Tim Gunn's Guide to Style Episode 4

Friday, September 28, 2007 by
Blah blah blah...annoying child woman... aged her ten years ... humorless approach to fashion... restrictive sense of style...underwear drawer... we've already said it all.


...who could concentrate on the show when Veronica looked like that?

Seriously, what the hell?

Why would anyone take fashion advice from this woman?

And does anyone else get the impression that Tim's pretending not to notice?

(Photos: Courtesy of Bravotv.com)


Anonymous said...

OMG the headscarf is the same print as the skirt! Is this her matching mother/daughter outfit that she inadvertently wore on TV?

I thought there was a bit more banter between Veronica and Tim. Veronica wasn't as stiff and deer-in-the-headlights as she has been before.

Anonymous said...

And that red hoop skirt # too!
Anon 10:43 is way too kind! I thought she was going to whip out a matching doll.
TLO, PLEASE find out who her stylist is! He/She must be held to task!

Emma P.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm done with this show. And, am I the only one who thinks a pediatrician *should* wear kiddie socks? Her clients are little kids!

Anonymous said...

NO ONE should wear kiddie socks over the age of 12. Just because she works with children doesn't mean she should dress like one.

Anonymous said...

The body language in these screen shots - oh my.

Anonymous said...

The headscarf and skirt are....well, what can I say? Did Veronica audition for the role of maid in some cock-eyed sitcom after this episode was taped?


I could not keep my eyes open to watch this horror

Anonymous said...

As much as I adore The Tim, I can barely watch this show. Veronica is all wrong for a style show - she has no style and often looks as bad or worse than the women they are making over. Even her walk is more reminiscent of a cart-horse than a super-model. I'm deleting my TiVo season pass!

Anonymous said...

The magic cabinet is beginning to piss me off a little. Much like the rest of the show. Veronica, you are not actually in the cast of Mad Men, so please stop wearing your 1961 wardrobe. Tim, please. It is increasingly hard to adore you.

As for this episode, that bubble-head bob was just horrid. Her "before" clothes were kind of horrific, but a sense of whimsy is not to be feared, just redirected. And that Cynthia Rowley dress didn't fit well, it was all bunchy. The one with the deep neckline was better. However, let's face it, given her scary decor in her room? And the fact that her goal is to meet Jerry Lewis? I'll be surprised if it takes.

GothamTomato said...

OK. I'm officially stumped.

I saw this on an episode of The Waltons once, where Ma Walton made a dress & matching headscarf for Elizabeth's doll. Is this Veronica's homage??

But we know Bravo is cheap. Could they possibly not offer Veronica hair & make-up and this is her silent protest?? Could she be the Buddist Monk of Bravo?? If so, should we substitute snarky revulsion with bows of reverence??

I shall now spend the weekend mystified.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

Frankly I think all the women are being dressed exactly the same. And individuality the women had is stripped away. It's starting to become "Tim Gunn's Guide to Becoming A Stepford Wife."

And lay off Veronica Webb...she may not be sporting your style, but so far she's the only woman on the show with any style what so ever good or bad.

Cat said...

My mom made Veronica's outfit, inc. headscarf, for my Barbie. In 1973. [And yes, I wear bandannas when I am working 60+ hour weeks and my hair's going mullet-y, but I am not an ex-model hosting a makeover show, and somehow that makes a difference.]

I'm with Gigi. The season pass is gone, and this show is dead to me.

Nov. 14 can't get here soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Miss Webb looks as bland and unappealing as generic vanilla pudding. She either looks stern, angry, or petulant, and has terrible hair and wardrobe. This show is simply painful to watch.

Anonymous said...

I would never take style tips or advice from someone dressed like that. All these years with the most amazing designers didn't teach her a thing.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. You'd think Veronica would know better than to wear a bandanna. There are far too many negative stereotypes of black women wearing those things.

