Those lazy designer whores are taking a holiday break but we're not! As you may have heard, there will be no new PR episodes until the New Year. In the mean time, we'll spend this week quietly reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas.
HAHA! No we won't! Instead, we'll continue ripping those shit-ugly dresses from the last episode, PLUS we'll have a very special Christmas post that will make you gasp and clap, PLUS we'll be posting the finale of Project Runway Canada, much to the chagrin of our non-high-speed-internetted readers!
Because Christmas means Bitchery, darlings!
[Screencap: Project RunGay]
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greatly looking forward to gasping and clapping.
You rock, boys!
Yeah baby!
I eagerly await flaunting my high-speed status in the PRC comments section!
Oh, thank God! When I heard there was a break in episodes I wondered what I would do to cleanse my mental palate after the sickly sweet, sentimental and totally plastic commerce-driven seasonal frivolity.
Once again, the gays to the rescue. Bad design roasting on an open fire. I salute you!
Rosie's Girl
If you are looking for something PR related to blog about during the downtime between new episodes, you could talk about Austin Scarlett being on Real Housewives of OC. I wasn't sure whether the dresses featured were all designed by him or not, but it was fun to see him on TV again. And some of the dresses were fabulous!
what a nice present to find in my stocking! cant wait to open it :)
Ha! Ready to rock my high speed internet. Thanks for keeping your advertisers (ahem!) ... oops, I mean your loyal, faithful readers ... happy. Tee!
Oh goodie, I can't wait!... Jumping up and down squeeling and clapping hands...
Hark, the bitchy angels sing! It's good to know that you boys understand the true meaning of Christmas. Let the thundering hoards wrestle to the death over $29 VCRs at Walmart. We, in this more enlightened corner of the universe, will have more fun with you boys spiking the egg nog.
P.S.- Since PR will be back on the air just in time for my birthday, they better be bringing me a good episode.
Oh, thank god (who is, in her own way, a fashionista - who do you think invented the "make a garment out of leaves" challenge?).
Bring on Project Runway Canada finale!!
Lucien for the win!
Can you critique the final outfits from Project Runway Canada?
And God bless us, everyone!
Can NOT wait!!!!!
Love you bitches!!!
PR sucks! It's rerun enough during the week that if you miss it one day, you'll be sure to get it the next.
Just because it's the holiday doesn't mean some of us aren't sitting on our asses, basking in the exhaustion that is the season, and just in need to watch mindless entertainment.
Oh, we all - your faithful readers - wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays.
Please critique the critique the final collections from Project Runway Canada!...Please : - )
I'm clutching my pearls in anticipation.
Clutching my pearls.....
snort..ha ha!
It's beginning to look a lot like bitchmas...
My favorite holiday song!
TLo, take me away!
Thanks, boys, we all knew we could count on you to relieve us of Christmas sincerity.
I'm fairly agog with anticipation, dahlings!
Love to T&L!!
mwa mwa mwa!
Oh, yay! I was so worried when I saw that there was no new episode this week. I should have known you would come to the rescue! The thought of Christmas bitchery just warms my heart.
I don't care what Santa says -- I like you guys!
Kewl! Merry Bitchmas everyone!
PRC! Woot!!
I'm suprised at how much I've been enjoying this, namely because the designers seem stronger than that of Project Runway USA.
I hope you boys are planning on a PRC review after you've finished blogging PRUSA.
I can't wait, poodles!
Does the Duchess own any other clothing? Same ol jacket, black t-shirt and jeans...and with a somewhat unkempt looking face. Am I wrong?
YAY! I love PRC Canada! Thanks, boys!
Yeah, PRC comments! Oh, please, please, please let us in on your PRC runway takes. That'll get us through this horrible time of the year.
And I'll have you know that I had to attend an Xmas company breakfast this morning and while I was trying really hard not to snarf down chocolate-covered waffles, I almost hocked a waffle square in surprise when I saw that the video backdrop for the party was "White Christmas". I giggled and squirmed for the next hour as I tried really hard not to expound upon the obvious mischievous, frivolous, gaietyous subtext.
Damned you for making me look weirder in the eyes of my colleagues than I already am.
Or, should I say, "thank you!".
Sometimes Bravo needs to be slapped. But you guys RULE!!!
"PLUS we'll have a very special Christmas post that will make you gasp and clap" YAY!!! I'm not the only one working on Christmas! Now if I could just hack the firewall at work so I could be entertained on my breaks. Your website gets the "This website is blocked secondary to: alternative lifestyle content" message. When did Fashion become an alternative lifestyle??
*anguished scream*!!!!!!!!!!
holy muu muu - not until Jan. 2????!!!!!
thank goodness for this blog. I may die from withdrawal otherwise.
I'm ready for the gasping and clapping - bring it bitches!
Merry christmas, happy holidays, happy chanukah etc etc TLO - you bitches are fabu-licious!
Ms Royal T has posted Epi. 11 on You Tube tonight! I'm gonna grab my glass o'wine later and enjoy.
SUS, I can't find ep 11. Are you sure it's there?
Yes, we really haven't heard a lot from you on the individual episodes of PRC. It'd be nice to see a quick rundown on the episodes from you two.
I just stayed up way too late watching the youtube videos of the PRC finale--they are up but to access them now, you have to click on a link to all MsRoyalT's videos. And a huge thank you to MsRoyalT whoever you are.
Don't want to spoil anything, so all I'll say for now is f'ing unbelievable. Please blog about it boys.
it was such a bummer to find no new episode tonight.
thank god for PR canada! it's so much more entertaining than PR4. and the final collections deserve some attention! each impressive in their own way. i may need to watch it again.
can't wait to see what you boys thought of it.
Loved, loved, loved the finale to PRC.
Please, pleasepleasepleasepleeeeease rip the Project Runway Canada fashion week collections. Lots of blog fodder there! I really want to hear what you guys have to say about them.
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