Let's wrap these bitches up, shall we?

We did not love this dress, although that probably has more to do with the ugly fabrics than the dress itself.

It's your basic baby-doll silhouette, which is fine. Sorta flattering, but the skirt's probably a little too full.

We thought the idea of using the patterned material was sound, we just don't like this material, that's all. Good enough to squeeze by.

This is the best, most finished garment Sweet P's managed to throw down the runway.

It's simple, but she made good use of the materials and stuck to proportions that were going to flatter her client.

No, it's not the most fashion-forward design in the world and the drabness of the color weighs down an already potentially-drab garment, but again, it's good enough to squeeze by. She and Kit need to step up.

Ironically, VictorYa took a step down this week.

Honestly, if we didn't know who designed this dress and had to guess, VictorYa would've been very low on the list.

When we haven't liked her work, it's usually been due to differences in taste. Even when we don't like it, we see a style and an expression that comes through loud and clear.

This? This looks like a 20-year-old Simplicity pattern.

Just another drab, boring, refitted, non-everyday wear garment. It's barely distinguishable from the one that got Steven auf'd. She should've gotten a slamming from the judges over it.
[Photos:Barbara Nitke /Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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Once again the judging was all over the place on this challenge, with 'meh' outfits getting raves and other somewhat less 'meh' pieces being ignored.
Not too much creativity visible on the runway last week.
Of these Three Stooges, Kit's is definately the best, though it does just look like a typical dress from Anthropologie, it is wearable at least.
The other two dresses (Sweet P & Victorya) are just fugly, plain and simple. Just awful in every way.
Of course, it is a step up for Sweet P to actually finish something, but even done it's just meh, (and the black hose does not go with that dress, maybe if the trim had been black, maybe). In that challenge where she had to work with Elisa, she made a lot of noise about Elisa dragging her down, but I've yet to see her actually do anything on her own worthy of all that protest. Everything she does looks like a Home Ec project. And the taste level just is not there. At all.
And Victoya's, Yikes! It looked like it came out of a Salvation Army bin.
My only explanation for Victorya's outfit is that her client had a date with this bunch.
Concerning these 3, the only one I really liked was Sweet Pea's. Kit's was ok, nothing to write home about and VictorYA's was horrid.
Sweet Pea's was very nice and better than most of the crap she has put out so far. I am concerned about her skill level. It's obvious her personal style level, has much to be desired, but it appears she has no professional skills either, at least fashion forward items.
Kit's outfit, was awful. It looked like her ugly print slip was showing. I know she was limited by the fabric from the client, but she could have done better. Her model did look good though.
VictorYA, what can I say. She just shortened the existing dress. She was not playing this game at all. She should have been in the bottom 3 over Chris. At least Chris' outfit was cute, this was ugly and she used no imagination whatsoever. I don't care for her, and I hope she goes home soon.
i agree. victorya should've gotten yelled at this week.
Out of these three I think Sweet P's looks the most like a dress her client would wear. It also looks like a piece from Sweet P's mini runway collection. I don't love the color, but I cant fault her on that, because she used what she was given. I don't think her skill level is up to some of the other contestants though.
The fit on Kit's neckline is a little wonky, and I think she would have been better off sticking with the print and the black instead of adding that orange fabric. The silhouette however,is flatterning to her client.
I love green velvet, it isn't easy to make an everyday look with it because it is a very seasonal fabric. It would have been more successful (and more casual)if she had done a skirt and top and mixed the velvet with a print or woven check. I don't like the matte green bodice with sweatheart neckline inset at all.
I'm sorry, did you say something? I couldn't hear over the YAWN's walking down the runway.
Speaking of Simplicity patterns.....I think I have that one. LMAO
Finale predix:
....and we all die of boredom. Probably not a Laura/Jeffrey smackdown to be found.
Duchess, start passing out the Xanax now.
Seth said...
VictorYA, what can I say. She just shortened the existing dress. She was not playing this game at all. She should have been in the bottom 3 over Chris. At least Chris' outfit was cute, this was ugly and she used no imagination whatsoever. I don't care for her, and I hope she goes home soon.
You hit the nail on the head! Didn't you just LOVE the "these women are not the usual model size so the rules don't work with them"...???? Proportion doesn't work with anyone that is not a size 0? WTF???
No wonder her name isn't splashed on the pages of every fashion mag in the world....or everywhere you look for that matter. If she's only going to "design" for 1% of the population why doesn't she go do it and leave the rest of us in peace? (Ok, so its towards Christmas and I borrowed a little Dickens...LMAO)
I felt so bad for VictorYA's client! That dress is so hideously unflattering! (Not to mention ugly.)
You know, the participants in this show always say how long judging takes, but from the results of these first episodes, it almost seems as if the judges just can't keep track of all the outfits they see, so they just quickly settle on one or two obvious winners and one or two obvious losers and fudge the rest. It seems lazy, if nothing else.
That said, it also seems as if not too many of the designers understand the ground rules of flattering the female figure -- e.g., what necklines or hemlines or waistlines work or don't work on certain figures, and why. I don't know that stuff and I would love to learn more, but you get precious little of it here! Case in point, on PR Canada recently (don'thateme), Iman ripped MG a new one for an off-the-shoulders look because she said it would make her top look too small. I never knew that, but then I looked at the model wearing it, and I was like, "Holy crap, she's right!"
How Victorya wasn't called on the Runway for not following the instructions was just weird. That was a Cocktail dress for heavens sake. An ill-fitting, unflattering cocktail dress at that. I think that Elise's dress was much more flattering to her model than Victorya's was.
Also, Michael Kors needs to take a tour of what is available on the racks for "everyday" in Women sizes. After he wades through a sea of horizontal striped polyester, maybe he will re-think the comments he made to Elise? After he throws up more than just a little-bit in his mouth that is...
I'm not sure why you are criticizing color choices. Criticizing a dress for a drab color seems silly to me since the designer basically had no choice in the fabrics they chose (Jillian at least matched the color of her clients clothes).
Yes Victorya's dress was hideous, but that color green in that fabric... probably only a few people in the world could make it look chic.
I thought Kit's dress was interesting enough. It was a bit all over the place, but I thought it was kinda pretty. Someone could pull that dress off.
Sweet P.'s was average. Nice, but not 'wow'. Again, that olive green isn't the easiest color to work with.
anonymous 2:13 said,
Yes Victorya's dress was hideous, but that color green in that fabric... probably only a few people in the world could make it look chic.
You are right, not many people including VicorYA could make that look chic.
I hated Kit's. Though the dress may have worked on some model, it made her particular client look really, really saggy (the high waist with that really wide V-neck was a bad choice).
Plus, it reminded me of an apron - and an apron is generally a bad fashion choice.
VictorYa's was just all around ugly.
I am really surprised that you boys and the judges are being so kind to Sweet P.
That dress is totally unflattering on her model -- who would ever think of putting pleating across the stomach of a woman with a little tummy? The entire dress is unflattering - it makes her look round and flat-chested.
I always agree with you guys... but I think everyone's being a little too nice to Sweet P because this is the first garment she's finished. It's just atrocious.
VictorYA's dress: FUG.
The other two are just passable.
VictorYa's dress was a big, big yawn. She must be another judges' pet.
Why is it that so few of these designers think that women who are of average proportions deserve fashionable clothing that flatters them? It's rather condescending.
TLo, I totally agree with you about Victorya! Yay! I feel so sophisticated and fashion forward now.
Victorya's dress was 10 kinds of awful and definitely should have been in the bottom two along with Stephen. Not only was it unflattering, it was incredibly dated, and from what I remember it did not even seem to fit the client's personal style which was a bit more bohemian. Also the color of the dress was actually flattering for the client, though velvet can be kind of pain to work with, but deal, this is PR. Why do the judges seem to love Victorya so much? Grr...
bitchy,etc..I totally agree. Why do designers like VictorYA ignore normal sized women? It's like Monique says, she's a skinny bitch.
She thinks because she is small she doesn't have to make anything for larger women. How wrong she is.
I liked Kit's dress. The other two not so much. Victorya's was truly awful. She'd have been in the bottom two with Steve if I was judging. Sweet P's had that same kind of semi-dowdy vibe I've been getting from all her outfits.
god, you people are obnoxious. victorya is hardly the only designer who's accustomed to designing for thin women. it's fine if you didn't like the dress, but calling her a "skinny, condescending bitch" just because she didn't happen to come up with an awesome outfit for her client this time around makes you sound like a bunch of overweight, bitter, sore losers.
The comments about VictorYa being condescending are not being made "just because she didn't happen to come up with an awesome outfit for her client this time around"....they're being made because VictorYa made a condescending comment about how the women in the challenge aren't the type of bodies she's used to working with.
didn't care for any of the dresses - drab, ugly and boring.
"This looks like a 20-year-old Simplicity pattern."
20 years old??? this looks like the dress (even the same color) that I made in 7th grade home-ec back in 1968!!!
i agree about the other 2 also -- i hate the fabrics in both of them, although that's not the designers' fault. nothing particularly unusual or great here, but then again, they are designing for real women so hopefully it just means that they toned down their creativity a little....i certainly hope they will be stepping it up for future episodes.
and i'm not happy about having to wait until january!!!!!