Very unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Oh, please. Veronica Webb has no style. That get up is about as clever as the shit I came up with in high school. Now, if we could all tear our eyes off her head scarf for moment and notice her other cardinal sin: where the fuck is this woman's bra? Don't they make a point of emphasizing proper undergarments on the show, then they have a woman over the age of 21 without a bra? Don't get me wrong: I know some you ladies can go without a bra and pull it off, but she isn't really pulling it off and it seems a tetch hypocritical to humiliate women for the contents of their underwear drawers and then forego the ur-foundational garment yourself, no?


Anonymous said...

I haven't watched an episode since the first one...Thanks to TLO, I don't feel the need, either.

This is sad. I had high hopes for the Tim & Veronica pairing, too. Veronica is just looking like a fashion victim, and needs a makeover herself.

Anonymous said...

I feel like Tim's pretending not to notice Veronica EVERY show. And seriously, that get up of hers, was she the missing Von Trapp child or something? Whose curtains were sacrificed to make her outfit?

Anonymous said...

My cable's down, so I missed it. I think I don't mind. Perhaps the next recipient of a phone call announcing that Tim Gun will be at her house in 20 minutes should be Veronica.

Anonymous said...

I do know how to spell Tim's name, really I do! It's just that sometimes my fingers are faster than my brain. Or vice versa. Whatever.

Anonymous said...

I agree; there's nothing more to say. This show is a train wreck.

Anonymous said...

Is this a Kelly Wearstler-Stone Company approach? Make the hostess look like shit 'cause if the show sucks people still have something to talk about?
NOBODY dressed like that should criticize ANYONE's approach to fashion or lack thereof.

DolceLorenzo said...

As Tim Gunn would say, "Oh Jesus!!"

Didn't he say "you're a model, you know best" or something like that last night?
I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I'm stunned to turn on the TV and see a woman of color in 2007 sporting a Jemima-scarf. WTF?!?!

And Tim can't say, "Hey Veronica, how about taking that thing off, it's not aesthetically pleasing."???

I love Tim. Love him, love him, love him. But I feel like every time I turn on my TV these days I'm seeing him in less and less flattering scenarios. The Macy's commercial would be funny without this train wreck, even though Tim overacts in it.

I don't know. I feel like he's not filtering the offers, he's just taking them all.

I wish the PR4 season would start and we could go back to revering him in the style to which I've become accustomed.


Anonymous said...


I wish the PR4 season would start and we could go back to revering him in the style to which I've become accustomed.

Anne "

Amen, sister!

Anonymous said...

Anne - I have the same "over exposure" fears for Tim.

He needs to tell his agent the Coco Chanel thing about taking off one accessory before leaving the house...turn down one offer each day before leaving the office!!

The Scarlett said...

4 words:
Going through the motions.

Anonymous said...

All I can think of is what Tim & Veronica say to these women: "You can do better than this." Tim, we love you, but we can't want you to succeed more than you want to succeed!

The bandanna was a definite WTF moment.

Isabel said...

The blow dryer that everyone uses was still bulky and expensive (when I was attending a college prep, all girls, Catholic high school in the 1970s), so if you didn't wash your hair at night, you might have not had enough time for your hair to dry.

When my hair was dirty and I was just too tired to wash it, I would put on a bandana like Veronica's. All the girls did it, because there were no boys at school to impress.

However, I never saw the black girls at school wear one! They managed to keep their hair cleaner than us white and Hispanic girls, despite all the studying.

Black girls considered this
the AUNT JEMIMA look and wouldn't be caught dead wearing a bandana.

Maybe Veronica is too young to remember Aunt Jemima. Maybe she didn't grow up in the Deep South, like I did!

Anonymous said...

I did love seeing NinaGarciaFashionDirectorofElleMagazine.

That made my night.

Anonymous said...

I like the boat neck top and dirndl skirt on Veronica and her make-up looks really fresh and natural. I think the bandana may be ironic (closet cleaning).
I think they cast Veronica at the last minute to deflect criticism from Tim (because the show is so bad). I hope she was aware of that too.

gacm said...

"NO ONE should wear kiddie socks over the age of 12. Just because she works with children doesn't mean she should dress like one."

