This fucking blows.

Oh, Tabs. How could this have happened? Evangelin was supposed to have the dramatic meltdown, not you! Never you!!
Kittens, we are bereft. How could our fabulous Witchy-Poo be gone?
Kittens, we are bereft. How could our fabulous Witchy-Poo be gone?

And if you think we're happy to see Weasel Boy go as well, you couldn't be more wrong, bitches. He may have been our Dark Mistress's nemesis, but he was talented and entertaining in his own right. The game's just as poor with his loss as with hers.
On the one hand, we sit in awe of the producers' willingness to let the real personalities get cut from the game, regardless of their potential popularity or ability to provide drama.
On the one hand, we sit in awe of the producers' willingness to let the real personalities get cut from the game, regardless of their potential popularity or ability to provide drama.

"Let go."
"You first."
On the other hand, cutting these two last night really put a serious dent in the remaining talent pool. The show suddenly got a lot less interesting. Not just for the lack of interpersonal drama, but also because their collective work has been interesting and exemplary.
"You first."
On the other hand, cutting these two last night really put a serious dent in the remaining talent pool. The show suddenly got a lot less interesting. Not just for the lack of interpersonal drama, but also because their collective work has been interesting and exemplary.

Which isn't meant to be a slam against Daisy and Anthony. They deserved their win last night and we like both of them as contestants. They've earned their place, Daisy especially.

Anthony's shown a competence and amiability, as well as the ability to look good in really tight shirts, that makes him the natural good guy to root for, even if he hasn't wowed us all that much.
Daisy on the other hand, keeps wowing us over and over again. That do she came up with last night was gorgeous. In fact, all three of them looked great.
Daisy on the other hand, keeps wowing us over and over again. That do she came up with last night was gorgeous. In fact, all three of them looked great.

It seemed pretty obvious that Daisy took the lead last night, but Anthony is to be commended for realizing things would go better if he was a good team player.
Which leads us back to...
Which leads us back to...

Well, now we know. Witches and leprechauns simply do not get along.
As much as it pains us to say this, it was Tabs' fault.
As much as it pains us to say this, it was Tabs' fault.

Look, we find Tyson irritating for much the same reasons she did, and we have no doubt that she had to bear the brunt of the work load and that his contributions took up time because she had to go back and fix them. Fine. Even he didn't seem to argue that point.

That doesn't explain why the bride looked like Barbra Streisand in Funny Girl, though.

And if he was, by both their admissions, the weaker member of the team when it came to this particular challenge, then she should have bit down on her bile and plowed through it. Instead, she let it consume her.

She was too obsessed with him, not paying attention to her own work, and openly bitching about him in front of the clients. It was a delicious trainwreck to watch, but our pleasure quickly dissipated when we started to realize it was going to be her downfall.

We actually watched her meltdown through our fingers, like a horror film, whispering "Shut up! Shut up! They're gonna kick you off! OhmiGOD, Tabatha SHUT UP!"
Certainly, the argument could be made that Boogie and Ben did just as bad a job, if not worse, and Boogie wasn't exactly a mature and diplomatic team member either, but we'll get to that later. What got them cut was Tabatha's verbal diarrhea when confronted with the judges. She was so worked up about what she perceived as a terrible entry and so consumed with her personal animosity toward Figjam, that she just couldn't help herself. We prayed that the judges would overlook it, but honestly, we can't exactly blame them for their choice. Well, Tom can't. Lorenzo's still breaking dishes.
Now, we must spend the day unshowered and unshaven, eating junk food, getting drunk and occasionally, softly crying. We'll have more to say later when we pick up the shattered pieces of our dreams. We will soldier on through our tears, poodles. For you, if nothing else.
Certainly, the argument could be made that Boogie and Ben did just as bad a job, if not worse, and Boogie wasn't exactly a mature and diplomatic team member either, but we'll get to that later. What got them cut was Tabatha's verbal diarrhea when confronted with the judges. She was so worked up about what she perceived as a terrible entry and so consumed with her personal animosity toward Figjam, that she just couldn't help herself. We prayed that the judges would overlook it, but honestly, we can't exactly blame them for their choice. Well, Tom can't. Lorenzo's still breaking dishes.
Now, we must spend the day unshowered and unshaven, eating junk food, getting drunk and occasionally, softly crying. We'll have more to say later when we pick up the shattered pieces of our dreams. We will soldier on through our tears, poodles. For you, if nothing else.
As soon as I saw the runway show, before Tabs opened her mouth I knew they were gone. At least Boogie's bridesmade looked good. NONE of Tab's and Tyson's clients looked good at all.
I was so angry at Tabs for letting her anger and animosity destroy the good chance she had at winning the whole thing. I couldn't believe how immature she was when she said that she was just glad that Tyson was leaving the same time she was and didn't outlast her. Made me think she was so consumed with getting him out of the competition that she was willing to leave too.
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!! I have to admit that when they were cut off last night, my first thought was about you fab guys and all the people reading and writing in this blog: Oh my gosh! everybody is gonna be soooooo upset!!!!
however we have to admire the guts of the judges to do what they are suppose to do, and those do's were fugly!!!!!! anyway, the show for me has lost its interest, although i have to say that Daisy is doing an amazing job..... so i guess it will be between Dr Boogie, Anthony and Daisy?
First things first. Daisy kicked ass last night. When her bride turned around, it was stunning.
And Tabatha just shot herself in the foot. . . twice. First when she couldn't get past her animosity toward Tyson to try to work together to focus on the task at hand. Her hairdo sucked big time. Tyson's were not good either, but at least the boy was trying to be professional.
And second when she couldn't shut her mouth in front of the judges--they might have picked Boogie and Ben for the loss if not for that display. Foolish foolish witch-girl. We'll miss you.
Considering the judges have displayed integrity regarding performance over personality, T&T were gone before the meltdown.
I suspect Tabs knew it and let it fly.
You just gotta love the reaction of the judges when she lost it. They are so natural and human rather than acting like judges.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, not my Tabatha!!!!! I am so angry right now!! Fucking Ben and Dr. Boogie are in the final four and my dear fabulous Tabatha is gone?
I was sitting here waiting for you to post, heh. My favorite witch was brought down by her own obsessive hate. I think there has to be some attraction there, Tabatha for Tyson. There was too much strong emotion overriding her good sense.
Daisy's bride hair was stunning.
