Kara Janx: Setting it straight.

Friday, June 01, 2007 by

Darlings, we got a note from the fabulous Kara Janx, who read our posts on her Bryant Park collection and was inspired to write us in order to:

a. tell us she loves us, and
b. clear the air on a few things.

As always, kittens, we have the dish and we're sharing it with you.

"So I absolutely adore your blog!!!!!

I would ordinarily not write, as I myself am quite shy....but I must clarify some things

Tim said "Kara felt if she where in the Final 3....blah blah and she didn't have as much pressure....and her attitude was ....."

Well let me tell you boys something, I was under DOUBLE the amount of pressure, not only did I want to create the best show on earth....I had to show everyone out there that I was a great designer and that I deserved to be on the show! At the time I felt my collection was safe. I would have done the same collection whether or not I was in the Final 3.

I shocked myself, and my own personal revolution throughout the show was evident in the final collection.

Tim fabricated something to say, in order to protect the judges, producers etc....The judges on the other hand, wanted to re-edit the show, and include my collection, as they felt it would have been a sure winner......I adore Tim, but not everything he says is Gospel, believe me, I was in it to Win it, whether that meant getting the 100K or not

I love you guys....

We love you right back, doll! Can't you just hear her reading that in her accent?


Suzanne said...

What do you MEAN not everything he says is gospel??? I think I need to lie down....
Love Kara Janx. That damn kimono dress (I have the brown/turquiose ombo- LOVE IT!!)was the best $200 I ever spent, girl.

Lisa Katz-Paz said...

I met Kara at a Breast Cancer Awareness fund raiser and she was truly one of the sweetest people I have ever encountered. Not only did she design one of my favorite PR fashion week collections ever, she is kind, personable and down to earth. I wish Kara all the success in the world. LOVE HER!!!

PS - Have you guys ever gotten a look at her adorable redheaded husband? Too cute for words!

Jenn said...

An interesting post, thank you Kara. Your collection was unequivocally THE BEST of season two. For me, you are one of the few PR designers whose clothes are worth the price. Thank you for designing for real women!

I'm not surprised about Tim, I still think he's amazing. I can remember hearing contradictions with the show in his podcasts (like when Keith got booted) not big ones, just little details about who was awake or asleep, etc.
Tim is just so damn busy all the time, who can expect him to be 100% accurate about everything? Love Tim!

Anonymous said...

Great post! Thank you Kara and Boys!

DolceLorenzo said...

Very interesting read! Thank you, darling! And of course she loves the blog : - )

Anonymous said...

I always felt like that was a rotten thing for Tim to say and I'm glad to hear that Kara *didn't* agree with him! You go girl. Your collection was the best (of all 3 seasons)!

NahnCee said...

I think Tim is a politician and tells little white lies expeditiously to smooth life's bumps. It doesn't surprise me that he protects the judges and/or what he perceives to be the show's integrity.

But like *all* politicians, when listening to what Tim has to say, if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it's not.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarification, Kara.

I think it's a hoot that the judges were talking about editing the show so Kara could be in the finale. I can understand why they ultimately decided they couldn't do it (obvious unfairness concerns for the other three finalists about changing the rules after the fact), but Kara obviously rocked the runway and the judges that day.

As to the question whether Kara's collection would have differed had she been in the final three, there's no such thing as gospel truth--it's the realm of opinion and speculation--even Kara can't know for sure. As wonderful as Tim is, he, like everyone else in the world, can have his opinions and his interpretation of events (such as his conversations with Kara) colored by what he wants to believe. Same is true for Kara. Of course Tim is protective of PR and wants to believe in the integrity of show and the judging, and of course Kara's perspective is different. They're both wonderful and it's great to hear both of their takes on the question.

Anonymous said...

If they ever do a deluxe edition DVD they must include Kara's show and what it was like to be a decoy, etc. The public wants to know! Transparency is a good thing!