Amen to that. I was once a classroom teacher, and saw way too many people fall into that hole. There's fun, approachable, and kid-friendly, which you MUST be in many professions, and then there is silly-looking-on-a-daily-basis. Avoid the latter.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

What the hell is that schmata on Veronica's head?!?
Somehow I "forgot" to watch the show last night.
Did they stick with the 10 essentials? The computerized body nightmare? The invasion of the underwear drawer?

Anonymous said...

I watch this show because I love Tim Gunn, but seriously, Veronica Webb is... boring. She should be dressing as if Michael, Nina and Heidi were judging her. She's suppose to be GIVING advice and she looks as though she NEEDS it!

I keep watching hoping that some chemistry will suddenly develop between Mr. Gunn and Miss Webb, but I'm disappointed.

Why can't Miz Laura be on the show as a consultant?? Huh, huh, huh???

Topher said...

I think the most telling comment about this show is the fact that T&L now devote less than three minutes to their postings. We all
know Bravo reads this blog, WTF Bravo? It's high time that Bravo flat-out hire these two as consultants to future PR-inspired shows. We now have two flops post PR: Top Design and TGGTS. (And for some, Shear Design.) Quality is much more important than quantity. Stick with what you're good at! Bravo is heading into MTV/VH1 territory.

Anonymous said...

"Why would anyone take fashion advice from this woman?"

You know at first it was kind of funny and all, but now I'm like 'is she taking her role seriously?'

Unknown said...

I love Tim Gunn, but this show is a turkey. On a commercial network it would be cancelled by now. Tim, by boringly sticking to ten things you need in your wardrobe, stifles creativity. The women madeover don't look that much better after. And Veronica, there are simply no way I would take fashion advice from her. She is a disaster. Holly Hobbie lived last night.

Anonymous said...

I just read Veronica Webb's bio on Wikipedia, so who knows if any of it is correct. That said, she has a diverse and interesting resume, but NOTHING in it that indicates that she would be good on this show other than having been a model. And clearly, that is not enough.

Anonymous said...

The outfit won't be so bad if it just wasn't for that matchy headband, which is really weird. It's like after she made the skirt she had left over material and just decided she liked it so much that she made a headband

Anonymous said...

Haven't watched since epi 1, but I'm so glad you boys are back on point. You're hilarious.

You are masters of the screen shot. The body language says it all.

I still think Tim should be ashamed of himself! (You boys are officially off the hook!)

Gorgeous Things said...


The words "Jump the Shark" come to mind. It really pains me to say that, because I simply adore Tim Gunn. I took the show off my Tivo schedule two weeks ago, and I get more sleep thanks to it.

Tim's guest appearance on Martha Stewart was just as appalling. I think I need about a dozen Hershey Kisses to cheer myself up.

Or maybe just a chocolate martini.

kath said...

Veronica Webb looks like an extra from Fiddler on the Roof. I'm sorry, it had to be said.
I mean, what the hell? She gets worse looking in each episode. Tim, make her over!
It's becoming painful to watch anymore.

Anonymous said...

Frankly I think all the women are being dressed exactly the same. And individuality the women had is stripped away. It's starting to become "Tim Gunn's Guide to Becoming A Stepford Wife."

Should this show be resurrected, IMHO, Tim might try customizing his ten essential items list to better reflect the talents' lifestyles.

Whether you love it or hate it, What Not to Wear on TLC takes the actual lives of their makeover into account, and help them develop their own style.

Anonymous said...

" bitchybitchybitchy said...

Frankly I think all the women are being dressed exactly the same. And individuality the women had is stripped away. It's starting to become "Tim Gunn's Guide to Becoming A Stepford Wife."

Should this show be resurrected, IMHO, Tim might try customizing his ten essential items list to better reflect the talents' lifestyles.

Whether you love it or hate it, What Not to Wear on TLC takes the actual lives of their makeover into account, and help them develop their own style."

