Congratulations Anthony!

Thursday, May 31, 2007 by
Darlings, our world has gone cold and gray this morning. There is no more Shear Genius in our foreseeable future.


On the other hand, what a FANTASTIC show last night! Those bitches brought their A game and once again we sit in awe of the incredible job the producers do in coming up with these entertaining and drama-filled challenges. And unlike other shows, most of the challenges (okay, not the hedge trimmer one) are rooted in the real world of hair styling. No corn husk dresses here.

We loved that the stylists all got dressed up for the final challenge. All three of them lined up like that made them look like characters in a Tarantino movie only with styling combs instead of guns.

It's also to the credit of the final 3 that there wasn't a drop of drama or nastiness among them. You'd think that would make for a boring show but it was fun to sit there and root for all three of them, not caring who wins.

Unfortunately, only one could win and we have to say, the right one won. We'll get into critiques later, but Daisy kind of crashed and burned and Ben really stepped up, but it was Anthony who calmly and coolly went about his work and pulled it out.

And Vidal Sassoon! What an adorable little old hair elf he turned out to be! We admit, we were a little shocked at how much older he looks. Our main memories of him are those commercials from the '70s. But he was such a little sweetheart and the stylists were practically in tears at the sight of him. You can tell he still gets a thrill out of hair styling. How many times did he tell the models to shake their heads and then responded with utter glee? The man is practically a holy figure among stylists and when it comes down to it, he's still just a guy who loves a good haircut.

Like we said, we'll get into the nitty gritty later. We just wanted to bask in the glow of a fun and fabulous finale devoid of obvious producer manipulation. It was just about talented people being entertaining by showing off what they can do and doing it fabulously. Bravo, Bravo.

Like you, Tom watched the finale on his couch in a haze of painkillers and muscle relaxers. Okay, maybe y'all weren't hopped on drugs but we highly recommend it. The show takes on a whole new meaning when you're high enough to have conversations with your throw pillows. We only wished we'd had some when Evangelin was still in the game.

Lorenzo, on the other hand...

That bitch. We hate him, don't we, kittens?

Although, truth be told, our marriage was on the line because the last thing Tom said before Lorenzo traipsed out the door was "If you meet Jaclyn Smith tonight, don't bother coming home. It's over." Fortunately for us, Jaclyn wasn't at the party - but everybody else was and we'll have a ton of pictures up in a bit.


Valpal said...

I think that all of them -- Anthony, Daisy, and Ben -- had shown better cuts throughout the season and so I was underwhelmed by the results.

But I'm still bummed that there won't be any more SGs in the near future.

K. said...

i expected no less!

(by the way, looks like evangelin got ahold of michael kors' spray tanner)

Embeedubya said...

How great was this show? Bravo Bravo indeed. Did anyone else notice that the weekly disclaimer in the credits did NOT say there was input from the producers in the outcomes? Hmmmm... And Sassoon! What a genius idea. But I couldn't help but think of how Tabatha would have nailed that Nancy Kwan bob!

Gorgeous Things said...

OH. MY. GOD! Lorenzo, you fabulous little wench you! Tom, I hope you feel better soon. But what a show, and how jealous am I that you got to party with the stylists?????

Anonymous said...

YEAH ANTHONY!!! I was rooting for you from the beginning!!

I am seriously wondering if Tab sabatoged Tyson in order for Anthony to win. I think she did. LOL.

Did anyone else catch that Sally (my WAY out of date hairstyle) Herschberger cut darling Vidal off a couple of times? I don't think she likes him very much...or maybe she's just envious to the point of being mean. He looked genuinely hurt when she "corrected" him (although it wasn't a correction, he had a valid point). I think we got the hair witch wasn't Tab, it was Sally! LMAO

water_jess said...

Ben's Nancy Kwan bob was the cutest out of all of the bobs, and now I kind of want it for myself, even if I'm not that fabulous with bangs.

I was also happy to sit back with a bottle of wine and just enjoy the show and not care who was going to win. I was in a frenzy over Top Chef and thought someone was going to die if Marcel won. Shear Genius was such a fun, wonderful show and I hope hope HOPE they bring it back. Only stop cutting multiple contestants, because I feel like I'm getting cheated out of show!

Anonymous said...

Every time Vidal said, "Shake it, Dahling!" I shivered with glee. I'm adopting him as my new celebrity uncle.

Say What? said...

Hey Tom, who did the throw pillows pick for the winner? Just curious. I hope Lorenzo brought you home some Nexus products and autographs at least!

Vidal Sassoon was so cute! I remember those 70's ads as well - hard to believe he is still around. What a spry guy!

