's unfair aufing.
IMO, Steve's was the worst outfit of that trio. I really liked Chris's dress -- it looked drop-dead sexy on the model. And shrugs are made to be removed. You couldn't remove anything from Steve or Ricky's outfits, except on a nudist beach.
As for VictorYA not having the balls to be team leader -- oh no, no, no. VictorYA had the brains not to be team leader. I would bet good money that bitch wanted it that way because anyone who watches this show knows it's the team leader who almost always gets aufed. I can't think of a specific time when one didn't (though I'm sure it's happened at least once).
I too hated to see the cuddly bear get aufed instead of Ricky. I thought Chris's dress looked much better than Ricky's. And Ricky had stronger teammates. You may not like her methods but Victorya knows what she's doing and Elisa knocks out some great stuff. Steven and Sweet P aren't nearly as strong and I too think they were totally passive aggressive in setting up Chris as team leader from the start and then standing around saying they didn't like what he was doing. I wouldn't want either one of them on any team of mine.
I don't know if I agree with the judges' comments because all I could concentrate on when they were talking was "Donna, what did you do to your face? and "Heidi, what did you do to your face?" Instead of his witchy, bitchy self, the Duchess just seemed cranky and Nina seemed to match his mood. Maybe the judges aren't having any fun with this group either.
I hope Chris makes a re-appearance as some are speculating. And I hope it's not some 'you have to win this one or you get aufed again' deal like they did with Vincent (although I'm glad they did that with Vincent because he should have left a lot earlier).
Austen scarlett was team leader in season 1, but the british chick (not even sure she's british, but she has got a british like accent) got eliminated.
Anonymous said...
"to twluvr:
Ouch! No love for Chitown? Too bad that all of the Chi representatives on reality shows have been regular guys. I can guarantee you that there are many places in Boystown that are crawling with hundreds of boys that all look like Jack (and each other). Besides, Boystown has gone to the yuppies anyway. The boyz and gurlz have been pushed out after cleaning the place up, as usually happens."
Actually, I've spent a fair amount of time in Chitown. Even lived there briefly while working at Harpo (aka The Cult). And what you say is true, both about the many Jack-alikes and Boystown having been invaded by yuppies. It's the same here in WeHo. There, the boyz & girlz have migrated north to Andersonville; here, they've headed east to Echo Park. Blech!
As for Chicago's "regular guy" representatives on reality shows, at least Steven and Dale are openly gay. Unlike that mincing Matt from Top Design. If that boy is straight, then I'm a top. As the song goes, "Ain't no way."
Poor Chris, he had the worst trends to work with. Shit! Shoulder pads, dancewear (wtf), and baggy sweaters, godallmighty those are some hard to update styles. And I hated the fabric he chose, was that gold metalic knit?
His outfit was very well made and it looked great on the model, but it was not updated.
Sweet P's looked exactly like a Donna Karan (no wonder DK liked it). And Steven's looked a little DKish too. I don't think Chris deserved the Auf, but I kind of saw it coming. I am sad to say I got the "out" designer correct on the TRESemme game.
Chris did not deserve getting aufed! I hate those producers! Of course they had to keep CryBaby on the show. Just like they kept Santino.
Yes, the jacket was ugly and still looked liked something out of the 80s, but the dress was very nice. Christian made the same mistake when he made that shitty jacket and fugly dress for Bitten, and the judges kept him on the show. Why is it any different for Chris?
Anonymous said...
"HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THAT HOTTIE McHOTSON JACK IS DATING DALE??? That's not just a "fair amount of action" that is flat out impressive!"
...and Emma P. said...
"Honey, Dale hit the F&(^&%NG Jackpot. He's dating Jack!
I think as far as having so many facets of talent, there should be an award show named after him."
Hadn't heard. Hmmm. Then there'll probably be a run on double-sided (-headed?) dildos. Perhaps I should buy stock. ;-)
"Agnes Gooch said: VictorYA had the brains not to be team leader. I would bet good money that bitch wanted it that way because anyone who watches this show knows it's the team leader who almost always gets aufed."
It seems to me that, this season, most of the designers are much more concsious, overall, of the show and the fact that they are on TV, and how everything will play for the cameras. If the designers in past seasons were as conscious of all that, then they hid it much better.
