"Iman will head up a panel of expert industry insiders to judge both the talent and skills of the budding designers.
Canadian designer Brian Bailey will serve as mentor to the designers. Judges Rita Silvan, editor-in-chief of Elle Canada, and Shawn Hewson, co-founder of Canadian sportswear label Bustle Clothing, will be joined by rotating guest judges as well as Iman on the runway each week to eliminate designers. Models will also face weekly eliminations.
The three finalists will each design collections to showcase at Toronto's L'Oreal Fashion Week.
The grand prize winner of "Project Runway Canada" will receive $100,000 to start their own fashion line, a professional portfolio photo shoot provided by L'Oreal Paris, a retail mentorship with Winners and a cover and feature spread showing their winning collection in Elle Canada."

Episode 1: Clothes off Their Backs
The designers meet their host, Iman, on a glamourous yacht and are given 30 minutes to create an outfit with very limited materials. Later the designers learn the competition has only just begun and they must now each create an innovative look using only the clothes from another competitor’s suitcase.
Premieres October 8th at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Slice.
(Photos: Courtesy of Slice.ca)
Lucian Matis is HOT!!! I guess I'll have to wait to down load them
OHMYGOD I love the first challenge. I WANT TO WATCH IT!!!
YAY! We here in Canada CANNOT WAIT!
Aw, I wish Bravo would air the show. I loved Project Catwalk.
" Anonymous said...
Lucian Matis is HOT!!! I guess I'll have to wait to down load them "
Lucian is really hot. Is it going to be available online?
Interesting that ALL the contestants will have a blog to discuss the show.
So multi-culti. How come we're so white here in the good ole usa?
are we going to be able to see it?
Why is Iman the host? Does she really live in Canada?
The first episode sounds like it'll be full of drama. I wonder how the rules will be set up for this challenge.
This had better be available on iTunes or something. I must must must watch. I can't believe there are two new PRs plus a new Queer Eye all coming up! Yay!
" macasism said...
So multi-culti. How come we're so white here in the good ole usa? "
I know, right? Why can't we have the same here?
"The designers meet their host, Iman, on a glamourous yacht"
A yacht? How fucking gorgeous is that?
Michael is rocking the Erin Fetherston fringe.
OMG! HOW DID I MISS THIS??? I go back to work for one week and I am now seriously behind the news. Thanks boys for keeping me up to date.
Since Slice used to be Bravo up here, you may be able to get your wish about it coming south. I just hope this means I still get to see the PR season 4!
Evan rocks!! He's adorable!
"KlausK said...
Aw, I wish Bravo would air the show. I loved Project Catwalk."
Ditto. The clothes were tacky but the show was great.
You know, I tried to play some of the videos and they all said "SORRY! This video not available in your country." Why not?
MarceloF said...
You know, I tried to play some of the videos and they all said "SORRY! This video not available in your country." Why not?
Hi Marcelo,
You can actually watch a few here, including the promo and an interview with Iman.
OHMYGOD I just watched the video of Evan Biddel. Thank you for the link, bitches. He is FABULOUS!
Looking at them, I'd guess CARLIE is going to win.
"ToddNY said...
OHMYGOD I just watched the video of Evan Biddel. Thank you for the link, bitches. He is FABULOUS! "
I love his hair. Very cool!
Wouldn't a fabulous challenge for PR Canada be to design an (updated) outfit for a David Bowie personna?
Ziggy Stardust
The Thin White Duke
Major Tom
Space Oddity
Aladdin Sane
Bravo are you listening? Your viewers would be very greatful to get alternate versions of PR on your airwaves.
T&L...you know Andy Cohen. Let him know there is a market for this. People in the United States would watch even if aired later than in Canada. It sure as hell beats Top Design and Housewives of Orange County.
I prefer Iman to Heidi any day. Iman knows how to dress.
"using only the clothes from another competitor’s suitcase."
Oooh, that's even meaner than the one they did on PR.
Having someone cut up my clothes would be a good way to get competitive juices flowing!
Iman. Sigh.
Is that $100,000 Canadian?
-- desertwind
C$100,000 and US$100,000 are essentially the same now. They've almost hit parity. Le sigh for those of us who go there often and won't be getting our "American discount" anymore.
But I'm sure it's C$100K. Why wouldn't it be in Canada?
You lucky Canadians! We have to wait until November or December to get our PR fix.
" winged_sheep said...
I prefer Iman to Heidi any day. Iman knows how to dress."
Me2. Iman is fabulous!
wouldn't the really good Canadian designers be down in the US?
matchchatter said:
"wouldn't the really good Canadian designers be down in the US?"
Ooh, now, don't be an ugly American!! I'm telling you, the Canadians are a hip and happening people. Toronto is a fabulous city with awesome food, a vibrants arts scene, and interesting, well-dressed people. Plus they know how to efficiently clear the snow and ice from their streets in the winter, so a little bad weather doesn't slow them down one bit. They're allowed to keep some of their talent home if they want!
"Ooh, now, don't be an ugly American!! I'm telling you, the Canadians are a hip and happening people. Toronto is a fabulous city with awesome food, a vibrants arts scene, and interesting, well-dressed people."
I fucking love Canada (my date to my first Madonna concert in 2001 was my Toronto Gay), but let's be serious -- we're all just relieved that Toronto and Vancouver managed to go hipster the same time as the US -- and 555 Soul and some other urban labels have done some pretty kick-ass stuff - but high fashion? Girl, please!