so what if she said that she isn't used to working with women of a certain body type? i don't see that admission as condescending, more a reflection of what she was probably taught at school and a natural comfort level toward her own body type. i mean, you're just making weird assumptions about how the skinny little bitch refuses to design for real women -- an assumption that's even dumber than it sounds in light of the fact that victorya did say that her model had a fabulous figure.
btw, i didn't think the dress was bottom-of-the-barrel bad. it was dowdy and boring, but compared to the outfits that chris and steven created, at least it was a finished look. i think part of the problem wasn't so much limitations in the clients' figures, but that some of them were older and maybe the designers felt they couldn't pull off more risky looks. sure, some of them went too far on the frump-o-meter, but it wasn't actually much worse than i saw last season with the designers' relatives challenge.
In some of those runway photo's VictorYa's model looks like a younger Venessa Redgrave!
I hated all three of those dresses, but VictorYa's was the absolute worst...whats with the weird fabric on the front!
I really can't see what victorya could do with all that green velvet, frankly.
I really wish that Sweet P.'s model would have ditched the dark tights with that dress.
The way it ended up, it just looked kind of weird having bare shoulders and a potentially easy-chic summer dress with dark legs since I don't think the style looked right for a going-out-for-dinner ensemble.
But who knows whose fault that was. Maybe the model didn't feel comfortable with bear legs, maybe it was a bad styling choice made by Sweet P.... .
Vocritay's dress. Well. It wasn't any worse than the original dress, the model was of a certain age and a certain body type so anything too revealing would have been called for as being inappropriate by the judges, I reckon. She did bland but I think anything in that fabric would have been.
But as TLo has already pointed out: it's Project Runway. You're expected to work with shitty materials and make something great out of it.
Or they said something like that.
At any rate, they all had fabric and not leaves and tree bark or something. VictorYa could have and should have done better with that.
whats with the neon orange?
Totally forgettable garments.
I felt like maybe there were some "production" issues at work in this episode. It seemed like the women were told to wear their "favorite" clothes, and some interpreted favorite to mean the outfit you love most in the world, and others interpreted it to mean the comfy thing you default to. Then the designers were told to create an everyday look. Steven even said in his exit interview they weren't too clear about that. So, I think VictorYa was given a pass on not doing everyday because there was more confusion than was let on in the editing.
I don't care for Victorya's dress (and I love Bill's comment, third down from the top). While I don't think it looks great, at least it's a grown-up looking design for a grown-up woman. Kit's baby doll look is way too girly for her client. Her design, Rami's, and to a lesser degree Sweet P's bother me for the same reason: rather than lengthening the silhouettes, they chop them up horizontally.
For "the most talented group they've ever had," I'm really underwhelmed by the work they've produced so far.
" Maybe the model didn't feel comfortable with bear legs, maybe it was a bad styling choice made by Sweet P...."
Considering the fact that SweetP appeared in those previews/promos wearing a mini dress & knee socks, (paging Baby Jane Hudson...) I'd vote it was her choice.
Victorya's mess made that poor woman look like Aunt Bea. That's just wrong on so many levels.
Congrats on the Entertainment Weekly nod! You guys deserve it.
anonymous 5:31, re-read Agnes Gooch's post. The point is that designers should have some basic knowledge about body types and height and how they affect proportions. For example, even watching a season or two of What Not to Wear would have taught MG a thing or two about pear shapes. Although in MG's defense, Iman dresses her body so beautifully it must have been hard for MG to see anything but a perfect blank canvas.
Kathy said...
For "the most talented group they've ever had," I'm really underwhelmed by the work they've produced so far.
6:47 AM
Amen, sister!
Yeah, it was a whole lotta 'meh' going on between the three of them.
Love the Simplicity comment!!!!
bear legs??? That sounds like a shaving nightmare. lol.
Sweet Pea's dress was hideous. I don't know the correct term but that "horseshoe" neck doesn't work and it looks even worse on models who aren't runway thin. She could have come up with something more flattering to her client's figure. I don't recall the client's source clothing item but that split pea soup green fabric was dreadful.
I really can't see what victorya could do with all that green velvet, frankly.
How about a velvet blazer, paired with a flattering skirt or pants out of purchased fabric?
I really can't see what victorya could do with all that green velvet, frankly.
How about making a nice track suit.
*Pounds desk, laughs...*
"This looks like 20 year old Simplicity pattern.."
Too funny. But true!
I love the tracksuit idea. Very George Costanza.
Victorya had the worst fabric. Try sewing velvet. It's a friggen nightmare! Frankly, that green velvet fabric was worse than Stephen's wedding dress.
LOL @ at all the fat bitches complaining about the skinny bitches. It's fashion, honey! That's just the way it goes. If you want clothes for "normal-sized" women, ie., size 14+, then go to Wallmart or The Gap. High fashion is all about the skinny. ALL the designers make clothes for their ideal body types. Why do you think all models are skinny bitches? Because that's the standard in the industry. Don't hate the playa, hate the game.
Three fuglies. Enough said.
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