Well, he's fun to look at, but he is seriously lacking in the drama. We're still hoping for a tear-streaked meltdown.
On the other hand, he finally produced something that made us sit up in our seats.
See, we just haven't been wowed by Rami's work so far. It's all technically stunning, but we detect a serious lack of...well, style. Everything just looks so done.
Not so with this piece. This really jumped out at us as a fantastic transformation and a great look on its own.
That bitch worked it. Granted, he went for that assymetrical top, which gives her a titscrepancy and we don't always love that.
But it's a fantastic skirt and the whole look is incredibly flattering - her ass looks great - and (finally!) stylish-looking.
Oh please.
Girl, don't act like you "needed" to see how the hem looked with heels and haven't had your eye on those shoes from the first minute you walked into the workroom and your little gay heart leapt inside your chest at the sight of the Bluefly Accessories Wall.
...looks just a little hootchie to us.
As designs go, the top is okay. You could find a similar top in any department store. A little flashy and low-cut and see-through, but you could pair it with the right pants and come off looking okay.
These are not the right pants.
They're just too tight and they cut her in half. The sausage effect on the jeans coupled with the jingly-jangly low-cut top just cheapens the whole look. She's looking a little honky tonk to us.
But of course, Ricky's not here to make clothes and win a competition.
Ricky's here to FEEL.
Will somebody please give that girl a Midol? She's falling apart!
[Photos: Barbara Nitke /Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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Oh be nice....remember, there was only ONE pair of gold strappy spike heels for all of his 37 siblings to share!
And that model was one butch fag hag, they should have exchanged chromosomes and nobody would have been the wiser.
Nice. Way to rip a non-pro model. Sheesh
That is fantastic!
T & Lo are such clever gents.
Spot on!
Titscrepancy! You boys are mahhvelous wordsmiths. That one is going into the personal lexicon in a major way. Heck, as one matures titscrepancy is a way of life.
All the best,
We can't, alas, take credit for titscrepancy, We asked our readers for words describing mismatched tittery and that was one of the best ones offered.
I agree with you completely. Rami should have been in the top 3 rather than Jillian.
Also, I hate Ricky. I just hate him. I don't even know what else to say.
Yes, what was with all the cropped pants this week? THAT was the real infection in the workroom. And I wonder what the model thought, after seeing Ricky wearing her pants.
Rami was a little overlooked this week. Wasn't crazy about the top, but I loved the skirt, and would buy it (even though it did look a little like it was on backwards).
I've been waiting for Rami to break out, but I have been loving his relationship with Jillian. I can't decide if they're a sitcom or an After School Special, but either way they're cute.
Do you think Ricky was doing Dawn Davenport in his head while looking in the mirror?
"Those aren't the right kind. I told you cha cha heels, black ones!"
Loved the constructed skirt on Rami's gal. The top was okay but something fuky was going on with the straps.
Ricky's had Britney Spears written all over it. Would have been fine with a flared black trouser. But the jeans made it look pure trailer park.
What, is Ricky trying to EMOTE his way into the top 3?
Also, he pranced around in those shoes a little too long to be credible....
Right on about Rami, his look deserved a nod for the top three. His look had fabulous fit and great structure for a petite curvy lady. She looked great!
fuky = funky
but I kind of like fuky, too. lol
...and the thing I'm wondering about, with Ricky, is if some PR production assistant has been tasked with keeping count of how many different hats he has worn.
They could pose the question & the winner gets tickets to the final runway show.
I agree Rami's look was top 2 at least, maybe even the win because he pushed the envelope further than Christian. The model was great too . He really listened to her and respected her.
Ricky's look was very flattering to his client as well, but not very fashion forward. I have to admit that Stan and I busted out laughing when he cried again on this episode.
Bill said...
but I kind of like fuky, too. lol
Me like fuky, too.
Ricky's just sad because deep in his heart he wants to be a train conductor. One that wears heels and cropped pants.
Of course the world would be a much better place if all conductors wore gorgeous shoes.
"Ricky's here to FEEL."
ROFL. You bitches are fabulous!
Rami has a genuine love for the big girl and should consider doing an everyday basics line. Not glamorous and red carpet, but that skirt is fine! I wonder what it would be like in a pant?
Ricky? ick. just ick all around
-- desertwind
"Ricky's here to FEEL."
OMG hilarious.
He is ALWAYS crying! Someone please give Ricky a Midol or maybe some Xanax!
"Will somebody please give that girl a Midol? She's falling apart!"
Fucking hilarious! I would NOT want to be in the same room with you bitches!! LOLOLOLOLOL.
When I saw him wearing her pants, my girlfriend and I went "Eeeewwww, that's just gross!"
"AJ said...
Ricky's just sad because deep in his heart he wants to be a train conductor. One that wears heels and cropped pants."
