Looking past the gimmick, which admittedly, was tough for us, this is a sharply tailored dress rendered in beautiful fabrics. The proportions on that skirt are perfect. Hair and makeup: awful.
Shoes: To die.
Yeah, it's that red...thing that just doesn't appeal to us. We get it. We just don't like it.
It's a little too discordant, if you know what we mean.
And what's with the Mardi Gras beads or cranberries or whatever that is hanging off her shoulder? She looks like she just won a prize in a county fair.
Still, it's kinda sharp and it's kinda different.
Kevin is VERY straight and he wants you to know it. He NEEDS you to know it.
Fine by us. The gays wouldn't want to take credit for this dress.
Once again, we have a red and black dress with a wildly contrasting element. For whatever reason, this worked even less than Kit's dress.
It just looks like she has tin foil wrapped around her waist. We don't like the way it's cut and we don't like the fabric choice. In fact, the fabrics work so badly against each other, they tend to cheapen each other. Unlike most of the other dresses, you can't as easily tell that it's made of high-end fabrics.
The dress itself is pretty basic but we did like the skirt, especially the red on the hem.
But enough already with the bows, designers. The last time we saw this many bows on dresses we were in a wedding party.
[Photos: Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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Just a "whole lotta ugly."
Hate Straight Kevin's dress. Looked like something from the Limited. (I do buy pants there sometimes but their evening wear stuff is tacky shit and this looked just like it)
Not to mention Kevin's model. She gives me a Heather of this season's ANTM vibe when she walked. All hunched and miserable looking. Did he even us the plaid that Kit was ready to fight him for?
Seriously? You liked that hideous thing Kit made? Are you smoking crack? It made the model look fat, the fabric was ugly and they she uglied it up even more with the red. I'm starting to have serious doubts about your taste... But love your commentaries anyway.
Not a damn thing moved me in this opening episode. Hmmm with all the supposed talent this season am I just too hard to impress? Jaded?
Wasn't it a bit of a let down?
Doing something completely wacky just to be different is crappy design. Call me bourgeois.
Those shoes are awesome, tho!
Perhaps it's not such a horrible thing that some of the models can't walk. I want to see them fight over the few good ones. It's boring when there's no model drama.
Looks like Kit's model got in a fight at the bar and left half her bodice behind. As for Kevin? Another wave in the sea of yawn.
I have a word for Kevin's model... POSTURE
When Kevin made his pronouncement about not being gay, I thought of 4 questions:
1. Was there a producer prompting him with questions that made him say that?
2. Or did that just come out of nowhere?
3. Does he realize that, nowadays, whenever anyone makes a point of saying they're not gay it means just one thing: GAY!
4. Does he realize that his facial hair resembles a topiary garden?
--Gotham Tomato
Kit: Hot Topic for 25 year olds who just...can't...move on
Straight Kevin: Anonymous was correct- this look was The Limited, part 27523487
As soon as I saw Kevin's dress on the runway, I thought, "Oh gawd, that's the straight guy's dress". Exactly the stupid shit that straight guys want to see women in. Morons.
Said with all love and respect of course.
anyone besides me notice that the models plain old SUCK this year?? If I, of all people, can see how badly they walk, then it's bad! I hope I'm more plesantly surprised by both the designers AND the models. I WANT NAZRI BACK!
Kevin's dress looks like milkmaid/ barmaid / some straight guy's fantasy of a sex-night-with-the-kids-at-grammas outfit... UGH!
And Remi's dress...man, that model should have worn a BRA. The dress was nice, but was marred by large breasts swaying. Would have made the dress look and drape better with proper foundation!
I hated both of these dresses. More importantly, I HATED the way Kevin's model walked. It was so bad, I actually forgot what she was wearing.
Not my style and I get a very strange Jeffrey vibe off of them.
" laura said...
anyone besides me notice that the models plain old SUCK this year?? If I, of all people, can see how badly they walk, then it's bad! I hope I'm more plesantly surprised by both the designers AND the models. I WANT NAZRI BACK!"
The problem is that these models don't get paid for their 10 - 15 hours of work each shooting day; they just get free food. The more experienced models don't want to risk losing actual paying jobs, and who can blame them?
I thought Kit's dress was one of the ugliest. I think probably only Simone's dress was worse. And those shoes are ugly too. Nothing at all about the whole look was appealing.
Kevin's dress was nothing special. But it was better than Kit's dress.
Kevin's dress with the silver bodice/breastplate looked like "Zena goes to the prom" to me.
And he's got pretty specific, tailored facial hair for a straight boy.
All I'm gonna say is that there's a reason straight guys aren't usually designers.
Fugly! Lay off the catnip, Kittens!
Foiled peplum corset.
No more needs to be said, really.
Kit dress just says "Heres my good boob!"
Kit's dress was beautifully fitted and I can recall a certain period in my life when I might have even worn it (March 18-23, 1987, to be specific). But the design itself certainly does make one aware that the model does, in fact, have a left boob.
Kevin? He'll be gone very soon. No need to waste the bytes on him.
These were on the show last week? I don't remember them.
Gothamtomato: Topiary indeed...trimmed with pinking shears.
HATED the Kit dress. I hated the way the half red top highlighted the print on the exposed black part. A new way to highlight headlights?
Kevin's was meh.
I agree...Both dresses had a cute base with a lot of potential. Then the designers got all "I must show how different and unique I am by putting ugly shit all over this cute dress".
The red additions are almost vulgar, not in a sexual way but like a gory autopsy way.
The silver on Mr. HETERO's dress made her look like she was trying to protect her unborn fetus from alien mind control.
Weird folks those two.
Kit's 'Peek-a-Boob' jacket looked like something I could have used back when I was nursing my babies!
