Did we perhaps make the Entertainment Weekly Best of 2007 issue?

Why yes, bitches. WE DID:
"...if websites could talk (or eat, for that matter), this is the one we'd want to have lunch with."
But that should really be "with whom we'd want to have lunch." Not that we're being ungrateful! We're just saying, is all.
Well, now that we're done patting ourselves on the back, Santa Gunn has a special message for you:
And God bless us. Every one!
We can't thank all of you enough for your incredible support this year. Y'all have a happy one now, y'hear?
Oh, and look! We're so fucking fabulous, we even have a blooper reel!
Big special props to PRGalPal AMY for shooting and directing our little Christmas Timgnettes.
[Screencap and Videos: Project RunGay]
There goes the neighborhood... ;o)
TLo, you deserve all the kudos!!
I feel pretty damn fabulous by association.
Congratulations guys! You deserve all the kudos you get.
Timgnettes! How sweet!
Oh, our sweet little Miss Timmy! Dont ya just wanna tie him up with red ribbons and do unspeakable things to him all night long?
TLo, you bitches will soon rule the universe.
I love you!! You deserve every ounce of recognition.
(PS - I want to be a guest when you get your own TV show)
Happy Holigays, TLo! Snowy Detroit loves you. :)
Congrats, bitches! I'm so proud of you!!
LOVE LOVE the Tim video! Isn't he adorable?
Happy Holidays, darlings!!
Aww, Tim is the best! I love him...and I love you both. Thank you so much for make me laugh on a daily basis. Congrats and Merry Xmas!
LOL. I love the bloopers! You kittens rock!
Congratulations, Boys!
Well deserved. Cheers!
I'm so proud of you, chicas!
Fab all around, bitches! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Awesome, poodles!
"snf in va said...I feel pretty damn fabulous by association."
Me too. I love this blog!
Oh, you guys so rock!!!!! And thanks for [s] browbeating [/s] asking Tim to do that little speech, that was cool!
They're not wrong, actually. Prepositions at the ends of sentences are fine.
But still! Congratulations! You are fabulous, as always!
Get over here, you scamps!
You get a big ol' congratulatory smack on the collective fanny!
OMG - when did that bonus video of Chris (Sissybear) in drag go up? I just noticed it. I saw it back in 2001. Pretty damned funny.
My friend Jason played Christina.
Chris did all the costumes and they were fabulous!
Chris was also Shirley Temple in the show. Find that video!
oops - and by saw "it" I mean the Off Off Broadway show, "Christmas with the Crawfords."
Connie Champagne did a kickass Judy Garland in it.
Congrats to TLo!
So great to find this on my last workday before Xmas, a sweet sweet holiday greeting! I'm going to make my holidays work!
I'm hoping and believing that you were joking with your complaint about "have lunch with." The only people who insist that you can't end a sentence with a preposition are the people who will still tell you that you can't call a child a kid because a kid is a baby goat.
Go TLo! You are the best.
Happy Holidays, you two, and all Rungay posters.
Congratulations; Bitches!
(I've used a semi-colon inappropriately just for you.)
Tim is so sweet! Congratulations, PRGBoys!
Happy holidays to all the fabulous Rungay readers!
Tim Gunn wishing ME a Merry Christmas, Chris' video (FREAKING HILARIOUS!), EW...my head is about to explode, due to fabulosity overload!!!
OMG! Thats so fabulous!
The message from Tim made me all warm and fuzzy inside.
way to go guys!
Dear T&L and Santa Tim, too -
Oh, thank you so, SO much for making me smile and chuckle on a stressful last full day in the office for this busy year.
And for all the smiles, grins and giggles and - no kidding - thought-provoking work you've done both on this must-visit-every day blog and the Tom & Lorenzo blog for the past year and a half.
You are a gift that keeps on giving, and aren't we all the fortunate and grateful recipients?
Happy hols and all the best,
What? You weren't #1 on that list of great bloggers? I DEMAND A RECOUNT.
I have to say, RunGay makes each episode so much more interesting. I'm glad you're getting recognition but it's not what you deserve. You're #1 on MY list. So there. Take THAT, EW.
Wowee! Congrats!
Did you all see that? Tim was talking to ME! To me, to me, to me!! Thank you, boys, for letting him do that! And thank you for all you do all year!
Now go have lunch with whomever you want -- and make it a three-martini funfest!
Absolutely Beyond Freaking Fabulous!!!
A big hug and kiss to you!
Yay! good on ya, boys!
Happy Holidays and best for 2008. Much love for the very special message from TG!
Awesome, boys! I'm so proud of you! You're the best!
Congratulations, you fabulous bitches, you!!
