"Toronto designer Stephen Wong was an early and consistent favourite on the debut season of Project Runway Canada, both among the designers and the audience. Unfortunately, he exited the show after the last challenge before the three finalists went on to present their collections at L’OrĂ©al Fashion Week.
What was the mistake that sent you home?
The problem was, the zipper in my dress broke, and because of that, I had to stitch it up by hand, and it made it look kind of bad. ... I don’t even know if it’s so much the zipper; with that challenge it was to make a dress for Iman and I think it depended heavily on who she wanted to wear. I had a sense that M-G (Marie-Genevieve Cyr) was going to be in, because they couldn’t have just three boys, so it was going to be me or one of the other boys, so it was kind of a toss-up. Having watched the show I know that both Biddell and Lucian have a really, really strong following, so maybe it was just my time.
What didn’t you get to show the judges and the audience?
It’s funny, because with the challenges you don’t get to show your true skills, simply because of the stress factor. It’s a show. It’s not really about design so much, because that’s not how you really work outside of the show. So, I would say what I missed out on showing the judges is my abilities as far as designing a full, complete look ... I never felt as though I put out something that I was completely satisfied with.
What will you always remember from your experience on PRC?
I remember so much, but I’ve also forgotten so much of it because it was such a fast process, and it was such a blur. Iman has always been an idol to me, and something that left a huge impression on me was the level of talent that I saw on the show.

Who do you want to win?
When I started the show I was really rooting for M-G to win because she had shown me things that, even though they weren’t my taste, I thought they were new, and I think that fashion is about what’s new. Even if you’re reinterpreting things from the past, it’s all about new, and you have to be able to switch it up and change it to make it new to the eye, and M-G was really good at that."

The Three Finalists Discuss Highs and Lows
"Lucian Matis
Was the apparently simmering feud between you and Biddell real?
I think it was. It was quite intense because he was trying to irritate everybody and intimidate everybody and I don’t like people who are trying to play those kind of games. So I just kind of ignored him.
What was the high point in creating your own collection for the finale?
Seeing it on the runway ... it was extraordinary.
What was the low point?
The low point was when I once broke down and didn’t feel like being there.
Marie-Genevieve Cyr
When you were eliminated from the show, did you imagine that you’d still end up in the final three?
Of course no — I’d just been eliminated, and I was leaving in the van and I did my exit interview ... (Coming back) was like re-starting the show for me: I’m back, and I’m going to prove you were wrong.
What was the high point in creating your own collection for the finale?
I guess we’re a little bit more free, and I was back in Montreal, and in my little studio trying to make a collection, and we were free to move in whatever direction we wanted.
What was the low point?
In a way I found it really hard because I was creating a collection for Project Runway Canada and not for me, because you’re doing it to win. I found it really hard because I had Iman and the judges in the back of my mind all the time.
Evan Biddell
Were you really the arrogant guy with the bad attitude, or were you just edited that way?
Well, I think there was a lot of arrogance — no, there was a lot of confidence — in all the final three ... I was probably the most cocky because I thought it would be funny — I mean being cocky about fashion is just hilarious. It’s just a dress, you know.
What was the high point in creating your own collection for the finale?
I guess seeing it come to life. It was a lot of fun making it. It was my first collection.
What was the low point?
Probably getting organized, and getting studio space to do the collection. It was pretty chaotic."
You can watch the rest of the episode here.
[Photos: John Van Der Schilden/Slice - Video: MsRoyalT/YouTube]
Yaaay! Iman looked smashing in Lucien's dress (and how about Lucien's house - geeze). I loved how, after the winner was announced, they cut BACK to the footage of the judges making their final decision. Although I don't agree with it, when they showed their conversation, I at least understood the reasoning behind it.
gotta love a collection inspired by Saturday Morning Cartoons... the GOOD ones... lol.
YES!! The winner TOTALLY deserved it....
the work was genius....
thats it.
Spoiler alert - I'm going to name names. So if you don't want to know, look away now!
I would have picked Lucien for the win over Biddell for the reasons the judges even said. He has vision, he has the business skills that Biddell doesn't, and he knows how to work with others. Biddell was the Jeffrey/Wendy of PRC. He was a jerk and played all sorts of mind games. If I had been Lucien when Biddell was sticking his face in Lucien's on the runway at the end, I would have swatted him.
I was really disappointed with MG's collection. I thought it didn't look like hers. I would have gone in putting money on her to win.
Lucien's collection was really beautiful. It was reminiscent of Dior, but also of Valentino. And I wanted to scream at the judges (esp Shaun) "What's wrong with pretty clothes? Women buy pretty clothes!!!" Then I would have given everyone but Iman a Fern Mallis-worthy dope slap.
