"You see, Heidi, I don't want to just "have sex" with a woman. I want to make love to her. Therefore, I think lingerie should be about making love and not about trashy, dirty, sweaty, marathon sex. Can you see my wispy little chest hairs from there? Should I move in closer? Unbutton another button?"
"No you're fine. You wouldn't believe how well I can see from here."
"Ha. You're sharp, Heidi. I like that. That's sexy, you know. That's real. That's the kind of woman who will want to wear my lingerie. Ha. Not my lingerie, no. I don't own any lingerie. None at all. No, of course I mean the lingerie that I am going to make for you.
I think of you a lot, you know. In the shower."
"Yes. I know."
"I want to make beautiful love-making lingerie with you, Heidi. You see, I believe that a designer can't just tell their client what to wear. You have to feel what they're feeling and then you ask them to feel what you're feeling. That's fashion and it's beautiful, you know? I want to feel you, Heidi. You're my muse. My beautiful, blissful, gigantic Teutonic love goddess. I'm going to design the most sensual, delicious, blissfully respectful line of lingerie ever designed. Nothing vulgar here, no ma'am. You won't see any strap-on dildos built into MY crotchless panties! Nipple clamps? Forget it. Daniel Franco is pure CLASS. Butt plugs? Not here! My lingerie doesn't have any of that stuff. My lingerie is beautiful, respectful and it looks GREAT on me."
Thank you, thank you. This is my favorite scene in all the PRs I've seen so far -- better than crazy Morgan, better than Crazy Vinnie. Daniel F is just so crystal clear and laserlike in his lunacy that my soul burst into flames when Heidi turned.
OMG! That was absolutely hilarious! I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.
Just when I think you boys can't get any funnier, you top yourselves.
Heidi would look great in his collection, but then again I could see him in it too.
Ok, it's been awhile...can someone remind me what he ACTUALLY said to make her eyes pop out like that? I have a feeling it was almost as funny as the PRGay version. Almost.
I love you two.
To recap, Daniel France was explaining that his lingerie would be more about lovemaking than sex and Heidi's eyes popped out as she purred "LOVEmaking," all whilst cheesy music played in the background and she turned to the camera.
Bitches, I'll take "trashy, dirty, sweaty, marathon sex" over "love making" anytime of the day.
"I want to make beautiful love-making lingerie with you, Heidi."
LOL. Priceless, boys!
Yay--I asked, and I received!!
Thanks, Boys!
Oh, p.s. didn't you think Heidi was seduced, at least in the moment? Sure looked that way to me, and she did go for the pitch.
I loved Daniel's idea. What he needed was a little soft color, so it wouldn't be so funereal.
OMG, that's funny!
I think Daniel really must be Rasputin because he must hypnotize people to keep them from running away from him screaming.
I thought Heidi turned to the camera when Daniel Franco said he loved her...!
One of your funniest to date. You two just keep getting better. Thanks!
This was soo hilarious!! PRG always makes me feel better after a bad day. I owe a great thanks to you two fabulous men. :]
And this is the prequel to the creepy comment Daniel F made to Heidi at the Season 2 reunion episode. I forget what it was exactly, but it definitely made it clear he felt he and Heidi were "intimate".. such a weirdo. Daniel F and Vincent should get a talk show or something. There would be a lot of vomiting in the mouth.
I. Love.
He's just so damned smarmy; impossible to take seriously. I don't think Heidi was seduced, or even creeped out. I think her response was pure amusement at the ridiculousness. (Or it could just be projecting my own reaction on to her). Although I've got to say I feel an urge to pop him one every time he talks about bliss.
And why does he look so much like k.d. lang?
F'n priceless.
That is so funny. Thanks, guys!
heidi had that look of "you're a little creepy and i am waaay out of your league"
"Can you see my wispy little chest hairs from there? Should I move in closer? Unbutton another button?"
HA! One of my favorite PR moments. It reminds me of Keith's pitch to Tara.
Every time I see that scene, I'm a little embarassed for Daniel. Still, it was a BS aufing.
Heidi's got comedic timing! Who knew?
Screw Oprah!The supermodel's are poised to take over the media world. Tyra. Heidi. Giselle. They've got it all and they're going to take more. Naomi would be pissed if she weren't so mean and stupid.
I think you captured Daniel perfectly. He tried so hard that I kept feeling sorry for him. But then there'd be a cringe inducing scene like this and he'd lose all his sympathy points.
I think they let him back on the show just for the drama, and that Heidi was setting him up for a fall here. Everyone who has watched even one season of PR knowns, NEVER be a team leader.
All things considered though, it could have been worse. Kara was a little scary with the scissors.
Best screen captures ever!
Sure Heidi is hot, but married and pregnant!
Sizzle is hot
slither is desperate Daniel F!
He looks so much like K.D Lang that its creepy....
I have been perusing this blog since about post 3, and its always been spectacular. Today's post was just so fabulous I couldn't keep quiet anymore. Please keep it up. Y'all always make my day.
Ohhhh....it hurts when you laugh red wine through your nose. Bitches.
This is right up there with Keith Michael molesting Tara COnner. LOVE IT!!
Have I said lately how much DF creeps me out??
Ah, Erin. You, grasshopper, have learned the most valuable lesson of the PRG world: don't have any food or drink in your mouth when reading this blog. It can be messy, painful and downright expensive (unless you're able to buy keyboards in bulk).
Rolling on the floor over here. Good thing I work alone.
THANK YOU! I couldn't figure out who he looked like. It *is* kd lang, isn't it?!
Keith feeling up Tara Conner was more than a little bizarre. Vinny getting off on his own designs was stomach-turning. But DV's obsession with Heidi was definitely the creepiest. At this point it is funny. You gotta love Heidi's aplomb. But when he says "I love you" at the reunion you can see that he actually freaks Heidi out.
OMG, so frigging hilarious. You guys are the BEST!
"..." oh. my. god. precious ones!!!
that photo with . . . kills me. kills me.
i have missed you so, pumpkins!
Crying laughing.
You guys are so incredibly awesome!! LMAO!
Seemed to me they were on the same joking wavelength, the door to that kind of exchange being opened by Heidi's reaction to the pitch name.
Somehow I doubt that whole thing would have come off that way if Heidi was all about having a business poker face and serious demeanor.
Daniel F is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO freaking creepy! He reminds me of a candidate I had to transport once from the hotel to his interview. I swear to GAWD that I thought I would have to have my car's interior professionally cleaned just to get the scent-o'-smarm out of the upholstery. Daniel is that guy times infinity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Damn, you guys are freakin' HYSTERICAL!!! I'VE spone the last 5 minutes laughing! you guys rule, keep up the good work!
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