Forgive me for being bitchy, but I seriously doubt that the next great designer is hiding out in Nova Scotia. Like -- matchatter said, anyone really good would already be in New York. Just like being a successful actor, fashion is one of those things where the talent has to come to the industry - not the other way around (name one legitimate Canadian star who still maintains primary residence in Canada? Even if they have a project shooting in Vancouver, their agents, condos and pieces of ass are al Stateside).
But really, I'm just bitter because of how fug (even by ANTM standards - and ANTM girls are pretty fug by definition) every wannabe was on Canada's Next Top Model that I won't let myself invest in Canadian versions of American reality shows again. I still have nightmares about the tranny that hosted that show - and I only saw like one episode.
Bravo, please air this in the US! Please! We can't get enough Project Runway!
I think I'm going through withdrawal . . .
I NEED to see this....
Please, readers of PRG and T&L- if you have any updates on how to view this please keep us informed. Heck I'd even watch it in 10 minute sections on You Tube!!
wouldn't the really good Canadian designers be down in the US?
Really, don't want to be an UGLY AMERICAN but thought this topic really needed to come to light and get real. Yes, Canada, has some happening spots, don't want to rain on their parade, but Project Runway Canada? Let's all cool down a bit before we go gaga. Paris it ain't. Harbinger of the new???
Suzanne said...
I NEED to see this....
Please, readers of PRG and T&L- if you have any updates on how to view this please keep us informed. Heck I'd even watch it in 10 minute sections on You Tube!!
matchchatter said...
wouldn't the really good Canadian designers be down in the US?
Really, don't want to be an UGLY AMERICAN but thought this topic really needed to come to light and get real. Yes, Canada, has some happening spots, don't want to rain on their parade, but Project Runway Canada? Let's all cool down a bit before we go gaga. Paris it ain't. Harbinger of the new???
True, but it's never too late to make it happen. Quite frankly, NY ain't Paris either, but quickly became a major fashion capital. The same is happening in Sao Paolo right now. I was really impressed with some of the contestants' bio.
Iman needs to take an accent reduction course. Her English is pretty bad.
Um... As one of the lucky few who gets to see 'PRC' on October 8, I feel have to butt in.
First, I love Heidi Klum. Her style is entertaining and slightly quirky. She can be endearingly blunt with contestants, and that makes for good TV. Iman remains an unknown quantity. We'll see how she does as the show progresses. She has a very deep voice, IMO, and that grates on me a little.
As for the contestants, when I first heard about PRC, I was livid, thinking Slice was replacing the original PR with a bunch of nobodies from Terrebonne showing off their pattern sewing. (I'm from Quebec, I can say those things without being 'the ugly American'.)
These days, I'm reserving judgment about the contestants. Not everyone runs to New York the minute they turn 18, you know. Designers can start their career in Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver and do pretty well. I'm surprised only two contestants are from Montreal - and one of them is Asian, so that's a diffeent perspective altogether -because that city has the best sense of style in Canada. Also, it's got loads of pretty fashionistas like Alison Kelly, so where are they? Truthfully, the show is shot in Toronto and over here, Toronto is known as a hog. It'll suck up any money or fame going around, and it quite shamelessly steals original ideas from other Canadian cities, and does them over bigger (because of the $$)if not necessarily better.
So, we'll see. Since the original Project Runway US (and the British wannabe was definitely subpar) starts in October on Bravo, and we always get it a few months down the line, I guess we'll still see Heidi and Tim on Canadian TV somewhere down the line. If PRC is a bust, I'll just wait for the real thing.
"roxy said...
Not everyone runs to New York the minute they turn 18, you know."
Exactly, Jay used to live in Pennsylvania and Chloe still lives in Texas.
I guess I'll have to see if this show will be available on some friendly BitTorrent site. *cough* Demonoid.com *cough*
So multi-culti. How come we're so white here in the good ole usa? "
I know, right? Why can't we have the same here?"
Chloe Dao, Kara Saun, Michael Knight, the lesbian black woman with two names, both of which escape me. Must have been a whitey in the woodpile, eh?
Ugh for a lot of people not wanting to be ugly Americans you sure are. Do you realise that Montreal street fashion is like way ahead of NY and the NY designers often look to Montreal for the next big thing? And Vancouver is so far ahead of LA or NY in terms of eco friendly dye processes and materials etc. I can't believe someone would honeslty say all the "good" Canadian designers would have to move to the US. Bitch please, if they DID move anywhere it would be London or Paris or Milan.
Oh and to the Ho who said the ANTM girls are better than the CNTM girls... right, let's see one of the ANTM winners Eva was 5'6 (or not even) the latest was a tranny who was just under 5'7! At least the CNTM girl is 5'11 and just got signed to Why Not Milan, who would spit in the face of any of the ANTM winners and laugh if they showed up at their agency. Educate yourself so I don't have to.
You really shouldn't compare ANTM or CNTM to Project Runway or Project Runway Canada.
Apples and Oranges my friends.
I agree with anonymous, Canada rocks the fucking scene and if a great designer were planning a move it would likely be to Europe, not the U.S. (I'm not Canadian either)
My first impression of the Canadian head shots is that they make the American contestants look like a bunch of circus clowns. I mean, they look professional, hip, put together, stylish, but not over the top in any way.
I'd LOVE to see this, COME ON BRAVO!
Holy shit! I'd take Iman over Heidi Klum anyday! We have been robbed!
if you go on youtube to MsRoyalT's videos, then you will see all the project runway episodes the day after it's aired. she's great!
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