We went back and forth on this one, but ultimately, Lorenzo joined Tom on the Dark Side and agreed that this was just not good.
First off, the frigging bow. Enough already. Second, the big sash-y straps. Too much.
And finally, it's a basic, shapeless sack. The fabric is pretty but the overall color choices are kinda bleh.
Y'know, you can take your Ramis and your Jacks,* we'll be over here swooning over Steven. He's a dreamboat.
*But don't take them too far, we might need them later.
We don't hate it, but it is a bit of a headscratcher.
It's kinda too plain and kinda too severe and it's just a little weird to see someone working a "sexy secretary" vibe amidst a sea of goddess gowns and celebutante party dresses.
It was too dark to see all the details (*shakes fist at producers for not listening to us and going with an ALL WHITE runway set*) but for the most part it looked finished and well executed. Tom likes the touch of ruffle on the back but Lorenzo doesn't.
We WANT to be polite and not make horrible character assumptions about people we don't know, so we feel JUST AWFUL about mentioning our observation that Marion comes off like some sort of pervert on camera, what with the paleness and the sweating and the darting eyes.
The ragamuffin clothes on a man pushing 40 doesn't help either, but we digress.
Honestly, what can we say? It's awful. They gave poor Ricky ten minutes of shit for making a pretty baby doll dress, but THIS gets not a second of comment from the judges? Really?
Did he make that skirt out of carpet remnants?
[Photos: Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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Marion's kind of looked like Marla's shitty dress from the Nicky Hilton challenge. But worse. WAY worse.
And I love Steven! I remember his audition tape from last season, and I was kind of sad he wasn't there.
Steven's suit is very reminiscent of Lucien's suit on PRCanada. It was nice to see a suit rather than a dress. It takes a whole lot more work, esp. with set in sleeves. The bum pouf? Not convinced, but it's cute on the right figure.
Sweet P's looked like a high school student's design. Meh
And Marion? Well, here's hoping all the designers come up with more interesting stuff as the weeks progress.
Gorgeous things said, "Steven's suit is very reminiscent of Lucien's suit on PRCanada."
I thought the same thing once I saw the screen shots, and peered at them carefully. (It is really hard to see the detail, isn't it?)
I like the bustle-y back detailing, and it looks like he did a ruffle on the cuff echoing that (once again, the detail is hard to see!). I'd wear this suit in a hot minute (well, a hot minute after I had the skirt shortened).
And besides, Steven's a cutie.
I agree 100% with everything you say. About the clothes, at least. (Although Steven is a cutie.)
I keep picking Marion to be out on the tresemme site. He just needs to go and I won't be satisfied until he's gone. I feel the same way about him as Marla, although I really don't think we know enough of his personality to say he's a perv. He may just be pathologically shy.
Sweet P's dress looked like a pillowcase and a necktie.
Steven's was kind of nice, except for the ass-bustle. Marion's was scary, but at least he had a view.
Don't understand how that cute little lingerie dress made the firing squad last week. I just don't get it.
Right on boys! Go Team Steven!!
I agree with the the comment about Sweet P's dress. As I watched it go down the runway, the glaring fact about how it didn't complement any part of that girl's supposedly perfect figure came off as discouraging. It really did look like a potato sack from fabric you stole from your grandma's plastic covered couch.
As much as I love Steven, I also kind of bent my head to a side when I saw what he came up with. "Huh?? Come on baby. You can do better and you know it." It really reminded me of the the Season 2 twins, Marla and Diana's Banana Republic outfit. I was almost expecting the Duchess to say "Another stewardess!! I'm still waiting on that coffee"
My God, Marion is pushing 40?!?! OK, I thought the whole Oliver Twist cosplay thing was kinda cute on a budding fashion designer. But if he's already pushing 40 that's just damn creepy. Beware ladies, men take bizarre advantages of their babyfaces. *Shudder* Oh yeah the dress haha. Ehhh, I'll have to be honest, I kind of defend it. The top is kind of out there, but hey you got to give him credit for not being "safe." He just needs more experience in construction, but it's way too late for that now.
For me Marion was a very very close contender for elimination. Looks like he sprayed the model with hot glue and flung scraps he gathered off the floor at the model.
Gorgeous things, that suit of Luciens was fabulous, wasn't it! But Steven lacked some of it's pizzaz and polish.
Every younger girl (mid to late teens) loves Sweet P's dress. It's that loose-flowing-top-over-leggings aesthetic that age group finds attractive. Definitely not my style.