Come on Bravo, there's money to be made here. We know you left Kara's final off so you'd have more exciting extras. Right? A deluxe set of Seasons 1-3? Come on.

-- desertwind

PS -- Kara, did you make your wedding dress? We'd love to see it! Congrats on the baby to come.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the clarification. I always felt you had just as much pressure on yourself as the "Final 3," just under the weight of being able to show any collection, decoy or not, at Bryant Park.

Congrats on your pregnancy. I'm staying away from you PR ladies....it's apparently contagious. :-)

Anonymous said...

Jenn said, "Tim is just so damn busy all the time, who can expect him to be 100% accurate about everything?"

He's even in this month's House and Garden, www.houseandgarden.com/trends/tastemaker/timgunn. What fun to see Tim at home! As much as I love Tim, I'm not loving the vintage dragon robe though

Anonymous said...

Jenn said, "Tim is just so damn busy all the time, who can expect him to be 100% accurate about everything?"

He's even in this month's House and Garden, http://www.houseandgarden.com/trends/tastemaker/timgunn. What fun to see Tim at home! As much as I love Tim, I'm not loving the vintage dragon robe though

Anonymous said...

Those corrupt judges, wanting to re-edit the show. I'm sure that would have gone over swimmingly with Santino, Daniel, and Chloe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kara,

I love you and your fabulous clothes!
Thanks for stopping by. Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

" Lisa said...

I met Kara at a Breast Cancer Awareness fund raiser and she was truly one of the sweetest people I have ever encountered. Not only did she design one of my favorite PR fashion week collections ever, she is kind, personable and down to earth. I wish Kara all the success in the world. LOVE HER!!!

PS - Have you guys ever gotten a look at her adorable redheaded husband? Too cute for words!

9:59 AM "

I also met Kara at an event. She was very sweet and friendly. We talked about South Africa, PR, and her final collection.

I love her clothes and her husband is also a sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

I admit I wasn't a fan of Kara's work during the show. OK? There, I said it. I always thought it was never good enough to win (except for the plant challenge- she should have won that!), but never bad enough to be auf'd. That was until I saw her wrap dress and her final collection. The collection was beautiful, marketable, young and creative and probably would have won, had she been allowed into the finals. I wish they had shown her collection during the finale (as well as Austin Scarlett's in Season 1)just as a courtesy to them and all of us watching who knew there was a decoy collection. I'm really glad to see that Kara's doing well and that her marriage, career and pregnancy are going well for her. I met her at Emmett's store last year and she could not possibly have been nicer. I would love to see her be a great success. I think her biggest problem on PR was probably the fact that they had to just keep rolling out great designs, one right after another, with no time to really think about what they were doing, so I guess her "strategy" of flying under the radar was a good one. I wish her much love, happiness and success.

Anonymous said...

Yes! You can hear her accent!

Kara's collection was HANDS DOWN the best collection, not only in season 2, but ever. Period. I remember when I first saw it my jaw hit the floor.

Her subsequent success is proving it. I love the idea of hearing more from her about Season 2 behind the scene dynamics as well as following her success. She's completely adorable and so so smart. Bravo should do a yearly follow-up show(s) of all the notables from past seasons.

What in the name of God is Tim wearing in that House and Garden article?

Anonymous said...

Aww, a note from Kara! How cool!
Just wanted to say that I love the twist on her wrap dress. As a plus size woman with a terrific hour glass figure, I really appreciate a great wrap dress. Hers is gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:36pm said...PS -- "Kara, did you make your wedding dress? We'd love to see it!"

Oh yes! I would love to see it too. I imagine you wearing a version of the silk jersey kimono dress in shades of white, grey, and silver with a headpiece made from knitted wool flowers in varigated shades of white, grey, rose, and lavender.
PS congratulations on the bebe !

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous 3:36pm said...PS -- "Kara, did you make your wedding dress? We'd love to see it!"

YES, tell us. Did you make it? I'd love to see a picture of it.

Anonymous said...

one word:



Brandenburg3rd said...

Lima Bean: What in the name of God is Tim wearing in that House and Garden article?

Anonymous: As much as I love Tim, I'm not loving the vintage dragon robe though


To each his/her own taste--I would LOVE to have that robe hanging in my closet. While I can appreciate the ecclectic Asian tchotchkies he has around the house, it's not my "thing." (I lean more towards kitchen kitsch.) But if I'm ever in New York and that robe shows up missing, Tim should check my luggage.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: As much as I love Tim, I'm not loving the vintage dragon robe though

It's a fabulous robe! My guess? Tim usually has it hanging on the wall (as I do with my kimono), and the H&G people said, "Oh, please put it on!"

Anonymous said...

I love Tim but I am not surprised he would fib to protect the producers. He is a BRAVO puppet.

Kara should have been in the Final 3 instead of that joke Santino. They had 5 or 6 opprotunities to auf him but the producers intervened for the drama.

Anyway Kara's work speaks for itself. She, Chloe and Emmett are the real winners from Season 2.

Anonymous said...

Kara, if you're reading this, I thought your collection was the best hands down. I would wear all of that stuff. Gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I've got to wonder why Kara picked now, some 15 months after the PR 2 finale aired and almost a year after this interview, to come out with this. It strikes me as very revisionist. With the exception of her flower dress, she was a very bland designer during the whole show and she was the only one of the final four who never won a challenge. Only after the competition ended for her was she able to let her creativity bust through.

I still believe Tim about this. Sorry, Kara.

Anonymous said...

"I've got to wonder why Kara picked now, some 15 months after the PR 2 finale aired and almost a year after this interview, to come out with this."

She picked now because the Boys just got done discussing her collection and her contract with Bravo has probably expired, so she can say whatever she wants.

Anonymous said...

Well, contracts haven't stopped other designers or chefs from speaking out. Did these restrictions just apply to Kara?

Anonymous said...

Which designers have spoken out?

GothamTomato said...

That has to be true (about there being more pressure on her as the decoy than as being one of the 3 still competing for the 100K). Absolutely.

And I doubt there could be any pressure as severe as what they had to go through during the main competition itself; with all those designers together 24/7, out of their own comfort zone, cameras, egos performing for them, just the whole cut-throatiness of it all. I'd say it's a violation of the Geneva Convention.

Once you're back in your own studio & world, it would have to be much easier to think and create. But I know if I were the decoy, I would feel more pressure, because I'd have a chip on my shoulder and want to prove that the judges were wrong to have eliminated me. But then, that's just the kinda gal I am.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

Which designers have spoken out?

I can remember interviews with Zulema, Daniel, Santino. Zulema was very critical about Bravo and the show. Kara speaking out now after all this time has gone by strikes me as strange and I doubt her decision to do so had anything to do with her contract finally freeing her.

Rick Rockhill said...

hey there...new to your blog and just wanted to say hi...and that its a fun read. stop by and say hi sometime.

BigAssBelle said...

I adore Tim, but not everything he says is Gospel,. . .

what the hell? say it's not so, miss kara!!! i am crushed, weeping into my pillow. tim is not speaking gospel????? heaven forfend!

Anonymous said...

Well, of course she was under pressure. The thing is, I thought she would've edited her collection too much to give her the win. It's definite pressure to show at Bryant Park, but like Santino showed, doing it for a competition makes it even harder, since you've got the judges to please, too. Would Kara have been quite so funky, if Nina was breathing down her neck? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she had a good collection. But I second the thought she was totally underwhelming on the show. For her to have won would have been RIDICULOUS. A crime. On the show she was simply annoying.

It's nice she has a thriving business now, based in large part on one televised compliment from MK about her outfit. But for her to diss other talented designers and claim Chloe's win? That's totally classless, "shy" girl. (I'm so shy, I went on reality tv? Come ON.)

Anonymous said...

I love you Kara you are the best!!! :D