Yes, I'm thinking that if he gets to the final 4, when Tim goes to visit, we'll see that he has an elaborate model train set up at home.
We'll also see that he still lives in his parent's basement because he spends all his money on hats and strappy sandals.
In fact, he was working those those gold strappy sandals so well that I'm surprised we have yet seen him in a vagina hat.
Gothamtomato said, "I'm surprised we have yet seen him in a vagina hat."
Give him time, girl, give him time! The season is still young.
Hats take up room, you can smush them into storage place, they don't seem to have all that much room at Atlas ~ is that all he brought? 50 hats, and the clothes on his back?
Yes, Rami created a titscrepancy, but her bust looked GOOD, instead of so many other ill fitting creations on the runway last week. It's so refreshing when a designer knows where tits are supposed to be, and knows how to help them look their best.
I really loved the skirt, too.
I don't think there's enough Midol in Manhattan for Ricky. Or that outfit. There was nothing original about it.
Is he designing maternity wear for Spears girls?
"Will somebody please give that girl a Midol? She's falling apart!"
Rami got robbed. His model was just as excited as Elyse was about the bodice Kevin did. That woman looked GREAT. However, he's still stuck in the drab earth tones.
Actually I thought Ricky's was vefry nicely done - for once. Sure the pants were a little hoochie for her (they really showed off that her larger thighs), but I thought the top was well sewn together for once.
Methinks there's an off-off-off Broadway musicale with Ricky's name on it, in the future. Something that requires lots of tears, heels that break your ankles, lots of vagina hats and crappy costumes.
At first I was really impressed with Ricky's outfit but seeing it again it's a pretty young look for that woman. Still, not bad.
Yeah, you'd find the top in any store but I don't think the challenge this week was to be innovative; just to make something good.
And, yes, Rami's outfit was really nice. But I've liked his work all along.
I picked Rami for the win. I think that was the first really high-waisted skirt I've ever liked. His model's styling must have hurt him because he had it all over Jillian.
And what is with the Real Housewives styling on Ricky's model? Sheesh, enough already. Is it a subtle Bravo tie-in or do they have a TV on in the L'oreal room all the time?
I agree that Rami should have been in the top three. His ensemble was way better than that of Jillan.
As for Ms Ricky, you are so right. She wanted to put on those heels as soon as she saw they had a pair in her size. She just couldn't think of a reason until now. I'll bet he has a pair in his suitcase, because you just never know...
You know, I would hate to see Ricky in an actual crisis. He would absolutely come unglued.
Ricky's tears are all CLEARLY for the cameras. Such a whore. That bit with the shoes was also all for the cameras. It's so transparent.
I loathe him. Can't wait for the inevitable auffing.
Rami's look was classy sexy. Ricky's was hootchie sexy. Rami definitely deserved Top 3 (much as I still don't warm to him).
And don't worry, bill, about spelling "funky" as "fuky." I had to apologize to two moms today whose sons had received classroom Christmas cards from my son who tried to compliment them for being funky. Except that's not what he wrote.
Oh! And Ricky -- I've seen PRC Stephen walk in heels for the cameras. You, girl, are no PRC Stephen!
"Blogger agnes gooch said...
And don't worry, bill, about spelling "funky" as "fuky." I had to apologize to two moms today whose sons had received classroom Christmas cards from my son who tried to compliment them for being funky. Except that's not what he wrote."
This is why I love this blog...the comments just add to the fun!
Ricky is just Gay-Mart, kittens (I hope I'm not infringing something), cheap trash. I can't wait until he is auf'ed - but in the meantime, TLo, your Midol comment made me laugh out loud, thank you again again.
Count me as loving "titscrepancy," too, an excellent choice!
Here's my TLo Xmas songette:
Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
and the snark is so delightful,
so since we've got no PR-for-a-week-and-a-half-or-so...
blog TLo, just TLo, just TLo
mwah and back to work....
Thank you for the Female Trouble reference. That made my day! It's been years since I thought about those Cha cha heels.
Cropped pants on women of a certain size and age are just wrong. And denim cropped pants paired with that top is wrong, wrong, wrong.
I have never seen anyone, gay or straight, cry as much as Ricky. It has to be an act!
I don't get it. I don't think Rami's outfit flatters the wearer at all. The high waist doesn't do her any favors, and although the skirt is "interesting," it doesn't work with the top and she ended up all blocky-looking. Am I really the only one who thinks that?!?
I DO, however, love the Ricky screencaps!
Rami = Sophisticated, hot
Ricky = Hooker mommy shopping at the mall
Will Ricky ever go hatless? Will he ever stop crying? He needs to go next!
I'm still waiting for Rami to wow me. Everybody keeps saying what a fabulous designer he is.
I really liked Rami's outfit, and I haven't been a fan of his work so far. His client looked great.
Ricky's? The Real Housewives of West Covina.
