Out Magazine put big old mess Marc Jacobs on the cover, but as in life, it's what's inside that counts. First, an interview with Tim Gunn.

So you didn't grow up fixated on fashion?
I was fixated on architecture and interiors, which of course had everybody worried. I had a really butch father — so butch I thought maybe he was a closet case. He was an FBI agent and a sports lover, and the only sport I could even participate in was swimming, because it was nice and clean and you didn’t sweat.
On politics:
Who on Capitol Hill needs Tim Gunn's Guide to Style most?
Laura Bush. Oh, my God!
On Project Runway:
You have no influence over the judges?
None. It keeps me an honest man. I have no interaction with them at all, but that doesn't mean they don't drive me to total despair.
And how do they do that?
How do the judges drive me to total despair? By smoking crack! By making decisions I can't fathom.

On his show:
You're quick to point out that Guide to Style isn't a typical makeover show.
I'm not a fashion Svengali. I don't throw clothes at you and tell you if you wear these things, all your fashion foibles will go away. I'm a fashion therapist.
On his personal life:
How's your romantic life?
I haven’t been in a relationship since 1982. God, that sounds pathetic. But I was so severely hurt that I’ve never, ever gotten over it. I was so madly and desperately in love that I didn’t see the end coming. It was a routine night on the couch watching television, and he turned to me and just said, 'I don’t have the patience for you. I can’t do this anymore.' After nine years. I still remember leaving his apartment, driving down Rock Creek Parkway in Washington, D.C., thinking, Maybe I’ll just drive right off the bridge.
Then they followed up with their favorite PR alums by making them pose for a dorky picture. Emmett says they had to "make it work" with tin foil, whatever that means.
Wow! Chloe looks seriously hot; Malan looks like he should have been photographed by George Hurrell; and I would love to know which judging decisions Tim couldn't fathom.
But beyond that, isn't there someone nice we can fix Tim up with?? Next Musical Monday you boys should make like Dolly Levi and find him a nice doctor. (And while you're at it, find me a nice doctor too).
--Gotham Tomatosky
P.S.- Tim may want to get his hands on Laura Bush, but I'd say she's hopeless. Someday, when she gets off the Valium drip, she'll run down the middle of the street screaming.
OHMYGOD FABULOUS, Boys! They all look great! Tim looks HOT HOT!
I gotta run now and get my copy :-)
Daniel V looks so cute with his dog.
Is Kara pregnant?
" Anonymous said...
Is Kara pregnant? "
Yes. she is.
Malan is something else, isn't he?
They look great. I have to agree with Gucci Girl, Daniel V's dog is adorable.
I volunteer to be set up with Tim!!! Next time he is in Chicago let me know and I will show him the town.
seriously I will (get your minds out of the gutter)
I would love to know which judging decisions Tim couldn't fathom.
He's quite candid in his blog, eg, Alison's auf, Vincent's win for the makeover episode, and so on.
Oh do I have a story about that tin-foil headdress they got on Malan....but it's too long.
Hey Kara's preggers! It's a new baby for the PRGayboys to play with!! YAY!!
I didn't know Chloe was the national spokeswoman for Dove Ultimte Clear deodorant. WOW!
It's a very interesting article (I read the whole thing this morning). I love how Tim is so candid about his sexuality and failed relationship.
Awww, Daniel looks so adorable.
Poor Tim. That story is so tragically romantic. What an interesting life Mr. Gunn must have had. I want him to write a memoir next.
Kara looks amazing in that picture! And Malan looks creepy with those tin foil nails.
Great picture, thanks, guys! Didn't they use tinfoil (or somebody did) for one of the challenges?
I love Chloe's earrings. Are they goign to be available on QVC? :)
Oh poor Kara,
Even though she looks fabulous in her fecundity, the whole, pregnant slave girl look is a little too... too. Yeah, not my fave-rave picture of any of the alums, though Tim's picture looks amazing!
