Onetime supermodel Iman host of 'Project Runway Canada
'TORONTO (CP) - Iman, one of the fashion world's first supermodels, admits she didn't hesitate to party when she was in her catwalking heyday back in the '70s and '80s. "I have to say, I did my fair share of Studio 54 in my day," Iman, in town Tuesday to announce her new gig as host of "Project Runway Canada," said as she mused on the current crop of Hollywood party girls struggling with serious drug problems. "But by the grace of God, I have always known when to leave the party. They are very young, these girls ... they treat rehab like it's a spa, they go in and out, but at the end of the day I keep asking myself the same question over and over: 'Where are the adults for these kids?"'LOVE HER. Why can't she be on the Original? She was the best damn guest judge they ever had! Stupid Canada! Will the Canadian homos swoon at her high-cheekboned bitchery? Of course not! Those bitches wouldn't know fabulous if it bit them in their snow-covered asses.
Iman! Come home! We love you here! America needs your bitchiness now more than ever!
Fashion. Canada.
Who knew?
EXACTLY, anonymous! Iman! Come back to fabulous! It's not too late!
Iman! Cananda needs you more than we do.
...wait. Nevermind.
Come back! ♥♥♥
Have you ever been to Montreal in the summer? That is one smokin' place with a lot of hot people and great fashion. As long as PR Canada is stationed there, I'll have no complaints.
That is one beautiful woman. She and Bowie create a supernova of hotness.
How many ways are there to utilize plaid flannel? This is such a waste.
Can we make a trade? We'll give them Tangerine Kors and any future draft picks, (we'll even keep all their damn geese), if we can just get Iman.
--Gotham Tomato
So sorry to be the one to break the bad news about Iman. Forgive me? To make things worse, she will be stuck in Toronto. Montreal would have been great ... but Toronto? Yuck ...
Well, to be fair, Toronto does have the whole Fashion Incubator going.
No, let's get real. That would be like having the US version of Project Runway take place in Newark, Delaware.
boys you kill me every time!!!
I find killer fashion buys in TO (that's Toronto, Ontario for the uninitiated)! And it's the most ethnically diverse and OPEN-MINDED city on this continent!! What's not to love?
For the record, I will swoon.
Iman will always be impeccably dressed as host-unlike Heidi.
Can you see Heidi sharing the limelight with the fabulousness of Iman? I don't think so
Oh darlings, you may hate Canada, but this Canadian loves you. Kiss, kiss!
"Stupid Canada!"
Can we trade them Heidi-ho for Iman?
Hey, I'm Canadian!
I have to admit, I thought PR Canada would be a rinky-dink show and was dead scared they'd preempt PR Tim to show it.
But it's starting to look fabulous in the North!
P.S.: And yes, we have fashion designers up here.
That is a GORGEOUS picture of Iman!
She is fabulous. Lucky Canadians!
: - )
Ahh, she'll be a fabulous hostess/judge. The important question is whether us Americans will ever get a chance to see the Canadian version.
Note to Bravo--during PR downtime, your audience would love you if you could run Project Catwalk as well as the Canadian version of PR.
i will tolerate this fashion outrage only if the show is regularly posted on youtube...
so not fair!!!
oh - and i have to agree with the poster above - bravo NEEDS to air both project catwalk & the canadian version of PR. anything but the dreaded snoozefest of top chef or another airing of crocodile dundee or waterworld... i mean, come on!
nso is right: the important question is whether PR:C will air in the States. Specifically, on my cable system. I mean, c'mon, you can practically SEE Canada from here; just gimme some signal. CBUT?
I don't want her to replace Heidi though. When I first started reading this blog, back in Season Three, I said some very harsh things about Heidi and her lack of intelligence. I would like to apologize for those remarks. Having seen her interaction with the Magic of Daniel Franco, I am now a big fan of the German.
Who's going to be their Tim? IS this something that you can see only on Canadian television?
Oh, I want to watch it! Hopefully Bravo will run the Canadian version of PR.
You jealous bitches! LOL.
Hey, we have Iman and you bitches have Heidi. Fair trade, don't you think? Darlings, you can't have everything.
I'm jealous of Canada.
...I never thought I'd say that.
Will the Canadian homos swoon at her high-cheekboned bitchery? Of course not! Those bitches wouldn't know fabulous if it bit them in their snow-covered asses.
My Canadian homo friends would take serious umbrage at your remarks! They are among the most utterly fabulous people I know.
Hey! My father grew up in Newark, Delaware, and. . . oh, wait.
Never mind, you're right.
You gays would love the the fact that canada accepts gay marriage, has equal rights for same sex partnerships and has a whole lot of other things that make the queers feel at ease . it's a well kept secret, as they don't need to blab to the world just how civilised they have become.
Anon--if they blabbed, then *everyone* would move there.
Of course, after the recent rulings of the Bush court, that might happen anywho.
Iman? To die for. For her sake, I hope the show does well. For our sake, I hope it doesn't--so she can come back as guest judge again.
Sometimes it seems that life isn't fair.
As soon as I find anything out about who our "Tim" will be, I will let T&L know.
If it makes you all feel better, we don't get to see Tim and Heidi until after the series is already done in the US. Our Bravo network won't show it at the same time for some crazy reason ... THAT is not fair!!!
OOPS! Wrong network ... it will be aired on "Slice" formerly known as Life Network up here ...
You can't hate Canada! We love you. Please, let Iman save us from hockey jerseys and humble bureaucratic polyblend suits. The show should absolutely be in Montreal, they are just being silly... Toronto, phfft.
a Canadian fan of your blogs
p.s. our models tend to be beautiful but too young and too skinny (!)
Hey, it's still better than the people they've had doing the "Project Catwalk" series in the UK. Though I'd love to have Julian MacDonald as a guest judge on this side of the Atlantic.
Even in jest, this is what makes us Americans deserve the name "ugly Americans" :P
Grrr... first gay marriages, then pot decriminalization, now with Ms Iman to flaunt around, the US cant help but look a little primitive.
God i totally agree! COme to us IMAn!!!
Our Bravo network won't show it at the same time for some crazy reason ...
nso: NBC / Universal gave CHUM license to use the Bravo name when the US Bravo was an Arts channel as well. Bravo US has long since abandoned that format in favour of the current reality slate it features now. So while they have a similar name it's a completely different channel.
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