Yes, it's time for that American Classic, Singin' In The Rain! The story that teaches the valuable lesson: Watch out for those dumb girls, they can be real bitches when they want to!

Our story starts here, on opening night of what's sure to be the blockbuster film of 1927, The Royal Rascal!

The film's stars, Don Lockwood (Kelly) and Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen) thank the crowd for worshipping them. Gene is an obnoxious ass, but still hot. Lina is fabulously stupid. Donald O'Connor is ignored.

Backstage, after the crowd goes nuts for the film, Gene tries to tell the dim-witted Lina that he's not in love with her despite what the magazines say. She laughs him off and offers to perform oral sex on him. Bored and too successful for his own good, he declines.

Later, on the way to the big premier party, Gene is attacked by a mob of screaming teenage girls (and a couple of lisping teenage boys), all of whom try to rip off his clothes and sex him right there on the street. We were rooting for the boys.

In an attempt to escape the hormone-crazed teens, he leaps into a passing car to the shock of its driver, Debbie Reynolds. She is virginal, plain and young enough to be his daughter, so naturally he's interested in her.

Virginal yes, but not dumb. She can see right through his smooth-talking and cuts him off by making jokes about penis size and untalented actors and declares that she's a REAL actress. He stomps off petulantly. She watches his ass as he goes.

Meanwhile, at the party, Lina Lamont shows us how it's done.

No real reason for this shot, other than the fact that Lorenzo wants to be her. Truth be told, he already is.

Debbie reveals that she's getting a leg up on her acting career the old-fashioned way: by stripping. Gene follows Debbie around the party, teasing her and trying to get her to screw up her number. Why? Because he's an asshole.

Debbie attempts to take out her frustration on Gene and subsequently ruins any chances of ever having a career in Hollywood. She runs out to get started on her heroin addiction and prostitution career.
Gene mopes for a while because he's clearly got it for a girl who won't put up with his bullshit. Donald decides to make an ass of himself and risk a groin pull to cheer him up.
To be honest, we don't love the song - it's a straight rip off of Be a Clown - and we don't really think the comedy aspects hold up all that well either, but you have to admit, it's a hell of a bit to pull off and Donald does it beautifully.
Funny...we never noticed before, but he was kind of cute, in a goofy way.

Gene decides to throw himself into making another shitty picture to get over Debbie. In the middle of shooting a love scene, he discovers that Lina got Debbie fired from her stripper job for throwing a cake at her. We like her a little more for it.

Just as Gene is about to perform the first on-camera murder in Hollywood, the studio head interrupts filming to let them all know that they're screwed. Said screwing coming in the form of talkies and the success of The Jazz Singer.

This is illustrated by a montage sequence of crazed flappers on meth (which will be the name of our band) which leads into...

A fashion show. Again, no real reason for this shot except Lorenzo kept crying out "FABULOUS!" with each outfit.
The studio hires diction coaches for all their stars and Gene and Donald decide to humiliate theirs:
To be honest, we hate this song, but O'Connor and Kelly did make a fine partnership, even if they're a couple of cocky assholes who torture old men for kicks.

Gene runs into Debbie, who managed to secure one last chorus girl job before walking the streets, on the lot and tries to tell her he's crazy about her, but she flips out on him in front of the studio head, once again ruining her potential career. It's a whole "When smart girls keep doing dumb things over and over" kinda thing.

But he's Gene Kelly and this is Hollywood, so really, how much work does he have to do? Turn on some lights and wiggle your ass at an eighteen-year-old - bam. She's yours.
It's a good thing we weren't teenage girls in Hollywood's Golden Age. We would've been the biggest whores on the lot. Being found dead under the Hollywood sign (or Fatty Arbuckle) would have been pretty much a sure thing for us. We would have had our outfits picked out for it.

Later, filming resumes on their shitty movie, this time, with shitty dialogue. The director optimistically thinks that if he uses a microphone large enough to serve a cake on, Lina might remember to speak into it.

Later, the film is shown to preview audiences. FYI: it's not a comedy.

The trio attempts to drown their sorrows with white bread and milk, but even the hard stuff can't dim the memory of the film's poor reception. In the kind of plot turnaround that only happens in musicals, they come up with a plan to reshoot the movie as a musical, which will somehow magically make it a better movie. This of course leads to them dancing and singing.
It's impossible to watch this and not remember that this was Debbie's first day of shooting on the film, that she was not (prior to this) a trained dancer and that by the end of the day, her shoes were filled with blood. Ladies, give it up for a trooper, because that bitch held her own.