Kit's whole ensemble puts me in mind of the Kit Kat Klub. And the model is the happiest corpse I've ever seen.
One thing in Kevin's favor is he didn't try to overstyle his model. No funky bun head, no "I fell into a vat of cosmetics" makeup, no bizarre wicker shoes, just... his model.
Now, the dress, well... I didn't think it was terrible, but I definitely didn't like the silver bit. It was shaped very oddly.
I'm still not sure I know what to say about Kit's thing. Seriously, it's been a week and I'm still not sure.
I have to agree with many here, I thought Kit and Kevin were trying WAY to hard- AND Kit's material choices--seriously, what was she thinking?
I thought Kit's dress looks like she wore her nineties party dress to an event, then found out it was a highland fling so quickly grabbed a sash to tartan (and tart) it up.
Oh my, there's a lot of ugly going on between those two dresses. Let's see...right...the red trim was pretty. I'll give him that.
Kit's model looked ridiculous with that makeup. What was she thinking? But again, the woman wears a freaking red bow on her hair.
Yes, Pterion, I saw Kit's dress and thought "Did she forget to close the nursing flap?" Perhaps it's a post-mastectomy frock. But I do not expect much from someone who styles her hair like a fresh-from-the-groomer cocker spaniel.
Kevin's was just ass. Of course, his model would have ruined most anything. Can't believe he keeps her when he has a choice...
I love the red hem on Kevin's dress and just want to rip off that silver piece of ugliness. Editing is something this group LACKS
You're right: at least the proportions are good on Kit's, which you cannot say for Kevin's. I think they were designing before they were assigned models but he could have assumed his model would be tall, right?
Gah, thank god for your screencaps. When I was watching the show, I looked at Kit's dress and thought it was interesting in a good way. Now I'm looking at it and realizing it's interesting in a bad, bad way.
Straight Kevin's model looks so scared in the runway shot. So. Very. Scared. I want to give her a cookie and tell her it's going to be okay, no one will blame her for what she's wearing.
Kevin wants Robert Best's job. I have SEEN that dress before-on my kid's Barbie.
God, I don't even remember these ones. They need to run these outfits twice on the show or something because .... ugh.
Kevin's dress might look a lot better on a different model. Just a thought.
Kit's shows some promise in theory, but the red fabric does clash with the black fabric. Plus, it makes the one breast look like it should be used for target practice.
I like the skirt part of Kevin's dress--take away the silver and make it a little longer, it would be a decent enough dress. But why did Kevin and Sweet P both give us a red trim at the bottom of their skirts?
" nso said...
... it makes the one breast look like it should be used for target practice."
It is true that Kevin's model needs some walking lessons. Where's Miss Jay? But I also think she's the best-looking of the current crop of dress forms. Not that it appears to be a particularly prepossessing lot this season, alas.
Kevin's dress was one of many this episode that made me go: "That's what you made? Carte blanche to make whatever you
want, high-end fabrics to work with, and that's the best you can do? Sad."
Kit's dress I actually sort of kind of liked. I could even get behind the red half-bodice. But the cranberries were serious overkill. Kit might, like Elisa, have some editing problems.
Y'know what's sad? I can't get excited about so many of these designs - for good or ill. A whole lot of "meh".
Kit's is my favorite of them all, but hellifi know why.
Love her model, Marie.
Kevin's skirt is very cute.
-- desertwind
Okay, I'll try: Loved the fit, the fabrics and the length of the dress AND the deconstructed red "jacket" that looks like it's been peeled off. Funny enough, I think If more of the left breast were covered, the effect would look clumsy. Perhaps if the print was less of a bulls-eye or the top of the dress was solid black it would work better? The wickety whack isn't necessary.
Darn you, TLo! I really liked Kit's dress until you gave me the screen caps, and pointed out some of its flaws. I still like it, but it's harder to say she should have been top three.
And Kevin's is definitely middle of the pack, quickly forgotten. Which is probably the best thing for everybody.
-- rain brain
"But enough already with the bows, designers. The last time we saw this many bows on dresses we were in a wedding party."
Seriously, what happened there? They all have a freaking bow.
I wonder what Nina thought of Kit's dress.
-- d'wind
I thought Kit's outfit was very interesting. Not everything has to look conventionally pretty in the fashion industry.I'm curious to see what these designers are going to present in the next episodes. It seems like they're all very skilled and have a very strong and unique point of view. I'm afraid it's going to be just a matter of taste when it comes to judging these outfits.
" pterion said...
Kit's 'Peek-a-Boob' jacket looked like something I could have used back when I was nursing my babies!"
Ha! I said the same thing to my daughter.
Gorgeous Things said...
Looks like Kit's model got in a fight at the bar and left half her bodice behind.
I think that's what I like about it :).
Straight Kevin's dress looks a like a dark fairy Halloween costume.
boys, do you have any inside info on why PR isn't available on itunes? it's driving me crazy because it's the only way i can watch the show while i'm at school!!!
Hunchy McHuncherson was super distracting...I, too, barely noticed what she was wearing because I kept thinking she might need to see the school nurse about her scoliosis.
And Kevin looks like Joey Fatone.
wow. Kevin's dress was so un-memorable that I couldn't recall it until I read this post. Bleh.
I liked Kit's dress except for the weird hanging bead thingies.
LOL limabean, I feel ya
NO! kit's dress is totally cute. the county fair comment is dead on, but the one shoulder red on top of B&W is f-u-n.
They better amp up the drama soon, my babies, because so far? No standouts, and no sign yet of the brilliance we have been told OVER and OVER to expect. Ah well, give it time.
All I can say is, they were both lucky to be among 15 contestants.
Wouldn't like to hear the judges on both pieces if there were 7 or 8 people on the runway.
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