Biddell and Lucian both had collections deserving of the win. But totally IMO, if Lucian can afford the house he lives in (my boyfriend is Canadian and he told me that house is old Toronto, and easily worth millions)then he probably will have no problem succeeding..
...Besides, hasn't he kind of already succeeded BEFORE the show? Everyone talks about PR4 being too professional, but Lucian has already showed at Fashion Week before, AND he was the finale designer for S2 of CNTM.
Oh, and before I completely forget: Rita's crying was more staged then anything Ricky's ever done. I'm pretty sure that when I rolled my eyes, they exited my head and went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, hoping that by the time they came back Rita was done with her charade.
Biddell's collection was gorgeous and very fresh. It reminded me of Jay.
I, too, felt disappointed in MG, who seems to me the most visionary in flashes, though she seems to sabotage herself a bit. Biddell's colors were beautiful, but that collection just didn't blow me away. I felt a bit "meh" about all of the collections, though Lucian clearly has gorgeous skills.
Is this Season 1 in Canada?
All this excitement makes me want to watch the whole season.
But I hate watching it in 7-8 minute chunks on you tube. It drives me crazy trying to decipher each episode (S1Ep11p3a - I assume this means "Season 1, Episode 11, Part 3a?)
I wonder if there is any easier way to see the whole season. I wished they were available for purchase on iTunes.
Any ideas?
Is anyone else having trouble viewing the clips?? I get the sound, but no picture (which is like watching Top Chef: I can see the food but can't eat it!)
Biddell's attitude reminds me of Jeffrey. Biddell went out of his way to bully and intimate his competitors. I hated how he kept calling Stephen "a bitch" during that one episode. The way he said it was scary. He was so malicious and intentionally hurtful. Stephen is so gentle and sweet, too.
I didn't find Biddell's collection that original. Kylie Minogue was wearing those hoodie dress things 5 years ago. Unless Biddy find a rich boyfriend with business skills to organize his life, I doubt his career will take off.
Loved this show! The designers were all top notch. I loved the way that they left most of drama to who actually wins. I also have enjoyed how they showed much more of the workroom and the sketches.
Iman is just wonderful as the host. Good job Canada! Thanks for a good show!
Biddell reminded me more of Jay than Jeffery. Raw talent with no business sense and no manners.
I thought the challenges in PRC were much more interesting than PR4. They were able to produce much more interesting garments.
I really liked that they showed more of the judges deliberation although I missed the one-liners from the duchess.
The Lucien/Elle Canada lady crying breakdown was so awesomely awkward and bizarre. It was like I was watching ANTM for a second. I loved it. I did think Lucien should have won, though. I didn't find Biddell's collection to be that original; at least not to the extent they seemed to.
For those of you who want to watch the whole season but not on Youtube Project Runway Canada is available in torrent form. Just go to one of the biggest sites/search engines for torrents, type in Project Runway Canada and download.
Oh my. This was an amazing season, they really picked some fabulous people and kept it exciting. They were all amazing. Biddell, Lucien, MG, it was a pleasure to watch them work and create. It's the reason why this show is my favorite. Iman totally trumps Heidi. I wish she would host the American PR. It would make the show 10 times better.
I didn't like Biddell's behavior on the show, I wouldn't have given him the win on either the "Hope" or "Resort" challenges, but I was shocked that I really liked his collection. It was the clear winner to me, and I can't believe I'm saying that. It was like Season 1 of PR when I saw Jay's collection. I just knew.
Lucian's was beautifully made, but seemed Eurotrashy or something. The fabrics with the crochet were just too much, and then those hats. Oy. I just don't get why that collection would move the editor in chief of Elle Canada to tears. That seemed weird and probably made Lucian think he was going to win. I was sure he wouldn't win because of the look on Iman's face as his show was finishing. She didn't look happy.
MG's collection did seem like she strayed from who she is. Some of it was cute, some not so cute. Too bad she felt like she had to do something differently to win.
I did feel badly for Lucian though. Watching Biddell kind of roll his way through the whole thing not taking it seriously, then winning. He was Salieri to Biddell's Mozart.
What a fantastic finale! I loved it!
PR Canada rocks!!
I started crying when GM cried. I think she's very talented and has a very unique point of view. She was and will always be my favorite on the show.
Biddell's collection gave me the chills. Gorgeous! Lucien's was a bit predictable, too vintage looking for my taste. MG's collection was young and fresh, but lacked cohesiveness. I really couldn't be more happy about them being the top three.
You are the best. gay. blog-buddies. EVER!
It was interesting to see that they didn't have a guest judge for the finale. There are many things about PR Canada that are far better than the US version and vice versa, of course. I'm glad we have both : )
WTF was that with Rita and Lucian crying? Just weird...
1) Even though I knew who would win, I was still on the edge of my seat
2) Once Biddel decided to knock the chip off his own shoulder, he was easier to like, and seemed to have more fun.
3) How refreshing to hear Iman clearly express her thoughts on fashion. You know she would NEVER say "pooing fabric"
4) Thank you for including PR Canada commentary!!!
Still humming from watching the entire PRC finale on YouTube!!! Thanks MsRoyalT - you made my Thursdays shine!
I got so caught up in the bonding and drama of PRC - the designers, challenges, and damn, do I admire and love Iman even more than before! She is fierce.
Will miss it all....hope that PR4 starts giving me a reason to care.
Oh good, I'm glad you guys will be talking about the collections. Am I the only one that loved MG's collection?
More importantly, was I the only one who was completely disgusted by Rita's show of emotions while discussing Lucien's collection? What Would Nina Do, Rita?
I liked all 3 collections. Those 3 are all talented and hope they do well.
I wasn't as impressed by biddell's collection as Iman and shawn were. Hoodie dresses? I don't think that's much of a stretch. Hoodies have been pretty ubiquitous for several years. A lot of his looks were fierce, but I think using a different color for nearly every look detracted from the cohesiveness.
I like his signature detailing.
I really hoped Lucian would win. that hats were atrocious. I'm not sure what possessed him to go for that styling. It worked in a way to tell his story, but I think it was too much.
But his clothes? Exquisite. He obviously is very passionate about fashion and his own aesthetic. Being compared to Dior isn't a bad thing, he just wasn't the person for the winner of PR Canada. But his collection was better than Biddell's for many reasons, but it wasn't exactly what the judges were looking for.
It was weird when rita started crying, but, she obviously loved his collection. I've been moved to tears by all sorts of art and I don't judge rita for showing some emotion. His collection was truly beautiful and inspired, but sometimes beauty isn't enough in fashion.
The only thing is I think Biddell will squander his winnings. And from what I hear, Lucian is doing more great things.
Also, love MG. She has the most beautiful smile and spirit. I liked her collection a lot, but had to agree with the judges a bit. The clothes were great, but didn't quite succeed as a cohesive collection. MG you are FABULOUS and I wish you the best.
I don't know why, but even though all three finalists were egocentric divas who'd displayed moments of breathtaking arrogance or bitchery, I loved them all. All three collections were great - there were no Michael Knights or Wendy Peppers in this group. Some were better than others, but none were cringe-worthy (the judging, on the other hand, was painful to watch. If I see people crying, I am one of those people who will automatically start tearing up)
I knew Biddell was going to win (Lucien was too obvious a front runner and MG keeps sabotaging herself), but it was an interesting ride to watch him get there. I don't feel any disappointment with PRC.
Superb finale! All three shows were excellent.
I felt for the judges when they had to make their decision. I don't know if I could have picked one over the other, but I have to agree with the reasoning behind their decision. I have to disagree that Lucian's work looked overly derivative. Lucian's work is full of romantic detailing, which is his signature. I also have to disagree that MG's collection was not cohesive. All three collections were cohesive. "The collection was hard to follow," and "we couldn't tell who you were as a designer," surely have to be the two vaguest, emptiest criticisms I've heard.
I can't believe Biddell spent only, what? two? three weeks on his collection. Wow! That boy has talent!
This was my favorite Project Runway by far. I appreciated the lack of a chainsaw psychotic or nutcast cast to give the show flavor. Instead, PRC production cast talented designers with strong personalities. The three finalists were young, talented, and arrogant, making for a fun finale. I loved how we got to see more of the process: more of the thinking behind the model selection, the thinking behind the hairstyling and makeup. I loved how there was no fabricated melodrama. The process leading to a runway show intrinsically has plenty of drama.
Great show, Canada. My best wishes to all three designers: I hope to see much more of your work in the future.
I love it when Biddell talks smack. Such a cutie!!
All three are adorable!
Just finished watching the finale (I couldn't see it at first but realized it was a sudden Safari problem, so I awitched to Firefox).
First I'd like to say that MsRoyalT, whoever she is, deserves a Nobel Prize for putting all those eps up.
Overall, the most striking differences between the US version & the Canadian version are like the differences between the 2 countries. PR Canada was gentler, as Canada is a more gentle country & culture than ours. The US version seems to want to push the designers over the edge, whereas the Canadian producers wanted them to relax and not stress. Maybe that's why they ended up with, what I think were more creative collections overall.
That being said, some of Iman's comments were like heat-seeking darts hitting the bullseyes. She's both smart & regal.
All three collections were fabulous.
Lucien's was a little too Ladies-Who-Lunch for me, and some of the hems were a bit fussy, but it had some great jackets & silhouettes. The hats......mmmm, I think they were what you'd wear to meet The Queen (Elizabeth, as opposed to some random queen). They'd have been at home at Ascot, as would his whole collection.
Both MG & Biddell were creative and funky. I'm not really sure why they were so much more taken with his than hers. They looked like they were from the same generation, while LUcien looked like his was from a different generation.
Personality-wise I didn't like Biddell & I thought he was arrogant & that hug on the runway (of Lucien) was contrived. Biddel lucked out with the models though. He had the most fabulous one (in the shorts & white jacket) that brought the house down on her own. I think the applause was for her, not the garment.
Each designer had some standout pieces.
I agree with whoever said he's probably going to blow that prize money, but it's his to blow. I think any one of the 3 could have deserved to win.
Lot's of talk about this series being decided even before it got underway.
The judging was so inconsistent. Iman said things that just didn't make sense at times. Shawn Hewson proved he was out of his league altogether making idiotic stament after idiotic statement.
Elle Canada's Rita was biased towards Lucian from the get go (personal friends? ) and some of the other experts were just filler fodder. One guy was designing cheap imports for a food chainstore.
Overall the judging on PR in the US is way more consistent and the judges are all accomplished. It was painful to watch during the adjudication as their lack of formal training was evident.
Is everyone self taught in Canada ?
ugh. well at least he upholds the stereotype of fashion designers as raging egomaniac assholes. his clothes looked like Sebelias (ie mostly a mess) and his personality was horrible. boo.
And yes, Iman did look gorgeous in Lucian's dress and I really liked her hair like that. Probably too much to do everyday, but she looks better with wavier hair than straight hair. She has kinda an oval face and I just don't think the straight hair frames her face nearly as well.
However, she is still fucking gorgeous no matter what.
And I hate to say it, but I like her more than Heidi because I like it when the judging is specific and too the point.
The US production team PR should be studying PR Canada for next season. We don't want to see Ricky cry every week, want want to hear about fashion.
On what planet was Stephen an "early and consistent favourite"? He never won a challenge and didn't even get a high score until the last few episodes. Yet somehow Megan, who did a few really nice pieces, was the one who no one thought belonged.
And while I'd have flipped the winner and the runner-up, I loved both of the top two collections. What a finale.
I concur with each of the afore mentioned wisdoms.
Lucien's collection was romantic and girly. I loved every single perfectly constructed piece, particularly the last three. Both MG and Biddell had many brilliant pieces and some misses as well. I agree with Gotham Tomato that it could be a generational thing. Lucien's appealed to me (40+) but I could easily see my young 20's daughters in both Biddell's and MG's collections.
I felt that the models were superb, with the exception of Lucien's boobie flapping model, and MG's first model, the one who walked like she was wearing wooden shoes that had been stapled to her feet. Biddell's model (white coat, short shorts) was so adorable in her romp down the runway that I would be shocked if her career didn't immediately skyrocket upon exiting the runway.
One of my favorite parts of any runway show is when the designers reappear and dance down the runway holding the last model's hand while receiving the appreciation of the audience. None did that and I was very disappointed. Is that a Canada thing?
I fell madly for MG over time and I think she has everything it takes to make it big and I believe she will. One of my favorite parts in the whole season was when Iman gave her a well-deserved spank to the ego.
Poor Lucien was so serious that he forgot to have fun and enjoy. He reminds me of Chloe from season two. Biddell reminds me of Santino b/c of the sparse work area at home, the inflated ego, the intimidation tactics, and both were teetering on the brink of financial disaster going into the whole PR thing.
This season (and particularly the finale) were so well photographed, choreographed and edited that I think the Weinsteins should carefully reconsider what they've got going on here in America. The visuals were stupendously engaging at all times. This season was more about keeping the designers in a place where they could design something meaningful, rather than run them down with tricks and surprises. I for one loved the different emphasis.
Iman provided nearly all of the drama and she did it perfectly. Well-constructed, never boring.
This was the best PR yet. I don't think PR4 can match it, but I'll keep an open mind. Okay, no I won't. The only PR things I like better than this episode are Tim Gunn and Laura Bennett. Nothing will ever top those two, but this came awfully close.
If I could, I would send MsRoyalT roses. She surely put out a monumental effort to keep us going. Thank you MsRoyalT. Hopefully we'll see you next year.
The best is yet to come... TLo.
And I must add that Uncle Nick's episode was adorable. He will always have my undying adoration.
I liked Brian, too. So different than Tim, but somehow his abrasiveness provided balance by playing off of the milder-mannered designers.
I have a lot to say, but instead I will say something very short.
Was I the only one who liked MG's collection? I am very biased because I adore her, but I thought her collection was really cool. I don't think it was any more inconsistent than Dannie V's was. I never thought a "one" inspiration somehow eliminates someone. I can see "her" in all of those pieces (as a side note I don't understand how someone can say a collection is not "her." she made it).