Hurray for Rami's model! She was the best part of the best episode so far this season!
I hope the "real" models took notes.
Rami wuz robbed. He definitely should have been in the top 3 instead of Jillian. He made a woman with curves look good.
It's sad when the "everyday woman" models are workin' it better than the pros.
As for Ricky, it looked like Las-Vegas-stripper-goes-to-the-grocery-store-on-her-day-off to me. I really expected it to be in the bottom 3, especially because Kevin's outfit was the same concept and so, so, so much better.
I find Ricky really quite entertaining. The crying is fuking hilarious as are the hats (a super transparent attempt to add a little height, cute). He is not loathsome like Jeffrey. I quite like all the contestants so far this season - esp. Elisa and Sweet P. My only (and giant) complaint is that there is not enough Tim.
you know, I really liked Rami's creation and was surprised at how little attention he got from the judges.
Oh Lord give me strength - Ricky. Crying. Again.
Ricky preening infront of the mirror made me snort water up my nose but it was totally worth it! That kid cracks me the hell up!!!
Ricky's creation was not a fave - the jeans were way off and agree, cheapened the whole look.
Titscrepancy! *snort* thank goodness I wasn't drinking anything whilst this post!! I'm in tears over here!
But you got to admit, you can't take your eyes off her rack. Titscrepancy or no, those things looked like they'd put your eye out if you got too close!
I didn't care about the shoe business, but Ricky's top was sofive seasons ago. Enough with that empire waisted drek!
PRC is up!
PRC Final Part 1
I don't mind Ricky's crying at all! In fact, I study his technique.
Thanks Lima Bean! Do you have the links to the other parts? They aren't coming up when I search youTube or MsRoyalT.
Oh, c'mon! Ricky gets the Barbara Walters award. He hits that cry button each and every time!
Now be nice. As you should to someone who is hat-impaired.
Yes, Rami needs to come forward a bit more. I guess my worst nightmare would be a yawnfest with Rami, Victorya and Jillian in the finals. Oh help us! No, no, no.
Does anybody else think Rami's dress was ass? Come on you guys, don't be shy, because I'm starting to feel like I'm in the twilight zone.
To me it looks like she put on a slip and a hot skirt and then left for work. Nobody sees that?
DISASTER has occurred. MsRoyalT, beloved You Tube poster of PRC, HAS DISAPPEARED and we only have the first 4 parts! Here they are (its incredible so far! Biddell has pulled a Santino):
To see parts 1- 4, click on part 1 in my post above. When done watching it, click on MsRoyalT's link. That will take you to her personal list and all the other parts are there. I don't know why they won't come up in the search but this way is just as easy.
You might want to hurry. Apparently there is some danger of Slice making her take it down.
UPDATE: Part 5 is there now! Thank you MsRoyalT!
PRC part 5a and part 6 are not working. :-( Hopefully MsRoyalT is on it.
I see all the parts except the final judging on PRC. Talk about a cliffhanger!
MsRoyalT just posted a note that You Tube is rejecting the videos b/c they are too long. She's frantically dividing and reposting, LOL. God, do we owe her.
Lucien's stuff, OMG GORG. Part 6 showed one of MG's designs before it stopped. The suspense is killer.
so glad to know im not the only one who felt rami's outfit was overlooked. it really should have been considered as the #2 choice overall. the fit was perfect and it was a wonderful garment for the client.
agree with you about ricky's outfit. not innovative, or special. just okay. but his tears are my top reason to keep watching the show. to get a double dose this episode was a serious treat.
next episode, i'm hoping for waterworks + cha cha heels in the same shot. if we get a matching hat, even better!
Hi Boys!!!
I think Ricky has a career designing fashions for the Housewives of Orange County, don't you? :D
Titscrepancy? You rock!!!
Rami's clothes are very flattering. Her breasts look fantastic! Her ass looks amazing too. Nice details on the skirt. He really knows how to cut and drape. Beautiful work!
Ricky's work is very K-Mart. Those cropped pants are too tight and they make her legs look stubby. The top is boring and her breasts look tiny. It makes her appear pear-shaped.
If I had to chose who to be stuck in an elevator with - Elisa or Ricky. I'd pick Ricky. I'd rather have a floor show than be spit on.
P.S. The episodes for PRC, PC and PR are usually posted within 24 hrs on usenet - without commercials.