Did Evangelin escape from the "Austin Powers 27" set or something? Love Theodore's bright pink shirt! He looks adorable!

Anthony rocked it! His hair styles were so sleek and shiny. Wish I could get my hair to do that!

Daisy could have won it all if it weren't for the pin curls. There is a reason women put those suckers in before they went to bed at night and slept in them. 8 hours of drying time!!

Ben grew on me. His updo was an upchuck, but his other styles were nice, and he actually did have the nicest dresses.

The one thing I really liked about Shear Genius is that Jaclyn Smith didn't overpower the show. Sometimes Heidi overpowers PR, she was there, but not OUT THERE. Of course the dubbing of her voice in some shots was annoying, but oh well.

Katyola said...

It was such a great show last night — I was nodding off around 9:15, but I told myself: You have to stay up! I'm so glad I did, and I think Anthony deserved the win — I really liked the bangs on his second cut. I recently took the plunge and had my hairstylist cut thick bangs on me, and I'm so glad I did.

BigAssBelle said...

And Vidal Sassoon! What an adorable little old hair elf he turned out to be!

i was floored. i fell in love. he was absolutely precious. there was something almost spiritual about his insistence on looking for the positive, what was good about each of the stylists. he had such empathy for them, managing to insert his little elf-like feet directly into their stylist shoes. what a man. he even managed to beat back that nasty little boy judge (what is that cretin's name) who never has anything nice to say, and he did it with kindness.

i am truly in love. vidal, darling. you are precious.

and yay! anthony and yay! ben and yay! daisy. they were all fabulous. and i'm happy anthony won and i'm happy they all felt good about themselves and there was no drama. it was grand.

MissMissy said...

I love that this is really the only Bravo reality show where there hasn't been drama to the point of meanness. Are hairdressers just more professional than designers and chefs?

I mean sure, Tabs didn't LIKE Tyson, but she made it very clear that she still respected him professionally and didn't treat him as anything but a professional.

*SO* glad we didn't have to put up with Dr. Boogie in the finale.

Jen said...

As soon as I saw the cuts, I knew Anthony would win, but you're right--I would have been happy with any of them.

And I, like everyone else, was in la-la-love with Vidal. I kept hoping you'd be as much in love with him as I was!

Can't wait to read your take on the reunion friction!

mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

Vidal Sassoon was so gentle, kind and enthusiastic. Wow. What a pleasure to watch him. The final contestants were a collective class act. It was a great show.

So sorry you are under the weather. I hope you feel top notch really soon.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, LOVE the show! However, I kept hearing Michael Kors voice in my head during the 'hair show,' saying "I'm a little underwhelmed...". I agree with valpal in that each stylist had done much better work throughout the season. Except, maybe, for Anthony--he really brought his 'A game' last night. Was I alone in being a bit saddened that they had to specify that Daisy came in 3rd, then have her leave the room while they crowned the winner and celebrated with bubbly? I thought she deserved better...

Having said that, I can't wait for Season 2--awesome job, Bravo (and gayboys)!

Anonymous said...

I'll simply echo everything said about the show, the finale and especially - Vidal Sassoon.

This show was fun.

mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

I agree. You said it so eloquently. Vidal was amazing.

I just realized I won't see anymore of Rene, Renee? Well that will make a dent in my week. Now I am pouting.

Jabes said...

Was I alone in being a bit saddened that they had to specify that Daisy came in 3rd, then have her leave the room while they crowned the winner and celebrated with bubbly? I thought she deserved better...

You were not alone -- I kept hoping they had brought her back out but we just didn't see it.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to add that if you start to suffer from hair show withdrawal, I'd recommend the British film, "Blow Dry."

Not a classic by any means, but a film that stars Alan Rickman, Bill Nighy and Rachael Griffiths is going to have some great moments. And in a small role playing a very slutty hair model - Heidi Klum!

Bill said...

Very satisfying final episode. It was great to see three genuinely nice and completely competent contestants in there. They did themsleves proud with their grace and kindness with the judges and each other.

I thought Ben might just take it until I saw that a$$ up-do.

Daisy's "S" story didn't work for me. If she did the Nancy Kwan without it and got those pin curls dry, perhaps she would ahve taken it.

I agree with valpal - they have all done better work earlier. But three cuts and color in such a short time?! I bow down to their talent.

Was it just me or did Sally seem done with it all? Was she a little prickly about giving up top-dog status when Vidal entered the room?

Agree with all - Vidal was a doll. So sweet and encouraging. Class Act.

I was hysterical while Rene gave instructions for the final challenge. I didn't have a very clear idea of what the stylists were supposed to do. I was concentrating so hard on Rene's individual word pronunciations that I was missing the meaning of the sentences. I thought it was just me, but Ed was confused as well.