Steven's suit on the other hand, I agree, I would wear in a hot minute. Chic with a little detail to mix it up.
Maybe Marion was going for a sculptural thing with the skirt? Building flower arrangements is sculptural, so maybe he went to a comfort zone. Not defending it though. It was fugly.
Marion looks like a sad little newspaper boy from the 1930's. Did I hear correctly that he's a florist from Dallas?
To me, Marion resembles that sickly little Oliver Twist orphan character on the Simpsons. You know, the one who hacks up stuff.
...My pick for this week's aufing.
The way Marion styled his model made her look even more like Donatella Versace than she already does, and that's just not a good look. Even for Donatella.
Agreed on the perv vibe -- although some of his luxe flower arrangements on his audition video were stunning. Let's just hope this whole Oliver Twist thing is just a misguided attempt to make himself stand out on the show. But it probably won't matter because I doubt he'll make it past the halfway point.
Likewise Sweet P. Nothing much happening there.
Now, Steven! I thought a suit was a great idea, well executed, though a few more splashes of color might have really livened it up. The bum ruffle was mostly interesting. I almost wonder if this won't be a theme with him -- staid, conservative frames with tweaky bits of humor. If so, I'll be booking a first-class ticket on the Steven train.
eww unfinished denim. really. not. ever. a. good. look!
" Jenn said...
Marion looks like a sad little newspaper boy from the 1930's."
OHMYGOD that's it...you nailed it.
Not impressed with any of these dresses.
"We WANT to be polite and not make horrible character assumptions about people we don't know ..."
Come on, boys, don't be too disingenouos ... gay guys judge, and not so silently ...
And I agree with all your judgements and comments ... that SweetPea bag, looked like the model took a dump and waddled down the runway. Sorry, but so true.
Steven is kinda cute, but I wonder what was he thinking ... even if the execution was good ... is that really his POV ... or is just rebeling against all the drag queens he's done in the past (oops, I meant drag queen gowns) .
And I agree about the ragamuffin perve vibe. Ricky was picked on cause everyone KNEW he would CRY on camera ... DRAMA QUEEN ... when Marion makes some kind of bondage evening goon outfit ... (oops, I meant gown).
Although I do agree with Ms. Gooch ... his store looks dreamy and I would let him decorate my mansion, but not make fashion for the runway.
Auf with his head ... the cap will probably stay on, as it rolls down the runway.
Just sayin-
You nailed it on all 3 counts. And I agree that Marion has a creepy vibe.
And I am SO sick of newsboy caps. Whomever started this trend should be flogged.
Oh, and as to why Ricky got raked over the coals and Marion got a pass: haven't you figured it out yet? It's the same theme over and over. Boring is not acceptable. "Point of view" and "wacky" and "interesting" will get through every time. The first and only sin on PR is to be BORING.
I'm pegging Marion as a stealth contestant - barely noticed at first and then in later episodes ratchets up into some drama or serious talent.
gorgeous things - I think "bum pouf" will be my favorite phrase for the holiday weekend. Thanks!
I thought Marion's looked a lot like a Jeffrey Sebelia creation.
Ricky's misfortune is that he bored the judges,and he looked as if he just might pull an Andrae and break down on camera.
And Marion's dress? Ugh sums it up.
Marion's dress looked like something a cross-dressing mosquito would wear to WigStock.
Sweet P's dress looked like it was made by a design-y 7th grader, in home ec class, after she'd spent the weekend watching a Blossom marathon on Nickelodeon.
And what was with Sweet P taking off her shoes to run for the fabric?? Does she have any idea what is on the ground in NYC parks? I hope Bravo suggested they all get tetnus boosters before making the trip - or are we going to see her get her foot amputated in episode 5?
--Gotham Tomato
Wow, the first show kinda sucked, but we already knew that since Rami won. Anyways, I have to say that Sweet P's dress was at least a funtional garment; that's the most fabulous grocery bag I've ever seen!
Oh, and I'll take Jack if you don't want him.
Oh, you guys...I love Sweet P's dress. Ok, now I'm concerned LOL.
My thought on the suit? Lucien did it better on PR Canada.
Steve's was nice, especially considering how short of time they had to make it.
Sweet P's, I like ,except the straps, which I hate. But it is not the most technically impressive, not by a long shot.
Marion, trying to hard to be edgy. Bottom three for sure.