Emmett looks good. He's so tall. Tim looks smoking hot in that first picture.
"But I was so severely hurt that I’ve never, ever gotten over it. "
Tim, I love you, you're brilliant and beautiful, but PLEASE! Get some therapy!!! That was 1982 for crying out loud! Twenty-five years ago! Sweetie, it's time to move on.
Now, I have a lovely friend who is just out of a relationship . . .
Nice try, Tim, but Laura Bush isn't a member of Capitol Hill. This bashing of middle aged women gets really, really old.
"Nice try, Tim, but Laura Bush isn't a member of Capitol Hill. This bashing of middle aged women gets really, really old."
Oh, puh-LEEZE!
Tim looks HAWT! I can't wait to watch his show.
Too bad they couldn't get someone from Season 1 like crazy Jay or porcelain-doll Austin.
Awww, I love this post, Boys! Simply fabulous!!
Daniel V. and his dog? Priceless!
Emmett is the king of the fashion world!!
omg! i didn't know kara janx was pregnant! i'm thrilled for her!
"On politics:
Who on Capitol Hill needs Tim Gunn's Guide to Style most?
Laura Bush. Oh, my God!"
I don't know why but that picture of Kara reminds me of the painting "The Birth of Venus" by Botticelli.
Ooooh, I want to give Tim a big hug now....
Love Malan's jazz hands.
I'm with GothamTomato. Who can we fix Tim up with?? Anderson Cooper maybe?
When I saw the photo of Kara, my first thought was of the iconic "Venus Rising" painting...anyone else have that reaction?
It's interesting that the Duchess counts a number of members of the Bush family in his cabinet. Wonder if he dresses the First Lady?
Tim didn't love Laura?
Tim needs a new boyfriend. My last boyfriend broke my heart, and I vowed NEVER to date again. That didn't last long.
Emmett looks, for the first time, like a total queen. And though I love me some gay boys, that's not a compliment. Daniel, adorable, Chloe, adorable, Kara, wow! Malan, like Carmen Miranda meets William Powell.
Okay, I'm going out on a limb here but is anyone else getting a little bit tired off the "I was hurt so badly" story? I mean, this is the guy who made "make it work" part of our daily parlance!
The first time I heard the quote about the reason for Tim's non-love life (and note, the story is word-for-word the same in every interview), my reaction was "aw, that's so romantic." Now I'm thinking: "Tim! Get a grip! That was 2 decades ago! Are you really such a coward that you won't even try to have a relationship with someone? Is your former lover really so powerful that he still has this hold on you all these years later?"
If Tim doesn't want to be in a relationship, then that's his choice. But by reiterating the same old story, it's starting to sound like the choice he has made is to be a victim.
Get over it, Tim. That's something from your closet that needs to be thrown out...it'll never come back in style.
Chloe - Sexy.
Kara - Fabulous.
Malan - Mysterious
Emmett - Cute.
Daniel V. - Adorable.
I'll date you, Tim!
Marc Jacobs - What a transformation! I wonder if the relapse of drugs/alcohol abuse had anything to do with this drastic change? I read from Fashion Babylon (best comfort book ever) that before Marc Jacobs went sober, there used to be days when he'd be so wasted that he'd be unconscious on the sofa in the office of LVMH and they had to hold the meeting while covering a blanket over Marc Jacobs to hide him from the sigh of Bernard Arnault (CEO of LVMH).
Not loving the picture will all the designers. Tim looks great.
GothamTomato said...
Wow! Chloe looks seriously hot; Malan looks like he should have been photographed by George Hurrell...
Malan told us that he "was inspired by old Chinese and Thai opera headdresses."
Tim has to keep telling the story about his last relationship because he keeps getting asked about it! I don't think he needs therapy for not having gotten involved since then. Do we walk up to widows and widowers and harrass them about when they're going to quit moping and get back in the saddle? Do we chase down Buddhist monks and Catholic nuns and ask them what's wrong with them? Heavens, no!
