We hope your 2008 is fabulous and fashionable! We know ours will be!
Were you waiting to hear who won our last two contests? Well here they are:
The winners of the MALAN BRETON BAG contest are...
Grace and cloveapple! Ladies, you both took the lead with 4 correct guesses out of six. Congrats! Now, there were two Graces in the contest. The one we're looking for is the one who had this blogger profile.
uncle vanya! UV tickled Miss McCarthy's fancy with the following caption:
T: "Emmett, you look quite the diva! The hat makes it look verdi bizet, aida gone with a ring and puccini pups. Well, we're traviatin' now. Aria carmen?" *titter*
(Long pause)
E: "Kiss my cozy fun tootie, Tim."
Congrats, uncle vanya! Our winners need to drop us a line toute de suite and let us know their names and mailing addresses so we can get that swag out to you.
To all our readers, once again we thank you for your support this past year. All the best, poodles!
Happy New Year, darlings, and congrats to the well-deserved winners!!
Ohferawdsake, I cannot understand why DH's blogger ID comes up as the default when we are away from home. regardless - Happy new year, poodles!
Happy New Year, Boys!
Happy New Year to TLo and all the fabulous readers of this marvelous blog.
Happy New Year, kittens! Thanks for all your hard work. The show wouldn't be the same without this blog.
Love you, bitches!!
Happy New Year everyone! Thanks, TLo - I'm with toddny - the show wouldn't be the same without you (and all the fab PRG regulars on this site).
Hope 2008 brings us all health and contentment!
Love the blog, love you bitches, loe the regular readers...!
Happy New Year to all!!
Healthy & Happy (and Faaabulous) 2008 to all!
And while I'm disappointed to not win the coat, in reality, I'd need to start hanging around with a much better class of people than I could possibly muster, just to be able to take it out on the town. So, it's just as well & congrats to the winners!
Congratulations to the winners.
And the happiest Happy New Year to T & L, with many thanks for all the giggles and enjoyment you provide us all with this wonderful blog.
Congratulations to the winners of the contests! =D
Congrats to uncle vanya (sniff, sniff, snuffle, sob). That was hilariously high brow!
And thank you, TLo, for "bringing a little joy into our hum drum lives -- it ain't been all for nothin'." Truly! Happy New Year, everyone!
Happy New Year to you, too, sweeties! Thank you for all the laughter you've given me; I look forward to a lot more in 2008.
(Am I the only one who saved some of last night's champagne - thank god for whoever invented champagne stoppers! - for tomorrow night's new PR episode?)
May all your dreams come true in 2008!
Happy New Year, Poodles!
I love this blog. I rarely look at anyone's blog everyday but I always remember to look at yours. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to PR.
Oh, and congratulations to the winners...bitches! :)
Happy New Year, TLo! Your blog is the best thing about Season 4.
Congrats to the various winners. I saw a few of the early "tootie" entries and realized I was out of my league. The idiot PR judges prevented me from getting a Malan purse but I'm glad they are going out to worthy TLo fans.
See you all tomorrow as we watch the next episode of PR!
Happy New Year everyone. I am nursing a sick hangover and I still have to cook those goddamn collards and blackeyed peas (how unglamorous).
Congratulations to the winners let us know which of those fabulous bags you get girls and uncle vanya, you need to post a pic of yourself in that coat! I would have (sniff).
Thank you all for bringing a little cheer into my humdrum life.
Happy New Year, TLo! Love this blog, which I - like Kitschtrain and many others - check every single day.
And HNY too to your wonderful posters who make reading the blog even more fun.
Hope Laurie
Happy New Year to TLo and all the readers of this blog! This is one of the most fun blogs, a veritable temple to sass on the blogosphere.
Happy New Year to everybody!!
Oh how I wish I was more creative and could have won Emmett's coat!!
Congrats to the winners! :D
Happy New Year everyone!!! Here's to a more fab and bitchier year than last. :-)
Happy New Year!
Thanks for a fun year!
This web site is exquisite. Big fat boozy air kiss, boys.
I think I just screamed loud enough to wake the dead. Now I have to call all the Runway fans I know and babble.... thankyouthankyou *giggles manically*
Happy new year!
Also, congratulations to the winners! Nice work!
erm, and it's touts DE suite, even though the 'de' isn't pronounced.
Are you kidding? Didn't get a chuckle out of that caption. Oh well, obviously the booze made you guys laugh uncontrollably anyway.
And a lovely New Year to TLo and all of you who care so much ...
TLo - you guys are why this show
will go on!
EmilyLouise said...
Happy new year!
Also, congratulations to the winners! Nice work!
erm, and it's touts DE suite, even though the 'de' isn't pronounced.
You're right, darling. Fixed. Mercy!
Bonne année 2008!
I'm here with my family in the South of France, boys with very little internet access : (
Have a wonderful 2008!!
Oh! glad to see you fixed it! (and apologies for my own typo [touts? sounds like some bizarre nick name for reproductive organs])...
and, because they've failed to find a way to make typed words more expressive, I can't tell how much sarcasm or witty remark was put into spelling 'merci' wrong, if any at all...
Anyway, here's to respected people who admit mistakes!
EmilyLouise said, (and apologies for my own typo [touts? sounds like some bizarre nick name for reproductive organs])
"Touts de suite" - a hotel room full of race track tipsters.
"rjamour said...