I kind of like the show better because they didn't just keep them in for more drama.
last night, I was wondering if the neighbors could hear me yelling, "no, no, you're cutting your own throat" over and over to tabatha as she just wouldn not shut her mouth. i HATE team challenges. there's a basic injustic to ben outlasting the two T's.
i've been a big daisy fan from the beginning, and it was just reinforced when they showed her talking to her girlfriend (yay team!).
she completely deserved the win last night. the styles were coherent, and just fabulous. the proof was in the grins of the style-ees -- they were bowled over by just how good they looked.
It really sucks. They are both way more talented than most of the other contestants remaining. I'll miss you, Tabatha!
One should not aspire to have one's work displayed on the Wall of Fame. Daisy has shown consistently great work and last night she was exceptional, but she and Anthony are now going to be plastered on that damn wall. Superstitious? Nope...just acknowledging the rise and fall of the stylists on this program. Okay, maybe a little bit superstitious. It's spooky.
Tabs: you killed yourself, but as long as you took down Tyson, too, you're okay with it? Oh honey!
The two strongest competitors were knocked out last night. Deservedly so. I can't believe that I'm going to say this but the producers should have found a way to save that cage match for last.
like i said before the judges were totally correct with auf'ing Tabatha and Tyson. what i don't understand is the point of doing a team challenge at this point in the competition and auf'ing both individuals of the team, it is obvious that it would not be fair in terms of overall performance during the competition.... they should have done what they do in PR, just auf the weakest in the team...
Monica i guess it will be between Dr Boogie, Anthony and Daisy?
They should have made a special rule and aufed Dr. Boogie for what he did to the mother of the bride. Lord help him if he had done that to my mother, she would have shown him what the razor was for and it wouldn't have been pretty.
Daisy's hair was beautiful and she and Anthony deserved the win. Tabs just lost it and ended up looking like a petty shrew. So sad because she definitely had the most talent and was my favorite contestant. I've lost interest, the show just won't be the same without those two
I agree with the first post. I began to wonder if Tabs was intentionally sabotaging their team so that Tyson couldn't win...
She was my favorite, though. I don't know if I'll bother to watch the show next week!
" Monica said...
like i said before the judges were totally correct with auf'ing Tabatha and Tyson. what i don't understand is the point of doing a team challenge at this point in the competition and auf'ing both individuals of the team, it is obvious that it would not be fair in terms of overall performance during the competition.... they should have done what they do in PR, just auf the weakest in the team... "
I agree. I hate team challenges. You always end up sending someone home who doesn't deserve it.
The show won't be the same without them, and fucking Dr. Boogie better not win the whole shebang. I can't stand him. Now I'm rooting for Anthony or Daisy.
I don't think that keeping her mouth shut would have saved them...but holy shit!
"snf in va said...
I don't think that keeping her mouth shut would have saved them...but holy shit!"
That's probably why Tabatha didn't keep her mouth shut. She knew they were going home anyways.
Tabatha absolutely deserved to go home last night, as much as it pains me to say it. Congrats to the judges for sticking to their guns and getting rid of the biggest personalities.
It's absolutely ridiculous to have a team challenge this late in the season in which an entire team goes home. It's just poor planning. I expected better from a show that has up to now, exceeded all expectations. Have a team challenge at 12 or 10, not at 6.
I was stunned when Tabs let loose in front of the judges. It's bad enough that the clients had to witness it, but to go all postal on Weasel Boy, to Sally Hirschberger, the most no-nonsense biatch in the hairdressing world? Might as well just put a Colt Magnum to your professional head and pull the trigger.
What a shame. It would have been more forgivable, and amusing, if the two of them had grabbed eachother by the throats and had a throttling match right there on the gallery floor. But the her meltdown and his silence was, hmmm, ignominious.
Big sigh.....
Yeah, this auf'ing sucked (even though it was deserved), but I think they'll have a chance to come back. Remember at the mall challenge the winners will "have an advantage that will be revealed later." Are the Bravo producers planning an Angela/Vincent-esque return? At least this time the returnees would be talented and definitely capable of kicking one of the 4 remaining contestants off.
You boys nailed it. I'll miss Tab, but I was relieved they didn't find some bogus reason to auf B&B, because alll 3 of T&T's styles were total ass. I don't think they should have stayed even if Tab hadn't gone off. For once, the producers do not show themselves and it's a trend I'd like to see continued, PR producers.
Team Daisy!
Anon 10:24: you give me hope!
I was open-mouthed when Tabatha let loose in front of the judges. I am glad that the judges booted them off because working professionally as a team was definitely a major factor in the elimination challenge, and the T&T team failed miserably. And, what was Tabatha thinking of when she created that updo for the bride-it just didn't flatter her. As for the mother of the bride,that was bad-again, what was Tyson thinking?
At the same time, I am sorry that two very talented stylists are gone.
I see Daisy as the front runner now. Her bride was absolutely stunning, and Anthony's style for the bridesmaid was gorgeous,and the mom's style and color were great-and I love how Daisy, especially, really listens to her clients, and wants to make them shine.
The reunion show could be quite the spectacle...should there be bullet-proof glass to separate Tabs and Tyson?
I will miss Tabs and the evil leprachaun...
Here are my thoughts in no coherent order because I'm bereft.
1. Tabatha and Tyson's mother of the bride looked a heckuva lot better before they got their hands on her.
2. Anthony's tight shirts are definitely a Brit legacy. You can't buy a men's shirt there that isn't totally fitted.
3. Ben and Boogie's (god, I even hate typing that horrendous excuse for a name - who calls themselves that?) MOB was a hot mess. I wonder what she and T & T's MOB had to say that was edited out.
4. In the midst of all the horror that was Tabatha's meltdown, I was so happy to see the judges act fairly and decently. Remember how we all howled when we felt they kept Santino in "just for the drama."
5. Guess I'll jump on the Daisy chain too. She might talk too much but better that than sitting in a stylist's chair for 2 hours that doesn't utter a word. And she's done some beautiful hair.
6. I agree with all the other postings that team challenges (especially this late in the game) are unfair. They tend to devolve to the lowest common denominator.
7. Thanks Gayboys for bravely continuing on for all of us. If you were gone in addition to T&T, I don't think I could survive.
This episode can only be described as karma in action.
I was totally stunned by this episode, and when it was over felt I had no where to turn. Today I upped my medication.