Has anybody else noticed that Steven looks like a certain blogger we all know, love and rely upon for our daily PR fix?
Am I seeing things, or are the straps on Sweet P's garbage bag made out of the fabric now-infamous for Austin's Grammy dress?If so, these must be remnants because that was THREE seasons ago. Or is it a requirement that that same fabric appear every season.
That dress of Marion's looked like the remnants of making a whole mess of cut off shorts and trying to get clever with the amputated pants legs.
Marion and I are the same age and from, I understand, the same hometown...while I live far, far away now, eventually I've got to find someone who can give us better skinny on the world's oldest newsboy.
The red scarf on Steven's was a mistake., It took the edge off an otherwise rather edgy design and pushed it into stewardess territory. I'd love to see this suit in a different color. If it had been in a deep brown paired with tights and ankle boots (or something like that) it would've given the look some youthful ooomph.
Or, really push the sexy secretary look by putting glasses on the model.
Or something... It's a cool jacket. And Steven is so cute!
-- desertwind
Sweet P's dress should have been on the bottom. The dress had no shape, it was a mess. A sack of potatoes with a pretty ribbon!
Marion: OH JEEEZ!!!!
Steven: Marla! That's all I could think of.
Thank you for the screen shots, boys. Could have they shown these garments any faster? You could barely see some of them.
Sweet P - NO.
Steven: Hmm... NON.
Marion - NON NON NON. You're from another planet.
I miss Catherine Malandrino. : )
I LOVED the suit - not my personal style, but a real diversion from what everyone else made and looked beautifully executed! She needed a whip accessory though ... that shoulda been on the wall.
SweetP's dress ... meh.
And yeah ... baby faces are one thing, dangit they can be cute - but the ragamuffin look on a 40ish man is ... well, um ... yeah.
I'd have liked to see Steven a contender for the win and Marion's shapeless pile of black remnants out - they made sweet Ricky nearly cry fer nuthin'!
"Lilithcat said...
Gorgeous things said, "Steven's suit is very reminiscent of Lucien's suit on PRCanada."
Damn! Now I'll have to go back and re-watch the episode. I don't remember any of that.
Steven's dress looked like a business suit. Boring!
Sweet P's and Marion's? *sigh* I don’t really have the energy to comment on them. Ugly!
for someone to call themselves a designer, Marion sure dresses himself like an escapee from a leper colony.
has anyone else heard who the "TOP secret judge" is for this week. I have heard rumors of Jon Bon Jovi. If it's true, I feel a little let down. Why is he such a fashion icon?
Oh-here's Sweet P's dress. I kid you not.
Only I can sew it myself. Cuter.
oh. poor marion. personally, i don't get a pervy vibe from him. more like he's bravely soldiering on despite a secret, tragic past.
i AM right with everyone on the oliver twist bit. i guess that dexy's midnight runners' "come on, eileen" video came out at just the right moment in his tortured adolescence to be forever seared into his consciouness. 25 is a bit too old to pull that look off.
I need to see more, but if this is what they've got - with no challenge restraints or a tight budget and the freedom to express who they are as a designer - I'm not impressed.
Marion's dress was, to quote T & L from a previous season, "A Hot Mess" !!
And he is a little 'pervy-ish'...but you kind of expect that from a guy named Marion. Why do you think John Wayne changed his name?
I'm looking at Sweet P's dress and it just makes the model look like her breasts reside in her armpits.
Every time I see a sack dress, I think "maternity clothing." While pregnant women can be absolutely gorgeous, I don't dig the aesthetic of dressing like you're pregnant.
You're right about Steven. That there is boyfriend material!
You are totally right Kara, Marion's dress looked like one of Jeffrey's mad skilz creations.
Someone mentioned Steven favors Tom of T&L... I agree! That side shot of Steven could have had Tom photoshopped in and no one would notice the difference.
im totally with you on marion's dress. how in the world did this not make the bottom 3??? ricky's babydoll may have been too safe for a first impression, but marion's was like a cry for help that went ignored. it's like he was killing his model with hideousness. fashion homicide. nothing about it was redeeming.
sweet p may live up to her name, so i kinda almost feel bad for saying it, but her dress was just a potato sack with ribbons. truly lousy.
I know what you mean about Marion, but I think it's more of a socially awkward 'Buster Bluth' vibe than a pervert vibe.
The redheaded model was Laura Bennett 2.0 :-))
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