Gene thinks girls with bloody feet are hot.
And here it is. The set piece for the whole movie. There's nothing we can add to the millions of words written about this sequence and it's been elevated to such heights that we're paralyzed at the thought of making fun of it or criticizing it in any way. It really is one of those perfect filmic moments where everything comes together.
Although we will say this: even though it's Gene Kelly's most famous and memorable performance, it's far from his best dancing. Perfectly good dancing, mind you, but there were more technically demanding routines in his career.

Anyway, Debbie puts on a shitty dress and records all the singing for the new musical because Lina has a voice that makes dogs commit suicide.

Lina gets to wear nicer clothes while she is taught the ancient and demanding art of lip-synching.
Next up: the Broadway Melody ballet sequence. But first, a screen shot in tribute to the fire-breathing Cyd Charisse, who is hot to death and fabulous beyond words in this number:

We're just not big fans of these 15-minute ballet sequences plunked in the middle of a film. Gene loved them and to be fair, the dancing is incredible, but man is it ever long.

Anyway, Rita Moreno (yes, that's her in the Brazilian flag on the right) Tells Lina that Debbie is not only the bitch that's re- recording all her lines and sexing her man, but she's ALSO the bitch who threw a cake at her. Lina vows to destroy everyone.
We just can't look at a woman in a cloche hat without thinking she's a man. Blame it on Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon.

The next day, Lina puts on her best vagina hat and basically blackmails the studio head into promising that Debbie will dub all her films from now on and the press will never find out. We don't quite know how she managed it but we're sure it had something to do with her oral sex skills.

Reveling in her newfound bitch abilities, Lina waits until opening night - and the film's standing ovation - to inform Gene that Debbie is now her little slave girl. She goes out to take her bows and the crowd asks her to sing.

Come on. Like you don't know where this is going.