Lorenzo, why didn't you call Laura Bennett or Uncle Nick or Malan to be your standby escort for the party? Okay - I'm green with envy - what I really mean is, Why didn't you call ME? (Sorry, Tom, I feel for your pain and hope you are feeling better soon, but this is a Bravo final episode party and there were crazy contestants to meet!) Anyway - can't wait for the next posts and the details on the fab party.

Thanks for letting us live vicariously fabulous lives through you.

Doodles said...

Very well done finale. Cheers to Anthony, though I'm sure all three finalists will do well with their future careers.

Anthony has good camera presence. If I was an exec at Nexxus, I'd get him into a series of ads pronto.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVED Ben. It's so great when someone who seems so badass on the surface just turns out to be a softy underneath. It's the first time I've seen someone genuinely pleased to have made it to second. Bravo did GREAT by this show!

mjude said...

i really liked this show, hard to believe its already over with. unlike topdesign that felt like it went on & on.

vidal is fab.

i kinda have a soft spot for ben.
but really loved all 3.

thanks boys as always. xo

Anonymous said...

i, too, was really sad to see daisy excluded from the finale hugfest. she deserved to be there!

TD said...

There IS a bright side to the end of Shear Genius:

A temporary reprieve from having to watch -- over and over and over -- that 7-UP commercial with David Cassidy singing "Sunshine" (under pitch, I might add).

As much as I enjoyed watching "Shear Genius," the endless repetition of that annoying 7-UP commercial almost drove me away from Bravo completely.

Perhaps Bravo's next new reality show could be about creating a new commercial (or two, or three).

Anonymous said...

td, i'm SO glad it wasn't just me. i started keeping the remote in my lap while watching SG just so i didn't have to hear d.c. flatting out over and over and over.


SmartAss said...

OMG .. OMG... OMG ...

I'll get to the show in a minute.

Lorenzo you owe Tom, BIG TIME.

In sickness and in health ...

Poor Tom, alone on the couch, with only some drugs and some throw pillows.

Sounds like one of my Saturday nights.

While Lorenzo is hobnobbing with elves, witches, oompah loompahs, and boogie men. (I should say boogie girlfriend, but he loves the closet almost as much as he loves his bedazzler. Straight my candy ass, I don't care how many kids he has.)

Anyway, I digress, Lorenzo owes Tom a few big sloppy .... kisses, since Lorenzo got to play while Tom stayed home and suffered.

Just sayin -

As for the show ...

Felt sorry for Daisy (nice concept - poor execution).

Was surprised by Ben (nice gowns, nice cuts but an up do that was definitely an up don't do that to me evah again ...

And congrats to Anthony who won for being consistent, if not great. Gotta agree with some of the other comments that the dresses he picked weren't great, but his cuts were nice.

And Vidal was a sweet heart, kinda like Glinda the good hair witch from the North.

It was more fun hearing Vidal say shake it, than hearing Rene's shagit.

And how many times did they redub Rene last night? Seems like anything over one sentence.

And he is go-aw-chuss, but shut up already and let me just look at you. Smile and look pretty and let Jaclyn do all the talking.

Will miss the show. Bravo did do a good job FOR A CHANGE. I refuse to watch TOP CHEF or the TOP CHEF reunion challenge show. I SIMPLY REFUSE, I tell you.

I will have to impatiently wait for Project Runway and next year's Shear Genius.

But I will always check in with T & L. They are the BESTEST, MOST FABULOUS GAY BOYS EVAH.

I hope T recovers soon, and if L doesn't deliver those big sloppy .... kisses, just let me know and I'll be right over to rectify the situation.


BG said...

It was a nice finale! Too many variables (model, haircut, clothes, "story") to really get my head around what they were supposed to do to win, however.

Anthony's looks were a cohesive "collection" and each cut was strong. Congrats, Anthony!

I was rooting for Daisy or Ben both of whom went a bit out of their comfort zones and I suspect might have been too distracted by the "story" element (which I still don't quite understand).

Vidal Sasson! Ohmygod! Can I just slip him into a backpack and take him with me everywhere? That man should be available by prescription.

Props to Bravo for getting such an accomplished, insightful and genuinely enthusiastic judge. He felt no need to manufacture snark but was captivating nonetheless.

OHmygod! What if we got Tim Gunn and Vidal Sasson together to do makeovers? Silver Foxes unite!

BrianB said...

You all said it about the show and the results and Vidal and all that!

All the Nancy Kwans were off to me, there wasn't the angularity and asymmetry that were a hallmark of Sassoon's style. But at the same time, they were all lovely takes on it.

