Psst. Wanna see a naked Project Runway contestant?

Friday, November 09, 2007 by
Oh, Honeys. We knew this was going to happen. Don't throw a fame-hungry Chelsea Muscle Mary at us and think we're NOT going to find his pictures. Puhleeze. We could smell the soft-core porn on him from 100 miles away.

Ladies and...Ladies, we give you Season 4 designer, Jack Mackenroth. As God intended. Scroll down for the "edited" versions, but you can click here to see the almost-full monty.

(Photos: Frank Louis)


Anonymous said...

I...didn't know that guys got tramp stamps. Interesting.

Anonymous said...


DolceLorenzo said...


Anonymous said...

His head looks edited on in that second picture (and he looks utterly bored in the 3rd nude image)

Anonymous said...

Le sigh.

Anonymous said...

The man is freaking gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

What can I say? I love his tattoos
: - )

Anonymous said...


And darlings, I was ROFL with your little faces in the pics. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, for some reason, the images aren't coming up for me on your blog. However, clicking on the photographer's name led me to his site, and I think I'd better go take a cold shower now!

Anonymous said...

He's so hot!!!! No wonder he's my favorite designer! LOL.

Anonymous said...

He's so hot my sister will have to mop me up the floor after each episode of PR S4.

Anonymous said...

" Lilithcat said...

Hmm, for some reason, the images aren't coming up for me on your blog. However, clicking on the photographer's name led me to his site, and I think I'd better go take a cold shower now!"

They worked for me.

Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous don't you think? I think I'm in love!

Anonymous said...

They are hardly soft core porn ....just nudes. I love them.
I did, however, see a soft core porn involving Chris from season four and a leopard ... oh wait, that was just a picture of him putting on his shirt. My bad. Jack is very handsome.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and great photographer too. Jack is very handsome and has an amazing body. He's a swimmer, right? Thanks, bitches!!

PRS4 designers, be afraid, be very afraid, the boys are back in full swing!

Anonymous said...

And THAT, people, is why I married a swimmer.

dseumsoenj said...

I'm so sick of him already.

Anonymous said...

Oh William ...have a cocktail dear.

Anonymous said...

I...didn't know that guys got tramp stamps. Interesting.

Marcel from S2 of Top Chef also had one. First one I'd seen on a guy. They work well when they are, ahem, perfectly framing a great tramp. it too early to hope for a revisit of the ice-skating outfits of S2? Or something skimpier?


Wonderful Friday-night treat, guys!

Anonymous said...

William said...

I'm so sick of him already.

Anonymous said...

Oh William ...have a cocktail dear.

Or have a cock.

Fabulous, boys. Finally a sizzling hot man on the show.

Anonymous said...

It looks like his head is Photoshopped on to the body in that second shot. Somethin' strange has been done!

-- d'wind

Miranda said...

I could certainly be wrong, but I do find the tramp stamp tat a bit womany. Still, the guy is definitely hot. :-)

Anonymous said...

" agnes gooch said...

And THAT, people, is why I married a swimmer."

LOL. I need to find mine.

Anonymous said...

OMFG - excuse me while I take a cold shower.

Anonymous said...

Damn, he's hot...I just want to squeeze his butt.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, boys. Those are HOT. Now go find naked pictures of Rami.

Anonymous said...

Oh God, I'm the only person who doesn't know what a tramp stamp is, aren't I?


Anonymous said...

Phew - Thank God they weren't of Christian...

Anonymous said...

Christian is cute.

Anonymous said...

I had to go to the photographer's website to see the nakey ones, and frankly, he was among the least attractive on that site.

Some people are just too pretty to live. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Jack is undoubtedly very hot AND he can sew. Perfect for the show :)

Anonymous said...

Be still, my fluttering heart . . .
(. . . and other body parts!)

* * * * * * * *

Tom and Lorenzo,

Are you sure you're not "moonlighting" photographers from a supermarket tabloid?


Anonymous said...

Oh holy crap!! ::faints::

ayla said...