For some reason, Debbie is humiliated when all is revealed, but Gene sings, she sings back, happy ending. The end.
"We just can't look at a woman in a cloche hat without thinking she's a man. Blame it on Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon."
Truer words have never been spoken. Fantastic recap, thank you as always!
Oh rats, I thought I was FIRST. Still, not too bad for the West Coast Contingent of the Hag Brigade.
I find I actually LIKE this movie less and less as I get older. That ballet? I'm convinced Gene coreographed it for kicks and someone (okay Gene) was like, hey, let's use it here even though it totally breaks up the movie.
"Being found dead under the Hollywood sign (or Fatty Arbuckle) would have been pretty much a sure thing for us. We would have had our outfits picked out for it."
BY GOD, I love this movie. Well done, gentlemen.
Thank you, gentlemen. Haven't had a true LOL moment in eons, and you come in with
"because Lina has a voice that makes dogs commit suicide." And I did a spit take. [I don't know you, but I love you both dearly in a "don't stress, there's no way for me to stalk you from South Dakota" kind of way, just for brightening my Mondays]
And I know it grinds the plot to a screeching halt, but I love that ballet sequence. Not the sexiest dance on film (I give that to Gwen Verdon for "two lost souls" in Damn Yankees), but what schluppy midwestern chick wouldn't kill to be Cyd Charisse for an hour of her life after watching that?
Thank you, boys - thank you.
Another great recap. And this is the first of the musicals where I can say - I love this movie! Love the music, love the dancing, love the stars. And the camera work on the dance numbers. All those master shots and very few edits. Those folks had to bring it! And no weirdly misogynistic plot for once.
You're right about 'Broadway Melody' being way too long but I use that "Gotta dance" refrain a lot. And Cyd Charisse has a toe point that is to die for.
And I think the Singin' in the Rain number must have been very difficult technically. Dancing in all that water has got to be tough, tough, tough. Debbie's feet may have been bloody, but Gene's would have been waterlogged for days.
Thanks, boys, for a great start to the week.
Why, why, why have a movie with Gene Kelly with costumes that hide his Ass of Death?
I really look forward to Mondays now! Great job!! A lot of people think this is the best musical ever, but I have to disagree for many of the reasons you pointed out. I much prefer The Band Wagon. Even though it has faults, at least the characters act mostly like real adults.
I simply adore Gene Kelly. He was the reason I took dance lessons until 10th grade.
Lina Lamont is the reason I love this movie! Thanks again for another wonderful Monday.
"Being found dead under the Hollywood sign (or Fatty Arbuckle)" line. Priceless...
Totally agree with you _neal about "The Band Wagon". Even Ava Gardner posing in a train car door is heart stopping!
But I do like "Singing in the Rain" a lot more than some of the bigger blockbusters that have been ridicul... I mean, critiqued here, like "Sound of Music". I've adored the critiques on those movies though!
The Singing in the Rain number is very nice but to me not the most wonderful moment in the film. I like the Good Mornin' number so much better and knowing how Debbie stepped it up for task master Gene, it's even better.
But really, what's better than Lena Lamont flying ass over teacups on the bench? I was expecting a screen capture of that moment but how do you freeze that?
One of my all time favorites.....thanks boys!!
Every male dancer alive today should be locked in a room and be made to study Donald and Gene...they were the originals.....they laid the foundation.
No cracks or comments from me, only props for those 2.
Can't wait to read bill's take.
I squeeeeeled with delight upon seeing you chose Singin' In The Rain!! Lurve it!
I don't like the Moses He Knowses song either, but I LOVE the dance sequence.
As a kid I took dance lessons from a woman who had worked with Gene on Broadway, in Pal Joey. Her crack at Hollywood wasn't as successful & her common refrain was, 'I could have been a Big Star but I was taller than all the leading men'.
--Gotham Tomato
"Her cloak is trimmed in monkey fur, to add a touch of drama!"
A string of pearls, a suit of tweed; it started quite a riot. And if you must wear fur to the opera, Dame Fashion says "Dye it'!"
Simply one of the greatest films ever made, for about a million different reasons. One of the primary (and "unsung") reasons is Jean Hagen's hysterical performance as Lina Lamont. ("Nobody makes a fool out of Lina Lamont!" "And I cahn't staynd him!") This is clearly what Lesley-Ann Warren patterned her performance in Victor/Victoria after!
The woman who Lorenzo wants to be (or is!) is just like the "Vivian Darkbloom" character in Lolita. Fabulous!
Like him or not, Donald O'Connor was a hoot in this film. Everyone was. My only disappointment was that Debbie Reynolds' singing was dubbed in. (Oddly ironic, considering the plot!) Anyone know why? Bill?
I could go on and on about this movie, I have it completely memorized and am prone to spouting songs or lines of dialogue at the drop of a hat. So THANKS, boys, another job well done. LOVE YOU!