Also, Rita just made me LAUGH hysterically. It makes me wonder whether they are related- she played the mother "I'm so proud of you" card.
Oh and that said I'd take Biddell over Lucien. So he was an asshole, I just felt his collection was more enjoyable. We can debate innovation, I would go with Biddell and MG's funkier styles over a snuffy euro collection. The crocheting felt just OLD.
There's a link over at a site that rhymes with melevisionwithoutpity.com that has a photographer's contact sheet for the finale show including, presumably, Stephen's decoy show.
I thoroughly enjoyed this series and the last three shows were so different but equally strong in their own sort of ways.
I thought Biddell's was wearable and able to be mass-produced (like Jay's) with a gentle fashion kick rather than some all-fashion all-consuming drive to be "forward" (i.e. expensive or so haute that only the very re/finest fashion poodles would ever wear the clothes).
The clothes also look like some of them could be worn by normal-sized (youngish) women. I just wish he'd put in some pants. He seemed to do fantastic pants and I really liked those shorts he paired with that fantastic buck-skin leather jacket he made from the carcass of some animal his family shot.
Now. Come ooooon. How Canadian can *that* be??
Lucian's stuff looked overwrought and overripe. Teetering on costumey (far more so than Chris' stuff) and slightly Eastern-European tacky. Beautiful concepts but the wrong fabric or the right fabric and too many things to cloak the beauty. And too much like older Valentino, Dior, even Galiano. I really wish with that $8,000, he would have gone to Italy to pick up fabric that would have honored his vision. But I really get the feeling he would have ended up back in Eastern Europe and bought fabric that was slightly gaudy anyway.
But he has that freakin' huge house (that I'm sure his parents put the down payment on) so how sorry can you feel for the guy?
There was a huge spoiler a few months ago, too, concerning him. Another Canadian fashion show did a segment on him at Fashion Week *after PR started its run*. Not that it was a shocker he even made it - it was obvious from the first episode that he was talented. But there were some comments from audience members after the show and they also raised questions of him being derivative and having to learn to edit his pieces. So this weakness has been glaring to the fashionistas *in* enough to be at the actual runway shows.
MG. MG. I'm from Montreal. I *know* that sort of French-Canadian-not-quite-Euro-trendy look. She has it. It just sort of misses the cultural mark for the rest of North America and most of Europe. But her ideas were lovely (although I'm not so hot on the ultimate colour choices). I just wish she'd have a little more joy in the clothes and the collection would have hung together better. She looks like such a joyful person that I was surprised some of the clothes looked rather heavy.
And big loved Iman and Brian Bailey.
Must. Keep. Them.
Rita, from ELLE CANADA? OK. She can stay (mostly because I can't think of any other influential fashion media person with any authority on bridging the design and the public). Shawn can go. He just wasn't all that effective (though he was fun to watch as a weak pawn for Iman to play off).
And I still say that I would have liked to see what Megan could have done (with professional sewers, of course).
I can not wait to hear what the Poodles have to say about the designs!
I wanted MG to win in the first episode and then I hated her umbrella dress and she went downhill and then I loved her again. I liked her personal style and what she wore every week more than the clothes she designed for the runway. I thought her collection was very H&M store display. I could see almost everything on those bright yellow mannequins. I'm glad she made the top three, but she deserved third place and I'm glad she got it.
Some of Biddell's stuff was great and some of it was okay. I thought that he was kind of a jerk, but he didn't bother me as much as Jeffrey did (though Biddell was more of a Jay to me, as someone already said).
And Lucien. Gah, I loved it. There were some elements that maybe he should have toned down or whatever, but it was just really great. It was happy and fresh and nice. I loved the crocheting; it added something new to the collection. And he put in SO much work and worked SO much harder than Biddell. I wanted him to win.
I can't wait to hear your comments on the final collections! It's always good to see what you guys think.
I was really impressed that PRC chose the three most talented designers who each brought a unique vision to the runway. MG is my overall favorite on the show but she didn't full express herself (much like the last challenge) and even though I loved some of her outfits, some just felt out of place which is why I can see the lack of cohesion.
Bidell felt like Jay with the arrogance of Santino to me, definitely not like Jeffrey who was mostly hateful rather than Bidell who would say stuff without thinking but not actually take it seriously. I don't see the "mind games" at all. I did love his talent and freshness and do think he deserved the win although it was close. Lucian's I loved all the details and it was overall. Rita's reaction was a bit WTF because I'm so used to Nina but I understand emotional reactions.
Overall, I really liked PRC and it definitely has more innovative designers than PR4's current crop. But it does lack Tim Gunn and that's a mighty big flaw where I'm concerned, you just can't replace him. But Iman is awesome and although she can be harsh, I like how clearly she expresses her opinions. I do wish they'd show a bit more of the actual design process and wish there was more focus on the dresses in the final runway show (what was with the crazy camera angles?) but overall the challenges were awesome, designers fun and the results great in the end.
Have just watched the entire show, and my reaction is . . . WOW! Any of the three collections could have won, and the decision would have been right. Each one had a strong, individualistic point of view, and was gorgeous (though in different ways). My personal favorite was Lucian's, but I can't be disappointed with the winner.
And, I'm sorry, Tim & Co., but PR Canada is head and shoulders above PR. They show so much more of the mentoring process, and the design process, instead of personality conflict (though we sure got some of that!). I really appreciated the time that was spent showing us the judging, as well.
But, with PRC done, and PR on hiatus, whatever shall I do for my fashion fix ? (~smile~)
By the way, does anyone know what the music was that accompanied Lucian's collection? I adored it.
If I hear the word "Cohesive" one more time I am slitting my wrists.
I want a t shirt that says "What if they say it looks like a doilie"?
Best PRC moment of the season was Stephens runway walk....that bitch needs to hop on over to PR US and teach those clumsy ass newbies how to WALK!!!
good night all.
Brian is an incredibly talented man. Not only does he know style, but also construction and most importantly - he is a true teacher and mentor. I am sorry to admit that I had never heard of him before. He is fabulous. Look at how he helped all of the designers become better. Wow.
lilithcat, the song is by Koop (featuring Yukima Nagano) and called Summer Sun.
Here's the video:
Just finished my marathon viewing, and how inspiring! Thank you, MsRoyalT! OK, where to start...
- love the humanity of the Canadian "proh-cess": it seems more inclined to produce quality than the American "prahhh-cess" does with its stupid-ass mind games.
- I do agree with the Biddell win, though I hope/worry for his ability to follow through. But his collection was the one that made me want to get up and play around with what I've got in my wardrobe. It excited me.
- the word that sprang to mind with Lucian's collection was "louche" and that was not an inspiring feeling. The fabrics were gorgeous to be sure, and the "doilies" were intriguing, but maybe it was the music, maybe it was the silhouettes, I don't know, but it felt too old and slinky in a way that did not excite. There was something very "Death in Venice" to it and that doesn't make me want to go play with my wardrobe.
- loved MG's music the most, but there was a lack of cohesion. And those weren't hourglass silhouettes on some of those dresses. Those were hips that stuck out too far to look attractive. But she'll be fine, I sense.
What a fantastic series. I will definitely order the DVD when it's available. and I'm dying to go see Brian Bailey's shop when I'm in TO next. He was a superb mentor.
Loved, loved, loved, PRC!
I agree with the posters who said MG and Biddell had a young vibe, while Lucien's collection was geared to the more established client. I have a mini-fashionista friend (19-year-old dtr of a friend), and I can totally see her in MG's clothes.
I think MG is adorable in a quirky sort of way. She has a great deal of personal style. Her emotional last video journal was moving. She really grew up on the show, and I predict great success for her.
Lucien's home is to-die-for gorgeous!
I loved how there was so little manufactured drama on PRC. The drama was inherent in the the competition.
Can't wait for your run-down, TLo!
Hope Laurie
Thank you, snoopa!
The production values of PRC make PR4 look cheap and amateurish, from the regular weekly runway to the finale show- with real music no less...
'By the way, does anyone know what the music was that accompanied Lucian's collection? I adored it.'
Iman was the clear heart and center to this show. PR4 lacks a passionate center and in comparison comes up way short.
im depressed theres no more good PR--all i have left is this farce they call season 4 here-is it just me or does anyone else wish heidi would have an unfortunate accident (not permanently disabling)and be replaced my iman-and then parsons receives an anthrax threat and it all must be shifted to canada -- to dream--and im sorry i like tim an all-but really brian bailey really actually is a real designer with his own collection and has helplful critiques-how did tim get to be tim???hes not a designer- i thik he too is a botantist with dr.phil--i have opinions on fashion-just because he has a thesaurus and a word a day calendar - im mean really--the most tim has ever said was think about it-dont make nina mad and make it work-if you think about tim just gives an opinions and is very vague-brian helped them become better and understand how to help correct their mistakes and guide them -im sorry i used to love this show so much--now ive seen it done right-and how baddddd this season is to add to it-well--its just not worth my energy to get into- it was fun to see talent bloom and creativity on canadas version--its like im watching people go through the motions-its like a relationship thats gone bad-you just go through the act but your just not into it-its like maintenance sex-you do it to do it-but its not passionate and definitely not memorable-and like a dead end relationship if it doesnt change as soon as something better comes along im gone-cause while season 4 sucks -ill do it-but im totally not into it--you know that new show crowned might be my next lover-cause this just isnt working out
Biddell is an abusive bully. I never found him funny or amusing. But I like his clothes. I see why he won. I bet he spent half the money already. He has no business sense.