Umm, I can't see the uncensored pics. Is it me? Or is it blogger?

TLo said...

ayla said...

Umm, I can't see the uncensored pics. Is it me? Or is it blogger?

Hi Ayla,

That's strange. It's working for us. Try here

Hope that helps.


Anonymous said...

Jack's extremely hot and he's not conceived! I met him at a party once and he was so down to earth. Great guy!

Anonymous said...

Jack is a fantastic designer and on top of that he's so hot. He's very cute and his chest is to die for. Great pictures!!

Suzanne said...

LaFemmeFataledeNY, get outta my brain....
how about hunting down a couple of Rami??

Anonymous said...

I also met him, at a fundraiser, and he was so sweet. Nice, hot and smart. Good combo.

Anonymous said...

Steve_Renaissance said...
Jack's extremely hot and he's not conceived! I met him at a party once and he was so down to earth. Great guy

Y'mean he's the guy who's birthday we celebrate on December 25?

Anonymous said...

They should do a calendar: The Men of Project Runway.

Anonymous said...

Good idea Keira.

The Scarlett said...

The pictures worked just fine for me.

*Raising Hand* I had to Wikipedia 'tramp stamp.' Now it all makes sense.

Jack is gorgeous. My first love was a swimmer and this brought back memories.

He looks a bit like Hasselhoff in the second.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!

:::heading to cold shower:::

Anonymous said...

Y'mean he's the guy who's birthday we celebrate on December 25?<<

thank you for that, my day is not complete until coffee comes out of my nose.

I thought the second one looked totally photoshopped too. Given that the tatts match, maybe the photographer just wanted a better face shot on that bod shot (which, sadly, looks like the shots all mothers take of naked babies. But with better muscle tone and more ink).

I married a swimmer, but he discovered beer in college. Damn. Of course, I discovered cookies much earlier than that, so we're even.

Gorgeous Things said...

aca said...

I...didn't know that guys got tramp stamps. Interesting

Hahahahahahahahaha! Snort!

He better be a good designer if he's going to do this.

Anonymous said...

He better be a good designer if he's going to do this.

11:17 AM

They are art shots - not pedophile porn shots. Wow it's 2007.

GothamTomato said...

As gorgeous as Jack is, it is your ingenious use of your charicatures, that had me on the floor. It sure beats the old standard; the black bar.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (5:41) said...
Steve_Renaissance said...
Jack's extremely hot and he's not conceived! I met him at a party once and he was so down to earth. Great guy

Y'mean he's the guy who's [sic] birthday we celebrate on December 25?

It's never a good idea to criticize someone's typographical errors with one of your own!

Anonymous said...

You are so write anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Boo hoo, I can't see pictures, nor did the link T&L posted in the comments work. Didn't see photog name either...what's wrong with me, I need my designer nude shots too!
BTW, loved the typo corrections, speaking as one who can wield a red pencil with the best.

Lisette said...

YUM! Tats and all. Ahh... swimmers brings back memories of crashing prepschool dances. Geoff if you're out there? All the girls called you Adonis!
So he looks like that, is, if reported correctly a great guy, and he freakin' sews! He may be my next husband!
But only if he is into 40 something women that spend all the time they should be exercising, at the computer!

Jack Mackenroth said...

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Keep searching. there's more out there.

PS--Gorgeous Things can suck it.

Jack Mackenroth (for real)

Anonymous said...

Hot pictures. More, more more...

Anonymous said...

Very handsome man. Thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

Sexy hot mother fucker.

Anonymous said...

Love him, love him, love him. I am going to start swimming but I'm guessing it's too late for me. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

"aca said...
I...didn't know that guys got tramp stamps. Interesting."

Me neither. Love it, he is freaking hot. What a lovely treat, bitches!

Anonymous said...

one of your best posts ever boys, Bravo!!

Love your little heads in the naughty parts!

Anonymous said...

To Jack (for real) at 2:09: If you are Jack for real, and what Gorgeous Things said offended you, you might not want to visit this blog. If you can't take the heat, get your tramp stamp out of our kitchen. We're only getting started. Of course, if your designs are fabulous and you don't act like an ass on the show, you have nothing to worry about.

