"The shirt that I was left with had a lot of seaming and darts...so I found the exact same color ..."
Ladies and Ladies, it's international sewing superstar JILLIAN, starring in The Arbitrary Judging Follies of '07!
SEE: JILLIAN as she decides the rules don't apply to her!
GASP: As JILLIAN tries to get one over on the judges!
MARVEL: As JILLIAN totally works a Fiddler on the Roof look while she's breaking the rules!
Remember the credo of Project Runway, darlings: The Rules Only Apply to Losers. The judges were all, "Oh Jillian, you minx! You completely disregarded our instructions and only used a tiny little bit of the fabric to make ugly racing stripes? We LOVE it!"
We, on the other hand, don't love it. It could just be a fit issue, but that makes her look awfully thick around the waist.
We like the pleating but we just don't like the black stripes running down the dress. We suspect she thought it would be slimming but we think it does exactly the opposite.
The neckline looks very nice on her, although we didn't think the racer back was such a hot idea.
All in all, it was a perfectly serviceable effort. It's just that she really should have gotten a little more criticism for simply buying cheap fabric and making a dress instead of making something out of the existing fabric. But she's a Judges' Pet and that just wasn't going to happen. They raked Steven over the coals for not using his source fabric (and granted, for making a really shitty dress) but barely had anything to say to Jillian about doing the same thing.
[Photo: Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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Totally agree, as usual, TLo. Since Jillian's dress wasn't as fugly as Steven's, she survived. But she should have been in bottom 2 and roundly criticized. Dutchess said this dress was impeccable - whaaaaaa?
i think the judges agree to be as arbitrary as possible. just for their own ammusement.
Yeah, this whole thing was a major WTF in my opinion. Jillian didn't really follow the spirit of the challenge, and I didn't like the dress for the same reasons you said. I much preferred Rami's and Sweet P's, and they actually used the effing fabric from the clients' clothes like they were supposed to.
I totally agree with you guys. She should have been called out on this shitty mess, but they didn't say anything. Those black stripes just give the eye an instant measurement of how wide this woman is.
The dress was ugly. She cheated on the challenge. There is nothing good to say.
This happens all the time. Judges are more concerned about the final look than the challenge constraints. Still, her dress is FUG, and that is with the advantage of using new fabric.
YES! I was so pissed at the judges! I mean, I do like the dress, but the other designers had to deal with whatever they had in terms of material, she shouldn't be an exception.
I think they gave her a pass in part because the fabric she chose matched exactly the color of what she was given. Steven had white and there was hardly any white on the dress he ended up with. I didn't like the dress all that much either, though, and I didn't really think of it as an everyday outfit.
Hard to explain this one making the top three. At best, middle of the pack. Maybe it fits the judges' preconceived notions of what middle-aged women should wear. And yeah, couldn't we get at least a hint of criticism for not using the client's existing clothes?
I was so annoyed with Jillian and Steven. This was such a fun challenge and they just decided not to play along.
And then they both made ugly dresses.
"The Neighbors Will Hear said...
I think they gave her a pass in part because the fabric she chose matched exactly the color of what she was given."
I see what you're saying but it wasn't the client's existing clothes, a major portion of the challenge. Part of the challenge was also to deal with fabric constraints, for example, Steven couldn't dye his fabric...it's just wrong. Same thing with Jack and his shirt and pants. They were supposed to make three pieces. How can you respect those judges' decision if they do not follow the rules?
At first I thought the judges arbitrary props were just a Donna Karan hangover from last week (they might have been afraid she was still in the building).
Then I came to my senses and remembered that the PR judges are always arbitrary.
Jillian's dress actually looks better close-up, when you can see all that detailing, but still, even with that, it's just Eh. I don't know that she's the pet though. In the Tiki Barber challenge, she made a complete suit with a vest & shirt, and they completely ignored her. Here, she cuts corners and she gets praised.
The judges are not a good example of how to get children to behave.
"Remember the credo of Project Runway, darlings: The Rules Only Apply to Losers."
It's so annoying! I don't know what these judges are smoking this season.