Tom & Lorenzo, I FEEL YOUR PAIN!
(Daisy's bridal do was amazing, though!)
Tyson was very shrewd when he picked Tabatha as his partner... They were either going to win together or go home together.
Tabatha shot herself in the foot when she wouldn't get over being teamed with Ty. I will miss her. :-(
I too was horrified by the train wreck go up in figjam flames with Tabatha lighting the fire underneath the stakes at her feet.
(How's that for mixed metaphors).
And I just KNEW that Weasel boy would go. After all, it is the curse of the Allure Wall of Fame.
Each winner is dismissed in the next show. Without FAIL.
At least on Project Runway, Heidi would mention the dreaded curse ... here Jaclyn keeps talking about the Allure Wall of Fame in such great awe, when it is the Kiss O Death ... the Mount Doom of Shearsville.
(Daisy or Anthony will be next - I'm betting Anthony gets tossed to the curb.)
When Tyson picked Tabatha in the quick challenge, I figured they might loose and be safe. But after banking ALL that money, the nails in the coffin were already going in.
Especially when they mentioned DOUBLE elimination.
I was already mourning early in the show. The foreshadowing was all over the place.
And then those families of wigstands.
Daisy's and Anthony's truly shined. Bride was the star, Maid looked pretty but didn't outshine the bride, and the Mum looked happy and bright as she waddled down the stage.
Boogie and Ben was rough going all along. Only one DO turned out nice and Boogie was a pain. Even Rene wanted him to ZIP IT.
But Tab and Ty? OOOOOOHHHHH.
Heads o' ASS.
They acted like ASS HATS and they gave everyone ASS HATS.
It was horrible.... to watch ... and to wear.
And Tab? Ohh, consumed by hate to the bitter FLAMING end.
Witches and leprechauns simply do not get along.
I agree that it was nice that the producers DID NOT interfere for a change.
But it was still painful, and I think we all need to go on a bender this entire week.
None of us should be sober for the next show ...
Taking to my couch as well, the bottle already in my hand.
I was never able to cheer for Tabitha - her increasingly acerbic quips, quotes and rants were off-putting, even though her designs were towards the top of the contestant pool. And she really, really melted into a pool of bitter satisfaction at the end. Wow.
I was shocked that they let T&T go together....that is a MAJOR loss of talent from the contestant pool.
This isn't too late in the game for a team challenge, though. They might have auf'ed only one person as a compromise, but I don't think it is unfair to see whether the stylists can behave professionally or (god forbid!) work together. Even the most successful, independent professionals don't work in a vacuum.
Daisy's bride really did glow. How cool was it that Anthony not only let Daisy take the lead but admitted on camera that he had misjudged her? They were the best team I think I've seen on Bravo period.
Either Tyson did something very, very bad to Tabatha or she is simply crazy. She displays such pure, unapologetic vindictiveness. I think I'm actually scared of her.
Daisy's bride's hair: stunning
The rest of this? Crimifuckinitly, I did not think they would really get rid of the witch and the leprechaun.
I guess it's a testament to the ethics of the producers that they didn't find some bogus reason to dump boogie (shut up! shut UP!!!!) and the poor little tattooed boy (come here honey, let me give you a cookie and some milk).
And I, too, was screeching at Tab "SHUT UP SHUT UP CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!"
She couldn't, obviously. She just lost it. I thought she had more control, but she is, after all, more human than I first thought.
But what's the point of even watching now? There's no show left? With this group of four, who cares?
I, too, will be sobbing periodically throughout the day at the abrupt end to the grand drama.
The high point? Daisy's 'do: Luscious.
How does the question, "what did you think of Tyson's work?", require one to respond with a diatribe about how you hate that person? Pitiful. Tab blew it. Doesn't surprise me, though. She was friggin' obsessed with him. I understand why Tyson chose her for his teammate, as she is truly a strong, creative stylist (though what happened to that creativity in this one, god only knows). But he should have foreseen their inability to work together and picked someone else.
Frankly, it was a toss-up for me between the Tab/Tyson and Boogie/Ben teams, but, in the end, it wasn't just the lack of teamwork between T&T that did them in, but the public, full-scale, war. Ben had the sense to recognize that Boogie was better at what was needed in this challenge, and to defer to him ("just followed his lead", as he put it). That's okay. But T&T just could not let it rest.
It was interesting to see how Anthony acknowledged his initial animosity towards Daisy, and was willing to admit that she has qualities he didn't see originally. They're not best pals, probably never will be, but they were both willing to put aside personalities and work together for the win. That's how you do it, kiddies, in the real world.
and one more thing, Tab's ultra bitter exit was really shocking. "He did not win." Well honey, neither did you, and if you'd been able to put aside that all consuming hatred of the chicken headed blonde boy, you might have.
really just one more thing. Daisy's bride was magnificent. i (obviously) can't say it enough. that hair looked like molten gold.
Daisy and Anthony did an amazing job. They deserved to win. The clients were so happy!
I will miss Tabatha and the show will not be the same without her, but we still have Daisy. Go, Daisy!!
I cannot believe it! I'm sitting here in my office reading your post and I still cannot believe Tabatha is gone. I'm shocked! I HATE (ALWAY DID) TEAM CHALLENGES!!!!!
If you watch Tab's departure video on Bravo, you will see that she was consumed with her hate for Tyson. Absolutely consumed. She let her hatred of Tyson get in the way of professionalism. She talked about his ego, but really it was her ego that got them eliminated. She completely blames him for their loss when, in reality, it was her fault. I believe that if she had just kept her mouth shut, Ben and Boogie would have been eliminated.
Tyson may have been full of himself, but he was never mean or unprofessional. The same cannot be said about Tabitha.
As for Boogie's mother of the bride - what the heck?
Tabatha got on the Elimination Train a couple episodes ago when she had her confrontation with Evangelin. From the start I had her pegged as the cool cookie who would sit on the side lines and watch the drama and foolishness around the room while she calmly and calculatedly picked off each one episode by episode.
The fight over pruning shears was so beneath her, how did she get caught up in that trivia? For me that was when she lost her focus and got progressively away from her work and bitchier about the personalities.
I just never expected her to melt down so fast! I really thought it was going to come down to Tab and Ty duking it out at the end. But as someone said, maybe we haven't seen the last of them.
Daisy and Anthony are two finalists I can accept and I still think Ben hasn't had his chance to shine.