And isn't Tim Gunn the most adorable guy in the known universe????? Um, not that TLo aren't adorable!
Happy Holidays, TLo!
I saw that this morning. I check out EW's site every morning, and imagine my delight to see the fabulous TLo's blog mentioned.
Soon you'll have your very own Bravo show!
"TLo Knows"
Merry Christmas to you too!
I figured it was only a matter of time before the world woke up to your fabulous, brilliant site. Congrats on the recognition!
"...Y'all have a happy one now, y'hear?"
Was that a shoutout to me? Thanks, y'all, and congrats.
I just received my Entertainment Weekly today and I was so thrilled you made the list! You deserve every nice comment and more! Hell, I now look forward to the show more because of the bitchery to follow!
One problem though. Why the picture of Heidi and not one of you guys? :)
Love ya,
eat, drink, and be merry
Congratulations! You deserve it because you two are the best. And Feliz Navidude.
"mere said: Hell, I now look forward to the show more because of the bitchery to follow!"
I second that emotion.
And I hope all the other PR blogs have just thrown themselves on the floor, in sobbing Ricky-like heaps, at the news.
Because what good is success if it doesn't make your rivals grind their teeth with envy.
TLO! Congrats precious darlings. You deserve it.
God Lord Timm Gunn is simply magnificent. Love the little gaggle of Tim bobbleheads next to him on the table, LOL!
Note to the (famous) Blogmasters: Feel free to correct any/all grammar, spelling, and punctuation of the above comment. As always, I left plenty for you to fix.
OMG, Tim Gunn is one of us. He LOVES us! He really LOVES us! Happy holiday times to TLo, thanks for being a truly bright spot in my days!
Toasty wishes for a warm
and cozy holiday!
Oh TLo, the joy you bring to the holiday season! Well, to any season! What took EW so long? Thanks for the bitchery, and the FABULOUS screencaps!
Joy unto you, darlings!
Seriously, Bravo needs to give you two a show of your own.
Love you both and love the Gunn! Merry Christmas, you fabulous bitches!
Merry Christmas, guys! I hope you have a fabulous holiday and receive all the love and treats you so richly deserve! Thanks for making me laugh!
I want more GUNN on PR!!! He is the best part of the show.
Today EW, tomorrow---THE WORLD!!!
You know how I feel about you guys, so I won't get all mushy and redundant. Wishing you the very best for the holidays and ALWAYS!
The same goes for all your fabulous readers!
Awwww... Congratulations boys! Have a wonderful Christmas.
CONGRATULATIONS! Well deserved. Thanks for bringing a little fabulousness into our lives.
I want to make sure I say thanks for all the fun before you guys get so popular we can't get near the comment page anymore :-)
Merry Christmas,
E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E!!!!! But I only repeat the sentiments of those who have posted before me.
What great news. Thank you all, both TLo, and you fabulous fellow participants. If laughter is healthy, we should all live forever just from reading this site.
Merry Chrismahanukwanzaa, Winter Solstice, and other winter holidays as appropriate to all of you. Given that the solstice arrives at 10:15 (PST0 tonight, remember to illuminate your general area and make some noise to encourage the sun to return tomorrow.
Shut UP! That is just the single most fabulous thing I have heard/read this whole Christmas season. When you lovely boys promise a Christmas surprise, you don't screw around!
Huge kudos on the EW appearance -- you know I'll freaking BRONZE that issue when it arrives. And Merry Christmas to the two of you. Thanks for making my year so vicariously fabulous!
Oh my! Entertainment Weekly no less!
Congrats TLo!
I don't remember life before Project RunGay and I don't want to!
If you bitches need another PRGalPal - I'd drop all and come running =)
Cheers darlings!
Oh and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to EVERYONE on this blog!
Here's to making it work in 2008!!
You guys are great, but don't be afraid of ending sentences with prepositions! It's perfectly grammatical. That rule is a false one, made up by language snobs who valued Latin grammar over English. As Winston Churchill (supposedly) famously said, that is a rule "up with which I shall not put!"
Today, EW, tommorrow, WORLD effin' DOMINATION!!!!!!!!
It couldn't have happened to better bitches anywhere. Thanks for the Tim and ChrissyBear clips. They made my day.
Merry Christmas, bitches.
You're either in or you're out and you two are IN. Huuuuge congratulations. Have a fabulous holiday.
"..this is the one we'd want to have lunch with."
this is a perfectly fine construction. it's called a restrictive relative clause with a zero complementizer (the most frequent type of relative clause in english). oh, and it 's also a preposition stranding construction -- a hallmark of english syntax and recognized as such in every serious grammar of english (you know, the ones linguists write...). relax, guys, your gift horse's dental health is just fine.
