Judging the Judges: Catherine Malandrino

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 by
Last one, kittens! Time to harshly judge the woman that made Lorenzo cry!

More pictures and videos of Malandrino's Fall 2007 collection here and here.


Anonymous said...

God, I love her stuff. I wish I was six feet tall and weighed six pounds so I could wear it!

LOVED her as a guest judge! I think they should have her, Diane VFB and Michael Kors' mother on a panel.


jinxy said...

Malandrino just oozes fabulousness. I loved loved LOVED her collection.

I think DVF and Malandrino, along with Miss Fern need to be permanent installations on PR in the future if possible.

Unknown said...

Grand Prize: gray sweater-with-blue-tights, 4th row, 1st frame. (Kinda reminds of a Jay McCarrol!)
1st Runner Up: Black dress, 2nd row, 3rd frame
Hon. mention: 3rd row, 2nd frame; pretty dress, gorgeous color

What's this I'm seeing lately with heavy black tights worn with light, fluffy clothes (e.g. blue dress mentioned above, and white dress 1st row, 2nd frame )?

Anonymous said...

what? wait, I missed that. why did she make Lorenzo cry?

Erica said...

So French, so fabulous. Only clunker is the upper right hand corner. I HATE DRESSES LIKE THAT!! When will designers stop putting superfluous elastic on skirts, at the hem or around the calves or whatever? It looks agitating and strait-jacket-y, and completely negates all that is flattering about a skirt.

DolceLorenzo said...

" Erica said...

So French, so fabulous."

I agree, the collection is VERY French. I love Catherine Malandrino! She is so fabulous. I'll never forget that episode in Paris. She looked amazing!!

James Derek Dwyer said...


Anonymous said...

Loooooveeeedddd the collection. Woah.

I got nothing harsh to say about her.

GothamTomato said...

Love the color story. Several clunkers in the lot. Overall, quite terrific, however looking at the line, I'm left feeling the same way as I do when I hear that yet another real estate developer has gotten tax abatements for building condos for rich people. Who needs more condos for rich people? And who needs more fab clothes for anorectic amazons?

The garments may be pretty as a picture, but that is all they are: Museum pieces. I'd appreciate them much more if she had the talent to tweak them to make them wearable for a more average figure (ie; the urban career woman).

BTW, I didn't like her on PR. I thought she was quite arrogant.

--Gotham Tomato

Erica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erica said...


Exhibit A: La Malandrino click.

Exhibit B: Mychael Knight click.

She's totally biting his style!

Anonymous said...

WTF, she made Lorenzo cry? I’m gonna kill that bitch!

Collection is totally boring and many pieces seem stolen from Project Runway.
#4 Even 'la Pepper' did shiny coats - 2 years ago.
#8 reminds me of Chloe's Ice Skating dress,
#10 copied from Mychael's coffee filter dress in S3 E1
#2 +#9 Bad Mommy does feathers so much better
#3, 6, 7 Angela-Kesslar-bubble-skirt revival as dresses and blouses. They are still “Esthetically not pleasing”
#12 She should have given Jay more than just 1 piece. And he should lay of the downers

So there. Happy again L?

Anonymous said...

I liked a lot of her stuff, except for all the skirts and dresses with extra poof around the hips. That's the last thing most woemen want.

Also, no one does beading and feathers better than Laura Bennett, not even the fabulous Catherine Malandrino.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised to say I pretty much love the whole thing. But if she made Lorenzo cry she is DEAD. TO. ME!!!

Plus, she picked that stupid Jeffrey over Mychal. That white outfit was hot!

Crow Winters said...

That color of violet purple is insane, I love it.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean *our* Lorenzo, like half of "Tom and -"???????

The bitch, she is "le dead" to me!

And I didn't mean what I said in my first post about loving her clothes either - get off the screen, hack!


TLo said...

Darlings, not to worry. She made Lorenzo cry because he's a drama queen and a shameless starfucker.

Anonymous said...

Lorenzo, sweetheart, what did she do to make you cry? I'm but the latest of your loyal fans who want to/need to know. (That is, of course, unless it's to...painful...to discuss, in which case we're going to be even more wild with animosity toward CM.)

Anonymous said...

Our emails seemed to have crossed paths. Thank you, boys, for the update.

Anonymous said...

LOVE her. HATED the collection.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has the balls to tell crazy Angela that she's from another planet is my hero.

Anonymous said...

Most of her stuff looks like the late '60s. Except for the black dress she's wearing. I had one just like it a bit more recently - only 30 years ago!

Anonymous said...

To suggest that she's copying Project Runway designers is absolutely insane. She is a professional designer and they are amateurs. She doesn't need to steal ideas from amateurs. Any similarities that you see can only be attributed to the fact that in 3 seasons of project runway, almost every single style has been done.

Her collection is absolutely fantastic. Beautiful, original, modern, and wearable.

Anonymous said...

She is FABULOUS! Lucky Lorenzo (and Tom?) who got to meet her.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Anonymous said...
" To suggest that she's copying Project Runway designers is absolutely insane. She is a professional designer and they are amateurs. She doesn't need to steal ideas from amateurs."

Listen, Vincent. I don't think anybody's suggesting she stole ideas from PR designers. We're just having some fun here.

Anonymous said...

Andrea @ 4:51: thanks, girl

Vincent: down boy

T&L: see that's what you get when you trigger your readers maternal instincts.

Jenn said...

I'm so sick of "zee-reediculous" purple...but her things are beautifully done.

Anonymous said...

When you're French and have great cheekbones, you can get away with anything.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous collection!

Anonymous said...

The only piece I would LOVE to own is the turquoise ruffle shirt/dress. Turquoise is my color and I love ruffles so it kinda makes me feel like she made it just for me.

Other than that, I loved two or three pieces, but the rest were just a pile of "blah". For someone as catty and as fierce as le Catherine, this collection seemed muted and sort of drab.

Anonymous said...

The only piece I would LOVE to own is the turquoise ruffle shirt/dress. Turquoise is my color and I love ruffles so it kinda makes me feel like she made it just for me.

Other than that, I loved two or three pieces, but the rest were just a pile of "blah". For someone as catty and as fierce as le Catherine, this collection seemed muted and sort of drab.

Sewhat? said...

Good lorda' mighty, what is with that woman's hair?

Anonymous said...

Oh man. This collection gives me a fashiongasm. I don't love all of it, but I have it bookmarked so I can glance at it when I need a dose of something pretty. I started listing all of the things I loved, and it was way too long. I wish I wasn't a broke 22-year-old university student, if I had money, I'd want so much of that collection. What I love is that a lot of the silhouettes feel classic, but have something extra that makes them feel modern and unique.

Anonymous said...

I still cannot forgive the Malandrino for choosing the Jeffrey's tablecloths as "couture"...but the purple dress is nice

Anonymous said...

People, it's MICHAEL Knight. M-I-C-H-A-E-L. He spells it just the same way white people do.

Anonymous said...

People, it's MICHAEL Knight. M-I-C-H-A-E-L. He spells it just the same way white people do.


He spells it with a Y, but that was cute how you tried to turn it into a racial thing.