Thanks as always, boys, for so deftly and amusingly pointing out the whickety whack. I did not like the dress -- agree that the detailing (meaning the pleat, not those godawful stripes) was nice, but the fit made her look much wider than she was. In other words, it did the exact opposite of what you'd want a post-weight-loss garment to do. AND she broke the rules. Boo!
just a question, but didn't she have immunity for the challenge because her team had won the last challenge? I guess there was no reason why she would've been eliminated...and they probably wouldn't have put her in the bottom even with immunity, right?
Let's face it - she is a cheater who thinks the rules don't apply to her! Where was Tim Gunn on that little fact? In addition, the dress is barely okay (I agree the black stripes make her look wider). I will wait for her downfall!
Even though I had issues with her breaking the rules, I didn't think the dress was that bad when it walked down the runway. Studying the still shots now, though, I see what you mean. It looks cheap and it doesn't fit well. File under "Reality TV Isn't Fair."
I HATE those stripes. It looks like a plastic surgeon tried to give her an idea of how small should could be by outlining in black marker on her red dress.*
*No, she doesn't need surgery, Yes, that isn't what liposuction does...I know, I know...but still. That's what it looks like.
...SHE COULD BE, I mean. Proof reading is essential, y'all. ;)
I could not believe the judges this week. When I saw this dress on the runway I was screaming at the TV: "She cheated! It's ugly! Look at the freakin' stripes!" And then the judges said they liked the stripes?!?!? dang they are blind.
I think they love to just pull stuff out of you-know-where then come to blogs like this the next day and crack up. "tee hee! silly viewers, we make the rules around here!"
I remember seeing the dress walk on the catwalk and thinking it was a strong candidate for the loss. But hey, the judging this season is well, I'll be nice and say that it's unpredictable. So who knows what will happen from one episode to the next. And now we have to wait until the New Year for another episode? Pfeh.
Worst. Judging. Ever. i too loathe when they completely ignore the challenge. Pay attention, PR production spies! (cuz we know you're checking this blog!) Viewers don't like when the show ignores it's own rules.
I thought her dress was dull and boring. Close-up, I see some nice detail on it, but it did make the model look dumpy.
Worse, though, was her cheating. She had immunity, so she couldn't be auf'd, but she should have been placed in the bottom three simply for that.
I agree with those who say that Jack should not have won because he did not create the requisite three pieces. But at least that occurred because he had time management issues, not because he decided at the outset that he wasn't going to follow the rules.
I would also like to call bullshit on how she and Steven afforded what like 2 or three yards of fabric at MOOD?! Unless other contestants were slipping those two their extra change I do not know how they could afford that much fabric on $10.
i didnt get the judges either. she didnt follow the rules, whatevah.
OMG, i didnt know we have to wait until after the new year for a new episode!!!!
I completely agree on the crappy judging here. I like Jillian but why not get into the challenge and go with what you had like everyone else did?
I couldn't figure out if she was going for this look but it turned out more like this one.
The piping just made it look like coloring outside the lines.
Is it just me or are those stripes in the completely wrong place??? No one else has said anything about this but besides those stripes being an ugly idea- blech- they are completley off line. Princess seams are suppossed to run over the apex of the bust, and here they start at the right spot (at the neck) and kinda are in the right spot through the skirt, but over the boobs they just swing right off to the side- it's such a bad construction job I cant believe Nina said it was impeccable. If it wasn't suppossed to be on the Princess seams, then it's certainly not obvious and still should have been placed differently. Ugh- it's ugly
Totally agree ... ill-fitting, makes her look much bigger, and just boring. A black skirt and more cinching in the waist under the girls would have been better. Jillian deserved to be in the lower end of the middle of the pack, bordering on bottom 3.
Agreed, agreed, agreed. Middle of the pack AT BEST.
The thing about those racing stripes is: Most of the other designers did outfits that sliced their models up horizonally. Jillian sliced her model up vertically, which logic would say, would be more slimming, and yet it wasn't. At all.
Maybe buying all that extra fabric gave her too much to work with, and so she ended up with a wide dress. I seem to recall Tim saying she might have to justify the fabric choice on the runway, so they were obviously aware of it, (as opposed to trying to cheat by doing something secretly).
Either way, much ado about a so-so dress, but so-so typical of the judging.