I LOVE this movie. Was my favorite movie as a child and still is one of my favorite films to this day. Lina is awesome, the Moses Supposes dance is awesome, I know the Broadway Ballet halts the film but its still awesome, Good Morning is awesome...I just love this movie.
My other two faves are An American in Paris and The Band Wagon. Just saw the Band wagon for the first time, and once again, Cyd Charisse makes me want to take up ballet.
And I used to really love the Make Em Laugh number, but ever since I found out that Arthur Freed basically ripped off that song from Cole Porter, the magic has died a little.
Damn, Donald O'Connor could dance!
My most favorite musical (and perhaps film) of all time. It just reminds me of my childhood.
Thanks for not tearing it apart :), well done dahlings!
Actually, Debbie Reynolds was dubbed only in the "Would You" dubbing sequence, because they wanted to have a sophisticated sounding singing voice for that section. (Also a sophisticated speaking voice: the "voice-over" by Kathy in that section is actually her being dubbed by Jean Hagen speaking in her regular voice!) In "Good Mornin'," the "Singin' in the Rain" reprise, and "Lucky Star," Debbie Reynolds is singing for herself.
My first post to the blog(s) and series-within-a-blog that is my addiction.
What does it mean when I squealed with delight and clapped my hands because "Singin' in the Rain" was this week's Musical Monday?
Thank you for making my day.
...sigh...now back to packaging my meager belongings in bubble-wrap.
Wasn't Gene incredibly sick with the flu and a high fever when he filmed the Singin in the Rain dance sequence?
Thanks, Anonymous 3:17, for clarifying what has been a decades-long quandry!
"Anyway, Rita Moreno (yes, that's her in the Brazilian flag on the right)..." LOL - Brilliance! You guys never fail me.
I love, love, love this movie. It always makes me happy - overlong ballets and all. It was written by two of my Broadway favorites, Betty Comden and Adolph Green.
Jean Hagen. Perfection. She should have won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress that year. But I'm not going to fuss because my doll, Gloria Grahame, won it instead.
Couple of notables in bit parts:
William Schallert, who has worked non-stop in movies & TV for 60 years is a messenger in the movie. He's best known as Patty Duke's dad on her eponymous TV show.
Jeanne Coyne - mentioned on earlier Musical Mondays for partnering with Bobby Van in Kiss Me Kate - danced in a few of the numbers. This 1952 movie was made btwn her late 40's divorce from "Singin' in the Rain"'s director, Stanley Donen, and before her 1960 marriage to Gene Kelly. Glad they all played nice together.
Ernie Flatt (of Carol Burnett's Ernie Flatt Dancers) got his onscreen start as a chorus boy here.
Lorenzo, your tango dancer is named Sylvia Lewis, and she was still working choreographing for TV in the late 80's.
There's a hairdresser role in this musical played by Mae Clarke. Mae is iconic as the wife who gets the grapefruit smashed in her face by Jimmy Cagney in "Public Enemy." She is also the model for Lorelei Lee in "Gentlemen Prefre Blondes" and was married to Fanny Brice's brother back in the 20's.
And, my favorite for last, Kathleen Freeman plays Lina's diction coach Phoebe Dinsmore. Freeman was a character actress for 50-odd years. She was almost Alice on the Brady Bunch. And is recognizable from dozens of TV & movie roles. She always was memorable (to me at least) in even the smallest roles. She died while featured as Jeanette, the pianist, in Broadway's "The Full Monty."
"It's a good thing we weren't teenage girls in Hollywood's Golden Age. We would've been the biggest whores on the lot. Being found dead under the Hollywood sign (or Fatty Arbuckle) would have been pretty much a sure thing for us. We would have had our outfits picked out for it."
Oh, you are both so fabulous! This comment seals it. That and the Some Like It Hot comment.
I'm normally not a huge fan of musicals, but I love this one. And I love that you guys clearly love it.
Bill, you so totally rule! PHOEBE DINSMORE!!! "Rouuuund tones!"
Every single character actor and background person is right on the money. This is one of those rare films, like Cabaret, that is absolutely pitch perfect. Everything hits the all the right notes, there are no wasted shots. Excellence!
You may hate the song, but you have to give it up to Donald and Gene in that "Moses" number. They were meant to dance together!
Bill, you are amazing.
I really adore William Schallert, although I have to admit, (rather sheepishly) that I first recognized him from "The New Gidget". Guy is still working, too - he did TV guest spots this year. A check on imdb shows over 300 credits.
As for Kathleen Freeman (250 credits) - she is the poster child for "character actress longevity." Of course, she will always be Sister Mary Stigmata to me, but growing up in Chicago will do that to you.
Seriously, Bill - you really are amazing.
Perfectly good dancing, mind you, but there were more technically demanding routines in his career.
Ummmm, could you please reference me an example? Every time he leaps up on that light pole and swirls around, my heart skips.