Words out of my mouth. TLC does take the actual lives AND personalities of the MOs into account. They end up looking like themselves, but ten times better.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I dont know, I think WNTW end results all look pretty similar too. I adore Tim Gunn too. I don't think the show is all that terrible really. There are definitely some improvements in order. I agree with the statement below, Laura would be a fabulous addition, I say let's replace Veronica with Laura and that would turn the show right around there.

Kitty said...

I watch this show because I love Tim Gunn, but seriously, Veronica Webb is... boring. She should be dressing as if Michael, Nina and Heidi were judging her. She's suppose to be GIVING advice and she looks as though she NEEDS it!

I keep watching hoping that some chemistry will suddenly develop between Mr. Gunn and Miss Webb, but I'm disappointed.

Why can't Miz Laura be on the show as a consultant?? Huh, huh, huh???

Anonymous said...

I hate trench coats and classic white shirts. Trench coats make women look like mattresses with a sash.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, leah, I went scrolling for the first Von Trapp child observation and you did not disappoint.

But this show again did. Le sigh. Le sigh, le sigh, le sigh. I felt as if they made Whatsherface Makeover Victim look like a more impressive doctor for the parents, but a more intimidating doctor for the children.

Right now, I am only watching this show for Tim's Macy's ad. "I love hats!" Just the thought of that one lousy line makes me happy. "I love hats!" He's like the mentally incompetent gay uncle I always wished I had!

Anonymous said...

Tim's got to be self medicating or he would say, "get her out of my sight!" But it would sound real classy when he said it.

Anonymous said...

WNTW formula: blazer, bronzer, silky shirt, dark bootleg jeans, boots or pointy toe pumps.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I have given up this show; I use the time slot to watch the Tivo'd version of Dirty Sexy Money. Why watch the show when you guys do it so much better??

Anonymous said...

I'm sticking with my socks.

I agree a grown woman shouldn't dress like a kid, but a pediatrician can definitely wear kiddie socks with her clogs in the exam room. It definitely helps with the intimidation factor.

Anonymous said...

"agnes gooch said...

Thank you, leah, I went scrolling for the first Von Trapp child observation and you did not disappoint.

But this show again did. Le sigh. Le sigh, le sigh, le sigh. I felt as if they made Whatsherface Makeover Victim look like a more impressive doctor for the parents, but a more intimidating doctor for the children.

Right now, I am only watching this show for Tim's Macy's ad. "I love hats!" Just the thought of that one lousy line makes me happy. "I love hats!" He's like the mentally incompetent gay uncle I always wished I had!"

My pleasure Agnes. And I completely agree on the Macy's ad. I love how they make Martha the stern teacher and Tim just loves hats. It makes me laugh every time b/c it's so very silly.

"Anonymous said...

WNTW formula: blazer, bronzer, silky shirt, dark bootleg jeans, boots or pointy toe pumps."

And YES! Very true, and might I add the silky shirt is a vneck empire waist that could double as a maternity shirt. It's all very cute, and I like WNTW, but it can be very boring. You know what though, those two have CHEMISTRY!

Anonymous said...

I decided an extra hour of sleep would be better than watching the show last night. I'm going to blame the badness on the incompetence of the producers. Their track record is now 0 and 2 with Top Design being such a mess.

Veronica is dressing badly but I'm not going to slam her when I don't know what choice, if any, she's given of what to wear on the show. That said, she's still somewhat of a cold fish.

And Tim's 10 Essentials may work for some, but this show is helping highlight that the list doesn't necessarily translate well for everyone. The only way you'll see me in a trench coat is if it's draped over my recently deceased body.

Tim, I still think you're great but you need to stick to your two best looks: PR and Liz.

Anonymous said...

It would be a better show if Tim was with Martha Stewart dressing people in bedsheets and cookware for hats.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (7:48 p.m.) said: The only way you'll see me in a trench coat is if it's draped over my recently deceased body.