Oh, and Biddell is no Jay McCarroll. Not at all. Jay was HILARIOUS and such a colorful playful personality. He had a biting sense of humor. I loved Jay's vatty one-liners and quips. He also got along with everyone.
Biddell is simply not funny. He lacks wit and comic timing. His monotone voice is flat and dull and his demeanor was mean-spirited and cruel. I cringed when he following Stephen around the work room and kept hissing 'BITCH!" until Stephen cried... Sorry, but that's not funny.
Jay would never harass another designer and try to hurt them.
Biddell is an asshole.
What a great finale to a great show!! The final three was superbly talented, Brian was a great mentor, and Iman . . . . . was FABULOUS! Intelligent and opinionated and usually spot on. I was disappointed in some of MG's looks. They just weren't at all flattering to the female form. Some of her innovations were very striking as well as pretty, but others missed.
Maybe it is an age thing, because I totally loved Lucian's collection, even the hats. I thought they added an adorable touch of whimsy to those beautiful romantic dresses. And they accentuated and flattered the female form. And I thought the whole thing was very original, while he was so thoughtful and careful about it all.
Biddell, on the other hand, was very innovative, original, and quirky. However, I will be very shocked if he does anything productive with the win. I think he will be another flash in the pan Jay. To come to fashion week with only half a collection finished was the height of insolence. I suspect he WAS out playing around and smoking pot most of the three month hiatus. It will be interested to see if he takes advantage of this opportunity, but I still think Lucian got robbed!
Take a lesson PR4. I'm talking to you Andy and all the Weinsteins, too.
Iman is enormously better than Heidi. I would replace that little twit from Bustle with Tim Gunn as a judge and it would be perfect.
Lucien's collection belongs on the Paris runway about 4 years ago.
I loved how MG styled her collection with the pink line down the leg. She needed better shoes.
I hate to admit that Biddell's collection blew me away. Some of the little hot pants/short outfits in the middle of his line-up could have fit better. And (arrrgh, I can not believe I am saying this) I am completely overlooking the wearability factor; but Biddell's was fresh and unexpected and new looking. Yeah, yeah the hoodies are reruns, I know.
Biddell is just a younger Jay. Biddell will be that cynical after he burns through his money and chafes under the thumb of the mentorship. He does not have the drive to be a long-term fashion success.
Lucien will ultimately be the success of the three. He has the drive, the experience and will design for a certain type of trophy wife; the blonde number two or number three who travels around the world as arm candy for a succesful older businessman.
Sigh. So sorry that it is over. As a fogie, I'll weigh in on the age thing. Certainly, Lucien's line skewed older. But I'm thinking Victorian, not Gen-X (that's us born-in-the-60s folk). He is insanely talented, but his line looked like the results of a Grandmother's Parlour challenge--silk curtains, crocheted antimacassars, and blown-glass mantel ornaments. If the crochet had been paired with a fabric that was...well, pretty, it would have worked. but damn that was a dreary palette.
MG and Biddell did have the more youthful lines. I'm a long-time sucker for a hood and a draped back, so I did love Biddell's. But I thought that MG's had interesting elements that could be worked into more "wearable" fashion--the bias patching, the random straps--which is really what much high fashion runway work is about.
As a post-40 dabbler in design, I do appreciate that PR4 gave chances to older designers, but I have to say, the energy brought by these young arrogant folk is so much more interesting.
Mister Ford I agree with you 150%....you hit those nails on their collective heads.
Lucien to vagina hats to a new level BTW.
Bidell is just a child. He will look back at those episodes one day and say "why was I such an asshole"?
I agree- Jay was not cruel, he was hilariously funny. His Elle blog is second only to this one in looking at PR from a straight forward perspective.
I wasn't wild about the Bustle clothing guy UNTIL he went to bat for who he believed in for the win.
Iman is the heart and soul of that show- she definitely brought something to it that Heidi is simply not capable of doing.
I knew Biddell would win: Iman loves a dark horse and a rebel. But I think he deserved it: His show and collection gave me chill, huge energy.
I loved the camerawork during the runway show: Really let us see the clothes, something I've been frustrated by with the US PR.
Oh and Iman!! Over the course of the season, who hasn't fallen desperately in love with her?!? So formidable and passionate and smart: Checking people when they need it, but also encouraging and championing. A really marvelous force for the show. (I've always loved her and Bowie as a couple but now I really do.)
Ok, was that one dude in a horrible car accident? Cancer patient? What is up with his head?
Fantastic season! Aww, I miss Jay, Kara Saun, Austin...even Crazy Wendy Pepper!
"slightly Eastern-European tacky"...honey, that collection would only look good on Havana street whores during Carnaval.