I loved Jaclyn Smith's "Excuse me, could you repeat that?" moment!
A great episode!
Yes, Tabatha and Tyson did suck, but Dr. Boogie and Ben should've gone home. The mother of the bride looked like a cheap whore and they ALL looked unhappy with the results.
The thing I LOVED was that Boogie did the Bride and the mother and Ben did the Bridesmiad. The Bridesmaid was the ONLY one that looked good!
Boogie can think he knows what to do but he obviously only knows how to do African American Styles. When I saw that poor Asian girl sporting a Kimmora Lee Simmons do on her head I figured their team was done-for. The ONLY thing that saved them is that Tabitha was SO wrapped up in her personal drama that she put the Brides hair up in rollers and forgot to remove them.
I was stunned! At least the judges aren't playing favorites. Sigh.
An excellent entry as usual, bitches! Seriously though, my jaw just dropped and would not come back up. I really couldn't believe it!! And now I kinda wish for that producers ex machina influence that we always complained about with project runway! I WANTED TABS TO WIN!!!! And you're right, it's just not gonna be as interesting anymore. I mean come on, Tabatha did at least 1/3 of the confessional stuff and the other 2/3rds was for the rest of the competitors. I'm gonna miss her sooo much!! And Tyson...well technically there is no Tabatha entertainment without Tyson lol. Waaah and I was loving this show soooo much!!!!! I guess the people I'm gonna be rooting for is either Daisy or Anthony (they're both so damn cute!) I'll meet you guys for drinking and sobbing *sniff*
I don't agree with the term "meltdown" with respect to Tabatha's behavior. Meltdown implies a loss of control, and I don't think she lost control. Certainly there were no tears. And, really, the hair that she and Tyson put out was so awful that they were always going home. Using their lack of teamwork as a reason is silly. In the real world, there's no chance that those two would every consent to work together.
I will miss both of them, though. It's true that neither of them was very good at up-dos, but they were really good at other types of styling, and the show will be deadly dull without Tabatha and without Tyson for Tabatha to hate. In the past, I've always laughed at people who said they'd stop watching because they were mad that someone got eliminated. I'm not angry about the elmination, but I do wonder whether I'll bother to tune in without Tabatha. What am I going to look at? The hair?
Sorry Tabatha, but you didn't win anything taking Tyson down. He still owns you.
I love that T&T went home. You know how American Idol is kind of boring now because they set up the "clear winner" right in the beginning and the judges kiss the person's ass all season? I'm really glad that these two were cut, because if they hadn't been it just wouldn't have been right.
I wanted Tabitha to win the whole thing, and I'm actually close enough to Ridgewood to get my hair cut by her, which I would LOVE.
But yeah, they had to go. That hair was ASS, and if they had done that to me on the day of MY wedding, there would be hairdresser guts all over the place.
(PRGayBoys, do you want before & after pics?)
One simple question: Why is Ben still around? He hasn't produced anything interesting. So unfair...
Now, we must spend the day unshowered and unshaven, eating junk food, getting drunk and occasionally, softly crying.
me, too.
Michael and Sally said on their blogs that Tabatha and Tyson were eliminated because of their inability to work together. If only Tabatha had kept her mouth shut. Fuck! Le Sigh.
The Allure Wall of Fame jinx continues...
This was a great episode and T&T did a great job in the beginning. Why did they have to fuck this one up so badly?
" Anonymous said...
The Allure Wall of Fame jinx continues."
Yeah, that wall is cursed...we know that Daisy and/or Anthony will be next.
Anthony won the second week, didn't he?
IF so, this was his second win.
Only one glitch with the "wall of Fame" jinx. There has been one escapee - Anthony. He won the celebrity make-over challenge with his take on Carmen Electra.
Why has everyone forgotten Anthony's win in the long-to-short challenge? The Wall of Death is not inescapable.
I have to give some more love & props to Anthony here. He played it smart and was man enough to reassess his animosity to Daisy in order to assure a win. I was also impressed that while he pointed out that he had a disadvantage in the mall challenge, being a tall black guy, he didn't use it as an excuse or "oh-poor-me." It will be interesting to see how he fares without Tab. Tab does know how to pick 'em, I wish I had him for a minion.
Tabatha came off so poorly last night, so immature, especially compared with Anthony who was able to admit that Daisy wasn't so bad. You don't have to like everyone but you also don't have to tell everyone what you think! Her honesty seemed like immaturity and it didn't look good on her.
It's tough serving the Dark Lord.
I will miss you Tabs! And Tyson too!
I thought they were in serious trouble but wasn't sure whether they were going to off Boogie & Ben (and be accused or suspect judging and producer intervention)or off Tabs & Ty and suck the fun right out of the show.
I was hoping for the former and was truely shocked that the jdging was honest enough to off such great personalities.
Daisy & Anthony erned the win - far superior to all others.
You're right - had Tabs not freaked in front of the judges, it might have saved their butts and gotten Boogie & Ben cut.
I looked at the four remaining cutters and really felt the loss. The delicious fun is gone fromt he show.
By Tabs. LOVE YOU!!
Oh, yes, I agree. I admire the integrity of the judges (and the Bravo producers); however, this show and its integrity will now have to soldier along without me. :
Tabatha was the best hair stylist on the show. Daisy is good but in that mall hair salon kind of way. TABATHA IS SHEAR GENIUS!
I'm rooting for Anthony now!
I can't believe that Tabatha and Tyson basically hated each other so much that they eliminated each other from the competition. That is some major hate, let me tell you.
WHAT. THE. HELL. I mean, seriously, what's there to watch anymore?
mumblesalot (Laura A) said...
Sorry Tabatha, but you didn't win anything taking Tyson down. He still owns you.
Oooh, Laura, you are so right. That hadn't occurred to me.
Anne - I'm in Jersey, too. If I had enough hair to cut, I'd meet you for a Tabatha styling session.
So glad for the anonymous post about a possible return. Thank you for giving me a little glimmer of hope. I'll try to hang on.
anapestic said...
In the real world, there's no chance that those two would every consent to work together.
I agree 100% and that's why I'm not very fond of team challenges. They do not bring the best out of the contestants; just drama. Great TV, though.
As long as Ben or Dr. Boogie doesn't win, it's all good.
First thought: Tabatha, you shouldn't have let your animosity get to you that badly.
Second thought: What are the boys gonna have posted in the morning? (or should that be mourning?)