There is nothing wrong with being single! And especially not when you have lots of friends and a fascinating career! I personally am tired of every article that feels compelled to focus on this aspect of Tim's life.
Valpal, I agree with you completely. Maybe I've read too many of his interviews. Yes, he does get asked the same questions, but when ask about his romatic life he could simply state he is happy with being single. I think he's a prig.
Seriously, if Tim Gunn really wanted to be in a relationship, he would. It's as simple as that. It's not like he doesn't meet fabulous men every day, and I'm SURE he's been asked out many times over the last 25 years. He's a smart man who has probably decided that his life is full enough right now. I think he plays the whole "My heart was irreparably broken" bit because people think it's endearing, and that's what they want to hear. Notice he never says he's desperate to be dating or in a relationship again? Because he's not.
Maybe they shouldn't be so coy in asking about his romantic life and just ask about his sex life. I hate to think Tim isn't getting any!
Kara is pregnant! That's awesome!! Does she know if it's a boy or a girl?
Agnes: Please re-read my note. I didn't mention anything about Tim needing therapy or in there being a problem with being single.
Sewing siren said it very well: "when ask[ed] about his romantic life he could simply state he is happy with being single." (Or, to follow up on Anon and Eric3000, "when ask[ed] about his romantic life he could simply state he has many many new friends and is having a marvelous time with as many of them as time permits.)
OMG Kara looks so adorable!!! When is she due?
Tim, darling, not every man out there is a jerk like your ex-boyfriend. I'm sure you'll find someone who's much better than him.
Laura Bush DOES need a makeover. She could start with her husband ...getting rid of him might chop 20 years off her looks!
klausk said: "I don't know why but that picture of Kara reminds me of the painting "The Birth of Venus" by Botticelli."
It's because of her hair, and the position of her right hand is the mirror of Venus' left hand. Also, back then a woman's tummy was appreciated! Take a look at any of the great art of the time and you will see nicely rounded tummies.
valpal, try reading ALL the comments left here. You'll see that I wasn't responding to you on the therapy comment.
Emmet looks different, maybe is the way the picture has been taken. They all look absolutely Fabulous though.
And I'll have to agree with Miss Nora when she says she wants to give Tim Gunn a hug... he can't be sweeter!
I agree that Marc Jacobs looks bad on that cover...or simply trying to hard to be hot. Wasn't he a nerd not too long ago?
Marc looks a little like a Scottish football player on the cover.
i really really really really really really really really really really love tim gunn.
and i'll tim gunn would tell me to KEEP my slips. keep them.
and i can SO see daddy-the-fbi-agent in little tim.
Oh dear. How did they make Daniel V look like Emo Philips?
Me too, Eric. While I am saddened that Tim has not had a relationship since 1982, the thought of him not getting any for that long is unimaginable!
" GothamTomato said...
Wow! Chloe looks seriously hot;"
I agree. Isn't she beautiful? I bought some of her clothes on QVC and I love them.
" Jenn said...
Me too, Eric. While I am saddened that Tim has not had a relationship since 1982, the thought of him not getting any for that long is unimaginable! "
I'm sure he's getting some. The man is hot. :)
I love Tim! I'm glad I'll have something to watch before Season 4.
Suzanne said...
I'm with GothamTomato. Who can we fix Tim up with?? Anderson Cooper maybe?
The new Brangelina!
Make it so!
Emma P.
I'm with GothamTomato. Who can we fix Tim up with?? Anderson Cooper maybe?
It boggles the mind.
Tim said "smoking crack?" Hahaha I would have LOVED to be there when he said that. How uncharacteristic, coming from the father of "caucus" and "sturm und drang." I agree though, how frustrating would it be to be helpless watching fashion elitists cut down your proteges?
Meanwhile...Malan is going to be the next Bijan isn't he? Appointment only.
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