I cried myself to sleep. S'all I'm sayin'.
Oh, Emma P., thank you for the RHPS line. Brought me back to my high school weekends for a brief happy little memory. Smiling now.
Shit! Shoulder pads, dancewear (wtf), and baggy sweaters, godallmighty those are some hard to update styles.
Yeah, I did wonder how much the designers thought about what they were working with and how much they thought about who they were working with. Putting baggy sweaters and dancewear in the same group eliminated a lot of possible looks and combinations (Flashdance, anyone?)and may explain why Steven's look was so not in the collection.
And if Chris wanted to prove he was more than a drag designer, he should have stayed away from the long dress and big shoulders. I'm not saying Chris was blameless, but I still say Ricky's indiidual piece was worse and the collection was worse.
to twluvr & Anonymous:
Amen my people! The trials of pink flight from our homo enclaves.
It would be interesting if Chris came back, and would make sense in light of Jack's condition and the weepy outtakes from next week.
You know they're eventually going to have an unusual materials challenge that Chris would have OWNED! Then I'll miss him even more. Like others have said, I'm quickly losing interest in this season and I no longer care who wins.
no more witisims like,
"pants are just sleeves sewn together"
"Project Runway Perfume"
"Looks like grandma's goddamn couch"
I think Victorya should have been auf'd. Her "dress" didn't fit...period. It didn't fit in the collection. Her previous one fit perfectly, but her redesign took a completely different direction. It was executed well but only with help from the lingerie designer.
I still say that execution should be a MAJOR player for judging who goes and who stays. They could all design the GW bridge but if they can't execute it, then they can't call themselves designers.
And it was Heidi that pinned Sweet P to the wall. She sounded like she was trying to find out who scribbled crayon on the walls...it was funnier than hell!
So long Chris! Love ya babe!
I think Chris's "problem" is that he wants to make nice clothes. Maybe he was afraid of being called "costumey" and that's why he went with such dull fabric, but, he should've used that edge to push it from "nice" into "fashion".
So, once again, a maker of beautiful dresses is axed to keep around someone who showed a point of view no matter how tacky (yes, Ricky, I'm looking at you.)
I hope Chris finds a strong partner and some backing because he can make beautiful clothes (see the Preview Runway show). And, I like him.
-- desertwind
So not fair!...and enough with the team challenges, Bravo! How the fuck are we supposed to believe this is a fair competition when the producers and the judges keep playing favorites?
Have you ever been in a situation where a friend wanted to introduce you another friend they really liked, say at a party? Your friend told you how cool, how funny this person was and you got really excited about meeting them. But then, at the party, it turns out that the new person had a really bad day at work and was tired, and didn't have that spark you expected. You still believe your friend about how cool and funny this new person is, you just can't see it yourself at this party.
That is how I think of Chris. He's a wonderful designer; you can see it on his site. He just didn't bring it to this particular party. I'm sure we'll meet him again and we'll see the magic then.
God forbid if they ever send Victorya or Rami home. Yeah, let's get rid of the chubby one.
"madam ovary said...
Have you ever been in a situation where a friend wanted to introduce you another friend they really liked, say at a party? Your friend told you how cool, how funny this person was and you got really excited about meeting them. But then, at the party, it turns out that the new person had a really bad day at work and was tired, and didn't have that spark you expected. You still believe your friend about how cool and funny this new person is, you just can't see it yourself at this party.
That is how I think of Chris. He's a wonderful designer; you can see it on his site. He just didn't bring it to this particular party. I'm sure we'll meet him again and we'll see the magic then."
Perfect explanation.
This reminds me of last season, when Allison got aufed instead of Vincent. I totally expected Ricky to go home! This is the third time he's been in the bottom--the third time! Out of 4 episodes!--and they send home Chris.
By they way, it did warm my heart that the judges (who may or may not be on crack) liked Sweet P's dress. She reminds me of Uli (with possibly not the same ammount of talent...I'm sorry!), in that she's a sweetheart. Sweetheart. Sweet P. I get it!
hello, i'm patsy stone said, "I don't get why the producers/judges won't consider the designers previous work on other challenges before aufing."
I imagine one reason it's structured the way it is is that not all the judges have seen the designers' previous work. The guest judges would not have had that opportunity.
redspring said, I did wonder how much the designers thought about what they were working with and how much they thought about who they were working with.
Not much. But then they were given one minute to form teams! They didn't have time to think over it much.
I hope Chris turns out to be this season's Emmett!
"Lilithcat said...
hello, i'm patsy stone said, "I don't get why the producers/judges won't consider the designers previous work on other challenges before aufing."
I imagine one reason it's structured the way it is is that not all the judges have seen the designers' previous work. The guest judges would not have had that opportunity."
Good point, but Nina Garcia did mention something about Ricky's previous garments and how they all have the same issues or something like that... So, I guess It's ok whenever it fits their agenda dujour.
Dammit I hate team challenges. They mean absolutely nothing.
Dammit I hate team challenges. They mean absolutely nothing.
Thank you, Gotham Tomato.
As for the judging- I think Chris was auffed because the judges were unimpressed with both Victorya and Ricky. He was a bad team leader, she was a bad team player. The two of them inadvertently split the blame.
Chris, on the other hand, was all alone on the chopping block. He was auffed because he had to take all the blame.
Honestly, I didn't think any of the dresses on What's-His-Crying-Face's team were very good. They all looked rather... frightening, to me. I would've been ecstatic if they'd gone with a bright neon color like a bright teal or something.
I digress.
The jacket was bleh, and even though the point was shoulder pads, the dress was wearable, unlike the crier's outfit. He shouldn't have been auf'ed.
Ricky better keep the tears and the drama flowing, because that's the only thing keeping his stupid ass on the show!
One ugly jacket and Chris is gone? Let's talk about Miss DKNY and her hid-di-ous
collection two years ago.
Sorry I'm better now.
Hold me.
Can anybody make shoulder padslook up to date?
I was sooooooo sad to see Chris go. Seriously.
I also agree with Personette: There is no Laura Bennett here, or even close. But that sort of fabulosity comes along once every blue moon, I suppose.
I got here and there were 112 comments ~ is that a record.
Sign me up for missing Chris and his gentle and funny personality.
And a lot more talent than we'll ever get to see, I'm sure.
Exactly how could anyone update shoulder pads??
>>(Also, I want to interject and mention that when Kors said "Mother of the Bride" I turned to my fiancé and said "If he uses that phrase one more time this season I'm going to fly to New York just to slap him.")<<
As a future MOB, we'll double team
You read my mind......and I thought Ricky was a goner for sure.
"speck said...
Can anybody make shoulder padslook up to date?"
Hello??? THANK YOU!!! Some looks should stay in the past and never come back.
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! This reminds me of when Uncle Nick was auf'd. Sigh.
I was bloody furious. Worst choice EVER, and I was really really thinking that Crybaby was auf. The quality was for shit, and over on TwoP they were rightly emphasizing the fluffy pile of crud Crybaby has been pulling out of his ass since day one.
So what, bolero jacket, so what, dull dress. The fit was far superior to Ricky's. As usual. And Chris has just cut down on the level of wit by about, oh, 60%.
Thank you so much for the previous link to PR Canada! Better challenges, much better judgings - much better talent, I think.
And Iman? Daggers from her eyes!
"your dress isn't just wrong, it's insulting"
I love it. It was better after episode 1, than all this American season put together.
And it manages to somehow be entertaining, without a bunch of cliched, stereotypical, queenie melodrama!
Which was fun at first, we're all still talking about Red Lobster, but...come on...back to the fashion!
How Chris could say the black and white fabric looked like a couch, but then pick that horrid, horrible brown stuff...this season is not making it work!
I, too, am sorry that Chris is gone. I thought he would be in the final three. That said ... shoulder pads did not have to be shoulder pads. Think of the feather shrug Laura Bennett did for Fashion Week last season -- the illusion of extended shoulders but no shoulder pads. Very modern and chic.
On another note, I can't get too enthusiastic about anyone and, so far, really miss last season.
Clearly, Ricky should have gone home. That thing he put out was a hot mess in a collection of hot messes. And I can't look at Sweet P's outfit without thinking of Star Trek. Look at it closely, you know you see it.
I wish he'd used raglan sleeves-that would have addressed the whole shoulder thing.
But it isn't fair to say "here's this dated thing, use it and don't look dated."
I expected him to kick ass. And am sad he didn't.
ugh. this episode tested my love for PR. First of all, stupid, stupid challenge. The worst ever. take random crappy looks that aren't even the same type of thing (what does "zoot suit" have to do with "fringe", shouldn't it be fringed jacket, for example?), and update them and make them into a cohesive collection? Stupid and gimmicky. Why so many group challenges? It is almost a given that the leader is fucked from the get go, plus there is no extra glory. And that whole "who do you think should go home?" is beyond lame and pointless. And finally, I agree with other posters. WHY CHRIS?? Leaving aside my ardent love for him, WTF? Ricky's shiz was much worse
sooooooooooooo bummed
WAH! I haven't even had a chance to watch the episode yet, and I am already sad. I *heart* Chris so much, and I was ready for him to be on the show for quite a long time.
A toast to Chris's light heart!
20 hrs later I'm still pissed. What else are you going to do w/ shoulder pads, use them as pasties?
Bye, Bye Cutie Bear!
You'll be missed.
I know who gets my vote for Fan Favorite!
Emma P.
This is that moment when I'm trying to remember that HEIDI KLUM IS ONE OF THE JUDGES, but it's not cheering me up all that much, alas. This auf'ing was just SO WRONG. I miss Chris already.
I love Nina but the girl needs to calm the fuck down. I thought some of her criticism here wasn't fair at all.
I will miss Chris a lot. For the most part, nice, low-key people are not cut out for reality TV.
"mumblesalot (Laura A) said...
A toast to Chris's light heart!"
YES!! I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors. We will miss you, Chris!
I feel bad for this team...they had bad bad models
While Chris deserved to be in the bottom 3, he didn't deserve to go. If you're supposedly looking for America's next top designer, I'm sorry but you need to consider the entirety of their work while on the show. Ricky's was constructed poorly, he has been in the bottom 3 before and has consistently displayed a lower skill ability than the other contestants.
That all being said, Chris's choice of shoulder pads was highly questionable. I think it was the only solely internal structural element up for grabs, so there's a limit as to what you can do with it -- it's not like a look or a fabric. I would have loved to have seen him try to update the classic Joan Crawford/Mildred Pierce look (instead of merely invoking her name when choosing the dooming don't) and it could have been great inspiration for the team. But the fabric colors for all three of Team Chris's fabrics were horrible. I hated Sweet P's hideous frock -- I think her and Stephen's days of getting by are numbered.
i agree with you...one is really short...the other looks like her eyes are bulging out of her head and the sloucher....goodness...
I missed this episode due to an unfortunate and unavoidable biz trip which culminated at the Chicago Hilton (Hellooo! how about some cable TV for God's sakes people!) However, just seeing that Chris was auf'd completely disgusts me, even without knowing the details.
This season is really different isn't it? And not in a good way. For the first time, I feel that I am losing interest in PR.
I never thought I would say this, but it's time for new judges. Or switch Tim and Nina's jobs around for a few epis to change things up.
Too bad the judges couldn't break with their tradition and eliminate someone other than a team leader. After all - if a team member doesn't cooperate, what could the leader do? Fire the perp? Pin them to the wall? Threaten them with (gasp) pinking shears? Just wondering.
That said, I would have sent Steven home. It took me a while to remember where I had seen that garment before - Oh yeah - in a hair salon. And while I love the kimono shape for art garments (lots of room for surface design and embellishment) it is super simple to construct. Of course the fact that Steven strikes me as quietly unpleasant and smirky - a definite irritant has nothing to do with my opinion.
Love this blog and all your posts - we can at least get a laugh and some pithy analysis, even when the outcome of an episode is dead wrong.
I hate to say it, but I am starting to think that this show has jumped the shark. Something seems off this season. I am not excited by any of these designers that are left. Chris was one that I had picked to root for and now he is already gone. The only other one I like is Elisa. There is no Laura Bennett and no fabulousness. Tim seems to have less of a role, group challenges are boring and it seems they are giving too much power to the guest judges. Who cares what Tiki Barber thinks? I don't.I want to like this show, but it is not happening
Oh, and I'm sorry, but I am tired of Steven and his mugging for the cameras.
And Christian reminds me of Chris Kitan from SNL. And I hope that all of the camera time that Ricky is getting each episode isn't a sign that he is one of the finalists. He needs to go already. Question: How many train conductor hats is too many? Answer: one.
I was so hoping that this season would be better than last season (boring contestants, bored judges), but no, seems like it's going to be worse. Chris was the only person making with the funny interview responses (and workroom comments.) You need at least one of those in a reality show for it to be entertaining, IMO.
Tired of all the dramallama seriousnes in this show these days. I miss Season One's lightheartedness.
I would not have placed either Ricky or Chris at the bottom. Reviewing Victorya's awful design this week and pairing it with her passive agressive behavior (I dislike p-a's intensely), she should have been auf'd.
Read Daniel V's blog and you will see that Chris's design was so fashion forward, even Nina was not aware of its daring concept. (Hah!)
This Season is winding up to be a major disappointment. Stop hawking wares, Bravo, and concentrate on providing the best show you possibly can.
Can I just take a moment to say:
138 comments in 24 hours?????And we aren't even arguing over anything???
THAT has to be a record.
Go Tlo.
Lima bean said, I missed this episode due to an unfortunate and unavoidable biz trip which culminated at the Chicago Hilton (Hellooo! how about some cable TV for God's sakes people!)
Should this ever happen again, you could always go here for the show (and to watch Project Runway, too).
Ms. Place that is interesting because I thought Chris's dress was a stunning when it came down the runway.
This season sucks a$$. How can you claim to be a designer and not be able to sew? It's like those politicians who go to law school calling themselves lawyers when they never passed the bar exam. It seems the producers are now casting for a show, not for talent. Sigh. Only *Sissybear* would want a perfume that smelled like Chinese food.
Quote: "Or switch Tim and Nina's jobs around for a few epis to change things up."
You mean, make Nina, Tim and MK (and what the hey, Heidi)sew some weird challenge and have the designers sit in the judges' chairs? I would LOVE that!
I'm completely shocked that no one has said anything about that split personality bubble-hem dress that Sweet P made.
Between the V-neck w/ turtle neck on top and the bubble hem on the bottom, it looks like Fred McMurray meets Pat Field. It even made that undernourished model look heavy.
That's because we agree with TLO. Sweet P's outfit was Sweeeet.
Your constant Sweet P bashing is getting Really old and Really boring.
The Turtle neck was underneath not "on top."
The hem, and indeed the entire dress, perfectly describes the challenge "Baggy Sweater Look."
Donna Karan loved it.
Fashion Manifesto said...
Blah blah blah.....
Donna Karan loved it
Enough said. Donna Karan sucks. Have you seen any of her tired clothes? I don't care what you say, sales do not make taste. Most fashion sheep will just follow along no matter what designers put out there. As long as they have that label, they would wear a potato sack.
I'm so sad Chris is gone. When they said Ricky was in I actually shouted out, "Nooooo!"
Ridiculous judging.
It's a double edged sword, these professionals. The fashion is so great this season, but I mean.... Season 1 will always have a special place in my heart. And I think Jay and Kara Saun put on the two best runway shows out of all three seasons.
T&LO please keep an eye on Sissybear for us!
Sorry to see Chris go.
It was a hard choice but, ugly as Team Ricky's collection was, at least it looked like a collection. I probably would have aufed Ricky but I think I can understand the judges' choice.
LOVED Sweet P's dress!
I thought Chris's dress looked very San Fransisco --1940's meets 1970's, chunked up with some bad accessories.
Loved Sweet P's dress. It's the kind of dress that'll look better on someone with a tad more meat on her bones.
And I'm with others about Victorya. 100% passive aggressive who keeps tossing out stuff that's nicely done, but overall something we've seen before
There's only one thing left that can be done. You have to adopt Sissybear.
It's up to you two to use your Bravo influence to meet Chris and introduce him to Laura, Emmett, and Malan and the rest of your PR circle.
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