Third thought: Good on the producers for not keeping the "drama queens" just for the sake of the drama, as is done on PR.
Fourth thought: Damn! I'm going to miss "Witchy Woman!"
I can't believe people would allow strangers to cut their hair in the middle of a MALL and then pay something like 70 dollars!
Tabs' compulsive nature to seek out adversity finally got the best of her. So long to the Wicked Witch of the Komisori.
Oh, and couldn't we have auf'd the mother's of the brides for UGLY dresses?
They were all pretty bad and no amount of good hair was going to help.
Here's what Michael said on his blog:
"I love Ben and Boogie, but did you catch my expression when the trio walked out? The bride looked like she had lumps on her head. And this was a bride who wanted to wear her hair down. And it seemed like Boogie was on one bad ego trip and ignored her and the fact that she was right -- her hair would have looked gorgeous down if he’d just added a few extensions.
Then there was the bridesmaid, who looked better than the bride -- pretty much nothing worse than that. And finally there was the mother of the bride, who should have been shedding tears -- but definitely not of joy. Boogie kinked-up her hair then swept it to one side, Debbie-Gibson style. The whole thing was tragic.
abatha and Tyson are really talented—that’s why Tyson selected Tabatha as his partner, after all -- so I was expecting great things from them. But they couldn’t get past their apparent hatred for each other. The hair was a mess: the updo Tabatha created for the bride was too big -- it really did look like she’d forgotten to take out the giant Velcro rollers. Tyson’s French twist for the matron of honor was helmet-like. And the mother of the bride had bad highlights that reminded me of a girl in my 8th grade class. None of it was good.
But, in my opinion, none of it was as bad as Ben and Boogie’s either. For once I felt like Tabatha -- pissed off -- because once the votes were tallied, Tabs and Tyson were on the losing end.
So now we’re down to the final four. I’m going to get a glass of Pinot Noir to calm myself down. Oh, who am I kidding, I’m going to go through the whole bottle. See you on the stool next week (I promise, I’ll be sober.)
So teamwork is more important then giving the clients what they want??? TnT's clients may have looked like ass, but it was ass they asked for, even the bride said that she got what she wanted. Boogie talked the poor girl out of what she wanted and she walked out wearin an ass she never even wanted.
Oh, we forgot to mention - It's Tabatha's birthday today, Poodles!
Happy Birthday, Tabatha!
" Anonymous said...
So teamwork is more important then giving the clients what they want??? TnT's clients may have looked like ass, but it was ass they asked for, even the bride said that she got what she wanted. Boogie talked the poor girl out of what she wanted and she walked out wearin an ass she never even wanted. "
EXACTLY!! Anthony and Dr. Boogie's clients looked miserable and unhappy. WTF is wrong with those judges???
EXACTLY!! Anthony and Dr. Boogie's clients looked miserable and unhappy. WTF is wrong with those judges???
Sorry, I meant Ben and Dr. Boogie's clients...
Am I the only one who cringes every time Dr. Boogie comes on the screen? He made the mother of the bride look like a crimped version the side ponytail wearing girl from Napoleon Dynamite. Someone needs to put a ball gag in his mouth.
Oh hell, I haven't even watched it yet and I'm upset. Thanks for ruining the rest of my work day!!
Although I admire that drama didn't win out, I don't understand why demonstrated talent couldn't have been factored in. This reminds me of the upsetting auf of Alison in Project Runway - one mistake in a sea of stupendous work should not cause an aufing.
The doublemint twins (Tabatha and Tyson) won in the first challenge of the day and have consistently shown great talent and taste. Why is that not taken into account? And Boogie and tattoo boy had LOST that morning - why didn't that have some impact on the final judging? Especially in light of that fugly mother of the bride hairdo.
The problem then becomes that those who are talented (and one could argue that only the very talented can have such spectacular failures) are the ones kicked out.
Sure Tabatha exploded - but who wouldn't under such circumstances (pressure of reality tv, much less one that is a competition, having to be on a team and having that potentially aufing you, and to top it all off, being on a team with your archnemesis!).
Additionally, in terms of skills one wants from a hairstylist - frankly, I could care less if my hairstylist plays well with others as long as she/he is skilled and listens to me. It seems like not being very good and especially not listening to one's client ought be the kiss of death - not difficulty working as a team.
It does fucking blow. Tabatha was the reason (and you boys, of course) why I watched this show. I agree that she should've kept her mouth shut, but I don't think that was the main reason why they sent them home.
*sniff* I came not to bury Tabatha but to praise her...yet sadly, as Evangelin with her hedgeclippers, so Tabatha with Tyson. Tabatha's obsession proved fatal. If nothing else, she was honest about it to the bitter end - no passive-agressive baloney for her. Tab prefers her murder/suicide up-front for the judges, the bridal party and the whole world to enjoy. Happy Birthday, dear, wherever you are in reality TV afterlife. We who mourn your final cut salute you!
Well yeah last nite did suck but at least I got to drown my sorrows in the PRG's post and your comments.
All the best, Tabatha!
Happy Birthday, Tabatha! We'll miss you, darling!
As soon as Tyson picked Tabatha I smelled disaster. What a shame!
I LOVED watching Serena the Evil Twin Cousin. She was definitely the best TV to happen in a while (since Ms. Thang called out Neck Boy on his final collection). But I can't help but feel that she ruined herself. So much energy and vitriol was directed at the Leaping Gnome that she forgot that she was supposed to compete to win. Shame really, I think she had it sewn up otherwise.
Marty the Wizard
This sucks.
Tabatha is gone. That's the reality.
I don't really care who wins... I live right near her and I was really rooting for her, and sometimes people watch shows only for like one person.
I didn't watch the show Shear Genius. I watched Tabatha.
Well said, brianb. I second all of that!
Yes, def taking to the couch today, and for the rest of the month. they ruined the show in one fell swoop with last nights episode! WTF? The EP's should be CANNED for letting that happen - nothing against the final four but, good TV? I think not.
I must disagree... "they" didn't ruin the show; Tabitha did that all by herself. She was fun to watch but she let her childish hatred of Tyson get the better of her.
Someone bring me my smelling salts and some freaking chocolate.
Bill, I'm cutting my hair off for Locks of Love some time in mid-June. Let's both grow our hair out after that and go see Tabatha for Christmas!
And you guys, she HAS TO try out for Season 2!! How could she not? Wouldn't it be so fun to put her and Tyson on Season 2 and just step back and watch the Cage Match?
First Melinda, then this all in the same evening....yikes, you can bet I had a few drinks last night. :(
TnT are both so talented and screamingly entertaining--they will be missed.
HOWEVER, big kudos to the producers for not screwing with the credibility of this show in its first season. Based solely on work, the right two went home.
The wall of fame is death sentence
" Jenn said...
First Melinda, then this all in the same evening....yikes, you can bet I had a few drinks last night. :(
TnT are both so talented and screamingly entertaining--they will be missed.
HOWEVER, big kudos to the producers for not screwing with the credibility of this show in its first season. Based solely on work, the right two went home. "
True, but it sucks that people like Tabatha and Tyson (and even Danna) are sent home when they produced so many great cuts and won several challenges and people like Ben and Dr. Boogie get to stay. Can you seriously picture Ben or Dr. Boogie as THE Shear Genius?
Tabatha, Tyson, Daisy and Anthony should have been the final four. They were ROBBED!!
Tabatha and Tyson were the strongest contenders. They have more wins than anyone else! Ben and Boogie were by far the weakest.
Why the fuck did Evil Leprechaun picked Tabatha? They have never gotten along. Unfortunately, the best stylist of the group was sent home.
Dr. Boogie is too full of himself and the Ninja guy is a joke. What a disappointment!!
I realize that the decision is based on this particular challenge, but Dr. Boogie and Ben's work was not that much better, that they should have won over Tyson and Tabatha who are both clearly more talented. It makes no sense to me that Dr. Boogie, who can't even use a pair of shears, and Ben, who's been on the chopping block quite a bit, are still there.
Since WHEN is pissing off your client less important than not playing well with others??
I'm sorry but Dr. Boogie and Tyson should have gone HOME. Boogie's bridal hair was HORRID and so was the mother's hair (which he called sexy??). And that poor bride looked like she was going to cry.
Tyson's french twist was equally HORRID and I'm not even going to go into the mother of the bride....poor thing looked like she'd been in a steam room filled with fire ants.
I realize this is a competition but these people also work in a service industry. I wouldn't pay Boogie a dime for something that would leave me in tears.
Tabatha's hair might have been a bit BIG on the curls but that is what the bride wanted after all.
As a final thought: the team challenge with offing the whole team was stupid. They should have offed individuals....that way the lesser person on the team could be rooted out. IF that had been the case then Tab's diarrhea of the mouth wouldn't have mattered.
Congrats to Daisy and Anthony. Anthony, I'm rooting for you all the way and have been since the beginning! I thought it would come down to Anthony vs Tab, but now I think it will be Daisy vs Anthony for the final decision.
I loved Tabatha and will miss her a lot. I'm very sad to see her go, but in any profession you don't always like or love the people you work with. But as adults we should act professional and keep the personal issues aside.
I don't understand how people can say that T & T were the "best." They created 3 assy hairstyles in one challenge. They lost their focus and were justifiably auf'd. Sure, I'll miss the bitchery, but I'd much rather they show some integrity about the actual competition. What is wrong with you people? If you just want drama, watch Desperate Housewives and let those of us who like competition between competent people (unlike American Idol, for instance) watch the Bravo shows.
It's going to be REALLY hard watching the rest of this "show" now... I love that Tabatha was all "whatever" about the whole thing. She's a real character.
"macasism said...
I don't understand how people can say that T & T were the "best." They created 3 assy hairstyles in one challenge. They lost their focus and were justifiably auf'd. Sure, I'll miss the bitchery, but I'd much rather they show some integrity about the actual competition. What is wrong with you people? If you just want drama, watch Desperate Housewives and let those of us who like competition between competent people (unlike American Idol, for instance) watch the Bravo shows."
Well. some of us don't think it is fair to eliminate someone for screwing it up ONCE. Name one great haircut or challenge Dr. Boogie or Ben has produced. So where is this competency your talking about?
Anne - very cool about the Locks of Lovbe thing.. My sister and niece have both done it.
As for me growing my hair "out" - I only have any hair to speak of on the sides. If I grew it out, I'd look like Bozo the Clown or Larry Fine from the 3 Stooges. But I need a cut every month so I'm ready when you are!
Congratulations Daisy and Anthony! You guys did a great job!!
Anthony exudes class, style, intelligence and overall image of what the hair industry is all about.
Daisy is adorable and always concerned about her clients. T&T were just too bitter and mean, no wonder they hated each other.
Damn, damn...damn!
I've done Locks of Love, too. I wondered if, for the long to short challenge, the producers thought to donate the hair. Probably not, which is a shame (and a waste). Hey Bravo: think of that for next season.
Good for you, Anne!
"This episode can only be described as karma in action.
I was totally stunned by this episode, and when it was over felt I had no where to turn. Today I upped my medication."
Thombeau, this was so hilarious..
I rarely disagree with your assessment of the show and the talent, but today I do. I think last night's show was one of the best ever on Bravo! The judges truly focused on the competition and the quality of the stylists' work.
I disagree with equating Boogie's work with Tabs. At least Boogie's clients looked like they would be in the same wedding on the same day. There was cohesiveness. Tab's clients looked like they were all going to separate events.
I am very sorry to see Tab go. She was fierce and completely honest about her feelings. I think she left on a high note. There's nothing phony about the lady. She has integrity.
Personally, after viewing the episode a few times, I think Tabitha sabotaged herself on purpose. It was a calculated risk, but I think she took the bullet to eliminate Tyson so her man Anthony could rise above without Tyson getting in the way. My two cents worth anyway.
Bryan, how can you say Tabitha left on a high note? I just watched the episode again and she looked like a spoiled child. Reminds me of my 7th grade students. The fact that she blames tyson for her loss is irritating to say the least.
It should be called "The Allure Wall of Doom"
I have to say that Tyson took Tab's lashing during the judging very well. He was pretty mature about the whole thing, I thought.
After watching the brief preview of next week, I think Dr. Boogie is the next one out.
The reunion show should be stellar!!
Was working as a team one of the factors in the judging? I don't remember Jaclyn Smith saying that.
I am very happy that Anthony and Daisy won - they certainly deserved to. I was pretty surprised that Tabatha and Tyson were both eliminated. Maybe Tyson should have chosen somebody else.
Is Tabatha gay? Just curious.
Tabatha is gay and out. There's an interview with her and Daisy on AfterEllen where they talk about it.
"Both women said being gay was never addressed on the show. Tabatha said she was out to some of the contestants, but it was never really a topic of discussion."
Here's the interview.
um . . . off topic, but does jose have ted kennedy disease?
Soft, sad, sniffles. My little munchkin man is gone. Sigh.
Daisy's style *was* stunning, tho.
I'm so impressed with all the locks for love people we have here. Makes my broken heart feel a little better.
Daisy is lesbian? I missed that one! She's by far the most tied into the clients - uses her heart. I like her.
I will miss the little man!
Love your blogs. Thank you so much for the entertainment you have brought into my life just by posting your witty comments. They are so spot on with what I wish I could put into words.
I look forward to your commentary, recaps and general mayhem every week. Just a lurker posting a huge thank-you! Carry On! Please?
I am so pissed!! Tabatha dug her own grave last night! If she had kept her mouth shut the two most talented hairstylists would have remained in the competition!
I can't blame Tabatha for expressing herself. She never liked Tyson. He chose her. She had no choice. She tried to bring him up to the level of the task. She did what the client wanted. He screwed it up.
This episode was so revealing. Tabatha showed her true colors, her morality, her pettiness, her vanity.
In the end, it really meant more to her to bring down Tyson than to have a legitimate shot at winning.
Can't believe how consumed by hate she is -- a very karmic outcome.
Also ... when standing side-by-side, did anyone else think Tab and Tyson looked as if they could have been brother and sister?
Very "Village of the Damned" if you ask me.
I think it was just too much for Tabatha having to team up with Tyson twice. It sucks to work with someone you hate.
I hate team challenges. Pairing up two people who are competing for a top slot is simply ridiculous.
Tabatha was compelled by Tyson to work with Tyson, and Tyson happened to have a bad day. Tabatha got the shaft.
I'm watching the Work Out (waiting for the Shear Genius repeat) reunion and they show a promo for Shear and there's no Tab or Tyson!
(Sound of loud puking)
Happy Birthday, Tabatha!
Scott said...
Boogie can think he knows what to do but he obviously only knows how to do African American Styles. When I saw that poor Asian girl sporting a Kimmora Lee Simmons do on her head I figured their team was done-for. The ONLY thing that saved them is that Tabitha was SO wrapped up in her personal drama that she put the Brides hair up in rollers and forgot to remove them.
Kimmora Lee Simmons is Asian (half Korean).
You also might want to define what an African American style is before you sneer @ 1.
I saw the first five, ten minutes of the show and then caught the elimination in the rerun (had to work in between, those slave drivers).
I don't even care about watching the rest of the episode now, or the rest of the series. What a letdown. I guess I hope Anthony wins...he does look good in those tight shirts. But frankly the two people I loved watching are gone, so where's the fun in the show now?
So sad to lose Tabs...but it's all about Ben now. I mean, come on...a straight guy in a hairstyling contest! He's the ultimate underdog. And he's cute as all git-out, too.
He can't beat Daisy, though. Damn her. She's so good that I feel a tad bit guilty for my deep-seated desire to choke her with a scruchie.
I think donating hair to Locks for Love next year is an awesome idea! Producers, we know you're reading, now go do it!
I think next year at the beginning of the season I'm going to start growing my hair out for LFL again. Maybe it will become a thing, and people will start doing it all over.
Up until last night (I had to catch it as a rerun because of the time it shows, and carefully avoided coming here before then!), I was a huge Tabatha champion. She was cynical, she was sarcastic, and damn, she was talented. (Oooh, just like me.)
And then this week she added "totally unprofessional" to her c.v.
I have worked with jackasses who make Santino and Jeffrey look like gifted statesmen. Who make Tyson look like the fairy king, not the weird leprechaun. And if things go wrong, and the boss starts reaming you not one but two new ones, you respond in a professional manner. Even if one member of the team screwed up and everyone else worked fine, you don't whine and stomp your foot and point at the slacker. Just like your fourth grade group report on the Aztecs, the teacher always knows who slid. So does the boss.
You suck it up, Tabs. If you go out, you go out with a little bit of pride and self-respect. Nope, you sank to the Wendy Pepper level. Both T&T and B&B had bad collections--T&T *might* have sneaked off a stay of execution if Tabatha had just SHUT THE HELL UP. The judges probably had a minute by minute report from the babysitter--but the look of stunned horror on their faces as Tabatha succumbed to her venom was the kiss of death. If she had held her head high and said, "I think we did a great job--you don't necessarily want all three women to look like they've been done with a cookie cutter, each should have a hairstyle that accentuates her and her gown" she and Tyson might have made it to the next round.
Too late, now.
Kudos to Tyson for going off with far more class. And resisting the temptation of turning to Tabs on the runway and saying, "Et tu, Brutus?"
As for the winners--what Daisy did with the bride's hair was jaw dropping. Wow. Beyond wow. OMFG-type wow.
Nice to know my daughter and I have plenty of Locks of Love friends here! I do it every few years, to give it a chance to get some good length going--but it shocks the hell out of your coworkers when you go from accidentally sitting on it when you drive to barely past your shoulders. {eg}
If they didn't donate the hair, they missed a great opportunity--but since they tie it off before they cut, and the stylists were flinging hair with great abandon, I doubt it happened. NEXT TIME!!
All I have to say is that Tab and Tyson were really struggling witht their up-dos.
Rule of thumb: NEVER do a French Twist. They always end up looking like a WWI trench helmet.
I didn't see Tyson acting nearly as provocatively as Ms. Tab. In fact, while she was spewing, he was just standing there quietly with his hands folded. I can't see where there was any "mutual hatred" -- it all flowed from her towards him. He stuck his hand out, offering to shaked hands with her, and she damned near refused to take it.
How juvenile. And stupid. The different between a spoiled brat and a successful adult is that a brat will throw their head back and caw, "I'm *just* being honest!", as if their perception of reality should override facts. And adult - and especially a successsful adult - will censor him or herself, trying to fit the rights words and ideas into the current situation.
Tabatha betrayed a real fear of Tyson, and came out clawing at him, determined to deride him into the ground with supercilious snarkiness. I never saw him behave like that towards her, and in choosing her as his teammate, he was paying her a huge compliment. Unfortunately, he misjudged the depths of her brattiness and that she would prefer to dance her "I'm just being honest!" pas de deus over actually winning and being successful.
I would venture a guess that this bitter "honesty" has probably infected every corner of her life, so that she is not nearly the success she could be if she'd just grow up a year or two.
I don't know...I think that there was a little S&M thing going between T&T, at least from Tyson's perspective. He so wanted Tabatha to put him in latex and chains. Was he really being polite when he aquiesced (sic)to her scathing comments to the judges or was he actually squirming with delight? Total submissive.
I TOTALLY agree that Daisy won the challenge, and deservedly so. While I LOVE Tabatha, I also agree that she should not have voiced her exponentially growing dislike of Tyson in that manner. It definitely looked bad,the judges were taken aback, and worst of all, the clients noticed the animosity between them. I am hoping that there is an upcoming twist that will allow Tabatha to return (a la Angela and Vincent on Project Runway Season 3). Maybe then she can get back into the game and possibly take the win. But we like Daisy too. I am glad that the Mormon Leprechaun is gone though, as bad behavior and bad work should NOT be rewarded.
JohnP :)
Daisy's look was amazing. I didn't even know you could do that with hair.
Tabatha betrayed a real fear of Tyson, and came out clawing at him, determined to deride him into the ground with supercilious snarkiness. I never saw him behave like that towards her, and in choosing her as his teammate, he was paying her a huge compliment.
That's exactly how I felt. When he chose her he was showing that he felt she was the best stylist of the remaining five, the biggest asset to his team. He also wanted her on the inside of the tent pissing out that on the outside pissing in, I think.
And look how well that worked. She was spitting, practically insane in her hatred of him. She'd rather have shot herself in the foot than tried to get along with him for two hours. And he never seemed to reciprocate (you know if there was footage of him screaming at her or bad-mouthing her behind her back, they would have used it), so clearly it was completely one-sided, a vendetta on her part rather than a war.
At least now we know why she's always squinting. If she opened her eyes all the way, the beams of pure concentrated evil would disintegrate everyone within a thirty-yard radius, and she doesn't want to kill Anthony.
Seriously. What bad behavior did Tyson exhibit? I thought he was the perfect professional and a total gentleman while Tabitha ripped him to bits. It was HER ridiculous behavior that got them kicked off!
I hope that they both come back so little mighty man can show his stuff and beat her fair and square. Go little squeak!!
Lima Bean said:
" Go little squeak!! "
I love that nickname! Almost as good as FIGJAM.
And I too, hope they bring back my little leprechaun. It's been done before on reality shows and since Tababitch is so pathologically obsessed, it would just blow her mind.
On second thoughts, forget it, cause she's liable to blow someone away if Tyson were to come back without her.
Tab's wagon flew off the rails and it was her own doing. I was so rooting for her until Wed. She was shitloads of fun before then. God knows I love a cold woman. Then she just came off as some shrill lunatic w/out skills.
Her 'do was Ass.
Her attitude-- Ass squared.
Sayonara, Tabs.
It was fun.
I just don't know how I feel about all of went down! On one end i'm upset with what Tabatha did, on the other hand I ssooooo understand what led Tabatha to her verbalization. Still 3 days after i'm still traumatized. I could defend Tabatha till the days end on the earth,
I swear to god, i sure in the hell hope that Bravo does have an enormous TWIST of Fate that will bring back the both of them! They both deserve to be in the final competition.
“All I have to say is that Tab and Tyson were really struggling with their up-dos.”
Weeeeeellllllll ….
“Just like your fourth grade group report on the Aztecs, the teacher always knows who slid. So does the boss.”
To quote Apollonia in Purple Rain,
“You think so, huh?”
Daisy to place.
Anthony for the win.
(Other than Chloe, girls don’t win on Bravo.)
“I swear to god, i sure in the hell hope that Bravo does have an enormous TWIST of Fate that will bring back the both of them!”
Of course there will be. Does no one else here watch "Top Chef"?
Also, Anthony for the win as he is the only one who has laughed in the face of the gaping maw that is . . . the Allure Wall of Doom.
Plus he is hot like fire and can do some serious hair.
rooroob said...
Also, Anthony for the win as he is the only one who has laughed in the face of the gaping maw that is . . . the Allure Wall of Doom.
Plus he is hot like fire and can do some serious hair.
Ooooh, Anthony.
(Homer Simpson drool)
He's Yum.
So, Bravo can keep on the assholes like Jeffrey and Santino and Tiffany and uh, those two douche bags from TC2, but they couldn't keep on Tabitha?
I swear to god Bravo is pissing. me. off. With Top Design being the shittiest thing I've seen in years, I wasn't sure I wanted to even bother with SG. But there was Tabitha being all blonde and bitchy and witty and foreign, how could I not fall in love with her and the show?
I don't think I've been this sad since Uncle Nick got voted off PR2.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! I'm never watching this show again. Ugh. Tabs ftw!!
Hello, I was wondering how you set up your comment window so that the posting area floats on the right while the other comments can be viewed on the left? Sorry to ask you this here but perhaps you can be of help. Please email me at Thanks!
Brandenburg3rd said...
I have worked with jackasses who make Santino and Jeffrey look like gifted statesmen. Who make Tyson look like the fairy king, not the weird leprechaun. And if things go wrong, and the boss starts reaming you not one but two new ones, you respond in a professional manner. Even if one member of the team screwed up and everyone else worked fine, you don't whine and stomp your foot and point at the slacker. Just like your fourth grade group report on the Aztecs, the teacher always knows who slid. So does the boss.
Repeat after me:
I am NOT a team player. Every time I am a team player I get shit on, so I am not going to be a team player anymore. I am out for myself. LMFAO
I KNOW I'm way too late with this post, but I just saw SG, the T & T elimination last night, and I am just boiling.
Why oh why did Tabatha say that? "No, our work is crap, it's his fault, I'm disgusted with it."
Shut up! Never admit your work is crap. Bullshit it out!
What makes me so mad is, Boogie and Ben's wedding party was worse! If she'd kept her big mouth shut, they'd have dodged the bullet.
Granted, Daisy and Anthony's party were the clear winners, but Boogie's clients were from Asia, not the 1950's! Horrible, dated looks, even the supposedly bridey maid of honor's.
And what are we going to look at now? Tabatha and annoying blond kitten were the best of the bunch! Anthony and Daisy are good, but not great, and Boogie and Ben have reached the end of the line. They should've gone home!
Maybe the producers are going to pull a PR and get T & T back in a week or so? I can only hope...
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