Emily said...

Wow. I love him already.

Anonymous said...

I love him too!!!!!!!! He is fierce.

Vic said...

Bums or no bums, boyfriend is salivatingly handsome. Oh yum. Thanks for breakfast candy.

Anonymous said...

Loved the pics.
Hope Jack's personality and talent live up to 'em.
Oh, and "anonymous," editors use BLUE pencils!

Anonymous said...

T-Lo (or others in the know),

What is a Mary and what makes HIM a Mary? What is a tramp stamp and what does it look like? Are there guidelines? Where is a gay dictionary when I need one?

Jenn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenn said...

Great body, but he is a little too pretty for my taste. The comment about smelling soft-core porn is funny and true!

Now, the next assignment is to find some pics of Rami. Does he just ooze masculinity, or what? Yowza!

Anonymous said...

A tramp stamp is a tattoo on the lower back that is commonly found on slutty girls, for those who keep asking.

Anonymous said...

I think it's more likely the lighting was tweaked on the second shot instead of a cut and paste of the head.

The light is coming from behind him (a small window prob) which you can tell by the light on his back, shoulders (and thru his ear lobes) which cause shadows on his arms from his head and shoulders. That probably means his face was darker than the photographer wanted so he photoshopped some light on his face and through the whole thing off.

Anonymous said...

Rami. Masculine? Have you heard him speak? Queen. Queen. Queen.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Damn, but that man is HOT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! love your little heads in place of fig leaves. so appropriate.

Jenn said...

No, I have yet to hear Rami speak. My assessment is solely upon looks.
And he looks pretty good to me....

Anonymous said...

Clearly Jack is very attractive, is in good shape, and (as promised) has a penis. But the quality of the images themselves leaves much to be desired. In short I find the lighting to be mediocre for most of the shots and some of the poses really aren't the best for Jack specifically. So in the PRG spirit (although I don't think I can be as witty as T-LO), I'll dissect each of the 4 separately:

1. I like the use of natural light coming in the window but in this shot it's all on his back except for the one strip on his left shoulder. It's distracting (hold your finger over that spot and see if you don't notice a difference). And I'm not so crazy about this pose either.

2. OK, he has a great ass but this shot has to go. Having his face in bright natural light like that but the the whole rest of his body in the muted shadow really doesn't get the job done. And I don't care for the white floor board behind his right arm.

3. This one isn't too bad but still isn't as strong as it could be. You really get drawn into his eyes and I really like how the blue in the eyes and the red of his lips play off the paleness of his skin. I wish that the image itself wasn't cropped so close on the sides. Having just a little more space on each side would open the shot up a bit but I think too you would almost feel even more drawn in because you would first see the chair, then the body, then the eyes...and then you melt. Not too sure about the curtains or the "bright" side of the chair's armrest.

4. This one isn't too bad, but again I find the lighting a bit troublesome. I like him looking out the window, I like the play of sunlight off his face and right shoulder, but there's something about the back that isn't quite doing it for me. The "problem" could be his tattoo, but obviously that's hard to "fix". Again hold your finger over it and see if you don't really notice his back that much more.

If you go to the photographer's web site my absolute favorite is the first color shot (image 1103/1 of 9). I love the rivets and curtains in the background; love the lighting on the eyes and the combination of natural and artificial light. The only thing I would change would be to crop to just above the tattoos. The tattoos being there in a slightly different coloring from the rest of the shot actually detracts from the image (in my ever so humble opinion!). If you were to crop them out, you have no choice but to gaze right into his eyes and you would have an absolutely beautiful shot! Keeping the tattoos in keeps the shot a little more "literal" whereas I'd like a little more "mystery".

Oh well, that's my take on it. I'm sure a lot of people will think I'm nuts but I've been called worse.

Oh and if the real Jack is actually reading this, let me know and I'll take your picture myself! ;-) You'd have to come to Chicago, though....