Dancing with Sinatra couldn't have been *that* hard since Frank wouldn't have been able to keep up. The tippy-tapping with Jerry the Mouse? Swirling and twirling around in the fog in Brigadoon? He danced one shortish dance with Astaire, but I'm not remembering it as being spectacular -- or long. In that Judy Garland Pirate movie, I could never make it through the whole thing, and mainly remember him swinging Errol Flynn-like on ropes.
WHAT should I be looking for on a difficulty rating scale?
Ooooohhhhh - an American in Paris??? Which one?
Kathleen Freeman was also in a lot of Jerry Lewis movies, and was an acting coach as well. I know someone who studied with her and said she was wonderful.
--Gotham Tomato
God, Donald O'Conner is cute isn't he.
<< Perfectly good dancing, mind you, but there were more technically demanding routines in his career. >>
Ummmm, could you please reference me an example? Every time he leaps up on that light pole and swirls around, my heart skips
Well in pure artistic/emotional terms the Singing in the Rain number can be argued amongst his best. However there were a number dance numbers in other movies that were more demanding of him in terms of physicality and coordination
per example He danced on roller skates in It's Always fair Weather. His ballet sequences in American in Paris. There's a fantasy dance piece with a double of himself in Cover Girl.
And in that number where he dances with Jerry Mouse he is doing ballet including foutees at the end.
Also thinking about his dancing with Donald O'Connor, O'Conner once commented in an interview the reason they look so well togther is because they naturally turn in the same direction
This is my favorite movie! It was wonderful to read your hilarious recap.
I was so excited to see your take on Singing in the Rain!
Lina Lamont the best of the best.
I frequently say "I caaant stan it" ...in my best Lina Lamont voice to myself while listening to long winded people. It puts a smile on my face.
I think this is my favorite dance sequence of Cyd Charisse. She is mezmerizing.
I wish I had Rita Moreno's agent... one line in the film, and you get star billing?
Obviously they had cut her part down, but this must be the best billing for a walk-on role EVER.
A few weeks ago, pissed off at a client 300 miles away from my home office, I was free to let go with "I caaaaan stan it. I caaaan stan it."
Ever since then, it's been buggin' the heck outta me 'cause -- though I knew it musta come from some damn movie and had a vague image of the character saying it -- I could not remember which movie!
I love you.
-- desertwind
Hilarious. One of my favorite movies, done to death in your inimitable style. That "beautiful girl" sequence is one of the best parts of the movie, though some of the outfits are a bit laughable. "You’ll never guess what loud applause this cunning hat receives, And you'll never dream the things that you could hide within these sleeves!"
Anonymous August 13, 2007 1:22 PM: "And no weirdly misogynistic plot for once."
True, but as T&L said about Debbie: "She is virginal, plain and young enough to be his daughter." According to IMDB, in the year this movie was released (1952), Gene turned 40, Jean Hagen 29 and Debbie Reynolds 20.
The odd thing about all the dubbing is that clearly the singing voice of "Would You" is so completely different from the woman singing "Good Morning." Not even close.
(I'm surprised with all that dubbing going on no one suggested dubbing Gene. Extraordinary dancer, of course, but let's face it -- not the best singer.)
I can't believe no one mentioned the fact that they had to mix milk with the rain so it would show up better on film! But I guess everyone knew that.
Watch "Broadway Rhythm" but just focus on one of the dancers as they wave their arms low and gradually work their way higher. It's hilarious; they look ridiculous individually but together it works.
I saw the stage version of this in 1985 when it debuted in the West End starring Tommy Steele and boy was he ever bad.
Great recap, guys. You can tell when you two actually like the movie!
This is my all-time favorite movie, and Gene's "Singin' in the Rain" number, to me, is perfection-whenever I watch it,I just get a sense of pure joy surging through Gene as he's dancing. And, yes, I dearly wanted to be Cyd Charisse in that number-God, is she fabulous! What a sultry,sexy dance!
As a side note, I have never forgiven the late Stanley Kubrick for using "Singin' in the Rain" for the burglary/rape sequence in "A Clockwork Orange".....
Boys this may be my favourite movie-musical EVER and I was so afraid when you did this you would rip it to shreds, so thank you for your almost-kind treatment that still let me laugh and love Singing in the Rain so so much!
td said they had to mix milk in the rain to show up, actually they just moved the lighting behind the water and that made it show more clearer, they did not use milk (I had a film class and this is one of the movies we studied)
There is just not enough of Gene's uber-ass in this movie.
My mama raised me on this movie. GOD BLESS TOM AND LORENZO!
"And I CAAAN'T STAND 'im!"
"I'm a shimmering star of the cinema firmament. It says so, right here."
I'll never understand how one dances until they're feet are bloody.
ahhh, thank you for reviewing this one. I love this movie, though I know a lot of it's because of fond memories of first watching it as a kid late one summer night with my family. and "Good Morning" will always make me happy, even when "Singin'" won't. oh, and song rip-off notwithstanding, O'Connor's flips off the wall.