I wasn't that bothered about the new fabric -- she at least tried to constrain herself by matching the original color and, from what I can tell, the original texture of the fabric. I don't sew, so I can't say how little usable fabric the original shirt would have left her. However, looking over that dress, it seems unlikely the original garment would have provided enough material, no matter how you cut it and pieced it together. If we had seen her use the new fabric to supplement the old, that would be okay, but it looks like she scrapped the old shirt pretty much altogether.
Even if she had cobbled together that dress out of the original shirt, her inclusion in the top three is inexplicable. The fit is off and the design was not as flattering as some of the other choices. But it was a "cute" design, and I guess that's what everyday women are supposed to aspire to.
Ill-fitting, waist-thickening.. ....what was up with this dress? I didn't get the judges reaction either. Rami's look should have placed in the top three - it had structure and flattered his client.
I could find Jillian's dress on the clearance rack at Dillard's.
Maybe the judges/producers are concerned about S4 being a weak field and chose to ignore Jillian's "improvisation." Until this challenge, she seems to be one of the stronger contenders for Bryant Park.
Then again, Keith from S3 didn't get booted for not dressing his dog......
Darlings you are so right! The judging is capricious, but then, so is fashion, no?
That said, the dress was just meh. (And did the racing stripes remind anyone else of the cute designer in S1 who was always comparing women's bodies to cars? And who made a bathing suit with those same stripes down the illfitting sides of his haltered one-piece? Maybe he's doing Jillian).
Definitely a WTF re: the judging? Why wasn't Jillian criticized for ignoring the rules? Once again Jillian made a dress that would look good on her. Can she design for women who don't have her body type? that dress DID make her client look thick around the middle, BTW.
Gorgeous things, really, no new episode until after New Year?!?
Yup, yup, yup...the judging on this pissed me off, too.
And, no, I don't like the dress, either. It doesn't fit and the design isn't flattering.
Call me sick of cheaters being rewarded. Ugh.
Oh, yeah, arbitrary as hell. This is a constant on PR. That's what makes it so frustrating! The rules apply when the judges feel like it.
Jillian's dress was Fug, by the way. Total fug.
no new episode until the new year!!
where did this come from?
THAT was bullshit.
I can only HOPE she got a bit of a talking to for disregardng the rules and maybe it was edited out?
Jillian reminds me of those kids I hated in school---the ones who disregard assignment parameters or plagerize and somehow got praised by the teacher. Grrrrrr.
anotherlaura and anon 3:15 -- I know, right? I just figured it out yesterday that there's no new episode til NEXT YEAR!
Then again, that means there's no capricious, crack-influenced judging til NEXT YEAR; no Ricky crying; no passive-aggressive body-binding designs from VictorYA; no Rami getting his panties in a wad about something; no fabrics getting imbued; no ToteGays squeaking in the corner....aw hell, now I'm just getting depressed. Bah humbug.
Ooh, but on the other hand, I hope TLo will be kind enough to give us a place here to natter about PR Canada (don't hate me because I can access it) when Our Friend Up North, Miss RoyalT, posts the finale on YouTube!
Over the years, there were two other challenges where the judging totally escaped me--Bradley's in the dog challenge and Vincent's in the Miss USA challenge. How did these end up in the final three?
The judging this past week is right up there.
I liked the idea of the dress and the vertical stripes, but the fit was wrong. I was surprised that instead of calling her on that, MK complimented her for it. Weird. The fit was enough to take her out of the top 3 for me, and not using the original fabric should have ensured that. I'd have made Rami top 3 instead.
And look on the bright side. If there's no new PR until the new year, we don't have to watch Charlize Theron strut out and tell us "gold is cold, diamonds are dead" for the billionth time. Man, that commercial is everywhere.
Well she didn't win cause she bent the rules. The judges obviously liked the look, and as someone else said, she matched the color of the existing clothing.
If you bend the rules and make a good look, it can be forgiven. Stephen was doomed because he created an ugly dress and didn't follow the rules at all (nor tried to keep the spirit of a wedding dress).
I think the top three looks are based on what scored the highest. The judging goes on longer than what we see. Perhaps she was chastized more by the judges but we didn't see it on air. I believe Nina or Michael did make a comment about it.
What matters is they like the look, but recognized that kevin and christian followed the rules explicity and created even better looks.
They gave Christian the win and auf'd stephen. Wasn't that correct assessment in the end? Who cares who ends up in the middle.
You may not agree with everything the judges say, but they've been pretty on the mark about who should win and who should be auf'd. And even if you did think Chris should have stayed, you agree his look was one of the worst and old fashioned.
Omigod. No PR4 until 2008. I didn't know.
I'm with you Agnes Gooch, maybe the boys will give us a post or two on PRC so we can gnash gnosh it out. Hopefully that will keep going.
I would L-O-V-E to watch an episode where Heidi says "You didn't fulfill all the requirements of the challenge, I'm sorry but you're also out as well."
Personally, I think that stuff like that cheapens the competition.
What's the point of creating all these challenges, twists, and turns if the judges are not going to pay attention to that or consider that during the judging process?
It's so painfully obvious that these designers have no idea how to dress anyone larger than a size zero. Tim should give them a lesson on flattering silhouettes for different shapes, the way he does for the women his "Guide to Style" show (which, FWIW, is a poor use of the divine Mr. G's fabulous talents).
Actually, I think Jillian has talent, even though her scope is rather narrow. I just wish she had a personality, for Pete's sake.
The designers are so obviously gaming the judges at this point it is driving me crazy. Not only did Jillian and Steven not use the fabric, but several ignored the instruction about clothes for everyday.
Also, this dress makes this woman look bigger than she is. It fits like fat clothes. Why?
Top three? I don't think so.
Anonymous 4:09 said, "If you bend the rules and make a good look, it can be forgiven."
I'm sorry, anonymous, but this attitude drives me right up a wall.
"If you use steroids, but break the home run record, it can be forgiven." "If you fake a news story, but win the Pulitzer, it can be forgiven." "If you peek at another student's test, but get an 'A', it can be forgiven."
No, it can't. Cheating is wrong, and merely because you use it to create something pretty (or not awful!) doesn't make it right.
End of rant. We now return you to your regularly scheduled gossiping and bitching. ;-))
Hey agnes gooch -
If you want judging, passive aggressive behavior, people getting their panties in a wad and lots of weeping....come to Kansas! That's holidays with my in-laws. Alas, no ToteGays. That would actually make it fun.
Re: Jillian...I feel the same way about J as I did Steven...this is a chance to SHINE and be CREATIVE. And ya kinda blew it. I would have liked to have heard one judge say "THAT used to be WHAT? Amazing." No such luck.
The black stripe applique(or is it an inset) is kind of affected. You know vertical stripes are slimming so just slap them on her.
The pattern pieces for the bodice of this dress are fairly small it seems to me she could have used the original garment for that and the purchased fabric for the skirt. I think it would have been more flattering to have a black band at the waist and maybe lots of the vertical stripes on the skirt part.
The whole thing about not using the original garment isn't just about the color. Thinking out a design that you can make using the limited amount of fabric is much harder than just cutting into a flat piece with all the possiblities in the world.
It is strange the way they praised the constuction of this garment. The old time fashion editors and designers really knew their shit about quality of construction. I guess now days the don't know anything unless they see the price tag.
"Sewing Siren said...
The whole thing about not using the original garment isn't just about the color. Thinking out a design that you can make using the limited amount of fabric is much harder than just cutting into a flat piece with all the possiblities in the world."
I agree 100%. Well said! Remember Chloe and the "clothes off your back" challenge? She had very little to work with and managed to make a fabulous dress for Grace.
I think you're comparing apples and oranges. There are no "rules" in fashion.
The designers were asked to use the materials of the previous outfit to create a new everyday outfit for their client. They were given $10 dollars to supplement the look.
Jillian took a risk by buying new fabric that was a similar color. She didn't cheat, she just didn't play within the spirit of the rules. IF you do that, but still make a good garment, you aren't going to get auf'd this early in the competition.
Stephen made the same risk, but his outfit was dreadful.
Also everyday is also open to interpretation.
I would have been more upset if Jillian won, but she didn't. They said they liked the look (it's their opinion) but wished she had used her material. That was the first thing Nina said. She obviously wasn't going to win.
Christian did the challenge perfectly and he won.
Stephen created the most hideous looking garment and got auf'd. The results were fair. (And Jillian's look was far better than any of the bottom three and probably kept her back specifically to tell her that she should have used the fabric).
Jillian gets on my nerves, I don't know why. I hate her monotone robot voice, I guess that's what it is.
I'm sorry, but that dress had no waistline. It's a pretty dress, but pretty doesn't cut it in the fashion industry.
Gah. Those stripes make it look like she has tiny, saggy, lopsided boobs. How is it the judges can see pins holding seams together, but they can't see that?
It seems like the judges were trying so hard not to suggest that the models weren't the world's most perfectly shaped women that they didn't bother to call out a lot of the crappy, unflattering fits out there. Elisa wasn't the only one with an unflattering garment, dah-lings.
Dear anonymous 3:52:
When you're speaking of weird non-aufings on our fave show, don't forget Santino and the underwear challenge, or Santino and the ice skater challenge, or well, you get my drift...
And Agnes Gooch, you are right, a few weeks without Ricky crying would actually be welcome, but I'm going to be pissed off anyway. I really can't think of a better way to get over a post-Xmas funk than a good aufing.
If you believe Jay Carroll, Jillian and Ricky, too, for that matter had to have cheated to get all their fabric and supplies for $10.
The fit of that dress is ugly as hell. You're right that it makes her look fat around the middle. The waist area is sloppy. It's loose and chunky. Definitely not worthy of Top 3.
madam ovary said...
If you believe Jay Carroll, Jillian and Ricky, too, for that matter had to have cheated to get all their fabric and supplies for $10.
It's not cheating to bargain over the price of fabric. That's playing a good game (in my book anyway).
This made me think of Kayne's black and white dress, when the judges made such a to-do over the fact that his white was just trim. Same sitch here, but totally different spin.
And, as many people have noted, it's the trim that ruined this dress. Well, the trim and the fit.
I can't believe she was in the top three with whatever materials. But with cheater materials? C'mon.
totally changing topics to something i care about- but does page 109 in januarys issue of bazaar not look like a gold version of laura drss she did as the final challenge before fashion week??and its 14,000-laura did hers in two days---"haute" fashion designers are lierally on crack -id wear hefty sak with pride before i paid 14k for a goddamn dress-i know im just talking to myself but i dont care-
"Gorgeous Things said...
I remember seeing the dress walk on the catwalk and thinking it was a strong candidate for the loss. But hey, the judging this season is well, I'll be nice and say that it's unpredictable. So who knows what will happen from one episode to the next. And now we have to wait until the New Year for another episode? Pfeh."
Okay, so my eyes were not deceiving me when I was flipping through the schedule on bravo.com and I thought there would not be a new episode for some time. That's a bit of a hiatus!! Lame! And they don't seem to be re-airing this episode, I have looked all over the schedule for it. Which is a switch, they usually seem to re-air things quite a bit. I missed part of it, and am disappointed I won't be able to fill in the gaps!
I got in trouble from Hutch's Hottie by comparing it to a 1978 Dodge Charger.
However, if Jillian had shortened it, accessorized it with a pair of white roller skates and a service tray, a pillbox hat, then her client could have scooted down the runway as a carhop.
Anonymous 5:13 -
There may be no rules in "fashion", but there are rules on Project Runway.
"She didn't cheat, she just didn't play within the spirit of the rules."
No, she cheated. She didn't play within the letter of the rules.
It had potential. Better fit, better piping placement, actual following of the rules... it could have won. Too bad.
ITA! and I am *so* glad I am not the only one who hated that stripe.
If what she did was cheating, how come when Tim Gunn was discussing Steven's garment, he said he was 'taking a risk' and not 'cheating, you can't do this'.
The both did the same thing. One succeeded by creating a look the judges like, the other failed miserably.
If you make a garment the judges like, they can excuse anything. You CANT excuse bad fashion. Everyone in the bottom three created dreadful garments.
I believe the only reason she was asked to stay behind was to criticize her (but she created a good look in their eyes so complimented her as well). I wouldn't be surprised if Rami's scored higher, but she was brought back deliberately. The bottom 3 were obviously the worst offenders.
Did other designers cheat by not creating an everyday look? They created looks that were arguably not everyday. Victorya's outfit wasn't everyday so did she cheat?
The rules didn't explicitly say they had to use 90% of the garments, just that the garments had to be incorporated into the new look and the designers got an extra $10. If they don't want contestants to bend the rules, then they need to be more specific.
Do I think she didn't follow the spirit of the rules? No, but she didn't cheat based on the challenge the designers were given.
You know what I love?
I love the way that Jeannie Bueller is sporting an entirely different sexy look in each of those photos.
It's like one of those 1950's fashion spreads where your favorite Hollywood star is going about her day, changing outfits for every occasion.
Ahhhhh... I could leaf that that PHOTOPLAY all day long.
Man, this season is fulfilling all of my pubescent crushes; weird hippie chicks with shaggy bangs and homemade clothes (Elisa), and preppie JAPS who wouldn't give me the time of day (JB). It's like middle school all over again!
Except now I'm 30 and watching a TV show and it's kinda sad.
But what about the outfit?
Oh, you folks can say whatever you want about the outfit. But as GothamTomato reminds us...
...nobody puts Jillian in a corner.
rain brain said...
And look on the bright side. If there's no new PR until the new year, we don't have to watch Charlize Theron strut out and tell us "gold is cold, diamonds are dead" for the billionth time. Man, that commercial is everywhere.
Is it just me, or does Charlize's dress remind anybody else of Kayne's couture gown?
The only thing I didn't like about this dress was the fit around the waist. That definitely wasn't flattering. I also think that because she didn't follow the spirit of the challenge she didn't deserve to be in the top 3. She definitely should have been somewhere in the middle. However, she is a really talented, focused woman, and so far I really respect her. She is doing consistently well. If they didn't want them to use other fabric, they didn't have to to give them $10. Ricky, Christian, Kevin and Sweet P were my top 4, with Jillian ranking at #5.
THANK YOU!!! agree agree agree!! Damn it, that dress did make the model look chunky in the middle! My husband said NOPE but I think he was distracted by Jillian being cute. She IS cute but apparently, decided to disregard the rules and got away with it!
And the dress is not hot at all. Black piping??! c'mon!! Judges annoying me more by the episode.
Total WTF moment for me.
Totally agree! The dress wasn't all that!
She did have immunity tho. She could have used the crappy, darted fabric anyway -- i didn't matter - she had immunity!!!
She should not have been one of the top 3 - for sure!
Love to T&L - Great post! --- xoxoxox
That woman needs a proper bra. Her breasts look floppy.
That dress is hideous. She looks like a gigantic pear-shaped tomato.
Those two black stripes are ugly. They make her tunny look fatter and her breast look smaller.
The fit is horrible.
THANK you!!!
People, once again...
rules shmules.
Crappy, ill-fitting dress. I don't like people who don't LOVE a challenge. Like Chloe! She didn't have much to work with but the results were amazing.
Jillian, on the other hand, chose to bypass the actual challenge and do something else altogther.
Not cool.
The $10 was supposed to supplement the outfit.
Jillian is really starting to annoy me. It's not anything she does, per se, it's just that she's SOOO Mary Ann of Gilligan's Island.
And I always liked Ginger better anyway.
Jillian is boring. She has no personality. Stiff, dull, monotone.
The fit on that dress is terrible. It's ridiculously unflattering.
I have a feeling that if Jillian tried to pull this kind of thing on Project Runway Canada, Iman would strut up that runway and stomp on Tzietel's scrawny ass.
About MK's comments about Jillian's dress: maybe the Dutchess had inhaled too much bronzing powder.....
Just sayin...
"lilithcat said: No, she cheated. She didn't play within the letter of the rules."
But what ARE the rules? The reality is, the judges change the rules, move the goalposts. and disregard common sense and taste every week. So saying that Jillian cheated is not so clear cut. And we did not see Tim call her on it, as we have, in the past, when others have blatantly cheated (or tried too). So, I think that as long as anyone stayed within that $10 budget, they were OK.
I agree. I thought Jillian should have been called out for not meeting the challenge requirements, making a dress that screams SLUTTY/MATERNITY, and her annoying babydoll voice.
I really wanted to like her from the promos, but she just seems like such a little priss and every time I see her on screen I just want to smack her with one of Ricky's fugly hats.
"Blogger Lilithcat said...
Cheating is wrong, and merely because you use it to create something pretty (or not awful!) doesn't make it right."
Thank you for that, Lilithcat.
Anybody remember the Black and White challenge? Same thing. Little white and raked over the coals for not following the rules.
So, WTF judges??
Message to Sewing Siren (sorry, everyone):
One of my favorite movies, ever. The shopping-for-a-wardrobe scene is the one I referenced. . . well, you'll know that when you see it!
I don't blame her, I blame the judges for not following the rules. What's the point of having rules anyway?
Heidi pointed out that the dress wasn't made from the original red shirt, and that she had used only the black pants as piping. Why didn't they nailed her for that? The dress was cute but looked home sewn to me.
I think that if anyone should be upset about the rules or lack of rules being followed, it should be the models. There doesn't seem to be any string of logic for them.
Sometimes, when a designer wants to switch, he just switches with someone else; and other times they bring them all out so everyone can pick again. Then there are the challenges where they didn't even model but get auf'd after the challenge anyway. And for all that, they're not even getting paid.
Breaking/bending rules aside-- how did she make such a hot lady look so matronly? Several of the others really brought out the best in their models and revealed the beauty that had been hiding under all those clothes, but Jillian did the opposite.
Good lord! Now I know knothing about designing, but shouldn't that top and waist have been more fitted? and using the bare minimum of fabric from the client- well, sorry I don't think she was in the spirit of the challenge at all.
Bad call judges, bad call.
Thanks Andrea!
Gothamtomato said, "I think that if anyone should be upset about the rules or lack of rules being followed, it should be the models. There doesn't seem to be any string of logic for them."
Indeed. "Models, this is a competition for you as well" needs to be changed to "Models, this is a crapshoot for you".
I'm still bewildered why Jillian got away with not using the blouse.
Bill, I love your photo comps, hilarious!
I admit that I have to support Jillian because she's my Tresseme pick for the win, but I wasn't really put off by her using the other fabric. She matched the color (and I assume, the texture) of the original piece, which is not what my homeboy Steven did. I would have preferred her to take the risk and try something different though.
Anyway, I do agree with the "meh" as it did not really showcase a "design".
"Models, this is a competition for you as well" needs to be changed to "Models, this is a crapshoot for you".
So. friggin. true. I can't believe they don't pay them. It's ridiculous how they expect these girls to be at their beck and call.
"Anna said...
"Models, this is a competition for you as well" needs to be changed to "Models, this is a crapshoot for you".
So. friggin. true. I can't believe they don't pay them. It's ridiculous how they expect these girls to be at their beck and call."
You know, I'm sick of this crap about the models. You know what? The designers don't get paid either. This is an amazing opportunity for them. They have to take advantage of this time and make the best of it.
I know the designers don't get paid. But for the duration of the show, their room and board is taken care of. They have no major expenses. The models do. And paying them could lead to better, more consistent models, to show off the clothes better. I just think that would add to the competition. Simple as that.
I think the fact Jillian had immunity played a big factor in her not being in the bottom 3. I`m pretty sure if she hadn`t had that immunity she would have been in there.
"Anonymous said...
I think the fact Jillian had immunity played a big factor in her not being in the bottom 3. I`m pretty sure if she hadn`t had that immunity she would have been in there.
It could be, but remember when Daniel V. made that hideous outfit for Chlo? He had immunity but he was still in the bottom 3. You never know with these judges.
I didn't love the waistline (though maybe the client didn't have much of one) but did like the racerback. Backless dresses can be hard to wear if you have the slightest bit of pudge, so I liked the idea of the suggestion of showing some skin on the back without actually doing so to a great degree. As for the failure to use the fabric of the shirt, I don't find it an egregious shortcoming similar to Steven's. He could have come up with a great t-shirt or a bandage dress (Leger-esque) with the white-beaded satin, and instead totally punted. His dress was horrid, and I found his previous efforts uninspiring, so I wasn't sorry to see him go.
Yeah, Jillian is starting to remind me of Daniel V. Remember the one who could do no wrong in the judges' eyes?
Daniel annoyed the heck out of me because he got too many free passes, and I'm beginning to feel that way about Jillian.
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