Tom and Lorenzo simultaneously upon viewing this pic: "Only Laura."

Our moms took us to cub scout meetings and violin lessons when we always secretly wished they would take us to movie premieres. If one of those boys isn't gay, that would be a terrible waste. God couldn't be that cruel.

"Come on guys, it's a school night. Get up off the bar floor."
Edited to add:
I wonder if she's be interested in adopting a 39 year old man? LOL I LOVE Laura, and she is one of the coolest moms EVER. Those kids are SO LUCKY to have her as a parent. LAURA ROCKS!
Coolest mom EVER!
It's Eric3000! Hi there, how goes?
Only you boys to bring me some LAURALOVE!!!
Laura is freaking FABULOUS!! LOVE LOVE this woman. Those kids are so lucky!!!
Laura Bennett never stops impressing me. She is beyond fabulous!
She IS the coolest mom. I can't get enough of her! That last picture of her kids on the floor is so cute.
Great pictures. Laura is so funny. I lover her!
YAY!! Bad Mommy doing some Good Mommy stuff. I love the pics!
Sooo cute!
Laura once she mentioned that she listened to Led Zeppelin and other hard rock while working on her OFW collection. Plus current day country...
-- desertwind
Her kids are adorable! Thank you for the pictures, guys!
Boys rolling on the floor! What a good Mommy to let them.
Looks like she got a haircut. Not sure I like the new style even though it does suit her.
Laura's my hero! I definitely want to be like her when I grow up. Wait a tic... I'm older than she is! Oh well, I still want to be just like her when I grow up!
Those lucky little so and so's! My mom was cool, not THAT cool!
Love Laura!
PS: Gorgeous things, you are so Laura! Love your posts, you're tre Fab!
You Boys have no idea how excited I get when I come here and there's a post about Laura. She is the best!!
"Come on guys, it's a school night. Get up off the bar floor."
ROFL. Best mom EVER!!!!
What I like the most about Laura is she is taking it all in and seemes to be enjoying every minute. She know how to have fun.
Those kids are lucky. Laura is a wonderful mother and a very talented person. She's truly one of a kind!
I never thought being "bad" could be so fab. I love Bad Mommy!
" LittleKarnak said...
Thanks guy for the daily dose of fabulosity! Reminds me of my mom taking my sister and her friends (a car full of 12 year olds) to a Cure concert and Mom actually dressed up like all the other Cure fans! BTW, LOVE Laura's new hair cut!"
Oh my god, Little Karnak, that is a fabulous story. What a cool mom you have!
Laura - love her! 'Nuff said.
Boys, love the added video. Damn, my daughter has been so deprived not having a mom like Laura!
Thank you for filling my Laura craving :)
Thank you for adding the video, guys! Is that Laura singing? LOL. I LOVE HER!!
I have the distinct impression that the person singing and whooping is Laura, herself. This is one of the funnest parts of having kids...doing goofy stuff like this.
They are great parents.
Wow, I'm jealous, it must be terrific fun growing up in that home! In the best city on earth, you have almost unlimited siblings to play with, a dad who looks like Einstein, and a kick-ass mom!
Ha hee!
Laura rockin' the gams!!!
I love her.
-- desertwind
Fabulous Mommy!! Go Laura!!
LOL. Very funny, I love it! Thank you, guys! Isn't she fabulously glamorous? Those kids are lucky to have parents who are so cool and youthful like Laura and Peter.
Ahhh, Love her.
Laura really has a great pair of legs, doesn't she? No wonder she prefers dresses. Anyone know how tall Laura is? I always thought she was really tall, but then on the show, she looked smaller than some of the models who are all probably size 0-2, but TV is very deceptive.
GayBoys: How big/tall is Laura +/- her 3 inch Manolo's? Just curious.
I love all the Project Runway blogs, especially Michael Rucker's, the assistant producer. Anyway, didn't he talk about winning an Air Guitar championship? Did Laura learn about this competition from him?
How well did the boys do? And did they win anything?
Was Laura part of the act? or just helping them remember their moves from the sidelines?
PS: I think the woman who made this film is a producer from Project Runway.
If you look up "Air Guitar Nation" on Getty images, you will see that Malan was there and there is a pic of him doing the splits which is quite impressive as well.
Anonymous said...
How well did the boys do? And did they win anything?
Was Laura part of the act? or just helping them remember their moves from the sidelines?
PS: I think the woman who made this film is a producer from Project Runway.
Yes, Alexandra Lipsitz is the Supervising Producer. She OKs production schedules, conducts interviews and produces episodes.
The guy on stage in the brown suit is Malan Breton (from Taiwan).
Laura with short hair, consensus?
I like her new haircut, but it looks best when she leaves the hair by her face and not when the sides are tucked behind her ears.
I love her longer hair as well. I guess she's one of those people who look good no matter what.
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