MG was robbed, that gal will be designing for Channel when the other two will be at Les JC Pen-nay. PRvsPRC Inman is fierce and got about 100 IQ points over Hi-dee. Tim G...the best! PRC, better production and editing....but my God, get two new judges! You HAVE to have a bitch queen like Auntie Michell and a female bitch queen like Nina for sure. Loved the touchy feely end....so Canook!
I think in the long run, Lucien will be the biggest success of PRC1 -- just like Kara Saun, Chloe Dao, Malan Bretan and Emmett McCarthy. He has excellent business sense and longevity.
Biddell will blow his $100,000 on weed, booze and parties. Talented guy but flash in the pan. He also lacks Jay's humour and personality to be a good commentator.
anonymous 5:18, I'm not sure why you make the leap between Lucian being a good bet when it comes to business.
His website shows him only at one store and only graduating from school in 2003. If the litmus test for business success is that house he saw, I say it's a false one because I really really can not see how he could afford that big house in an expensive part of Toronto that he bought about two years ago without the major financial help of someone.
I'm not saying he isn't a good business person, I'm just saying that if he has people other than those with a pure financial or business aim helping him, then it's a lot harder to see what he has done independently.
I'm one who wasn't put off by Biddell's games and snark -- perhaps after Jeffrey's truly meanspirited comments on PR3 he came across as pretty mild to me. Plus he struck me as an insecure guy who compensated for his sense of not measuring up by assuming a front of confidence. The more I watched the more I liked him, actually. I did think he was funny.
Biddell wasn't my fave, Lucian was. But having seen the collections I would have judged it exactly the way it turned out. Lucian's looked lovely but, I don't know, overthought. I got a victorian vibe off some of it, along with a 40s feel to some silhouettes. (Someone could do a 1935-1944 inspired collection and have me at their washing their feet, I love that period so much.)
Hated most of the shoes. I've never understood elegant flowing clothes with clunky footwear.
All said, a spectacular season. Great talents, great clothes, and I'm a big Brian Bailey-as-mentor fan. He really did mentor them.
And then Iman. Enough said.
This is the first time I have ever cried while watching the finale of a Project Runway show! How emotional was this finale??? MG was precious, Lucien was so passionate and in the last five minutes Biddell grew up right before our eyes!
I think Iman and PRCanada kicks Heidi and PRUS's ASS. Better challenges, more focus on the design process, makeup and hair, more constructive and ultimately helpful criticism from the mentor, more pointed critiques from the judges - more everything!!! This season was amazing! I just hope they can keep it up for their seasons to come.
Thank GOODNESS for Project Runway Canada! I am still SEETING that PR ...er, America was so late in telling us that there wouldn't be a new episode for 2 weeks. Meanwhile, they forced me to watch PR Canada which ended up being the BETTER show on so many levels. I hope PR America gets a big fat lump of coal in their Christmas stocking. Viva la PR Canada!!!
Looking forward to TLo's rehash of the finale. That was a SERIOUSLY good season. I loved it. I haven't bought any of the other PRs on DVD, but this one, I might. I loved Iman, and as much as I love love love Tim, I do think Brian Bailey did a better job of encouraging and mentoring the designers (don't kill me). I love the toned down drama (I'm not crazy about PR4 after comparing it to this), I love the focus on designing more, and overall, they just seemed... nicer (with the possible exception of Biddell, but even from him, I got more of a sense of his attitude being a defense mechanism). And Iman. Good god. I've never seen anyone more fabulous than her. She rocked everything she wore. And she seems human! Slightly scary, but human.
Thank you for drawing my attention to PRC. I loved this even better than the original. Less drama, more design, and Iman!
Ok series is done, Slice decided to go for the ratings over best overall design, and not only did Lucian get robbed but several others who are far superior designers, but not so great TV personalities were booted to boost pitiful ratings. Good job. Now we have hack TV stations trying to dictate fashion to us.
Judges. The decision to use Hewson is such a joke, people in coffee shops all over Toronto are wondering how a t-shirt designer can judge and know anything about a higher level of fashion. His commentary was so antispetic, redolent of someone faking it bigtime.
He did manage to dress up in his own costumes, furthering the self promotion of a line a 2 year design student could do in a weekend.
PR US judging is superior in so many ways.Every judge is accomplished and has made significant achievements.
I doubt if this show will return for Season 2.Too many industry wags are laughing at the outcome.
Was it here that people were speculating that Biddell and Lucian were actually friends? And that the snipping was all about Biddell's frustrated crush on Lucian? I'm a huge dork, and a little sleuthing expedition on facebook showed that all the PRC designers are friends with each other, and mostly with both Lucian and Biddell, but the two boys ARE NOT (facebook) FRIENDS.
Thank god this is anonymous.
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