Are you kidding? Didn't get a chuckle out of that caption. Oh well, obviously the booze made you guys laugh uncontrollably anyway."
Jealousy is an ugly little thing.
Happy New Year, TLo!
I have no doubt that 2008 will be filled with just as much laughter and warm-hearted snark as 2007 was. Bravo (hah!) for all your hard work and your wicked sense of style and fun.
I've enjoyed getting to know all you posters out there on the "interweb." Looking forward to more fun in the coming months.
XOXO - Bill
Hats off to unclevanya!!!
Happy New Year, to you, TLo!!!!
What? I can't even understand what the winner was saying? Is that an inside joke? Do you have to speak a foreign language to understand? It surely wasn't funny.
Yeah, I didn't get it either. Besides not understanding a word of it, it was not funny.
Someone please explain the winner to me. Excuse me for being a moron, but I just don't get it.
Happy Freakin' New Year! Thank you for making my year more than tolerable!
And Happy New Year to the rest of you...I love you commenters, too!
Happy New Year, gentlemen! Ours will certainly be brighter as a result of your site.
While I am deeply saddened that I did not win the contest, I am comforted by the thought that at least I got the silent "de" in my entry - Tootie de suite. (Okay, so I looked it up!)
You bitches made me think through the eggnog and chocolate induced fog of the holidays. Thanks!
I didn't "get" Uncle Vanya's either, but then I'm not the one judging, so it doesn't matter.
Besides, I'm sure it's probably still better than anything I could've come up with. Even if I could've fit into that coat.
So congrats to the winners, everyone have a safe 2008, and thank you TLo for your wonderful blog.
To all you folks who didn't get Uncle Vanya's entry: You are obviously not opera queens!
My translation:
T: "Emmet, you look quite the diva. The hat makes it look very very [Verdi - composer] bizarre [Bizet - composer]. I'd have [Aida - opera by aforesaid Verdi] gone with a ring [reference to Wagner's Ring cycle] and Pucci [Puccini] pumps [just a guess!) (?). Well, we're traveling [La Traviata - also an opera by Verdi] now. Are you coming [Carmen - opera by aforesaid Bizet]?"
E: "Kiss my Cosi fan tutti [opera by Mozart], Tim".
Actually, that should read "very [Verdi] bizarre [Bizet]". I really should preview these things before I post.
thank you lilithcat. Even with the explaination it isn't funny.
Happy New Year Boys!!! Cheers!
And congrats to the winners! (jealous..grrrr...not that I entered or anything)
Happy New Year to you, boys, and all the fabulouse bloggers here! It is going to be an interesting year, yes?
Happy and Prosperous New Year to all!
Thanks for the daily diversion.
Thanks for the translation Lillithcat. I thought it was clever before the translation, even though I don't go to the opera (every opera I've ever seen reminds me of a seder at Aunt Shirley's). But with the translation it's even cleverer.
Yes, thank you for the translation. I am sure most people didn't get it, but were afraid to say so because they thought that others may think them not cultured. When actually that line was an obscure reference that 90% of the population would never get. But you cannot account for the judging, its what that dude liked, so whatever.
Opera humor...I should have guessed. ;-) Congrats, everyone. What a lovely way to start the new year...with prizes!
Brevity is the soul of wit, and simplicity at times is the crux of humor. I am confounded at the winning entry, even with translation! I guess it pays to be an opera fiend. Congrats to the winner!
I just adore a penthouse view.
I am an opera fan.
I got it.
I've got the t-shirt.
Still didn't find it funny.
But humor is subjective.
And appletinis will fool with your mind.
Jeez, what a bunch of sour suzies you are. Bottom line, Emmett, you know, the guy giving away the 900 dollar coat? He found it funny. Why not be a little gracious and congratulate the winners and stop attributing their win to drunkenness?
Thanks for the perfect translation, Lillithcat. ;)
I'm not really an opera fan either; I just wanted to find a different use for the word "tootie," and the opera came to mind. I know the name because it's used in the title of a Squeeze album. ;)
I've come across most of those terms just by reading, watching tv/movies or listening to music, not actually following opera. Sorry if it wasn't everyone's cup of tea. And thanks to Emmett and the judges!
Happy New Year to both of you - and congratulations to the well-deserved winners :). I thought the "cozy fun tootie" caption was absolutely hilarious.
LOL, gosh, all this bickering over a coat (lovely as it is) is funny. It's sort of like watching a mini E! True Hollywood Story about every hillbilly who ever hit the lottery.
It's not about the stupid coat. Most of these readers are gay men who couldn't wear the coat at all. I didn't even enter the contest, but you would have thought the winner would have been at least amusing, not some obscure opera reference that only 5 geeks in the world would understand. But the guy who did the judging was the one who liked it, so I guess he is one of those 5. However, most people don't get it or think its funny.
I'd say kudos to Uncle Vanya for being the only person who figured out how to do a caption, using the word 'tootie', that wasn't crotch-based.
That is not to say that I have anything against crotches. There are some I'm quite fond of. But still, a little ingenuity is a good thing. Of course, it would have been funnier if it had insulted people with tatoos or Justin Timberlake, but you can't have everything.
You forgot fat women, should have insulted them too.
I think its funny how everyone keeps saying that the winning entry wasn't funny enough. Excuse me, but did we read the same entries? NONE of them were funny. In fact, it was downright painful to read most of them. Good on Emmett for picking one that at least had a little wit to it.
can we retire the word "fierce" once and for all people?
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