I think the worst part of Anthony's presentation were those awful clothes! Draaaaaab!

I howled when Daisy slopped up the hair dye off the floor and put it on her model's head!

Great shot of the 10 stylists, they look like they were having a ball! And I love Ben for wearing that white suit with the sky blue shirt! How handsome is he?


macasism said...

First of all, Tom, feel better! Lorenzo should be at your beck & call about now.

Vidal Sassoon!!! Hello, how adorable was he?

This show had it all. Please, Bravo, take a lesson. Good guys are entertaining.

Yay, Anthony! How smart was he to do 3 precision cuts when the guest judge was Vidal Sassoon?! You totally deserved the win, baby! Enjoy that $100,000!!!

PS TD---there's this great thing on your remote called the mute button.

thombeau said...

Oooh, Tom, hope you are feeling better. Falling off a bar stool can be painful indeed!

Though all three finalists have done better, this episode WAS a joy to watch, it was fun rooting for all three. Sometimes good guys do finish first! (And second, and third.)

Vidal---Didn't know he's still alive! He seems to have reached some sort of state of hair enlightenment. Love him!

Love you guys, too!

nso said...

Congratulations, Anthony! He was the clear winner--his cuts were great, the hair moved well and looked healthy and shiny. The other two took greater risks, however, and I applaud them for it.

I was also feeling a bit underwhelmed when I saw the models on the runway, but I felt a little different after seeing how impressed the judges were with what the stylists had been able to do in so little time. To a lay person, it's a little hard to grasp how great a challenge it is to finish three styles in three hours. I would have preferred that they'd been given enough time so that we could have been wowed a little more by the results.

Although I liked the challenge, I did think they made it a little too complicated to figure out what was expected--why not just three styles that complement the clothes and each other, without the bit about coming up with a "story"? And the rules about the three styles were a little confusing--if they did color with the Kwan bob, were the other two up for grabs, or did they have to use color on one of the non-Kwan bobs? But I'm nitpicking--loved the episode as a whole.

The season just flew by--can't believe it's already over. Let's hope they have the sense to proceed with a second season.

Anonymous said...

Vidal was adorable but I couldn't help laugh whenever he told the models to shake their hair. It was so Austin Powers as a hair dresser.

"Do you wanna bob baby...yeah...shake that hair"

ToddNY said...

YAY! I'm so happy for Anthony. HOT and talented. He deserves it!

"Anonymous said...
Every time Vidal said, "Shake it, Dahling!" I shivered with glee. I'm adopting him as my new celebrity uncle."

Isn't he ADORABLE? I was almost in tears last night. What a wonderful man!

Hutchlover said...

Where was Jim & Paul-Jean?

Both seemed awfully arrogant during the reunion show, perhaps they were put out or felt too good for the wrap party?

And who wants to make bets that Boogie's date was a friend of his sister or cousin?

I'm gonna miss this show, but I'm not gonna give up this blog now that I've found it! Love ya guys, and feel better soon, Tom!

PS Lorenzo, next time take a nice straight woman with you (Like ME!). This way Tom won't get jealous.

Marius said...

The three finalists were all so nice, which was kind of boring. However, it was a good finale. Not a lot of drama, but still very good.

j-yo said...

I knew Daisy wouldn't win when they the producers kept showing interviews of expressing confidence she would win. I was very pleased for Anthony but also felt a little disappointed for Ben. Everyone loves an underdog. No matter ... All three were wonderful people but, in the end, Anthony's cuts really made him stand out.

And Vidal Sassoon! I swear, he is cuter than a Care Bear.

Suzanne said...

Tom, I feel you. Pass the percocet.

bitchybitchybitchy said...

First, give it up for my man, ANTHONY!!!!!!!!!!!! I nearly somersaulted when he won!

ITA that it was great to watch a finale without faux drama, and in which the three finalists were total pros. And, yes, Vidal Sassoon is an adorable hair elf-and I remember those 70's Sassoon ads, too.

I'd like to add that if you start to suffer from hair show withdrawal, I'd recommend the British film, "Blow Dry."

Not a classic by any means, but a film that stars Alan Rickman, Bill Nighy and Rachael Griffiths is going to have some great moments. And in a small role playing a very slutty hair model - Heidi Klum!

Oh, any film with Alan Rickman and Bill Nighy is a must-see for me-I saw Rickman in the revival of Private Lives on Broadway in 2002, and he was fabulous with a capitol "F"!

And, finally, more Shear Genius, pleasssssssssEEEEEEE!

Sammi said...

DAISY! *wails* She was my favorite, and I was so PEEVED to see her just bite it in the end. I'm not saying, based on the last challenge, that Anthony didn't totally earn it. Hell, even Ben was impressive. I really thought, though, that overall Daisy was the strongest talent, but man... her last challenge (minus that girl with the thick black hair - girlfriend worked a miracle making that nest look hot) was the most underwhelming of them all.

I'm still shocked by how much I ended up liking this show. So glad the GayBoys took it on!

Anonymous said...

bg said:

OHmygod! What if we got Tim Gunn and Vidal Sasson together to do makeovers? Silver Foxes unite!

What a brilliant idea. Love love love it!

Anonymous said...

Great job to all of the contestants!

What has always bugged me is don't these girls that come in to have their hair done know that there is a chance they would get their hair cut? Really, if you were growing your hair out why would you agree to go on a hairstyling competition. Especially when this challenge had nothing to do with client satisfaction.

I wanted to smack that blonde girl. Honey, he is in a competition (the finals no less) and you are going to hem and haw about losing length????

Bryan said...

This is now my fav Bravo reality show. Loved it last night. This show has truly been about the talent. Loved the variety of judges, the lack of "over-drama," realistic challenges, and judges who know their craft and did their jobs.

The SG producers should talk to the PR producers. They desperately need the help.

Anonymous said...

Just got to see the finale! Had triple hernia surgery on Tues, so Tom darling, I feel your pain (and mine!). OMG! VIDAL SASSOON! When I was growing up if you didn't have the brown VS hairspray bottle in your backpack you just weren't cool. Such class and inspiration, I choked up when Daisy wiped her eyes. YAY ANTHONY! What a honey! Though I agree there were better results to better challenges, Anthony definitely deserved the win! Can't wait for the next season of SG!

brian said...

I thought it was pretty unacceptable for the producers to find models who weren't willing to lose length. I don't care if they have to pay more, but they should find girls who will let ANYTHING happen to their hair. It's ridiculous that for the final challenge, the stylists didn't get to do whatever they wanted because of bitchy wig stands. Client satisfation should no longer be a concern at that point.

Anonymous said...

Overall this was the best - I hope the producers of Project Runways watched closely.
There were 3 things I didn't like about the finale. 2 are small; 1 is slightly more vital.
1. I wish Daisy had not been dismissed from the room. She worked hard all season and deserved to stay in the room.
2. Rene - yes he is pretty eye candy (for some) but if he thinks is there to aggravate or stir up the stress levels of the contestants he needs to go. He should attend Tim Gunn's school of strong supportive mentoring or keep his cheap comments to himself.
3. My biggest complaint of all - for the whole season is Michael Carl - what a waste of space!
This little sycophantic yes-man fluff ball got on my last nerve, because in every episode if you watch he waits until someone makes a very good point of critique and *then* he offers his pronouncement like he thought of it. It is like a high school student that thinks all you need to write a term paper is someone else's paper and a thesaurus. Case in point> the marvelous Vidal makes his observation that all the Kwan do's needed to be longer in the front and shorter in the back. Michael's next statement: "Well, it would have been perfect in my opinion if his bob would have been longer in the front and shorter in the back." What - huh?!? Didn't someone else, more informed, *just* say that? If you don't have an opinion of your own - shut up and go away. It never seemed like he was re-affirming another's opinion but instead, co-opting. Of course it could have been the editing but I don't think so. Go back and watch the season and you will see him do this time and time again - he needs to stop this or go away for Season 2. - Zombiebirdhouse

LauraandMichael said...

Damn -- I can't believe I missed the final two weeks AND this blog. Damn damn damn.

Thanks for the recaps and comments.

Sorry to hear about Tom. What happened? Accident?

Glad for both of your sakes that Jacquelyn didn't make it.

So sorry to hear about Daisy! But Anthony's butt shot made up for it.

NahnCee said...

Although I hated the first guy voted out - the French guy - I must admit that he did set the tone for the show with his remarks as he left. Everyone thereafter lived up to that standard of elegant sophisticated civility, which was why Tabatha's melt-down was such a shock.

I don't think I've ever seen a shown full of such good will and camaraderie, both between the contestents and with the judges showing how much they were rooting for the contestents, too. Jacqueline was a revelation at how a host could simultaneously be cutting your juglar vein and being so warm and caring about it, you just knew that it would feel all better in a little bit.

I love Probst's snarkiness on Survivor, and Tim Gunn's avuncular Seig-Heil! style - but Shear Genius has found a totally new and different style and tone, and I salute the producers who created it.

Could we have Sassoon as a full-time judge next time around and maybe retire Sally until she learns some humble and does something about her raggedy old bedhead?