Congrats to you guys, what a great holiday present for you! Don't go getting the big head and start ignoring all your fans when they approach you for an autograph!
And that was the best Christmas greeting eva!
Who knew your readers were so erudite? Whom knew? Whatever! Congrats on the EW, what I want to know is whether their informant merely lurks here or is a regular contributor? Hmmmmmm.....who (or whom) amongst us could it be?
Love you guys bunches and if Emmett's reading this, I ordered a Tim bobblehead today for a friend but was too shy to gush over the phone to your extremely helpful salesperson about my deep abiding love for you.
Happy Merry Etc.
Oh Riddiculus all this fabulosity and grammar lessons! Thank you, thank you! We are not worthy (bows in admiration).
Merry Christmas!! Thank you Tiny Tim, and God Bless us every one!!!
I might've given up on Project Runway this season if it weren't for Project Rungay. I have to watch to keep up with the ONLY blog I read (and love)
Love the kudos,very well deserved. My question is; How can I get PR Canada? What channel is it on?
Please help, I don't want my sole Iman Exposure to be from HSN.
Congratulations, Boys! Not that it should be a shock to anyone. You two are definitely IN!!! Happy holidays to you and to all your faithful commenters.
And does SissyBear in drag remind anyone else of Mrs. Slocombe on "Are You Being Served"??
Felicidades boys!! You guys are sunshine and bitchiness everyday!
SHUT UP!!!!!!! Yay U!!!!!
And to think I knew you when....
And thanks for the extra Tim.
Happy Happy!
What a difference a year makes! Congratulations to you both - and many thanks for the Tim video!
Been here since the early days, and I always knew the GayBoys were destined for greatness!
Congratulations!! It's just the beginning, dolls.
- b
Damn!I've been naughty and I can't download the video.
Congratulations on your new found fame and notoriety.
Many Happy Returns, Sewing Siren
Congrats, T & L. Very, very well deserved.
Sewing Siren: If you don't already have it, download Firefox, and try watching the videos through them.
I love love love this website!
I've told all my PR watching friends about you and they are hooked now!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Ashland, Kentucky!!
Now I know what mag I'm gonna get to read on the plane on my trip home for Christmas!!!! WOW and you deserve every delicious bite (sound, written or otherwise) you get!!!
Happy Holidays Boys!!!
Katie :)
HI Tim!!! I see you gave us a little tongue in the Timgnettes..guess it's not just reserved for 3am! (sorry to be so unsophisticated, it just had to be said).
Aww, how cute of Tim.
Have a happy holiday and a gay New Year!!
Congratulations! And if your heads start expanding, please post photos.
Merry Christmas, dears.
May Santa stuff your little stockings with care.
Much love and appreciation to you two for all the good times.
Happy New Year!
Love -- desertwind
Tim is hooooot!
i touch myself everytime i see him in PR.
merry xmas and happy new gay year.
So fabulous--it's even in an insert sent to subscribers! I was just coming here to see if you knew. Congrats, guys, and thanks for the Father Tim wishes...super-extra bonus for the bloopers (if only project runway would show more Tim Gunn bloopers, I'd be a happy woman).
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!
as a writer and college writing teacher, props on the grammar correction--you boys make me proud! :)
but even bigger props on the recognition--you've earned every ounce of it with your endless witticisms and faithful devotion to all things pr. pr (esp. this less-than-thrilling season, thus far) just would NOT be the same without you!
much love,
Yes, boys, please do stick to your guns on those prepositions! To paraphrase a certain fashion icon, it's a slippery slope from those dangling "withs" and "tos" to double negatives and, oh the humanity, subjects and predicates not agreeing.
And if worse comes to worst, just remember that the ability to use "who" and "whom" correctly is what separates us from the animals -- that and the ability to laugh! Merry Holidays, all!
Congratulations! You do run a really fun blog. I like the "Cocktail Party" comparison best.
Thanks for providing a lot of fun and a posse of interesting bloggers!
Actually, since they said,
"...if websites could talk (or eat, for that matter), this is the one we'd want to have lunch with."
and left out the obligatory 'that' or 'who', even in a sentence with a dangling participle, you would have to make the assumption that they're referring to the website as an inanimate object. And since 'whom' implies a human being, it would actually be "With which we'd want to have lunch."
Uh, so there's that.
That point aside; congratulations!
Merry Christmas! Hope your day is one filled with only good things and loving people.
Thanks for everything!
I am getting to the age when I don't dangle anything. I keep my participles covered along with my upper arms. Most of my prepositions and propositions are ignored these days.
If I were to get up the nerve to propose anything. I would propose a long lunch with you two.
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