You and me both, kid. Particularly on short women (I'm 5'3"), those things look hideous. First, they're bulky. Second, those damn belts cut you in the middle and make it worse. No flamin' way. My "all-weather" coat is drapey and black and elegant, thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

I really liked the way the MD looked after her makeover. She looked really wierd before and I think she carried herself differently after. There is one scene where VW's eyebrows looked like a bad Joan Crawford. She looked like ship this last episode. Please Bravo, cancel this dog!

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

I am beginning to feel about this show like when I was in college and used to suffer through endless experimental-and off Broadway plays that my fellow theater major friends were in on the weekends. We'd smile politely and then go out and get hammered afterward.

So I honestly don't think I can sit through another epi unless we have definite "getting hammered" plans, and I haven't done that in YEARS.

BTW my 7 year old's American Girl doll has that same outfit in the screen cap.

Anonymous said...

The show is now like a car wreck on the highway that I can't take my eyes off...blood, body parts, bandannas, magic gift cabinets, grotesque computer programs.

It hurts to watch but I can't help myself!!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see it. Thanks for the recap.

This show sucks and I really hate saying that because I really do love Tim.

They must lose Veronica.

mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

The previous shows must not even registered a blip on my pleasure neuro receptors. I forgot to watch it.

Brandenburg3rd said...

This is killing me. I *SO* want the show to succeed, and it could--it just needs some fixing.

I'm sure Veronica is a lovely person with a hundred wonderful qualities--that doesn't mean she's meant to be a fashion makeover cohost. She and Tim just don't click, and the show is suffering.

I still am jumping up and down, suggesting Honey Labrador. She has far better stage presence, she's got good taste, "people" say she's a doll to work with, she's a big suppoerter of a variety of charities, she's intelligent AND she's a former model who is so DDG it should be illegal.

Hmm. Except for being a model, female and a lesbian, she sounds a lot like Tim. Stone and Co., ARE YOU LISTENING????

Anonymous said...

I think Tim and Veronica comined are so stodgy that the show just isn't fun. It's like a funeral. I think Laura might be fun, but still, she has that New York Upper Class thing going on.

I suggest the model Amanda from Season 3 of PR. She'd be fun, she wouldn't have to be an "expert", and Tim could make fun of her while she does her thing.

Vic said...

I didn't even watch the show this time. I'm over Veronica, the predictable format, and Tim's overexposure.

Less is more. I wish his advisor had told him that.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, you listen here. You need to pull the rest of these shows NOW! Pull your collective head out of your collective butt and protect one of the biggest assets you've had in a long time - Tim Gunn!



Anonymous said...

I have yet to see a full episode. I caught a few minutes of this while flipping channels and it was so painful I couldn't keep watching! Tim was just SO serious and SO superior. Talking about a contract, and how incredibly serious this is. He came across like a parent admonishing a child for binge drinking at a party.

Also, (don't think this was the same epi) he took the victim to some designer where she tried on some nice dresses. Then the designer said he was giving her one. That's a great gift, but overkill - she just needed a few basics and some advice about fit and style.

Every time I see a few minutes here or there, something just seems.... off. Fashion is fun and pretty! How on earth are they making it so dreary and scary?

Anonymous said...

Yes, unfortunately I also think that Veronica Webb needs a style makeover. I was watching one scene of last week's show when her hair was looking particularly bad, and my husband came in and asked me what I was watching. When I said, "Tim Gunn's Guide to Style", his response was "Who's the black guy?" True story. Please get a better hairstyle, Veronica!

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for Tim. I really wanted the show to be a hit so much.

mia said...

Has anyone else noticed that the "proper" undergarments often made the women look droopy? Just because you pay a lot of money for a bra doesn't make it look good under clothes. The one episode with the woman who had recently lost a lot of weight made her look worse than she did before. And Veronica Webb looks like a circus performer - and acts like a brainless chimp.

Anonymous said...

My mom had that exact same outfit on when she used to clean the house.

skb said...

i was just on the bravo website and they're doing this countdown of the 20 best bravo reality tv moments where viewers vote on their favorite clips and our opinion goes into the ranking. there are some great/hysterical clips from project runway (among others) like andre crying on the runway (classic!)...thought you guys would appreciate...here's the link: