This is another one where we don't agree. Lorenzo likes it and Tom doesn't.
We're in agreement that conceptually, it's a fine place to start. However, Lorenzo thinks the end product was pretty and bold, while Tom thinks it looks a little precious and amateurish.
It's that overabundance of pleating and ribbons that just makes him think of square-dancing costumes. Unfairly, admittedly.
Still, the judges loved it and it is sort of plainly pretty, so Lorenzo wins that round.
We're in full agreement on this one. This was fashion poo.
His choice of inspiration was no more inspired than Zulema's. "I saw fabric and IMMEDIATELY had visions of ... a DRESS!" Poor thing was completely thrown off by the model drama, so it's hard to even judge him on this since his heart clearly wasn't in it.
We've seen the fishtail hems and lace up sandals plenty of times before from Nick. He was just phoning this one in. That skirt fabric is tacky and too-shiny. It doesn't go with the top at all.
The top itself is nice enough, but it didn't feel very young or chic. It seemed kinda blousey and matronly despite the exposed skin.
Aw, poor Nick! He was a drama queen this week, but you just want to scoop him up and tuck him in and tell him tomorrow's another day, don't you?
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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The only good thing about Nick's contribution this week was that FINALLY Rachel's hair and make up looked good. I loved Chloe's dress from a distance, but close up I can see the "precious" a bit more.
Sometimes I agree with Lorenzo, sometimes with Tom. Sometimes with both! But I'm with Tom on Chloe's dress. The blues aren't good together, and the ribbons don't work well with the dress texturally.
Um... I like the top part of Chloe's dress, not the bottom with all that needle-work. Too busy by half! As for Nick, loyal fan though I was, he p***ed me off with his whining -- and I didn't even know he'd cried for TWO days! -- and frankly, I've had it with his hems. I'm seriously beginning to doubt that he'll make the final three.
All in all, this bunch were my least favorite designers of any PR season. Maybe because it's freshest in my mind, PR3 wins hands down, both on design AND drama. Oh well! Let's have high hopes for PR4... but how can they ever hope to top Jeffrey, Bad Mommy, Kaynebow, Uli and Michael? Not to forget Vinnie, Angela, Keith... and even Robert, voted "Most Boring Designer" for about 4 weeks in a row!
Nick totally lost me this week with all of his whining and talk of karma. Zulema acted completely within the rules and Nick was bitchy because it didn't go his way. Someone call the whaaambulance.
And his dress sucked too.
"precious and amateurish" is being nice. I do not like any part of chloe's dress. the colors, the fabric, etc. The stripes look like cheap wrapping paper ribbon from Walgreen's and they create a weird silouette. And the dress beneath? Bleh.
Ah...so Tom's a little bit country, and Lorenzo's a little bit rock & roll?
As for Nick's dress, I do like the top, and I agree that his heart wasn't in it this week. BUT, I completely disagree with the criticisms of the judges - (and if you're going to nab the designers for drama this week, go after the judges too!) For Tangerine Puss to get so huffy over the Nikonos backstory that Nick made up, after he (Tangerine his own self) had just gone over his inspiration storyboard about Doris Duke (Doris Duke??), is just completely hypocritical and unjustified.
The only thing inspiring about Doris Duke was her Ruberosa. I guess we can expect to see a line of MK peppermills for Bed, Bath & Beyond. Or maybe Babes in Toyland.
Either way, leave my Nick alone.
--Gotham Tomato
Chloe's could have been executed better but the inspiration was good and the dress was cute.
Nick's was just a mess. The skirt looked like a cheap slip and his inspiration was ridiculous. He's lucky there were worse designs.
I have to agree with Tom. I didn't like Chloe's dress at all. Perhaps, as she said, she didn't have time to finish her design, but it looked "home sewn" to me.
Nick's top was OK, but I can't stand fishtail skirts.
Chloe sure musta had plenty of time on her hands for this challenge after she finished probably a few hours in. Honestly I tihnk her dress is far too simple (and small, but I get it..it's the style).
Nick's was just a disaster. Mabey the color would have looked a little nicer on Tarah, but I thought the top was cheap looking and the bottom horribly uninspired.
I like Chloe's designs but nothing has blown me away yet. They're beautiful gowns, but not what I would consider innovative or unique.
OK, here is my Nick rant: This is the episode where I totally got over him. I was screaming at my TV "grow the f**k up! It's a contest! A TV show! Stop being such a diva!" If he has such a meltdown over a model, and can't switch gears and use a different one, then it's right that he didn't win. If he's that limited, then he obviously doesn't have the talent to really make it in this business. Crying for TWO DAYS? WTF is that about? Get a grip, girl! He really was my favorite up to that point. After this, I'm done with him. And enough with the fishtail hems, already! It seems like every single dress he's designed since PR has them!
Anyway, I liked Chloe's dress, but didn't love it. It looks like a high school sewing project.
OK, I need some Midol now.
I *always* want to scoop Nick up. Love him, though yeah, this dress blew. Oh well, lucky for all of us there was something worse out there. :-)
I felt bad for Nick, like when he's trying to explain that story about Hilton in Mikonos and his source of inspiration. He obviously didn't know what the heck he was saying.
I wasn't blown away by Nick's design but I thought he did a much better job than the judges gave him credit for. I like the top and the fabric he used.
I do think though, that Chloe always has good styling.
They're both ugly outfits. Instead of getting mad at Zulema, they should have thanked her for designing something worse than these two outfits.
Nick had a great top, but I think his outfit would have been better if he had made his skirt knee length. I think it would have made the outfit look more classy.
Nick's outfit is a disaster. Chloe's is just a pretty dress, nothing to write home about. I hated the masking tape around her waist.
I love Nick but I thought his behavior was a bit too much. OK, so Tarah is fabulous, and I know she was his muse, but he acted as though Zulema killed a puppy. Not to mention the whole "Paris Hilton on vacation" story...I couldn't even watch him. It was painful!
Haha Gotham, good one! I totally forgot about Duchess De`Orange's little diatribe about Doris Duke.
What a load of crap that was, has he totally run out of ideas, or what? And for him to wax nasally on and on about Nick's (unfortunate choice, yes) mention of Paris Hilton was IRRITATING!!!!!
There, I feel a little better now
GothamTomato said...
For Tangerine Puss to get so huffy over the Nikonos backstory that Nick made up, after he (Tangerine his own self) had just gone over his inspiration storyboard about Doris Duke (Doris Duke??), is just completely hypocritical and unjustified.
The only thing inspiring about Doris Duke was her Ruberosa. I guess we can expect to see a line of MK peppermills for Bed, Bath & Beyond. Or maybe Babes in Toyland.
Either way, leave my Nick alone.
--Gotham Tomato
LOL. That's the first thing that crossed my mind. I was like 'what the fuck are you talking about? They had to hear your bullshit about Doris Duke.' These judges are never consistent.
I don't understand how it looks "precious" per se, but the pleating is a much. I do like the ribbons that are going across the stomach.
I don't think Nick's was poo but it was boring. Just another assymetrical bust and another fishtail skirt.
I think Chloe's dress wouldn't look good on any normal-sized woman's body. Blech.
And yes, FINALLY Rachel's styling looked good this week, if nothing else.
I heard somewhere (can't recall the source) that Nick started a garment based on a different inspiration but was told halfway through that he couldn't use whatever-it-was for copyright reasons (couldn't be shown on TV). So he had to change gears and throw something else together. Anyone else have dirt on this? I wish I could remember the whole story! So irritating.
Also, let's not forget that Zulema was the source of the whole "Nick cried for two days" charge. I'm taking everything that she says with a huge cellar of salt. And if the above happened in addition to losing his model, a breakdown would make a lot of sense.
I agree that Chloe's looks a little precious and a little sloppy & amateurish. My biggest problem with it is it makes me think about Jay's Chrysler Building dress. Chloe's does not fare well in the comparison. Although compared to the rest of the crap on the runway this week, she was nowhere near the bottom of the bunch.
I think Nick's top is nice. If it were fitted better, and if he did a skirt that complemented it better, it could be a lovely dress.
Almost everyone this week should consider themselves lucky that Zulema messed up even worse than them.
Okay people, here's the story on what REALLY derailed Nick during this challenge, courtesy of TwoP. PRGayboys, you must take this into account!
"The designers were tasked to take photos of things that inspired their collections, so Verreos snapped away at a fountain sculpture outside the New York library.
After returning to the work room and spending the next five hours cutting and draping based on his pictures, he was told by a show executive that he wasn't allowed to use them because he didn't get clearance.
Verreos was forced to choose another source of inspiration (blue and white Grecian-looking fabric) and start from scratch, with no extra time given.
He said: 'When that happened on the same day, it was like a second stab. It was like, 'Okay, anything else? Does somebody want to come over and punch me? Here's my stomach!'."
I had heard a rumor from a friend who supposedly knows Daniel's roommate (yeah, yeah, I know) that Nick's original inspiration was a piece of art and that they couldn't get the rights to show it on camera, so he had to start over after a day's work. If you believe the rumors, that's why he's complaining about being "over it", not that he lost the model.
Take it with a grain of salt, but I want to believe it.
"Jason said...
I had heard a rumor from a friend who supposedly knows Daniel's roommate (yeah, yeah, I know) that Nick's original inspiration was a piece of art and that they couldn't get the rights to show it on camera, so he had to start over after a day's work. If you believe the rumors, that's why he's complaining about being "over it", not that he lost the model.
Take it with a grain of salt, but I want to believe it."
WOW!! I don't even know what to say. That is very interesting and would explain a lot.
Anonymous said...
Okay people, here's the story on what REALLY derailed Nick during this challenge, courtesy of TwoP. PRGayboys, you must take this into account!
"The designers were tasked to take photos of things that inspired their collections, so Verreos snapped away at a fountain sculpture outside the New York library.
After returning to the work room and spending the next five hours cutting and draping based on his pictures, he was told by a show executive that he wasn't allowed to use them because he didn't get clearance.
Verreos was forced to choose another source of inspiration (blue and white Grecian-looking fabric) and start from scratch, with no extra time given.
He said: 'When that happened on the same day, it was like a second stab. It was like, 'Okay, anything else? Does somebody want to come over and punch me? Here's my stomach!'."
That's horrible!! You'd think that the producers would be more sympathetic and give him more time to come up with soemthing else.
"The designers were tasked to take photos of things that inspired their collections, so Verreos snapped away at a fountain sculpture outside the New York library.
After returning to the work room and spending the next five hours cutting and draping based on his pictures, he was told by a show executive that he wasn't allowed to use them because he didn't get clearance.
Verreos was forced to choose another source of inspiration (blue and white Grecian-looking fabric) and start from scratch, with no extra time given."
Why couldn't the producers warn the designers before they started taking the pictures? Can you imagine having to face the judges and their harsh criticism when you know what really happened to you?
Is that red-headed model a man?
Tangerine Puss!!!
You go Gotham!
hmm...Chloe is my favorite this week. beautiful, inspired, and wearable.
Love it.
I didn't like Chloe's dress AT ALL. It was horribly executed. I dont get the "prettiness." Nick's top was nice enough, but it wasn't memorable whatsoever
I feel Chloe's dress was not only overlooked because of the Chrysler Building dress from S1, but also because it was too plain. I dont mind the middle but the fabric for the actual dress looks cheap.
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