THE PROJECT RUNWAY CANADA FINALE IS UP ON YOUTUBE-ITS FUCKINGGG AMAZINGGGGGG-best most innovative collections ive ever seen in all the sessons of pr here-its just fabulous with a capital holy shit-OMG iman is just shes sooo passionate and she truly cares deeply about the designers and fashion-its really touching to see her encourage innovation and talent like she does-iman is just amazinggggggg-its the best finale ever-pr canada has outdone any season ever PR US times ten-the designers are so superior to the US designers -there really is a definitive difference in caliber and talent-its glaringly obvious when you compare it to the unabashed complete shit season 4 has produced--the fact someone with rickys lack of talent is still on the show makes so clear PR has become about drama and forgot design-as long as you can sew you too can be on PR and call yourself a "designer"-that term is used too freely it seems-canadas focuses on the design and knows that with great design and creative people with passion drama follows-it doesnt need to be manufactured by bitter medicore seamstresses with the skill level of a home ec. teacher-all this seasons designers can do is cry- stir up drama and pose nude-and turn out the worst "garments" ever-a sassy flashdance homage a talented designer does not make-PR US needs to get their shit together-i truly am bitter at this season for being so bad after ive seen how great it could be with PR canada-
True. Iman would RIP INTO Ricky. She would tear him to shreds with no mercy. I'd LOVE to hear what Iman has to say about the PR designers. I'm certain Ricky would have a nervous breakdown.
Please! NO spoilers on the PRC finale! I can't watch until tomorrow. I'm goin' blind squinting here to avoid reading.
-- desertwind
Great post, Tlo.
(Is it just me, or does "Rami and Ricky" sound like either a) an eighties cop show, or b) a seventies variety show? I would watch either.)
Rami is wicked talented. He's so solid and professional, that I think his stuff tends to get overlooked, although that statement doesn't make any logical sense.
Some of the stuff on his website is KILLER. He's really talented. He seems awfully chill, as well. I have a feeling he's gonna calmly slink his way into the final three.
PR Canada...WOW, Just WOW!
What Rita Silvan said about Lucian's collection was spot on. I felt it too and was moved to tears of joy in seeing what he had done as the first piece hit the runway.
I had to replay the video twice before watching the rest; it was that breathtaking.
I don't think we are ever going to see anything with that kind of spirit or beauty from an American designer, certainly not on this season of PR.
Biddel's collection was amazing and inspiring on a different level. It seems unfair to even compare them they are so different. I think it should have been a tie.
They should have sent all of these women with Tim to go buy new BRAS!
Titscrepancy or not, non of these women have the girls up where they are supposed to be....its like they are all wearing their old bras. You'd think Bravo would have sprung for some new bolster holders at least!
And on the same note, Ricky's top looks hoochie but I bet if the twins were hiked it would look a bit more modern. And only if that hair was cut--sheesh!!! But overall (except the skin tight jeans) she could wear that outfit everyday.
On a lighter page; they need to tap Ricky's tear ducts, bottle them and market it for people that suffer from chronic dry eye. LMAO.
As for Rami....I still can't get over the TOGA. Although I will have to say that I didn't remember his creation this go round till you posted pics of it. It was stylish and beautiful and she obviously loved it.
OMG, can't wait for the PRC post! There is so much to talk about.
TLo, I am very sorry to have highjacked this post for all my PRC comments. It's just that I started to watch the final and then I couldn't help myself. It's an addiction, you know. Please forgive me?.
This is post is called Ricky and Rami, not project runway canada. Stop on topic people.
Rami's model needed a visit from Veronica Webb/Bra Police though.....
Ricky's outfit was just plain Walmart. Anyone who put them in 3/4 length pants should have been ripped to shreds by Tim, period, the end.
Awww, you picked my word! I'm so flattered!
No, Anne, you're not alone, but still lonely; apparently it's just you and me (comment at 5:39 pm) who weren't moved by Rami's design.
LOL! You two are so clever and witty! I love you! I was cracking up over this post.
How I'll miss PR for the next few weeks... :(
Ahhh Ricky.... My friend is furious I ruined Ricky for him. As they share the same name, he was rooting for poor Ricky. And stealing a bit of your classic cattiness, I pointed out how the little drama queen cries more than a daytime soap. Now, he can't help noticing the tears.
But the heels endeared him to me. He can't help he's still so in about his desire to cross. And the way he could walk in them, honey, please, that was the best.
I just noticed that Rami's model had decent hair. I wonder why had them do that horrible styling of her hair. I really didn't recognize her on the runway. She is actually very cute, but having her hair pulled back like that made her look dowdy. Bad styling choice Rami.
"Waaaah, why can't I be a woman?" Honestly, the only time that crybaby has seemed happy was while wearing those heels. Follow your bliss, Ricky, and take a trip down to Jimmy Cho's showroom or Payless--whatever works for you.
I have to admit watching his(pierced?) belly falling out of those unzipped pants was like watching a car wreck. I was repulsed but couldn't stop.
Ricky's display with the jeans was... Well, I won't go there. I'm sick of him, his tear-filled eyes, his ridiculous hats and his ugly lingerie.
Please, auf him already!
As for Rami, yeah, his look eas fierce. Should've been on the runway with the best 3. Or was he?
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