also, in the shallower end of things, I never could decide who to stare at in the Broadway Melody number. Cyd Charisse's legs (I am always tempted to use "gams" in reference to hers) and Gene Kelly's tush are both rowrrr in that.
Moses supposes this is the best musical to watch with your mom,who can belt out those songs with the best of them
Hot Damn, I love this movie! "ZELDA, OH ZELDA!" Me and my friend quote it all day long.
"We just can't look at a woman in a cloche hat without thinking she's a man. Blame it on Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon."
LOL, I loveeee Some like It Hot! :)
thanks for not tearing it to shreds.
Love this movie so much! Saw it for the 1st time in film school circa 1984 in the beginning criticism class of the inimitable Dr. Drew Casper at USC (God, was he gorgeous then. & @ 66 he still is). I still contend Donald O'Connor is a better dancer than GK, but beauty wins out in Hollywood (not to mention smarter film choices. Frances the Talking Mule? Donnie, What the hell where you thinking?). Dr Drew told me then that the switcheroo w/ Jean Hagen & Debbie Reynolds singing voices was a goof GK and Stanley Donen played on the studio execs to see if they were paying attention. I wonder, since it stayed in the final cut, did that mean they weren't?
Thanks TLO, for highlighting my 3rd fave movie of all time and bringing back my fondest of college memories. Hilarious recap!
Emma P.
No computer access til today.
Two cents to add:
Arthur Freed was head of MGM's music department at this time. He ordered Comden & Green to cobble this movie together from his songbook - not bad, huh?
There's a rumor floating around that Mayer ordered his employees to vote for Ivanhoe for best picture. Seems Ivanhoe was both expensive to make and a bomb at the box office. He hoped an Oscar would pump up the take for Ivanhoe. So, no best pic award for Singin' in the Rain - it was nominated though.
Speaking of nominations:
I'd nominate the trash bin lid dance in On the Town for most technically difficult/ physically draining dance. I'm not sure it should win, mind.
You know, with all this talk of vagina hattery, I'm surprised you didnt mention Jean Hagen's vagina coat in the opening scene. Please. It looks like it's giving birth to her.
Don't forget that when Gene Kelly filmed the "Singing in the Rain" sequence, he had a 103 fever. It may not have been his most technically demanding, but damn - talk about commitment. And that rain? Milk. Yuck.
I wanna be a Hollywood Ho too!
i don't know if anyone will see this -- i've just now had a chance to see the "review" -- great job boys! i LOVE this movie -- yes, it's corny, but when the writers were handed a portfolio of previously published songs and told to incorporate them into a movie, i think it's pretty incredible!
yes, gene kelly had a fever of about 102 or 103 when doing the singing in the rain number -- my husband and i had the good fortune to see him at an "evening with gene kelly" back the late 80's and he sat on the stage and answered questions posed by audience members. he spoke about that dance and confirmed that he was very ill that day.
as for donald o-connor's "make 'em laugh" number -- completely silly, but i'll never forget my then 15 month old daughter standing in front of the tv and belly laughing whenever that number came on.
anyway, thanks for some great laughs boys -- as always, your reviews are sooooo entertaining!
I can't believe I didn't know THIS EXISTED!!!!!!
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times - I. FUCKING. Love. You. Guys.
And Singing in the Rain is my favourite musical. Next to Sound of Music.
I saw this the first time when I was wee gal and have always loved the Broadway Melody number, except ballet scene - cuz it didn't have the hot and fabulous costumes! sigh.
If I could wish on a lucky star - one day I would find myself sitting next to TLo, screeching out Fabulous at the same places as Lorenzo. SIGH.
I decide to venture around TLo's blog beyond PR and only now discovered Musical Mondays!
Singing in the Rain is my favorite musical. This was Jean Hagen's movie for sure. She was fabulous.
I didn't care much for Debbie Reynolds being cast opposite a man old enough to be her dad. Sucked the romance out of it for me. Also, if you close your eyes and hear Debbie say her lines, she sounds just like Rocky from the Bullwinkle cartoons. "And now, here's something we hope you'll really like!"
Donald O'Connor's "Make 'em laugh" is too annoying for me to watch. I get up to raid the kitchen for a snack when that scene is on. But I never liked clowns or clownish behavior. The only clown scene in a movie I ever liked was in Uncle Buck, when John Candy punched one out.
I know this is about two years late, but according to the soundtrack's liner notes they spent so much time getting Debbie Reynolds ready for her other songs (clearly they didn't do enough because I still hate her voice), that they forgot about "Would You." Jean Hagen had been practicing the song in her ear-splitting Lena Lamond voice, so she sang it in her regular, beautiful voice and they used that instead.
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